Canisius College Magazine – Winter 2014

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John J. hurley

Canisius College Magazine WINTER 2014 VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1

President John J. Hurley Director of Public Relations & Executive Editor Eileen C. Herbert

On December 7, we lost a true Canisian for the ages, George M. Martin ’42, HON ’88, the college’s longtime executive vice president for administrative affairs and later (after his “retirement”) special counsel to presidents Rev. James M. Demske ’47, SJ; Rev. Vincent M. Cooke, SJ; and me. I am grateful to Maria Scrivani ’76 for her tribute to George in this issue of Canisius Magazine (page 4). George’s passing at age 92, after a long, busy and productive life, was not unexpected. Just as the sun sets each night, George moved quietly yet predictably toward that horizon in the West. His departure leaves a spectacular afterglow of accomplishment, service and generosity. Truly, his was a life well-lived. My connection with George Martin goes back to my student days at Canisius when I worked for him in several capacities. In the nearly 40 years since, he was friend, mentor and advisor. I am the richer for having known him. At George’s memorial service at Christ the King Chapel, I praised him as a man who did not dwell on yesterday’s defeats; rather he kept his sights focused squarely on the future. That enabled him to exercise real leadership at Canisius. He set the stage for so many good things that have happened to this college over the past five decades. I also recounted visiting with George near the end of his life. He and I both knew – without saying it – that yesterday was gone but now the number of tomorrows was limited. As the sun set outside

Managing Editor Audrey R. Browka Director of Creative Services & Layout Editor Andalyn Courtney Contributing Designer James Neiler Contributing Writers Elizabeth M. Bohen ’74, MS ’76 Erik Brady ’76 Kristin E. Etu ’91 Cece Gotham ’13 Sarah Graham MS ’13 Martin J. Haumesser Lisa Murray Roselli Maria Scrivani ’76 Photography Jim McCoy Tom Wolf ’86 To Contact Us We are eager to hear your comments about Canisius College Magazine. Please send correspondence to: Canisius College Magazine 2001 Main Street, Lyons Hall Room 209, Buffalo, NY 14208 Phone 716-888-2790 Fax 716-888-2778

his window that particular day, we talked about all that George had done for Canisius and for so many people over the years. I took the opportunity to tell George just how grateful I was for all that he had been in my life. As the room grew darker, we sat in silence for several minutes and let that sentiment just fill the room. We’re left with our sorrow and a sense of loss but more importantly with real gratitude for the life of George Michael Martin. May he now rest in peace!

Postmaster send change of address to: Canisius College, 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14208


contents WINTER 2014

12 | Cover Story

4 | Requiescat in Pace



Harvard Business School Professor Teresa Amabile ’72, HON ’97, PhD, studies how small wins ignite joy, engagement and creativity at work.

Remembering a Canisian for the ages.



8 | Student Profile GAME CHANGERS Canisius students take game design to the next level, developing applications that not only entertain but educate and enact social change.


departments 6 11




26 | Alumni Profile CLEARING HURDLES Lisa Bell Wilson ’91 makes history as the first (and only) African American woman to lead a sports department at a metropolitan daily newspaper.


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R E M E M B E R I N G G EO RG E M . M A R T I N ’42 , H O N ’ 8 8 BY M A R I A S C R I VA N I ’ 76

Greatness begets greatness. Likely George M. Martin ’42, HON ’88 would not have chosen such a grandiose characterization of his leadership style but that is indeed the consensus among the men and women who were his colleagues, during the storied Martin administrative tenure at Canisius College. The best teachers, coaches and mentors, the best bosses and team leaders, inspire by example. George Martin was all of those and did that, in an unassuming way that presumed expectations would be met. “My work for and with George Martin was a continuing education,” says Director of Principal Gifts J. Patrick Greenwald, who Martin hired in January 1977. “I learned something new from him almost every day.” “He was always pleasant and friendly,” says Alice Steltermann, who served more than two decades as secretary to Martin, when he was executive vice president for administrative affairs (the first non-Jesuit to hold a vice presidency at Canisius) and then special counsel to the college president. “Because of his nature, people did not want to disappoint him.” Mary Lu Littlefield, now retired, was longtime director of publications at Canisius and a 1975 hire by Martin. “He was a positive person and a go-getter,” she recalls. “George Martin believed in his staff and empowered them to do their best. That trust was well-rewarded by a vigorous and successful advancement staff.” The current president of Canisius College, John J. Hurley ’78, echoes the recurring themes of trust and high expectations that George Martin espoused. From his student days, Hurley enjoyed many years of close working relationships with Martin across a quilt of connections that defined the latter’s world: from higher education to the state parks system to the political sphere. “He had a loose management style,” Hurley says of his mentor and friend. “People were expected to do their jobs and to keep each other informed about important events but he was so busy himself, he wasn’t around micromanaging. Still, I recall getting plenty of feedback and this was a great experience.” Hurley referred to Martin as “an idea machine,” whose success strategy – if such a 4


word can even be used for someone who just seemed to be doing what came naturally – was based on prodigious preparation. “George Martin could be a formidable adversary but he generally out-organized people and prevailed in that way.” If you were a friend of George Martin, you had a staunch ally in your corner and many Canisius colleagues came to see him in just that light. Joseph f. Bieron ‘59, PhD, emeritus professor of chemistry who also served eight years as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, says he quickly learned that Martin “was the most influential advisor” to then college president, the late Rev. James M. Demske ’47, SJ. “He was the prime mover at the college when we initiated the Western New York Heritage Institute by convincing Jim Demske that we needed $10,000 as seed money.” As President Hurley noted in the eulogy he delivered at the college’s memorial service for George Martin on December 21, 2013, two weeks after his death at 92, his was a life “all about service – to his family, to his Church which he loved, to his country [Martin was a decorated World War II veteran], to his schools, St. Joe’s and Canisius College, to the Christian Brothers and the Society of Jesus, and to the wide network of friends and friends-of-friends who called upon George for favors over the years.” “George took that old expression about ‘six degrees of separation’ and narrowed it down to two or three, at most,” adds Greenwald. “If he didn’t know you personally, he was likely to know a member of your extended family. He was a master at making the connection and filing it away in his personal data base for future reference.” Perhaps one of Martin’s greatest gifts was sharing the joy of helping others, as colleagues, who were “volunteered” for duty outside their roles at Canisius, discovered. “If you worked for George Martin, you were always involved in many ‘extra-curricular’ experiences,” notes Mary Lu Littlefield. “In my case that involved doing design work for the Diocese of Buffalo (George was president of the Lay Advisory Council), as well as the Niagara State Parks (where he served as commissioner). If anyone would ask George if he could spare a staff member for a small project, his response would always be that he or she ‘would love to do it!’”

Once again leading by example, however inadvertent, it is clear that George Martin never asked anyone to do anything he was not already doing himself; that is, giving his all to whatever project was underway. “We often wondered if he ever slept,” laughs Greenwald. “I never heard him say a bad word about anyone and never heard anyone say a bad word about him,” adds Alice Steltermann. Joe Bieron remembers Martin as a “unique character, a truly exceptional person.” And John Hurley makes note of his “enduring relevance,” a particularly apt tribute to a man who never grew stale even as he grew old. A prescient commentator in the Azuwur of 1942, George Martin’s senior year of college, called him an “organizer deluxe and persuader extraordinary. Give him a worthy purpose and watch him work.” So he did, over the next seven decades, in many realms. Canisius College is just one beneficiary of his great legacy. Maria Scrivani ’76 worked as assistant director of public information and later co-director of public information under George Martin. She is currently a freelance writer and the author of several books on local history.

Benedetti, Mangione Named Vice Presidents Terri L. Mangione, PhD, is the new vice president for student affairs at Canisius. Appointed by President John J. Hurley, Mangione has served as interim vice president for student affairs since June 2013, when Ellen O. Conley, PhD, retired. She is also dean of students. In these roles, Mangione oversees the offices of Residence Life, Student Counseling Services, Student Health Services, Campus Programming and Leadership Development, Athletics and Terri L. Mangione, PhD Campus Ministry, among others. She holds a BA in applied clinical psychology and an MS in college student development from Alfred University, and a PhD in the social foundations of higher education from the University at Buffalo. President Hurley also appointed Marco f. Benedetti vice president for business and finance. Benedetti is responsible for all financial and administrative functions of the college, including finance, audit, facilities, human resources and business services. He also works closely with President Hurley to formulate the institution’s overall fiscal strategies. A certified public accountant, Benedetti comes to Canisius with 25 years of experience in leading accounting and Marco F. Benedetti finance teams. He recently served as vice president of finance for Greatbatch Inc., a medical device and technology company. Benedetti holds a BS in business administration and an MBA, with concentrations in accounting and finance, from the University at Buffalo.

The votes are in! Petey is the best Catholic school mascot in the country. The Golden Griffin prevailed following a fierce online bracket competition, which pitted Petey against such worthy beasts as St. Bonaventure’s Bona Wolf, the Boston College Eagle and the Fordham Ram. The final bracket battle came down to Petey and Iggy, the Loyola Maryland Greyhound. But Canisius’ half lion-half eagle proved mightier, capturing the crown with 52 percent of the popular vote. The Best Catholic School Mascot competition was hosted by, a spirituality web magazine written by and for young adults. 6


myMAGIS Canisius celebrated the Christian season of Advent with a campus-wide conversation about “magis,” a key element of Jesuit spirituality. The myMAGIS initiative asked the college community to reflect on how they experience Ignatian ideals in their daily lives. Participants then shared their thoughts in words and images, which were posted in virtual and public places across campus. Magis is the Latin term for “more” and a Jesuit philosophy that maintains when individuals do more for Christ, they therefore do more for others. WEB EXTRA

Check out the myMagis reflections at

blue&goldbriefs Commencement 2014: A return to campus

Three Golden Griffins Honored by MAAC

The pomp and circumstance for Commencement 2014 will be a bit more celebratory, as undergraduate ceremonies move back to Canisius following several decades off campus.

Wolf Blitzer

Jon Luther

Scheduled for Saturday, May 17, in the Koessler Athletic Center, undergraduate commencement will include three ceremonies: One at which the entire graduating class hears from the commencement speaker, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Afterwards, there will be a separate ceremony for the College of Arts & Sciences, and another for the School of Business and the School of Education & Human Services. A Kenmore native, Blitzer is CNN’s lead political anchor and host of “The Situation Room.” He began his tenure at the network as its Pentagon correspondent and went on to cover the top stories, at home and abroad. Blitzer has interviewed every sitting U.S. president since Gerald Ford, as well as former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, and the late South African President Nelson Mandela and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Another Kenmore native, Jon Luther, will address the graduate Class of 2014, during ceremonies on Wednesday, May 14 in the Koessler Athletic Center.

A veteran of the food-service industry, Luther is the retired chair and CEO of Dunkin’ Brands. He is credited with the transformation, revitalization and global expansion of its two iconic businesses – Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins. Luther expanded the businesses from their core Northeast region to key markets in the U.S. and abroad. He also modernized the menus and re-energized Dunkin’ Donuts’ marketing efforts, which led to the award-winning campaign “America Runs on Dunkin’.”

Billy Baron ’14

Billy Baron’s season on the court keeps getting more spectacular. In January, the senior basketball guard earned player of the week awards from the MAAC and ECAC. At the time, Baron ranked third in the nation in scoring and averaged 25 or more points in five straight games. He averaged 30.3 points, 7.3 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game in three MAAC contests between January 6 - 12. Two members of the swimming and diving team also received MAAC accolades in January. Junior Marissa Oakey was named female swimmer of the week and freshman Wyatt Sintay was named male swimmer of the week for their performances in a January 11 sweep of Gannon. Sintay was also recognized by the ECAC and selected the Division I – Metro/Upstate men’s swimmer of the week.

Under Construction: Bouwhuis Library Construction crews moved in to Bouwhuis Library in January to begin Phase I of a renovation project that will transform the space into a technology-rich learning commons. The $1.4 million makeover will add two new group study lounges and a new collaborative learning classroom. It will also include the expansion and redesign of The Curriculum Center, which is home to a comprehensive collection of educational materials to help teachers-in-training enrich their lesson plans. Phase I of the library renovation project was made possible by three generous Canisius alumni and a gift from the George I. Alden Trust. Learn how you can make a gift by visiting C ANISIUS COLLEGE MAGA ZINE • WINTER 2014 |


Canisius students take game design to the next level, developing applications that not only entertain but educate and enact social change. Story: Kristin E. Etu ’91

often evokes images of teenagers with their eyes glazed over from playing first-person shooter video games. But Canisius gamers are creating a new image. Students who study game design in the college’s Digital Media Arts (DMA) Program, develop games that not only entertain but educate and even enact social change. Brianna M. Blank ’14 is among them. A leukemia survivor of 15 years, Blank jumped at the chance to work on Nut Warz, a mobile game that promotes testicular cancer awareness. Blank, along with DMA majors Brian Russ ’13 and Jordan Smith ’13, developed the free mobile app for Android and Apple devices as part of the Check Yo Nutz campaign. The campaign was directed by Melissa B. Wanzer, EdD, professor of communication studies, in collaboration with Roswell Park Cancer Institute (Canisius Magazine, spring 2010). In Nut Warz, Sammy the Squirrel battles obstacles to collect as many acorns as he can. Various messages about cancer prevention are revealed throughout the game. “Positive social impact games like Nut Warz take gaming to a different level,” says Blank, a digital media arts/communication studies dual major. “Hopefully we can start to change the negative stereotype about gaming.” As a child, Blank played video games while she underwent chemotherapy treatments. Now she works to help children who endure similar experiences. With the guidance of Adam E. Kisailus ’97, MD, assistant dean in the Division of Educational Affairs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Blank is developing a video game to help adolescent cancer patients understand their treatments. “When Brianna approached me with the idea for a video game to help young cancer patients, I thought it was a phenomenal idea,” says Kisailus. “My role is to connect her with the appropriate resources at Roswell in order to ensure that her idea becomes reality.” The object of the game is for players to defeat and destroy cancer cells using typical cancer-fighting weapons, such as chemotherapy. When complete, the game will utilize motion capture system technology, similar to the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360. This technology senses players’ body movements so they are able to control and interact with the game, without the need of a controller. “If patients can understand their diseases, they can often adjust to and tolerate their therapies much better,” says Barbara Bambach, MD, a pediatric hematologist-oncologist at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Bambach treated Blank as a young cancer patient and now advises her on the video game project. “Brianna gives hope and inspiration to the children here who are going through the same thing she did years ago.”



Students interested in game design first receive a solid foundation in graphic design, interaction design and motion graphics through core DMA courses. The game design concentration then advances students’ skills in 3D modeling and animation, level design, character design, programming and game design theory. “Students can supplement their specific interests with courses in computer science or fine arts,” says Przemyslaw (PJ) Moskal, PhD, assistant professor of digital media arts. “They can then apply what they learn in a variety of cross-disciplinary projects.” These projects can include scientific simulations, educational games and interactive museum exhibits. Gravity Jump is a motion-sensing simulation game that “enables players to virtually experience what gravity is like on other planets,” explains Moskal. DMA majors developed the game for middle school students who attend Canisius Science Camp. Most recently, game design students collaborated with the Canisius Video Institute to incorporate Google Nexus tablets into the interactive museum exhibit 1812: By Fire and Sword, at The Buffalo History Museum. Canisius students also receive outside help from the college’s close affiliation with Buffalo Game Space. The group is comprised of independent game developers who work to establish a vibrant local game industry. Through Buffalo Game Space, Canisius students hear presentations by industry professionals, collaborate with other gamers and make connections that can lead to internships. Russ benefited from such connections as a student. He did freelance 3D modeling work and animation for Great Lakes Orthodontics and created virtual golf courses for simulation software during a parttime job for Perfect Parallel. After graduation, Russ landed a full-time position with the sports visualization and simulation company as a 3D modeler and environmental artist. “The hands-on experience I obtained prepared me well for my job,” he says. “I was able to jump right in and get to work because I was already proficient in the software the company utilizes.” Russ says it’s a ‘dream job’ that doesn’t feel like work because he creates games with a purpose. “The projects are fun but as is true with all digital media, students learn and grow throughout the process,” adds Moskal. “When I can inspire students to use game design for social impact, I see the Jesuit mission come to life.” WEB EXTRA

Check out more games and projects designed by Canisius students at



Scan the QR code to play Nut Warz on your Android or Apple devices.

facultynotes Clean Up: Robinson Studies New Ways to Manage Hazardous Waste Erin Robinson, PhD, is part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers who will use a three-year, $896,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study new approaches to the long-term management of hazardous waste.

The team will visit former steel mills, oil refineries and other contaminated grounds to gather data. Researchers will also interview nearby residents of the contaminated sites, as well as government and public health officials.

“We will integrate the science and engineering involved in the management of hazardous waste with the social and ethical concerns that go along with it to determine if it’s more advantageous to focus on low-cost containment measures instead of costly programs that may have limited chances of success.”

a Grassroots Organization Forms and Works. She shares the NSF grant with University at Buffalo Professors Alan Rabideau, PhD, environmental engineering; Kenneth Shockley, PhD, philosophy; and Michael Frisch, PhD, history.

“The team will use the information to develop Traditional methods focus on technological a more complete picture of the contamination solutions, cost and the potential to improve sites and their effects on nearby communipublic health. Oftentimes, these methods do ties.” not consider if a solution is sustainable or An associate professor of sociology and whether it will create more problems in the director of environmental studies at Canisius, future. The interdisciplinary team will take a Robinson is the author of Community different approach, explains Robinson. Mobilization for Environmental Problems: How

Erin Robinson, PhD Photo courtesy of Donald J. Heupel

In Print: Check out the newest faculty-authored books online From novels to non-fiction, Canisius professors are publishing books that influence, inspire and advance scholarly arguments. Now, Canisius Magazine is pleased to introduce “In Print,” an online clearinghouse of faculty-authored books. Check out “In Print” at In the meantime, a few of the latest good reads by Canisius faculty are featured here. English Professor Eric L. Gansworth’s first young adult novel, If I Ever Get Out of Here, is a coming-of-age story about two misfit teens: Lewis comes from a poor family on the Tuscarora Reservation; George is the son of an Air Force officer who moves around a lot. As the boys develop a friendship, they encounter issues of race, poverty and power, and are forced to question their beliefs.

chronicles the region’s most recent insurgencies and conventional wars, including the Falklands, and the U.S. invasions in Grenada and Panama. It also includes never-before-published information about Adjunct Professor of Management Alan G. Weinstein, PhD, addresses these conflicts, which De La Pedraja uncovered during his research how executive coaching can lead to behavioral change in Executive for the book. Coaching and the Process of Change: A Practitioner’s Guide. Written for new and experienced executive coaches, guide executives and students entering the field, the book combines the theory of behavior change WEB EXTRA with first-hand experiences to demonstrate how practitioners can M. fernanda Astiz, PhD, director of Latin American studies, achieve positive, long-term change for clients. received the Hispanic Heritage Award from the city of Buffalo. History Professor René A. De La Pedraja, PhD, concludes his Wars Read more at of Latin America trilogy with 1982-2013: The Path to Peace. The book C ANISIUS COLLEGE MAGA ZINE • WINTER 2014 |


, PhD, ON ’97 H , 2 ’7 ile ork. a Amab creativity at w s e r e T r nt and rofesso gageme chool P n S e s , s y e jo n i e d Bu s ns ignit Ha r v a r mall wi a s w o h studies . Browk udrey R A : y r o t S



Ask managers what they think is the most effective employee motivator and the likely responses will include “recognition,” “incentives” or “pay raises.” These answers are wrong. “Of all the events at the office that have the power to excite and engage employees, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work,” says Teresa Amabile ’72, HON ’97, PhD.

“It’s a myth that artists are the only creative people, since all Ask managers what they think is the most effective employee Amabile is the Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration and a human progress depends on creativity for the production of motivator and the likely responses will include “recognition,” director of research at Harvard Business School. She is also a leading authority something new and useful,” says Amabile. “incentives” or “pay raises.” on the business of creativity.

Creative is credited with the risesince of such contempo“It’s a myth that artists thinking are the only creative people, all human progress rary behemoths as facebookofand Google. It’s also enabled thesays depends on creativity for the production something new and useful,” “of all the events that have the power to excite people and encontinued success of consumer goliaths Proctor & Gamble and Amabile. gage them, the single most important is when employees make unfortunately, these answers are wrong.

General electric. Creative meaningful progress in their work,” says Teresa Amabile ’72, thinking is credited with the rise of such contemporary behemoths as Facebook and Google. in It’sbusiness also enabled the continued success of consumer “Creativity involves coming up with new ideas for hon ’97, PhD. goliaths Procterproducts, & Gamble and General Electric. new services or new ways of doing business, which are Amabile is the edsel Bryant ford Professor of Business Adminis“Creativity in business involves comingprofit up with ideas newofproducts, new sustainable, can generate or meet theforgoals the organitration and director of research at harvard Business School. She services or newzation,” ways of doing adds. business, which are sustainable, can generate Amabile is also a leading authority on the business of creativity. profit or meet the goals of the organization,” Amabile adds.



Amabile has made the study of creativity her life’s work. She originally focused on how intrinsic motivation influences individual creativity. While pursuing her PhD in psychology at Stanford University, she discovered that “people are more creative when they are doing something interesting, challenging and personally satisfying to them.” Amabile later expanded her research to include team creativity and organizational innovation. Her most recent research examines how events in the workplace influence creativity, productivity and commitment. Amabile collaborated on the study and the book that followed (The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement and Creativity at Work) with Steven Kramer, PhD, a developmental psychologist and Amabile’s husband of 23 years. “One of the most frequent questions we get is not about the content of the book or the research behind it,” laughs Amabile. “Rather it’s ‘You guys wrote a book together and are still married?’” Amabile admits to the couple’s different work styles. But these differences complemented one another and by working together, the couple accomplished more than either could have alone. “We set out to do this research together because we wanted to make a positive difference in the work lives of as many people and organizations as possible,” she says. DeAr DiAry Amabile and Kramer’s in-depth, multi-year study asked 238 professionals, from various industries, to keep daily electronic diaries about their inner work lives. (These are the perceptions, emotions and motivations that people experience as they react to and make sense of the events in their workdays.) An analysis of the nearly 12,000 diary entries looked at trends and patterns in stories, and revealed a surprising discovery, which Amabile refers to as the progress principle. “On days when employees sensed they made headway in meaningful work, their emotions were more positive, their drive to perform peaked, and they had more favorable perceptions of their work environment,” says Amabile, who defines “meaningful work” as any work that gives employees a sense of purpose.

THe CATALyST FACTOrS - Seven simple actions managers can take to help people make meaningful progress in their work

Set clear






“In turn, such positive inner work life makes employees more likely to be productive and creative.” Even minor victories yielded major returns. “People often felt ecstatic,” says Amabile, when they accomplished simple tasks, such as tweaking an algorithm to make a new process or fixing a bug in a software problem. These small but meaningful wins boosted people’s motivation and emotions more than any extrinsic motivator, such as rewards or recognition. “We were stunned,” adds Amabile, “by the depth and emotionality of how important people’s work is to them personally. Most of the people we studied were not merely working for a paycheck. They care deeply about their work, their colleagues and the organizations of which they are a part.” CreATiviTy AND THe BOTTOm LiNe Small, meaningful wins aren’t just big deals for employees. They can be critical to a corporation’s bottom line. Consider this: An alarming 70 percent of today’s workers feel unengaged in or unenthusiastic about their work, according to Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” report (2010-2012). The price tag for this equates to about $450 billion in lost productivity, each year. “If you’re a manager of people, these findings make it clear where you need to focus your efforts,” says Michael Cardus, president of Create-Learning Team Building & Leadership. An executive trainer and leadership coach, Cardus educates professionals on how to apply the progress principle. “Most managers don’t fully understand the power they have to help employees succeed in their work.” That power lies in seven simple catalysts that can positively impact people’s inner work lives and the work, itself. (See The Catalyst Factors, below, for the complete list.) SuPPOrTiNg THe WOrk In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction. When discussing her research, Amabile (whose undergraduate degree is in chemistry) uses the term to describe the actions managers can take to give people the best chance of achieving meaningful progress.



Give enough time – but not too much

Setting clear goals is perhaps the paramount catalyst. “People feel energized about their work when they know where it’s headed and why it matters,” explains Amabile. Sounds like Management 101 but ambiguity is common place from Cardus’ perspective. “Managers like to talk in big, abstract ways that really have no meaning for the people in the trenches,” he says. “This leaves employees feeling confused about what is expected of them, where to focus their efforts or how their work brings value to the organization.” Instead, Amabile suggests breaking down big, lofty goals into specific, measureable, attainable and time-bound parts. “This way, you’re setting up a series of tangible small wins that facilitate consistent progress,” she says. As much as employees need specific goals, they also need the freedom to figure out how to achieve those goals. Autonomy lets individuals determine the “means” to the “end” in a way that capitalizes on their expertise and creativity. It’s empowering, self-starting and another catalyst to meaningful progress. Autonomy, however, is not the same as isolation. “The last thing we want is to have a bunch of people working behind closed doors,” says Diego Rodriguez, a partner at the global design firm IDEO, which Amabile is currently studying. IDEO is one of the most influential innovation firms in the world. The company developed the first computer mouse for Apple, a better Pringle for Procter & Gamble, and the stand-up toothpaste tube. All these innovations – and more - were born out of a corporate culture that fosters the free flow of ideas. “People here have access to everyone around them,” adds Rodriguez. “It’s this type of environment that enables us to build upon the ideas of others and ultimately get to a place that you just can’t get to with one mind.” Still, no matter how capable people are or how well they perform their jobs, setbacks are inevitable. Sometimes, setbacks occur in the natural course of experimentation. Other times, they happen because of organizational hindrances. Whatever the reason, managers beware. Setbacks, says Amabile, are “the dark side” of the progress principle.


wıth the work

Learn from problems –

and successes

“Of all the events that can destroy engagement and undermine creativity and productivity, having setbacks is number one,” says Amabile. “Even worse, the negative effects of setbacks are two-to-three times greater than the positive effects of progress.” Managers can neutralize the negative effects of setbacks and get progress back on track by removing obstacles, and working with employees to learn from problems. “We have a saying here that you learn more when things start breaking,” says Rodriguez. “That’s when new discoveries are made, better business models are developed for clients or we figure out how to tell their stories in more effective ways.” When people make discoveries or figure things out, they find joy, engagement and creativity at work. And when they feel great about the work they do, they want to do more great work. THe PrOgreSS LOOP “One really feeds the other,” says Amabile, who refers to this cycle as the progress loop. It’s the secret weapon of most high performance companies but its benefits are most definitely universal. “Everyone can take something from the progress principle, no matter their profession,” says kara Schwabel, PhD. As director of differentiated instruction at Canisius, Schwabel teaches education students how they can apply elements of the progress principle in their future classrooms. “Ultimately, it’s about human beings – adults and children. It’s about figuring out their potentials and how to harness their individual gifts so that they may each move forward with what truly motivates and inspires them because at the end of the day, everyone wants to succeed and contribute to something bigger.” The result is a win-win and proof that creativity, productivity and commitment are not just measured in quarterly reports but rather in the meaningful progress made by everyday people, every day. WEB EXTRA

Teresa Amabile’s “Daily Progress Checklist” provides managers with a practical framework for implementing the progress principle. Check it out at


ideas to flow

Teresa Amabile ’72, HON ’97, PhD, is a member of the Canisius College Board of Trustees. She shared her findings from The Progress Principle at a campus lecture in December.

Accounting alums give back…can they count on you? Swierat is one of nearly 30 accounting alumni who are returning the support they received as Canisius students, through a new fundraising initiative for alma mater. Led by Thomas R. Emmerling ’75, managing partner at Dopkins and Co. LLC, the initiative aims to double the representation of accounting alumni in the college’s Leadership Society. “It’s clear that times are changing and differentiating yourself from your competition applies to almost every aspect of life,” says Daniel S. Paolini ’07, CEO of S1Tech. “Philanthropic support of the Leadership Society can help Canisius differentiate its accounting program – and the college as a whole - and I am honored and excited to be a part of this effort.”

George F. Kermis, PhD, associate professor of accounting, Thomas R. Emmerling ’75 and Marco Benedetti, vice president for business and finance.

The reputation of the Canisius accounting program is renowned: Graduates who sit for the CPA exam earn among the top pass rates in New York State and the nation. Ninety-percent of students secure jobs in the field or admission to graduate school by their senior years. The college’s 3,000-plus accounting alumni thrive in their careers at top international, national and regional firms, as well as Fortune 500 companies. “The professors are anchored in the practical world and provide students with the tools to hit the ground running,” says William J. Swierat ’72, president of Gould & Swanson CPAs.

Quick and Convenient It just became easier to invest in the success of Canisius students. Beginning this year, donors may request that their annual gifts to the Canisius Fund be automatically deducted in monthly payments from a debit card or automatically charged each month to a credit card. Verification of the transactions will appear on donors’ monthly credit or debit card statements. The new monthly giving plan for the Canisius Fund is quick, convenient and enables you to budget accordingly. Best of all, each gift to the Canisius Fund supports the scholarships, academic programs, service trips and student initiatives that are central to the Canisius College experience. To get started on a monthly giving plan, visit, scan the QR code, or use the self-address stamped envelope included in this issue of Canisius Magazine. 16


The Leadership Society is one of the college’s most important and influential groups. Through annual contributions of $1,000 or more, Leadership Society members provide valuable tuition assistance for students and much-needed educational resources for faculty to develop distinct new learning opportunities. Gifts can be allocated to a particular program, such as accounting, although a designation is not necessary. Either way, gifts to the Leadership Society play a vital role in helping Canisius recruit and retain the very best students. So, can accounting alumni count on you?

Rise to the challenge and become a Leadership Society member by visiting or by scanning the QR code on this page.

Forty-Eighth Annual Canisius College

Regents Scholarship Ball ii

SAT URDAY, M AY 3, 2014 For sponsorship opportunities or ticket information, visit or contact Rachel Flammer, assistant director of advancement events and stewardship, at 716-888-8228 or


Coluccis continue their legacy at Canisius


nthony J. Colucci Jr. ’55, Esq., cites the Catholic, Jesuit education he received at Canisius as a crucial influence in his personal formation and professional success. Now, he and his wife, Carmela HON ’88, are helping to ensure that tradition continues for future students with a seven-figure commitment to Canisius. The gift will be added to the endowment for the Anthony J. Colucci Jr. ’55, Esq. Family Scholarship Fund.

“Carmela and I are proud to support the college’s mission of providing a high-quality Jesuit education to deserving students,” says Colucci. He notes that “Canisius’ rigorous core curriculum, saturated with Catholic, Jesuit theology and philosophy,” prepared him well for life and his legal career. While pursuing his juris doctor degree from the University at Buffalo School of Law, Colucci wrote for The Buffalo Law Review, a studentrun law journal. He went on to practice law and serve as treasurer of the Erie County Bar Association. Today, Colucci is senior attorney and special counsel at the well-respected Bouvier Partnership in Buffalo and Block, Colucci & Associates in Palm Beach, FL. He built a reputation practicing banking, corporate finance and real estate law. But Colucci is most proud of a career that, he says, “was always guided by a moral compass.” It’s just one of many valuable lessons taught to him by the Jesuits. Another is giving back. Colucci is among the region’s most engaged, influential and philanthropic leaders. The Western New York Chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Bison Fund, and the Arts Council of Buffalo and Erie County all have called upon Colucci

for his counsel. So too has former Governor George Pataki, who appointed Colucci to the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority. Colucci also served as chair of the City Civil Service Commission, at the invitation of the late Buffalo Mayor Frank A. Sedita ’33. Carmela Colucci is executive director of the Peter and Tommy Fund, which is dedicated in memory of the Colucci’s two young sons: Peter Canisius and Thomas Aquinas. The fund is a major benefactor of pediatric liver research being conducted at Women and Children’s Hospital. The Colucci’s spirit of civic service permeates even further when Anthony and Carmela work side-by-side. The couple has helped further such organizations as the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and the NativityMiguel Schools. At Canisius, Anthony’s vision and strategic thinking helped guide the college during his two, six-year terms on the Board of Trustees, and five-year term on the Board of Regents. For his loyal service to alma mater, Anthony was inducted into the DiGamma Honor Society. He is also a past recipient of the LaSalle Medal and Distinguished Alumni Award. Canisius conferred an honorary doctor degree upon Carmela Colucci in 1988. “Tony and Carmela’s active involvement and longstanding support of Canisius have played vital roles in the college’s success story,” says President John J. Hurley. “I am very grateful for their commitment to Canisius, their friendship, and their tremendous generosity. This gift supports our highest priority – our students – and will permanently link the Colucci family name with Canisius.” C ANISIUS COLLEGE MAGA ZINE • WINTER 2014 |


Kris ’04 & Nicole Kane ’04 A vintage success story


ife is sweet for Kris '04 and Nicole Kane '04, the husband and wife team behind 21 Brix Winery in Portland, NY. When the couple met during their senior year at Canisius, Kris was a pre-med student with plans to be a chiropractor. Nicole pursued international studies and marketing. Today, they produce award-winning wines from 17 varieties of grapes grown on 225 acres of vines, on the family farm where the Kanes operate their 10,000 square-foot winery. Kris grew up on the family farm, and helped grow and cultivate grapes, cherries and other fruits that were sold primarily to juice makers. He had no intention of returning, once he left to attend Canisius and pursue a pre-med degree. But a spring break visit back home helped Kris see the possibility that he could use his education in the sciences in a new way.

“My friend Dan Saltino ’04 came to work with us and said I was ‘so lucky to be able to work on a farm,’” Kris recalls. “That really hit home and I began to see the farm in a different light. I realized I was fortunate and I could build a future here.” Kris re-focused his studies on plant biology. He worked alongside Biology Professor Robert J. Grebenok, PhD, to gain insight into plant physiology. After graduation, Kris learned to become a winemaker at a winery in northeastern Pennsylvania. He honed his winemaking skills during a one-year stay at a state-of-the-art winery in Australia. Meanwhile, Nicole began a teaching career in Jamestown. The couple married in 2010 and partnered with Kris’ parents to open 21 Brix Winery on the farm property in 2011. Less than three short years later, a group of national wine professionals named Kris among the top 100 most influential winemakers in the U.S. Both Kris and Nicole agree that their Canisius educations help them in the business, as he takes care of production and she manages the marketing. “Canisius taught me the reflective, critical thinking necessary to make the many decisions that go into operating a business like this,” Kris says. “My biology studies and lab skills also tie in to the winemaking aspect." “My Canisius education comes into play more than I ever thought, since we are constantly marketing the winery and thinking about new ideas to grow our business,” adds Nicole. WEB EXTRA

Kris and Nicole Kane will host a wine tasting at Homecoming Weekend 2014. Check out their wine recommendations at






HOMECOMING WEEKEND 2014 SEPTEMBER 25-28 Alumni Weekend Moves to September A new tradition begins at Canisius College in September first of two Community Day events will also take place that 2014, when Alumni Weekend becomes “Always a Griffin: weekend. Homecoming Weekend.” All alumni are invited to attend Always a Griffin: The annual reunion will move to September 25 - 29, 2014 Homecoming Weekend. Canisius will also commemorate to offer an extended weekend of events for alumni to nine milestone reunion classes: 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, reconnect with classmates and engage with the entire 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009. campus community. In addition to the traditional tent To serve on a class reunion committee or participate in the party and milestone reunion events, several athletic games exciting planning process, contact the Office of Alumni are scheduled during Homecoming Weekend. The college’s Engagement at or 1-800-201-4952.

KEEP UP WITH K lorida f l l A Calling wbirds! oast Sno on the Gulf C ake

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Each year, Canisius College presents Distinguished Alumni Awards to graduates who demonstrate leadership and have made significant contributions to their chosen professions. This year’s recipients come from diverse backgrounds – medicine, civic service, business and development. All, however, have enriched society and humanity through their chosen careers.

THE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD HONOREES ARE: COL. JAMES L. BUDNy ’70, MD Neurosurgeon | Gates Vascular Institute/UB Neurosurgery James Budny strives for excellence in every endeavor. A physician, teacher, researcher and colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves, he earned his BA in biology from Canisius and went on to become a neurovascular surgeon. Budny is a clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery and radiology at UB, and a neurosurgeon affiliated with Gates Vascular Institute, Buffalo General Hospital and Women and Children’s Hospital. He served as investigator for numerous groundbreaking trials on surgical treatment of cerebrovascular disease. He also voluntarily traveled throughout the world to treat wounded soldiers and civilians, and to train surgeons.

HON. MARy GRACE DIEHL ’74 United States Bankruptcy Judge | Northern District of Georgia The Honorable Mary Grace Diehl is a judge for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia and an adjunct professor of law at Emory University. Her discernment and service are an inspiration to others. Diehl received her undergraduate degree in history summa cum laude from Canisius and her law degree cum laude from Harvard. She serves numerous professional organizations including the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges and the American Bankruptcy Institute. Of alma mater, Diehl says, Canisius helped her become who she is; it helped her develop the confidence to undertake and succeed at challenges.

ROBERT M. GLASER ‘68 Director, Chair of the Board | Freed Maxick & Battaglia CPAs Robert Glaser graduated with a degree in accounting and went on to become director and chair of the board for Freed Maxick & Battaglia, one of the largest CPA firms in the nation. His drive to serve led him to such roles as treasurer of Buffalo Place Inc. and past chair of the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority. Glaser also served on the audit committees of Kaleida Health and the Canisius College Board of Regents. He is a recipient of the Canisius College Accountant of the Year Award, a member of DiGamma Honor Society and established an endowed scholarship in his name.

KATHLEEN T. GRIMM ’77, MD Supportive Medical Partner | The Center for Hospice & Palliative Care Kathleen Grimm’s career began at Canisius, where she received a BS in medical technology. Her restless pursuit of excellence led her to become board certified in internal medicine, pediatrics and palliative medicine. Grimm is currently the supportive medical partner for The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care, and a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and family medicine at UB. As co-chair of the Community Health Worker Network of Buffalo, Grimm is devoted to bolstering community health. The organization provides opportunities for residents of vulnerable neighborhoods to realize their full potential for health and well-being.

RICHARD M. PEER ’65, MD Medical Director, Vascular Lab | Buffalo Medical Group/Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital A cum laude graduate of Canisius, Richard Peer earned his medical degree from the University of Rochester. He is medical director of the vascular lab at Buffalo Medical Group and Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital, and a member of the Canisius Medical Advisory Board. Though many, Peer’s most notable accomplishments are in leadership and strategic planning for the Medical Society of the State of New York, which represents the interests of physicians and patients to ensure quality health care for all. Peer served on the society’s Commission on Terrorism’s Bio-Terrorism Task Force, touring the country and training health care providers on bioterrorism preparedness.

GEORGE C. ROBINSON ‘73 Former Secret Service Agent/Asst. Federal Security Director | Homeland Security George Robinson has had a noble career of service and leadership. The former U.S. Secret Service special agent is now assistant federal security director for law enforcement at the Austin Bergstrom International Airport. In the secret service, Robinson was special agent in charge of the Johnson Protective Division, and assistant to the special agent in charge for the Liaison Division, Presidential Protective Division, and the New York Field Office, among other posts. While his career is distinguished, he is most proud of being a husband to his wife and father to his children.

ROCCO R. TERMINI ‘72 Chief Executive Officer | Signature Development LLC Rocco Termini believes his Canisius degree in accounting provided him with the foundation for his success. Termini is chief executive officer of Signature Development LLC, which has invested more than $1 million in Buffalo since 2002, successfully converting vacant downtown properties into mixed-use buildings. He considers the recent renovation of the Hotel Lafayette his greatest accomplishment. Termini is currently working with the Buffalo City Mission, pro bono, to help with its move and renovation. He also serves as a board member to various professional groups and has won numerous awards for his innovative and progressive work in Western New York.

EXECUTIVE EDUCATION - 20% DISCOUNT fOR CANISIUS ALUMNI, GROUPS In today’s competitive marketplace, success often depends on how swiftly individuals or organizations adapt to emerging trends. Don’t get left behind. The Center for Professional Development (CPD) offers Canisius alumni a 20 percent discount on its certification and leadership programs. Companies that enroll three or more employees also receive a 20 percent savings. “Corporate America is our client and the CPD’s programs are all designed with this in mind,” says CPD Executive Director Stephanie Q. Cattarin. “We are your partner in executive education.” The CPD offers several certification courses in such areas as human resources management, project management, payroll and paralegal. Its young professionals’ leadership program educates

the next generation of CEOs in finance, business writing, public speaking and conflict management. The CPD’s popular miniMBA teaches business fundamentals while bolstering participants’ professional credentials. “Whether you’re a current professional, self-employed or looking into a new career, our programs provide the knowledge and skills needed to stay current in your field, competitive in the workplace, and valued by clients, colleagues and employers,” adds Cattarin. In addition to open enrollment programs, the CPD offers custom solutions to corporations and organizations. Courses are all taught by business executives, Canisius faculty, and alumni practitioners, and are available on campus, on site or online. To learn more, visit C ANISIUS COLLEGE MAGA ZINE • WINTER 2014 |


classnotes 1940s ’42 BA, HON ’85 Monsignor Paul R. Juenker, pastor emeritus at Blessed Sacrament Parish, was honored at the 125th Anniversary Gala of Blessed Sacrament Church for his many years of distinguished and dedicated ministry service. ’45 BA Andy T. Anselmo, founding director of the Singers Forum, was inducted into the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame. He also received the Legacy Award for his work as a vocal teacher to many stars, including Liza Minnelli and Tony Bennett.

1950s ’50 BA, MSED ’67 Ralph L. Pignataro, retired independent owner of Ralph L. Pignataro Tax and Insurance Office, is the only original life member of the YMCA living in WNY, with 76 consecutive years of membership. He also has been a member of the Legion Post 665, Troop I for 69 consecutive years. ’51 BA Richard J. Lehner, self-employed attorney, was honored by the St. Thomas More Guild for his good works as a Catholic lawyer. ’54 BA Richard F. Griffin, partner at Kavinoky Cook LLP, received the Charles H. Dougherty Civility Award from the Bar Association of Erie County. The award recognizes a distinguished practitioner who demonstrates high standards of civility, decorum and integrity. ’58 BA Daniel P. Starr, PhD, professor emeritus of history and former director of athletics at Canisius College, spoke at the Buffalo History Museum’s Giants of Buffalo Sports event.

1960s ’62 BA Hon. Salvatore R. Martoche is a new partner at Hodgson Russ Law Firm. He previously served as a New York State Supreme Court Justice. ’63 MSED Amy M. (Joseph) Habib, former chair of the board at Petri Baking Products Inc., received an honorary degree from Georgian Court University. ’63 BA Ronald J. Huefner, PhD, retired professor of accounting at the University at Buffalo, received the Lay Award of St. Joseph for his work and dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Bowmansville. ’64 BA Michael J. Ryan, partner at the Cosgrove Law Firm, is the new president of the Bar Association of Erie County. ’65 BA Gerard A. Hauser, PhD, professor of distinction emeritus of communications at the University of Colorado Boulder, received the Rhetoric Society of America Book Award for his book, Prisoners of Conscience: Moral Vernaculars of Political Agency. ’65 BA Norman R. Hitzges, sportscaster on KTCK Radio “The Ticket” in Dallas, celebrated 38 consecutive years of work in sports talk radio; the longest of any major market talk show host in America. ’65 BS Thomas M. Montante, CEO of TM Montante Development, received the


Galanis Awards for Excellence in Family Business.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Southwest Florida Board of Directors.

’65 BA Kenneth M. Sroka, PhD, retired English professor at Canisius College, received the Volunteer of the Month Award at ECMC for his work with survivors of traumatic brain injury and those suffering from chronic pain.

’76 BS William M. Blake is the new president at Fasoo USA Inc. He previously served as the president and chief executive officer at eDocument Sciences LLC.

’66 BA Hon. William M. Skretny, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for Western New York, received the Outstanding Jurist Award from the Bar Association of Erie County. ’67 BA John E. Spadafora, partner at Matusick Spadafora & Verrastro, was inducted into the Western New York Baseball Hall of Fame. ’68 BS Stephen J. Janusz, retired 2nd Lt. in the United States Air Force, authored a book entitled Exploring Infinity. ’69 BS, HON ’96 Hon. Anthony M. Masiello, president at Masiello Martucci Calabrese and Associates, was nominated to a seat on the Peace Bridge Authority. ’69 BA, HON ’09 Norman S. Paolini Jr., co-director of St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy, received the Erie County Medical Society Community Service Award.

1970s ’70 BS, MBA ’74 David M. Naples received the Rev. Thomas E. Flemming S.J. Distinguished Services Award from the Masters of Business Alumni Association. The award recognizes an individual’s outstanding dedication and service to the school and to the alumni association. ’70 BA, HON ’92 Elaine Sciolino, Paris correspondent for The New York Times, was interviewed on the “Today Show” for a segment entitled “Parisian Officials Start Politeness Campaign.” ’71 BS John R. O’Brien, retired executive director of financial administration at the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, was elected chair of the Evans Bank Board of Directors. ’72 BS James C. Metzler, vice president of small firm interests at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, was named among the top 10 “Most Influential People in the Accounting Industry” by Accounting Today. ’73 BA Thomas M. Finn, senior account agent at Allstate Insurance, received the Agency Hands in the Community Award for his commitment to volunteerism. ’73 MSED John Wlos, retired teacher at St. Mary’s High School, was ordained a permanent deacon by Buffalo Bishop Richard J. Malone. ’74 MSED Kenneth J. Konesco, president emeritus and chief executive officer at Harrison College, received the Sagamore of Wabash Award, bestowed by the Governor of Indiana to those who have rendered distinguished service to the state or the governor. ’74 BA, MBA ’91 Kenneth A. O’Donnell, Florida market president and executive vice president at Busey Bank, was named to the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida Board of Directors. He was also named fundraising chair for the


’76 BS, MBA ’99 David E. Budniewski was promoted to vice president of United States-Canada divisional finance at Rich Products Corporation. He previously served as a director. ’76 BA Rev. Michael H. Burzynski, pastor of St. John Gualbert Church, was honored by the General Pulaski Association Inc. as an outstanding priest. ’76 BS Raymond M. Nowicki, managing partner of Nowicki and Company LLP, was the keynote speaker at the Private Company Accounting and Auditing Conference for the New York State Society of CPAs. ’76 BA Margaret W. Paroski, chief medical officer at Kaleida Health, received Business First’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Health. ’77 BA Joseph J. Marusak, JD, is the new counsel at Kloss Stengen and LoTempio. He previously served as an associate attorney at Paul William Beltz PC.

and Support Award from the School Administrators Association of New York State Region 12. ’82 BA Fred A. Murphy, history teacher at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem, received the Swift Moore Teaching Award from Amherst College. ’82 BS Randal I. Spivack, chief financial officer at Radiation Oncology Group, was elected treasurer of the Amherst Senior Citizen Foundation Board of Directors. ’82 BS Michael S. Taheri, partner at Taheri and Todoro PC, received the Award of Merit from the Bar Association of Erie County. ’83 BA Mary Lynn Ryan was promoted to vice president at CNN. She previously served as the South East regional bureau chief. ’84 MS Michael Formato, production manager for the University at Buffalo Department of Theater and Dance, was inducted into the St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Fine Arts Wall of Honor. ’84 BA Mark S. Jaekle, executive district sales manager at Astrazeneca, was elected to serve on The Kenan Center Board of Governors.

’79 BS Nancy A. Diello is the new postmaster of Elmira. She previously served as officer-in-charge in Elmira.

’85 BS, MBA ’91 Bryan J. Donohue was promoted to senior vice president of finance at The Buffalo News. He previously served as chief financial officer.

’79 BS, MS ’85 William C. Shaw, business teacher and varsity basketball coach at Lockport Central Schools, was named to Business First’s “Teachers of Merit” list.

’85 MS Francis J. Lagona, a guidance counselor for the Buffalo Public Schools, was ordained a permanent deacon by Buffalo Bishop Richard J. Malone.


’86 BA Bruce B. Andriatch was promoted to features editor at The Buffalo News. He has been an editor at The Buffalo News since 1998.

’80 MS B. Kevin Burke is a new partner at Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP. He previously served as a partner at Jaekle Fleishchmann & Mugel LLP. ’80 BS, MBA ’84 Robert J. Meagher was promoted to executive director at Ernst & Young LLP. He previously served as a senior manager. ’80 BS Patrick G. Schunk was promoted to administrative vice president of the Finance Division at M&T Bank. He previously served as vice president. ’80 BA Laurie J. (Styka) Bloom, attorney at Nixon Peabody LLP, was elected vice president of the Bar Association of Erie County. ’81 BA Helen J. Ferraro-Zaffram was promoted to supervising attorney of the guardianship unit at Legal Services for the Elderly, Disabled or Disadvantaged of Western New York. She also received the Lawyer of the Year Award from the Bar Association of Erie County. ’81 BS William M. Prohn, managing director at Dopkins & Company, was awarded the designation of Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) by Information Security Audit Control, Assurance and Security Professionals, an international professional association that deals with IT governance. ’82 BS, MS ’93 Robert A. Flowers, manager of internal support services at Erie 1 BOCES, received the Leadership

’87 BS Rev. Leon J. Biernat, pastor of Our Lady of Pompeii Church, was honored by the General Pulaski Association Inc. as an outstanding Polish priest. ’87 BS John M. Carroll was promoted to senior vice president, senior relationship manager at HSBC Bank USA, NA in Rochester. He previously served as vice president, senior relationship manager. ’87 BA, MBA ’91, MS ’00 Scott A. Kier, EdD, is the new superintendent of Lasallian Education for the Midwest District of the Christian Brothers. He previously served as the associate dean of student life at St. Mary’s College of California. ’87 BA Michael J. Mitchell, MD, owner and general surgeon at Michael J. Mitchell, MD, FACS, PLLC, was appointed medical director of the Wound Center of Niagara. ’88 BS, MBA ’90 Anthony A. Cassiol is the new senior vice president in the C&I Commercial Division at CapStar Bank. He previously served as a senior vice president at Bank of America. ’88 BA Mark J. Grisanti, New York State Senator for the 60th District, received the Liberty Bell Award at the Annual Law Day Luncheon of the Bar Association of Erie County. ’88 BS Brendan M. Harrington, senior vice president and chief financial officer at Computer Task Group, was elected

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treasurer of the Child & Family Services Board of Directors. ’89 MBA Frederick M. Krajacic was promoted to group vice president at M&T Bank. He previously served as administrative vice president. ’89 BS Jeffrey E. Rohl, director of U.S. human resources at Livingston International, received the Human Resources Team Award for Leadership at the HR Leadership Awards. ’89 BA Philip Seymore is the new men’s head basketball coach at Fredonia State University. He previously served as the associate director of athletics and The Wellness Center at the College of New Rochelle. ’89 BA J. Timothy Vaeth is the new president of TM Montante Development. He previously served as vice president at Ciminelli Development Co. Inc.

1990s ’90 BS Thomas P. Bensink was promoted to executive director at Ernst & Young. He previously served as a senior manager. ’90 BS, MBA ’95 Michael F. Newman, executive vice president of NOCO Express, was elected to the New York Convenience Store Hall of Fame by the New York State Association of Convenience Stores. ’90 BA David R. Rice, DDS, dentist at East Amherst Family Dental, spoke to Canisius students about his organization, igniteDDS, which he started to mentor dental students. ’91 BS Mark J. Koziel, vice president of firm services and global alliances at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, was named among the top 10 “Most Influential People in the Accounting Industry” by Accounting Today. ’91 BS Amber L. Slichta was promoted to vice president of the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York. She previously served as director of programs. ’92 BA, MSED ’95 Patrick P. Braunscheidel, teacher at West Seneca East Senior High School, was named to Business First’s “Teachers of Merit” list. ’92 MS Kevin J. Eberle is the new principal of School 115. He previously served as principal at Grover Cleveland High School. ’92 BS, MBA ’98 David O. Faturos was promoted to vice president of finance and business development at Rich Products Corp. He will also continue to serve as corporate controller. ’92 BA John A. Hunt, general sales manager at Movin 100/WOLF-FM/Radio Disney, received the Canisius College Marilyn G.S. Watt Alumni Award, which is conferred annually to honor the professional achievements of a communication studies alumnus/a. ’92 BS Cpl. Timothy A. Liberatore, sheriff’s deputy for Marion County, was named Florida Sheriff’s Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. ’92 BS, MS ’02 Randolph G. Mearns, head men’s lacrosse coach at Canisius College, was inducted into the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame.

’92 MBA Maureen Millane, PhD, director of career services at Daemen College, received the College Internship Program Outstanding Service Award. ’92 MPA Anthony M. San Giacomo, chief U.S. probation officer at the U.S. Department of Probation, received the Justice Award from the Bar Association of Erie County. ’93 MSED Arman Afshani, social studies teacher at North Tonawanda High School, was named to Business First’s “Teachers of Merit” list. ’93 BS Karen E. Burhans was named partner at Kirisits & Associates CPAs. She previously served as a director. ’93 BA James W. Creenan, partner at Creenan & Baczkowski PC, was named to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list. The Super Lawyers list recognizes only five percent of lawyers in the United States. ’93 BA William S. Manley is the new loan officer at Premium Mortgage of Williamsville. He previously served as a mortgage loan officer at HSBC Bank. ’93 MBAA Kevin M. Stoklosa is the new senior vice president, director of accounting policy at First Niagara Financial Group. He previously served as assistant director of technical activities at the Financial Standards Accounting Board. ’94 MSED Matthew J. Hellerer, chemistry teacher and track and field coach at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, was named Outstanding High School Science Teacher of the Year by the American Chemical Society of WNY. He was also named to Business First’s “Teachers of Merit” list. ’94 BS Joseph M. Morrison was promoted to group vice president in the mortgage and consumer lending division at M&T Bank. He previously served as the administrative vice president. ’95 BS, MS ’97 Christopher M. Mucica is the new instructional specialist for health, physical education and athletics for the Williamsville Central School District. He previously served as the faculty manager of athletics at Williamsville East High School. ’95 BA Bridget E. (Griffin) Russo was promoted to vice president of talent acquisition and development at Catholic Health Human Resources. She previously served as the director of recruitment and retention. ’95 BA Ashli Skura Dreher, special education teacher at Lewiston-Porter High School, was named the 2014 New York State Teacher of the Year. ’96 BA Sean M. Croft was promoted to assistant superintendent of Starpoint Central School District. He previously served as the director of instruction. ’98 BA Theresa M. Lundquist is the new senior mortgage loan officer at Syracuse Securities. She previously served as a loan officer at NVR Mortgage. ’98 BS Dawn (Gartz) Masternick, DPM, podiatrist at Tipton and Unroe Foot and Ankle Care, and husband, Adam Masternick, released a metabolic workout DVD titled “”

’98 BS Robert J. Ramsdell, MD, anesthesiologist at Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, was elected vice president of the CGF Anesthesiology Associates PC. ’98 MBA Beth T. Sullivan, human resource manager at United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, received the Medium Company Winner at the Human Resources Leadership Awards. ’99 BS Jonathan M. Poliseno is the new vice president at Systems Personnel Inc. He previously served as the vice president of operations at Supplemental Health Care. ’99 BA Maria (Wichlac) Grove served as event chair for the Glastonbury, Connecticut Relay for Life. She was also elected to the Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance Board of Directors.

2000s ’00 BS Bradly Halgash is the new principal of Mullen Elementary School in the Tonawanda School District. He will also serve as physical education director. Halgash previously served as coordinator of athletics and physical education for the district. ’00 BA William P. Moore was promoted to senior partner at the law firm of Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria LLP. He previously served as a junior partner. ’01 MSED, MS ’05 Cathy V. (Vergos) Fabiatos is the new superintendent of the Holland Central School District. She previously served as principal of Pine Valley Junior-Senior High School. ’01 MBA Kristin L. Lawrence, Hamburg finance academy advisor at Hamburg High School, was named to Business First’s class of Women of Influence. ’01 BA Robert J. Sullivan, paramedic with New Castle County EMS, published an article in EMS World Magazine entitled “What Your EMS System Should Deliver.” ’02 MSED, MS ’04 Melinda S. Bloch is the new manager of site services at Meals on Wheels for Western New York. She previously served as a program director at Northwest Buffalo Community Center. ’02 BS Brian A. Herbst is a new family medicine provider for Buffalo Medical Group’s Primary Care Division. ’02 MS Jacqueline Matheny is the new chief enrollment officer at Trocaire College. She previously served as the vice president of enrollment management at Medaille College. ’02 BA, MS ’04 Jennifer A. Meka is the new director of the Cognitive Skills Program at the Penn State College of Medicine. She previously served as vice president of educational systems development at PLS 3rd Learning. ’02 BS Stephanie L. Soehnlein, MD, is a new radiologist at Southtowns Radiology. She recently completed her fellowship in magnetic resonance imaging at the University at Rochester Medical Center. ’03 BA Rev. Robert W. Zilliox was appointed judge and defender of the bond on the Tribunal of the Diocese of Buffalo. He

previously studied at Catholic University of America where he earned his licentiate in canon law. ’04 BA Chelsie A. Bax, DO, is a new anesthesiologist for St. Mary’s Hospital. She recently completed her residency in anesthesiology through the University at Buffalo. ’04 MBA Rex L. Murray Jr. is the new project architect and construction manager at Watts Architecture and Engineering. ’04 BS Megan E. Saxe is a new client support technician at SofTrek Corp. She previously served as advancement specialist with the Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo and development supervisor/web designer at Buffalo City Mission. ’05 BS, MBA ’06 Kevin M. Downey, commercial account manager for G&G Fitness, was named the new boys basketball coach at Victor Central High School in Rochester, New York. ’05 BA Patrick D. McNally is a new associate at Connors and Vilardo. He previously served as associate counsel in the Voter Protection Department of the Democratic National Committee and was director of legal outreach and voter education for President Obama’s re-election campaign in Florida. ’05 BS Alexandra (Kobza) Murello is the new director of development of the Northtowns Boys and Girls Clubs. She previously served as senior development coordinator at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. ’05 BS Annaliese E. Noack, DO, is a new primary care physician at Buffalo Medical Group PC. ’05 BS Patrice R. Paolucci, MD, is a new obstetrician and gynecologist at Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center. ’06 BA, MBA ’08 Dana M. (Tintner) Bennett is the new marketing manager at Goldberg Segalla. She previously served as a marketing manager at Hodgson Russ. ’06 MBA Yvette Holston is the new assistant director of development of the Northtowns Boys and Girls Clubs. She previously served as an associate for the Graves’ Disease Foundation. ’06 BA, MBA ’12 Brian M. Sas is the new assistant sales manager for the Caribbean and U.S. exporters at Rich Products Corporation. ’06 BA Eric M. Soehnlein is a new litigations associate at Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP. He previously served with the law firm Connors & Vilardo LLP. ’06 BS Victoria M. Suto is a new UI/UX designer at Kegworks. She previously served as a freelance web and graphic designer. ’07 MS Douglas King, special education supervisor at Erie 1 BOCES, received the Supervisor of the Year Award by the School Administrators Association of New York State Region 12. ’07 BA Katie Rampino, senior account executive of public relations at Eric



classnotes Mower & Associates, is the new vice president of the Advertising Club of Buffalo Board of Directors.

new science teacher at Tapestry Charter School. She previously served as a science and biology teacher at Eden Central Schools.

’07 BS Samuel L. Terrazzino is the new market leader of Upstate New York for MetLife. He previously served as managing partner at New England Financial.

’09 BS, MSED ’10 Jason D. Jacobs is the new head of the Biology Department at Franklinville Central School District. He also serves as a high school science teacher.

’08 BS Lindsay L. Jankowski is the new sales and marketing director at the Premium Guide to the Buffalo/Niagara Region. She previously served as digital and media executive at Localedge Media.

’09 BA Julia A. Kuczmarski is a new school psychologist in the Maryvale School District. She previously served as a school psychologist at Starpoint Central Schools.

’08 BA Richard A. Kajtoch was promoted to program manager at People Inc. He previously served as an IRA specialist and team leader. ’08 BA Katherine M. Wutz is the new director of communications for Community School in Sun Valley, Idaho. She previously served as a reporter and special sections editor for the Idaho Mountain Express. ’08 BA Jason A. Zwara was promoted to executive director of Buffalo ReformED, a not-for-profit organization advocating for local education reform. He previously served as a research and policy advisor. ’09 BS Chantal B. Bartels, MD, received the Erie County Medical Society Medical Student Award in recognition of her dedication to the ideals and goals of organized medicine. ’09 BA Ashley M. Bulger is a new attorney at Hamberger & Weiss, specializing in workers compensation laws. ’09 BA, MS ’12 Samuel M. Cardamone is the new study abroad advisor at the State University of New York at Geneseo. He previously served as a graduate assistant/ study abroad advisor at Canisius College. ’09 BS, MSED ’12 Bethany Crahen is a

’09 BA Samantha C. Schultz is a new associate at HoganWillig. She previously served as head law clerk at Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria LLP. ’09 BS Matthew J. Shaler is the new residence hall director at the State University of New York at Oneonta. He previously served as a residence hall director at LeMoyne College. ’09 BS Andrew J. Ziolo was promoted to senior accountant at Freed Maxick CPAs PC. He previously served as a staff accountant in the Tax Department.

2010s ’10 BA Nicole L. DeFonde was promoted to senior media planner at Hill Holliday Advertising Agency/Marketing Communication in Boston, MA. She previously served as assistant media planner. ’10 MS Mariah J. Glass is the new training program coordinator at University at Buffalo’s TCIE. She previously served as recreation assistant at Orchard Park Recreation Department. ’10 BS Adam M. Hagner was promoted to senior field examiner at Freed Maxick ABL Services LLC. He previously served as field examiner.

IN MEMORIAM John P. flaherty ’40 June 8, 2013

felix S. Wilczynski ’50 July 9, 2013

Raymond M. Gibbons Jr. ’43, DDS June 14, 2013

Edward J. Gelen Jr. ’51 July 25, 2013

frank J. Bona Sr. ’44, PhD July 2, 2013

Robert C. Sauter ’52, PhD September 1, 2013

Edward M. Cordasco Sr. ’46, MD January 13, 2013

Mary Stanley ’52 June 1, 2013

Margaret M. (Schreiber) Burnham MS ’47 June 27, 2013

Donald P. Broardt ’53 July 2, 2013

Robert A. Niederpruem ’48 July 2, 2013 francis J. Offermann Jr. ’49 July 18, 2013 John J. Stone ’49 July 18, 2013 Richard W. Burghardt ’50 August 9, 2013 John B. Lebherz ’50 June 8, 2013 Charles S. Tautkus ’50 January 25, 2013

Ronald G. Hite ’53 May 17, 2013 Leroy C. Butz ’54 August 27, 2013 Edward M. Johns ’54 June 5, 2013 Janet G. Lanou MS ’54 June 5, 2013 Capt. Richard W. Weir ’54 December 12, 2012 Robert T. Barrows ’55, MA ’62 July 16, 2013 Eugene J. Siejak ’55 September 4, 2013

’10 BA Sarah McQuade is a new communications associate at Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. She previously served as a communications associate at the Niagara USA Chamber of Commerce. ’10 BS Mark R Wolbert is the new director of business development at Excelsior Orthopaedics. He previously served as a client executive at Highland Asset Management. ’12 BA Theresa M. Ansbrow is a new Spanish teacher at Tapestry Charter School. She previously served as interim Spanish teacher and teaching assistant. ’12 MBA Nicholas H. Chojnowski is the new executive search consultant at Strauss Group. He previously served as a personal trainer at Alessi Fitness. ’12 BA Danielle M. DelMonte is the new public relations account coordinator at Travers Collins. She recently graduated from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. ’12 BS Brian D. Fennell is the new internal staff auditor at Greatbatch Inc. ’12 BS Nicholas W. Haskill was promoted to program director for the YMCA. ’12 BA Katherine D. Johnson is a new account coordinator at SKM Group. ’12 MS Christopher R. Lauth is the new assistant director of diversity programs at the Rhode Island School of Design. ’12 BA Katherine A. Mazierski is the new senior bilingual residential mortgage representative at M&T Bank. ’12 BS, MS ’13 Jonathan P. McDonald is a new staff accountant at Lumsden & McCormick LLP.

’12 MBA Ryan P. McNulty is a new financial representative at Alliance Advisory Group. He previously worked for Starwood Hotels and Resorts in Aspen, CO. ’12 BS, MS ’13 Thomas M. O’Connor is a new staff consultant at Dopkins & Company LLP. ’12 BS Andrew J. Smyczynski was promoted to technical director at WBBZTV. He previously served as production assistant. ’13 BA Sarah B. Brach is a new AmeriCorps volunteer member at Tapestry Charter School. ’13 BA Gabrielle Caruana is a new teaching assistant at Tapestry Charter School. ’13 BS Nicholas V. Leising is a new staff accountant at EFP Rotenberg LLP. ’13 MBAPA Zachary Newberry is a new staff accountant at Lumsden & McCormick LLP. ’13 BA Benjamin J. Parker signed a professional contract to play hockey with the Alaska Aces of the ECHL. ’13 BA Ashley Regan is the new renewable project coordinator at CIR Electrical Construction Corporation. ’13 MS Jessica L. Schlecht was promoted to marketing specialist at Pella Windows and Doors of Western New York. She was also named to Business First’s “30 Under Thirty” list. ’13 BS Franklin T. Smith is the new marketing coordinator at Buffalo Place. ’13 BA Harold E. Washington III signed a professional contract to play basketball with CSM Constantine of the Algerian D-I League.

George P. Ziemer ’55 June 10, 2013

Paul J. Zsebehazy ’64 June 16, 2013

Bernard A. Raymondo ’75 July 17, 2013

Walter A. Bajak ’56 July 21, 2013

Thelma J. Grunthaner MS ’65 August 7, 2013

JoAnn M. Herrmann ’75 August 23, 2013

Charles V. Borzilleri ’56 June 15, 2013

Adeline K. (Kamke) Cook MS ’66 August 19, 2013

Gloria J. Troy MS ’76 July 11, 2013

William O. Kerr ’59 July 12, 2013

Donald P. McGuire ’66 September 16, 2013

Rev. Henry A. Schwede MA ’77 September 18, 2013

Joseph C. Pepiciello Jr. MS ’59 December 17, 2012

Robert N. Wolski ’68 July 7, 2013

Sister Mary Peter Dolata MS ’80 September 22, 2013

Harold J. Baumann ’60 September 19, 2013

Robert J. Adams ’69, PhD May 29, 2013

William G. Hutchinson ’60 August 21, 2013

Rev. Gregory M. Kwapisz ’69 August 17, 2013

Mary (Kubera) Mateczun ’80, MBA ’91 July 17, 2013

Peter f. Brown ’61, PhD August 9, 2013

James V. Lampka ’70 September 14, 2013

Charles f. Mulvey ’61 July 22, 2013

Thomas N. Clabeaux ’71 September 20, 2013

Eugene S. Norton MS ’61 July 30, 2013

Mary Ellen M. Rybak ’71, MD July 20, 2013

James H. Hens ’63 August 9, 2013

Michael J. Sullivan ’71 September 3, 2013

francis P. Noe ’63 August 8, 2013

William J. Platt ’72 June 27, 2013

frank A. Tenczar ’64 September 25, 2013

Richard E. Okal ’73 July 30, 2013

Paul W. Lemiesz ’81 August 31, 2013 Brian f. Kane ’85 July 11, 2013 William M. Shickluna Sr. ’88 May 28, 2013 David S. Compton MBA ’94 June 19, 2013 Patricia A. young MS ’97 August 25, 2013 Holly D. (Drapl) Richards MS ’99 July 31, 2013 Peter A. Vogt HON ’02 October 2, 2013

Synta K. Adams ’02, a son, Pharaoh Kanai, born April 6, 2013 Sarah (Alibozek) Barroso ’02 and Jose Miguel Barroso, a son, Chase Michael, born June 27, 2012 Kyle (Oetinger) Cunningham ’02, MS ’04 and Todd Cunningham, a son, Paxton Keith, born May 10, 2013 Susan P. (Battaglia) Gambino ’05 and Angelo S. Gambino ’04, a son, Peter Joseph, born May 17, 2013 Elizabeth (Povero) Glynn ’03 and Daniel Glynn, a son, William Joseph, born December 17, 2012. Mary (Berowski) Kauderer ’02, MD and James T. Kauderer ’95, a daughter, Madeline Aurelia, born January 31, 2013 Keith R. Kwiatkowski ’01, and healther M. (Kalenda), a son, Cameron David, born April 15, 2013 Lauren R. (Cohen) Kwiatkowski ’02 and Andrew J. Kwiatkowski ’02, a daughter, Harper Eleanor, born August 18, 2013

Laura B. (Grinnen) Marek ’06, MS ’12 and Mark A. Marek, a daughter, Abigail faith, born october 13, 2013 Janet McNally ’02 and Jesse Mank, twin daughters, Daphne Ramona and Luella Maeve, born April 16, 2013 Jennifer V. (Mis) Reddinger ’06 and Scott T. Reddinger ’06, MSED ’08, a daughter, Veronica Marie, born June 24, 2013 James M. Wujcik ’98, MS ’00 and Katerina Wujcik, a son, Joseph Matthew, born April 26, 2013

Think your baby ought to be in pictures? Send us a photo of your newborn with his/her name and date of birth. each issue, we will draw from the entries. If your child’s picture is chosen, he/she will be featured as the next “Baby Griff.” To send photos, visit and click on “KeeP uP WITh CAnISIuS.”

T H I S I S S U E ’ S F E AT U R E D B A B Y G R I F F

Giovanna Mayura

born to Kelly Barnasuk-Raj ’01 and Joyesh Raj, MD, on January 15, 2013

*Anna K. Bonkowski ’08 and Michael S. Hofer ’08, MBA ’09 on July 20, 2013 Diana Agostini ’09, DO and Brandon Vulaj ’11 on June 2, 2013 *Sarah Arnold MSED ’10 and Gregory Beckwith on July 27, 2013 *Brendon Barker ’08, MBAACC ’09 and Britney O’Connor on July 12, 2013 *Jessica Boersma ’11 and Nico Rocco on June 22, 2013 *Amanda Breidenstein ’05, MSED ’08 and Christopher Cole ’02, MS ’07 on August 17, 2013

Catherine Sicoli ’02 and Luke C. Darling on April 27, 2013

*Joseph M. Milosich ’08 and Christine Hawke on September 27, 2013 Andrea Natoli ’07 and Michael A. Kochczynski ’08, MS ’12 on August 10, 2013 Ashley C. Paa ’09 and Paul L. Snyder IV on June 1, 2013 Nicole Paryz ’06 and Kurt Anderson ’06 on July 5, 2013 *Laura E. Reilly ’11, MSED ’13 and Joseph J. Spencer ’08, MSED ’10 on July 6, 2013 Kara Schueckler ’06 and Daniel Philipp on June 15, 2013

*Kaitlynn Smith ’13 and Justin Meidenbauer ’11, MSED ’12 on July 5, 2013 Rayleen Tolejko ’02 and Christopher Reo on August 3, 2013 *Heather Watt ’09, MS ’12 and David Odum on July 13, 2013 *Heidi Wein ’07 and Andrew Martin on August 3, 2013 *Melanie Woz ’09, MBA ’13 and Ian Horner ’08 on June 22, 2013 *Indicates married at Christ the King Chapel

*Jill Cahill ’03, MSED ’08 and Thomas Douglass on July 26, 2013 *Paul Coleman ’01 and Jennifer Abraham on September 14, 2013 *Alexandra Danielewicz ’09 and Robert Zeller on September 28, 2013 *Kate Doherty ’09 and Christopher Suszek on September 7, 2013 *Sara Dolloff MSED ’08 and Benjamin Hilligas on August 10, 2013 *Marie D’Orazio ’02, MBA ’04 and Bryan Staniszewski ’09, MBAPA ’12 on June 29, 2013 Michael ferranti ’08 and Lauren Stone on August 3, 2013 *Eric Koch ’97, MD and Katie frizell on September 28, 2013 Therese L. Koprucki ’08 and Jonathan Urban ’06 on May 4, 2013 *Sara McQuay ’08 and Michael Maggio ’09 on August 10, 2013

More than 30 Canisius alumni (pictured above) celebrated the marriage of Anna K. Bonkowski ’08 and Michael S. Hofer ’08, MBA ’09 on July 20, 2013. The couple was married in Christ the King Chapel. C ANISIUS COLLEGE MAGA ZINE • WINTER 2014 |


STORY BY: Erik Brady ’76 - PHOTOS BY: Jim McCoy

Lisa Bell Wilson ’91 makes history Journalism is the first rough draft of history, as the saying “She showed the signs of a leader,” Sullivan says, “at a time goes. The serendipitous thing about Lisa Bell Wilson ’91, is when anyone would have understood if she cracked.” that she doesn’t merely chronicle history. She makes it. The News’ sports section thrives under Wilson’s lead. This Wilson is executive sports editor of The Buffalo News and the year it earned Top 10 honors in its circulation class in four first African-American woman to run a sports department at a categories of the Associated Press Sports Editors (APSE) major metropolitan newspaper. contest, the “coveted Grand Slam,” in the parlance of USA Today Sports’ Gerry Ahern, APSE’s president at the time. “Lisa “That makes me proud,” she says, “but it also makes me shake has done an outstanding job,” he says. my head, because I know I am not the only one who is qualified.” Growing up, Wilson watched a lot of football on TV with her There was little time to celebrate her new job. Soon after older brothers, Billy and Donald. As a freshman at City Honors, Wilson was named in 2011, she learned that her husband, she wrote letters to the editor at The News in support of Allen Wilson, had suffered a recurrence of leukemia. This was maligned Buffalo Bills quarterback Joe Ferguson. It never a calamity at the office as well as crossed her mind that she’d be that at home, as Allen was one of her top editor someday. reporters, a pro’s pro. “She showed the signs She joined her high school track team “We all knew the outlook was very as a long jumper because she thought of a leader at a time grim,” News columnist Jerry Sullivan it would look good on college applisays. “She never showed any weakness when anyone would cations. “I was terrible,” Wilson says. or self-pity.” “I came in third twice – on days there have understood were only three jumpers.” Allen died five months later. Alissa, their daughter, whose name is an if she cracked.” She earned academic scholarships amalgam of her father’s and mother’s, to West Virginia University (WVU) was just four at the time. Wilson was and Canisius but the one at WVU also left with twin challenges: Care for their child on her own and included room and board. Her parents wanted her to go there; run a sports section that had been rocked to its core. she wanted to stay home for a boyfriend. “We didn’t last,” she “She knew how much we all loved Allen and didn’t want us to says, laughing. be upset,” Sullivan says. “Even at the wake, she had this big Wilson’s Canisius education surely did. She majored in smile, looked around and said, ‘I’m happy. I realize talking to communications while working 35 hours a week at Fotomat and all these people how lucky I was that he picked me to be his writing sports columns for Buffalo’s Challenger newspaper. wife.’” Wilson couldn’t find a job in her field after graduation and she Allen’s death was the section’s fourth in a few years, including worked for six months in the cash office at T.J. Maxx. That’s retirees. Wilson’s strength inspired the mostly male department when she received a call from Barry Berlin, PhD, one of her and held it together at a critical moment.

Canisius professors, about an opening at the Utica Observer-Dispatch. Wilson interviewed and didn’t get the job, but editors there passed her resume to the Niagara Gazette, which offered her a threemonth internship that turned into a full-time gig. That’s how she met Allen at a high school basketball game in Niagara Falls. Deadline loomed afterward as Wilson asked questions of a coach while Allen waited his turn, nervously checking his watch, a cute-meet, just like the movies. Next time, at the state tournament in Glens Falls, he swapped out seats on press row so she would sit next to him, courtship at courtside. That night he asked for her number and when at last he called, they talked for hours, the first rough draft of a love story. At 24, she moved up to the Gazette’s Bills’ beat in the midst of the team’s Super Bowl run. Allen and Wilson married in 1995. She was named Gazette sports editor in 1997 and was hired as a copy editor at The News in 1998. She has moved up the masthead ever since. That column Wilson wrote for the Challenger was called “Winners and Losers.” It is not hard to tell which one the losing long jumper is today: The News was named to APSE’s Top 10 for website, daily, Sunday and special sections among all mid-size papers. Small wonder that larger ones have tried to steal her away, to no avail. Buffalo is home. Wilson's family helps raise Alissa, and her extended family at One News Plaza helps her honor Allen’s memory with their good work. There is much more history for Wilson’s staff to cover and for her to make.



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