2015 ComLead Alumni Newsletter

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2015 M.S. Communication & Leadership Newsletter

Living the Mission Men and women for Others

Photo by Tom Wolf Imaging

A letter from the GA

Hello Everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your summers and are now embracing the cooler, more comfortable weather of fall. My name is Emily Gumkowski and I will be working as the new GA for the Communication and Leadership program. I know I have some big shoes to fill and I am ready to embrace the challenge. This past December I graduated from Canisius College with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and minors in Human Resources and Business Management. My time spent at Canisius as an undergrad is something I truly value and it played a large role in my decision to come back and enroll in the Communication and Leadership Program. I am now halfway through my first semester and I know the lessons I am learning on leadership are invaluable. Outside of working as a Graduate Assistant and classes I am also a recruiter for the architectural and engineering firm CannonDesign. With a full schedule and a readiness to learn I am excited to continue my journey here at Canisius, in this program and as a graduate assistant. I cannot wait to get to know you all and I hope you have a fantastic year. Thanks for reading and if you have any feedback or suggestions I would love to hear them.

Emily Best,

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www.comleadblog.com Have something to say or a topic you would like to share? If you are interested in being a guest blogger please email me at gumkowse@canisius.edu

Organizational Leadership Managing Not-for-Profits Integrated Marketing Communication

Have you seen our blog? New Google Logo: Thumbs up or Thumbs Down? POSTED BY COMLEAD ON SEP 11, 2015 IN COMLEAD

“Speaking of the logo, unless you live under a rock, you know that Google has recently changed theirs. Discarding the old classic serif font in lieu of a new fresh and simpler design they call “product sans.” Google isn’t the only tech company to rebrand and change up their logo over the last year. Big name companies like Lenovo, Stubhub, and Facebook have upgraded their look as well. So why is that people are so upset about Google?” -See more at: http://comleadblog.com/2015/09/11/google-logo-thumbs-thumbs-down/

Frank Sparacino

CeCe Gotham

Allison Braun Sharon Federico

Ashley Lipka

Ray Robinson Taylor Schupp

Matt Gorczyca

Congratulations to the Class of 2015!

Where Are They Now?

Allison Braun

Cecelia Gotham

Volunteer One year of service with Xavier High School in Chuuk, Micronesia

Assistant Director of Stewardship and Events at Canisius College

CAPSTONE The Leader Revisited: Self-Awareness Impacting Communication Competency

CAPSTONE The Connection Between Alumni Engagement And Intent to Donate

Sharon Federico

Ashley Lipka

Assistant to VP of Student Affairs and VP of Business and Finance at Canisius College

Development Specialist at Summit Educational Resources

CAPSTONE Male and Female Differences in Relation to Affective Commitment and Donor Intent

CAPSTONE The Use of Social Media in Non-Profit Organizations: Does Having a Sense of Online Community Impact Philanthropic Giving?

Matthew Gorczyca

Ray Robinson

Communications and Engagement Coordinator at Hilbert College

Customer Care at Time Warner Cable

CAPSTONE The New Face of Philanthropy: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Millennials’ Attitudes and Intent to Donate to Charitable Organizations

CAPSTONE E-WOM and Purchase Intent: Comparing Advertisements and Personal Recommendations

“The ComLead program really gave me hands on experience working with nonprofits which has been an asset in finding a job of my own. Also doing real tangible research through the capstone was something that left me passionate about millennials and the change they are bringing to the world.”

Matthew Gorczyca ‘15

“The Communication and Leadership Program embodies the Jesuit ideal of magis as it goes beyond what you might expect of a masters program. Through this program, I not only acquired tangible tools and skills to use in the work world but I also came away with a new set of relational and communicative skills which I did not expect to gain.”

Cecelia Gotham ‘15

Taylor Schupp

Frank Sparacino

Admissions Assistant Nichols School

Volunteer Romulus Club, Lorenzo Burrows Post, Italian American Societies

CAPSTONE The Influence of Gender Role Attitudes on Perceptions of Advertising

Kathryn Smith Social Media Marketing Specialist Bus2Alps CAPSTONE Communicating the Needs of Retail in a Small Business Setting: A Review of the Components that Encompass the Customer Experience

CAPSTONE Cell Phones: Personal and Relationship Satisfaction

Communication and Leadership

Capstone 2015

Top row from left: Sharon Federico, Frank Sparacino, Ashley Lipka, Matthew Gorczyca, Taylor Schupp, Dr. Rosanne Hartman, Katie Smith, Allison Braun, Cecelia Gotham Bottom Row from left: Dr. Catherine Foster, Fr. Bernard Olszewski, Dr. John Dahlberg, Dr. Melissa Wanzer

Living the Mission Men and Women for Others

“A wise (wo)man makes more opportunities than s(he) finds.� ~ Sir Francis Bacon

A year of Service in micronesia As told by Allison Braun I was first acquainted with Canisius through athletic recruitment, which ultimately led me to have the privilege to be both a basketball player and rower for the Golden Griffs. During my undergrad, I began to understand the essence of Jesuit ideals and values through the academic curriculum and service opportunities in action. As an athlete, I had coaches and mentors who encouraged me to explore the potential of sport as a vehicle to solidarity and service. Communication & Leadership aligned with the only way I could answer the “dream job” question. The program’s components encompassing Organizational Leadership, Non Profit, and Integrated Marketing Communication opened my eyes to learn more about how I could provide creative leadership to fit any variety of need. In my Leadership class I partnered with my colleague Jerry Theresanathan for our class project to work for a Lackawanna organization, ACCESS. In collaborating with Jerry, we were able to revamp ACCESS’s brand and retell ACCESS’s story about providing services to the Arab-American community in Lackawanna, NY in a reinvigorating way. The Communication and Leadership Program was further nutrition and fuel to see and follow more signs to be on a path of serving the greater good in a way that aligns with my talents and deepest hunger. I am now helping to run a Jesuit HS in Micronesia in my current duties as a teacher, coach, girls’ moderator, and community member. We are a boarding school for boys and girls live in host families on the island. Our group of dedicated volunteers live and teach in community. While I am here, I am engaging and creating the very foundation for why I initially became a Communication and Leadership graduate - to explore using sport as a vehicle to solidarity, youth empowerment and a universal platform that promotes cultural exchange. I designed a campaign to capitalize on my networks and channel through a simple concept “1 more ball”. 1 More Ball is a huge contribution -- it means one more option for a drill, one more opportunity for a kid to have touches & practice, and one more person empowered in the youth for leadership. In my outreach, I encourage people to write a message on the ball(s) they send, a personal, inspirational or any message to “send your love”. My goal is to build a long lasting program from this simple request and to get athletes in service through their sport. Athletes have a platform--a special stage--and we need to use it. More importantly, we need coaches & role models to provide structure(s) for athletes to understand and exercise that they are the vehicle for youth empowerment, leadership, cultural exchange, and solidarity in community. There’s no better way to start than to keep your eye on the ball.

Living the Mission Rebecca Newberry

2015 was a big year for Rebecca Newberry as she was chosen to succeed Erin Heaney as the new Executive Driector of the Clean Air Coalition, an organization that works towards environmental justice and public health. After a few years of organizing and meeting the Clean Air Coalition was formalized in 2009 under the leadership of Heaney. The Clean Air Coalition spearheaded the fight against Tonawanda Coke after finding out that high levels of a cancer inducing chemical found in the area were coming from their factory. Thanks to the efforts of the Clean Air Coalition Tonawanda Coke and their environmental control mamager were found guilty of breaking 14 federal laws under the Clean Air Act and the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act. Tonawanda Coke was only the second company to ever be found guilty in court for violating the Clean Air Act. Rebecca has her undergraduate degree in health science education from Brockport and graduated from the Communication and Leadership program here at Canisius College in 2011. Rebecca began her journey with Clean Air Coalition as an organizer of several successful campaigns against Tonwanda Coke, Amigone Crematory and Battaglia Demolition. As the new Exectuive Director Rebecca is able to combine her passion for social justice with skills learned in both her undergrad and grad programs to focus on issues such as health and safety of industrial workers. The time Rebecca spent at Canisius in the Communication and Leadership program allowed her to develop relationships and provided her with institutional knowledge necessary to succed in her position. The program has also helped her become a better leader and she continually relys on the relationships she has developed with the faculty.

“The Communication and Leadership Program is definitely a worthy investment.�

Giving Back Frank Sparacino

Under the direction of program director, Dr. Rosanne Hartman, the Communication & Leadership Endowed Fund was set up in 2008. Since its inception, the fund has served as a multi-faceted means to support the program by providing scholarships to students, funding events for alumni, and fulfilling strategic goals aligned with the program’s mission. Through the support of Communication & Leadership alumni and friends, the endowed fund has continued to grow over time. In gratitude for the education he received at Canisius, Frank Sparacino MS ’15 made a gift of $5,000 last academic year to the fund, having made the largest gift to the Communication & Leadership Endowed Fund in history. The entire 2015 graduating class also made a gift in honor Dr. Rosanne Hartman upon graduation to show their support for the future of the Communication & Leadership Program at Canisius College. Frank retired from the military and civilian careers prior to graduation. Post graduation Frank has decided to live the mission and continue his learning by taking the Fundraising for not-for-profits course here at Canisius. The hope is that this course will provide Frank with the skills necessary to raise more funds for the several non-profit organizations he is involved with. Frank is currently the Board Chariman for the Romulus Club and Directorate’s for the Lorenzo Burrows Post and Italian American Societies. If you would like to make a gift to the Communication & Leadership Endowed Fund, please use this link https://app1. canisius.edu/canisiusfund/ and list the Communication and Leadership Endowment under gift designation.

Living the Mission A Professor’s Perspective

Father Bernard Olszewski gives his take on Service Projects in the Classroom Philosophy of Teaching Fr. Bernard looks at the classroom as an opportunity for mutual exploration. He has the advantage of years in a classroom setting and teaching which allows him to bring a level of input to the table. Students bring their own experiences, hopes, and expectations. “The Classroom is a meeting point between the two.”

How does Service Learning in the classroom benefit students and others? In a visit to Cuba, Pope Francis stated that the main purpose in life is service to others. The courses in the Communication and Leadership program allow us to explore how best to do that service. Students in the Communication and Leadership program make themselves available to those in the community who have need but may not have access to these skills any other way. “It becomes a complimentary relationship of service and learning and furthers the mission of the college- students serving others.”

Alumni who live the mission

Nancy Gonka Bradford Graduted in 2008

Nancy enrolled in the Communication and Leadership program after working many years as a registered nurse. She was ready for a career change and the Communication and Leadership program fit what she was looking for. Now Nancy works in legal services at Catholic Health Systems which is made up of 3 hospitals, 7 nursing homes, and 2 homecare agencies. She uses the skills she acquired through the program everyday. Nancy is responsible for wiriting policies, wiriting and providing annual education, holding orientation class for new hires once a week, and answering compliance questions and concerns. Nancy loves that she is still supporting patients, just doing so in a different way.

“The Communication and Leadership program helps you identify your skills and interests and in turn allows you to follow your passion.”

Mary Quinn Fullmer Graduated in 2010

Mary lives the mission everyday with her work as an Adolscent Outreach Coordinator with the Fredonia Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services. The program was developed to help migrant students from grade 7 through 12 graduate from High School. Mary’s role is to make sure students are getting enough credits, attending classes, and participating in extracurricular activities. She plans field trips, college visits, and workshops. The Communication and Leadership program taught her how to think critically and develop relationships, all things she does on a daily basis.

Most rewarding part of her job: “Getting to

see kids we have had come through the program graduate and go on to college.”

Alumni who live the mission Kate Heidinger Graduated in 2007

Allison Jackson Graduated in 2011

Kate makes a difference everyday in her position as the Campaign & Development Officer with Kevin Guest House, America’s first healthcare hospitality house which set the foundation for more than 600 hospitality houses including Ronald McDonald House and Hope Lodge. Since 1972 they have hosted more than 53,000 patients and their families visiting Buffalo for medical care. They welcome anyone regardless of their financial or medical situation, working alongside all area hospitals and medical facilities. Currently Kate is working on a capital campaign for the organization with an end goal of raising $3 million.

Allison works with International Paper as a Regional HR rep and has responsibilities for 7 Corrugated Sheet facilities in NY, NJ, OH, MN, and IN. She covers all aspects of HR including recruitment, labor relations, employee relations, training, compensation and benefits, etc. Allison lives the mission by being an active particpant in several organizations that serve others. Allison is a part of the Big Borther and Big Sisters program, Junior League of Buffalo, Young Professionals of Ronald McDonald House, and the Somali Bantu Community Refugee Organization.

“The ComLead program provided me with valuable lessons from wonderful teachers.”

Why Allison loves serving others? “I love the feeling of working with close friends & family and making a bigger difference as a group.”

Kate kowalski

Hussam AlMukhtar

As a Corporate and Foundation Relations Specialist for Gateway Longview Kate is responsible for bringing money into the organization via grant writing as well as donor relations. Gateway is a non-profit child and family service organization that serves over 3,600 children and families across Western New York each year.

This past year Husaam has been promoted to Director of Digital Marketing and Big Data at Inside Sales Team, a technology sales and marketing firm in Buffalo. He is responsible for designing and implementing customer journeys, revenue cycles, and sales funnels for his clients. Hussam not only gives back to Canisius by keeping students up to date on new tools in the marketing and communications world but he is also a volunteer with Journey’s End. Hussam worked at the UN Refugee Agency in the Middle East early on in his career and he feels that the refugees that come through Journey’s End “should be a big factor in improving

Graduated in 2011

“I am thrilled to be a part of a team that is working to meet the needs of those that need it the most.”

Graduated in 2013

our city and Western New York in general.”

Tied the Knot

On August 15, 2015 Sarah Guenther married Dan Warner.

On June 20, 2015 Ashley Lipka married Rob Coder.

On September 18, 2015 Kate Kowalski married Thomas Mendola.

NewesT golden griffins Shaun James

Amanda Snider

Shaun and his wife Alexis welcomed their first child this past year. His name is Jordan Charles Lee James.

Amanda Snider and her husband Allan welcomed a baby into the world on Friday, Sept. 18, 2015. It is their second child. Her name is Penelope Lorraine. Their first Daughter’s name is Eleanor.

Graduated in 2013

Graduated in 2010

Shaun currently works for MECLABS as a Market Intelligence Manager

Amanda also moved into a new position this past year as a Sr. Associate of Inventor Relations at Fisher-Price.

New Positions Kristin McAuley

Julie Berrigan

Kristin recently accepted a new position with Penn State, University Park as a Multimedia Specialist in the Media Commons.

Julie is now the Executive Director of Mt. St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation in Lewiston.

Graduated in 2014

Graduated in 2013

“I think that ComLead helped me the most through the professional experience I gained throughout the program. I was able to work with organizations in the Buffalo area on real projects.” -Kristin McAuley

Annual Meet & Greet

ComLead alum and current students gathered for good conversation and wine at the annual meet&greet

Not-for-Profit Management Panel “Make a Difference” Panelists discussed what it is like to work in the not-for-profit world. Panelists: Sarah Graham, Joanna Jacob, Grace O’connor, Mary Jo Rehak

Highlights ‘14 -’15

Women on the Rise:

IMC Panel

“Bad things happen to good careers”

“Power of Influence”

Panelists talked about how bad things can happen to good careers. Panelists: Cecily Rodriguez, Renee Terreri, Dottie Austin, Sesha Yalamanchili

Panelists discussed and answered questions about the power of influence. Panelists: Karen Lemischak, Julia Maher, Erin Harvey, Monica Radel, Hussam AlMukhtar

Mark your Calendars... Fall Annual Meet & Greet Clement Mansion, 786 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY November 4, 2015 4:30-6:30pm

Spring Organizational Leadership Panel

Women on the Rise Event

Grupp Fireside Lounge Tuesday February 9, 2016 5:30-7:30pm

Montante Cultural Center Thursday March 3, 2016 5:30-7:30pm

Tasting and a Tour


21 Brix Winery Saturday April 16, 2016 1-4pm. *$10 registration

Grupp Fireside Lounge Saturday May 7, 2016 11:30-1:00pm

Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on events www.facebook.com/comlead Check out the Events Page on the blog http://comleadblog.com/events/

Faculty Accomplishments Dr. Melissa Wanzer Wanzer, M.B., & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2015, IN PRESS). An Overview of the PatientCentered Communication Scale. In Health Communication Measures. Edited by Dearing and Kim. Eichhorn, K.C, Thomas-Maddox, C., & Wanzer, M.B. (IN PRESS). Interpersonal Communication; Building Rewarding Relationships (2nd Edition). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque, Iowa. Booth-Butterfield, M., & Wanzer, M.B. Humor Enactment in Learning Environments. Book chapter in progress to be published in Handbook of Instructional Communication. Edited by Paul Witt.

Dr. Rosanne Hartman Hartman, R. & Crume, A. (2014). Educating student nurses in team conflict. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, Vol 4, No 11. Conference Paper: revision of Irma Tyszko’s capstone Tyszko, I*. & Hartman, RL (2015). Intercultural Communication Competence, Intercultural Willingness to Communicate and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in Superior-Subordinate Relationships. Paper presented at the Eastern Communication Association’s annual conference, Organizational Communication Division, April 23-26, Philadelphia, PA.

Dr. Catherine Foster As the new Director of the Journalism program Dr. Foster helped create three new concentrations that are offered to not only journalism students but ALL majors. The three concentrations include narrative journalism, multi-media journalism, and sports broadcasting and journalism which capitalizes on the schools relationship with ESPN. The Journalism program has been working with the Athletics department to develop the sports broadcasting and journalism concentration which will allow students to do live broadcasts while also teaching them how to report on the stories.

Dr. John Dahlberg Dr. Dahlberg is in the process of replicating a study that took place over ten years ago about consumers’ attitudes toward brands which use women in various portrayals and in various stages of dress or undress. He has also been a regular review for the International Journal of Advertising for the past two years.

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