Canisius Magazine fall 2016

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School Spirit The Griffin Comes Home to Nest


This summer, I began my 20th year at Canisius College and my seventh as president. I must confess that there was a great temptation to look back and recount the moments of success. I’ve been fortunate to be part of several such moments as we – faculty, staff, board, alumni – have moved Canisius to a whole new level of excellence. Instead of surrendering to this temptation to look back, we spent the summer looking forward. In May, our Board of Trustees approved a new strategic plan for the college, Canisius 150: Excellence, Leadership, Jesuit, a plan developed by the college’s Strategic Planning Committee with input from scores of faculty, staff, students and alumni. Canisius 150 charts an ambitious course for the college as we prepare to celebrate our Sesquicentennial in 2019-20. We seek to build on a solid foundation of academic excellence, a foundation that has produced the best undergraduate accounting program in New York State, a stellar pre-med program, and cutting-edge new programs in animal behavior, ecology and conservation and sports broadcast journalism. We intend to go further, developing new programs and expanding critically important experiential learning opportunities for our students. In every program, we seek to produce graduates prepared to meet the challenges of a complex world that is changing so quickly. During the planning process, I was encouraged by the extent to which the college community embraced Canisius’ role as an agent for justice in the world. And so, Canisius 150 seeks to deepen our commitment to our Catholic, Jesuit identity and our commitment to a faith that does justice in the world, particularly here in our home city of Buffalo. In this issue of Canisius Magazine we recognize the extraordinary generosity of our alumni and friends (page 28). In looking back over the past 20 years, I see so many great things at Canisius that have been made possible by our benefactors and I know that you will continue to support us and make the vision of Canisius 150 a reality. For that, we are all very grateful.



Faculty Research

Life Goes On Joshua J. Russell ’03, PhD, explores what it means when a child loses a pet.


Cover Story

School Spirit Canisius’ iconic Golden Griffin ceremoniously comes home to nest.


Alumni Spotlights

Primary Care Allegra C. Jaros ’93, MBA ’96 looks after the community’s most precious assets.


Beyond Basketball Playmaker Darren Fenn ’01 brings his professional playbook back to Buffalo.


Dream, Girl >>> Producer and director Erin E. Bagwell ’09 debuts her new feature-length documentary.


Annual Report Canisius says thank you to its generous alumni, friends and family.


College Magazine FALL 2016 I VOLUME 17, ISSUE 3

President John J. Hurley Vice President for Institutional Advancement William M. Collins Director of College Communications & Executive Editor Eileen C. Herbert ’04, MS ’15 Managing Editor Audrey R. Browka Creative Director Patty Herkey

NSF Awards Canisius $1 Million Grant

Art Director Cody Weiler

Canisius College is the recipient of a five-year, $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The grant will be used to support the Canisius Science Scholars program, which provides financial, academic and social support to students interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Contributing Writers Erik Brady ’76 Kristin E. Etu ’91 Erin H. Hartnett MS ’11 Makayla A. Santiago Gary L. Steltermann ’10, MSA ’14 Photography Tom Wolf ’86 We are eager to hear your comments about Canisius College Magazine. Please send correspondence to:

“Canisius has a tradition of offering a high-quality education to students in the natural sciences,” says Andrew Stewart, PhD, assistant professor of biology and principal investigator (PI) on the grant. “This NSF grant will help ensure that tradition continues by providing the support necessary to help academically gifted and financially disadvantaged undergraduate science majors make the transition from science students to scientists.” The Science Scholars program will support traditional four-year undergraduate students, as well as those who transfer to Canisius after completing two-year degrees at community colleges. WEB EXTRA > Read much more about the NSF grant at

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What Do You Say?

Canisius climbed to the 23rd spot in the top tier of U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 rankings for America’s Best Colleges (regional universities, North). The publication recognized Canisius for its first-year student retention rate, average graduation rate, small class sizes and student-faculty ratio. U.S. News also placed Canisius 8th on its Best Value Schools list and 12th on its list of Best Colleges for Veterans. WEB EXTRA > Read more about Canisius’ rankings at

Canisius Magazine is continually evolving its story content and creative look so it can be your best resource for all things alma mater. So what do you say about the changes so far? Take a minute (literally) to tell us at



blue&goldbriefs CL ASS PORTRAIT

Six Appointed to Board of Trustees


The Canisius College Board of Trustees appointed six new members to fill vacant positions. The Board formulates and recommends policy to Canisius President John J. Hurley. Members serve three-year terms. The new members are:









Judy A. (Trybuszkiewicz) Bassanello ’83 Vice President, Citigroup Inc.

Robert H. Maloney ’71 Founder & Principal, Maloney Government Relations LLC

Rev. Thomas R. Slon, SJ Rector, Canisius Jesuit Community









Most Popular Majors Rev. Philip A. Florio, SJ Pastor & Superior, Old Saint Joseph’s Church

David J. Nasca ’79 President & CEO, Evans Bank NA

Rev. Michael F. Tunney, SJ Rector, Fairfield Jesuit Community


Seven Join Board of Regents Seven new members joined the Canisius College Board of Regents this fall. The Board serves as an advisory group to President John J. Hurley. Members serve three-year terms. The new Board of Regents members are:

Vincent D. Clark ’97 Vice President, Development & Communications, Buffalo Urban League

Therese J. Fuerst ’96 President, Fuerst Consulting Corporation

Judith A. Perez Caro ’96, PhD Director of Equity, Community and Inclusion, Georgetown University Law Center

Jack J. Dempsey Jr. ’83 Senior Vice President of Strategy, Northwest Equity Partners

Daniel S. Paolini ’07 President & CEO, NexxusPoint

Anthony B. Spada Jr. ’80, MBA ’97 President & CEO, AAA of Western & Central New York

Christopher X. Zarra ’90 Private Wealth Advisor, Ameriprise Financial Services Inc.



Life Goes On Joshua J. Russell ’03, PhD, explores what it means when a child loses a pet When Joshua J. Russell ’03, PhD, first met Neville, the 13-year-old boy was shaken by the sudden death of his cat, even though it occurred two years earlier. “I asked Neville how he felt when he learned his cat was struck by a car and he replied, ‘My life was over,’” Russell recalls. Given the relatively short lifespans of many pets, it’s not unusual for children to witness the realities of life played out in their homes. “How children understand death in these moments, and the ideas, feelings and responses they have when their pets die are largely ignored topics,” says Russell. Until now. New research by the assistant professor of animal behavior, ecology and conservation (ABEC) reveals that pets are more than just animals to children. “They often see themselves as the center of their pets’ affections,” says Russell, who conducted one-on-one interviews with children between the ages of six and 13. “They describe their pets as siblings or best friends with whom they have strong connections.” Unfortunately, the joy of owning a pet often goes hand-in-hand with the heartbreak of losing one. Children, in particular, “have a distinct sense of existential fairness around whether or not an animal lived until an appropriate age,” Russell explains. A short lifespan is normal for hamsters and fish, according to the children interviewed, but unexpected for dogs, cats and rabbits. Similarly, different kinds of deaths mean different things to children. “Children whose pets lived the extent of their potential lifetimes – or beyond – expressed acceptance upon their deaths,” Russell says. The children also suggested that euthanasia “was the moral thing to do when a pet is suffering.” Conversely, children whose pets died unexpectedly described it as “emotionally and morally unfair, and had a much more difficult time reconciling the loss.” In all instances, family and friends helped the children cope with the loss of their beloved pets through discussions and family rituals. But Russell discovered ambivalence about whether a new pet would lessen their grief. “There were those who felt it would be wrong to move on to a new pet because they had to honor their relationships with the deceased ones.” Several children, however, “explicitly linked getting a new pet with feeling better,” Russell continues. “They explained it as an opportunity to start over and suggested that replacing a companion animal is more about beginning a new relationship than erasing memories of an old one.” Russell concludes that Neville summarized pet loss best: “Sometimes death is tragic, like when a cat is run over by a car. But ultimately, death is part of life and life does go on.”

“ Children whose pets lived the extent of their potential lifetimes – or beyond – expressed acceptance upon their deaths,” Joshua J. Russell ’03, PhD

Joshua Russell’s research is ongoing. He is using a grant from the National Culture & Animals Foundation to investigate how children describe and derive meaning from wildlife recreational experiences, such as hunting and fishing. FALL 2016 CANISIUS COLLEGE M AGA ZINE



Music to Their Ears Not even the sounds of Frédèric Chopin can comfort gorillas like the melodic hum of the rainforest, according to research by Susan W. Margulis, PhD and Lindsey A. Robbins ’12. The pair from the Animal Behavior, Ecology and Conservation (ABEC) program, examined the effects of music on Western lowland gorillas living at the Buffalo Zoo. The researchers played a mix of musical compositions – from classical to rock to nature soundtracks – then watched for changes in behaviors that are tell-tale signs of stress such as hair plucking or regurgitating and reingesting food. When natural rainforest sounds were played, stress behaviors decreased in all the gorillas. These same behaviors either did not change or in the case of one gorilla, increased when classical or rock music was played. “This suggests that auditory enrichment, which is not commonly used in zoos, can be easily utilized by keepers to help decrease stress behaviors among gorillas,” says Margulis, chair of the ABEC Department. In a simultaneous study, Margulis and Robbins found that birds, which share the zoo’s gorilla habitat, fly more and are more vocal when sounds from the rainforest are played.

A Long Slide Toward Oblivion Mass extinction is often thought to be a rapid and sudden event: in one moment a particular species is present; the next it's not. But new research coauthored by Physics Professor H. David Sheets, PhD, indicates that, for some species, it’s a long slide toward oblivion. Sheets and UB colleague Charles E. Mitchell, PhD, professor of geology, studied nearly 22,000 fossils of ancient plankton (organisms that live in the water). They found that these communities began changing in important ways as much as 400,000 years before their massive die offs during the first of Earth’s five great extinctions. The finding suggests that “the effects of environmental degradation can be subtle until they reach a tipping point, at which dramatic declines in population begin,” Sheets explains. The turmoil, which occurred in a time of ancient climate change, “could hold lessons for the modern world,” he concludes.

Recommended Reading Read a good book lately? For inspiration, Canisius Magazine reached out to English Professor and Lowery Writer-in-Residence Eric Gansworth to find out what’s on his nightstand.


Louise Erdrich This new novel explores, with nuance, heartbreak and humor, the complex and unpredictable impact we have on families and the ways those families equally change and shape us. Its characters, in their own, sharply rendered ways, wrestle with the big questions, challenges and rewards of being men and women for others. WEB EXTRA > Check out the latest books authored by Canisius faculty at

In Memoriam Canisius lost a longtime colleague and influencer of young scientists with the passing of Ann W. Wright, PhD, on August 6. She was 64. A biology professor, Wright joined the faculty in 1995 with an expertise in science education. During her tenure, she created effective learning strategies in physiology classes, which resulted in numerous grants, published papers and her being named an American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Fellow. WEB EXTRA > Read more about Ann Wright at



School Spirit Canisius’ iconic Griffin ceremoniously comes home to nest

Did you hear it? That high-pitched squawk coming from the front of campus. It’s no ordinary sound. Rather, it’s the extraordinary caw of our mighty mascot - the Griffin. An eagle and lion, in one, he is king of birds and beasts. He is our golden one who, in September, ceremoniously came home to nest.



“Today, for Canisius students and graduates everywhere — Golden Griffins one and all — we dedicate this beautiful statue of our mythical mascot,” said President John J. Hurley during Homecoming Weekend ceremonies. “The Golden Griffin is an enduring symbol of Canisius. The installation of this statue on Main Street creates yet another ‘place’ on campus and shouts to the world, ‘We are the Golden Griffins; we are Canisius!’ We trust that this ‘place’ will serve as a backdrop for some of the most significant campus memories of our students and alumni.” For years, alumni mused over the idea of immortalizing the Griffin with a statue on campus. Richard Kubiak ’16 and members of the 2016 Undergraduate Student Association (USA) made it happen. “USA ended its fiscal year with a significant surplus and it was nearly unanimous among senate leaders that the money be gifted back to the college,” explained Kubiak, USA’s immediate past president. The student association used half of its $200,000 surplus to establish an endowed scholarship for students who demonstrate financial need. USA used the other half to commission the statue. The 1,500-pound replica of the Golden Griffin traveled more than 1,200 miles, via tractor trailer, from the Crucible Foundry, in Norman, OK. Sculpted out of an oil-based clay, the Griffin is cast in bronze which, according to creator Mark Palmerton, “can endure upwards of 12,000 years.” (An appropriate alloy for a mythological creature who sprang from the human imagination more than 5,000 years ago!) The Griffin stands 6 feet tall and extends 8 feet long. Now permanently perched outside Science Hall, this defender of divine power overlooks the Main Street campus, safeguarding all who pass by. He is an intimidating sentry, for sure. Any doubts of that were certainly allayed when Canisius consecrated its patron protector in September. Upon his blessing, the Griffin pierced the peaceful confines of campus, unleashing his unmistakable squawk.

Did you hear it?



“ We are the Golden Griffins; we are Canisius!” Canisius President John J. Hurley



The Griffin Speaks

Golden One offers thanks for stately statue Hjckrrh! I am a creature of the Bronze Age — and you have cast me in bronze. That’s a bit on the nose (beak, in my case) but I am forever grateful. The statue is quite lovely. Not that I don’t deserve it. The Golden Griffin is, after all, the best mascot in all of sports. But you needn’t take my word for it. I offer expert testimony from across the internet … and the millennia. The website Busted Halo asked readers in 2013 to vote, bracket style, for the best Catholic school symbol. The site offered 32 mascots — from Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish to Gonzaga’s Bulldog, and Georgetown’s Hoya to Villanova’s Wildcat — and the winner was, um, me. Took down St. Bonaventure’s Wolf in the first round, Boston College’s Eagle in the second, Fordham’s Ram in the semis and Loyola’s Greyhound in the finals. But that’s just Catholic schools. I am the best anywhere and everywhere. Consider this testimonial from sports columnist Steve Weller in the Buffalo Evening News in 1962: “You can have your Chihuahuas, Piranhas, Horned Frogs and Iguanas. The best all-around mascot in the business has to be the beast adopted by Canisius — the Golden Griffin.” Hjckrrh! Charles A. Brady, Class of 1933, coaxed me to campus from the prow of Le Griffon, LaSalle’s doomed ship that cast off from the Niagara River in 1679 as the first European-style vessel to sail North America’s inland seas. Debate the wisdom, if you must, of naming athletic teams for the totem of a ship that sank on its maiden voyage. But there is no debating this: I’m the only mascot who combines king of the beasts with monarch of the air, all mashed up in one glorious, golden amalgamation. Paw prints of our making are found all over the world’s major mythologies. Herodotus was among the first to write of us but the Greek historian lived in the fifth century B.C. Images come before words — and likenesses of me date to at least 3000 B.C. I can be found on Babylonian cylinder seals and Etruscan sarcophagi, on the capitals of columns, on the borders of rugs, on ivories and coins, on vases and thrones, on Assyrian walls and, yes, in sculpted form. That’s why I am so pleased by this new sculpture on campus. It is in the oldest tradition of me as a winged wonder to gaze upon and admire. And what you see in these images from antiquity is what

you’ll find atop my new perch on Main Street — an eagle’s head and splendid wings merged with the hindquarters and lordly tail of a lion. The details are just right, too — the talons, the tufted ears, the untamed expression of preternatural fierceness. Hjckrrh! My double nature is the key to understanding me. Griffins are at home in the sky and on the Earth, masters of two worlds. Art and literature in the Middle Ages portrayed us as both demonic and divine. The combo of rapacious eagle and ferocious lion equaled evil to some. More perceptive people saw that the lion’s earthly strength and the eagle’s ascendant splendor symbolized the dual nature of Christ. Our transcendent moment comes in Dante’s Divine Comedy, when the Sacred Griffin pulls the triumphal chariot of the Church. Perhaps the most famous statue of me is the Pisa Griffin, in the Italian city with that leaning tower. You can see this other bronze me, which for centuries stood above the apse of the Pisa Cathedral, in the Cathedral museum. An inscription around the chest of the Pisa Griffin offers benediction, wellbeing, joy and eternal peace. And I offer the same pledge to my dear soulmates at Canisius. By the way, if you don’t know the meaning of that vowel-less interjection — Hjckrrh! — it is what I shriek intermittently in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The meaning is whatever I choose it to mean, neither more nor less. Here I mean it as an exclamation of joy: My way of saying thank you for the statue — and for placing it where you have, front and center outside Science Hall. Man believed in us for millennia, until the ascension of science and reason, when we were relegated to the realm of mythology. I stand before you today, and for generations to come, at the crossroads of Main Street and Science Hall, imploring you not to listen to anyone who would dare say we don’t exist. I am not some ethereal fairy tale with a tail. Go ahead, touch me. I am 1,500 pounds of bronze, as real as those atoms that scientists study but cannot see. And so to all Canisians — near and far, young and old, women and men — I offer you a bargain. Believe in me. And I’ll believe in you. Hjckrrh! As told to Erik Brady ’76



The Pisa Griffin in Italy’s Pisa Cathedral Museum

Griffins flank the stone steps at Coombe Abbey, Warwickshire, England

A Griffin carved into the Temple of Apollo in Didyma, Turkey

A Griffin guards Austria’s Viennese Parliament


Primary Care

Allegra C. Jaros ’93, MBA ’96 looks after the community’s most precious assets Story: Audrey R. Browka

Allegra C. Jaros ’93, MBA ’96 may not be trained in pediatric medicine yet she provides critical care to Western New York’s most precious assets, every day.

Call for Nominations The Canisius College Alumni Association is seeking nominations for the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Awards, the LaSalle Medal, and the Distinguished Faculty and Distinguished Senior Awards. Visit for nomination criteria, deadlines or to nominate someone. The Alumni Association Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for new at-large members. Visit to nominate an individual.


The president and chief executive officer of Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo directs the operational and financial management of the 200-bed facility, which delivers comprehensive pediatric and maternity care. Jaros also plays a vital role in the hospital’s long-term strategic health, including construction of the 12-story, $272 million John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital rising on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. “This building represents the future of healthcare for our kids,” Jaros says. On time (with a completion date of November 2017) and on budget, the new hospital was conceived with impending healthcare reform trends in mind. “The expectation is that inpatients of the future will be children with critical, chronic or complex medical issues,” Jaros explains. For those who don’t require hospitalization, treatment will be available at a new, 93,000– square-foot ambulatory and outpatient surgery center adjacent to the hospital. “This change in infrastructure ensures that we’ll be able to provide the very best care, in the most appropriate settings,” she says. Much like the new hospital, Jaros built her career from the ground up. She earned degrees in finance and business at Canisius before going to work for Stamford Health Systems in Connecticut. “It was a lovely place with lovely people,” Jaros recalls, “but I ached to come back to Buffalo and make a difference in my hometown.” Jaros returned after just two years when the same position she held at Stamford opened up at Women & Children’s. Coincidentally, the woman hiring for the position was Jaros’ former Canisius professor, Carrie B. Frank ’80, who knew Jaros well. “It’s been a blessing in so many ways and for so many reasons,” Jaros says of her return. She was born at Women & Children’s. Her mother, a nurse, taught there for several years. Jaros also delivered both her children at the hospital. “To be able to work at the place that is so special to our family makes what I do all the more meaningful,” she says. Jaros’ personal affection for Women & Children’s coupled with her commitment enabled her to move, progressively, through the hospital’s Finance and Operations departments. Her experience proved instrumental when Women & Children’s consolidated into its parent company, Kaleida Health, of which Jaros is a vice president. The dual roles keep Jaros on call, always. But she says that’s OK. Jaros knows that by delivering quality care to her team of 1,500 staff and 350 physicians, she ensures the long-term, overall health of Women & Children’s Hospital. “At the end of the day, my job is to support the care providers so they have everything necessary to provide the very best care and compassion to our children and their families,” she says. “By doing that, everything else falls into place.”

Canisius Introduces New Alumni Director Liz Culliton Washo hit the ground running this fall, when she became the college’s new director of alumni engagement. Charged with building a strategic and sustainable alumni program, Washo works to reconnect the college’s graduates with alma mater through new career development, student recruitment, philanthropic and missiondriven initiatives. Washo is the former associate director of alumni relations at the University of Pennsylvania’s renowned Wharton School of Finance. In this role, she helped grow reunion weekend attendance by as much as 18 percent through her strategic coordination of volunteer committees. Washo comes to Canisius from Penn’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. A Buffalo native, she earned bachelor’s degrees in communications and the history of art and architecture from the University of Pittsburgh, and a master’s degree in higher education from the University of Pennsylvania.

Three Appointed to Alumni Board Three new members joined the Alumni Association Board of Directors this fall. The board, which collaborates with the Office of Alumni Engagement, works to engage alumni in meaningful ways with alma mater. Members serve three-year terms. The Alumni Association Board of Directors is led by President Judy A. (Trybuszkiewicz) Bassanello ’83, First Vice President Pauline Costanzo Will ’93 and Second Vice President Jennifer Johnson Smith ’91, MBA ’93. The new Alumni Association board members are (pictured, l - r): Maria-Rose Frisina ’93, senior systems administrator, University at Buffalo Michelle M. Tesseyman Skelly ’91, development director, Tennis Whizz Christopher Urban ’07, financial consultant, AXA Advisors




Distinguished Alumni Leaders in their fields recognized for professional contributions

Michael N. Coppola ’70 (Retired) President, Chief Executive Officer, Chair, Advance Auto Parts

Nora K. McGuire MBA ’08 Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Independent Health

Michael N. Coppola is considered the best-of-the-best in the retail and merchandising business. The retired president, CEO and chair of Advance Auto Parts is credited with steering the company to become the largest and most progressive retailer of automotive replacement parts and accessories in the U.S.

Nora K. McGuire is a motivating force in helping Western New Yorkers get and stay healthy.

During his tenure at the wheel, Coppola developed the Fortune 500 company’s marketing, merchandising and new store design strategies. Advance Auto Parts became a higher performing organization under Coppola’s leadership. Forbes magazine recognized those efforts when it named Advance Auto Parts the best managed company in the retail sector. Coppola previously spent 33 years in the retail grocery business with Tops Markets in the Buffalo area, moving up the ranks to the level of executive vice president. He currently shares his retail and merchandising expertise as an independent retail consultant in Charlotte, NC. 16

The Canisius Alumni Association conferred its Distinguished Alumni Award upon five graduates of the college during Homecoming Weekend in September. The award recognizes individuals who have made noteworthy contributions in their chosen fields and who, through inspirational leadership, add distinction to their respective professions. The 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award honorees are:


In her role as senior vice president and chief marketing officer for Independent Health, McGuire works to simplify the complex business of healthcare so that people can become educated on how to make healthy choices and be actively engaged in their own healthcare. She is also the impetus behind such popular community programs and partnerships as the Buffalo Bills Health and Wellness Challenge, the local Biggest Loser initiative and the YMCA Fitness in the Parks program. Outside Independent Health, McGuire holds an even more public role. She is the founder and longtime leader of the local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The 5K run and fitness walk raises significant funds for breast cancer awareness and research.

Ronald A. Raccuia ’90 President, ADPRO Sports Inc. Ronald A. Raccuia is all about making ideas happen. Ever since graduation, he has coupled his entrepreneurial spirt with his savvy business sense to start, run or grow companies. Shortly after taking a position with Integrity Office Supply, Raccuia purchased the business and grew it to become an awardwinning single-source office supply provider. Raccuia later sold Integrity to Eaton Office Supply and channeled his entrepreneurial energy into the growth of ADPRO Sports. The NFL licensee is currently one of the largest dealers of athletic apparel, footwear and equipment in the U.S. Always on the go, Raccuia is also an NFL-approved player agent who has represented several Buffalo Bills including Fred Jackson, Brian Moorman and Terrence McGee. Despite his demanding schedule, Raccuia deeply values making an impact on the Buffalo community and gives generously of his time and talent.

Kenneth M. Sroka ’65, PhD Professor Emeritus, English, Canisius College The genius of Kenneth M. Sroka, PhD, is the dazzling beauty of language he brought to the Canisius classroom. For more than four decades, the professor of English inspired in students an appreciation for reading, writing and experiencing the written word. Sroka didn’t just teach students. He changed them, particularly those recruited to the Urban Leadership Learning Community (ULLC), which he co-founded and co-directed. Since its inception in 2000, the ULLC has provided more than 130 socially and economically disadvantaged students an opportunity to obtain a Canisius education. Even in retirement, Sroka continues to educate. As a volunteer at Erie County Medical Center, he leads weekly bibliotherapy sessions for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Also known as “the reading cure,” bibliotherapy is the systematic use of books to help individuals with mental, physical or emotional problems.

alumninews A Family Tradition….Continues The Class of 2020 includes 69 legacy students Canisius welcomed 600 freshmen this fall and in the class are 69 students who are not necessarily newcomers to the college. Rather, they’re the newest generation to continue a family tradition at 2001 Main Street. Parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents are the proud predecessors of this new class of legacy students. As they begin their own Canisius journey, we’re excited to introduce to you their family members who call Canisius alma mater. David R. Bailey BS ’97 Grace Bailey Janice M. (Hosinski) Banaszak MBA ’90 Mark S. Banaszak ’89 Nathan Banaszak Michael D. Bartz ’80 Kaitlyn Bartz Marcie Ann Battaglia MS ’02 Ben Battaglia Domenico M. Berardi ’89 Marialuisa (Caico) Berardi ’90, MBA ’94 Matthew Berardi

Mary V. Travers Murphy ’80 Executive Director, Family Justice Center of Erie County Mary V. Travers Murphy is a voice for those who have none. As executive director of the Family Justice Center (FJC) for Erie County, she advocates for victims of domestic violence, providing them a safe haven while they receive medical, legal and financial assistance. Since 2010, Murphy oversaw the expansion of FJC services with the creation of two new satellite offices. She fought for the FJC’s ability to instantly award orders of protection to victims via videoconferencing with judges. Murphy also led the launch of a tech-check program to assist victims who suspect their vehicles are being tracked by hidden GPS devices, and encouraged the establishment of a support group for family members of domestic violence victims. In 2015, the U.S. Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus presented Murphy with its Ed Stout Memorial Award for Outstanding Victim Advocacy.

Robert W. Harms ’86 Darlynn E. Harms MSEd ’95 Erica Harms Todd M. Henderson ’88 Christian Henderson Charles J. Hornberger Jr. ’91, MD Deborah (Fassl) Hornberger ’87 Charles Hornberger Ellen K. Hurley ’99 Ryan Hurley Andrew P. Johnson ’91 Sean Johnson

Peter J. Blenk ’83 John Blenk

James S. Keysa ’67 James D. Keysa

Christopher M. Bogart ’86 Jill M. (Klotzbach) Bogart ’89, MS ’91 Dean Bogart

Gary J. Klosterman ’81, MBA ’01 Mary C. (McGill) Klosterman ’81 Daniel Klosterman

Kristen P. (Killeen) Bray ’89 Kelly Bray

Peter R. Kowalski ’86 Rosanne (Fessler) Kowalski ’89 Daniel Kowalski

Jerry G. Canada Jr. ’86 Matthew Canada Marina C. Cappuzzello ’06, MS ’09 Daniel Cappuzzello John A. Cascio ’92 Dominic Cascio Sanjay Chadha ’93, MBAAC ’96 Sonali Chadha Alicia M. (Wagner) Chameli ’86 Thomas Chameli Liliana Kondovski ’92 Maxwell Chrzanowski Anne M. (Zambarda) Clark ’97 Ian Clark-Gullick

Lorri A. Kraus ’86, MS ’89 Joseph Kraus Katherine (Stouter) Lammers ’83, MD John Lammers Ann C. (O’Connor) Leslie ’95 Edward Leslie Nicholas D. Liberto MBA ’88 Julia Liberto Josette Y. (Thurnherr) Lucarelli ’94 Riley Lucarelli Robert J. Maranto Jr. ’89 Robert Maranto

Paul C. Collins ’90, MBA ’96 Patrick Collins

Madonna Privitere McKernon ’83, ’09, MSEd ’12 Francesca McKernon

Robert D. Costanzo ’91 Vincenza Costanzo

Aimee J. (Kostusiak) Meloon ’91 Matt Meloon

David F. Czarniak ’91 Taylor Czarniak

Gregory A. Merkley ’92 Caitlin Merkley

Jennifer A. (Reid) DePasquale MS ’95 Joseph DePasquale

Mary Kay (Chudzinski) Myers ’90 Ryan Myers

Claudia J. (Zwierzchowski) Dunbar ’86 Adam Dunbar

Elizabeth A. (Wagner) Nemeti ’83 Steven Nemeti

Elaine M. (Bieron) Elkington ’87 Matthew Elkington

Steven L. Nola ’81 Madison Nola

Dale R. Gier AA ’01, BS ’14 Adam Gier

Michael J. Pratt ’82 Maureen (Bartels) Pratt ’82 Simon Pratt

Lisa M. (Christiano) Gionis ’86 Jon Gionis Timothy J. Greenan ’86 Grace Greenan

David M. Radka ’90 Edward Radka

Harald O. Rehm ’92 Allison Rehm Tracey L. Reichard ’95 Alexandra Reichard John F. Ricchiazzi ’88 Ann Marie (Cardone) Ricchiazzi ’89 Rebecca Ricchiazzi Timothy J. Rice ’93 Haley Rice Maureen (Marsillo) Roth ’93 Jordan Roth Linda L. (Thor) Rudin ’88, MBA ’93 Lauryn Rudin Stephen Michael Ruszczyk MS ’01 Laura Seil Ruszczyk MS ’90 Sara Ruszczyk Karen Marie (Schultz) Sagun MS ’90 Andrew Sagun Michelle M. (Pfister) Salemi ’88 Nora Salemi George M. Semko ’83 Jack Semko Colleen K. Shannon ’88 Owen Shannon Sharon K. Shilen MS ’02 Sophia Shilen Jennifer L. (Dalka) Skowron ’09 Ryan Skowron Richard A. Smith MBA ’90 Ian Smith William J. Ostrander ’94 Nicholas Stinson Timothy P. Strzalka ’89 Joseph Strzalka Steven H. Szczepankiewicz ’96, PhD Laura Szczepankiewicz Silvia (Trojanovic) Tripp ’92 Miriam Trojanovic Samuel J. Vicaretti Jr. ’89 Emma Vicaretti Maureen P. Donley ’76 Michael Voss Jennifer Lee (George) Walsh ’94, MD Broderick Walsh Jimmie L. Winkfield ’81 Olivia Winkfield Joanne Yakovac MBA ’97 James L. McNichol ’35 Joseph Yakovac

The aforementioned names represent the most comprehensive list available through the Canisius Admissions Office as of September 1, 2016.


Beyond Basketball

Playmaker Darren Fenn ’01 brings his professional playbook back to Buffalo. Story: Kristin E. Etu ’91

When Darren Fenn ’01 decided to open a basketball training facility, people warned him it would never work. ‘Buffalo is a hockey and football town,’ they said. But if the Canisius Sports Hall of Famer has his way, it will be a basketball town too. “Basketball could and should be a major sport in Western New York,” says the former center who remains one of only three players in Canisius history to exceed 1,400 career points and grab more than 800 rebounds. “But the basketball talent is not being developed locally as it should be and fewer Division I players are coming out of Buffalo.” Fenn launched WNY Premier Basketball Training to reverse this trend. The advanced training program motivates players to improve their game and maximize their potential. It offers physical conditioning and psychological coaching to athletes at all levels, from ages 8 and up. And, to the surprise of Fenn’s critics, the business is a slam dunk. Since opening the Orchard Park facility in 2015, more than 350 athletes have sought out Fenn’s back-to-basics formula for success. “There is an old saying in basketball that Canisius Coach (Mike) MacDonald first said to me, that ‘Basketball is the most coached but least taught game,’” Fenn says. “Too many coaches incorporate advanced moves into the workout without adequately teaching proper technique on basketball fundamentals.” Instead, Fenn focuses on ball handling, shooting form and mechanics, footwork and defensive strategies. As an undergraduate, Fenn planned to pursue a career in medicine. But when a stellar performance on the hardwoods caught the attention of a professional scout, he opted to follow his hoop dreams instead. Over the next 14 seasons, Fenn globetrotted to 10 countries, played for 11 teams and won championships in Russia, Bosnia and Germany. “My basketball career allowed me to see the world and experience different cultures,” Fenn says. “It also opened my eyes to many alternative styles on how to play and teach this game I love.” A biology major, Fenn is also a certified personal trainer. However, it’s his psychology minor that gives Fenn a competitive edge on and off the court. “It’s helped shed light on why players, coaches and teams tend to act the way they do.”




Share in Your Devotion Become a member of the Canisius College Sodality Fenn now “ties the mental aspect of the game” into whatever skills he teaches. “I try to challenge athletes but make sure they still have fun.” Ultimately, Fenn wants to utilize his wealth of basketball experience to grow the sport of basketball in his hometown. “This is a chance for me to put down roots in the area and give back to a community that allowed me to see the world,” says the Town of Tonawanda native. “Buffalo has the capacity to produce more college-level basketball players who can compete at a national level and it’s my goal to make that a reality.”

Share in the spiritual and social advantages of having a Catholic, Jesuit education by joining the college’s Sodality of Our Lady. The religious aim of the Sodality remains the same as when it was founded 120 years ago: To foster in its members an ardent devotion, reverence and love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary. Open to all interested in lifelong liberal learning, the Canisius College Sodality meets on campus the first Sunday of each month, from October through May. The meetings consist of Sunday Mass, devotions, brunch and a guest speaker. To learn more or to join the Canisius Alumni Sodality, contact Paul Becker ’53 at (716) 835-7826. WEB EXTRA > View a list of upcoming Sodality speakers at

Snowbirds: Save the Dates If you’re flying south for the winter, then make plans now to join Canisius College at one of the following alumni receptions scheduled for 2017 TAMPA/ ST. PETE MARCH 24




Dream, Girl Producer and director Erin E. Bagwell ’09 screens her new feature-length documentary. Story: Kristin E. Etu ’91

Feminist is not a term Erin E. Bagwell ’09 always used to describe herself. But now, the producer and director of the newly-released documentary “Dream, Girl” celebrates it.

Bagwell took to Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform, where she shared her idea for the documentary. In just one month, she raised $104,157 − nearly double her $57,000 goal.

The change came three years ago. Bored and uninspired by her nine-to-five job at a New York City advertising agency, Bagwell went surfing the Internet for empowering articles about women.

With finances in place, the Canisius Video Institute alumna hired an all-female film crew and the team spent the next two-plus years chronicling the diverse challenges and successes of female entrepreneurs. Among them are the co-founder of an industrial 3D printing company, the president and CEO of a private oil company and a mother-daughter team who publish books primarily by and about African-Americans.

“Reading about all the amazing things women are accomplishing made me feel excited and motivated,” Bagwell recalls. So much so, she quit her job and launched Feminist Wednesday, a storytelling blog aimed at enlightening, empowering and encouraging women. “When the word ‘feminist’ is used, it’s ugly and usually out of context,” Bagwell explains. “However the feminists I know are all brilliant, strong, emotional creatures. They don’t hate men or wallow in self-pity, they are just highly motivated, organized and fabulous women.” Feminist Wednesday quickly captured the attention of female readers and soon, Bagwell realized her mission was far greater than a single day of the week. That’s when this filmmaker at heart decided to chase her dream and produce a feature-length documentary about female entrepreneurs. “There is an amazing female start-up culture in New York City,” says the digital media arts graduate. “We all know Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg but what about female entrepreneurs? What are their stories?” Bagwell wanted to find out. But first, she needed money.

“Dream, Girl” premiered before a sold-out audience on June 9 in New York City. One week prior, the National Women’s Business Council hosted Bagwell for a private screening of the film at the White House. “It was an incredible evening celebrating women in entrepreneurship, and identifying what needs to be done on policy and cultural levels to fully empower the female economy,” Bagwell recalls. “Dream, Girl” has since been screened more than 200 times (including at Canisius College) in 27 countries. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey recently included Bagwell and her co-producer, Komal Minhas, on her SuperSoul 100 list. The list recognizes individuals who live life intentionally, create great social impact and bring inspiration to others. “It’s a rocket ship that’s taking off and it’s a real joy,” Bagwell says. “We’re sharing universal stories about positive role models who aren’t just telling girls they can be anything they want – they’re showing them how to go out and get what they want.” So go ahead. Dream, Girl.



alumninotes 1940s

established Center of Microbiome Research at the University at Buffalo.

’47 Milford C. Maloney, MD, a retired educator and physician, was included in Marquis’ 2016 “Who’s Who” listing. Maloney was recognized for excellence in internal medicine and for making his mark as an education leader.

’68 BA Daniel G. Kreuzer is the new program director for the Literacy Volunteers of Collier County in Naples, FL. He is past director of adult education for Milpitas Unified School District.

1950s ’52 BA John D. Cahill retired as partner at the law firm of Cahill Davis & O'Neall LLP in Los Angeles, CA. He practiced law for 62 years. ’54 BA, MSED ‘62 Thomas J. Caulfield, EdD, emeritus professor of counselor education at Canisius College and a U.S. Navy veteran, is a tutor with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program at South Florida State College. ’56 BA R. Carlos Carballada was appointed deputy mayor for the city of Rochester.

1960s ’60 BS Joseph J. Callanan, MD, retired from The Allergy Group, the allergy and asthma practice he founded in 1971. ’60 BA Robert J. Genco received the Distinguished Scientist Award from The American Association for Dental Research. He oversees the newly

’68 William E. Pitcher Jr. and his wife, Cheri Marie Pitcher, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on September 3, 2016. ’69 BA John F. Schmutz, a U.S. Army veteran, authored The Bloody Fifth: The 5th Texas Infantry Regiment, Hood’s Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, Vol. I: Secession to the Suffolk Campaign. The book is based upon archival and battlefield research, which uncovered hundreds of primary sources, many never before used.

1970s ’70 BA Camille R. (Ferraro) Clark is in her second term as councilwoman for New Jersey’s East Brunswick Township. She was council president for two of her seven years in office. ’70 BA George M. Colabella, executive director of the Tiny Miracles Foundation in Darien, CT, authored Take it From the Top … One More Time. The book tells the story of JR, a founding member of the Italian-American trio The Jay Tones.


’71 BA Mark J. Lema, MD, PhD, chair of the Department of Anesthesiology for the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, received the university’s Distinguished Professor Award for his significant contributions to research and scholarship in his field. ’72 BA William J. Fisher retired as CFO of Tegra Medical in Franklin, MA. During his tenure, Fisher managed the finances for four manufacturing facilities in Massachusetts, Mississippi and Costa Rica. He lives in Stuart, FL. ’73 MSED Mark D. LaRoach retired as superintendent of schools for the Vestal, NY Central School District, after five years in the position. ’73 BS Jan A. Nowak, MD, PhD, is the new clinical chief of molecular pathology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI). He is also chief medical officer and laboratory director for OmniSeq Precision Medicine LLC, which is housed on the RPCI campus. ’73 BA William T. Weber, a retired analyst for the U.S. government, authored The Long Century: The Congress of New Niagara, 1920. The novel prompts readers to imagine an alternate history of peace and prosperity in the 100 years that followed World War I. ’74 BA Joel M. Beyer, who recently retired as chief operator of the Erie Canal Locks in Lockport, received the Key to Locks Award, presented by the Erie Canal Discovery Center to a local resident who promotes the canal. ’74 BS Stephen T. LoVullo, partner at Lumsden and McCormick LLP, was named treasurer of the EWI New York Board of Directors. EWI develops, tests and implements advanced manufacturing technologies. ’75 BS Gary M. Crosby, the retired president and chief executive officer for First Niagara Financial Group, joined the KeyCorp Board of Directors following the merger of the two banks. ’75 BA Daniel P. Schaefer, MD, an ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon, recently joined Atwal Eye Care. He is also director of the Department of Oculoplastic, Orbital and Reconstructive Surgery for the University at Buffalo.

Class of 1976 ROTC Commissioning Anniversary Sixteen ROTC graduates, from the Class of 1976, gathered at the college’s Military Ball in May to commemorate the 40th anniversary of their commissioning. Pictured (front row, l-r): Lt. Col. Joe Songin, Lt. Col. Marcus Bembenista Pictured (back row, l-r): Col. Chuck Sardo, Lt. Col. John Provost, Col. Jim Schultz, Col. Don Billoni, Col. Dave Casmus, Lt. Col. Pete Schifferle, Maj. Paul Wypijewski, Col. Eric Tarbox

’77 BS David M. Mikulski was promoted to administrative vice president and manager of the Capital Data Reporting Division of M&T Bank. He is the former vice president and manager of the bank’s Capital Management Reporting Division. ’77 BA Gregory P. Rabb, professor of political science and coordinator for the International Study Program at Jamestown Community College, was sworn in for his fifth two-year term as president of the Jamestown City Council. He is also city councilman at-large.

’79 MS Gregory N. Lewis, PsyD, a retired clinical psychologist from the Psychiatry Department at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital in Chicago, IL, now works, pro bono, for Physicians for Human Rights and the Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights at the University of Chicago. He recently participated in two medical missions with the Syrian American Medical Society, providing healthcare to Syrian refugees at the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.

1980s ’80 BA, MBA ’90 Kenneth P. Houseknecht, executive director at the Mental Health Association of Erie County, was elected to the Court Appointed Special Advocates of New York State's (CASANYS) Board of Directors. The agency’s trained volunteers are appointed by Family Court justices to advocate for the best interest of children in cases of abuse and neglect. ’80 BS Rocco Lucente II, president and managing partner with Cohen and Lombardo PC, was named president of the Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo Inc. Board of Directors. ’80 BA Maj. Andrew D. Ross, a retired employee with the U.S. Postal Service, was appointed a 2nd alternate to the Village of Kenmore Planning Board. '81 MBA Peter vom Scheidt, associate principal and senior electrical engineer at Wendel Companies, was named vice president for The Cantalician Center for Learning Board of Directors ’81 BS Robert T. Mayer was promoted to president and chief executive officer of the Weinberg Campus. He has been vice president of finance and chief financial officer of the senior living community since 1995. ’81 BS Mark L. Monin, senior vice president of investment for Raymond James and Associates Inc., was named vice chair of the Orange County California Airport Commission. ’81 MS Edward V. Qualey, a recently retired professor of criminal justice at Hilbert College, received an honorary doctorate of public service from the school. Qualey was recognized for developing the criminal justice program at Hilbert. ’82 BS, MS '92 Daniel J. Ryan, PhD, director of career planning and placement for the University at Buffalo, received the Man of the Year Award from the St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute Alumni Association. Ryan was recognized for his service, dedication and commitment to the school. ’82 BA Timothy J. Sember was named general manager for ParishSOFT, the largest provider of church and diocesan management software in the U.S. He is the former executive vice president of strategy and sales for Smart Tuition in NJ.

’83 BS William J. Ansbrow is the new chief financial officer and finance director for the Mary Cariola Children's Center in Rochester, NY. He was the chief financial officer for the Rochester City School District. ’83 BA, MS '86 Rev. George H. Belgarde, SJ, was assigned parochial vicar at Saint Michael’s Parish in Buffalo. He previously served with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. ’83 BA Michael K. Brown earned a master of divinity degree from Christ the King Seminary and was ordained into the priesthood by Bishop Richard Malone of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.

’85 BA Regina A. DelVecchio is the new associate general counsel with the Erie County Medical Center Corporation. She was an attorney for Colucci & Gallaher PC. ’85 BS Gerard J. Galluzzo is the new vice president for operations and quality control with Tony Baird Electronics in Syracuse, NY. The company provides custom electronic solutions for education, defense, government and corporations across the U.S. ’85 BS Gerald F. Pullano is the new chief financial officer at Thruway Fasteners Inc. He was a tax partner with Chiampou Travis Besaw and Kershner LLP.


’87 BS Kim M. (Schmitt) Bowers was elected corresponding secretary of the New York State Federation of Republican Women. She is also president of the Erie County Federation of Republican Women and served as an alternate delegate at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH. ’87 BA Frank D. Stephen III, PhD, was promoted to associate professor of biology and granted tenure at D'Youville College, where he teaches anatomy and physiology, and immunology in the Department of Biology and Mathematics. ’88 BA Melanie C. Marotto is the new senior counsel at Harris Beach PLLC. She was an attorney with Colucci & Gallaher PC.

Career Notes: Kelly is a partner at Jones Day’s Global Capital Markets Practice and serves on the firm’s Partnership and Advisory committees.

’83 BS Gary J. Fusco was promoted to group vice president of technology platform management and services support for M&T Bank. He was the administrative vice president.

’86 Anna M. Briatico is the new chief of staff and deputy chief for business operations with the U.S. Forest Service in Washington, D.C. She was a deputy director with Health and Human Services.

’83 BA Frank A. Sedita III is a new Supreme Court Justice for the State of New York. He is serving the Chautauqua County area, overseeing civil suits. Sedita is the former Erie County District Attorney.

’86 BA Karen A. Smyth, an attorney with Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer & Garin PC, participated in a panel discussion about the professional liability industry at the 2016 Claims and Litigation Management Boston Conference.

’84 BS, MS '01 Patricia G. Duffy was appointed assistant principal of curriculum and instruction at Pinecrest Elementary School for the Collier County Public Schools in Naples, FL. She was a teacher for Village Oaks Elementary School.

’86 BS Lynne M. (Buscaglia) Vizzi was promoted to associate vice president of investments with Wells Fargo Advisors. She was a financial consultant with the company.

’91 BA David L. Macro was promoted from account executive for Millington Lockwood Business Interiors to vice president of Millington Lockwood Structures Group.

’88 Robert J. McArdle is the new Western New York market executive for JP Morgan Chase Commercial Banks. He was vice president and senior relationship marketing manager with HSBC Bank USA NA. ’89 BS James W. Nolan is the new client services manager at Softrek. He was the financial aid manager at Bryant & Stratton College.

’92 BA Susan M. Denecke-Jandzinski was promoted to executive director at the Kenmore Mercy Foundation. She was the annual fund director.

’89 BS Paul J. Roman Jr., PhD, a partner with Hodgson Russ LLP, was appointed to the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Board of Directors.

’92 BA Ronald T. Keohane was appointed deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy by President Obama. He oversees and advocates for programs, policies, planning and resourcing related to the quality of life of service members and their families, worldwide.

1990s Career Highlight: Chris Kelly was chair of the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee, responsible for organizing, hosting and funding the 2016 Republican National Convention. The Host Committee was comprised of prominent civic leaders who work to promote Northeast Ohio.

’91 BS William M. Shickluna Jr. was promoted from group vice president to senior vice president with M&T Bank. As manager of the Closing and Collateral Department, Shickluna oversees more than 300 team members responsible for fulfillment and servicing functions.

’91 MBA Michelle A. (Hoock) Williams, a consulting director with Dopkins & Company LLP asset-based lending, was named to the Commercial Finance Association’s (CFA) Women in Commercial Finance and Convention Planning committees. Her role is to support women involved in asset-based lending through education and networking.

’89 BA Timothy Vaeth, owner of JT Vaeth Development, was appointed to the People Inc. Enterprises Board of Directors.

Chris Kelly ’83 - Business / Political Science

is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Buffalo and moving the community forward.

’90 BA Michael M. Gilbert was promoted to vice president of administration for the Buffalo Sabres and general manager of HARBORCENTER. He was vice president of public and community relations for the Buffalo Sabres. ’90 BA Jeffrey F. Reina, a senior partner at Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria LLP, was appointed chair of the firm's Matrimonial Department. ’90 BS, MS ’05 Anthony Scanzuso was promoted to principal of Williamsville East High School. He was assistant principal. ’91 BA Jeanmarie O. (O'Rourke) Cieslica is the new director of development at The Summit Center in Getzville. She is past director of development at Immaculata Academy. ’91 BS Col. Joseph J. Martin, a special forces officer with the U.S. Army, was selected to serve as Chief of Staff for the Deputy Director for Special Operations and Counterterrorism on The Joint Staff at the Pentagon. ’91 BA Peter S. McQuiller, MD, a board certified internal medicine physician, now practices at CCS Healthcare. He is a former staff physician with Roswell Park Cancer Institute. ’91 Michael J. Montante, vice president of Uniland Development Company, was named the 24th president of the Buffalo Renaissance Foundation (BRF). The BRF

’92 MS James P. McIntyre Jr. is a new professor and director of the Center for Educational Leadership at the University of Tennessee. He is the former superintendent of schools in Knoxville, TN. ’92 BS Sarah J. Moore, a partner at the Cleveland, OH law firm of Fisher & Phillips, was one of only 35 recipients, nationally, who received the 2016 Distinguished Legal Writing Award. Presented by The Burton Foundation, the award recognized Moore for her article “Employers: Prepare to Enter the Drone Zone.” ’93 MS Thomas J. Sullivan retired as principal of Bishop Timon-St. Jude High School after 26 years of service. ’95 BA Joel A. Blanchet is a new litigation partner with Phillips Lytle LLP. He joined the firm from Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was a partner at its New York City office. ’95 BA Sharon L. Hanson, executive director for Deaf Access Services, was elected chair of the Erie County Medical Center Board of Directors. ’95 MBA James E. Iglewski, managing director and regional investment executive for the U.S. Trust Company, was named treasurer of the Buffalo Renaissance Foundation (BRF). The BRF is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Buffalo and moving the community forward.

alumninotes Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She was a technology services specialist in education.


’99 BA, MSED ’05 Christopher C. Martoche is a new sales account executive with Colonial Life Insurance Co. He was a sales manager for Ellicott Development Company. ’99 BA Scott E. Nadzan was awarded a U.S. patent for a distributed video content management and sharing system. He co-invented Ensemble Video, which provides video platform solutions for such industries as higher education, healthcare and government. ‘99 BS Jason D. Rabenold, MD, a boardcertified orthopedic surgeon, opened his own practice, Agility Orthopedics, in St. Louis, MO.

Mitchell W. Grosofsky ’12 - Adolescence Education Career Highlight: Mitchell Grosofsky published Welcome to Buffalo: The Coloring Book, which features some of the area’s most iconic structures including the Central Terminal and the Electric Tower. The book is available for purchase locally and online. Career Notes: Grosofsky is a substitute math teacher for the Lancaster School District. In the summer, he is a hiking guide in the Swiss Alps.

’95 MBA Michael D. Jurecki is the new chief executive officer (CEO) of FordDirect in Dearborn, MI. In this role, he sets the strategic course to help Ford and Lincoln dealers sell and service more cars and trucks. Jurecki was CEO of RouteOne.

’97 MPA Howard K. Hitzel, PsyD, president of Lake Shore Behavioral Health, was appointed chief executive officer of the new health agency being formed as a result of a merger between Lake Shore and Child & Adolescent Treatment Services.

’95 BA Marcella M. Kearns was promoted to associate artistic director for the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. She is an actor and theatre educator who made her directing debut in August with the production of “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.”

’97 BA Christine M. McIntyre recently authored Awakened, under the pen name Chris Mac. The young adult novel tells the story of Tala, who discovers she can perform a form of magic known as Intention.

’95 BA Melanie M. (Ripstein) Pensinger was promoted to director of enterprise meeting services for the American Cancer Society in Marietta, GA. She was a manager of attendee management with the agency. ’96 BA Sean M. Croft was promoted from assistant superintendent to superintendent of the Starpoint Central School District. ’96 BA Judith A. Perez-Caro, PhD, is the new director of equity, community and inclusion at the Georgetown University Law Center. She is the former director of diversity for the Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart. ’97 BS Jennifer R. O'Connell Couchman is a new manager for The Bonadio Group. She was a supervisor with Gaines Kriner Elliott LLP.

’99 BA, MBAPA ’11 Bryan Staniszewski, a financial advisor with Lumsden and McCormick LLP, earned professional designations as a personal financial specialist (PFS), certified financial planner (CFP) and accredited investment fiduciary (AIF). ’99 MS Patricia (Kursinczky) Langton, principal at Heim Elementary, received the 2016 Service to Youth Professional Award from the Williamsville School District’s PTSA Council. The award recognized Langton for her extraordinary service to children attending Williamsville schools.

2000s ’00 BS Sean C. Grieco was promoted from system administrator to infrastructure manager for The Bonadio Group. ’01 BA Paul J. Cumbo, an English teacher at Canisius High School, authored an article about Buffalo, which appeared in U.S. News & World Report’s 2016 rankings on the Best Places to Live in America. ’01 BS, MBA ’09 Tina M. (Colosimo) Harman is the new corporate controller for Immco Diagnostics Inc. She was corporate controller with Mentholatum Co. Inc. ’02 BA Molly S. (Short) Carr is the new director of the International Rescue Committee in Missoula, MT. She was the cultural orientation coordinator for the U.S. Refugee Admission Program’s Refugee Support Center. ’02 BA Catherine M. (Sicoli) Darling was promoted to associate project manager in bio-production with Thermo Fisher Scientific. She was a customer care representative for the company. ’02 BA Rocco N. Diina, assistant vice president and senior mortgage consultant at First Niagara Bank, was one of five top mortgage producers for First Niagara Financial Group Inc. for its entire Northeast region. Diina specializes in private client services mortgage products.


’97 BS Steven P. Pierpaoli, an information security senior manager at HSBC, was appointed chair of S.S. Peter & Paul School Board (Williamsville). ’97 BS Julie A. (Lannon) Voelkl is a new group benefits consultant with M&T Bank. She was a regional general manager for Old Nassau Imports (Double Cross Vodka). ’98 MBA John M. Lewandowski is the new global procurement optimization manager for Rich Products Corp. He was associate director of Gases & Containers for Praxair. ’99 BS, MBAACC ’00 Matthew P. Bryant was promoted to vice president of finance with PharmaSmart International. He was the controller. ’99 BA Colleen K. (Dougherty) Faupel was promoted to supervisor of assistive technology services for the New

Carolina V. Couto MS ’12 - Sport Administration Career Highlight: Carolina Couto was the ticketing group sales account manager for the Rio Olympics 2016 Organizing Committee. She managed ticket sales for the European and Oceania continents, and the U.S. and Canadian territories. Career Notes: Couto previously worked as a venue liaison at the FIFA World Cup Accommodation Office in Brazil.



’02 BS Jenniffer M. Rajner was promoted to lieutenant in the United States Navy and currently serves as the Department Head of Patient Administration at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Guantanamo Bay. ’03 BS Aimiamia Amadasu is a new vice president with Citi, where she oversees North American KYC (Know Your Customer) operations for capital markets. She was a vice president for business and planning with M&T Bank. ’03 BA Jessie L. Gregorio is a new associate with the law firm of Underberg & Kessler LLP in Rochester, NY. ’03 MSED Anthony J. Panella is the new superintendent for the Amherst Central School District. He was the district’s assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction. ’04 BS Kristin M. (Sorge) Cortese was named coordinator of clinical transformation for Catholic Medical Partners. She was supervisor of the Revenue Management Center for Catholic Health Systems. ’04 BA Joel P. Feroleto, an injury attorney with Feroleto Law Office, received the Sarah G. Metzger Human Rights Award on behalf of Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME). Feroleto was recognized for his outstanding contributions to civil rights. ’04 BA Lucian D. Sikorskyj is the new director for aviation and surface transportation security with the Transborder Directorate of the National Security Council in Washington D.C. He was an intelligence analyst at the FBI headquarters in Los Angeles, CA. ’05 MBA Marie-Claude Laprade was promoted to director of marketing of the Food Service Division at Rich Products Corporation. She was the senior marketing manager for the company’s toppings, culinary solutions and desserts division. ’06 BS Elizabeth A. (Gruber) Brem, MD, just completed her fellowship in hematology/oncology at Beth Israel Deaconess/Harvard Medical School. She is a new assistant professor of medicine at the University of California, Irvine, where her research and clinical practice focus on lymphoma. ’06 BS Steven T. Mogle was named managing director of the Technology Division for the New York practice of Advanced Resources. He was area vice president of Adecco Engineering and Technology for its New York and New Jersey offices. ’07 MBA Jessica Lynn Brosius is the new assistant controller and assistant vice president for Evans Bank, responsible for internal and external financial reporting. Brosius was an accountant with HSBC Bank. ’07 BA John T. Dyrcz Jr., a state affiliate political organizer with the American Federation of Teachers in New Mexico, was elected as a pledged delegate to



Hillary Clinton. He represents New Mexico's first congressional district. ’07 MBAPA Aaron Sypniewski, a tax manager with Brock Schechter & Polakoff LLP, was named treasurer of the Homespace Inc. Board of Directors and chair of its Audit and Ethics committees.


’08 BS Ashley A. (Kasper) Engl, an operations analyst for Lawley Insurance, was named Young Agent of the Year by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York. Engl was recognized for her work within the local chapter of independent insurance agents and her community involvement. ’08 BS Gregory M. Schober was promoted to vice president for Huber Construction. A 12-year employee of the company, Schober was recently the project manager for work at ECMC, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Dick's Sporting Goods. ’08 BA Jason A. Zwara is the new policy fellow with the Northeast Charter Schools Network. He was executive director of Buffalo ReformEd. ’09 MBA Anthony Donnelly was promoted from senior accountant to manager in the Small Business Advisory Division at The Bonadio Group. ’09 BA Moira H. Giammaresi, a corporate relations specialist for marketing and communications with BlueCross BlueShield of WNY, received the 30 Under Thirty Award from Business First.

Daniel J. Liburd MS ’16 - Health & Human Performance Career Highlight: Daniel Liburd competed in the Philadelphia qualifier of the television show “American Ninja Warrior.” He also competes nationally in bodybuilding, powerlifting, marathon and Ironman competitions. Career Notes: Liburd is an assistant strength and conditioning coach for the Buffalo Bills. He implements and oversees the team’s nutrition and dietary programs.

’09 MBA Breanna Pugh, a marketing manager with Ivoclar Vivadent Inc., received the 30 Under Thirty Award from Buffalo Business First.

2010s ’10 MBA Michael P. Bianca is a new mechanical contracting technician with D.V. Brown & Associates, responsible for on-site installation and repairs for commercial mechanical contracting projects. He was an AIM Trade Desk specialist for Bloomberg LP. ’10 BA Emma L. Fabian is the new director of the Center of Behavioral Health at Evergreen Health Services, where she oversees substance abuse programs. ’10 BS Vincent P. Nanula was promoted from customer coordinator to manager of operations at Essex Homes of WNY. ’11 BS, MS ’13 Hussam H. AlMukhtar, director of digital marketing at Inside Sales Team, received the company’s Innovator Award. AlMukhtar was recognized for delivering innovative solutions to clients, for all digital aspects of a project. ’11 BS, MBA ’12 Sean P. Balkin, associate at Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP, was sworn in as a member of the New York State Bar. ’11 BS, MSED ’13 Sarah A. Galante is the new athletic director for Mount St. Mary Academy. She was the athletic director at the Lovette School in Atlanta, GA.

’11 BS, MBAACC ’12 Matthew J. Krajna, a portfolio manager with Nottingham Advisors in Buffalo, received his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. ’12 BS Alyssa L. Cohen is a new client service representative with Freed Maxick CPAs PC. She was an accountant for Gross Shuman Brizdle and Gilfillan PC. ’12 BA Joseph T. Mondo is a new school psychologist for Cheektowaga Central Middle School. ’12 BS, MBAACC ’13 Christine Roemer was promoted to senior auditor with Dopkins & Company LLP, where she is part of the general services team. ’13 BS Jason C. Frizlen is the new property leasing manager for Frizlen Group Architects. ’13 MS Kathleen Macleay is the new assistant director of fraternity and sorority life at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. She was a residence hall director at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. ’13 BA Bridget M. Schaefer is the new public relations and communications associate for 19 IDEAS. She was a producer with WIBV-TV Channel 4 in Buffalo.

’14 BA Molly Burhans accepted a residency position at the Environmental Systems Research Institute in Redlands, CA. She works out of the institute’s Applications Prototype Lab to develop a Catholic community spatial data infrastructure for GoodLands. The initiative, which Burhans founded, works to increase the Catholic Church’s understanding and ecological planning of its landholdings so these lands can be a means for positive global environmental social change. ’14 MS Wendy M. Casey won the U.S.A. Boxing Ringside World Championships, held in Independence, MO. Casey competed in the Women’s Open Class 125lb division. She also won the Women’s National Golden Gloves Tournament held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. ’14 BA, MS ’16 Anne M. Continetti is a new admissions counselor at Hilbert College. ’14 BS, MS ’15 Joseph A. Fedele is an assistant accountant in the Commercial Division of The Bonadio Group. ’14 BS Chase A. LaDue began his doctoral studies in environmental science and public policy at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.

alumninotes ’14 BS, MS ’15 Colin Alexander Ott is the new asset-based lending (ABL) field examiner with Dopkins & Company LLP. He was an accounting assistant for the Stohl Group of Companies. ’14 BS, MBAACC ’15 Elizabet S. Stefanova was promoted from staff accountant to assistant accountant in the Commercial Division of The Bonadio Group. ’14 BS, MS ’15 Patrick A. Sullivan is the new assistant accountant in the Health Care/ Tax Exempt West Division for The Bonadio Group. ’14 BA Kenneth T. Liszewski was promoted to marketing and development executive for the Greater Niagara Frontier Council, Boy Scouts of America. He is the former Tatonka District executive. ’15 MS Kristen Brignone is the new residence director for Schulz Hall at SUNY Fredonia. ’15 BS Zachary Geschwender is a new financial consultant for AXA Advisors LLC. ’15 Clayton R. Waliczek is a new financial consultant for AXA Advisors LLC. He was a customer service specialist with the Center for Diagnostic Imaging. ’16 MSED Dalphne (Buckley) Bell, supervisor of mathematics for the Buffalo Board of Education, received the 30 Under Thirty Award from Business First. ’16 MS Douglas J. Tay is the new membership coordinator at the Independent Health Family Branch YMCA in Williamsville.

Weddings Amanda R. Adolf ’09 and Kyle Duncan April 30, 2016

Valorie N. Nappo ’14 and William J. Baron ’15 *July 30, 2016

Alyssa B. Bachman ’12 and James A. Russell Jr. ’11 May 14, 2016

Chelsea R. Pollinger ’11, MS ’13 and Gregory D. Glawatz ’11 *May 7, 2016

Chantal B. Bartels ’09, MD and Conor R. Thomas ’10, PhD *April 23, 2016

*Kara E. Powalski ’12 and Michael B. Allaire ’12, MBAACC ’13 *May 28, 2016

Lisa Ann Buchholz ’09 and Brandon Copece May 21, 2016

Kathryn E. Shaw ’07, MS ’08 and Derek McWilliams July 5, 2016

Danielle R. Chiesi ’94 and Lance T. Wingo June 4, 2016

Lauren M. Shelley ’11 and Zachary Polvino August 7, 2015

Kimberly J. Gamble ’08 and Derrek Greene May 20, 2016

Gary L. Steltermann ’10, MSA ’14 and Jennifer Pye *October 1, 2016

Paul V. Gorczyca ’06 and Kathryn Garcia September 19, 2015

Jennifer L. Whitlocke ’09 and Christopher J. Wilcox ’09, DO June 4, 2016

David M. Marsh ’07 and Jolee Fedak, EdD October 3, 2015

Ashley L. Wielinski ’07, MBA ’08 and Joshua D. Baczkiewicz *April 16, 2016

*Indicates married in Christ the King Chapel


"CHEESE" Canisius Magazine is now accepting photos for the Alumni Notes section. If you would like to submit a picture to coincide with your alumni note, baby Griff or wedding announcement, simply email it to Due to space constraints we may not be able to publish all photos submitted.

Canisius College takes pride in its alumni, and joyfully shares the news of their lives and achievements. Supportive of our Catholic Church’s teachings, publication of announcements provided to us by our alumni does not necessarily imply an endorsement by Canisius College.

Griffs Under 40 Do you know an innovative and inspiring young graduate who is using his or her Canisius education to make a difference in the world? If so, Canisius Magazine wants to know. The editors are compiling the college’s first list of 40 alumni – under the age of 40 – who demonstrate success in their professions, through their community advocacy or in athletics. Help us identify our best and brightest. Visit magazine and nominate someone impressive (or your amazing self). FALL 2016 CANISIUS COLLEGE M AGA ZINE


IN MEMORIAM Howard G. Eimer ’46 March 5, 2016

Chester W. Mrozinski ’52 March 12, 2016

Leonard B. Powalski ’58, MSED ’59 May 12, 2016

Thomas P. Lindner ’71 April 8, 2016

Daniel J. Fahey ’46, MD May 29, 2016

Edward J. O’Brien ’52 April 12, 2016

Thomas B. Rojek ’59 April 22, 2016

Gerald T. McKee ’46 March 18, 2016

Robert P. Martin ’53 June 27, 2016

Raymond F. Sutton ’59 April 1, 2016

Linda L. (Mazurkiewicz) Loden Summit ’72, MSED ’75 March 26, 2016

Hon. John J. Honan ’47 April 18, 2016

Robert B. Wall MSED ’53 March 15, 2016

William J. Burns ’62 June 4, 2016

Theodore P. Labuzzetta ’47, MSED ’68 March 30, 2016

William J. Green ’54 June 4, 2016

Robert J. Heffern ’62, MSED ’69 March 2, 2016

Thomas N. Hutchinson ’54 March 6, 2016

Peter R. Travers Jr. ’64 February 24, 2016

Albert F. Webber ’54 March 8, 2016

John H. McKeever ’66, MBA ’72 April 6, 2016

Norbert A. Bishop ’55 March 26, 2016

Rita M. Piccolo ’66 March 14, 2016

Daniel J. Finn Jr. ’55 March 22, 2016

Gerald F. Hicks Jr. MSED ’67 May 12, 2016

Eugene A. Gabalski ’55 April 23, 2016

Marie J. Maida MSED ’67 May 8, 2016

James C. McArdle ’55 May 10, 2016

Sister John P. Russell MSED ’67 June 21, 2016

Philip Scozzaro ’55, MD March 11, 2016

Ronald M. Slominski ’68, MBA ’73 February 23, 2016

Edgar F. Shanahan ’55 March 12, 2016

Stanley W. Valkosky Jr. ’68 May 4, 2016

Wayne E. Lemoine ’56 May 31, 2016

Thomas W. Balcerek ’69, PhD March 30, 2016

Frank R. Morse ’56 February 29, 2016

Edward P. Carroll Jr. ’69 July 21, 2016

Donald V. Tomasulo ’56, EdD May 12, 2016

Elaine P. Missel ’69 April 25, 2016

Gerald M. Brennan ’57 March 9, 2016

Harry F. Mooney ’69 May 10, 2016

Henry G. Klee ’57, MSED ’65 May 18, 2016

Thomas J. Fritsch Jr. ’70 March 20, 2016

James F. Penberthy ’57 May 15, 2016

Rev. Nicholas A. Rossello ’70 June 12, 2016

Rev. Robert E. Voelkle ’57 April 9, 2016

Frank Cislo ’71 April 14, 2016

Mary Jane Paladino ’58 June 25, 2016

Sr. Mary Ellen Hoen MSED ’71 April 28, 2016

Leonard J. Mruk ’48 June 27, 2016 Albert G. Bickelman ’49, MD March 22, 2016 Gerald S. Kehoe ’49 January 2, 2016 Lambert J. Wischerath Jr. ’49 July 1, 2016 Edward R. Campagna ’50 May 22, 2016 Edward P. Gannon ’50 October 28, 2015 Donald E. Schuler ’50, MS ’52 March 8, 2016 Marcellus C. Sobkiewicz ’50 May 31, 2016 Leonard T. Antos ’51 May 17, 2016 William J. Desmond ’51 December 18, 2015 Donald J. Kieffer ’51 April 25, 2016 Robert J. Madden ’51 November 28, 2015 John A. Mercer ’51 April 29, 2016 William V. Zamer ’51 March 26, 2016 Robert G. Jackson ’52 April 2, 2016 John D. Lyons Jr. ’52 March 13, 2016 26


Mark S. Rojek ’72 April 12, 2016 Rev. Lewis R. Bigler ’73, MA ’73 April 22, 2016 Ronald L. Learn ’73 May 19, 2016 Paul T. Wietig MSED ’73, PhD April 11, 2016 Mary S. Carbone MSED ’74 June 19, 2016 Joan M. (Flanigen ) Drexelius MS ’74, PhD June 8, 2016 Maureen A. (Krzeminski) Wheeler ’74, MSED ’79 April 1, 2016 Patricia A. (Lester) Gawron MSED ’76 July 9, 2016 Theresa B. Fornes ’78 April 9, 2016 Lawrence A. Wroblewski ’80 June 4, 2016 Michelle L. (Rondina) Duszynski ’81 May 25, 2016 Helen A. (Barrett) Pawenska ’81 June 9, 2016 John E. McGunigle MBA ’84 June 23, 2016 Herman Slaughter ’84 February 28, 2016 Deborah M. Glab MBA ’93 March 25, 2016 Sean J. Thompsen ’99 June 13, 2016 Corinne M. Sindo MSED ’00 April 18, 2016 B. John Harris ’06 September 1, 2016


Nicole L. (Festaiuti) Allen '05, MBA '08 and Zach Allen, a daughter, Avery Marie, born February 12, 2016

Jennifer M. (O’Connor) Kennedy ’08 and Justin Kennedy, a son, Connor Patrick, born January 7, 2016

Colleen P. (Gault) Basil ’05 and David E. Basil ’04, a daughter, Victoria Caroline, born June 23, 2015

Rachel (Carroll) Pellicano ’12 and Christopher S. Pellicano ’09, a daughter, Sophia Mariangela, born June 26, 2016

Paul J. Cumbo '01 and Megan Cumbo, a son, Benjamin John, born January 3, 2016

Dean L Ramirez '98, MSED '08 and Melissa Ramirez, a son, Mark Moran, born April 2, 2016

Ashley A. (Kasper) Engl '08 and Brian M. Engl MBA '08, a daughter, Melody Ann, born February 29, 2016

Susan (Osborne) Schermerhorn ’03 and Daryl Schermerhorn, a son, Hoyt Michael, born September 12, 2015

Elizabeth (Cevallos) Galarneau '01 and Jeffrey P. Galarneau, a son, Roland James, born February 12, 2016

Brian Smolinski '01 and Kimberly Smolinski, a daughter, Madison Marie, born June 15, 2015

Susan P. (Battaglia) Gambino '05 and Angelo S. Gambino '04, a daughter, Anna Bernadette, born January 24, 2016

Janet Ann (Doyle) Staub ’02 and Christopher J. Staub ’00, a daughter, Anya Jane, born September 1, 2015

Jessica M. (Masciello) Kane ’06 and Derik A. Kane ’05, a daughter, Aurelia, born August 3, 2015

Therese (Koprucki) Urban ’08 and Jonathan Urban ’06, a daughter, Lucy Therese, born June 24, 2015

Tara R. (Schwendner) Kazmark ’07 and Adam Kazmark, a daughter, Luna Rae, born May 11, 2016


I S S U E ' S






born February 19, 2016 to David T. Kingston ’01 and Mary A. Dust Kingston ’04

born May 31, 2016 to Gregory J. Kingston ’03 and Kimberly Turner Kingston

Future Griffins Zachary David Kingston (left) and his cousin, Joseph Gregory Kingston (right).


Annual Report of Donors In an increasingly competitive world, it is imperative that Canisius continue to advance its robust tradition of educating the brightest minds, intellectually and spiritually. Canisius was able to do that in every way during 2015-16, thanks to an outpouring of generosity from our alumni, friends and our benevolent volunteers. As you’ll read in this 2015-16 Annual Report of Donors, your investment in Canisius enabled the college to increase its number of donors and fundraising dollars. More importantly, your philanthropy helped to fuel tuition and scholarship assistance, endow scholars and programs, strengthen our Jesuit mission, and enhance the college’s living and learning spaces for students.


DE V ELOPM EN T SU M M A RY * Canisius Fund. . . . . . . . . $2,824,144

Endowment. . . . . . . . . . $3,230,032

On behalf of our students, in particular, as well as our faculty and staff, THANK YOU!

Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $377,395

THANK YOU for supporting Canisius College in such an astounding way.

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,431,571

THANK YOU for helping our students discover their strengths and talents.

THANK YOU for enabling students to pursue their passions and interests.

THANK YOU for empowering our students to do more, be more and give more back to the world.

The following pages of this abbreviated Annual Report celebrate a few of the thousands of donors, whose generosity helped make Canisius’ 2015-16 fundraising efforts a success. With your continued support, the possibilities of creating an even better future for Canisius and its students are boundless.

*Includes gifts & pledges

The following pages offer an abbreviated version of the 2015-16 Annual Report. To view all levels of donor support for annual, capital and/or endowed gifts, visit

William M. Collins Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Canisius College

CanisiusFund Photo: Michael Stobe

Canisius Fund You inspire our students Annual gifts to the Canisius Fund help make a Canisius education possible. In fiscal year 2015-16, more than 5,700 alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff and organizations donated to the Canisius Fund, which resulted in $2.8 million raised – nearly eight percent over goal. These dollars provide essential funding for tuition and scholarship assistance, ensure academic and athletic excellence, and enable those programs that strengthen our Jesuit mission, to continue. Every single gift – no matter the size – impacts every one of our 3,904 Canisius students.






Bobby Stroud Jr. ’14 makes his first gift to Canisius Fund Not all learning takes place in a lecture hall. Bobby Stroud Jr. ’14 believes that his time spent working and playing at the Koessler Athletic Center (KAC) was as valuable as his work inside the classroom. “The KAC was really my home-away-from-home while at Canisius,” says the Syracuse native. Stroud worked “practically every game at the Koessler,” as a member of the college’s event staff. He spent his days off working out at the gym or playing intramural sports. Just being in the environment helped Stroud “stay focused” on his professional goal: a career in sports marketing. He scored big.



This past year, Stroud became coordinator of VIP services for the NHL’s New York Islanders. Shortly afterward, he made his first gift to the Canisius Fund. “When I think about where I am in my career such a short time after graduation, I wonder ‘Would I be here had I not chosen Canisius,’” Stroud says, reflecting on his donation. “Honestly, I don’t think so.”



CanisiusFund 5,742 donors

3,904 students

$2.8+ million









designated by 3,882 donors

designated by 879 donors

designated by 753 donors

designated by 185 donors


$50,000 designated by 378 donors

In addition, donors designated $121,000 to support other areas such as student life, residence life, administrative departments and special fundraising projects.



Anthony Habib ’95 (left) and Ronald Raccuia ’90 (right)








G I V I N G D AY 04 • 2 7 • 2 0 1 6 WE SAID WE CAN. TOGETHER WE DID. The Canisius Fund concluded its 2015-16 campaign with 690 more donors than the previous year. Giving Day, on April 27, 2016, played a pivotal role in that increase. A total of 1,093 donors contributed to the inaugural 24-hour online and telephone giving campaign; nearly triple the original donor goal! The extraordinary level of participation coupled with the Board of Trustees Challenge Grant, helped yield an unprecedented $223,038 in gifts for the college in a single day.




39% of Giving Day participants were new or lapsed (5+ years) donors

1,093 donors gave $223,038 DONOR PROFILE

Habib ’95, Raccuia ’90 spearhead Giving Day Challenge What a difference a day can make. April 27, 2016 will go down in the Canisius chronicles as the day 1,093 alumni, family, friends, faculty, students and staff came together to help raise $223,038 for the college – in just 24 hours. “Giving Day 2016 was something very special in Canisius’ history,” says Ronald A. Raccuia ’90, a member of the college’s Board of Trustees. “The Canisius spirit came out in full force and it was great to be part of that,” adds fellow Trustee Anthony B. Habib ’95. Habib and Raccuia spearheaded the Board of Trustees' Giving Day Challenge, which unlocked additional monies every time

important milestones were met - enabling each Giving Day gift to go even further. The Trustees made a $25,000 gift to the college after the first 427 donors. They donated another $10,000 when the Giving Day donor mark reached 716. When a remarkable 1,000 donors participated, the Trustees made a final gift of $15,000. “The entire college community came together, in a monumental way, to support the college and its mission,” says Raccuia. “I’m proud the Board of Trustees could help set the tone for the day and contribute.” “There is no more deserving recipient than Canisius, where so many students have gone on to accomplish great things,” concludes Habib. “Now let’s do it - even better – this year!”




Leadership Society


Most generous 2015-16 benefactors help provide critical resources


Donors who contribute $1,000 or more annually are recognized with membership in the Leadership Society. In 2015-16 more than 900 alumni, friends, faculty, staff, parents and organizations supported Canisius at this level – the most in the college’s history! The collective generosity of Leadership Society members represented 79 percent of Canisius Fund commitments in 2015-16 and provided a total of $5.3 million in annual, endowment and capital funds for scholarships, academic and athletic excellence, and programs that further develop our Jesuit educational mission.




Joyson Thomas ’03 boosts scholarship support at Canisius via Leadership Society giving Joyson C. Thomas ’03 is quick to say his Canisius education helped him fast-track his way up the proverbial corporate ladder. He is controller of MatlinPatterson Global Advisors in New York City, which manages $6 billion in private equity and hedge funds. Fortunately for his alma mater, Thomas’ tenet is to lift others as he climbs. A committed career mentor for Canisius, Thomas helps young alumni set professional goals and make sound career decisions. He is also a longtime alumni ambassador and often the first friendly face potential students meet when they approach the Canisius table at college fairs in and around New York City. “My Canisius education helped get me where I am today and so I love being able to share my college experiences with high school students,” he says. Thomas is as generous with his time as he is his treasure. He contributes annually to the Geraldine G. and James S. Valone, PhD, Endowed Scholarship, named after his late academic advisor; the Aaron Bender ’03 Accounting Scholarship, established in memory of his former classmate; and the Rev. Vincent M. Cooke, SJ, Endowed Chair in Ethics.

Photo: Chris Lee

“I was fortunate to attend Canisius with a combination of scholarship support and financial aid, so I owe it to the students coming after me to help alleviate the cost of tuition so they can enjoy the same great experiences I did.”


Established in 2015, the Magis Giving Circle represents the three highest giving levels of Leadership Society: the Chairman’s Circle, 1870 Founder’s Club and Peter Canisius Fellow. In 2015-16, 195 Magis Circle members contributed $4.4 million to Canisius, collectively.

L E V EL S OF L E A DER SH I P Chairman's Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000+ 1870 Founder's Club. . . . . . . . . . $10,000 - $24,999


Donlons’ Leadership Society gift helps Jesuit mission endure

Peter Canisius Fellow. . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 - $9,999 President's Council Benefactor. . . . . $2,500 - $4,999 President's Council Member. . . . . . . $1,000 - $2,499

YOU NG A LU M N I L E V EL S * 1-2 years since graduation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 3-5 years since graduation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250 6-8 years since graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 9-10 years since graduation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750

Though Jeffrey W. ’97 and Robin J. ’99 Donlon didn’t meet while undergraduates at Canisius, both received an education that influenced their careers, their family and the way in which they give back to the community. “Robin and I appreciated how Jesuit values permeated whatever courses we took, from religion to philosophy to English,” Jeffrey says. “The ability to explore a number of electives outside my major helped make me the well-rounded individual I am today,” Robin adds. Now the Donlons are supporting the next generation of students who want a Canisius education. As members of the Leadership Society, their gift helps to ensure that the college’s Jesuit values and academic rigor endure. “By making an investment in the student experience, we are helping to pave the way for future Canisius leaders,” Jeffrey concludes.

* Based on undergraduate class years FALL 2016 CANISIUS COLLEGE M AGA ZINE



The Rev. James M. Demske ’47, SJ, Society Your planned gift provides a permanent source of support




Established in 1982, the Rev. James M. Demske ’47, SJ, Society honors all those who include Canisius in their estate plans. The foresight and generosity of these individuals provide a permanent source of support for scholarships, academic programs, student opportunities and campus enhancements that will ensure the strength of Canisius College for generations to come. At the same time, members of the Rev. Demske Society forever tie their legacies to Canisius. In fiscal year 2015-16, the Rev. Demske Society grew to 589 members and 16 bequests were realized totaling nearly $1.6 million. For more information or to make a gift to The Rev. Demske Society, contact Dan Warner, leadership gift officer, at 716.888.2235 or


Ann Woloszynski ’90, MBA ’94 makes alma mater part of her legacy Ann L. Woloszynski ’90, MBA ’94 learned the significance of simple gestures early on at Canisius. It was a lesson instilled in her by former softball coach Mike Rappl ’77, MS ’80. “He always emphasized the importance of giving back,” says the 2004 Sports Hall of Fame inductee. Those values remain with Woloszynski today - and alma mater is a fortunate beneficiary. The administrative vice president of banking controls at M&T Bank shares her professional experiences and expertise with Canisius students and young female alumnae as a career mentor and member of the Women’s Leadership Council. During her many years on the Alumni Board of Directors and tenure as Alumni Association president, Woloszynski helped advance alumni engagement. She continues to serve on her class reunion committees. Never one to shy away from hard work, Woloszynski often volunteers at Canisius Community Days and the college’s Christmas toy and gift move for St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy. She previously traveled to New Orleans with Campus Ministry to assist in rebuilding efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina. “I’ve come to realize that what I give is always outweighed by what I get back.” Woloszynski’s connection to Canisius culminated this past year, when she named the college a beneficiary in her will. “I felt it was important to leave a legacy at the place that has so significantly impacted my life.”


Endowed Support A gift that yields high returns Endowed support is a cornerstone of private giving in higher education. As of May 31, 2016, the college’s endowment stood at $104,297,917. Additionally, 12 new endowed scholarships were established at Canisius.


New endowed fund continues legacy of late Emmett Reilly ’85 Emmett L. Reilly ’85 gave new meaning to the term “paint the town,” during his lifetime. Well before Buffalo’s renaissance, the late president of the John W. Danforth Co. helped to revitalize the city as co-chair of Brush-Up Buffalo. The not-for-profit brought together public and private resources and hundreds of volunteers, to give city homes fresh coats of paint. Reilly helped establish the community initiative in 1996.

An endowment fund is a gift made with the stipulation that the principal can never be spent; only earnings over and above the principal can be expended. These earnings provide a perpetual source of support for student scholarships and key academic programs. Just this last year, Canisius awarded more than $3.1 million in endowed funds, up 3.12 percent from the previous year. For more information or to make an endowed gift, contact Ginny S. Dadaian, director of stewardship & events, at 716.888.8217 or

N E W EN DOW ED F U N DS Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International Scholarship The Jane Baryza Scholarship Fund Kurt C. Bingeman ’71 Memorial Scholarship

Today, Reilly’s legacy for a beautified Buffalo lives on through the Emmett L. Reilly ’85 Fund for Community Service. Established by Reilly’s parents, Helen and the late Wayne ’51, the fund supports Canisius Community Days, a biannual event that enlists alumni, student and staff volunteers in a unified neighborhood cleanup effort.

The Catherine E. ’72 & Robert M. ’66 Greene Scholarship in Honor of President John J. Hurley

“The Emmett Reilly Fund has had a meaningful impact on the largest of all Campus Ministry’s service programs and, by extension, the greater Buffalo community,” says Campus Minister Mike Hayes who notes that the endowment also provides financial support for Campus Ministry programs “that feed the city’s hungry and homeless.”

Robert E. Levi ’54 Scholarship

The Emmett Reilly Fund is the second of two endowed funds established by Helen and Wayne Reilly. The couple also created the Wayne R. Reilly ’51 Family Scholarship, which supports incoming freshmen who demonstrate both academic merit and financial need.

The Theodore H. Hausle ’46 Memorial Scholarship Fund John R. Kennedy Scholarship

Dr. Angelo A. Licata ’66 Scholarship Fund The Emmett L. Reilly ’85 Fund for Community Service Dr. Robert F. Tidd ’47 Award for Distinction in Mathematics Endowed Fund Phyllis & Richard Ulmer Scholarship Fund The Gerald Zon ’67, PhD, FRSC Scholarship in Chemistry and Biochemistry FALL 2016 CANISIUS COLLEGE M AGA ZINE


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Homecoming Weekend 2016 Canisius alumni, students and faculty united in blue and gold in September to celebrate their educations, their college family and their alma mater. Homecoming Weekend 2016 drew a crowd of more than 1,000 to campus throughout the four-day event, which kicked off with a Favorite Professors reception followed by the dedication of the new Griffin statue and the always popular Friday night Tent Party.

Homecoming Weekend also included Java with the Jesuits, Fall Fest, campus tours, a host of athletic events and the Distinguished Alumni Dinner. The weekend concluded with an alumni Mass in Christ the King Chapel. WEB EXTRA > Check out the Homecoming Weekend photo gallery at

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