2015 members handbook

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2015 Members Handbook

On Line Tee Times: www.canmoregolf.net TeeTimes Phone: (403) 678-4785 Administration Phone: (403) 678-5959 ext 221 Sandtraps Restaurant: (403) 678-5959 ext 3

2000 - 8th Avenue, Canmore, AB, TIW 1Y2

President: Phil Marra Vice President: Tammy McFeeters Past President: Darrel Hrushka Executive Committee Brad Portlock, Chris Wyman, Robin Wade, Sarita Deegan, Bob Lambert, Dave Blair, Adam Marra and Trevor Long

Director of Golf / General Manager Darren Cooke 678-5959 ext. 230 darren.cooke@canmoregolf.net Assistant General Manager Dave Jones 678-5959 ext. 223 dave.jones@canmoregolf.net Course Superintendent Reid Solodan 678-5959 ext. 240 reid.solodan@canmoregolf.net Golf Professional Rick Eichele 678-5959 ext. 231 rick.eichele@canmoregolf.net Food & Beverage Manager John Chiarelli 678-5959 ext. 222 john.chiarelli@canmoregolf.net


Communication: Executive Meetings Any and all decisions regarding operational issues of the Canmore Golf & Curling Club (hereafter "The Club") will be resolved by quorum of the Executive Committee. At the Discretion of the Executive Committee, as established from policy manual section A—Governance committees will be appointed to represent different areas of the club. Committees consist of Executive Members, volunteer Club Members, Club Employees, or any combination thereof. It is requested that any and all concerns on Club issues be directed to the appropriate Committee Head. Submissions should be in writing and with adequate advance notice in matters where time is of essence. This should ensure an effective and professional system of communication is maintained. All written submissions will be acknowledged by the Committee Head. Circumstances will dictate how each particular situation is handled. The Executive Committee meets a minimum of once per month. Additional meetings may be called as required. Committees of the Executive will meet at the discretion of the Committee Head and the members of that committee throughout the year. Executive elections are held once per year at the Annual Meeting in January or February. Elections to the Executive Committee are as follows: *Only members holding a Preferred Membership Certificate (P.M.C.) are eligible for nomination; *P.M.C. members are entitled to one vote each for each vacant position on the Executive Committee; *Directors are elected for the term of two years; *P.M.C. holders are entitled to one vote each to elect a Vice-President, who will automatically, ascend to president for the following year. The Annual Budget Meeting will take place in late October, at which time the subsequent year’s budget is presented. P.M.C. members are encouraged to attend and participate.


2015 Committee Chairpersons Treasurer / Secretary:

Robin Wade


Sarita Deegan

Food & Beverage:

Tammy McFeeters Dave Blair

Pro Shop / Handicap:

Phil Marra / Chris Wyman Bob Lambert

Grounds / Environment:

Brad Portlock Trevor Long



Dave Blair / Tammy Mcfeeters

Master Plan:

Darrel Hrushka /Tammy McFeeters/Phil Marra/ Trevor Long


Phil Marra / Adam Marra Bob Lambert

The Clubhouse The Clubhouse The Clubhouse is open on a daily basis all year round. Hours of operation will be adjusted to match the season. Please consult your monthly newsletter for exact hours and specific functions at the clubhouse. The main room in the clubhouse is available for private functions. Please book early as this room is often reserved up to one year in advance. Advance reservations in the Dining Room for lunch and dinner are graciously accepted. Your reservation will assist our management team in providing proper service to you. Please call 678-5959 ext. 3.

Office Hours The administration office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm (winter hours 8:30am - 4:00pm). Please conduct your business during these times.

Curling Rink & Lounge The Curling Rink is available during the curling season for private functions. During the Curling off-season the Curling Rink is converted to a large banquet room. Groups up to 450 people can be accommodated. The Curling Lounge is available for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner reservations. A reservation is required if you would like the use of this room. Reservations can be made by calling 678-5959 ext 222.

Halfway House There are two halfway houses on the course, they are located between holes 9 & 10 as well as 5 & 6 and are available daily during the golf season. Please try to minimize your time spent at the halfway house, as this will improve the overall speed of play on the golf course.

Smoking The Canmore Golf & Curling Club is a non-smoking facility. All common areas are non-smoking as well (this includes hallways and washrooms). This requires the cooperation of all members. Smoking is permitted on the course. Please dispose of extinguished cigarettes, cigars & pipe tobacco in trash containers, not on greens, fairways or tees.


Standards of Conduct Policy The Standards of Conduct are an integral part of the policy of the Canmore Golf & Curling Club. Every person shall conduct himself or herself in a socially acceptable manner.

Operational Guidelines 1) General Department Swearing, boisterous or unbecoming conduct shall not be permitted.

2) Injury/Damage Every person using club facilities is fully responsible for their actions and shall refrain from activity, which could result in injury to personnel or damage to club property.

3) AGLC Regulations Liquor not purchased from the club is prohibited anywhere on the Golf and Curling Club property. Law prohibits - the service of liquor to intoxicated people. It is also illegal to allow an intoxicated person to be on or in a licensed premise.

4) Dress Code A dress code has been established and is to be enforced at all times in all parts of the clubhouse, golf course, driving range and practice areas. (See page 7)

5) Golf Shoes – Soft Spike Requirement To preserve the putting greens, golf shoes must be fitted with soft spikes, this applies to the golf course and pitching, chipping and putting green practice areas.

6) Complaints Formal complaints about policy or golf related matters must be submitted in writing to the Executive . In practice, the director of golf handles most minor complaints.

7) Cell Phones Cell phones and other similar communication devices may be used on the course. All forms of these devices must be used on “vibrate” or silent mode. Use of the device must be done discretely to cause no disturbance to other players.

8) Enforcement


The Executive has delegated the responsibility of enforcing this standard to any employee of the C.G. & C.C. The judgment of the employee shall be final in matters pertaining to violation of this standard and therefore not subject to argument or debate by members or guests.

Organizers of Corporate Tournaments or other private functions shall be responsible to ensure participants are aware of this standard and to cooperate with club employees in its enforcement.

Standards of Conduct cont… Dress Code Guidelines (Golf Course):    

 

Neat & clean business or casual dress is mandatory. Dress must be properly fitted and appropriate to the occasions. For individuals using the golf course and practice facilities enforcement of the dress code is left to the discretion of the pro shop staff. Generally, neat and clean clothing is sufficient to fulfill the appropriate dress requirement. Clothing such as jeans (black, blue or white) (pink and fashion colours are okay), bathing suits, halter-tops, extremely short shorts (4 inch inseam for shorts, 15 inches top to bottom), sweat pants, t-shirts with logos and inappropriate footwear such as hiking and cowboy boots are prohibited. Shirts with no sleeves must have collars; Shirts with sleeves may have no collar. Dress code applies to all people on the course including walkers, spectators and tournament assistants. Course maintenance workers are exempt.

Dress Code Guidelines (Driving Range): On the Driving Range guidelines will be no swim suits, muscle shirts (men’s shirts must have sleeves), dirty clothes, cutoffs, biking shorts, extremely short shorts, tube tops, spaghetti tops, t-shirts with derogatory remarks, gestures or slogans (male or female).

Membership The Canmore Golf & Curling Club has a membership based on members who hold Preferred Members Certificates (PMC) and a general membership. We have three categories of membership - adults, students and juniors. Life and Honorary Memberships are awarded to those who qualify. Membership applications are available from the Administration Office. The Canmore Golf and Curling Club offers a transfer program whereby a member can transfer his/her membership to another person, who is on the waitlist, with the following restrictions: (see next page)


Eligible reasons for Transfer: Medical Members that have a certified medical reason are eligible to transfer their membership an unlimited amount of times during their tenure as a member. A medical certificate is required stipulating reasons and date of incapacity to be eligible for a medical transfer. Medical transfers are subject to 1/2 of the regular golf dues, excluding the Food & Beverage assessment, plus the applicable taxes, for the year being transferred. A medical transfer member is permitted to return to the golf course at any time of the season. If the member wishes to return from the medical transfer prior to July 15th, they shall pay the prorated additional fees for the portion of the year prior to July 15th. If they wish to return after July 15th no additional fees will be charged or refunded. A vacancy created by a medical transfer may be filled from the waiting list without jeopardizing the transferees’ right to return.

Optional Each member shall be entitled to transfer their golfing privileges a maximum of five (5) times during the tenure of their membership for any reason, provided there is a person on the Wait List willing to accept the transfer. The transferring member will pay to the club an Administration Fee as per the following schedule: (includes GST) 1st Transfer: $105.00 2nd Transfer: $210.00 3rd Transfer: $315.00 th 4 Transfer: $420.00 5th Transfer: $525.00 Access to the privilege of the transfer shall be on a first come-first served basis beginning on the Billing Date for Dues (November 1st). Transfers will not be allowed after the deadline for dues (first Friday in March). Persons accepting a transfer are not entitled to full membership any earlier (their place on the waitlist will not be changed), nor does it guarantee that they can get a transfer membership again if their full membership does not come through in subsequent years.

Other Members who have a need to transfer their golfing privileges but do not qualify under the preceding eligible reasons can apply to the Executive. Applications for transfers must be made in writing and submitted to the Executive at least 30 days prior to the first Friday in March of each year. The decision of the Executive shall be final.


Member Accounts F & B Assessment Every spring a Food & Beverage assessment is billed with your Golf Dues. This amount is applied to your Member account as a credit. This amount must be used during the Golf Season; any credit balances left on October 31 (The Club’s fiscal year end) will be transferred into general revenues. This credit cannot be transferred to another member account, ie. your spouse. All active Adult & Senior members are provided with a Member Account Number that may be used to charge items at any of the F&B Outlets. Statements are sent out monthly and are due upon receipt. It is the responsibility of the membership to pay their Canmore Golf and Curling Club accounts on a current basis. Our policy states that: - If a member’s account becomes delinquent in excess of 30 days the club reserves the right to assess interest at a rate of 2% per month, at the discretion of the Executive . The Executive also reserves the right to suspend a member’s charging and/or playing privileges for non-payment of an overdue account. - In the event that a member fails to clear his/her F&B charges, related to the prior fiscal year, by the close of business on the second Friday of March, it will result in the termination of the membership without notice to the member.

Chits To charge on your member account you must print your name and member number on the sales receipt in the space provided. You may add a gratuity if you wish and total the receipt to the bottom line. You must sign the chit on the signature line provided. If you require a copy of your chit as a receipt, please request it from your server. Only members in good standing have charging privileges. These privileges may be extended to your to your immediate family only (junior/student members) with written consent of the account-holding member. Charge account approval forms are available from the Administration Office.


A.G.L.C. Regulations Liquor Purchased from the clubs service outlets may be consumed in the following areas, Dining Room, Curling Lounge, Deck and on the Golf Course. We ask that liquor NOT be consumed in hallways, locker rooms, or on any part of the parking lot. Please note that liquor not purchased from the club is prohibited anywhere on our property.

Club Storage Club storage, beneath Pro Shop, is available to members in good standing. Cost is $20.00 + G.S.T. per set of clubs per year. Please contact the administration office to arrange club storage. Refundable $20.00 cash deposit required when picking up key for lock . *Those members who rented space last season, we would ask you to please return your keys if you have not already done so, as the locks will be recoded. Keys must be returned by Dec 1, 2015 in order to receive your deposit back.

Clubhouse Lockers Members have the opportunity to rent a locker equipped with a club lock for a one (1) year period (November to October) for $40.00 + GST. The use of personal locks is no longer permitted on clubhouse lockers. Please contact the administration office to arrange Clubhouse locker rental. The Club accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of personal property while stored on club property.

Personal Property Please keep your personal property in a secure place. The Club is not responsible for theft or damage to any belongings left unattended on Club Property. Any bags, suitcases, clothing, shoes, etc. left out of lockers and unattended will be collected and retained by Canmore Golf & Curling Club. All items left unclaimed by the end of the season will be disposed of.


Club Property Articles of any kind belonging to the Club must not be taken away from any area in which they are placed nor under any circumstances from Club Premises without the permission of the Management.

Lost & Found The club has two lost and found locations - The Dining Room and Pro Shop. Please turn all lost & found items into one of these locations. For inquiries, contact either location.

Juniors Junior members are not permitted to play or loiter on Club property. Junior members are only permitted charging privileges if their parent is a member of the Club and assigns charging privileges to the Junior by way of a consent form available in the office.

Pro Shop In the pro shop, members are entitled to a discount on merchandise. Items will be sold to members for 15% off of retail prices. Members are permitted charging privileges in the pro shop for shop merchandise. Accounts in the pro shop are with the Golf Professional and not the club. Pull carts are available to members on a yearly fee basis. Price is $40.00 per season per person. The pro shop provides complete services found in many of the finer shops including custom fitting on all clubs, group and private lessons.

The Golf Course Booking Policy Tee time booking procedure is intended to provide a reasonable balance between the club members’ desire for access to preferred tee times and the non-members who represent an important source of revenue for the club.


The Golf Course Members Weekdays Members may book five (5) days in advance. Maximum of 2 tee times per member, per day. Tee times will be taken from April to October starting at 8:00am.

Weekends Members may book five (5) days in advance. Maximum of 1 tee time per member, per day. A 1 hour block of morning times will be reserved for “member only” play (no guests). 

Members booking in this time block will be required to name the other members included in their reservation.

Abuse of this Preferred Time booking privilege by substitution of non-members will be subject to loss of booking privileges.

Wait List Individuals Individuals on the Canmore Golf & Curling Club waitlist may book tee times four (4) days in advance.

Non-Members Non-members may book three (3) days in advance. A Credit Card number must be provided upon booking to guarantee the booking. AT THE DISCRETION OF THE STARTER OR PRO SHOP STAFF, GROUPS OF LESS THAN FOUR PLAYERS WILL BE MATCHED TO COMPLETE A FOURSOME. Anyone deliberately abusing booking policy could face partial or complete suspension of those privileges.


Advanced Bookings A limited number of advanced bookings are taken March 2nd for the entire season. Weekdays, forty-four (44) players per day between 11:00 am & 12:30 pm. Weekends, forty-four (44) players per day between 1:00 & 2:30 PM only. Players must take complete package including golf, cart and Food & Beverage credit. Members may book advanced booking package with a Member's discount for their individual package only.

Tournament Bookings Tournament bookings are taken as of January 1st of each year. Large tournaments, Crossovers, and Shotguns must be approved by the Executive Committee on an individual basis. Corporate tournaments are not permitted on weekends after the Long Weekend in May and before the Long Weekend in September. Corporate tournaments will be posted in the monthly calendar on line and on the white board by the clubhouse concession.

Inner Club Tournament Entries Entries for tournaments are taken at the Administration Office; this may be done in person, by phone during office hours, or email with payment information. All entries must accompany payment in full. It is first come, first served, so to avoid disappointment register early. Space will not be reserved without payment, so please don't ask. No post-dated cheques will be accepted. Power carts are not included in entry fee. If you would like to reserve a cart please indicate on entry form.

All Tee Times Are Open Except As Follows: Monday:

Mixed Senior 8:00 - 10:30 a.m. Junior Day

4:00 - 7:00 p.m. during junior program 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. after junior program.


Senior Men

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Men’s' Night 3:30 -7:00 p.m. Drop in bookings.


Wednesday: Ladies' Day

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Ladies' Night 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday:


6:00p.m. Shotgun Nine holes only after 2:00 p.m.

Commercial league, Ladies' day, Senior day, and Junior day are pre-booked times, please be sure to sign up early. Times may vary during the season.

Cancellation Policy To reduce the incidence of “No Shows” and increase the responsibility of players for their tee time bookings, a “No Show” cancellation policy is in effect.

GREEN FEE PLAYERS: When booking tee times will be required to provide their credit card number. In the absence of a 24 hr. advance cancellation notice a “No Show” player will be charged.

MEMBERS: May cancel up to 6:00 p.m. the day prior to their tee time without penalty. Members are responsible for their guests. Members who book may make substitutions should it be necessary for a player to cancel provided this privilege is not abused. When cancellation notice is provided to the Pro Shop, the Pro Shop retains the option to fill the vacancy from the member wait list or with a green fee player. “No Show” penalties are progressive and may include: - warning letter - cancellation of reservations - green fee charges - restrictions on booking privileges


It is the objective of this policy to have members assume responsibility for their bookings - it is not the desire to invoke penalties.

Pace of Play Management Pace of Play To enhance the enjoyment for all players on the course, greater emphasis will be placed on maintaining a reasonable pace of play (4hrs 15 min. or less). This is a desire expressed by over 75% of the survey respondents. Measures to be introduced will include: 1) Improved communications to all players with respect to: a) Pace of play expectations b) Measures to maintain the pace of play 2) Adjustment of tee time intervals - particularly to avoid course compression at #2 and #3 tee boxes 3) Improved marshaling services - to assist and promote enjoyment of the game for all players.


Speed of Play Tips 1. Be at ball, ready to hit, when it's your turn. Every time (Replaces Honour System). 2. Set time target for round: 4 Hours 15 minutes 3. Mark ball's flight with background object 4. Note distance, yardage, wind, and obstruction before reaching ball. 5. Think about club selection before reaching ball. 6. Take all the clubs you may need with you to your ball 7. Limit practice swings. 8. Start moving toward ball immediately after it's hit. 9. Study line of putt while others are preparing to putt. 10. Advocate continuous putting within your group. 11. Limit search for lost ball to 5 minutes. (Hit provisional ball before searching) 12. Consider other options for unplayable lie besides returning to spot of previous stroke. 13. Invite others through when back up develops or a hole opens up ahead. 14. When riding cart share driving, carry extra clubs or putter to your ball & park near next tee by green. 15. Select tee according to playing ability. Suggest select tee according to handicap. Red tee

30 + handicap

White tee

19 - 29 handicap

Blue tee

0 - 18 handicap

Gold tee

7 and under

16. Keep up to the group in front.


Slow Play It is the responsibility of every member in each foursome to see that his/her group keeps up with the field. When a group loses one clear hole it must allow the group following to play through. It is the duty of players to insist on this right in order to speed up play.

Course Marshall The Course Marshall is responsible for progressive and orderly play and must be obeyed. The Marshall has absolute authority over conduct & speed of play. At the first sign that a group has fallen behind the group in front of them they will be reminded of the pace of play and asked to re-establish their position behind the group in front. Secondly the players or individual player, if this can be determined, will be asked to play from the150 yard markers until their position has been regained. Thirdly the offending foursome will be asked to pick up their ball and regain their position. As a final remedy the offending group will be asked to leave the golf course. The Marshall shall immediately report to the Golf Professional any instance when a group adversely affecting play of others has been directed. Many of you will have heard discussions about a Time/Par Chart and how it is a tool to assist in monitoring pace of play on the course. The actual chart for our course is a very detailed document that takes into account all factors that affect the time it takes a group to play a given hole. There are detailed timings for each hole and between nines. The Marshals use the information, but it is felt that everyone should be aware of the time par chart. The chart was produced and is shown below. The chart should assist members in maintaining an excellent pace of play. Everyone is encouraged to use the times (10 minutes for par threes and 15 minutes for other holes) and gauge how he or she does compared to the recommended time. At the bottom of the chart (next page), please note the differences in playing time between foursomes, threesomes and twosomes.



(Start # 1) Pace of Play (Time Par)

(Start # 10)





























































5 minutes between nines



















































9 :15 4:10 :15 5 minutes for breaks @ Halfway House Total time from tee off is 4 hrs 15 mins Three players - .5 minute less per hole Two players - 2 minutes less per hole


The chart shows a time for each hole (10 minutes for par 3s and 15 minutes for par 4s and 5s) and the accumulated time. The left side of the chart is used when starting out on number 1 and the right side is used for starting out on number 10. The time for each hole includes time to get from green to tee, time to determine distance, etc. There is a 5-minute break allowed between nines and another 5 minutes for time taken at the Halfway House. It is also based on the fact that no player will take more than 45 seconds to play a shot, which includes the time for determining distance and for any practice swings. The Time/Par Chart, while not perfect, is a useful aide in indicating to groups how they are doing overall. Where the chart becomes more useful is when a group does not have a group in front of them. Everyone is aware that keeping up to the group in front is the cardinal rule, however when that group is not there, using the times from the chart will ensure that a group is maintaining the correct pace of play for our course. It must also be pointed out that the times given in the chart will be affected by other factors such as searches for lost balls. In a perfect world, if a group spends five minutes on hole number 3 looking for a ball, then they must do their utmost to make up that time over the upcoming holes. The Time/Par Chart is not the sole answer to improved pace of play however, use of the times in the chart will help all players maintain a steady pace, thus ensuring more enjoyment for all of us on the course.

Course Rules and Etiquette R.C.G.A. Rules Except where modified by local rules, the standards and etiquette of golf, approved by the Royal Canadian Golf Association, apply. Local rules are posted on the scorecard. Members should familiarize themselves with all the rules.

Use of Distance Measuring Devices (Local Rule) Distance Measuring Devices are allowed on the golf course during normal game play, Club Tournaments & Events.

Number of Players in a Group Groups are limited to Four (4) players. Larger groups are only permitted during league times, with approval of the Professional staff.


10th Tee Players must get permission from the authorized starter to begin on the 10th tee. This will not be given when players are on the 9th hole. Players who have completed the first nine holes have absolute priority over players starting from the 10th tee. Players who have played the back nine holes first must give way to players waiting on the 1st tee or who have starting times.

Halfway House Halfway house stops are not mandatory. Please allow those not wishing to stop the courtesy of playing through. When stopping at the halfway house please watch the players ahead. When they reach the large tree, in the center of fairway, take your food and drink to the 10th tee and be ready to hit off once they are out of range.

Checking In All players must check in with the starter before playing. This will allow the starter to know that you are on the course in case of emergencies. Players must report at least 15 minutes before their tee times. Guests must present receipt to starter prior to teeing off.

Bunkers & Ball Marks Please be sure to rake bunkers after you have played from them. Repair ball pitch marks on green surface before heading to the next tee. Smooth putting surfaces and properly raked bunkers add to the enjoyment of yourself and those that follow.

Divots On tee boxes divot repair is crucial. Using the Sand/Seed mixture in the divot containers found on the power carts allow the divot holes not only to be filled but the seed mixture will begin growing. Within a short time the area will be repaired. This ensures that you and the golfers in the future will be teeing off a nicely grassed surface.

Golf Course Aeration Green aeration is necessary. It relieves compacted soils and physically removes thatch. Both compacted soil and thatch inhibit the transfer of water, air and nutrients to the plant root system. This is vital for good turf. Green aeration dates will be posted in the newsletter as well as around the club.


Carts Pull and Power Carts are to be kept well clear of greens and tees. Please do not pull or drive them onto aprons of the greens, tees or between greens and green side bunkers. Signage on course directing carts includes both power & pull carts.

Practicing Practicing on club premises other than at designated practice areas is prohibited. Particularly early and late in the season, one nine or some holes may be closed because of conditions or maintenance. Playing any part of the course not designated as open could result in partial or complete suspension of club privileges. The practice area is for members and guests only. Range balls may be picked up in the pro shop using a shag bag. Please pick and return balls to the pro shop after your practice session. You may use your own balls. We have designated each green for its designed use: one putting, one chipping and one for sand. Please repair divots and ball marks also rake trap after use. The Member’s Only practice area can be found at the far end of the driving range. Please repair divots with the sand/seed mix provided at the area.

Handicap Maintaining accurate handicap records is important. Each golfer must enter all their scores in the computer. The computer is located in the Pro Shop. Tournament Committees reserve the right to disallow entry to members not retaining current & valid handicaps. If you require assistance please ask any of the professional staff.

Infractions Violations of the course rules and etiquette may result in disciplinary action and may result in loss of course privileges. Golf Carts Golf Carts may be reserved when booking times. The operator must sign forms of release of responsibility to the Club prior to the cart being issued. Operation of carts require a 30 foot clearance of tees and greens. Power Carts should be kept on cart paths wherever possible and outside the signs across the approaches to the greens. Use of a cart will not under any circumstances be construed as giving a player any special rights or privileges on the course. Users of carts shall not be entitled to "go through" other players except under same conditions and rules which govern walking play at the club.


Power Carts are limited to the maximum use of two persons and their equipment. They are not permitted for use by persons under driver’s license age or persons obviously incapable of safe operation of said vehicle Power carts are available for rent on a seasonal basis. The cost is $624.75 (incl. Tax) for one person or $756.00 (incl. Tax) for a couple. This can be arranged through the Administration Office. Cart users shall abide by any rules and regulations governing the use of carts, which may be set from time to time by the management. Any violation of such rules may result in cart rental being denied for an indefinite period. The Course Superintendent may forbid the use of carts on days when, in his opinion, course conditions make cart use undesirable. The Course Superintendent will post appropriate signs on such days, at the 1st and 10th tees.

Handicap Flags Golfers who are physically handicapped may provide a letter from a physician which certifies that they must use a power cart each time they play golf. The golfer shall be granted a special flag from the starter, that allows the special needs golfer to park the power cart nearer to the greens than other wise would be permitted under regular conditions of power cart usage.

Injury, Loss or Damage The Club shall not be responsible for any injury sustained by any member and/or any guest or for any damage or loss of property belonging to any member or to any guest whether such injury, loss or damage occurred by reason of the negligence or other wise of the Club, its members, officers, employees, servants or others. Every member and every guest introduced shall use the Club premises at his, her or their own risk. The Club carries Public Liability Damage Insurance but it is recommended that members, in addition, have their own personal liability coverage. The Canmore Golf & Curling Club does not insure member's personal property. Members are responsible for their own insurance on all items left on club property including golf clubs, equipment & carts.


Should any member, or his or her registered guest, inadvertently or unintentionally injure any person or persons, or damage any property while on the Golf Course, it must be reported to the Pro Shop as soon as possible. Giving full particulars of how it happened, and the names of the person or persons involved and the description of the damage to the property and where located.

Junior Program The Junior program will be offering lessons for students, ages 8 to 17. Registration will take place on April 27, 2015. There will be five weeks of lessons with a Windup including a skills competition on June 15, 2015. Program will cost $45.00. A Junior-Junior program will also be offered during the Junior program times on Monday night. Ages will be 4 - 7 years old. Cost will be $45.00 per child. Parents of the Junior-Juniors must accompany the student each night of the program.

Junior Golf Tee times are available throughout the year starting at 4:00p.m every Monday. The Junior program will also be sponsoring a Junior Open Tournament, which will be held on July 27, 2015. The cost is $50.00 per player. Once again the Junior Open will be a part of the McLellan/Ross Jr. Tour. Anyone interested in helping out with the junior program is encouraged to contact Rick Eichele at the Pro Shop @ 403-678-4785


2015 Men’s Club Executive Captains -

John Chiarelli, Chris Wyman

Vice Captain -


Tuesday/Thursday Night Chair-


Tournament Chairs -


Welcome to the 2015 Golf Season! Please take the time to read through this booklet and sign up for the Club Tournaments. Again this year, the Men’s Night will be held on Tuesday Evenings. Tee times are blocked off between 3:30pm – 7:00pm. You may phone for tee times 5 days in advance. Commercial League will be held on Thursdays with a 6:00pm Shotgun start. Please check out the schedule for the Interclub dates in the Pro shop. Sign up early, as some fill up fast. Please make sure to read your newsletters, as this is the only way we will be able to keep in touch with all of you. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the Men’s Club, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Hope to see all of you on the course soon! John Chiarelli, (403) 678-5959 ext 222


2015 Ladies Club Executive President

Louise Ellenton

Past President

Jeri Bowden

Vice President

Valerie Best


Donna Bradley


Joyce Chilcott

Handicap Chair

Diane Clark


Carolyn Langlois / Val Williamson

Members at Large

Annette Plummer / Donna Swift

Captain’s Committee: Interclub Chair: Senior Interclub: Goodwin/Vanderzyde Best Ball: Memorial Tournament Chair: Ladies Member Guest Chair: Handicap Tournament Chair: Morning Captains (rotating): Challenge Cup Chair: Ringer Executive:

Barb Portlock / Gayle Buckle Ina Podivinsky / Jennifer Teare Linda Davis Jean Samis / Val Best Wendy Batycki / Heath Hutchings Jeri Bowden Bonnie Clennet, Nomi Whalen, Lois Birnie, Jean Luthy, Donna Dunbar, Elaine Roth Diane Clark Val Best

The Ladies League spring meeting will be held on Wednesday April 22nd @ 7pm. This is the time to reacquaint yourself with summer friends and look forward to the new golf season. We welcome all new golfers to join us at this annual meeting. Take time to get to know a new member and make them feel the warmth of our club. Let us all have lots of fun and a great season! Registration for the ladies league is $40.00 for the year (cash or cheque). This money goes towards prizes and expenses for the season. Ladies league play takes place on Wednesdays. Sign up sheets will be in the locker room where you can either golf between 9:00am – 10:00am or 3:30pm – 6:00pm. Continued...


2015 Ladies League Cont... Important Dates for the 2015 Season: ANNUAL SPRING MEETING

April 22, 2015

SPRING KICK-OFF (9 hole Scramble followed by Dinner)

Apr 29, 2015


June 20 – 21 , 2015

MEMBER GUEST August 9, 2015 (Bring a non-member or someone you owe a game to) LADIES FALL WIND-UP September 23, 2015 (9 holes of golf followed by dinner, meeting and prizes) For further information, please contact Louise Ellenton gl_lnton@hotmail.com

Seniors Monday Mixed League The Senior Mixed Golf League is open to all Seniors (Age 55+) who wish to play golf in a mixed format. Individual golf is interspersed with team events during the season, all with the aim of having FUN. Each Monday morning a block of tee times is reserved accommodating up to 64 players with a start time around 8:00am. Each week’s draw is determined by those who sign up for 9 or 18 holes before 2:00pm on the Thursday prior to the Monday game. It is absolutely essential you sign up to play. Sign-up sheets will be posted by the phone in the Clubhouse. Members are notified of their tee time through Internet Golf Sort www.golfsort.com of by phoning the Pro Shop. The Annual Spring Meeting will be held on Monday April 27th, 2015 at 10:00 am in the Clubhouse. A $35.00 fee per player will be collected prior to the meeting (cash or cheque only). This fee covers the cost of prizes and the wind-up dinner to be held on Monday September 21st, 2015. Tentative first day of Golf: May 4th, 2015. Any senior wishing additional information may contact Suzanne Toal stoal@telusplanet.net


Tuesday Senior Men’s League Senior men (55+) play every Tuesday morning starting at 8:59 a.m. with sufficient tee times to accommodate our Senior Men. The League runs from late April/ early May to late September. In order to take part in the Tuesday Morning play, one must be a member of the Senior Men’s League. Cost to join the league is $30.00. Alternate Tuesdays are used for qualifying to the Senior Men’s Interclub and the Harry Chow Match Play Competition. If you do not wish to participate in these events, you can “just golf”. Sign up sheets will be posted by the telephone in the clubhouse and sign up can also be done via e-mail. Sign up will be required by 5:00pm the preceding Wednesday. New Seniors are most welcome! Harry Chow Match Play Competition (four-ball Nassau) is on alternate Tuesdays. The Nassau points are accumulated by each player resulting in a season ending champion, who will receive the Harry Chow Award. More information throughout the year. For more information contact Jim Birnie


Senior Men’s Interclub The Calgary & District Senior Men’s' Interclub consists of 34 teams representing 30 area golf clubs. Four leagues are set up to play home and away matches every Wednesday. The matches are 2 man team four-ball Nassau competitions with 4 players from Canmore each week (2 low hcp, 2 high hcp). The same 4 players will play at home and at the competitors course. The 2015 schedule will be available mid April, and our first match will be early May. Qualifying for the team takes place 8 days prior. Qualifiers must be able to play both the home and away matches. For more information contact Tim Guiler canhem2@gmail.com.


Attention Members Members and their guests are respectfully notified that the Canmore Golf & Curling Club is not responsible for golf clubs, curling brooms or equipment stored in the Golf Shop, lockers or on Club premises. The Club does not accept any liability for injury or damage incurred by the action of a Member or Guest. Therefore it is recommended that Members ensure that their insurance covers their responsibility for liability and personal effects.

Rules and Regulations The Executive Committee and each Committee have both reviewed and rewritten the Rules and Regulations of the Club. The Executive Committee has instructed Management to enforce the Rules and Regulations. From time to time, changes will become necessary and each of these changes shall be published before taking effect. All members are requested to read, become acquainted with and observe the Rules and Regulations.

Notice This publication is the property of The Canmore Golf & Curling Club. Use of the information contained herein for commercial benefit is strictly prohibited.

Registering for Tournaments Members can start registering for tournaments as soon as March 3, 2014. Registration will not be accepted unless accompanied with payment.



Senior Open Thursday September 3, 2015 10:00 am Shotgun 18 Holes of golf followed by Dinner Age restriction: Men 55+ Women 50+ You may register on line at www.canmoregolf.net in the tournament section. As the Senior Open is very popular it will be necessary to sign up early if you wish to play as it is open to all on an equal basis. Entries will begin March 2nd, 2015. Register in the administration office. $60.00 per player. Participants must have a valid handicap, so be sure to post all your scores. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Direct questions to Wayne Fingas


Senior Men’s Club Championship Tuesday & Wednesday August 18 & 19, 2015 @ 9:00 am 18 Holes of golf both days, last day followed by Lunch & Prizes. Must be 55+ years of age. Sign up in administration office: $40.00 for Senior (55+) or Super Senior (70+) Category and an additional $20.00 to play in both categories. For more information contact Mr. Richard Wotton @ 403-678-6704

Ladies, Senior Ladies & Super Senior Ladies Club Championship Saturday & Sunday August 22 & 23, 2015 18 Holes of golf both days The Senior Ladies’ and Super Senior Ladies’ Club Championship is combined with the Ladies Club Championship. The cost is $50.00 for one event and $70.00 to compete in both or $90.00 for all three. Please register at the Administration Office. Must be 50+ years of age to compete in Senior Ladies Club Championship and 65+ to compete in Super Seniors.


JACK GUSTASON SEASON OPENER Sunday May 24, 2015 9:00 am Crossover $40.00 per player Price includes GST Limited to 100 entries Cut off for registration is May 15, 2015 Extra dinner ticket only $30.00

Register on-line for OPEN TOURNAMENTS from the tournament section of the website www.canmoregolf.net

LADIES OPEN TOURNAMENT Saturday & Sunday June 20 & 21, 2015 1:00 pm Shotgun Saturday & 8:00 am Crossover Sunday Medal Play Theme: TBA Saturday Snack Saturday Night Buffet Dinner Lunch Served After Golf $90.00 per Member $165.00 per Non Member Price includes GST Limited to 100 entries


Cut off for registration is June 12, 2015 Dinner ticket only $40.00

MEN’S OPEN TOURNAMENT Saturday & Sunday July 4 & 5, 2015 2:00pm Shotgun on Saturday 7:30am Crossover on Sunday Dinner - Saturday Night Buffet Dinner Sunday Hot Breakfast Buffet First 128 Paid Entries $95.00 per Member / $180.00 per Non-Member Price includes GST Pre round range balls included Cut off for registration is June 26, 2015 Extra dinner ticket only $40.00

MIXED OPEN Saturday & Sunday July 18 & 19, 2015 9:00 am Shotgun Format: Modified Scotch Ball Saturday Buffet Breakfast Saturday Night Dinner Buffet Sunday Continental Breakfast Sunday BBQ Burger Buffet after golf Pre round driving range included $190.00 for Member/Member $220.00 for Member/ Non-Member $290.00 for Non-Member/Non-Member Prices include GST Limited to 90 couples Cut off registration is July 10, 2015


JUNIOR OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday July 27, 2015 9:00am Shotgun $50.00 per Player Price includes G.S.T. Limited to 100 entries Open to any girl or boy born in the year 1996 or later with a certified handicap of 30 or less (boys), 40 or less (girls) Cut off registration is July 17, 2015

MEN’S MEMBER GUEST TOURNAMENT Saturday August 8, 2015 1:00pm Shotgun 7:00 pm Horserace Net and Gross–Best Score Pre round driving range included Buffet Dinner


$160.00 per team Price includes G.S.T. Limited to 128 players / 64 teams Cut off for registration is July 31, 2015

LADIES MEMBER GUEST TOURNAMENT Sunday August 9, 2015 9:00am Shotgun Theme: Mad Hatter’s “Tee” Party Format: 4 Ladies combined Net—Register as a 4 person team, or member and guest. Net best ball per hole Individual & member/guest competitions—FUN, FOOD, PRIZES Luncheon will be served $60.00 per Member $95.00 per Non Member Price includes GST Limited to 100 players / 25 Teams Cut off for registration is July 31, 2015

LADIES, SENIOR LADIES & SUPER SENIOR LADIES CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday & Sunday August 22 & 23, 2015 9:00 am Crossover - 6:00 pm Mixed Horse Race Medal Play Senior Ladies must be 50+ Super Senior Ladies must be 65+ $50.00 per Member Senior Ladies - $50.00 for one, $70.00 for two events & $90.00 for all three. $30.00 Dinner only Price Includes G.S.T. No limit on the number of entries. Cut off for registration is August 14, 2015


JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday & Sunday August 22 & 23, 2015 For 12-17 years

Sunday August 23, 2015 For 8-11 years 9:00 am Crossover $10.00 per Player per Day Price includes GST Cut off for registration is August 14, 2015

MEN’S SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Tuesday & Wednesday Aug. 18 & 19, 2015 Regular Tee Times Medal Play: Lunch & Prizes $40.00 for Senior (55+) or Super Senior (70+) Category and an additional $20.00 to play in both categories. Price includes GST No limit on the number of entries Cut off for registration is August 14, 2015


SENIOR OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Thursday September 4, 2015 10:00 am Shotgun Start Buffet Dinner Men 55+ Ladies 50+ $60.00 per Member $95.00 per Non Member Price includes GST Limited to 128 entries Extra dinner ticket $40.00 Cut off for registration is August 28, 2015

CLUB MIXED TOURNAMENT Sunday September 13, 2015 9:00am Shotgun Chef’s Dinner $90.00 per couple Price Includes G.S.T. Limited to 50 couples Cut off for registration is August 28, 2015


CLUB WIND UP Saturday September 19, 2015 11:00 am Shotgun Start Mixed team Scramble On course snacks Buffet Dinner $50.00 per player $40.00 Dinner ticket only - purchase ticket at the admin office If you buy a dinner ticket at the door the cost is $50.00 Price includes GST Limited to 180 entries Cut off for registration is September 14, 2015

CANMORE CURLING CLUB Registration: Monday October 5, 2015 Leagues & Bonspiels Mixed Bonspiel Men’s Bonspiel Ladies’ Bonspiel (Register on line for Curling Bonspiels starting Sept. 1, 2015 from the Curling section of the website)



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