Cannabis By The Sea, Summer 2020

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CANNABIS By The Sea With Love and in Good Health

Summer 2020 Vol 1 Issue 2

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Table of Contents

Summer 2020


10 Pot Lifers — The Ultimate Run-on Sentence

Meet the two women of Ojai’s Sespe Creek Collective behind The Pot Lifer Museum, one act of activism targeting the inequities and absurdities of cannabis-related justice.

12 High Society

Living the Cannabis Lifestyle

It’s a round-up! Try this cannabis DIY project to bring the beauty of the cannabis plant to your dinner table. Plus, there’s Passion Fruit Pie Cups —yum! and you can make them too.

16 Working Cats on Cannabis Farms

Feral felines get a new lease on life when relocated to cannabis farms to work as barn cats and mousers.


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

CANNABIS By The Sea KopSun LLC 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 | Publisher — KopSun LLC Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco Marketing Director — Leigh-Anne Anderson Creative Director — Melinda Bie Business Development Director — Tina Fanucchi-Frontado Contributors — Hanna Brand, Brent Flatten, Alonzo Orozco, Amy Steinfield, Justine Sutton Special Support - Benjamin Anderson, Belinda Burns, Randi Fairbrother, Greg Frontado, The Rev. Mary Moreno-Richardson, Kris Whittenton, Lisa Willis Published seasonally four times a year by KopSun Media Group, Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis. Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services. We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea,

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1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property KopSun LLC. KopSun LLC is not responsible for unsolicited materials. COPYRIGHT © 2020 KopSun LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

THEFARMACYSB.COM | 805-880-1207 | @THEFARMACYSB The Farmacy Santa Barbara | 21+ Cannabis Shop & Delivery Service 128 W Mission St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 | BCC License No: C10-0000293-LIC

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea




From the Publisher


and Here’s Why ...

Welcome letter and a request

Debunking the Environmental Myths about Legal Cannabis


We’d Recommend It


Pet Project


Resources & References




Last Look

Products and services to enhance daily life

Sit, Stay & CBD - Family pets also are benefitting from the healing powers of cannabis

Where to learn more, how to do more

Find something, sell something

A peek at artwork of an anti-cannabis propaganda movie poster

Cover Shot Photographer Brent Flaaten captures the sunny coastline of Santa Barbara County, which is becoming as well known for its excellent cannabis production as it is for its world-class wine region. Brent used a Nikon D750 and a 300mm lens or 600mm lens camera to capture this photo. “I carry my camera bag with me always. Love shooting nature,” reports the photographer, who is the lead landscaper for the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. “I shoot surfing constantly and am a photo ambassador for Buell Wetsuits in Santa Cruz and Scosche Inc., Oxnard as well as Ruett Clothing, Oxnard.”


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

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Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


From the Publisher

Welcome to Cannabis by the Sea

As we write this, the COVID-19 pandemic still envelops everyday life and the growing pains of a country wanting to shed its legacy of racism and inequality are beyond deep. At one point, we wondered if going forward with this issue of Cannabis by the Sea was the right choice. In the end we decided fulfilling one’s commitment is rarely a wrong choice. Here are a few reasons why we are happy with our decision: • You get to meet some cats earning their room and board on cannabis farms. • Our Pot Lifers story touches on the disparity of the war on drugs and what two women are doing about it. • We show you how to set a pretty table with cannabis stenciled linen napkins. • There’s a fabulous recipe for Passion Fruit Pie Cups with cannabis butter. Additionally, this issue is filled with info, tips, and howto’s for those who value the health and wellness aspects of cannabis. There are home matters, product recommendations, and plenty more cannabis-related items. A mere six months ago, the world was a different place. We hope you make a little time to enjoy this magazine and that it brings you some comfort. Be sure to let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. We’ll do our best to make it happen. You can email us at Thank you for your support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Looking forward to sharing our Fall issue with you on September 20.

With Love & In Good Health XO KopSun LLC Leigh-Anne, Amy and Tina


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

and Here’s Why ...

Debunking Environmental Myths By Amy Steinfeld Cannabis has been vilified for hundreds of years. While public perception has shifted drastically, a vocal minority continues to condemn this plant. Setting the record straight about the environmental benefits of California’s legal cannabis industry is key. While illegal cannabis has contributed to environmental damage, legal sun-grown cannabis is not only sustainable, but tax revenues from these new operations are used to shut down unregulated, harmful grows. Here, I debunk five myths commonly cited by cannabis industry opposition. Myth #1: Cannabis has been allowed to proliferate the sun, their energy use is much lower than warehouse grows: those operating lights 30 to 50 percent of the year consume unchecked in Santa Barbara County Cannabis is the most regulated crop in the state, but because about 60 watts per square foot. Regulatory and technological it was only recently legalized and obtaining a permit requires advancements are underway that continue to reduce energy compliance with hundreds of state and local regulations, it is consumption and LED fixtures may be mandated by 2023. taking County staff many months (or even years) to process these permits. Unlike other farmers, cannabis farmers must obtain a local Myth #3: Cannabis Uses a Lot of Water land use permit and a state cannabis license, which require Opponents often exaggerate the amount of water required to signoff from numerous agencies and implementation of robust cultivate cannabis. The general rule of thumb is that cannabis plants grown outdoors mitigation measures. As part of this consume one gallon of water process, thousands of new trees Supporting legal per day per plant. Compare have been planted in response this to the estimated eight to the county’s landscaping cannabis ensures that to 10 gallons of water per requirements, unpermitted buildings medical and adult-users have day per wine grape vine, have been retrofitted to meet according to the University current code requirements, farmers access to clean, sustainable of California, and one gallon have cleaned up highly degraded suddenly doesn’t seem like soils with organic matter and cover products, and that the “a lot.” In Santa Barbara crops, and energy and water environment is protected. County, cannabis can only be conservation plans have been cultivated on 1,761 acres of developed. As more farmers obtain land, compared to more than permits and comply with stringent regulations, these environmental benefits will only increase, while 16,000 acres of harvested wine grapes in 2018. Obviously water usage varies based on growing methods and conditions, allowing high-value land to remain in agricultural production. e.g., climate, weather, soil type, but even if we assume cannabis uses six gallons of water per day per plant (an often cited stat), Myth #2: Cannabis Uses a Lot of Energy It’s true that indoor cultivation requires significant energy to this still pales in comparison to the amount of water used to grow light up enclosed warehouses—up to 185 watts per square alfalfa for cows, which accounts for 18 percent of California’s foot, according to a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National agricultural water use. Further, cannabis growers have installed Laboratory. However, sun-grown cannabis relies only on the sun. high tech drip irrigation systems to comply with Santa Barbara While greenhouses often rely on artificial lights to supplement County’s and state’s water conservation requirements.

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


and Here’s Why ... Myth #4: Cannabis Pollutes Our Public Lands Illicit cannabis is often planted deep within national forests to avoid detection and adjacent to creeks for water supply. These unregulated grows are often sited on steep hillsides and doused with dangerous pesticides, contributing to water and habitat degradation. The beauty of the legal cannabis industry is that cannabis now can be cultivated openly, on land ideal for farming or by repurposing greenhouses. Cannabis cultivators are subject to some of the most stringent agriculture laws in California. For example, they are not permitted to use water from local creeks, and must protect water quality by preventing sediment and pollutant discharge into waterbodies. Myth #5: Cannabis Cultivation Leads to Air Pollution While it’s true that cannabis plants release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which sounds ominous—so do many other plants. VOCs only become dangerous to human health when they mix at high levels with nitrogen oxides (NOx) — emitted by cars and other industrial activity — to create ozone. Since greenhouses and outdoor cannabis farms are typically sited in rural areas with low traffic levels, they don’t contribute to poor air quality. In fact, ozone levels in Carpinteria are at a record low! Fun Fact: Wine fermentation produces ethanol, which is also a VOC. Cannabis farms also make great neighbors because they are strictly prohibited from using chemical pesticides or herbicides. To ensure the safety of consumers and the environment, cannabis has very strict pesticide, heavy metals, and mold testing requirements. One of the unintended, but beneficial, consequences of this stringent testing is that it has shed light on decades of illegal pesticide application. As a result, many farmers have started to take a closer look at spraying practices to reduce overspray, which benefits not just cannabis farmers, but also our schools and neighborhoods. In fact, many traditional farmers have demonstrated they can work collaboratively with neighboring cannabis farmers to reduce pesticide use and drift, a win-win.

Amy Steinfeld

Supporting legal cannabis ensures that medical and adult-users have access to clean, sustainable products, and that the environment is protected. Stifling the legal market will only lead to more illegal cultivation, environmental damage, and public health risks. CS


Amy Steinfeld is an attorney at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck and serves as office managing partner for the Santa Barbara office as well as cochair of the firm’s Cannabis & Industrial Hemp industry group.

Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

Pot Lifers

Cannabis Cares

The Ultimate Run-on Sentence

By Justine Sutton The day after Chelsea Sutula’s cannabis business was “Eventually this turned into the Pot Lifer Museum,” says raided in November 2016, she experienced a moment of Kirkwood. “Which shone a bright light on those languishing magic. Mutual friend Ellen Komp, of NORML, introduced her souls serving life sentences for a miracle plant.” to DeeDee Kirkwood, aka the Pot Fairy. Until recently, the exhibit was on display at Sutula’s Sespe Creek Collective, opened in November 2017 in Ojai. It is one of the only women-run dispensaries in California and the first licensed storefront dispensary in Ventura County. Along with photos and stories of some of the inmates was information about how to help. Kirkwood also makes aprons, handbags, and other items, with all proceeds going into Pot Lifers’ prison accounts so they can make phone calls, send emails, and buy small necessities.

Sutula had just spent a night in jail, an unpleasant ordeal, but was astounded to learn from Kirkwood that there are people serving life sentences in prison for nonviolent cannabis crimes—Pot Lifers. The two joined forces, fueled by a shared passion for cannabis and the Pot Lifer cause.

Chelsea Sutula, left, and DeeDee Kirwood.

Prior to the opening of her retail space, Sutula had been tireless in working for regulation and safe access to cannabis, so activism was not new to her. (Continued on page 11) Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Cannabis Clarification Cannabis Plant Family Marijuana • Euphoric • Contains more THC • No pesticides • Highly regulated • Schedule 1 drug

Hemp • Non-euphoric • Contains more CBD • Less than .3% of THC • Pesticides allowed • Not as regulated • Was a Schedule 1 drug

10 Cannabis by the Sea

Summer 2020

“So many in our industry have come in without a sense of what it took to lobby our local legislative officials to grant permits,” Sutula says. “Understanding politics and how local governments work has been critical. But also bridge building with other groups that share similar missions.”

Kirkwood also makes aprons, handbags, and other items, with all proceeds going into Pot Lifers’ prison accounts so they can make phone calls, send emails, and buy small necessities.

Michael Thompson is the longest held non-violent prisoner in the history of Michigan, where he is serving the 25th year of a life sentence. “I have been working as his advocate for over five years and we believe his freedom is close at hand,” says Kirkwood. “Medical and recreational cannabis is now legal in his state, and he is imprisoned for possession of three pounds of pot. He will die in prison if we don’t get him free.” “It’s more timely than ever to call attention to the terrible state of our criminal justice system,” says Sutula. “We are grateful to our partners that have allowed us to raise money for these forgotten victims of the drug war.” Want to learn more? Visit the following: The Last Prisoner Project, Free Michael Thompson, CS

Faces of individuals serving life sentences for non-violent cannabis “crimes.”

She says critical components of this work are true belief in your cause and comprehensive knowledge about it.

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



High Society

Living the Cannabis Lifestyle DIY

NAPKINS A LA CANNABIS By Tina Fanucchi-Frontado

There’s just so much to love about cannabis. She not only has gifted us with an incredible array of healing and soothing treasures, she’s undeniably, without question, drop-dead gorgeous! Her delicate but passionately confident leaves display a deep and loving expression of true modern-day gracefulness and Old World wisdom. Just the mere hint of her, resonates a knowing of undeniable soulfulness. The beauty of Lady Cannabis translates beautifully inside the home, and these easy DIY napkins are the perfect side dish to any meal. Dress them up or make them casual — it’s your call. Why not have them on your table tonight.


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

THE PROCESS Tools & Materials • Cotton or Linen Napkins • Acrylic Paint • Stencil Brush • Cannabis leaf stencil (I found mine online.) Steps 1. Gather the tools and materials necessary. 2. Pre-wash and dry napkins. 3. Iron them to ensure a flat surface. 4. Load color(s) onto brush.* 5. Place stencil on napkin then gently tap color into design. Painters tape will hold the napkin in place if necessary. 6. Allow to dry 24 hours. 7. Re-wash napkins to eliminate the rough feel of paint. 8. Bravo! *Don’t overload with paint. Dab just the end of the bristles into the color(s) you want. Less paint gives you more control over the design.

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



Courtesy Photo

How Sweet It Is! Nothing better than a fresh fruit dessert in summertime, except for Heather Giacone’s Passion Fruit Pie Cups made with cannabis butter. The Executive Pastry Chef at the Food Liaison in Carpinteria, grew up in upstate New York. She followed her dream of living in Southern California and received her certificate in Culinary Arts from Santa Barbara City College. Heather has worked at many places coast to coast, including Eleven Madison Park in New York City, and earned the Executive Pastry Chef title at San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito. Currently, she heads the pastry program at The Food Liaison and has gained a loyal following from near and far. Heather is passionate about bringing people joy with her delicious desserts. Make your summer extra special with Passion Fruit Pie Cups. Bon Appetit.


— Leigh-Anne Anderson Heather Giacone

14 Cannabis by the Sea

Summer 2020


Recipe - Passion Fruit Pie Cups Ingredients Crust: 1-1⁄2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 10 full sheets graham crackers) 5 Tbsp cannabis butter, melted (recipe here) 1⁄3 cup granulated sugar 1⁄4 tsp salt Filling: 1 can condensed milk 1⁄2 cup passion fruit juice 2 egg yolks 1⁄2 tsp salt Whipped Cream 2 cups heavy cream 1⁄3 cup powdered sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract Make the Crust Mix the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and granulated sugar together with a rubber spatula in a medium bowl until combined. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with muffin wrappers. Divide the graham cracker crust into 12 equal parts approximately 2.5 tbsp each. Press firmly into wrappers. Bake for 5 minutes at 350F and let cool. Make the Filling Whisk the sweetened condensed milk, passion fruit juice, and egg yolks together – or use an electric mixer. Scoop batter equally into the muffin cups. Bake at 300F for approximately 10 minutes, or until set. Cool completely. Once completely cooled, remove cups from muffin pan. Make the Whipped Cream Whisk cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Pipe or dollop whipped cream onto each cup. Garnish with edible flowers. Note: You may substitute the cannabis butter with regular unsalted butter; then add 120mg sourced cannabis oil to the filling.

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Working Cats

On A Cannabis Farm By Alonzo Orozco

Editor’s note: Because unwanted cats and kittens often are More than 20 years ago, Catalyst for Cats helped Newton dumped, the names and locations of farmers and ranchers control the feral cat population on his cannabis ranch are intentionally vague in this article. off Route 166. It was spring and the females already had dropped their litters. Fairbrother recalls having to make By doing what they do best, industrious felines are helping multiple trips to get the job done. “We got over two dozen Central Coast cannabis growers. kittens out of there for adoption and all the others TNR’d,” recalls Fairbrother. Before adoption, all kittens are spayed “Cats love to hunt, they hunt for small things that move … or neutered. lizards, rabbits, opossums, squirrels, also birds …,” explains Randi Fairbrother, founder of Catalyst for Cats, a Santa As the years went by, Newton developed an admiration for Barbara County-based organization whose primary goal is his four-legged helpers. “For me, it was watching them lounge preventing the suffering of cats, and its main strategy is the around in trees, that’s what I liked,” he says. “Between him and reduction and control of feral cat populations within Santa another rancher, his cannabis farm had around 50 cats at Barbara County through its Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and one time.” feeding programs. Though the felines were ranch regulars, the cannabis Volunteers humanely trap cats in feral colonies, neuter or cultivator didn’t consider them pets, as some roamed far spay them, return the cats to their “homes” or relocate them away from the trailer, so it became difficult to give them to farms, barns, and ranches, where the felines earn their names. “Feral cats are scared of people, you can have room and board by keeping vermin and other pests at bay. kittens and can cuddle with them, but feral cats are wild,” Eventually, the colony dies out because unwanted kittens he explains. “But, they also we’re good at keeping rodents are not being born. away from the storage areas.”

16 Cannabis by the Sea

Summer 2020

Hanna Brand

Eventually, his feline population began to dwindle. “There are natural predators up there: bears, bobcats, mountain lions, hawks, eagles, who knows … ,” suggests Newton as possible reasons for their disappearance. After spending some time out of the country, he noticed that the cats were not being fed and given proper care. Two years ago, he decided to move out, still retaining ownership of the land while renting another ranch to reside. Aside from maybe a couple of the cats, Newton brought the majority of his feline population with him. “Feral cats are perfect when they’re fixed, they’re lovely,” says the longtime rancher who continues to grow cannabis at his new locale, and has since 1980.

Many such cat tales don’t end as well, especially during a pandemic. “Unfortunately, because of COVID–19, TNR surgeries are at a standstill and it is a big set back to the efforts of many. We hope the programs will resume soon,” reports Fairbrother, who predicts an onslaught of unwanted kittens in the near future. CS

Hanna Brand

Belinda Burns, relocation coordinator for Catalyst for Cats, agrees and notes the organization loves having nursery relocation sites. “It’s very safe for the cats,” she explains. Working with ASAP (Animal Shelter Assistance Program), Burns helped relocate kittens and a mom cat to a Carpinteria farm. Although, there were some anxious moments when the staff was unable to locate the kittens at one point, it turned out to have a happy ending, as the mother and her offspring were reunited.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) humanely and effectively manages feral cat colonies by reducing free roaming cat populations. The process involves trapping cats, spaying and neutering them, and ear-tipping for identification. If possible, cats are vaccinated for rabies and given additional veterinarian care. Then, cats are returned to their colonies/ territories where a dedicated caregiver feeds them and looks after their welfare, or they are relocated for jobs such as barn and farm cats. Tame adults and kittens that can be socialized are placed for adoption. Learn more at: Catalyst for Cats: Alley Cat Allies: Neighborhood Cats:

Catalyst for Cats


Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


We’d Recommend It

Products for you Mantra Mask Wear this mask indoors, to indulge your skin with a shot of anti-aging CBD. Mantra Mask is a powerful blend of 30mg of CBD and collagen, rye seed extract, and pomegranate peptides. Applying couldn’t be easier. Open package, unfold mask (a facial sheet, if you will), apply to clean skin. Rest and relax for 15 or 30 minutes or longer. Voila! — noticeably more beautiful skin. Made from an all-natural formula, Mantra Mask tightens and smooths fine lines and wrinkles. They are pure CBD, and there are different varieties for all skin types.

Hello Again “It’s not you, it’s menopause.” That’s the belief of the wonderful women of Hello Again, a company addressing the lack of cannabis products for the female market. Hello Again harnesses the power of cannabis in a vaginal suppository helping to ease sleeping problems, mental fog, and low energy and libido — common symptoms of menopause. Daytime is 8 CBD:1 THC, and sleep is 4 THC:1 CBD. Reports from satisfied customers include a suggestion to change the company name to “Come Again.” At dispensaries or visit

Kiva With four categories of cannabis edibles from which to choose, it’s nearly impossible to choose a favorite KIVA item. Especially since the merch comes in different flavors and strengths. KIVA’s Camino gummies rate high with consumers for its consistency and predictability with dosing. There are seven gummy varieties. The “Excite” blend is Sativa dominant delivering an uplifted, socially acceptable, mood enhancement. The word on the street is that it isn’t too “exciting” as to interfere with a good night’s sleep. Bonus: The gummies are perforated, marked, and indented for half doses, if desired. Available at dispensaries or visit

18 Cannabis by the Sea

Summer 2020

We’d Recommend It

Aqueous Nano CBD gummies. Vegan Fruit Chews. Not your Boomer’s cannabis, that’s for sure. Aqueous products are produced by Santa Barbarabased Infused by EpicTM, which uses nanotechnology to create water soluble CBD emulsions from the highest-grade oils. (They come in a cute, handy tin, too. And are gluten free.) Aqueous takes pride in getting the most from pure hemp extract. Available at dispensaries or visit www.aqueouswellness.

Blue Dream CBD Flower This is the first CBD flower grown by industry pioneer Autumn Brands. “It’s delish!” is the feedback. Canna-connoisseurs share that Blue Dream CBD Flower is a euphoric high, plus the heavy CBD content adds a therapeutic value. Check out these stats — Blue Dream CBD 7 Pre-Roll Pack: 11% THC, 5% CBD and 18.5% total cannabinoids; Blue Dream CBD Flower: 12.5% THC, 7.7% CBD, and 24% total cannabinoids. Available at dispensaries.

OM Edibles The all-female run Om Edibles™ provides the natural restorative power of plant medicine in products that enhance self-care, wellness, and enjoyment. The gummies are a customer favorite and the honey lavender is one of many flavors available. Suitable for adult and medical use, OM Edibles are gluten free and only tested on humans. Available at dispensaries or CS

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Pet Project

Sit, Stay & CBD There aren’t many pharmaceutical choices for family pets, particularly cats and dogs, when it comes to treating chronic discomfort. That partly explains why so many pet owners are trying CBD (cannabidiol) to bring relief from common ailments. Another part of the explanation is that CBD has proven to be so effective. Pet parents are also using CBD as a supplement, promoting the overall wellbeing of cats, dogs, humans, and other members of the animal kingdom with an endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Be sure to think about the following, and your comfort level, when strategizing a CBD regimen for pets:

Considering CBD for a furry family member? Here’s a quick review of some CBD basics. CBD is non-psychoactive; THC is psychoactive. If a cannabis plant contains more than 0.3 percent THC, then it is considered marijuana. If it contains less than 0.3 percent THC, then it is classified as hemp.

• Accurate Dosing: How is the CBD measured? If a tincture, are milligrams lined on the dropper? How many CBD dog biscuits are a suitable treat?

• Palatability: If your notoriously picky feline doesn’t like salmon for dinner, she probably won’t like salmon-flavored CBD. • Dispensing: Drops under the tongue? Mixed in with the food? Topical?

Cannabis works subtly, don’t expect the same kind of Just as with humans, dosing with cannabis should start low reaction that conventional and slow. The tricky part is to figure out how to administer medicines bring. However, close CBD to a pet — tincture, topically, or with food? As most pet observation is necessary. parents know, it’s so much easier to give dogs medicine than it is to give cats.


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

Pet Project

CBD may help your pets with: Anxiety & Stress Asthma

Seizures, spasms, and tremors Pain

Appetite Stimulation Inflammation

Epilepsy Nausea & Vomiting

Does the dosage need to be increased, decreased, or given more frequently? Look for indicators such as appetite, ease of movement, pacing, scratching, and self-soothing behavior like intense licking of chewing. You know your pet best, and are the most qualified to decide whether to increase or decrease the amount of CBD. This article is not intended as advice. Always check with your family veterinarian. Budtenders are very helpful with information, too, and exploring the Internet on your own may be the place to begin. Due to cannabis’ previous misbegotten illegal status, research on its healing properties, among other benefits, is sorely lacking. Remember, veterinarians can’t write a prescription for CBD, they make suggestions. If your vet isn’t cannabis knowledgeable, ask for a referral to one who is. CS — Amy Marie Orozco

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Resources and References

Resources and References


What’s Growing in Grandma’s Garden Finally, a book to help grownups have a conversation with children about cannabis! And that’s exactly what it says on the cover of Susan Soares’ book. What’s Growing in Grandma’s Garden is basically a gardening book in narrative form told from the point of view of a child. Sharing a love for gardening, a grandmother and grandson cultivate fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs except for cannabis, which is grandma’s favorite. She is open about her cannabis use and firm in her teaching that some things are for grownups only. As cannabis conversations with children need to happen more, What’s Growing in Grandma’s Garden is a wonderful way to broach the topic.

Cooked with Cannabis Move over Food Network, Netflix is cooking with cannabis! It’s a TV party and there’s a lot more being served than brownies on Cooked with Cannabis. How about some Mexican Mushroom Tacos with “Chocolate Glue” Garlic Oil-Infused Mushrooms, “Black Jack” Infused CBD Sauce, and THC Olive Oil Blue Corn Tortilla with Cannabis Leaf? No, not in the mood? Maybe the Deconstructed “Super Lemon Haze” Tart with “Blackjack” Coconut Oil Infused Crumble, “Super Lemon Haze” Terpened Coconut Whipped Cream, and Mango Gel w/Mixed Berries will grab you. (Notice the THC and CBD amounts given with the recipes.) Tune in to the show for some inspiration and ideas for making your own party menu. You’ll have fun.

Medical Marijuana & Your Pet Authored by Colorado veterinarian Dr. Robert Silva, Medical Marijuana and Your Pet is perfect for the cannabis curious pet owner. Silva begins with outlining the benefits and possible problems of medical marijuana for pets and gives insight on what to expect at and from a dispensary, common pet ailments, and some recipes. He also provides a simple method to calculate dosage for your pets. Medical Marijuana & Your Pet is written in a clear and engaging manner. It is available in paper form and eBook formats.

A Woman’s Guide to Cannabis

Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

Described as a self-help/how-to-guide, Nikki Furrer’s A Woman’s Guide to Cannabis is definitely geared toward females, as evidenced by the pain assessment chart graphics going from flip-flops (1) to the spikiest stilettos (10). Furrer lays the groundwork with why we should use cannabis and how it works in our bodies. She covers inhaling cannabis as well as edibles and topicals. The list of dispensary slang is fun, and her suggested reading list will keep you reading all summer. CS

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Sell Something . . .


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Wedding Officiant. Peter Bie draws on over 20 years of media experience and 12 years of service in his church where he serves as Lay Pastor to bring out the very best in your ceremony. He will help to infuse your day with care, strong presentation skills and a warm, personal touch. Email

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1.7 o z


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Have you made any cannabis creations? We’d love to see them. #KopSunCannaArt

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A: It’s easy. Just spay one. Visit today! Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Last Look

It’s Only a Movie,

It’s Only a Movie ... Though this green-eyed monster’s “Devil’s Harvest” poster doesn’t have the same recognizability factor as “Reefer Madness,” the message is still painfully familiar. Demonizing cannabis began in the early 1900s by associating it with Mexican immigrants and African Americans. Thanks to rampant racism and scapegoating, the U.S. government passed the Marihuana Tax in 1937, which restricted the use and sale of cannabis. The spelling of marijuana with an H is the correct name of the legislation; the incorrect use of “it’s” in the movie poster gives insight to the level of hysteria still evident in 1942, when “Devil’s Harvest” was released. CS


Cannabis by the Sea Summer 2020

Pacific Grown Organics is made up of local farmers dedicated to being good farmers and great neighbors.



Pacific Grown Impact is a nonprofit dedicated to career development and life skills training for workers in the Santa Barbara agricultural industry.

LOCAL, CLEAN, GREEN, SMART Collin Dvorak & India Amarina, PGO/PGI Owners

Summer 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


“Grateful for the healing, environmental, and economic blessings of this plant.” — The Reverend Mary Moreno-Richardson

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