

e d i c i n e W o m e n H e a l t h . c o m

e d i c i n e W o m e n H e a l t h . c o m
Resolutions can be a sore subject, but they don’t have to be. Especially if you narrow down the scope of the resolutions and make them about being good to yourself. How about making some cannabis resolutions for 2023? What a wonderful way to do your body some good!
Lawyer Amy Steinfeld did what many of us only dream of. She and her family are taking an extended stay in Europe, traveling and seeing as much as they possibly can. All the while, Amy is researching the legalities of cannabis and the scene on the other side of the Atlantic. Guessing it’s not what you think.
Oh ho! Ellie Carr shares some good-any-time-of-the-year suggestions for gift giving for that special cannabis connoisseur in your life. (And it’s perfectly OK if you are that connoisseur.) It’s never too early, or late, to start planning for presents. Make sure you top the list.
Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
1072 Casitas Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 |
Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco
Creative Director — Melinda Bie
Contributors — Anna Abbey, Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Ellie Carr, Alonzo Orozco, David Rosner and Amy Steinfeld
Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis.
Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services.
We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to
Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials.
COPYRIGHT © 2022 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.
Cannabis use is for adults 21 years of age or older. Consume responsibly. Keep out of reach of children.
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Welcome to the Winter issue of Cannabis by the Sea magazine!
Here we are again at the end of another year and deep into the holidays. This time of year can be fraught with twists and turns. Parties, travel, family, presents, shopping, baking . . . and can also include depression, sadness, illness, insecurity and loss. All topped off with the “dark at 4:45”! Definitely a mixed bag.
Like many of us, I was raised with structure . . . and while I completely support structure as a child, it can lead to self-inflicted pressure as an adult. I ran into this situation 9 years ago when I lost my Mom. She loved the holidays and we had our traditions. I tried valiantly to carry on those traditions exactly the way she did, but after a few breakdowns and over medicating with wine, conceded that although traditions are wonderful, they are no fun if you’re not having fun! I found the best way to honor my Mother and my family was to start to create my own traditions
First rule — be kind to yourself, above all. And that means respecting your limitations and your mental and physical health. I think this is the first holiday season that I have come to the realization that although I love my wine, it is not the ideal way to be kind to myself. In our “Here’s Why” article, we talk about “Just Say Yes” . . . to admit it’s okay to want to check out now and then without feeling guilty. Cannabis is a safe and “non-hangover” inducing way of doing this. We also address the difference between Indica and Sativa in this issue . . . so armed with this information you can talk to your budtender and tell them how you’d like to feel.
Second rule — be aware of those around you. The holidays can be a trigger point for many, and while they may seem to be happy and celebratory on the outside, they may be really hurting on the inside. Maybe don’t put the pressure on each other to exchange gifts? Or have a big party? How about a meal together? Even a coffee and a friendly chat. Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean that sadness and loss are not prevalent. The toughest part is that they are and are magnified by the time of year.
As we transition into our new year, maybe give yourself a big break and don’t make any unnecessary resolutions. I for one am going to simply try to be as kind to myself as I can. Because how you treat yourself will reflect back on how you treat others.
So let’s look to a new year with hope . . . hope for healthy bodies, healthy minds, and peace in our lives and the world.
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda BieAlthough she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Dianne Armitage has spent considerable time trying to remove her foot. This quest has introduced her to fascinating people and interesting situations with stories that beg to be told. When not searching for shiny objects, Dianne spends her time writing blog pieces, humor columns, and feature articles. A three-time breast cancer survivor/warrior, she wrote a humor column, Feeling Kinda Funny, for a breast cancer website for 15 years.
David Rosner is a classically trained chef and has worked at some of the most renowned restaurants in the country. He graduated from the Culinary Institute of America-Hyde Park with a degree in Culinary Arts. He lives and works in Santa Barbara County.
Amy Marie Orozco loves writing for and editing CBTS magazine. “It is a very exciting time to be in the cannabis industry, and I love learning so much every single day,” she explains. Most of Amy’s writing is of the nonfiction, journalism flavor, and she also has penned a couple of plays, short stories, and lots of letters. Staff members describe Amy as pretty affable (for an editor), though she can be prickly and show-offy with the grammar rules no one else follows.
Amy Steinfeld is a land use and water lawyer and the Santa Barbara office managing partner for the law firm Brownstein. She is a leader in cannabis cultivation projects and co-chair of Cannabis & Industrial Hemp industry group.
Ellie Carr (her pen name) is a writer from San Diego, California. She holds an MFA from Columbia University and a BA in English from Humboldt State University. She was an editor, event coordinator, and art director for two student driven publications. Ellie writes about the mysteries of the body and mind through memoir, personal essays, and flash fiction. Her preferred genres are psychological thriller and dark comedy, but she is known to write a happy ending from time to time. She is a self-taught botanist and literary enthusiast who enjoys cooking and outdoor activities like
As a longtime connoisseur of cannabis, the word graceful comes to mind when I think of CBTS magazine. It has an embracing feel to its’ coverage of medicinal marijuana as well as the local issues surrounding the grows in Carpinteria.
CBTS staff know the longtime residents, who are the growers in what’s now called ‘Cannabis County.’ Once upon a time, they were flower growers in Carpinteria Valley and as these growers transition into cannabis as a crop, CBTS is there on the front lines.
I ‘highly’ recommend CBTS for anyone who appreciates the benefits of marijuana.
Maureen “Mo” McFadden, McFadden & McFadden PR Santa Barbara,California
I want to say thank you for your beautiful, informative magazine, Cannabis by the Sea.
As our Nation is faced with news about the opioid crisis, prescription drugs being misused and over prescribed, a major shift is happening in our communities where people turn to nontraditional treatments and remedies in search for an alternative to cure/help their ailments.
Thankfully the Medical Community, doctors, researchers, scientists, policy makers and the general public, are taking part in the discussions regarding medical marijuana, as they should, which indicates to me that time has come where we need to recognize the possible effectiveness of this alternative. A safe alternative, as it is impossible to overdose on it and far less addictive.
As the wife of a Vietnam Paramedic Veteran, diagnosed with 100% PTSD and blood cancer, I have watched his struggles with his need for medicines yet not wanting to take them because of how they make him feel — disengaged, isolated and in fear of addiction. Many veterans and their medical teams can report promising improvements when it comes to medical marijuana and PTSD and are urging that more studies be made to widen the concept of medical marijuana use for other areas particularly in regards to pain. We need to be more openminded and non-judgmental in our discussions as we learn more about uses of medical marijuana as an alternative.
We need to alleviate the stigma and educate ourselves to encourage more studies and ask for governmental restrictions to loosen up.
AsaOlsson, Carpinteria, California
I come from a time when smoking or ingesting pot was a BIG no-no. I distinctly recall putting a towel under the door thinking that would prevent the smell from escaping my apartment, room, closet — wherever and whenever I happened to decide it was time to imbibe. And yes, this behavior did little to prevent me from feeling more than a bit paranoid.
Thank goodness times have changed. Or have they?
Yes, yes, yes — pot is much more widely accepted and used now that evidence exists showing the multitude of benefits this plant can provide. People use it to ease pain, get a good night’s sleep, calm anxiety, boost creativity, and stop seizures – the list is long. And I applaud each and every one of these reasons for taking a toke or chewing a gummy.
Here’s the thing. Sometimes, I just want to get high. Yes, you heard me right—HIGH. I want to let go and stop worrying about the stuff so many days are filled with right now. I want to get the giggles. I want to eat the brownies. I want to avoid the phone’s ringing.
So I think it’s high time to say it’s perfectly okay to just want to get a buzz. I didn’t say it’s okay to drive, operate heavy equipment, or perform brain surgery while under the influence.
What I am saying is let’s finally admit that sometimes we just want to get high. Perhaps that will remove yet another stigma associated with this amazing herb.
I want to get the giggles.
I want to eat the brownies.
I want to avoid the phone’s ringing.
Ending racial injustice requires all of us to work together and take real action. What can you do to help?
Educate yourself about the history of American racism, privilege and what it means to be anti-racist. Educate yourself about the history of American racism, privilege and what it means to be anti-racist.
Commit to actions that challenge injustice and make everyone feel like they belong, such as challenging biased or racist language when you hear it.
Vote in national and local elections to ensure your elected officials share your vision of public safety.
Donate to organizations, campaigns and initiatives who are committed to racial justice.
Let’s come together to take action against racism and fight for racial justice for the Black community. Visit
A basic building block to cannabis knowledge is knowing the difference between indica and sativa. These plants have different physiological effects, which matters in time of day for use as well as their efficacy and effects. Indica and sativa also differ in appearance. For the record, there are three subspecies of cannabis: Indica, sativa, and ruderalis. For the most part, ruderalis doesn’t produce much medicine, in particular, much potent medicine.
You may be familiar with the saying “Indica in da body, Sativa Saturday night.” It’s true, in a general sense. Indicas are more likely to reduce energy, making them well suited for consumption in the evening before bedtime. Sativas on the other hand, are known for increasing creativity and energy. They also take longer to grow and have fewer flowers than indica plants.
Not surprisingly, indicas work well for relieving pain and inflammation, and those suffering from arthritis, cancer, and fibromyalgia have found great success with it. Sativas are well suited for treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, and enhancing psychological well-being. Hybrid strains make it possible to combine medicinal qualities of indica and sativa so there may be, for example, relief from arthritis (indica) along with alertness (sativa).
A terpene, which produces the cannabis smell, determines the sativa or indica strain. If the terpene myrcene is greater than 0.5 percent in volume, the strain is considered indica. If under that, the strain is sativa.
Having a strong foundation in knowing the differences between indica and sativa is key in finding the best course of medicine for you. Bring your knowledge to your dispensary and get what’s right for you. It may take more than a few tries, but the investment in your health is worth it.
Happy New Year 2023! Did you know in the Chinese Zodiac it’s the Year of the Rabbit, symbolizing longevity, peace, and prosperity? We hope you achieve all that goodness. And some Cannabis Resolutions are a good way to start. We started the list. Can you finish it with two resolutions of your own?
Every area of life can be better, and so it goes with cannabis.
1. Hold your head high. Cannabis is part of your lifestyle. Whether it be medicinal or recreational, there’s no need to lie about it. It’s legal, remember.
2. Ditch the black market. Maybe “dark market” is a better term. You deserve the best and a licensed dispensary is the best place for that. We’re not talking about turning down your sister-in-law’s edibles or your botany major college roommate’s homegrown goodness. We’re talking about the safety of your cannabis.
3. Talk to your elected representatives and demand legalization, expungement, research, and other rightful elements that have been denied for too long. Google makes this so easy, there’s no excuse for not doing so.
4. Get the right tool for the job. If you prefer to inhale, do you have the right pipe? Or bong, rolling papers, pipe cleaners, and so? Improvisation, ala an empty toilet paper roll bong, is fine for an emergency. Set yourself up right. Buy, trade, or make yourself the right tool. Make it the centerpiece on your coffee table.
5. Indulge that craving. If an increased appetite is part of your cannabis joy, make sure your larder is stocked with food you want to eat. Eat with dignity and eat with gusto.
6. Take a break. If you want to. Or if that nagging voice in the back of your head won’t shut up about it, maybe a small vacay in in the cards. Let others trot off to the gym, start some crazy diet, or figure out new household budgets.
7. Tip the budtender and/or delivery driver. Be sure to add “please” and “thank-you,” as they don’t cost a dime.
8. Try something new. Maybe a different strain. Or a new activity to pair with your high time—a walk in nature, preparing a new recipe, organizing your closet. 9. 10.
Last year, I ran off to Europe with my family. Not for a week or two, but nearly a year. Sure, it’s a little crazy to take a sabbatical in the middle of my career, but I was ready for a break after nearly 20 years of practicing environmental law. The timing actually worked out well; most of my clients’ cannabis appeals had been resolved. Besides some R&R, I was eager to learn first-hand about Europe’s efforts to legalize cannabis, deepen my understanding of international cannabis law, and scope out the local cannabis scene.
Surprise! In virtually every country we visited, we found a proliferation of slick cannabis shops. I even spotted weed vending machines in Italy! Upon closer look, the product had less than 0.2 or 0.3 percent THC, deemed “cannabis light.” In fact, throughout Europe, “weed” tourism stores hawk pricey “cannabis light,” which unsuspecting tourists purchase hoping for a high. Some friends thought they scored some legal weed in Dubrovnik, but were disappointed with the low potency hidden in the fine print—40 Euros down the drain! Turns out the main offering in Europe is actually CBD, which has become ubiquitous just as in the U.S. But CBN, CBG, and Delta-8 THC are off the radar.
In Barcelona, they’ve created a narrow opening for legal cannabis use: private social clubs that offer a place for members to procure and consume (similar to the loophole in U.S. Prohibition a century ago). I wanted to see what this looked like in practice so I dragged my husband to the nearest club. Actually, finding it was a bit of a challenge; we walked right past the unmarked door a couple of times before knocking. It felt like a modern speakeasy. The attendant smirked as he looked at our American passports, before issuing us both year-long club memberships for €20 each. Through another door, we entered a narrow, smoky, but tidy room with red vinyl booths. The budtender explained they had two offerings: Spanish weed and “California” weed, the latter in “Big Sur” or “Orange County” varietals. I laughed out loud at the second one, having grown up in Irvine. They also sold edibles, which claimed a THC content of 5000 mg—surely mislabeled, or enough to fell an elephant. Such questionably sourced cannabis made me appreciate California’s stringent supply-chain tracking and testing protocols.
Beyond these grey-area clubs, recreational cannabis remains essentially illegal in Europe. Even in the Netherlands, contrary to popular belief, the cultivation
and possession of cannabis are technically illegal—though the sale of small amounts of cannabis in coffee shops has been tolerated since the seventies. As a result, Amsterdam’s regulated 160 coffee shops are thriving, and recent efforts to limit tourists from imbibing have failed.
Only the tiny island nation of Malta has actually legalized recreational cannabis. Some countries, such as Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Portugal and Switzerland, have decriminalized pot over the past few decades. Several other countries have loosened criminal penalties. Europe, while often a leader on progressive issues, is taking a much slower and more conservative approach to cannabis legalization and normalization than North America. Medical cannabis is legal in a few countries, but access is tightly controlled and limited to pharmaceutical drugs like Sativex, which is not prescribed anywhere as liberally as medical cannabis in the U.S. Doctors only prescribe cannabis for a narrow set of diseases, and patients don’t yet turn to the plant for health and wellness. I was surprised to discover that weed is not as deeply embedded in European culture as in the U.S. (Now alcohol, on the other hand…)
The speakers confirmed what I suspected . . . Europe is still years away from establishing legal markets.
“ “
Europe’s hemp industry is thriving, but its cannabis industry is nascent. EU countries are signatories to UN treaties that tightly control psychoactive substances and limit usage to medical and scientific purposes. But there has been some recent progress. In 2020 the UN removed cannabis from its most restrictive narcotic category, and the European Court of Justice ruled that CBD was not a drug under existing law. But unlike in the US, there are few influential, grassroots organizations pushing for legalization.
Currently, Germany is leading the path to recreational pot by contemplating its sale in dispensaries. To avoid violating international law, they’re considering banning imports in favor of locally grown plants. Germany is preparing to vet its plan with the European Commission to determine compliance with existing law. Germany has reported that it will only advance its draft legislation if the EU agrees the program is kosher. Other European countries are watching.
In July, I invited myself to Cannabis Europa in London, the largest European industry conference. Unlike MJ Biz, I was surprised to find the crowd was largely made up of men in dark three-piece suits representing pharmaceutical or finance companies. I stood out as one of the few women present, and the vibe was serious. Europeans are obsessed with labeling and testing, even more so than California. In fact, most panelists focused on safety standards and purity for medical purposes. The speakers confirmed what I suspected—Europe is still years away from establishing legal markets.
This journey has made me grateful that I’m part of a unique, thriving cannabis industry in California, surrounded by many passionate proponents. While California’s regulations are too stringent and there is more work to be done, I feel blessed that we have access to a plethora of clean, well-labeled products. Hopefully Europe will learn from our mistakes and advance recreational cannabis. While they’ll never compete with the quality and variety of California weed, perhaps federal legalization will open up both national and global markets for our Central Coast growers.
Take more travels with Amy at her blog https://camy4ever. com/.
Cannabis Talk by the Sea is hosted by publisher Melinda Bie and editor Amy Marie Orozco and focuses on everyday lifestyle and advocacy.
These laminated and digital reference guides may evoke memories of school days and cramming for a high school chemistry test. Permacharts has graduated to include cannabis education to its curriculum of study aids. There’s a full spectrum of topics: medical marijuana, dosing charts, cultivating, CBDs, and legalities, to name a few. It’d be a great training aid for budtenders or a fun resource for the home library. There’s the box set for $320 or single pamphlets starting for $5.99. Learn more at
Written by Cheri Sicard, this women-centric guide to cannabis covers topics near and dear to the female heart, such as Budding Beauty Products; Medibles, Edibles, and Other Smoke-Free Options; Pot and Parenting; Remedies for Everyday Ailments; and Easy Recipes for Foodies. The tone is fun, stylish, healthy, and safe. Find more about the author, her book, and tons more cannabis info at
This HBOMax series is a resource for relaxation, though its decidedly adult content can be a bit gritty and stress inducing, though funny as in dark comedy. The main character, known as The Guy, delivers cannabis via bicycle to his clients’ homes, where the audience gets to know this colorful cast of characters far better than they do The Guy, who remains nameless. Check it out at CS
Chef David Rosner’s culinary path started in classic fashion: directly after high school with an apprenticeship under the world-renowned Chef Daniel Boulud. “Growing up in Long Island I had a vision of the career path I wanted for myself and knew I had to be in Manhattan,” says the chef. “I clearly remember buying the Wine Spectator issue featuring the ‘Top 20 Restaurants in NYC’ as a teenager and thinking this is it, my starting point—at Boulud’s 4-star Restaurant Daniel!”
David also believed in the value of classic culinary schooling, so he enrolled in the world-famous Culinary Institute of America–Hyde Park, graduating with a degree in Culinary Arts. After graduating, he was invited back to Restaurant Daniel to work full time on the line.
There he learned about food integrity, developed an eye for detail, and learned organization both inside and out of a kitchen. “Everyone called me The Kid, but I was very fortunate to land in such a professional environment. Opportunities like this—working for an incredible chef in an amazing kitchen—can greatly contribute to a young person’s development. For me the confidence that I gained is what led me to believe I, too, could one day become a great chef.”
David later joined the crew at Balthazar in SoHo, Manhattan. He quickly moved up the ranks and was asked to become part of the management team as Sous Chef at their newly opened restaurant, Pastis. His first experience being a part of an opening team was “like winning an award and becoming sous chef at the same time.”
After 3 years at Pastis, David took a break to explore the culinary traditions of Europe, on a culinary internship to Paris and the South of France. Traveling in Europe also allowed him to work in storied kitchens, learn basic European cultural approaches to food, and witness the day-to-day traditions he has been building upon since his time as an apprentice. Once back in the States, David was ready to helm the kitchen at Balthazar, taking over as Chef de Cuisine upon his return.
David’s next journey landed him in Los Angeles at The Standard hotel as Executive Chef. “It was a new city, entirely new breed of customers and the opportunity to delve into the world of hotel restaurants while simultaneously refining my business acumen,” recalls the chef. From there he returned to NYC as part of the opening team at Gordon Ramsey’s London Hotel, which led to being hand-picked to be the Executive Chef and Director of Operations for Café Luck in Santa Barbara. He later also served as Executive Chef at Wine Cask and Monarch.
David’s passion for sustainable, organic produce allows him to employ a unique, modern approach with classic techniques to each plate. Today, his time spent in the south of France melds beautifully with the Santa Barbara palette, allowing for a style that is bright and vibrant and speaks of the ingredients provided by the land and sea around him
Serving: 6 servings (1/4 cup each)
Preparation time: 10 mins
4 tablespoons cannabis infused butter
1/3 cup finely diced carrots
1/3 cup finely diced onion
1/3 cup finely diced celery
1 teaspoon thyme, savory, or mixed herbs, or 2 fresh thyme or savory sprigs
1 (3 1/2 to 4-pound) chicken
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Fresh flat-leaf parsley stems
Celery leaves
6 lemon slices, 1/8 inch thick
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup sliced onion
1/2 cup sliced carrots
3/4 cup chicken stock or broth
1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in a skillet. Add the diced carrots, onion, and celery and cook over moderate heat until softened. Stir in the herbs and set aside.
2. Salt and pepper the cavity and spoon in the cooked vegetables, a handful of parsley stems and celery leaves, and the lemon slices.
3. Massage the chicken all over with 1 tablespoon of the butter, then truss it,
4. Choose a flameproof roasting pan that is about 1 inch larger than the chicken and place a rack inside. Salt the chicken all over and set it breast-side up on the rack.
5. Roast the chicken for 15 minutes and then brush with the remaining 1/2 tablespoon butter. Scatter the sliced onion and carrot all around. Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F.
6. Roast for 45 minutes, and then brush the lemon juice over the chicken. If necessary, add 1/2 cup of water to the vegetables to prevent burning.
7. Roast for 1 hour and baste the chicken with pan juices. Test for doneness; drumsticks should move easily in their sockets and their flesh should feel somewhat soft. If not, continue roasting, basting and testing every 7 to 8 minutes, until an instant-read thermometer reads 165°F.
8. Spear the chicken through the shoulders and lift to drain; if juices run clear yellow, the chicken is done. Let the chicken rest on a carving board for 15 minutes.
9. For the gravy, add the stock to the pan drippings and boil until it coats the back of a spoon.
Dear Ellie,
I have a lot of friends and family whose birthdays fall just before and after the holidays. Do you have any cannabis gift ideas you can share that are good for any occasion, preferably ones that are budget friendly? —Mama Ganja
Dear Mama Ganja,
There’s nothing like receiving the gift of some dank greens. My advice for cannabis friendly gifts is to keep them small and reasonable, especially if you have a lot of people to buy gifts for. Accessibility to single use products like joints, edibles, or single grams is one of the many perks of legalization. These small party favors are classic essentials and budget friendly.
Another idea is to make a batch of your own infused sweet treat. This is the time of year for desserts, cookies, and homemade food gifts. I once made weed infused caramel apple butter and wrapped it in some groovy fabric I found at the local craft store. The spread was incredibly easy to make, affordable, and delicious. I made enough for ten small jars using half an eighth of weed. If you choose to make something of your own, know your doses, and make sure the person receiving it knows them too. Since you asked for gift ideas, here are three that are good any time of the year:
Joint Kit: A joint kit is a stylish and unique DIY gift. You can find chic, or vintage, joint cases on Etsy or Ebay. Stop by your local weed shop, purchase a few joints, and order the case and holder online. Gift this to someone who likes to keep it classy!
Weed Rolling Tray: We all have that friend who rolls joints on their laps and random surfaces. I found a handful of unique, wooden trays online that were practical and beautiful for under $30. Spice it up by adding papers, filters, or containers. This is the perfect gift for someone who wants to elevate and organize their smoking routine.
Resin Jewelry: A friend of mine told me about resin jewelry and I had to Google it. I found rings, bracelets, and necklaces all made from resin and real weed. The stones are mesmerizing, layered with multiple shades of green that catch the eye. There are alot of small businesses making unique cannabis jewelry and accessories. This is a great gift for someone who likes to incorporate weed into their personal fashion.
By Ellie Carr CSTo change things up a bit, this recommendation is not for a specific brand but for a generic product: a cannabis inhaler. Similar in look and function to an asthma inhaler, a cannabis inhaler releases THC or CBD. Simple. The cannabinoid gets into the blood faster, at a higher concentration, and dosage is specified. Learn more at; the company offers recommendations for inhaler products as well as latest in research and cannabis laws. We also like how “Leafwell considers cannabis to a pharmacy in a plant.”
You don’t have to subscribe to the L.A. Times to keep up with senior features writer Adam Tschorn and his reporting on all things cannabis, but it wouldn’t hurt. A Google search will provide plenty of pleasure, including guest spots on various cannabis-related shows airing on YouTube. (Full disclosure: He also guest starred on the CBTS highly popular podcast Cannabis Talk by the Sea.) Celebrate cannabis and invite Adam to your party.
Cruelty free and vegan, Chosen by Dogs is a part of the Earthly Body company, which strives to be who our dogs think we are. The products, made with CBD, helps nourish the skin and fur. The Chosen by Dogs’ formulas are made without sulfates, parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates, and artificial dyes. What’s more is a part of every purchase goes to their nonprofit organization.
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Got a story to tell? Carpinteria-based writer Dianne Armitage (WriteOn!) would love to help.
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Q: How can 1 person save 100 homeless animals?
Before The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 banned cannabis for any and all uses, asthma sufferers found relief in cannabis cigarettes. Why? For the same reasons today’s research indicates cannabis can be helpful — cannabis works as an immediate bronchodilator relaxing the airways which can help breathing. According to the National Library of Medicine (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/32286026/), “Cannabis has a bronchodilator effect on the airways and might have an antiinflammatory effect on asthmatic patients. However, harmful effects on the lungs are mainly attributed to smoking and include airway irritation and the development of chronic bronchitis symptoms.” Drawbacks can include coughing, sputum, and wheezing.
CS CBTS Staff Report