2 minute read
Planning for the New Year
Every area of life can be better, and so it goes with cannabis.
1. Hold your head high. Cannabis is part of your lifestyle. Whether it be medicinal or recreational, there’s no need to lie about it. It’s legal, remember.
2. Ditch the black market. Maybe “dark market” is a better term. You deserve the best and a licensed dispensary is the best place for that. We’re not talking about turning down your sister-in-law’s edibles or your botany major college roommate’s homegrown goodness. We’re talking about the safety of your cannabis.
3. Talk to your elected representatives and demand legalization, expungement, research, and other rightful elements that have been denied for too long. Google makes this so easy, there’s no excuse for not doing so.
4. Get the right tool for the job. If you prefer to inhale, do you have the right pipe? Or bong, rolling papers, pipe cleaners, and so? Improvisation, ala an empty toilet paper roll bong, is fine for an emergency. Set yourself up right. Buy, trade, or make yourself the right tool. Make it the centerpiece on your coffee table.
5. Indulge that craving. If an increased appetite is part of your cannabis joy, make sure your larder is stocked with food you want to eat. Eat with dignity and eat with gusto.
6. Take a break. If you want to. Or if that nagging voice in the back of your head won’t shut up about it, maybe a small vacay in in the cards. Let others trot off to the gym, start some crazy diet, or figure out new household budgets.
7. Tip the budtender and/or delivery driver. Be sure to add “please” and “thank-you,” as they don’t cost a dime.
8. Try something new. Maybe a different strain. Or a new activity to pair with your high time—a walk in nature, preparing a new recipe, organizing your closet.
- CBTS Staff Report