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From the Publisher
Welcome to the Winter issue of Cannabis by the Sea magazine!
Here we are again at the end of another year and deep into the holidays. This time of year can be fraught with twists and turns. Parties, travel, family, presents, shopping, baking . . . and can also include depression, sadness, illness, insecurity and loss. All topped off with the “dark at 4:45”! Definitely a mixed bag.
Like many of us, I was raised with structure . . . and while I completely support structure as a child, it can lead to self-inflicted pressure as an adult. I ran into this situation 9 years ago when I lost my Mom. She loved the holidays and we had our traditions. I tried valiantly to carry on those traditions exactly the way she did, but after a few breakdowns and over medicating with wine, conceded that although traditions are wonderful, they are no fun if you’re not having fun! I found the best way to honor my Mother and my family was to start to create my own traditions
First rule — be kind to yourself, above all. And that means respecting your limitations and your mental and physical health. I think this is the first holiday season that I have come to the realization that although I love my wine, it is not the ideal way to be kind to myself. In our “Here’s Why” article, we talk about “Just Say Yes” . . . to admit it’s okay to want to check out now and then without feeling guilty. Cannabis is a safe and “non-hangover” inducing way of doing this. We also address the difference between Indica and Sativa in this issue . . . so armed with this information you can talk to your budtender and tell them how you’d like to feel.
Second rule — be aware of those around you. The holidays can be a trigger point for many, and while they may seem to be happy and celebratory on the outside, they may be really hurting on the inside. Maybe don’t put the pressure on each other to exchange gifts? Or have a big party? How about a meal together? Even a coffee and a friendly chat. Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean that sadness and loss are not prevalent. The toughest part is that they are and are magnified by the time of year.
As we transition into our new year, maybe give yourself a big break and don’t make any unnecessary resolutions. I for one am going to simply try to be as kind to myself as I can. Because how you treat yourself will reflect back on how you treat others.
So let’s look to a new year with hope . . . hope for healthy bodies, healthy minds, and peace in our lives and the world.
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda Bie

Melinda Bie