Cannabis by the Sea, Fall 2020

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CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Fall 2020 Vol 1 Issue 3

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l rame a c t i C H ssion fru h CBD. t A pa used wi inf

Find them at both shops! CCL18-0002738

4193 Carpinteria Ave., Sweet 4 • 805.684.6900 1100 State St. • 805.568.1313

Fall 2020

Table of Contents

FEATURES Addresses Its 8 Cannabis Social Equity Issue The legacy of the War on Drugs and what the industry is doing to make amends.

12 Lifestyle

Cannabis has made itself at home in kitchens, medicine cabinets, closets, retail spaces, and lots of other places in everyday life. Shop for some hemp clothing. Taste-test a cannabutter-infused omelet. Hear from a budtender. And for the beginner: a guide to visiting a dispensary for the first time.

18 Is This What the Doctor Ordered?

Legal cannabis is making further inroads into research labs and medical clinics. More and more, a variety of patients are benefiting from its healing properties.


Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020


The Claudia Jensen MD Center For Integrated Medicine “Keeping the medical in Medical Marijuana”

Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 | Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco Creative Director — Melinda Bie Contributors — Beth Cox, Peter Dugré, Alonzo Orozco, Amy Steinfeld, Justine Sutton, Barbara Verde, Patti Walters Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis. Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services. We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials.

Margaret A. Peterson, MD Medical Director James A. Wilson, PA-C Clinical Director 2895 Loma Vista Road, Suite E, Ventura, CA 93003 P: 805.648.5683 | F: 805.643.2828

Where Neighbors Help Their Neighbors All Year Long From January to August 2020, the Santa Barbara Unity Shoppe has helped 10,252 people and distributed $645,000 in food supplies to qualified clients. Unity Shoppe was the only Community Distribution Site open Monday-Friday, January 10 to August 15 in the County of Santa Barbara, while also providing a safe environment. As this pandemic continues and our community members suffer the economic fall out, we are in need of donations to continue our support services. To donate and for more information, please visit our website at

COPYRIGHT © 2020 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

Unity Shoppe | 1401 Chapala Street | Santa Barbara, CA | 93101 | Monday - Friday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea




From the Publisher


and Here’s Why ...

Welcome letter from the new publisher

Cannabis dispensaries declared essential during COVID’s reign of terror.


We’d Recommend It


Pet Project


Resources & References




Last Look

Products and services to enhance daily life

See if cannabis is a right fit for your canine.

Where to learn more, how to do more

Find something, sell something

Amy Steinfeld

Hemp for Victory? Yes, during World War II

Cover Shot Beth Cox captured the Carpinteria coastline cover shot with her Nikon P1000 camera. “I’ve only ever taken photos because I love the light, the beauty, or just what they turn into,” Beth says. “But now, with social media, I get so many people telling me how wonderful they are, it feels incredible to be able to share my love for this hobby!” A Carpinteria resident since 1992, Beth shares her love of nature via #JustMeAndTheWildOnes. See more of Beth’s work at


Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Overlooking the gorgeous Pacific Ocean

TLF Consulting Helping to build stellar community relationships

Porto Colina Boutique Weddings Vow Renewals Private Dinners Corporate Retreats . . . and More!

Event Coordination and Officiant Services Available Carpinteria, CA | 805.680.6459 Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


From the Publisher

Welcome to Cannabis by the Sea

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with coining “change is the only constant in life.” Well, I’m convinced he was correct and far ahead of his time! If you had asked me a month ago if I saw being a publisher in my future, I would have laughed you out of the room. Well … here I am. Guess the laugh is on me! A few years ago, a spark of an idea was hatched by a good friend of mine, Tina Fanucchi-Frontado, then CEO of KopSun LLC, the original publisher of Cannabis by the Sea. On April 20, right in the middle of the COVID-19, KopSun launched the first issue of CBTS to rave reviews. June 20 brought the second issue and shortly thereafter, change happened. Due to current times and after much consideration, KopSun decided to bring their work to a close. For almost four years the partners of KopSun, Tina Fanucchi-Frontado, Amy Marie Orozco and Leigh-Anne Anderson, worked steadily to shed light on this powerful plant through online and in-person education. They helped to normalize Cannabis as medicine and put it on the map in Santa Barbara County. After working as Creative Director for the first two issues of Cannabis by the Sea and seeing the reception it was receiving and the potential to further educate so many, I just couldn’t let this magazine fade into history. So, along came some new change, right when I thought I couldn’t take any more. After discussing with my husband Peter and making sure that KopSun partner Amy Orozco would continue as Editor (without her, there was no magazine!), I slipped on the publisher hat and am now so proud to bring you Vol 1, Issue 3 of Cannabis by the Sea magazine! In a world of change, the focus of the magazine will not. We will continue to be dedicated to information and education on the health and wellness properties of cannabis. In our Summer Issue we featured “Pot Lifers – the Ultimate Run-on Sentence,” written by Justine Sutton, that told the story of DeeDee Kirkwood, aka the Pot Fairy, and her efforts to bring to light the number of people serving life sentences in prison for nonviolent cannabis crimes. On August 8, Derek Harris, a military veteran who was sentenced to life in prison for selling $30 worth of marijuana was resentenced and will be released. Harris was arrested in 2008 in Louisiana for selling an officer .69 grams of marijuana … he has already served 9 years in prison. While it is good news to hear that Mr. Harris will be released, it continues to boggle my mind that convictions for this type of “crime” are so harsh. In an ironic twist, when the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown was imposed in March of this year, marijuana dispensaries were deemed as essential and were allowed to remain open. The essay by Peter Dugré on the following page talks about this very thing. We hope that this issue provides you further insight and maybe some new perspectives about this amazing plant. We want you to keep in touch with us, let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our new website Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Wear your mask. Be kind. Looking forward to sharing our Winter issue with you on December 20. 6 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

- Melinda Bie

and Here’s Why ...

More Than Legal ...Essential

By Peter Dugré

In March of this year, amid a whirlwind of rulings that became the State of California’s shelter-in-place order, decision makers made a calculation of historic proportions. Cannabis was designated an essential industry. With safety protocols and strict precautions, the industry could continue to operate, marking a milestone on the plant’s long road to legitimacy. “It was a big moment for legal cannabis,” said Tristan Strauss, CEO of Headwaters and President of CARP Growers, the farmers group in Carpinteria Valley. “California was the national frontrunner in legalizing medical cannabis in 1996, so this step not only further legitimized cannabis as an essential medicine but as an essential agricultural commodity on par with so many other crops grown throughout the state.”

In May of this year, Santa Barbara County Supervisors — ever in debate about the county’s cannabis cultivation program — highlighted the stability of its new cannabis cultivation tax, which was created by voters in 2018. At about $10 million annually and climbing, local cannabis tax revenues allowed the retention of Retail cannabis saw an early boom frontline workers when other during the pandemic as both patients counties could not afford the and were making drastic and recreational users sought to stock luxury budget cuts. The county’s up amid the uncertainty that then 2020-21 budget projects tainted every aspect of life (recall the that cannabis taxes will backfill $7 million in revenue toilet paper shortage!). losses caused by COVID-19.

Retail cannabis saw an early boom during the pandemic as both patients and recreational users sought to stock up amid the uncertainty that then tainted every aspect of life (recall the toilet paper shortage!). Initially, retailers saw record sales, and in the months that followed, sales showed steady gains over 2019 levels. “COVID has introduced the benefits of cannabis to a whole new customer. We’ve seen the rise of the ‘Tincture on Tuesday’ customers, those looking for help with sleep, calming relief and anxiety,” said Graham Farrar, founder of The Farmacy of Santa Barbara, who points to new stresses in a pandemicstricken world as motivation for those seeking the calming

It was also a lifesaver for the nascent industry that still sits on precarious footing next to a long established black market. On the side of tax collection for local and state governments, the essential designation kept cannabis tax revenue streaming when many traditional sources of tax revenue dried up with the shuttered economy.

qualities of cannabis. “The ‘Fun on Friday’ customers haven’t left, so the combination of the two has increased the number of cannabis consumers to new levels.”

“Farmers supported paying a county-level tax, but in the pandemic and with the essential designation, we saw cannabis taxes reach a whole new level of importance,” Strauss said. “Without this completely new tax, the county would be in fiscal crisis.” CS Peter Dugré is co-owner of Two Trumpets Communications and consults with CARP Growers, the cannabis farmers association in Carpinteria Valley. Peter & partner Lea Boyd manage both internal communications and public outreach for associations, public agencies and charitable organizations.

Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Cannabis Cares

Cannabis Addresses its

Social Equity Issues

By Justine Sutton

For hundreds of years in this country, not only have Black people been treated as if their lives don’t matter, but in the last many decades their communities have been systematically torn apart in the “War on Drugs” through racially biased policing and incarceration.

In Long Beach, aspiring cannabis entrepreneurs are frustrated with the city’s Cannabis Equity Program, whose services have consisted mainly of assistance with application paperwork. Applicants’ main obstacle is still the substantial amount of capital necessary to start their businesses.

Some cannabis companies and organizations are now working to right this injustice with social equity programs offering opportunities for education and employment in cannabis to those whose lives have been affected by its prohibition.

But positive movement is happening. A number of companies have implemented equity initiatives which are currently underway.

Last October was a milestone in terms of California’s cannabis social equity programs, when the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) announced the awarding of an additional $30 million in funding to be used for commercial cannabis equity programs for inclusion and support of those negatively or disproportionately impacted by cannabis criminalization. However, to paraphrase the Bard, the course of social equity never did run smooth. The city of Los Angeles has come up against allegations of unfairness in their application process for its social equity program. But plans to replace the first-come-first-served system are causing concern that reliance on a lottery system emphasizes chance without considering merit. 8

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Cannabis Cares Sweet Flower, a SoCal dispensary, sells the Give Back Kit, with tasty THC-laced treats and all proceeds donated to the Equity First Alliance and the Black Cooperative Investment Fund.

Online cannabis business and delivery service Eaze covers much of California. Their Momentum program is a “cannabis business accelerator,” in which 10 applicants are selected for a 10-week education program, each also receiving a $50,000 grant toward their business. Eaze’s aim is to support people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, and anyone Let us be heartened by these parting words from Will S., “Be incarcerated or negatively impacted by the prohibition of just, and fear not.” CS marijuana. Justine Sutton has worn a number of wordsmithing Chicago-based Cresco Labs has a presence in seven hats over the years, including English teacher, arts states, including a location in Carpinteria. Their SEED journalist, and nonprofit grantwriter/publicist. She (Social Equity & Education Development) Initiative includes also writes fiction and memoir, dabbles in poetry and efforts toward social equity, a community impact incubator playwriting, and looks forward to the publication of program, and workforce development and education for her debut novel next year. those adversely affected.

Looking to learn more? Eaze SEED Sweet Flower Equity First Alliance Black Cooperative Investment Fund

In 1971, President Nixon declared the “War on Drugs.” Maintaining that drug abuse was “public enemy number one,” Nixon is credited with increasing the side of law enforcement in the War of Drugs. “Nixon had two enemies: the anti-war left, and Black people. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black. But by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” said John Ehrlichman, former Nixon domestic policy chief in an interview for Harpers magazine. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Fy i ...

On or about September 21, The US House of Representatives will vote on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act—the strongest step toward federal legalization ever taken by Congress. The MORE Act is the most potent legalization bill on Capitol Hill. It strikes marijuana from the notorious list of dangerous drugs in the Controlled Substances Act. A federal tax would dedicate 5% of legal sales to a trust fund for post-War on Drugs reconstruction—sentence reductions, expungements, small business loans, and more.

If and when federal legalization passes, more work will remain to be done for cannabis to be treated like alcohol or tobacco. Most states will still have marijuana on their state-level Controlled Substances Acts. States will also control who will be allowed to legally grow and sell cannabis. Lastly, local city and county officials almost always get to decide whether to prohibit or allow cannabis commerce within their borders. So your vote counts on cannabis and all issues from the top of the ballot to the very bottom. Remember to get out there and VOTE on November 3! CS

Learn - Explore - Enjoy


e aram c t i H u C ssion fr h CBD. t A pa used wi inf


Find them at both shops! Visit 10 Cannabis by the Sea

Fall 2020

4193 Carpinteria Ave., Sweet 4 • 805.684.6900 1100 State St. • 805.568.1313

“Growing Relationships”

Robin Karlsson

Carpinteria Chamber of Commerce Large Business of The Year 2019

Greenleaf Landscapes | Tarpitz Gardening & Landscapes | 805.448.5381 P.O. Box 629 | Carpinteria | CA | 93014

CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Advertise with us ... Winter Issue December 20th Visit for advertising rates and information Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea




The Story of Rich and Textured Clothing

Interview by Melinda Bie Marcel Hemp opened as a natural fiber clothing store on Santa Barbara’s State Street in 1989. Store owner Marcel Monsivais featured clothing made from cottons, linens, and silks when he was introduced to hemp.

The hemp products sold in Marcel Hemp are sourced internationally in a fair trade market. Some of the production is in Santa Barbara, some in Los Angeles, as well as 12 different overseas countries.

“I thought it was such an interesting fiber,” recalls Marcel. “I made a trip to Thailand where I really fell in love with the fabric and slowly, little by little, I started to realize the other benefits of it.”

“We used to use 100% hemp fiber, but it proved to be just a little too rough in texture, so we now do a blend of cotton and hemp,” notes Marcel. “The benefit of the mix though is that we have an instantly soft fabric, very close to a linen quality without the ‘wrinkle factor’ that linen has.”

Hemp fabric offers UV protection as well as the best natural wicking ones. Many cyclists and athletes prefer hemp’s Hemp isn’t a cost-effective fabric. As America starts growing anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities, which synthetic and processing more of it, that may change. So much workout gear doesn’t have. Plus, hemp is biodegradable. already has changed since Marcel Hemp opened its doors 31 years ago. Officially the oldest hemp store in the country, Marcel Hemp’s presence has raised a few eyebrows over the years. “I’ve had customers return with their kids, and then grandkids Marcel has used the confusion of hemp equaling drug use and on. I recently received a photo of five generations all as an opportunity for education. It’s about sustainability, UV wearing our clothing,” says Marcel. “My favorite thing about protection, wicking, and anti-bacterial benefits. Marcel also hemp fabric is the character of the fabric, the look and feel, educates the wannabe hemp farmers visiting his shop. it’s a very rich, textural look.” CS “I try to let them know they should have a target of who they are going to grow for – don’t just grow it and try to figure out what you’re going to do with it. Are you going to grow it for a paper source? A thread or yarn source?” Marcel explains. “It’s a rather involved process from plant to fiber and a potential grower needs to be aware of this process prior to diving into planting.”


Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Marcel Hemp is located at 531 State Street in Santa Barbara. The phone number is (805) 963-8387. The website is Side note: The little boy on the Marcel Hemp logo, right, is Marcel as a little boy! The grown up Marcel is pictured at the right in his store.

August Monsivais Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea




Herbal Infused Mexican Scrambled Eggs Ingredients 3 eggs 1⁄2 Roma tomato 1⁄4 white onion 1 Serrano pepper

1⁄4 cup of cilantro 2 tablespoons of infused butter Salt Pepper

Directions It is important to get the eggs down to room temperature prior to cooking. Let them sit out at least 30 minutes. • Crack your eggs and put them in a bowl, add your salt and pepper. • Whisk the eggs until they are one uniform color. Let them sit for 10 minutes. • Dice the tomato, onion, and Serrano pepper. Also, cut up the cilantro. • Put a skillet over medium heat. • Add one tablespoon of infused butter to your skillet and stir it around until it is no longer bubbling. • Add the onion and Serrano pepper and cook until the onion becomes translucent. Then add the tomato and cook until it is warm throughout. • Add one more tablespoon infused butter. • Whisk in the eggs and stir occasionally. Cook them until you achieve your desired consistency. • Plate the dish and garnish with cilantro. Enjoy!

Like Butter!

Clear some kitchen cabinet space for the Home Cannakit. Its simplistic design replaces any need for large, expensive appliances. A veteran-run, womanowned, family business, Home CannaKit is the brainchild of Cheyenne and Vincent Mendoza. The Santa Barbara- and Ventura County-locals decided to bring their passion project to life and share with the world how to make herbal infused butters and oils, the easy way, in the comfort of one’s own home. CS

14 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

First Time By Barbara Verde


at a Dispensary

Exploring recreational cannabis does not need to be an intimidating experience - especially for the new kid on the block! Before stepping into a dispensary, I worried about being judged as a fish out of water because of my “middle-aged, slightly dorky mom� status. My head filled with visions of young budtenders helping me, then secretly snickering behind my back. Still, I was curious and love a good challenge, so I persevered, but made every mistake in the book, including having my husband and fussy young kids wait outside in the car for me on my maiden voyage. Doh! That said, a few years later with many successful dispensary visits under my belt, I have some tips to ease your mind and elevate your cannabis shopping experience! Turn the page ...

Logan Hall, Sideways 8 Creative

Sespe Creek Collective, Ojai, CA

Cannabisby bythe theSea Sea 15 17 Fall2020 2020 Cannabis Fall


No. 1: Do a bit of personal reflection about what you might like. Do you want discretion in the form of a tincture or mint? How high do you want to go? • Are you after a “go to the moon” experience or more of a “happy hour” high? • Maybe you simply want to ease aches and pains, help sleeping, or anxiety relief? While budtenders can help a lot, they aren’t mind readers, and it’s really helpful to come with some ideas about how and why you’d like to consume.

No. 2: Plan to go when the shop isn’t very busy. It’s always more enjoyable to take your time browsing products while getting more personalized attention from budtenders. • Expect to spend about 30 minutes on your first visit. • Also anticipate checking in upon arrival and seeing guards stationed at the entrance, but don’t be concerned, that’s just standard procedure and required by California law.

No. 3: Call the dispensary before you go. Nothing can shake out the vibe of a dispensary like a phone call. Ask questions such as: • Do they carry products that are a good fit for how you want to consume cannabis (for instance, tinctures, edibles, vape pens, CBD, etc.)? • Are there budtenders who’d be a good fit for helping you? • Where do you park? • Is there is an ATM on site? • Do you need a medical card? Listen to the tone of the person on the other end. • Are they friendly, helpful? • Do they have good answers for you? • Or do they sound annoyed at your questions? A phone call can tell you a lot about whether a dispensary is the right fit for you before you step inside.

No. 4: And there’s always delivery Lots of shops deliver, and it’s one of the easiest, most discreet ways to purchase cannabis. That said, it will be harder to explore products and talk to knowledgeable staff, so if you are still trying to hone in on what you like and how you like it, go straight to the source your first few times. Lastly, don’t let uneasiness about going into a dispensary hold you back from accessing the joys and benefits of this amazing plant. Take the YOLO approach, use these tips to maximize your experience, and dive in! CS Barbara Verde is co-creator of—a guide to cannabis on the Central Coast.

16 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Ask a Bud t end er


Elena Klimasewiski has worked in the California cannabis industry for 10 years mostly as a budtender or dispensary management in the Los Angeles metro area. CBTS interviewed Elena about the job and the state of retail cannabis in general. Read on to see what she had to say.

Have you seen an uptick in new clients since Covid? A colleague recalls the huge spree of panic buying during What is the most requested product? the early days, just like with toilet paper, patients were The most requested products would definitely be low-dose coming in every day and buying their maximum limit. Since edibles and pre-rolled joints. More and more people are then, business has mostly evened out and returned to normal. dabbling in cannabis use now as more stigma is removed, She doesn’t think that COVID has affected people to either so the majority of patients want something quick, easy, and want to start or stop consuming cannabis to any remarkable not intimidating. degree. Elena Klimasewiski

And how about the most common ailment? That would probably be chronic pain, anxiety, or insomnia, but I’ve served every kind of person you can think of. I saw several patients with cancer go into remission after taking a course of CBD. Many people with Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s disease also found cannabis products to be very helpful in managing symptoms. I even procured a course of Charlotte’s Web CBD oil for an 8-year-old-girl with seizures, her father said it dramatically improved her days. Are most clients recreational or medical? The line between medical vs. recreational is getting finer every day. After the recreational law passed in California, most people stopped renewing their medical letters just because it was an extra hassle and fee that was no longer required. I also saw a huge uptick of first-time users who were interested in CBD/non-psychoactive/medical tailored products, as they finally felt comfortable coming in. Most patients now are only renewing their Dr.’s letters in order to get the tax break, patients who are interested in medical products either speak with their primary physician or a budtender like myself.

What’s the one piece of advice would you give to a first time dispensary shopper? My best advice for a first time shopper would be: Ask the budtender! We don’t mind answering questions, guiding you, or giving details about your options. Don’t worry about sounding silly or inexperienced, trust me we have heard it all before! I would much rather spend 30 minutes with a new patient finding exactly the right products for their wants and needs, instead of them picking random items that could potentially give them either an overwhelming or disappointing experience. Any recommendations? One of my personal favorite flower brands is Cream of The Crop; they have stunning exotic genetics. I also recommend starting a CBD regimen, if you can tolerate a small amount of THC it will work even better! I take CBD every day and after about a year it has done wonders for my anxiety levels and stomach issues. I always recommend being cautious about oil cartridges, only buy them from licensed dispensaries, and even then I personally stick to live resin or rosin only, since they will have fewer contaminants. CS ­— CBTS Staff Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Is This What The Doctor Ordered? By Alonzo Orozco

While it’s common for cancer patients to use cannabis as a means of comforting nausea following chemotherapy and radiation treatments, there are few that comprehend the power of the versatile herb. The plant’s illegal status made researching its potential almost impossible. Fortunately, nowadays laboratories and academic institutions have more opportunities to investigate the healing potential of green medicine. Äsa Olsson

HER2+ breast cancer patient Äsa Olsson, a high profile community member who was recognized as Carpinterian of the Year in January 2018, was hesitant to try cannabis for her debilitating arthritis and the painful side effects after a year of chemotherapy. “I first tried hemp oil which tasted horrible to me, and when you already are trying so hard to fight your nausea ... I couldn’t even stand the smell,” recalls Olsson of her attempts to ease the pain.

Amy Orozco

Her daughter, Linnea Beedy, owner of KLONA nursery, recommended Ojai Greens dispensary to her mother as a good starting point for cannabis. In the fall of that same year, she decided to give CBD a chance. Olsson then made the commitment to try a week’s supply of capsules with a 30:1 (CBD:THC) ratio. Not experiencing any negative reactions, she next opted for a 30-day supply. Roughly six months after her CBD regimen, she once again was able to open doors with round doorknobs and felt strong enough to jog.

18 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

But, cannabis isn’t just helpful in dealing with cancer, Santa Barbara County resident Shirley Strickler found that it helped with her autoimmune disorder and osteoarthritis. She suffers from Sjögren’s syndrome, also known as sicca syndrome, which is an immune system disorder that can cause dryness in the eyes, mouth and skin, along with profound fatigue, achy joints, and brain fog.

Submitted Photo

“There is no cure and it progresses differently in each patient. Mine is usually mild to moderate, annoying but livable except when I have flares, then everything is exacerbated and more intense,” says Strickler, who was a nurse at Kern Medical Center. There she met Dr. Margaret Peterson when she was working as a resident in Family Practice at the facility. “I never forgot her; she was outstanding. When I retired and moved to Carpinteria seven years ago, I called her at once and have been her patient ever since.” Fortunately, she also discovered that Dr. Peterson understood cannabis. Guided by Dr. Peterson, the retired nurse began to use a CBD tincture. Sensitive to THC, she used a CBD to THC ratio of 20:1. I take 60-80 mg per day sublingually. It [cannabis] diminishes the inflammatory responses that are the basis for Shirley Strickler the disorder, I feel a daily reduction in joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue,” she explains. “I feel strongly that we will discover, now that we are able to research, that cannabis will be beneficial for many conditions and perhaps even curative.” Alonzo Orozco

Dr. Peterson practices Family Medicine in Ventura and understands the effectiveness of medical cannabis. She notes that for the myriad of side effects that one gets [from chemotherapy and radiation], it’s shown to be a tremendous benefit. Studies using animal models such as mice and rats, show that cannabis can reduce and kill the early proliferation of cancer cells. Whether it can be used to cure cancer is still not proven. Do we use cannabis to treat cancer? She’s very cautious about saying that and to turn toward something that doesn’t have the studies yet. That’s not in the patient’s best interest. In the near future, if given the opportunity, science may determine if cannabis is indeed a cure for cancer.

Dr. Margaret A. Peterson, MD.

Olsson suggests, “Learn what your body likes and what it doesn’t.” Olsson’s husband, a Vietnam War veteran who suffers from Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and has a rare form of blood cancer, also uses cannabis to deal with sleep issues, pain and a variety of other ailments.

“Has it been life changing? No, but medical cannabis has certainly made a huge impact on my quality of life, I feel good,” Olsson adds. CS Alonzo Orozco has written and taken photographs for various South Coast newspapers and magazines, including Carpinteria Magazine, Coastal View News, and Santa Ynez Valley Journal. He also served on the Carpinteria Valley Water District Board for eight years.

Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


We’d Recommend It

Products for you B12 Asteroids Broad Spectrum Gummies From the cannabis pioneers in the Rocky Mountain state, Infinite CBD’s B12 Asteroids Broad Spectrum Gummies come in 25mg doses of relief and recharging. Each yuzu-flavored gummy also has 1,000 micrograms of B12. Plus, we like the messaging on the website: “With a dedication to improving quality of life across the globe, this variation of CBD is catered to those who need quick attention to their problem areas.” More details at

Trokie Pain Patch Two thumbs up for Trokie’s patch. Wait, make it a jump for joy since the pain is gone. The 4” x 5.75” sized patch, which can be cut to size, packs a powerful punch of relief. Made with 25mg of non-GMO CBD, lidocaine, and menthol, the patch is perfect for muscle soreness, joint discomfort, and other aches, such as arthritis. No THC makes it suitable for ages 12 and up. Check to see where Trokie is sold near you.

Restore: CBD + Turmeric Tincture Vital Body Therapeutics products have been made by massage therapists with more than 20 years experience in treating pain. And it shows and feels it. In addition to the women owned and operated company’s line of topicals using broad spectrum hemp oil and therapeutic herbs as well as bath salts, we are in love with Restore: CBD + Turmeric Tincture. A daily dose under the tongue has resulted in less inflammation and pain in joints among CBTS test kitchen personnel. Vital Body Therapeutics accommodates the retail and wholesale markets at The website also offers lots of information on CBD, nutrition, and general wellness.

Vital Leaf Full-Spectrum CBD We like how the CBD is described as “plant-forward.” Vital Leaf’s CBD Capsules use CO2 extracted water-soluble full-spectrum hemp extract and is very potent in conquering pain. The capsules provide a predictable dosage, sometimes lacking in edibles and tinctures. The travel size packaging allows for discretion and convenience. Shop at CS 20

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Pet Project

Canines and


By Amy Orozco The popularity of CBD for animals is evident by its presence in the pet food aisle of grocery stores and special sections in dispensaries. Dogs with chronic pain conditions, anxiety, or seizures seem to enjoy the benefits of CBD oil. However, as with humans, proper studies and research on the effectiveness of CBD has not been done, thanks to the illegal status of cannabis for so long.

Hemp, from which CBD comes, is a bio-accumulator used for ground cleaning, things like toxic waste sites and oil spills. You wouldn’t want to give your fur baby CBD made from tainted hemp. Be sure you are giving your pet a clean and safe product. For dosing recommendations, the best case scenario is a conversation with a cannabis-friendly veterinarian. If that isn’t possible, you can research online.

There is anecdotal evidence, though. Veterinarians and dog owners report arthritic dogs seem more comfortable and pain-free when using CBD, which typically would have A good starting point is trace amounts, if any, of THC, the psychoactive compound Medical Marijuana & that gives the “high.” It would be cruel to give a dog THC. Your Pet by Dr. Richard Silva, DVM. Check it out at CS Where the CBD is sourced is probably the most important thing to consider when purchasing. Just because Whole Foods or your local health food store sells it, doesn’t mean it’s safe. Best to buy a pet-specific product at a licensed cannabis dispensary.

Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Pet Project

Q: How can 1 person save 100 homeless animals? A: It’s easy. Just spay one.

Visit today!

Clarification on Working Cats on Cannabis Farms In last issue’s story Working Cats on Cannabis Farms, we reported that a mother cat and her kittens were homed on a cannabis farm. The cats were not placed there but rescued. Volunteers helped trap the mom and removed her kittens to be fostered and fixed and adopted out as regular tame cats. Mom was the only one returned. Additionally, the story’s artwork featured kittens, perhaps implying that kittens are placed as working cats. They are not. “Kittens are just prey if they are placed in ‘outdoor’ settings like a ranch or barn. The hawks can just swoop in and take them away,” according to Belinda Burns, volunteer for ASAP’s Working Cats Program. Before kittens are adopted out, they are altered, have a medical check-up and vaccinated, and are socialized with humans. Here is something new we learned: nonprofit animal advocacy organizations such as the ASAP Working Cats Program like having the nurseries and greenhouses to place really light-colored cats that in another regular relocation site would stick out in the outside world. They would not survive long not being able to blend into the local vegetation. In a closed environment, they can survive for a long time and do a good job hunting. Lastly, we apologize for not giving proper photo credit to Belinda Burns for photos in the story. For information on ASAP’s Working Cats Program, contact Mary Scott at (805) 699-5739 or CS 22

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Resources and References

Resources and References

The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream From journalist Heather Cabot, The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream tells the story of how the once demonized cannabis shed its Just Say No status and rebranded itself as a star of the health/wellness and alternative medicine movements. Cabot gives a detailed report on traveling with Snoop Dog and his business partner Ted Chung as they bring Snoop’s brand to market. Cabot looks at political, economic, and social factors influencing cannabis’ new reputation as an economic and medicinal boon — all while being federally illegal. Learn more at Heather Cabot’s website,

NORML NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) was founded in 1970 to end marijuana prohibition. Today, the nonprofit’s mission is to “move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.” NORML is an invaluable resource providing lobbying efforts on state and federal levels and information to the national media to combat propaganda. The website offers a treasure trove of knowledge, data, and guidance. Check it out at and think about joining.

CannaConnection The entire CannaConnection platform is impressive, covering most things cannabis. Lately, it’s been the Grow tab we keep clicking. From basic to advanced, with troubleshooting and other tips thrown in, CannaConnection gets green thumbs itching to dig into the dirt. When to harvest, how to cure, how to water, what tools are needed, and so much more. You won’t believe how much you didn’t know! The website originates out of The Netherlands. Visit it at Passport not required. CS

Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



Find Something, Sell Something . . .


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Set of Brass Wall sconces 2 lights w/white shades, $50.00/pair Overall size approx 12x18 (805) 680-6459

CANNABIS CREATIONS Have you made any cannabis creations? We’d love to see them.

Protect Your Neighbors

Support Your Community The Medical Cannabis Primer


Wedding Officiant. Peter Bie draws on over 20 years of media experience and 12 years of service in his church where he serves as Lay Pastor to bring out the very best in your ceremony. He will help to infuse your day with care, strong presentation skills and a warm, personal touch. Email 24

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2020

Experience with recreational cannabis is not a substitute for medical guidance. The Medical Cannabis Primer will teach you how to select the right products and use the right dosage.

Only $35.00 Visit to purchase your copy!


Reach Cannabis by the Sea readers easily. (805) 881-1218

Last Look

Hemp for Victory! What a long strange trip it’s been. From being demonized to made illegal to the Controlled Substances Act to being removed, thanks to the 2018 omnibus Farm Bill, hemp made a stop along that journey during World War II as a poster child of the United States Department of Agriculture. In response to a shortage of hemp and other raw materials used for the war effort, “the U.S. Department of Agriculture launched its ‘Hemp for Victory’ program, encouraging farmers to plant hemp by giving out seeds and granting draft deferments to those who would stay home and grow hemp,” according to pbs. org. “By 1943 American farmers registered in the program harvested 375,000 acres of hemp.” The federal government defines hemp as “the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta- 9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.” Today, the USDA regulates the Hemp Production Program, and tribal and states governments may apply for approval. Learn more at and CS

Fall 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



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