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Welcome to Cannabis by the Sea

I saw a great meme on social media a few days ago, “I’m going to stay up this New Year’s Eve – not to celebrate the New Year, but to make sure this one goes away.” I couldn’t agree more! In addition to living under the stifling canopy of a pandemic, this year has been a ruthless one and I am happy to see it go.


I am also grateful for those positive things that came to center stage this year: friendships, family, community. It has been so deeply touching to have friends and family reach out just to ask “How are you doing”? Which begs the question, why does it take a situation like this for us to do that for each other? I also have been so impressed with how my local community has banded together to support our small businesses, and how those businesses and entrepreneurs have made it so easy for us to shop with them.

Over the past year, we have featured some great products in our “We’d Recommend It” sections. Most of which would make great gifts or stocking stuffers! You can find the suggestions on our website, many of them available at your local dispensary. As 2020 comes to a close, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy, physically and mentally. As I said, it’s been a tough one, and I’d be lying if I said that I wake up every morning or go to bed every night with a positive outlook. I have certainly increased my CBD intake for that ever present anxiety about “What the heck is going to happen THIS week”? In this issue, we have an insightful and informative interview with Dr. Bonni Goldstein (page 18) regarding anxiety and depression. This is a serious issue and the nationwide increase has been staggering.

As this year passes into the history books, I hope you will join me in focusing on who and what you are most grateful for and doing our best to express that gratitude – just a simple “thank you” will suffice!

We want you to keep in touch, so please let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at info@cbtsmagazine.com.

Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our new website www.cbtsmagazine.com!

Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Please keep wearing your mask and above all, be kind.

Looking forward to sharing our Spring issue with you on April 20, 2021!

- Melinda Bie

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