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Ask Ed

Ganja guru Ed Rosenthal is credited with saying, “Marijuana may not be addictive, but growing it is.” And he ought to know. He is a co-founder of High Times Magazine and writes the publication’s popular column, Ask Ed. Additionally, he has penned a number of books on growing and has been teaching the subject for more than 30 years. “The Best of Ask Ed: Your Marijuana Questions Answered” is a good starting point for those new to his writing. “Marijuana Grower’s Handbook: Your Complete Guide for Medical and Personal Marijuana Cultivation” and “Marijuana Garden Saver: A Field Guide to Identifying and Correcting Cannabis Problems” are well worth a read, too. The shop on his Web site, edrosenthal.com, has his publications and a deep well of cannabis knowledge and hard earned wisdom.


"It's Just a Plant"

Yep, a children’s book about marijuana with illustrations. Ricardo Cortés wrote “It’s Just a Plant” so moms and dads can discuss cannabis and its complexities with their children in a clear and non-judgmental way. The story follows a young girl as she learns about cannabis from different people — her parents, a police officer, a farmer, and a doctor. If the author’s name sounds familiar, maybe you read his popular book “Go The F&*k to Sleep.” “It’s Just a Plant” is available at justaplant.com.

"Marijuana Business Daily"

Want a better understanding of the business side of cannabis? Headquartered in Denver, Marijuana Business Daily is a trade journal serving cultivators, retailers, investors, financial services organizations, manufacturers, testing labs, and more. The amount of money ricocheting around the cannabis industry is astonishing, and MJBizDaily helps put it in perspective. MJBizDaily is delivered digitally and a hard copy Marijuana Business Magazine publishes 10 times a year. The company also is the force behind MJBizCon, the annual trade show held in Las Vegas. Visit them at mjbizdaily.com.

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