2 minute read
From the Publisher
Welcome to the Fall of 2021!
Hard to believe that this year has flown by as quickly as it has, especially considering how 2020 seemed to be 5 years long. I hope that you and yours are remaining safe and healthy in our ever changing environment and that you have managed to keep your wits about you!
This is a jam packed issue - we’ve got some great information for you, as well as a little humor. We’re so happy to introduce a new regular “Blunt Advice,” from our own Barbara Verde. If you have any questions about cannabis, throw them her way via email to barbara@cbtsmagazine.com.
We talk a bit in this issue about the battle for and the current status of legalization in this country. Perhaps you’re reading this magazine for the first time and you haven’t quite made up your mind. If you haven’t, please consider this — opposing the legalization of cannabis has more ramifications than what you may think. As long as cannabis remains on the Federal Schedule of Controlled Substances, clinical research cannot be done in this country. This forces organizations like Harvest360 to conduct their research overseas. Not familiar with them? Well, CBTS interviewed the CEO of Harvest360, Todd Scattini, for our Spring 2021 issue. Todd conceptualized treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy using non-psychoactive CBD. Called “The Athena Protocol,” Todd visualized treating TBI victims after the loss of a dear friend and fellow Army officer, who sustained TBI in combat. But until cannabis is federally approved, research must be done overseas and The Athena Protocol faces a continuous uphill battle. Legalization needs to happen. Even conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in a June 28th statement “A prohibition on interstate use or cultivation of marijuana may no longer be necessary or proper to support the federal government’s piecemeal approach.”
So, before you dig your heels in the dirt, read a bit more and expand your knowledge.
We want you to keep in touch, so please let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at info@cbtsmagazine.com.
Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our website cbtsmagazine.com — it’s free!
Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Please get vaccinated and above all, be kind.
Looking forward to sharing our Winter issue with you on December 20, 2021! - Melinda Bie