Edition 2: Cannabis Legalization

Page 1



Editorial: The versatility of cannabis Editorial - Opinion article. page 3


CannaGrow SECTION A look at the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant Cannabis Genetic Stability. page 6 In the expert’s room, interview with Dr. Elizabeth Pauker. page 8


CannaLaw SECTION News and advances in the legal area of the cannabis industry The media influence on cannabis legislation and public opinion. page 12

Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis respectively, have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can find other two new sections in order to provide a global look about the plant: we are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for the demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to the first edition of Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!

Cannabis and tax revenue: one more reason to legalize it.. page 15 How is the veterinary use of cannabis progressing globally?. page 17


CannaTrade SECTION Finance and business area in the cannabis industry Amazon joins the fight for the legalization of cannabis page 19 Cannathletes: exercise and cannabis, a new sports duo. page 21 How does the biden spending plan and state taxes affect cannabis businesses?. page 23


CannaMed SECTION Medical and Scientific Advances in the Cannabis Industry Are side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination?. page 26 Cannabis “up close”: AC/DC. page 29


The versatility of cannabis

Welcome to change! When talking about cannabis, we find ourselves in front of a sea of endless possibilities of enrichment and entrepreneurship. What was once impossible to achieve for this industry has become viable over the years due to the great advances not only in the various studies that have been made about the multiple properties of the plant, but also in the legal and juridical procedures presented in all parts of the world that have been successful thanks to the effort and dedication of millions of people. That is why when planting and cultivating the cannabis plant in the ground, it should also be sown and cultivated in the minds of people the certainty that they are leaving the labyrinth of ignorance, so that it is carried out in the best way as a symbol of prosperity and triumph taking into account all the adversities encountered. When closing a deal whether it is for an industrial planting system, stock exchange company, seed bank or CBD clinic, one should not forget the stairs that cannabis has climbed with so much effort to become the dynamo that it is today in the business world.

Undoubtedly we are in the "Green Revolution", the golden age of the cannabis plant, a time where the industry rises like foam before our eyes with much success towards the firmament, a time we are fortunate to witness. Now we say goodbye to fearful comments and misinformation, goodbye to the backward times! We welcome change and truth, we welcome a new era, the era of cannabis...Welcome to Cannabis World Journals!

Welcome to change, welcome to our edition!

Alibert Flores Cannabis World Journals Editorial Team



MEDICAL CANNABIS AND SLEEP DISORDERS Sleep problems are one of the most common medical complaints in Puerto Rico and the United States, making them a serious public health problem. The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institute of Health (NIH), sleep plays an important role in internal cleansing that removes toxins from the brain that accumulate while we are awake. According to the American Sleep Association there are more than 100 different sleep disorders. Among the most common are: •

Insomnia, when you cannot fall asleep

Sleep apnea, involves breathing problems when sleeping

Restless legs syndrome, tingling, discomfort or pain in the legs that occurs at night and improves with movement

Circadian rhythm disorders, occur when the internal clock is affected and the sleep pattern is disturbed

Parasomnia, involves abnormal movements and activities while sleeping, including sleepwalking and nightmares

Excessive daytime sleepiness, when an individual suffers from daytime sleepiness or narcolepsy

A poor amount of sleep is a risk factor for serious diseases. Adults who sleep less than 7 hours a day have a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, and depression. On the other hand, many of these conditions put the patient at risk of insomnia due to low oxygen levels in the blood, difficulty breathing, gastroesophageal reflux or neurological problems.

Finding a solution to sleep problems can be very dangerous. In a review of the literature published in 2016 by Dr. Daniel Kripke in which drugs such as zolpidem (Ambien), temazepan (Restoril), flurazepan (Dalmane), among others, were used, it was found that the consumption of these hypnotics is associated with an excess of mortality 4.6 times higher in comparison to those who do not use them.

Medical Cannabis (MC) is one of the oldest treatments for sleep disorders. There is evidence from before its prohibition. Some studies on pain showed that subjects had better quality of sleep. Therefore, sleep

*This opinion section is open to those who want to share their point of view on any aspect related to the cannabis industry. To participate, contact us via email info@cannabisworldjournals.com 4


disorders caused by chronic pain or other diseases can be treated with cannabis, particularly if cannabis also helps the underlying condition. Clinical studies suggest that the THC in cannabis improves sleep quality, helps you sleep longer, reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, and promotes deeper sleep. On the other hand, CBD helps you stay alert and can help manage daytime somnolence caused by a lack of nighttime sleep.

As the homeostatic regulator (tendency to stable equilibrium) of human physiology, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycle and other circadian processes (24-hour biological cycle). The way we sleep, stay asleep, wake up, and stay awake is regulated by our circadian rhythm and our endocannabinoid system.

Sativa promotes alertness and energy. Hybrids promote a balance between the two. The best strains available to promote sleep are: Cowboy Kush, Blue Wookies, and 40 years. Other recommendations are: Tinctures such as Zzzleep that contain CBN and THC 3:2, Watermelon-flavored tinctures with 300mg of THC, Relax Capsules 5/15/25 mg of THC, sublingual syringes with 50 mg of THC, as well as oils to vaporize.

So I urge you to be certified as a Medical Cannabis patient. FOR YOUR HEALTH!


Additionally, studies indicate that when Medical Cannabis is used for sleep disorders, it can also alleviate mental health symptoms that interfere with sleep and cause nightmares. MC can help patients with depression, PTSD, and anxiety.

Not all varieties or strains of MC are the same. Each strain can have a different effect. Indica promotes sleep and calm,




GENETIC STABILITY For a long time, growers have stabilized the genetics of some cannabis strains in order to obtain those desired phenotypic, genotypic and chemotypic characteristics. But what does genetic stability consist of? It refers to “the tendency of a population to maintain its genotypes through generation” (NAL Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary, 2013); so the successor daughters will retain the genetic material that is present in the DNA of a mother plant. Therefore, the genotype is the genetic inheritance that is maintained as long as it is in the same environmental conditions as the mother and does not present major alterations.

To maintain genetic stability, two concepts are taken into account: variability and predictability, the first is presented when the sexual crossing of a mother and father plant of cannabis is made, as a result, a new variety is given with particular phenotypic expressions (the phenotype are the characteristics that can be observed with the naked eye, such as color, flower and seed production, height, number of flowers, harvest times, trichome density, etc.) likewise, chemotypic traits such as terpenes and flavonoids will emerge; predictability refers to what is expected as a result of crossing or hybridizing. In this order of ideas, when a variety that produces a good amount of trichomes and another variety that has a citrus smell is crossed, the grower expects as a result a plant that produces high yields of trichomes with citrus odors. This technique requires a lot of patience because in Mendelian inheritance, if we think of two heterozygous parents, 50% of the offspring will have a heterozygous

genotype, 25% will be homozygous dominant and the other 25% homozygous recessive (Seeds, 2020). Therefore, to reach the final result of stabilization, stable and healthy parents must be counted on in order not to generate large variations in the DNA of the offspring and preserve those particular traits that make the variety interesting.



With the above mentioned, it could be said that the physical characteristics are manifested with the concept of phenotype = genotype + environment, in other words, the phenotype is expressed as the genes are exposed to certain environmental conditions such as temperature, soil, food, humidity and among other factors that can cause visible features to be reflected. For that reason, if a genotype is exposed in two different environmental contexts, it probably will be reflected differently, since the external conditions have a great influence and can alter the way in which the plant develops. To successfully carry out genetic stability there is a breeding program (Cervantes, 2007), which takes into account:

Breeding objective: is the reason why you want to cross the parents, what do you want to obtain? Many times, growers take pests resistant genetics that are productive, to obtain a very resistant genetics with production of tall flower.

Find or create variability: it is easy to find certified seed banks that have stabilized the varieties to obtain the desired characteristics and continue with the hybridization. If there is no interest in hybridization, the variety can be

raised, however, as mentioned before, it will take time and stabilization tests.

Cultivate and evaluate: when you are cultivating to obtain the desired varieties and evaluating those traits that are within what is required, it is best to experiment with breeding, waiting for the traits of interest to form and defining the genetics. Screen, select and apply selective pressure: in this step, the offspring that meet the desirable characteristics are kept and those plants that fail to develop the desired traits are eliminated. When the properties that were maintained during the examination after generations are already found, it can be said that the genetics of a cannabis variety have been stabilized and those phenotypes and chemotypes created can be used to the maximum References

NAL Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary. (2013). Estabilidad genética | NAL Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary. agclass.nal.usda.gov. https://agclass.nal.usda.gov/es/glosario-lista-alfabetica Seeds. (2020, 26 mayo). Genética del Cannabis 101: Estabilizar una variedad. Sensi Seeds. https://sensiseeds.com/es/blog/genetica-del-cannabis101-estabilizar-una-variedad/ Cervantes, J. (2007). Marihuana: Horticultura del Cannabis la Biblia del Cultivador Médico de Interior y Exterior (Illustrated ed.). Van Patten Publishing.


The editorial team at Cannabis World Journals have the pleasure of chatting with Doctor Elizabeth Pauker who gladly shared her innovative and enriching professional experience in the area of medical cannabis and mental health.

CWJ: who is Dr. Elizabeth Pauker and how did she get started in the cannabis industry? Dr.: If I can define myself, I would do so as an innovative doctor, first in the area of psycho-oncology in Ecuador, in the search for new alternatives for the treatment of patients, especially in the area of pain control and postchemotherapy symptoms. My main goal is to reduce as many medications as possible and try to give patients a better quality of life. On how I came to the cannabis industry, it was during this search; what I do is prevention, containment and emotional support during the process, so that they can accept their illness and learn to live with it.

CWJ: In Ecuador, what is the outlook regarding the medical use of cannabis in the upcoming years?

In the expert’s room: Interview with Elizabeth Pauker Psychooncologist, Cannabis and Mental Health Professional

Dr.: Regarding the future, I believe that there are important alternatives, because I consider that a lot of knowledge and investigative processes are needed, we still do not have 100% viable products. Recently, the regulation was approved in which the need for prescription and training of professionals is raised, the most important thing is that we can count on CBD; regarding the THC combinations, being a bit reckless, I think we don't have a viable product yet, due to the risks it has and the taboos that still exist.

CWJ: From your experience, how has the evolution of cannabis been in the last 3 years? Dr.: I believe that the change has been made by the patients themselves and by the freedom that they have to choose this therapeutic alternative; although it is true that doctors can always suggest its use, the one who decides is the patient. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 2 | 8

I think what we are achieving is the real control of the dosage and the fact that as doctors we also get a little more involved in other types of therapies that are not precisely opioids or chemical drugs.

CWJ: Lately there has been an increase in the number of people wanting to be treated with cannabis and because of this, perhaps there are many people who decide to self-medicate. From your professional point of view, what would you say to those people who think about selfmedicating or look for cannabis products in an artisanal way? Dr.: In Latin America I think we have a defect, beyond finding out from the scientific side, we always stay with what we are told. It would be very interesting if we professionals are the ones who provide this alternative; a curious fact that I have is that patients are often already using their own cannabis. What I would suggest to patients is that they find the right information, ask and see if it really is the right medicine for them, the amount, etc. Beyond what I can tell the patient, is that we as health professionals can spread quality information to help them make the right decision.

CWJ: You mentioned that there are patients who are already using cannabis. Overall, is it by selfmedication or because some other doctor suggested it? Dr.: All the alternatives, here we have a very frequent use, especially in chronic and oncological diseases that have turned to homeopathic, naturopathic and alternative medicine doctors; of whom have received this information. Since its legalization has been generated, in some cases I have made the suggestion, from which I have received a very positive response in relation to its effectiveness.

CWJ: From the medical point of view, what would you think is needed from health professionals so that medical cannabis can begin to be included more as a treatment alternative? Dr.: I think that what stops the professionals is the lack of clinical studies that really ensure the use, there is a lot of talk about evidence-based medicine and we still have many preclinical studies. I think that we Latin Americans receive many results from other countries, but we should do the research ourselves in order to have information that is adapted to our populations.

CWJ: And we know that there are many doctors who are closed to the fact that cannabis can be used medicinally. From your perspective, do you think that stigma has decreased or increased in recent years? Dr.: I consider that the stigma has decreased, but I think there is a mistrust in saying it openly, since the medical community tends to censor, especially those who come from very traditional structures; it is much more appreciated to talk about a very common drug and to say it openly than to talk about something as simple that comes from our own ancestors as cannabis. Although studies say that it is totally coadjuvant, we have to break many myths, such as, for example, that the patient who goes to palliative always dies, because we are seeing a response where that patient is discharged despite having cancer or a chronic illness.

CWJ: Focusing a bit more on your specialty, in what ways has medical cannabis helped to treat your patients? Dr.: In my case, in many ways. There are three events that I consider to be the most problematic in cancer


patients; first, insomnia; second, the feeling of nausea or vomiting itself; and finally pain, which is the greatest limitation for patients. Many times the cancer patient stops eating and becomes malnourished, affecting the immune system and losing weight, which can cause many diseases, it is a cycle. With cannabis they have a good response, they sleep well, they eat well and their mood improves, so it is definitely very different from medicating with a sedative, or anxiolytic, or even with the opioid itself that will leave you drowsy, will change your personality and you have to take it for a long time to get an answer. With cannabis, in most cases, after three months we already achieved immediate regularization; on the first, second, third day, the patient is rested, very calm, eats well, from my point of view it is a very interesting alternative despite the fact that the studies say that is still a coadjuvant.

CWJ: Are all of your patients candidates for medical cannabis? Dr.: I think it depends a lot on the patient, since cannabis has been used as that last option, when everything has failed; however, I believe that

cannabis should be considered as all the other treatment options. It seems to me an interesting opportunity to raise it from the beginning of the symptoms and to assess the response. CWJ: Why is it that in Ecuador, they do not use cannabis as the first option? Dr.: I think it is due to what the studies establish, since many of the decisions that were made to be able to make the Ecuadorian regulations were based on evidence. So, I believe that the new research and the new prescription will be the one that can change these parameters, but we need to start now. CWJ: What do you think is missing so that it can be used as that first option, like any other medicine? Dr.: First, to have safe medicines, with products that really have all the health records and all the necessary quality controls; the other is to be well-trained to understand how it works, many times the cannabis prescription information is not clear, therefore there needs to be a guide to understand a drug that can produce a lot of things with a single drop; I think there is a lack of information in the handling of cannabis itself.

CWJ: How true can it be that patients can only medicate with cannabis, considering that cannabis is used as an adjuvant? Dr.: In my case, in mild to moderate pain, cannabis has had a good response, of course, I do not have a large sample to say that it is absolute. This is precisely one of the drawbacks that we have, we need very large samples of patients to be able to establish that this is the case, however, I believe that the experience that each one has and discovers from their spaces and with their patients will give the answer. I would love, especially in mental health, that we could use only cannabis, due to the adverse effects that psychotropic drugs have.

CWJ: From your perspective, do you think medical cannabis as a first alternative is going to take a long time? Dr.: In the case of Ecuador, I think it will depend on the legislation and our next president. We have here a table of drugs that is a bit confusing; additionally, I believe that these confusions and mythologies of cannabis itself lead to slowing down these processes; however, I think it will depend a lot on


patients asking for this alternative treatment.

CWJ: How difficult is it for cannabis patients to access this medicine? Dr.: I think there are no difficulties right now, because here we have a wide range of artisanal sales, especially cannabis oil. Our concern is if those products really have health records; and that, at the time of being placed for sale, the cost affects the access. In response to that, many of the things that have been proposed is the self-cultivation of the plant and the preparation by the patient. CWJ: Is self-cultivation allowed in Ecuador, or not?

Dr.: The possibility of selfcultivation has been presented, and even the creation of some kind of club to be able to do the cultivation, in some cases they give the seed for free, some are fortunate and it grows well, others do not have the same luck; the plant is very complex to be able to cultivate it. However, many workshops have been held here, the patients themselves have organized to be able to have this knowledge. CWJ: Do you think that the demand from patients seeking cannabis is very

high compared to the number of doctors who deal with this type of therapy?

Dr.: I think there are few trained professionals, despite the fact that many courses are being held here, not all of them manage to have that information. However, the patient, especially the cancer patient, begins to look for a lot of alternatives, and they come to the product because someone told them; few have been the patients who have asked me where to buy it because many already know where to buy it. CWJ: Do you think the pandemic increased the search for knowledge about cannabis and prompted more people to seek information about this plant? Dr.: I think so, in the sense that many people felt anxiety and had problems adapting to quarantine, I think that many people are scared of the use of an anxiolytic, or an antidepressant, or of falling into situations of psychosis; so, it has become globally trendy to look for natural products and cannabis, I would think, can be a very interesting alternative for the general public. Even something that is very common and that is also being used, which is not necessarily

part of the oral compound, are cannabis creams. CWJ: Since you mentioned the issue of cannabis creams, is it easy to access them in an artisanal way? Dr.: As a tradition, we have the famous cannabis cream, because it is a more ancestral theme, in our country the theme of the ointment has been very typical for years, especially those that come from the Amazon area. Particularly in small cities, medicine has been handled that way, where we can find the typical man who sells the famous snake cream on the street, along with other very exotic things where cannabis ointments have always had a place. From my point of view, what has changed now is the presentation, as it is much more beautiful, or has a friendlier label.

CWJ: Thank you very much Dr. Elizabeth for giving us this time and providing us this valuable space.



The media influence on cannabis legislation and public opinion Thinking about the media means facing many voices that perform the function of expressing and reporting an event or situation from any part of the world. Voices so powerful that they can influence the thinking, judgment or opinion of the population. It could be said that journalism has the ability to "link" anyone regardless of their age, social status or location. The media plays an important role in the knowledge of all events that are part of daily life. In this sense, it allows us to know the reality outside of the immediate environment. Therefore, it provides access to unusual and specific topics that are foreign to the public’s experience, may it be the reader, the radio listener or the viewer. It also plays a key role in the world: the dissemination of information and ideas about the policies in cannabis legislation in accessible form to large audiences. In this way, certain topics designed to influence public debate are spread. Undoubtedly, currently the most viewed information channels which are characterized by their great ability to influence are television and internet. Through them, more than one can shape and define their opinion towards the cannabis plant, its uses, components, therapeutic properties, benefits and great

contributions to society, not only in health, but also in business. It should be remembered that, due to the great influence of the media, despite being in the 21st century, in many parts, cannabis is still frowned upon due to the misinformation that has been spread about it. Journalism, its influence and cannabis

There is a notorious manifestation regarding the use of cannabis through the media. In the same way, there is great interest in knowing how society and the media talk about the access and use of cannabis and the actors that are involved in ideological frameworks rather than empirical evidence, which undoubtedly influences the public opinion. The results reveal that the topic about cannabis reached greater coverage when news events occurred from international contexts (for example, the legalization of the plant in Uruguay. The first country in Latin America to do so); or due to specific situations of a criminal nature at the national level, drug trafficking, consumer scandals( entertainment, athletes), which do not provoke a critical reflection on the interpretive frameworks that underlie the information described by the media, but rather more


CannaLaw uncertainty and tensions.

Now, the influence of the media in the construction of the reality or image of

Caldwell, mother of Billy – a 13 year old kid who suffers from epilepsy. "My little Billy will be able to live a normal life with his mother simply by being able to give him a few drops of a long-criticized but quite effective natural medicine every day," said Charlotte Caldwell.

Media in the Billy Caldwell case In 2018, after a great legal battle and thanks to the great focus of the media, medical cannabis was legalized in the United Kingdom. This great event was led by Charlotte


Image from google

Following this order of ideas, the debate over the legalization of cannabis is very familiar to the media. Above all, in recent years, it has been generated in various journalistic platforms, with different points of view. In fact, exclusive journalistic products were created to raise a position, to support the intention of clarifying various negative aspects that surround public opinion about the use of the plant. However, not all discussions raised in the media are intended to deepen knowledge about the substances being discussed. It does not seek to inform what the reality is in terms of benefits and harms of being a regular consumer of them neither. Rather, the discussion is stigmatized. Few media outlets have lived up to the debate that a situation such as the legalization of cannabis really deserves, since it has been shown that, in recent years, the number of consumers has grown, and society in general shows to have a greater ignorance about the cause.

cannabis has been developed, among others, by the theory that defends that the media (with their selection and prioritization of information) affects perception regarding what are the most important issues. Thus, the news media have collaborated in the social construction or destruction of the “drug problem”, spreading a negative vision and silencing the arguments and positions that question said vision. In a nutshell, students of the effects of mass communication agree that the media does not only inform, but also creates a reality to influence the opinions and attitudes of society, shaping attitudes, desires, beliefs and values, in this case is revealed the great power of persuasion and conviction that it fosters about the use, possession, legality and cultivation of cannabis.


In the United Kingdom, cannabis was classified as a drug without any therapeutic contribution, despite the fact that several nearby countries such as Germany, Austria, Finland, Portugal and Italy had legalized its medical use.

legalization of cannabis in different countries, the procedures and struggles that this entails, as well as its many therapeutic properties, taking into account through from the media the voice of those who have survived terrible diseases thanks to its medical contributions.

In these types of events, such as Billy Caldwell's, the presence of the media is essential, since through these it is that those who still do not know or have a wrong idea of the great value of cannabis, are freed from ignorance and fear, in order to give entry to a new perspective and to be able to make a value judgment, thanks to the information received.

This case is very famous due to the unconditional support of the media that even during 2021 people are still commenting about it. This is why it is a valuable example for many other countries in the world that, due to ignorance, fear or omission, still do not have the initiative to approve the legalization of cannabis, or to know its curative properties, possession, cultivation and adult use.

It could be said that, at present, more and more people are learning about the CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 2 | 14



and tax revenue:

one more reason to legalize it.


ue to the growing demand for cannabis and the products derived from this plant in the world, its legalization is presented as an opportunity for economic growth capable of generating new jobs. It is an especially relevant opportunity for countries with low and moderate economic development, with economies oriented towards agricultural production. In addition, the legalization of cannabis contributes to the industrial production of textiles and medicines. Economic growth is essential to increase tax revenues that can be allocated to health, education, infrastructure and social programs, especially in these times when the pandemic has caused significant economic stagnation and a tough fiscal deficit.

According to the International Center for Tax and Development (ICTD), legalizing the production and use of cannabis has been a new source of economic growth for developed countries, and the same would be for low- and middle-income states that follow these steps. In fact, it is estimated that this industry would generate an average of US $150,000 million annually and everything indicates that it would continue to grow. The flexibility of some countries in terms of regulation for the medical and recreational use of cannabis has facilitated integration with the financial system, which has led it to be listed on international markets as a commodity and related companies as possible investment options. For example, after the US announcement about the possible legalization of cannabis at the national


CannaLaw level in the medical aspect, the large production companies increased their market value by up to 170%. According to Giadha Aguirre de Carcer, director of New Frontier Data, legal cannabis is a global issue right now. In fact, she claims that even in the face of widespread prohibition that still exists in several countries, perceptions of cannabis continue to change. Thus, she indicates that, thanks to this cultural and social change, "a global market has been created with enormous potential for stakeholders in dozens of sectors beyond the traditional plant production.“

for the year 2020 according to Leafly.com. Another country in America that has approved cannabis and that has benefited notably lately is Uruguay (in fact, it was the first country in the world to approve recreational cannabis). This nation has had an approximate income of USD $45.5 million from a market of 40 tons annually. Other countries in America such as Colombia, Argentina and Mexico have made progress on this issue and although the industry has not become as widespread as in the aforementioned countries, they have the development of this industry on their way and are gradually positioning themselves in this market. On the other hand, towards the European continent, Italy, by allowing the sale of “cannabis light”, the earnings for 2019 were estimated at US $47.8 million. Another country that resonates in this region is Germany, which after passing laws regarding cannabis, this market has grown and now represents US $87.2 million for that country.

Therefore, it is convenient to analyze the countries that have legalized or made cannabis more flexible and thus be able to establish in what quantities or in what way they have benefited from this flexibility. Starting with Canada, this is one of the few countries in the world that has fully legalized all uses of the plant. In this country, revenues until the first quarter of 2020 were approximately US $5.5 billion, which represents 0.3% of the country's GDP. On the other hand, in the United States after the sale of cannabis in some states was approved by the House of Representatives, an increase of almost 18,000 million dollars was calculated

In recent years, developed countries have taken over the legal cannabis export market; an example of this is the United States, which ranks as the world's leading cannabis exporter. In an expanding market, from an industrial and economic policy perspective, the legalization of cannabis has become a relevant strategy to the different countries that have approved or that have started the approval process for its use. The countries that have begun to commercialize cannabis in its different divisions then show significant income from this plant. This is where early legalization and clear cannabis laws can represent a turning point in the socio-economic and political realities of a country. Seeing the example of other nations that have taken the lead in this field serves as an encouragement for more and more countries to join the change happening around them.



How is the veterinary use of cannabis progressing at a global level? Every day the press generates news about the benefits of cannabis in the human body, but barely talks about veterinary use. The truth is that cannabis is increasingly being used by veterinarians and owners of animals such as dogs, cats, horses and birds to counteract symptoms of many diseases. In other words, humans are not the only ones that can benefit from the medical use of cannabis.

The issue has been growing and generating different opinions, however, there is still much to do as there are laws with restrictions in almost 150 countries. After much research, the veterinary use of cannabis has been approved in some countries, thus awakening the interest of pet owners. The United States shows interest in legislation for the veterinary use of cannabis The legalization of cannabis in several US states is becoming stronger, due to the potential of the plant in the development of new drugs.Legislators from California, USA, voted in 2019 for a law that

regulates the use of cannabis-based drugs, something that veterinarians had already been providing to their patients. Under the new law, animal owners must have a prescription from a veterinarian to access and use the substance approved by the California State Assembly. Also, Michigan lawmakers approved the proposal that veterinarians can recommend cannabis to pet owners. To be precise, veterinarians can discuss CBD treatments in Michigan with interested pet owners, but are prohibited from administering and prescribing cannabis

supplements due to federal law and lack of regulation. In New York politicians have expressed their interest in the issue to carry out legislation similar to the California one. In other words, the veterinary use of cannabis was already or is a fairly common practice in the US veterinary community, although there was no legislation for the use of cannabis as a treatment for pets in many of the states.


CannaLaw Advances in Europe regarding veterinary use of cannabis

and followed by the many prescriptions that veterinarians in those countries began to make.

The European veterinarian entity studies the use of cannabis. The Veterinary Federation of Europe (FVE), at the 2020 Assembly, addressed the issue and announced that its team is working on a position on the veterinary use of cannabis and derived products.

Although the veterinary use of cannabis is prohibited in most Latin American countries, the practice is becoming more and more frequent in countries where it is regulated, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay and Chile are the countries that lead the way in the prescription of CBD in animals.

Specialists assured that it is very important that the subject has been discussed in an event of such relevance, as it reflects the existing interest in implementing cannabis-based treatments as an alternative to animal health. One of the countries that leads the veterinary use of cannabis in Europe is Spain, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in recent years the sale of cannabis products online has increased. These products are promoted by social networks and marketed by companies such as Naturicious, a French brand that, in addition to selling CBD for dogs and cats in Spain, also offers its products in Italy, Germany and France.

However, there are countries where the veterinary use of cannabis is not legalized, but is increasingly recurrent, such is the case in Brazil, where the law restricts the prescription of cannabis-derived products to medical professionals, but according to a resolution by Anvisa, published in 2020, the number of registered patients increased from 10,862 to 26,885, due to the fact that CBD has positive effects in animals similar to the ones that have been demonstrated in humans. However, there is a bill that promises advances in the regulation of cannabis-based products for animals.

As well as Naturicious, there are other brands that sell CBD for animals in Europe; in fact, these products are generally offered in an online store, with an advertisement that claims the quality of the product, its composition and of course its legality.

The veterinary use of cannabis worldwide has been positioning itself little by little; cannabidiol (CBD), has been standing out as a component that helps to deal with chronic pain, stress and anxiety not only in humans but also in animals, thus becoming a global trend

Latin America is inspired by the United States The veterinary use of cannabis has become more present in Latin America, based on research done in Canada and the United States,




FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS The cannabis industry has gained strength in recent years after the regulations that have been achieved in different countries of the world. In the case of the United States, 30 are the states in which they have approved its consumption. The process is expected to advance rapidly in the following states due to the statements from the global delivery giant Amazon (AMZN). Dave Clark, CEO of the company's Global Consumers division, announced in a blog post, his support for the nationwide legalization of cannabis through The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act (MORE act), the congressional bill that would end the federal ban.

in the company's pre-employment drug tests and that the plant will now be treated the same as alcohol. The delivery giant definitely aims to reiterate its commitment to being an attractive, modern employer and a great example for other companies in the world. AMZN's support for legalization became a great boost for the main companies in the cannabis sector in the US, an example is the increase in its value in the market, such as Tilray with shares that soared by about 6%, Sundial Growers adds 5%, while Aurora cannabis advances more than 3%. This is just one step in the continuous fight for the regularization of the plant in the American country.

In his announcement, Clark commented that changing federal cannabis laws means that


CannaTrade This will undoubtedly change the way that consumers and society acquire and interact with cannabis, providing more information about its benefits and uses, leaving behind the misinformation and stigma that has existed about it for years. Although in many US states they have legalized the use of cannabis, employers and large companies have so far largely refused to work with the cannabis industry, as this is still a federally classified substance, thus that the support of the company founded by Jeff Bezos will help to see more companies join the fight in a short time.

One of the big questions is that if this law is passed, will Amazon start selling cannabisbased products? Of course, even in 2020 the company launched a pilot test in the UK where these products could be purchased. This program was run for UK customers only, with a select number of retailers.

They consider the cannabinoid as a dietary supplement and rich in benefits, and they want to develop a well-regulated industry for it in the market. In addition, this contributes to the evolution of regulations at a global level.


After voting in favor of its decriminalization in late 2020, congressional leaders reintroduced The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act, (MORE Act), which seeks to remove this drug from the list of controlled substances, as well as ending all criminal penalties for its use. In addition, it intends to create programs to invest in communities affected by the ban.

This would become one of the most revolutionary pieces of legislation in recent years. It would be the first big step in the process of undoing all the consequences of the War on Drugs in the past, including the mass incarceration of people, produced by prohibition and also all the vestige towards cannabis. Although the bill does not create a plan for the commercialization of recreational cannabis at the federal level, it would advance the industry in many other positive ways for society.

Needless to say, these products that contain CBD followed the regulatory developments of the cannabinoid in that continent.




When cannabis is mentioned and exercise is elicited, it is almost normal to isolate both concepts and make them enemies. The ancient dissertations around the plant have created the idea that its consumption is harmful for health. Fortunately, the new generations have been in charge of carrying out scientific studies that allow us to contemplate all the benefits it contains and eliminate prejudices in society. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the cannabinoids that has more scientific studies, along with the famous Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Currently both components are used to treat conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety or joint pain and reduce migraine and headaches. Also to reduce stress, stimulate memory and creativity. In February 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) declassified cannabis from the list of dangerous drugs, and shortly thereafter, the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) removed CBD from the list of doping drugs; which means that the therapeutic use of cannabidiol is allowed in Olympic and elite athletes.

This has allowed a new class of athletes to emerge under the name of cannathletes, professionals who practice their respective sports and speak publicly about their relationship with cannabis. The benefits of this sports duo are multiple, or so it is mentioned by great athletes such as: Conor Mcgregor, Mike Tyson, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, among others, who in addition to openly declare themselves cannabis consumers, defend the use of CBD in their sports processes. What are these benefits? Athletes show acceleration in muscle recovery processes, since CBD acts as a natural relaxant,



which prevents high-grade injuries. However, they also ensure that they have improved their physical performance from the mental conditions that this substance provides. When cannabidiol is consumed, mental and emotional processes are produced that improve self-perception, generating a greater connection with oneself, which results in a feeling of self-efficacy and satisfaction, essential aspects in the fulfillment of objectives. The acceptance of this process has been so fast that at the end of 2017, in San Francisco, California, the first cannabis sports center called: Power Plant Fitness was inaugurated. Its founder is the athlete and activist Jim McAlpine. This gym seeks to be a health and wellness center, focusing on the comprehensive conditioning of the body and

mind through stimulation with CBD. Spaces like this contribute to re-define ideas related to cannabis, since as is evident, you can have a healthy life with cannabis-based supplements.

Once again, we can see how cannabis welcomes any industry to be part of this exciting world, the fitness sector is definitely one of the most striking and athletes are already discovering it.



How does the biden spending plan and state taxes affect cannabis businesses? The cannabis industry could fall into an economic crisis, as a consequence of fiscal changes, directly affecting activities such as increases in the labor rate, investments and increases in corporate profits in general. All of this as a consequence of the increase in the federal corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, within the framework of the $2 billion infrastructure project proposed by the President of the United States, Joe Biden.

Likewise, it is important to note that cannabis companies, especially retailers, have paid higher taxes than conventional companies for years, as a result of section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code. Additionally, the impact of independent cannabis retailers, as a consequence, to the prominent federal tax burden of vertical charges given the limitation of deductions to which retailers have access, according to experts. States that legalize cannabis programs for adult/recreational use are increasingly limiting vertical integration to small operators or micro-entrepreneurs (Smith, 2021). In relation to the above, the anxiety experienced by retail entrepreneurs is inevitable, as a result of section 280E, with the correlation to the prohibition of ordinary commercial expenses deduction, including operators in the states that have legalized the plant. Stuart McCallum, partner from Withum's Orlando, Florida office says, “As a result, they will have that increase (corporate tax rate) in their gross profit, not their bottom line,” "Seven percent (higher taxes) on their gross earnings could be a big change".

CannaTrade Those most affected by section 280E are medical cannabis dispensaries and adult-use retailers, because they can only deduct the wholesale purchase price of cannabis they bought from a grower to sell to consumers. For its part, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), issued a guide that allows the reduction of gross income or income in general to a cannabis marketing company, only for the costs of acquiring or producing the cannabis it sells, in reference to the cost of goods sold. However, the deduction of ordinary business expenses, such as administrative expenses, advertising expenses, sales or other general expenses, is impossible. McCallum points out "They have no way to diversify their tax structure", but, according to experts, vertical operations are subject to production taxes, which allows the deduction of expenses, for example, producers can access deductions for capital expenses and equipment depreciation. In turn, Ryan Brand mentions that "The key to minimize the tax effect of 280E is to have a vertically integrated structure where your tax savings flow from your growing operation to your retail dispensary", in turn, Richards reaffirmed the hypothesis expressing "A vertically integrated business is better for taxes and margins" (Smith, 2021). As for the IRS, it has focused its attention on marijuana companies for more than a decade, ordering the payment of unpaid taxes in the amount of tens of millions of dollars. It is a fact that is not unknown to entrepreneurs, but the agency's decision to undertake at least five multi-year audit programs that targeted dozens of cannabis companies in at least four western states and in Detroit has been kept secret. These audits were called compliance initiative projects (CIP), which were constituted by at least three different fields of the IRS, with the objective of complying with the federal

the federal tax code, under the premise that several marijuana companies were avoiding section 280E. The IRS found it to be a more productive use of agents' time and resources to audit cannabis businesses than other mainstream industries after the agency calculated that marijuana companies owed more in taxes than their legal counterparts at the federal level. Similarly, the documents detail how the IRS improved its cannabis audit results over the years based on information obtained from those investigations (Schroyer, 2021). On the other hand, it is important to mention that the consequences in New York will have a greater impact, under the recreational marijuana law recently enacted by the state, said Jennifer Benda, a cannabis tax specialist and partner at the law firm Hall Estill, based in Oklahoma. She also states that "New York's recent move toward legalizing cannabis for adult use is good for the movement and hopefully another step forward in national and federal legalization." "However, New York's regulatory structure includes an important obstacle from the fiscal and profitability point of view", referring to the limitation of vertical integration imposed by law, excluding only the 10 existing medical marijuana operators in the state, who already have vertical operations (Smith, 2021).

CannaTrade Similarly, Benda referred to cannabis taxes, stating that "The impact of federal tax provisions is particularly severe for marijuana companies that are retailers and are not vertically integrated." Likewise, she added, "New York has not yet updated its tax laws to allow adult marijuana companies to deduct expenses for state income tax purposes, adding more pain to the equation", concluding, that only if Section 280E is annulled for the marijuana industry, or if the courts were to grant freedom to deduct costs, the negative impact on retailers' profitability could be mitigated (Smith, 2021).

However, possibly, this could be a fact until the last part of the Biden administration, that is around the year 2023. In the meantime, Gurien wrote "legislators should not focus on the SAFE Banking Act, but on implementing changes in tax law 280 (E) "(Smith, 2021).

Finally, the hope of employers is the creation of a comprehensive reform that will lead to the repeal of Section 280E. Indeed, Nathaniel Gurien, executive director of Fincann, based in New York, pointed out that New York, as the financial capital of the world", will pressure legislators to push for reform of cannabis banking and, most important, federal legalization.

Regan, M. (2021). “Impacto en la economía si se desguaza la sección 280E”. Mj Biz Daily

References Smith, J. (2021). “Empresas de marihuana podrían enfrentar impuestos más altos a través del plan de gastos de Biden y las reglas estatales”. Mj Biz Daily Schroyer, J. (2021). “Documentos revelan cómo el IRS se volvió más hábil en la evaluación de los impuestos a las empresas de marihuana”. Mj Biz Daily



Are side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination? Analysis of the article by: Lachenmeier DW, Habel S, Fischer B et al. Are side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination? [version 3; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2020, 8:1394 https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.19931.3 As a result of the legal and scientific advances around cannabis, multiple investigations have been carried out that have resulted in the growing popularity of the plant, specifically of one of its compounds: CBD, due to the series of medical properties it delivers without causing a psychoactive effect, which is characteristic of the other compound abundant in cannabis: THC. However, as these processes take place, there is an open way to a new and broad branch of business in this industry, resulting in an increase of CBD products or brands, which take advantage of its qualities to advertise and promote “pure CBD, free of THC products”.

As expected, due to lack of enough scientific information, quality control and strict compliance with regulations, side effects that are more similar to the action of THC on the endocannabinoid system have been reported from these products, for example in a survey out of 135 users of CBD products, a high prevalence of dry oral mucosa, dizziness, feeling high, changes in appetite and fatigue was observed. The aforementioned aroused interest in the group of researchers who took the task of establishing the cause for these side effects in consumers.


CannaMed Based on previously published evidence, they developed three hypotheses to explain the facts, in summary, they were looking for the cause of the consequences of CBD products, for which they determined three possible reasons: the first refers to the direct effect of CBD on the human body, the second to the degradation of CBD to THC in the stomach after being ingested orally, and the third to contamination by THC as a byproduct of extraction and contamination. From now on, taking these hypotheses into account and with a special focus on CBD products classified as complementary foods (because they are the most frequent and are not strictly regulated before they are marketed), the researchers formulated methods and procedures that would help proving or disproving each one of them.

To study whether cannabidiol could interact with cannabinoid receptors to produce side effects, they used references from existing evidence, such as experiments where the safety and tolerance of CBD was tested, including the WHO statement on the tolerance profile of said cannabinoid; concluding that there is no evidence to confirm that pure CBD can cause the effects of THC in users.

Once this theory was disproved, they continue to study the degradation of CBD to THC in acidic conditions, since some studies have suggested that CBD becomes THC after various chemical reactions in conditions where the pH is very acidic, such as in the

stomach, which would be extremely relevant since the consumer would be exposed to a large amount of THC when consuming these products. An in vivo study of methanol solutions with CBD was carried out in a concentration range similar to those usually used in commercial products. These solutions were subjected to artificial gastric juice at different incubation times and stress factors (light and heat), to conclude that in an in vivo model no conversion of CBD to THC was observed in any of the solutions, contradicting the other studies that suggested this phenomenon, which could result from the use of less selective and specific methods, where the degradation of CBD can be confused with THC due to structural similarities, or from in vitro models, where conversion to THC was observed, so CBD does not convert to THC in humans, therefore this would not cause the effects to the consumer, but during the formulation of products, CBD should not be exposed to conditions of intense acidity.

Finally, they proceeded to check the THC contamination in the products, a sample of 67 products registered as complementary foods, CBD extracts or others was collected to be analyzed with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. To evaluate toxicology, the parameters NOAEL (Dose without adverse effect) and LOAEL (lowest dose capable of producing adverse effects) were used and an acute reference dose (amount of a substance per kilogram of body weight that can be ingested without any negative effect on the consumer) was applied


CannaMed of 1ug of THC per kg of weight. Of the total sample, 43% (29 products) were classified as unsuitable for human consumption due to exceeding the acute reference dose and 25% (17) had the potential to exceed the LOAEL and were classified as harmful to health. On the other hand, none of the samples were authorized by the corresponding regulatory body (in this case the Regulation of the European Parliament), in addition, the labels of these products did not comply with some mandatory regulations such as information on the list of ingredients, while others claimed unapproved medical properties.

It should be noted that during the investigation it was determined that some of the products had up to 30mg of THC, which would explain the side effects that many consumers have manifested, for example a CBD oil had 1mg of THC per dose which represents the possibility of intoxication and psychoactive effects. An investigation of this nature was extremely necessary since cannabis represents a great solution for many patients, and for those who seek benefits from a natural source, however, without the correct cultivation, extraction and manufacturing processes it could be damaging to the consumer's health, and to the image of the plant. Most of the cannabis products on the market tend to evade proper regulation, either due to restrictions in certain countries, which prevent suppliers from carrying out successful production, or due to a lack of knowledge about many aspects of the components of the cannabis plant, such as its structure, its chemical and pharmaceutical profiles, thus turning a tolerable and safe solution into a series of unwanted effects. Both cannabinoids are key in the therapeutic process, however, some pathologies or conditions benefit more from one than the other, therefore, responsibility and awareness regarding products and their content should be the priority for all brands when offering this alternative to the public.



Cannabis “up close”


Hybrid CBD 14%THC 1% Dominant terpene: Myrcene

In general terms, users of cannabis, whether recreational or medical, differ in their preferences for strains, because each one has special characteristics that provide the particular effect desired by each individual. Among the most popular strains in the medical cannabis community we find the AC/DC strain. This is a hybrid that has a harmonious balance being 50% indica and 50% sativa and is the result of the cross between Ruderalis and Cannatonic (also known as CBD Queen).

One of the characteristics that makes this strain so special is its high CBD content of 14% (which can reach up to 20% according to various analyzes) in contrast to its low THC percentage (1%); coupled with these cannabinoids is found its dominant terpene, the myrcene. The qualities mentioned make this strain very friendly and effective for many patients, without the need of generating a significant psychoactive effect. AC/DC users have made variable descriptions of its smell and taste, frequently stating that the strain has fruity aromas similar to lemon or cherry, although this varies depending mostly on the method of administration. In reference to its cultivation, the flowering period of this hybrid lasts between 9 to 10 weeks to finally harvest a plant with thin leaves, large green buds and orange pistils.

Thanks to its chemical characteristics, this variety can exert positive effects on a wide range of medical conditions, among the most common are anxiety, epilepsy and depression. AC/DC has also been used to counteract the adverse effects caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients. In addition, other users have reported its use to combat nausea, severe pain, multiple sclerosis and in some cases, alcoholism. In general, the strain provides a feeling of happiness, euphoria and relaxation, therefore users feel more focused, sociable and creative.

Some effects reported by its users: Happiness Concentration




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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.

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