Edition 11: Cannabis, a trend that has ceased to be a myth

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Editorial and journalistic team Cannabis World Journals

Cannabis World Journals is a bi-weekly publication that discusses the latest trends in the medical cannabis industry.

Content editors: Anne Graham Escobar. Daniel Santos V. Graphic design and conceptualization:

Katerin Ozuna Robles. Jannina Mejía Diaz Research, journalistic and editorial team : CannaGrow: Daniela Montaña. CannaGraphics: Daniel Santos V. In the Expert´s Room: Sandra Loaiza. CannaCountry: Sandra Loaiza. CannaLaw: Anne Marie Graham, Alibert Flores, Hamid Tagadirte and Daniela Araujo. CannaTrade: Jennifer Simbaña, Rosangel Andrades and Lorena Díaz. CannaMed: Yumaira Rojas, Rosangel Andrades and Jennifer Salguero. Medical Team: Nazareth Becerra and Marian Jorge.

Translation: English: Sandra Loaiza, Rosangel Andrades and Maria José López. Italian: Daniela Araujo. Arabic: Hamid Tagadirte. Portuguese: Lorena Diaz Contributors edition 11: Germán D. Torres, Josué Josué Enríquez Obando. Subscribe at cannabisworldjournals.com Info@cannabisworldjournals.com



-Editorial: Cannabis, a trend that is no longer a myth. Page 4 -Opinion column: Colombia broadens its outlook for the legalization of medical cannabis. Germán D. Torres. Page 5


Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis respectively, have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can find another two brand new sections in order to provide a global look about the plant: we are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!

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CANNAGRAPHICS SECTION -Expoweed 2021/ Cansortium / Expocannabis 2021 in Buenos Aires – Argentina. Page 6 CANNAGROW Biological treatment for cannabis pests. Page 7 IN THE EXPERT´S ROOM: Interview with Carlos Velasquez, Co-founder of FCM Global. Page 10 CANNA COUNTRY: Special Guest: Colombia. Page 14 CANNALAW - Cannabis licenses for ex-convicts in Washington. Page 18 - Spain and the regulation of medical cannabis: will the wait be over? Page 20 - Hemp Bill in Costa Rica is Imminent. Page 22 - Morocco calls for more investment in the cannabis sector. Page 26

CANNATRADE - The Cannabis Industry: From stigma to a source of jobs. Page 27 - Did you know that Pfizer and Sanofi have an interest in medical cannabis? Page 27 - Trends in the cannabis market and the cosmetics industry. Page 28 - Hemp, a sustainable construction alternative. Page 30 CANNAMED -Cannabis compounds exhibit in vitro anti-inflammatory activity in COVID-19-related inflammation in lung epithelial cells and pro-inflammatory activity in macrophages Page 31 Article analysis by:Anil, S.M., Shalev, N., Vinayaka, A.C. et al. Cannabis compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in vitro in COVID-19-related inflammation in lung epithelial cells and pro-inflammatory activity in macrophages. Sci Rep 11, 1462 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-02181049-2 -Cannabis and mental health in times of pandemic: Use of medical cannabis to improve mental health during Pandemic.Page 33 - Cannabis “close-up”: Sour Tsunami. Page 35


Cannabis, a trend that is no longer a myth.

the hundreds of publications found on social media, and the "influencers" who call themselves experts on the subject. All you need to do is type 'Medical Cannabis' into a search engine to start discovering this prodigious trend.. A report by The Insight Partners, says that the European market expects cannabis sales to reach USD$36,997.1 million in 2027, taking as a base the USD$3,498.1 million sold in 2019. This means that the industry would grow with an annual rate of 29.6% between 2020 and 2027 with the medical use segment being the fastest growing, along with the legalization of cannabis for this purpose in several countries.

For decades cannabis has been at the center of strong debates. The global trend is not only at the forefront of technology, social media, or the invention of new media. Days go by, and medical and scientific advances are already at hand. The famous cannabis, which many point out for its adult use, is no longer a myth and has become a reality due to its medicinal benefits. In the list we can find hundreds of benefits of medical cannabis. Mothers, senior citizens, young people, children, patients suffering from cancer or Alzheimer's and even products for pets that have been treated and manufactured with cannabis, not to mention other ways to use it. It is enough to look at Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Canada, and some areas of the United States where there are already plantations, laboratories, and where exhibitions and events are held that bring together large companies dedicated exclusively to the development of solutions based on medical cannabis; not to mention

Regarding to the North American market, it is projected to reach USD$65,161.4 million in 2027 with respect to the USD$6,036.9 million achieved in 2019. The expected growth is centered on increased approval of cannabis-based medicines. Consequently, the number of companies offering medical cannabis along with their medicinal applications is expected to increase. In this edition, we will look at how cannabis stopped being a myth to become a reality, we will have Colombia as our guest country, and we will tell you how this trend that is gaining more followers day by day is going.

Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals




Colombia broadens its outlook for the legalization of medical cannabis Entrepreneurship based on medical cannabis is considered a megatrend in the new national economy, and in a very short time it will be equal to the coffee and mining sectors, with high possibilities of surpassing them. This industry is a trend that encompasses a very broad panorama; not only for its adult or recreational use, but also for its medicinal value and that several people used in the Pandemic to manage anxiety episodes. This topic also captured the attention of our parents and grandparents; breaking paradigms and myths looking for the acceptance of cannabis in society. Without ignoring the innumerable collateral advantages offered by the plant, such as the elaboration of biofuels, fibers, textiles, construction, food, in addition to other alternatives, immersed in this 'green' movement.. The medical cannabis industry is pushing Colombia to become a world leader due to its potential in fertile land suitable for cultivation. In areas such as the transformation and elaboration of finished products, Antioquia and Cundinamarca lead the way. However, the department of Valle del Cauca (Colombia), due to its agricultural vocation and history, is set to be the main producer of cannabis flower and is expected to produce up to 15 direct jobs per hectare.

Through the Act 811 of 2021, the Colombian government benefited guilds and associations, regulating the access and safe use of cannabis flower. This is synonymous that this is a cuttingedge issue and is a model example for neighboring countries, such as Peru, which have already replicated it and are developing their own regulations.. The Act highlights three specific points that excite entrepreneurs. First, to allow the export of dried flowers; however, the time for Colombia to start selling abroad will be determined by the competent institutions currently working on the issuance of the export regulations, whose publication date is scheduled for Saturday, October 23, 2021. Secondly, to allow advertising and marketing communication strategies in finished products under specific conditions, and thirdly, there is the possibility of dispensing master formulas for the management of anxiety, pain relief, lack of appetite, among other morbidities and different pathologies such as cancer and refractory seizures. I dedicate this space to pharmacies which, despite being the least involved link, are one of the most important, so I would like to take this opportunity to invite those individuals or companies interested in getting involved to contact me to explore our possibilities of collaboration.

Germán D Torres - Cultivation-wellness. German studied marketing at Santa Barbara City College in California where he learned about the cannabis industry. Continued his studies in marketing and journalism at Jorge Tadeo University in Bogota and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Currently, he is developing a holding of licensed cannabis companies for the cultivation and processing of the flower, and co-founder of a cannabis company that currently carries out foreign trade operations and serves the domestic demand of dried flower of medical cannabis to manufacture products.


Foreign investment in Colombia Cansortium is a subsidiary company that arrived in Colombia 3 years ago. Initially it works in research and development to obtain products in the Medical Cannabis industry, such as the full spectrum oil, which is the extract of the cannabis flower to handle all the medicinal compounds offered by this plant.

Expocannabis 2021 was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


After a year, due to the Pandemic, Expocannabis 2021 was held again in Buenos Aires, Argentina, gathering thousands of people and hundreds of experts about medical cannabis. At the exhibition, medical cannabis clinics were set up and attended by more than 30 medical specialists, as well as veterinary clinics.

Expoweed 2021 was experienced in Mexico Expoweed 2021, which took place in Mexico City on October 1st, 2nd and 3rd, gathered experts in the field of Medical Cannabis and brought a wide variety of cannabis-based products for consumption, such as plants, seeds, candies, shampoos and even beer. 6 CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |



Biological treatment for cannabis pests

Sometimes treatments to control 'pests' in cannabis cultivation do not turn out to be so environmentally friendly. We took the task of researching what are those predators that control some 'pests’; however, the best method is prevention. In 2017, 33 sites in three European countries that used neonicotinoids as a pesticide were analyzed, the result: in Hungary the number of worker bees in colonies near plantations was reduced by 24%. Generally, in any type of cultivation, if a proper phytosanitary control is not carried out, the socalled 'pests' can appear, which are also vectors and have the capacity to kill the plants in their different stages of life. That is, it affects their production reflected in a lower volume and even disappear. Farmers see as a solution the implementation of agrochemicals, which are sometimes effective. However, this could bring negative impacts on the environment in the long term, such as pesticides that leave traces of chemicals harmful to health, and if there are plantations in the area, they could filter through the soil, reaching the groundwater, and subsequently contaminating the organic layer, affecting the ecosystemic niches. A serious threat to the life of bees and insects, pollinators by excellence. According to figures from the journal Science, in 2017, 33 sites in three European countries that used neonicotinoids as a pesticide were analyzed, the result: in Hungary the number of worker bees in colonies near crops was reduced by 24%. A very important aspect is that pests can develop resistance to certain pesticides because their genetic characteristics allow them to do so, even if applications have been made.




In cannabis cultivation these are the most common macro vectors: ● Aphids - aphids: They feed on the sap of the plant which causes defoliation and yellowing of the leaves. They are located on the underside of the leaf.

● Whitefly: Their attack generates chlorosis, resulting in yellowing that causes drying of the leaves over time, which hinders normal development. They have potential to transmit diseases. ● Thrips: They are suckers that have the potential to transmit diseases. They proliferate in high temperature environments. ● Mites, such as red spiders: They are suckers that take the sap from the plant. They can be very harmful to the point of leading to death. They lodge on the underside of the leaf. ● Nematodes: Tiny Worms: Nematodes are morphologically a type of round worm very small but reach surprising sizes, in nature it has been reported 25 thousand species, the most common in cannabis reach 2.5 millimeters, and others prove to be harmful. There is a great variety of these organisms that are beneficial. In cannabis cultivation there is a type of pest that attacks the roots of the plants and slows their growth, causing the leaves to wither. For biological treatment, it can choose to use bacteria, such as "Pasteuria Penetrans", which prevents the development of the worms. Bacteria generate ferments that destroy the eggs or kill the larvae in their first stages of life. We can even use fungi: "Arthrobotrys oligospora" and "Entomophthora gypsophila" which can destroy the nematodes once they are already developed Meanwhile, those of the genus "Verticillium" can destroy female eggs. 8 CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |



● Mealybugs: They suck the sap from the plant weakening it so much that they retard growth, flowering and reduce production. They can inject toxins into the plant which carry viruses, leading the plant in the worst case to death..

● Microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, or protozoa: There are different ways for pest control that can have several solutions such as chemical control (not recommended, as explained above), botanical (with the help of plant properties), physical (mechanisms such as barriers or traps), ethological (use of chemical or natural attractants, e.g. pheromones), cultural (to generate a pheromone or pheromone-free environment), cultural (generating unfavorable conditions for pests to live), genetic (manipulation of DNA so that their development does not involve damage), legal (policies that prevent the entry of organisms that can damage plants) and biological (use of insects to control others). In this opportunity we will focus on biological control to treat the microorganisms mentioned above. Next, we will inform you which are the predators that kill and eat their prey (pest), parasites that lodge and live on the tissues of another (host) and weaken it but do not usually kill and parasitoids that lodge and feed on their host until they kill it. These biological aids will make it possible to control pathogenic populations; however, the best method is prevention.

To treat aphid aphids, the indicated predators are Coccinella Septempunctata, Aphidoletes aphidimyza, Aphidius ervi, Aphidius colemani or Chrysoperla carnea, among others. These insects can wipe out the entire aphid population.

As for the whitefly, parasitic insects such as Encarsia formosa, Eretmocerus eremicus wasp, Delphastus pusillus beetle, among others, are used to eradicate the 'pest'.

For thrips, there are different predatory insects that we can use to eliminate them, such as Amblyseius barkeri, Amblyseius cucumeris or Amblyseius degenerans. The red spider mite has natural enemies such as Phytoseiulus persimilis, Neoseiulus californicus or Typhlodromus phialatus, which are used to prey on this organism.

There are different predators for mealybugs, for example, for the grooved mealybug there is Pericerya purchasi, and it is controlled with the ladybug Rodolia cardinalis; the black smut mealybug, Saissetia oleae, and it is controlled with Exochomus quadripustulatus. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |


A businessman who left the numbers behind to enter the world of medical cannabis FMC Global, is a Colombian company dedicated to the cultivation and processing of medical cannabis. Carlos Velásquez, one of its founders, in dialogue with Cannabis World Journals told how the challenge of has been entering this industry, the technology they apply and the opportunities they see in this sector. "Germany is a good example, more than 60% of its consumption for the medical cannabis market, comes from cannabis flower“. “To have the opportunity to collect 4,000 years of the use of a plant, medicinally, and now to do it in an industrial way, is tremendous, I don't think this opportunity is seen very often".

In the expert’s room: Interview with Carlos Velasquez, Co-founder of FCM Global.

Cannabis World Journals (CWJ): Considering that your main activity was more focused on the financial environment, when and why did you decide to enter the cannabis industry? Carlos Velásquez - FMC Global: Actually, the topic of finance had always been tied to financing multi-sector projects, among them were agriculture, health, and others. I was not 100% involved in the finance theme, so I could understand each sector I needed in different countries. When it started, in 2016, this whole issue of cannabis legalization in different countries, and especially in Colombia, we started to look much more closely. In Colombia, we had an organic avocado operation, and another cattle operation in Tolima, we said: let's convert it! and so it was, we made the decision to change 100% and dedicate our efforts to this cannabis operation. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |


We still have the private investment fund, we have other companies, but we have dedicated these 4 or 5 years to this, however, it is a very big challenge in regulatory and market issues. I have always been involved in finance, which has allowed me to have other companies at a personal level in other sectors. CWJ: Do you no longer produce avocado? Carlos Velásquez - FMC Global: Until the last stick we cut it, and not because we were doing badly, it was simply because we started this business in 2017, when the regulatory framework in Colombia was barely there and that it was a little demanding, then we said that this is an issue that, first, we cannot be on the Boards of the companies, but we must be in the operation and, second, we had to show the Government, which was also learning like us, that this is an issue that is done with all the transparency and following all the rules, also to help build the regulatory framework, so we said: we are going to follow what is on paper, and from there what is coming, that all efforts are dedicated to this industry, that it is not something on the side, that we are going to do it right. It was a decision of the company and of building the industry. CWJ: What is FCM Global, what do you do? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: We are a solution provider for the industry, we are not only dedicated to cultivation and processing, but to find and implement technologies so that cannabinoids can be properly integrated into final products. It is not a matter of simply planting and selling the flower, or transforming it into an oil, but we take care of provide the technologies to make them water-soluble, to separate the molecules or to make them go into different bases that can be applied to the bases of other products. We provide services to other companies in the sector, also to sell genetics so that small and medium-sized producers can implement it in their businesses. It's like a portfolio of solutions for the entire industry and from there we can cover a good percentage. We use B2B as a marketing strategy because we do not go to the end market, but to the industry directly.

Since 2019, we have been exporting to different countries; we make sales in Colombia, but there are other more developed markets and we have been focusing mainly on countries such as the United States, Switzerland, and Brazil. Colombia is on the right track, and we are also opening markets in Peru and Argentina; with Mexico we are very aware of how the regulatory framework is going.

CWJ: What legal activities or licenses did you need to initiate all the processes? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: Having the licenses is a right to spend money; the licenses go from the Ministry of Agriculture that allow you not only to cultivate, but also to develop your genetics, register your cultivars and obtain commercial authorization for them. From there you need licenses for the transformation and sale of products, this is where the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, the National Narcotics Fund, INVIMA and ICA get involved. With the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the whole export issue is handled. If you look at the industry, there are many licenses, but there are very few companies exporting, and because of those quality standards that are required, especially in a business that wants to be pharmaceutical grade, in Colombia, a lot of compliance is needed, that is where the Ministry of Foreign Trade has been heavily involved.

There are too many licenses, and it has been 5 years learning how to obtain all these permits, for each country and for each product you must have a single export certificate, all this to be able to market abroad, and with all the traceability from the seed to the product you are exporting. CWJ: What advantages does the cannabis market have in Colombia compared to other regions? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: First, the acceptance of cannabis as a medicinal product; for a long time, before legalization, there were many ancestral products working and people really knew about the benefits. Acceptance is very high.



The other is the agricultural vocation of the country, it has allowed us not to be unaware of where this plant will come from, what it will have, what will happen, how it will be planted, but it has allowed us to say, "let's do it" and understand that pharmaceutical grade is very different from recreational grade, from what was being done illegally, and that we are going to do something organized, but I repeat, with this agricultural vocation it was easier to adapt to a business of this type. From there comes the regulatory framework which, although its implementation is very slow, it should be noted that it is one of the most sophisticated in the world. We, who export to the United States and Europe, see that it is really a regulatory framework that wants to cover several things, it wants it to be a value-added product, and although it is slow, when it is implemented, it will be a great advantage, not only for the country, but for the rest of the world. In Colombia there is scientific and industrial talent and, apart from all the comparative advantages of climate and geographical location, I believe that there is not only enough here to produce for the world, but also for local products; it is an ideal market, an ideal situation. CWJ: Have you considered expanding the scope of your company now that the dried flower export law has been passed? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: Definitely. There are markets where the way they use medical cannabis is with the flower, so we already have agreements signed in Europe to send flower from Colombia. We are waiting for them to tell us what the rules are going to be, but it is an extremely interesting market. In terms of absorption methods that people choose, the first one is the flower, and from there it goes into oils and then other methods. Germany is a good example of that, because more than 60% of the consumption, for the medicinal market of Cannabis, comes from the flower. CWJ: What are the purposes of the products you sell?

Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: We serve three industries. The pharmaceutical industry for medicines, cosmetics and food and beverages. We have a technology in which we can integrate cannabinoids in water, where they remain homogeneous, with stability studies, with everything done. Although very different, they are key in the development of our business. In Colombia we are the only ones using this technology, proven in more than 50 brands in the world and with stability studies. CWJ: What other legal developments do you think are necessary in Colombia to make the most of this industry? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: First, the implementation of the Act 811 that came out on July 23, 2021, it should be very fast. That would be the first step, to be very agile in that, and the second step is to harmonize this regulatory framework with the rest of the world making the foreign trade a little more agile as well. CWJ: Which other country in Latin America do you think has the potential for medical cannabis? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: : There are many in Latin America. However, Brazil is the most important, then we have Peru and Argentina; obviously there is Uruguay, which has made a lot of progress; Mexico and Panama have just legalized it. But I believe that, as has happened in the world, there will not be a country that does not have a regulatory framework for medical cannabis. CWJ: How did you start the Water-Soluble Cannabis project and what products are part of it?

Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: There was a big challenge because the oil you get from the trichomes of the Cannabis plant is oily, the challenge of mixing them in some products was very big, because they were separated, they did not remain homogeneous, they looked bad, or you went to look at the product and you could not find the CBD. We started to look at technologies and finally we found a patented one in the United States that allowed us to do it. From there we produced several products, both in liquid and powder form, and in different presentations. Depending on whether it is CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |


for a cosmetic such as micellar water, a spray, a drink, or a food; also depending on the stage in which the cannabinoid is incorporated during the production chain. The nice thing about this is that we made it as easy as possible to incorporate, almost at the final stages so that no one must change their production processes but can easily incorporate the molecule of interest into a final product. CWJ: Are Water-Soluble Cannabinoids available for sale or only for integration into your own products?

In any case, we have CBG available, sometimes we have been asked for CBN and we do that with our partners in Europe. We have 100 developed genetics, our own, "in house" and an in vitro operation that has allowed us, not only to replace the ex-vitro operation, but to standardize all the processes. If you look at our crop, it is the same in terms of quality, plant architecture, in everything you see it is totally standardized. We continue to research and develop because the market is the one that tells us what is needed.

Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: We have them available, in fact, today we serve several types of industry like the ones I mentioned before, and we also have one that is like a dropper that I keep in my pocket to add in my coffee or water. CWJ: What cannabinoids have a water-soluble presentation? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: Today, we are only with CBD due to regulatory issues. Our production process is used to separate any molecule and we can make it water-soluble, but, due to regulatory issues, CBD is the one that sells the most today. We also handle broad spectrum, as it has all the cannabinoids except THC, then I removed the regulatory problem. Those two presentations in any water-soluble form. CWJ: Will you be able to offer products with an amount of, for example, CBD according to the needs of each client? Carlos Velásquez – FMC Global: Of course, yes, this whole issue starts with the genetics, for example, I can say "these are the cannabinoids I am interested in" and so choose the genetics that are high in them, if, for example, we are going to talk about CBG, we have the genetics. What happens is that, as today the market is not so big, you have to go back in the value chain and say: I'm going to plant, I'm going to do a transformation process! So, if the market is so small, it does not justify me to dedicate so much effort to a minor cannabinoid.




Special Guest

COLOMBIA In recent years, Colombia has been a source of good news about Medical Cannabis, due to the implementation of flexible regulations that have led to the processing of the plant in large, medium, and small companies, while attracting the attention of foreign investment not only because of its legislation, but also because of its geographical and climatic characteristics. We provide an overview of how this sector is performing in the country. .

Decrees and Laws 1. Act 811 of July 2021, which regulates the export of dried cannabis flower for medicinal purposes. 2. Act 2106 of 2019 Article 85 Empowers the National Institute for the Surveillance of Medicines and Food (INVIMA) to issue licenses. 3. Act 613 of 2017: Whereby Law 1787 of 2016 is regulated and Title 11 of Part 8 of Part 8 of Book 2 of Act 780 of 2016 is subrogated, regarding safe and informed access to the medical and scientific use of cannabis. 4. Law 1787 of 2016, Act 613 of 2017 regulates access to the medical and scientific use of cannabis

Resolutions 1. Resolution 577 of 2017, that technically regulates what relates to the evaluation and monitoring of licenses for the use of seeds for planting and cultivation of psychoactive and non-psychoactive cannabis plants.



CannaCountry 2. Resolution 578 of 2017, that establishes the manual of fees corresponding to the evaluation and follow-up services to be paid by natural and legal persons applying for licenses. 3. Resolution 579 of 2017, establishing the definition criteria for small and mediumsized national growers, producers, and marketers of medical cannabis. 4. Resolution 2891 of 2017 by which the manual of fees for evaluation, monitoring and control applicable to manufacturing licenses of cannabis derivatives for medical and scientific use is established. 5. Resolution 2892 of 2017 whereby the technical regulations associated with the granting of the license for the production and manufacture of cannabis derivatives are issued.





Colombia is a country that is moving fast in the implementation of licenses and permits to continue strengthening the path of medical cannabis either for cultivation, processing, or marketing. Currently small, medium, or large companies can work under 4 licenses: Tipo



License for the Manufacture of cannabis derivative

• National use • Scientific research • Export

Psychoactive Cannabis Cultivation License

• • • • • •

Production of seeds for cultivation Grain production Manufacture of derivatives Scientific purposes Storage Final disposal

Ministry of Justice and Law

Non-psychoactive Cannabis Cultivation License

• • • • • •

Production of grain and seeds for sowing. Manufacture of derivatives Industrial purposes Scientific purposes Storage Final disposal

Ministry of Justice and Law

Seed Licensing

• Marketing or delivery • Scientific purposes

Main Companies There are few companies that so far are dedicated to the cultivation and development of cannabis-derived products, which is a great opportunity for entrepreneurship in the sector. Below, we list some of the main companies working in the country under licenses for cultivation and production of cannabis derivatives: 1. Flora Growth Corp: It is focused on allnatural outdoor cultivation practices to supply cannabis derivatives to four commercial divisions.

National Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance – INVIMA

Ministry of Justice and Law

It owns one cultivation farm, located in Bucaramanga, Colombia, which is licensed to grow 247 acres (100 hectares) of cannabis. 2. Allied Corp: Offers healthcare solutions using cannabinoids. 3. Clever Leaves: Producer of medical cannabis and hemp extracts that currently owns and cultivates in greenhouses in Colombia. 4. PharmaCielo Colombia Holdings: Is the Colombian subsidiary of Pharmacielo, dedicated to the cultivation and extraction of cannabis. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |





The industry is expected to generate 17.3 jobs per hectare of cannabis cultivated. By 2025 a total of 7,772 people with some occupation, and by 2030 44,000 vacancies could be registered.

According to the National Government, by 2024 it is estimated that the medical cannabis business could generate 64,000 million dollars.


According to ProColombia, so far 18 foreign investment projects have arrived in Colombia, totaling US$288 million. Considering the great step that was recently taken, Colombia expects to open its doors to the international market, which will allow an increase in foreign investment. One of the great advantages of investing in this country is that the market is not monopolized by the National Government, which allows flexibility in companies that are interested in taking advantage of its geographical position and climate that allow an ideal land for the cultivation of the plant. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |



Cannabis licenses for ex-convicts in Washington. Through a bill, the United States will seek to allow people who have been prosecuted for a drug-related crime to operate some line of legal business with Cannabis.. Even though their consumption is lower, African Americans and Latinos are 2.9 times more likely to be arrested than Caucasians. Since cannabis laws have been implemented in various parts of the United States, members of the House Judiciary Committee have been working on the MORE Act. In this regard, this law removes cannabis from the U.S. Controlled Substances Act. This would be the culmination of the cannabis policy fight and would give each state government the power to regulate cannabisrelated activities, such as retail sales. What are the benefits of the MORE Act and why is your vote so important?

1. This law allows for the expungement of low-level federal cannabis convictions.

2. It is able to institute alternative ownership opportunities in the emerging regulated industry.

3. It enables veterans to receive medical cannabis recommendations from their physicians at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. 4. Dismisses the threat of deportation for immigrants charged with cannabis-related misdemeanors.

5. Provide critical reinvestment grants opportunities for those who have suffered disproportionate cannabis enforcement fees.

"Never before has public support from all corners of the political spectrum been so aligned as to demand that Congress take action to end the shameful experiment in cannabis prohibition," said Justin Strekal, NORML's political director. He likewise added, "The federal government's continued criminalization of cannabis is an affront to our professed ideals of freedom, rights and justice.“



CannaLaw Along with these kinds of changes, there is a groundbreaking change coming from Washington... Most U.S. states are barred from having a cannabis license if you have a criminal record. A criminal record would continue to be evaluated for licensing; however, it would no longer be an automatic disqualification to have a conviction. This in conjunction with the MORE Act eliminating criminal records for low-level cannabis convictions appears to be an initiative that increasingly favors a segment of the population that finds it especially difficult when they finish their sentence and wish to join society.

It should also be considered that entering the cannabis market is costly, licensing and investment capacity required is high, so decriminalizing cannabis at the federal level would allow these underprivileged populations to access bank loans. Although this is a step in the right direction, there is still a long way to go, but it is with these legislative changes that we hope to close the gap more and more and allow everyone to have equal access to a multibillion-dollar business from which everyone should be able to take their share.

It appears to be a step in the right direction if one analyzes that drug war related arrests are disproportionately higher in Latino and African American populations. The irony is that according to the Marijuana Arrest Research Project (a project that analyzes arrests associated with cannabis), African Americans and Latinos are 2.9 times more likely to be arrested than Caucasians even though they have lower drug use than Caucasians. Benefits of these changes The aim of this change in Washington is to put an end to the monopoly on cannabis businesses by certain segments of the population, very few cannabis businesses are owned by Latinos and African Americans, in an industry that produces millions of dollars annually in the US alone. These changes seek equity in both the new rule that went into effect on October 2 and the MORE Act. There needs to be a greater positive incursion into the legal market of populations that have historically suffered the negative consequences of its prohibition.




Spain and the regulation of medical cannabis: will the wait be over? The legalization of medical cannabis in Spain would benefit 200 thousand patients.

Spain together with Belgium are the only two countries on the European continent that have not initiated the regulation of medical cannabis with clear parameters. The use of medical cannabis in Europe has gone through many stages, some countries have already legalized it and others are in the debate to take a stance against this new reality. In the case of Spain, the use of medical cannabis has spread since the 80's when the country opened to new ideas, fashions and conceptions coming from Western countries. Even though in Spain the use of medical cannabis has gained a lot of space among its inhabitants, there is still a very important legal vacuum in relation to the cultivation and consumption of cannabis. In the Iberian country it is legal to grow cannabis according to Royal Decree 1729/1999 as long as the legal limit of THC percentage is respected and that seeds coming from abroad are used according to the register elaborated by the European Union.

The Organic Law 4/2015, known as the Mordaza Law establishes some assumptions in which the cultivation of CBD cannabis is accepted in Spain. However, this is not entirely clear, and several interpretations have been given, as in which it is assumed that cultivation is legal if it is far from the public and if it is done with the purpose of self-consumption, since the sale is still illegal and is still considered a crime so the only way to access cannabis is to self-cultivate with foreign seeds. The law does not offer a clear answer to this situation. While in the Community of Madrid a maximum of two cannabis plants can be grown at home, in other cities such as Barcelona it is prohibited. Deciphering the law is not easy because it does not specify how much can be grown legally. This only happens with cannabis for medicinal or adult use, however, with hemp the story is different. In view of this situation, reforms to this Law have been proposed so that there can be a clearer picture and so that people who need CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 11 |



medical cannabis can access it with a legal framework on which they can rely. In this sense, in June of this year the Congress of Deputies approved a subcommittee to study this reality, but no progress has been made since then and this is another obstacle that this industry must face. Spain, together with Belgium, are the only two countries on the European continent that have not initiated the regulation of medical cannabis with clear parameters for its consumers, so, with this subcommittee, it is expected that this important step will be taken for the medical cannabis industry in the country. For his part, the coordinator of the Spanish Pain Society's Cannabinoid Interest Group, Jesús de Santiago, commented that in Spain the lack of regulation leaves medical cannabis as a last resource in the face of neuropathic

pain, when other strategies have not worked. "There is fear, it is confused with recreational cannabis“, he said. However, and even though the commission has not yet made any progress to date, it is expected that in the coming months the wheel of cannabis legalization, even if only partial, will begin to turn. In this way, clear parameters could be established for the possible regulation that, according to experts, would benefit approximately 200,000 patients in Spain. It remains to be seen if the efforts of this community and its supporters bear fruit and the country's 'YES' to an industry that would support thousands of people, both medicinally and economically, will soon be seen in the news.




Hemp Bill imminent in Costa Rica The approval of the hemp and medical cannabis Bill in Costa Rica is imminent, it would undoubtedly bring a great benefit to small and large farmers.

Costa Rica is one of the Latin American countries where hemp is not legalized. In the last months of this year, the congressmen have been in charge of carrying out the fight for the Bill to be legalized. Bill No. 21.388 was approved by the Environment Commission of the Legislative Assembly in November 2020, but its presentation to the full Assembly was delayed. In the initiative presented by Congresswoman Zoila Rosa Volio, hemp is classified as cannabis with a THC content of less than 1%.

However, the bill clarifies between products for therapeutic and medical use. That is, for therapeutic use it does not require medical supervision, while for medicinal use it does. The proposal does not constitute any license requirement for hemp cultivation, apart from what is required for agricultural activity in general. The first motion to be approved was that of Congressman Roberto Thompson, which established the authorization of the production, industrialization, and commercialization of hemp for industrial



CannaLaw and food use and psychoactive cannabis for exclusively medicinal and therapeutic purposes and its derivative products. Thompson considered that "there are two areas of coverage in this law, one for hemp and the other for medicinal use. For the first, no license is needed, anyone can plant, but for the second, yes, because there is a psychotropic element that must be regulated. With the approved motion, the possibility is opened for private companies, national or foreign enterprises to participate in the market". Likewise, this bill seeks to promote economic and Social development and the adequate distribution of wealth in rural areas of Costa Rica, by stimulating the production, industrialization and commercialization Of hemp and psychoactive cannabis for exclusively Medicinal and therapeutic purposes and its derivative products; as well as the promotion of productivity that will mainly benefit small agricultural producers. On the other hand, the hemp cultivation farms, and the storage,

industrialization and commercialization establishments of this product and its derivatives will be supervised by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Ministry of Security, and the Costa Rican Institute on Drugs within the scope of their competences. These authorities will be able to take samples of hemp plants and its derivative products, in order to rule out the commission of illicit activities. Following this order of ideas and taking into consideration the suggestions and proposals of the congressmen in favor of the legalization of the hemp law in Costa Rica, it is fair, urgent and necessary that it be executed as soon as possible. Highlighting the fact of its great medicinal contribution to many patients, the great source of employment it means, the impulse it would generate to the country's economy and above all the great industrial cannabis revolution for the nation; regularizing and allowing its access to ensure the right to health of the inhabitants. It is imminent that the hemp bill is approved, in addition to the great benefit, it would give to small and large farmers.




Morocco calls for more investment in the cannabis sector “Legalizing hemp cultivation and working with medicinal use will generate economic benefits for Morocco's northern regions, which means changing the social and economic life of many families in the country“.

Morocco is expected to obtain a financial boom between $7.1 and 10 billion by 2023. Since last March, Morocco announced the approval of the law to legalize the cultivation of cannabis known as "Kif". Use and cultivation are legal for medical and industrial purposes. However, the rural population is waiting for the House of Representatives to make certain decisions in order to attract companies to invest in the industry. Several political parties are betting on the economic results of the legalization of cannabis cultivation and believe that the abandonment of legal proceedings against farmers prosecuted in this regard will have positive results. Morocco's Interior Minister Abdelouafi Laftit revealed that his ministry had completed a study on the feasibility of using cannabis for

medical and industrial purposes, which showed that Morocco has "promising qualifications to develop the industrial and medical use of cannabis; due to the Kingdom's advantages in terms of environment, climate, and strategic location close to a European market, known for its high demand for cannabis products.“ He added that "I believe that taking advantage of the available opportunities will only come by creating a platform to attract international companies working in the field of cannabis use for industrial and medical purposes, as well as developing a local industrial sector," and explained that this project is not without social objectives aimed at improving incomes, protecting farmers from drug networks, reducing the negative effects of cannabis on public health and reducing the environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation in terms of soil and water depletion.




For his part, the candidate of the Authenticity and Modernity Party, Arabi El-Mahrashi, expressed the party's desire to compete internationally with this crop and stressed that legalizing hemp cultivation and working with medicinal use will in turn generate economic benefits for the northern regions of Morocco, which means changing the social and economic lives of many families in the country. However, other parties point out that the goal is integrated agricultural development, not only focused on cannabis cultivation, but also on ecotourism. Similarly, earlier, 150 Israeli companies expressed their willingness to invest in the medical hemp field in northern Morocco. Israeli companies confirmed that they are preparing to invest in the medical cannabis field in Morocco, in the context of the approval of the "Cannabis" bill by the Moroccan Parliament. On the other hand, the Moroccan law emphasized the limitation of cannabis cultivation areas to five main regions in the north of the country, so it called for some regions that actually belong to the northern part to be included in the national plan for hemp cultivation. Morocco is expected to see a financial boom of between $7.1 billion and $10 billion by 2023 from revenues from the legal cannabis trade, and will generate up to 100,000 jobs, all thanks to Morocco's climate, quality agricultural land and low-cost labor, which provides tremendous opportunities for an economic leap in this field. According to estimates by the International Bureau of Cannabis Studies, which has accompanied several workshops in Morocco on the legalization of the cultivation of the

controversial plant, since 2017 Morocco is one of the most important African markets, as well as its producers. Expectations of the Moroccan production share in the European market: The current legislative situation indicates that the priority markets for Moroccan medical cannabis would be Spain, Holland, UK and Germany with a forecast of $25 billion per year by 2028.

The targets for Moroccan cannabis exports for legal use in Europe, has a good projection and these would be some figures: - 10% of the target market for medical cannabis ($42 billion), which is equivalent to $4.2 billion and represents annual agricultural revenues of around $420 million. - 15% of the target medical cannabis market, which equals $6.3 billion and represents annual farm income of about $630 million. - This would allow exceeding the current total agricultural revenues (about $400 million annually), especially since these expected revenues do not take into account revenues from hemp cultivation and processing for industrial purposes.



CannaLaw The expected level of income for the farmer under medical cannabis cultivation: Studies indicate that the net income per hectare can reach about 110 thousand dirhams per year, an improvement of about 40% over the current higher level of income, under practices that respect the specifications of sustainable agriculture.

The current cultivation of cannabis is considered an economic, social and environmental disaster that leads to the deterioration of the natural and social environment. Moreover, it is an activity that is threatened with extinction in the short term, due to the transformations in the field of legalized cannabis at the international and regional level, as well as the demand from a growing number of countries to legalize it.

Morocco, a place to invest in medical cannabis: - Favorable climatic and natural conditions.

- Proximity to the European bull market. - Inheritance of traditional farmers. - The availability of a logistic offer such as ports and airports, qualifies it to enter international markets and foreign investment.

Morocco must seize these opportunities quickly given the rapid pace at which cannabis legalization is advancing in the world and this exploitation lies in: Attracting large international manufacturers that have a stake in the global market to position themselves in Morocco, by establishing industrial processing units, and then by developing a local domestic industry in this field. These workshops can become a locomotive for the comprehensive development of the regions concerned. Extend a legal framework allowing the development of activities for the medicinal use of cannabis, as well as for pharmaceutical and industrial uses, in line with Morocco's international obligations.




The cannabis industry:

from stigma to a source of jobs In previous years, it was paradoxical to think that cannabis would represent a great source of jobs and a boost for national economies. The cannabis story has taken a 180degree turn and today, many countries are benefiting from the industry's tax revenues, trade expansion and, of course, employment opportunities. In the United States, cannabis businesses account for more than 320,000 full-time jobs. Cannabis businesses have been described as safe havens for retail and restaurant employees who have been left jobless because of the pandemic. As we have mentioned in previous editions, the cannabis market grew and expanded its horizons during the difficult times brought on by the Pandemic, generated a greater demand for its products, and therefore, increased the need for human talent in the different sectors of this industry. According to The Washington Post, the United States has more legal cannabis workers than dentists, paramedics, and electrical engineers, increasing the number of jobs by 32% compared to last year. There are many reasons why this industry has been going from strength to strength, one of them being the fact that cannabis has a place for everyone, and that the different sectors of the industry give rise to a myriad of products or projects that, depending on their nature, require a multidisciplinary team with the experience and skills of professionals such as lawyers, accountants, health professionals, engineers, advertisers, growers, expert personnel in extraction, manufacturing, bud-tending, among other positions. The legal landscape has progressively expanded and so have the opportunities; allowing what was once considered irrational, today is a great and beneficial reality.

One of the largest pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and Sanofi, have shown interest in medical cannabis, especially in one of its chemical compounds: Cannabidiol (CBD). Because of this, they have already initiated clinical studies on CBD and its benefit in relieving pain, inflammation, and even a possible treatment for cancer and other conditions.

Joining this group are other companies with cannabis patents such as Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, Insys Therapeutics, and GlaxoSmithKline In addition to these large pharmaceutical companies, one of the major industry leaders has been GW Pharmaceuticals, with studies and development of cannabisderived therapeutics since 1998. This company formulated the FDAapproved CBD drug Epidiolex®, used for seizures related to refractory epilepsy, and Sativex®, a CBD and THC drug used for spasticity associated with Multiple Sclerosis.


Trends in the cannabis market and cosmetics industry Cannabis-based cosmetics are here to stay. It is very likely that in a local cosmetics store there are already one or several products that have been elaborated with the active ingredients of cannabis. The truth is that the cosmetics industry is no stranger to trendy ingredients and CBD is one of the most popular in recent years. But, why cannabis cosmetics? Do they really have benefits or is their popularity only used for marketing? Scientific research has shown us that cannabinoids and hemp seed oil can have beneficial effects when used topically on the skin. People suffering from localized pain, eczema, acne, psoriasis, and other conditions can benefit from using cannabinoid-infused products. Although cannabis has more than 100 cannabinoids, the compound that has been used by the cosmetic industry is CBD. The reason: it is not a psychoactive compound, and it is already legal for medicinal use in different countries. It is estimated that this line of business will reach $1.7 billion dollars by 2025.



Major brands in the cosmetics industry such as Sephora, a globally positioned cosmetics chain that was born in France, has its own line of cannabis-infused products and offers more than 20 cannabis products ranging from moisturizers to massage oils. U.S. company NYX, meanwhile, launched its first cannabis products on the market in 2019, four of which are made from hemp seed oil. Lush, Wet and Wild, Milk Makeup are on the list of cosmetic companies that make their products based on cannabis. What is your forecast for the future of this market? The growing demand for these products and the progressive legalization drive the growth of the market in countries such as the US and Canada, which have had the largest share in this item comprising 40% of the total production of cannabis cosmetics in 2018. This new market is also opening the field in other countries that have been legalizing cannabis in recent years, which is why growth in the production of cannabis cosmetics is forecast to accelerate in 2021 and 2022.




Hemp, a sustainable construction alternative The topic of sustainable architecture has been a trend in recent years. The apparent global ecological crisis has been motivating a large part of the world's population, so construction professionals have set themselves the task of seeking new methods that benefit the environment; among them is a raw material that many have already heard of for its properties, but others are unaware of its origin and prohibitions: hemp. This plant has become an ideal option for construction, combining ecology and practicality; in addition to being, according to several experts on the subject, a generator of employment, a driver of the economy and a source of income for a country.

Hemp that is mixed with water and lime cement is called Hempcrete or hemp concrete, and in turn is considered a modern and environmentally friendly alternative in the materials used in construction, this option is non-toxic, energy efficient, durable, has a high thermal insulation capacity, is resistant to fire flames, water, and pests; actively reduces the carbon footprint and grows faster than wood. The capacity of this plant and its benefits used in construction is evident. It has the potential to bring dynamism to countries that legalize its cultivation and production, as it will benefit not only the environment, but also the world economy.

Those who know the potential of this plant, see in it the opportunity to boost their economies, which is why they fight so hard in favor of its legalization, even more so when different countries and industrial sectors have been seriously affected by the Pandemic.


CannaMed Thanks to various research, several therapeutic possibilities are opened for the discomfort of millions of patients suffering from COVID-19. Analysis of the article Anil, S.M., Shalev, N., Vinayaka, A.C. et al. Cannabis compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in vitro in COVID-19-related inflammation in lung epithelial cells and pro-inflammatory activity in macrophages. Sci Rep 11, 1462 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81049-2

During 2020 and 2021, science has been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic and has initiated an exhaustive search for alternatives and treatments that will enable the clinical management of patients with SARS-Cov-2 virus infection. Cannabis has been proposed as a possible alternative for the treatment of severe patients with COVID-19. To understand why cannabis would be useful during this disease (specifically during the critical state), some aspects of the processes underlying this pathology and involving the patient's immune system must be considered. After infection by the virus, an adaptive response occurs that seeks to limit the infection and eliminate the pathogen, however, if the infection progresses, an unregulated immune response develops where the "Cytokine Storm Syndrome" occurs, releasing a number of proinflammatory mediators (cytokines) that end up affecting the lung tissue and causing "Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome". Taking into account this process, and knowing that cannabis has been described as an

effective anti-inflammatory in several cases and pathologies, the authors of this study decided to investigate the effect of cannabis and its compounds on the levels of interleukins 6 and 8 (IL-6 and IL-8), CCL2 and CCL7 produced by lung epithelial cells and macrophages, in other words, to determine whether cannabis or any of its compounds can regulate this process in the affected cells during the disease. For this study, an in vitro model with cell cultures of lung cells and monocytes was used, and the CBD-rich cannabis strain called "Arbel" was selected. During the study, two treatments were used, one with CBD-rich cannabis fragments, and one called "control treatment" with dexamethasone (an anti-inflammatory used for the treatment of patients with COVID-19). After a series of tests on alveolar epithelial cells and macrophages, the results were obtained, analyzed, and compared to determine that CBD produced a greater reduction in IL-6 and IL-8 levels than the control treatment. Likewise, the cannabinoid reduced gene expression of the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2)



CannaMed activity releases bradykinin which is related to vascular permeability and life-threatening hypotension in patients with COVID-19. CBD also demonstrated effectiveness in reducing the expression of CCL2 and CCL7, cytokines that are found in high percentage in the bronchoalveolar fluid of critically ill patients. From the results obtained during the genetic and protein evaluation of several cellular components, the authors suggest that CBD reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines released by lung epithelial cells and related to the recruitment of monocytes to this tissue, therefore, treatment with this cannabinoid could be a potential immunomodulator during cytokine-mediated inflammation and regulate this process to prevent the progression of tissue damage.

Nevertheless, during the evaluation cannabis increased the inflammatory activity of macrophages, inducing their polarization and the expression of "Fc" and "CD36+" receptors, promoting phagocytosis, moreover, the fragments with CBD reduced to a lesser extent the cytokine IL-7 compared to the control treatment. This could be a useful property of CBD during the first phase of the immune response after SARS-Cov-2 infection, since by not significantly decreasing IL-7 it helps the host organism to recruit lymphocytes while promoting pathogen elimination through phagocytosis. Thanks to various research, including this study, several therapeutic opportunities are opening up to alleviate the discomfort of the millions of patients suffering from COVID-19, and cannabis, specifically CBD, is gradually positioning itself as a potential anti-inflammatory agent that could be useful during and after infection.

However, due to the different chemical reactions presented in this study, and considering the available literature, it is advisable to consult with a specialist to make responsible use of the plant and its derivatives, avoiding adverse effects and seeking to establish cannabis as a complementary treatment during the clinical management of COVID-19.




Cannabis and mental health in times of pandemic Use of medical cannabis to improve mental health during Pandemic


he pandemic caused by Covid-19 has become a serious problem not only in terms of public health, but also at an emotional level in people's lives, as reflected in the increase of anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal thoughts, which were triggered by social isolation and situations related to the loss of work, lack of contact and social interaction and rupture of ties with close people; in addition to the loss of loved ones and the fear generated by the emergence of a highly contagious virus. Accordingly, a study published by the "Journal of Addictive Diseases", highlights the way in which people have been trying to cope with stressful

situations through the use of cannabis or its derivatives. According to the study's researchers, cannabis-medicated patients with mental health problems reported a considerable increase in cannabis use since the onset of the pandemic, intensifying their use by an average of 91%. The scientists therefore specifically looked at 1,202 medical cannabis users with chronic illnesses, with the aim of discovering how their cannabis behaviors might have changed since the pandemic began.




But actually, those patients with mental health-related problems reported that they had a significant change. This sheds some light on how medical cannabis patients with emotional disorders may have been affected by the pandemic, suggesting that they may be coping with increased cannabis use by reporting that they have felt much better and more relieved about their disorders when using cannabis.

While some evidence points to the efficacy of cannabis, other evidence suggests that it may cause an increase in social anxiety symptoms when used for a prolonged time, this may be due to the biphasic effect that the substance administered, and its quantity may have. Some studies have found that cannabis use alleviates depressive symptoms in the short

term, with some showing improvements in the treatment of depression and others suggesting suggesting that the association between increased depression and cannabis use disappears when confounding factors are considered. It is necessary to conduct more studies that allow a greater understanding regarding the use of cannabis in mental health and to be able to conclude that it is really effective to treat these disturbances and disorders, always according to the conditions of the patient at times of increased stress and the administration of cannabis or its derivatives for the treatment of such condition by a specialist Taken from Forbes Magazine by Emily Earlenbaugh. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilyearlenbaugh/2020/09/ 25/medical-cannabis-use-for-mental-health-increasedduring-covid-19-pandemic-study-finds/?sh=5f90b3a96d3f






Cannabis “close-up”

Sour Tsunami This strain born from the combination of the Sour Diesel and NYC Diesel strains, and whose sweet aroma evokes the one of chocolate, is very useful and attractive for those users who are looking for a high content of CBD in their cannabis flowers without perceiving the highly psychoactive effects of THC; since this variety tends to produce less than 1-2% of this Cannabinoid, so that the therapeutic properties of the active principles of the plant can be obtained without the psychoactive effects. This sativa-dominant hybrid has approximately 12% CBD, blooms in 9 weeks and produces buds and dark green leaves with purple hues. The dominant terpene in Sour Tsunami is myrcene, which contributes to the increase of the anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, analgesic and muscle relaxation effects through the synergy of its components; freeing users from stress and providing relief, focus and well-being.

Hybrid CBD: 12% THC: 1% Dominant terpene: Myrcene



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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the appropriate, responsible and safe use and handling of cannabis, please consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.

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