Edition 8: Still writing: A history of cannabis that is not soaked in blood

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Editorial: Still writing: A history of cannabis that is not soaked in blood -Opinion article: Biosynthesis of cannabinoids from yeast Yarrow lipolytica Page 4


CANNAGROW SECTION The influence of lunar cycles on cannabis crops Page 6

Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis respectively, have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can find another two brand new sections in order to provide a global look about the plant: we are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for the demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!


IN THE EXPERT’S ROOM: Interview with Cannamérica from Chile. Page 8


CANNALAW SECTION - Cannabis speaks German. Page 11 - Cannabis, the green gold of the celebrities. Page 14 - Legalize cannabis for industrialization. Page 16 - Cannabis and veterans: a remaining talkedabout topic. Page 18



- Trending Stocks. Page 20 - Instagram, the new obstacle for the cannabis industry. Page 20 - Cannabis in casinos. Page 21 - What the cannabis industry should learn from the pharmaceutical industry. Page 22 - Cannabis, environment, and humans. Page 24


CANNAMED SECTION - Cannabis for women: Premenstrual Symptoms. Page 26 - Cannabis “up close”: Grape Ape. Page 27 - Cannabis Use during pregnancy. Page 28


Still writing: A history of cannabis that is not soaked in blood The war against drug trafficking has influenced world politics. Without a doubt, the Latin American countries are the ones that have suffered most in this war because they have incredible agricultural potential, and this led to the cultivation of plants such as coca in their territories, which turned into cocaine after a chemical procedure. If we look at history, cannabis was cultivated in many Latin American countries in the 70s and 80s especially in Colombia- and was illegally exported to countries like the US; the people who lived first-hand the consequences of drug trafficking would have never imagined the panorama we are experiencing today; for example, the manufacturing of cannabis-based products and big brands betting on the industry, since this is what cannabis has become. Currently, this industry is in constant growth, but a while ago, this scenario was unimaginable.

Nowadays, cannabis is everywhere, and the plant is gaining more and more space in many fields. The last headline that made an impact in the world was the introduction of cannabis in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo, meaning that cannabis is no longer considered doping in sports; very relevant news for athletes who use cannabis or its derivatives for medicinal purposes, for muscle recovery and to counteract symptoms of diseases that can affect their performance in a competition. We understand that the world is changing or progressing for the cannabis community at a global level. It is comforting to see headlines like: "Colombia Legally Exports Cannabis for Scientific Purposes." This headline shows us that we are writing another story, a story written daily by all the people fighting for the legalization of cannabis for medicinal, scientific, and industrial purposes around the world.

Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals




Biosynthesis of cannabinoids from yeast Yarrow lipolytica The Cannabis sativa plant has a cultivation history of thousands of years. Looking at the popularity of cannabis compounds in consumers, researchers investigated the constituents of the plant and the medicinal properties associated with these constituents. Consequently, a large number of cannabis products were legally approved and made their way to the market.

But what made scientists opt for biosynthesis instead of cultivation? The rise in popularity of cannabinoids led to clinical trials that aimed to discover new potential medicinal uses of cannabinoids. The Grow-harvest method has been the source of cannabinoids for consumer consumption and clinical trials. However, this conventional production method was unable to meet the market standards of quality and quantity. Moreover, the products obtained from this method were impure, costly, and inconsistent.

The stringent regulatory requirements also contributed toward the overall production cost of cannabinoids, making it an expensive choice for adult consumption and an obstacle in clinical trials. To reduce the environmental footprints and overcome a gap in the supply chain, numerous scientists opted for a chemical synthesis method that comes with many drawbacks and product side effects. Biosynthesis came to the forefront in order to solve problems that exist in cultivation and chemical synthesis. Biosynthesis of cannabinoids enables the use of modules that are identified in synthetic biologybased combinatorial approaches. Biosynthesis produces cannabinoids that are biologically identical to the ones found in nature. It circumvents regulatory oversight, reduces environmental footprints, produces high quality, and overcomes a large production and supply chain gap. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |


OPINION ARTICLE Biosynthesis by BioMedican

Scientists at BioMedican are experts in genetics, genomics, engineering, molecular biology, and biosynthesis. With over 50 years of combined research, these experts recreated biosynthesis pathways for 200 cannabinoids, 150 terpenes, and psychedelics in oily yeast Yarrowia Lypolitica (Y.L.).

organic, and pharmaceutical grade rare cannabinoids. This fermentation process is 2-5 times more productive than the commonly found batch feed process.

There are two primary components of the biosynthesis process.

Benefits of investing in the biosynthetic platform

1. 2.

Engineering of micro-organisms Scaling-up cannabinoids manufacturing

Scientists manipulated yeast's gene expressions and enzymes, which enabled them to alter several metabolic pathways' flux and activities to produce cannabinoids. In contrast to nonproprietary yeast strains, the proprietary strain of Yarrowia lipolytica (Y.L.) contained genetically enhanced enzymes. The oily compartments of this strain can help yield 80% of its weight in oils. Moreover, the production of GPP was also increased by using the mutated ERG20 enzyme.

After producing cannabinoids in engineered yeast, the next milestone was to move it from bench-top small fermenters to large fermentation vessels of thousands of liters. Biomedican overcame this challenge of scaling up production and producing non-GMO,

BioMedican is one of two global companies that have a patent to produce olivetolic acid to produce cannabinoids.

The cannabis market holds tremendous consumer and investor interest due to the newly discovered medical benefits of minor cannabinoids. Adults' use and medical cannabinoid market are projected to hit nearly $146 billion by 2025. Similarly, cannabinoid-based pharmaceuticals are expected to reach $50 billion by 2029. The efficiency of our biosynthetic pathway allows the researchers to yield 5% dry mass within six days, which means high yield and low cost of about <$1 per gram compared to $5-12 per gram by competitors. Therefore, by investing in a biosynthesis platform, the investors can expect a faster return over investment. Biomedican welcomes all non-accredited investors to invest in its Wefunder campaign.

Anna Chigir Biomedican




The influence of lunar cycles on cannabis crops Our natural satellite can affect the movement of the tides and some types of marine life such as corals, it also influences the development and fertility process of cannabis crops. But how is this possible? The celestial body, in its period of rotation, exerts a gravitational force on our sphere, attracting the oceans, stimulating the movement of the tides and even affecting the sap circulation in plants such as cannabis. For this reason, it is extremely important to understand the lunar cycles and how they can affect our crops, depending on the stage of the moon and its light intensity. We have two stages of lunar movements: - Ascent Moon: In this phase, our plants seem to "synchronize" with the movement of the moon (due to the gravitational force). At this stage, the sap rises. It starts to flow from the bottom up throughout the plant producing energy in our cannabis, thus allowing buds to be cut more easily. However, growers should be careful to not lose excess sap.

- Descending Moon: : In this stage, the opposite happens; instead of flowing from the bottom up, it circulates from the top down thus stimulating the roots of the plant; this is an ideal phase for fertilization and germination of seeds and soils. (It should be clarified that this is not highly effective because it can vary according to the proximity to the equator line where the tides are more affected than other types of liquids) Now, what are the ideal lunar cycles for each development stage of the plant? - Germination: Crescent Moon "It includes the phase between the New Moon and the Full Moon" (Alchimia Grow Shop, 2015), it is identified as a visible half-moon. During this transition, the internal activity of the plant is more dynamic and leaves grow very well, which is why the development of the plant is more efficient.




- Transplant: Waning moon, it is when the moon has a thin visible “C shape”, it is less luminous and in this phase, the sap falls through the plant. It is ideal to sow during this stage because you will obtain a greater quantity of flowers and seeds, due to the improved production and density. -Fertilization: New moon, which is recognized because the moon is no longer visible from Earth, at this time the plant has greater energy. It is a good time to fertilize the root since the sap is going down. - Harvest: Full moon, is one of the most beautiful since all its splendor is shown. Special care must be taken not to trim during this phase because the sap is rising and if any part is cut, the plant could become sick and weak. The best option is to add compost. Harvest is done at this stage because all the energy of the plant is focused on the upper part, showing a good production and obtaining more flowers.

The seasons or the environmental changes interfere in all the phases, however, it is important to pay attention to the lunar cycles that directly affect the growth of our plants

References Alchimia Grow Shop. (2015, 16 julio). Influence of the Moon in Marijuana Cultivation. https://www.alchimiaweb.com/blog/influenci a-luna-cultivo-marihuana/



1. What is CANNAMÉRICA? Cannamérica is a strategic, political, scientific, medical and social group with professionals interested in allowing legal and quality access to cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. 2 .When and why was it found?

In the expert’s room: Interview with CANNAMÉRICA Chile

This beautiful project called CANNAMÉRICA was born in August 2018 after many coffees and several doubts and concerns among the people who had been interested in the Cannabis sativa plant as a therapeutic alternative. An appropriate platform was created through communications and technology, where several professionals from Peru, Chile and Argentina managed to get in touch with like-minded people regarding the use of the plant and their right to access a new form of treatment and to rethink the legal situation in which we are immersed. The analysis of the situation led us to consider the need to join forces with other countries to work together for this cause, to fight for our personal and professional rights with strength and efficiency.

Mariela Hernández Journalist from Santiago de Chile University, master in Communications from Diego Portales University, president of the “Latinoamérica Reforma Foundation”

Sergio Sánchez President of Cannamérica. Expert in drug politics. President of the “Latinoamérica Reforma Foundation”. Medical doctor from Chile University.

The political context at the regional level motivated us to create this organization to collect information to ensure access and medical use of all derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant. 3. When did your interest in cannabis start? The different organizations that are part of this great umbrella called Cannamérica started to get interested in cannabis little by little. Some had their own initiative and others got interested due to the progress and work that was taking place in other countries. The Latinoamérica Reforma Foundation, an NGO in Chile, began to work for the medicinal use of cannabis in 2012 and started to contact other people or related organizations to support and work together for greater strength in each local intervention. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |


4. What is the legal panorama in Chile and how does it affect your activities? The law 20,000 in Chile prohibits the access to substances included in list 1 of substances that cause damage to health, with a very high possibility of addiction and unfortunate damage to public health and society. However, it allows personal use, and soon it will approve medicinal and scientific research. The cultivation can be authorized by the Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (Agricultural and Livestock Service) but it does not grant permits for small personal crops without commercial intent. In 2015, due to pressure exerted by medical cannabis patients, Law 85 was enacted, which allows doctors to prescribe the flower and phytopharmaceutical derivatives of cannabis. Currently, the Government of President Sebastián Piñera has declared war on cannabis and personal crops are not respected, despite the fact the Greenlife club was recognized by the Chilean courts in 2020 and currently develops its regular activities. It is difficult to work with cannabis in a scenario with so many obstacles where state security prevents access for patients, although in this year (2021), Argentina and Peru legalized personal cultivation for medicinal use. However, the LAR medical consultation of the Latinoamérica Reforma Foundation continues working to help patients in their therapeutic process with cannabis.

5. Who is Cannamérica directed to? To anyone interested in any aspect of cannabis, whether it is for health, scientific research, the plant or its effects, the pharmaceutical side, the industrial use, and its social panorama. 6. What are your activities? Mission, vision?

webinars and information exchange; either in the legal, scientific and medical areas, in addition to holding annual meetings in each country of the region. In 2019 we started in the city of Lima (Peru), in 2020 we continue in Santiago de Chile and this year, 2021, in the City of Chilecito in Argentina; also there will be the inauguration of industrial cannabis cultivation for scientific research, which will be carried out by the Universidad de la Plata. Due to the global pandemic situation, this event will be held virtually, you can buy tickets at www.cannamerica.org. Our mission is to promote adequate spaces for meeting, discussion, and work to influence the current drug policy thus having the governments from the United Nations review the prohibitionism paradigm, to ensure the right to access the Cannabis sativa plant, with the highest level of quality and safety for medicinal purposes and scientific research. Our vision is to make a change in an organized way among professionals in the American countries who consider that access to the cannabis plant is a right and an opportunity to improve people's health and quality of life, encouraging the dissemination, discussion, and understanding the scientific, social, economic and political areas; promoting the production of updated knowledge, based on clinical and scientific evidence.

7. As an organization, what challenges have you faced? The distance is the first challenge we have faced since our directors and collaborators are physically in different countries. Prohibition is undoubtedly the greatest obstacle to overcome and the reason why we decided to create this international group. The most difficult thing is to erase the myths and ignorance around the cannabis plant, that were created by power groups that refuse to give access to those who need it as treatment,

We have all kinds of online activities, such as CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |


still generating a paradigm among physicians. Within this activity, there are also great challenges that must be faced, in the sense of being able to coordinate ourselves in welldefined strategies and models, which allow us to establish a regulated form of access and use throughout the region.

comparison to the effects of traditional paradigmatic pharmaceuticals. If we think about the industrial use of hemp, we can include areas of textile, food, construction, etc., being also a totally natural, biodegradable and environmentally friendly product.

10. What are your next projects? 8. What have been the advances of cannabis in Chile? Is there still the stigma about cannabis use? From 2015 to 2019, cannabis had a boom in Chile, as medical consultations were opened based on the experience of Latinoamérica Reforma, with a massive reception. There was a lot of interest from patients in using this therapy professionally and legally. The large cannabis companies came to Chile with the interest of investing in industrial and commercial projects, for different purposes, mainly medicinal. However, the lack of leadership from President Piñera caused the “social outbreak” in October 2019, changing the Chilean scenario towards a country that became much more unstable. The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic delayed the projects that were being worked on and went on to suffer stagnation. There will be a government change in 2022 and we are waiting to know if we could advance on this issue and adapt the strategies.

9. How do you visualize cannabis in Chile, in the near future?

We are organizing our 3rd meeting in Chilecito, Argentina and depending on the possibilities, in 2022 we will hold the 4th meeting, either online or in-person in a country in America. We plan to organize a Latin American cannabis directory, where the people interested in contacting someone dedicated to this activity can do so without a problem. The idea is to enlighten the continent with this work and to be able to create more networks of possibilities. Within the projects, there is also the possibility of generating online training taking advantage of the online educational platforms and the vast clinical and scientific experience of our Canna-Americans.

Those interested in being part of our network can visit our website www.cannamerica.org or send us an email to contacto@cannamerica.org.

We think that cannabis is going to have a world revolution. The countries that are legalizing access, use and production have good consumption, security, and tax collection rates, among many other aspects. Patients who already consume cannabis have improved their quality of life more safely in




Cannabis speaks

German Currently, millions of people use cannabis in Europe, although the laws are a little strict in different countries. This is why, because of its therapeutic properties, people fight for the decriminalization of its cultivation and possession as well as its leisure use. The consumption of cannabis in Germany is illegal, however, its use is still allowed in small quantities. Although there is a large part of the population seeking the decriminalization of consumption and cultivation, there are still people opposing this process. However, it is well known that since 2017 medical cannabis in Germany has been decriminalized and consumption is allowed when a doctor prescribes it. To be honest, Germany is one of the countries of the old continent where medical cannabis has the most favorable situation. The great demand for medicinal cannabis has accumulated more than 40,000 patients with various pathologies who

consume it legally and for medicinal purposes. This, along with the slow regulation of its cultivation, will make this great nation less dependent on importation and able to self-supply its wide therapeutic market. On the other hand, there is a large number of patients expressing how difficult it is to obtain prescriptions for medical cannabis in Germany. This is because many health professionals are skeptical about the plant and the bad image that it has had in different parts of the world. Under these circumstances, the solution for the majority of the citizens has been cannabis-based drugs such as Sativex, which is legal in Germany but not everyone has access due to its high cost. What about the cultivation, possession and use of cannabis in Germany? As for the legal situation of cannabis cultivation in Germany, it is just as



CannaLaw repressive as for consumption or possession. Despite this, due to the high existing demand for cannabis for adult and medicinal use, since 2019 there have been countless proposals for the controlled cultivation of cannabis in this country. This seems to have had good results since everything indicates that these requests will be heard. On a similar note, consumption is also illegal. The country has the Federal Narcotics Law that sentences the possession of cannabis with penalties that could reach 5 years of jail. However, the use of cannabis in Germany is not considered a crime, so the legal framework of the European country favors and supports people who have been caught with a low amount of

cannabis and they can enter treatment programs instead of dealing with heavy penalties.

The above-mentioned will always depend, of course, on the history of the person who was captured with cannabis. Situations such as the involvement of third parties in the seizure, are essential to discern between a sanction, a rehabilitation process, or a criminal procedure. Regarding the possession of cannabis in Germany, it is regulated, this means that a person can carry a small amount of cannabis if it is for their consumption and not to trade it with other people.




2021: The German Government recommends decriminalizing the possession of up to 6 grams of cannabis Daniela Ludwig, a member of the German Parliament and responsible for drug issues, has expressed her support towards the possession of up to six grams of cannabis so that it stops being classified as a crime, and starts to be considered an administrative offense. Ludwig believes that the six grams may be "justified", although she has acknowledged that it is necessary to "carefully" set where the limit is, "because it acts as a signal and has an influence on the consumer’s behavior."

It is worth mentioning that despite all the restrictions, according to the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction, almost 30% of adult Europeans have used cannabis at least once in their life. This is a strong indication that cannabis is not only already a part of society, but that it grows stronger every day.





the green gold of celebrities Cannabis is becoming a stellar business, run by huge corporations: tobacco companies, beverage manufacturers and even the pharmaceutical industry. During the last few years, the cannabis industry has grown and spread to several countries, which has allowed for recognized people and companies to undertake this industry thanks to the opportunities it offers.

Many athletes and celebrities are using CBD products, investing their money in this business, becoming spokespersons and advocates for the industry. From medicinal, industrial and leisure cannabis to the cosmetic industry; these are some of the aspects of this plant that have allowed personalities such as Mike Tyson, Beyoncé, John Legend, and David Beckham to enter this field, thanks to the legislative changes in power countries such as the United States, Canada, Spain, Italy, among many others that, under different measures, are already taking part in this business. The United States has recently advanced in its cannabis legislation and there are already 8 states in this country that have

legalized the use of cannabis for different purposes: medical and leisure use. For example, Mike Tyson is the owner of Tyson Ranch, where he produces edible strains and premium cannabis extracts that generate a profit of more than 420,000 euros per month. In addition, he continues to expand this empire in the California desert with a cannabis-themed vacation resort and a center to teach how to grow cannabis. On the other hand, Beyoncé started growing cannabis in her home to extract cannabidiol (CBD) and use the medicinal properties of cannabis oil against pain, inflammation and stress. Another renowned artist who has become



CannaLaw part of this industry is John Legend. The American singer believes in the benefits of CBD and has invested in the cannabis company “PlusCBD”. David Beckham leaned towards Cellular Goods, a beauty line that will be making facial masks and roll-on sports gels infused with cannabidiol (CBD).

There are several recognized artists and athletes who are now betting on cannabis. This is the case of Matt Barnes, winner of an NBA ring, who has used cannabis since the age of 14 and denied suffering from an addiction. He simply commented that he used the benefits of this plant to relieve pain, relax and sleep better. "It gave me peace of mind," he commented.

Like Barnes, many other renowned artists and athletes have joined this industry. From Rob Gronkowski, former New England Patriots player, who has talked about the benefits he had from using CBD since his retirement; to Whoopi Goldberg, with her new line of CBD called "Whoopi & Maya". Even Martha Stewart is now part of Canopy Growth Corporations; Bella Thorne, Miley Cyrus, among many others who have decided to take a step forward in this industry. The reality is that more and more people want to be part of an unstoppable industry that can contribute to the economy and society.





Legalize cannabis for

industrialization Without a doubt, when cannabis experts think about the plant, the words health, well-being, and economic growth come to mind. This is because the advantages that this plant generates or can generate are indisputable. Therefore, bills have been presented in different scenarios around the world, and as if that was not enough, the discussion about legalization has become a great debate full of controversy in many countries. At the same time, the international cannabis community seeks to provide information that science has proven through rigorous studies, and to expand the true meaning of cannabis, thus ending the stigma and with this green light, helping countries become great industrial powers.

Today, unfortunately, most of the countries of the world do not have a regulatory framework for the uses of cannabis, that is, there are no fundamental rules for the industrialization of the plant, at least for now. For this reason, the international cannabis community needs to continue fighting for the green revolution to achieve the absolute legalization of the plant in different countries. In this sense, the medicinal, scientific and industrial use of cannabis will open the doors of industrialization, which has

undoubtedly shown that its limit is the sky when it comes to cannabis-based products; such as the Mexican Christian Roman; who with the Cann4 brand has been developing cannabis-based powdered milk for babies that can help them fall asleep, prevent colic and increase the appetite of newborns. On the other hand, although some countries dislike the idea, the global legalization of cannabis is like a train that no one can stop, that is why large, medium and small brands are betting on the plant; including CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |


CannaLaw something cannabis-based in their product line. It would not come as a shock if we see Coca-Cola cannabis, because sooner or later this is going to happen. The demand for products is progressively growing, and as mentioned above, if we talk about cannabis-based products, we also talk about creativity, since the brands in the industry have shown their great will to create products; that is why today it is possible to see cannabis-based cosmetic products which are currently a trend in the market.

Laws are a reflection of what is happening or what happened in society, legislators are aware of this and know that the legalization of cannabis will be like growing old, sooner or later it will happen, since this depends not only on the wellbeing of many patients but also on the development or advancement of countries, especially those with agricultural potential.



Cannabis and veterans: a remaining talked-about topic With the amendment that would allow veterans access to medical cannabis, a related case is once again afloat. This is Howard Bailey, a veteran of the US Navy who had been deported for a conviction related to the possession of cannabis. This is his story...

information supplied.

Howard Bailey, a retired Navy veteran, had returned home in 1995 after serving in the military in two operations (Desert Storm and Providing Comfort). He was 22 when he was charged with possession of marijuana after a package from a friend arrived at his home. Bailey, who is Jamaican, was married at the time with two American-born children, decided to plead guilty after his attorney recommended to do so to quickly finalize the process. Bailey followed that advice and was convicted.

This was the start of a countdown that would end in 2010; fifteen years after the incident, two uniformed men from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) showed up at his house and took him away to begin his deportation process. This process would last two years, he had to move to a detention center until he was finally deported to Jamaica. For eight years in Jamaica, Bailey was separated from his family and was not able to see his daughter, his son and his wife.

Later, when he was applying for his American citizenship, he revealed that he had been convicted for a crime, wanting to be honest with the


A new opportunity opens... By joint efforts of 30 members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Senators. Alex Padilla, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner sent a letter last month to the head of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requesting to reopen the case. Now Bailey has a new opportunity, he has returned to his country to have a new life with his children, his wife and the life he left behind a decade ago.

What was the cost? For a decade this man had his life on hiatus, his children suffered the trauma of being forcibly separated from his father, his wife had to endure sustaining a home as a single mother, and all because of a conviction related to cannabis. This case not only shows the problem that exists with the migratory processes but also the problem with past convictions related to this plant. Who is benefitting from these convictions? The war veteran who was prepared to his life for his country that subsequently

turned his back on him? What was achieved with this conviction? Were the streets safer, did the violence rates decrease? The only thing that was achieved with this unilateral, arbitrary act was an injustice endorsed by retrograde laws that do not reflect the realities it seeks to protect.

A new

story With all the recent changes regarding the legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis, it seems that we are heading in the right direction. However, the number of convictions for crimes that are no longer illegal and have not yet been released is still worrying. There are still many new stories to write, so far we are starting a new chapter in the era of legal cannabis.




Instagram, the new obstacle for the cannabis industry After different legal advances in the world, the misinformation and taboo around cannabis has been disappearing, which has led to more businesses, companies and users using social networks to share their products or opinions about the plant, something that Instagram does not like. The low tolerance of the popular network towards the cannabis industry and the inclination to deactivate shared photos and videos or even close accounts related to cannabis have become a major obstacle for entrepreneurs and institutions providing information about it. Although the platform's terms of service are clear that no brand can sell or promote the sale of drugs on its page, the popularity of cannabis has led to increased engagement on Instagram.

Here is a list of publiclytraded cannabis companies that have been the main topic of conversation within the investment community in recent weeks: 1. Ascend Wellness (CNSX: AAWH.U) 2. Tilray (NASDAQ: TLRY) 3. Hexo Corp (NASDAQ: HEXO) 4. Jushi Holdings Inc. (JUSH.CX) 5. Ayr Wellness Inc. (AYR.A.CX) Either because the price of their shares had a significant movement, or because they have created an expectation with different alliances, investments, payment of debts, or new projects, these companies have called the attention and have been considered "attractive" for many investors in the next few months. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDICIÓN NO. 8 |



Some brands that had up to 200,000 followers had to migrate to another network or change their content’s nature to avoid blocks or complaints from other users for violating the platform's terms of service. These restrictions, interruptions or blocks have serious implications for marketers and investors who must break the line of communication with clients and potential clients, even risking a decreased revenue. However, considering that Instagram has a billion monthly users, leaving the network is not a viable option. To be clear, this means that cannabis companies cannot use the platform, so they must change or avoid talking about selling cannabis or inducing its sale. The Cannaclusive spokesperson said that using Instagram is a risk worth taking, it is valuable to interact with your audience there.

For many years, casinos have done their best to stay ahead, integrating current trends into their services, betting schemes, interior design, and of course, their menu. However, no casino has made public the inclusion of cannabis in the services they offer, as several restaurants and hotels have done; also they do not allow the use of the plant and its derivatives in the betting establishment; mainly because of the regulations that prohibit the use of cannabis in public places in many states and countries.

However, legalizations in some regions are becoming more permissive, providing an opportunity for establishments such as Foxwoods Resort Casino and Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort, located in North Carolina, to implement ingenious ideas to undertake the cannabis industry. Recently, these two casinos announced that they are considering starting a dispensary business in adjacent locations so that customers can purchase the products in the drive-thru or, if they prefer, enter and share with other users in spaces appropriate for the consumption of the plant. These dispensaries could represent a new source of income for casinos that suffered heavy losses in 2020 from restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


What the cannabis industry should learn from the pharmaceutical industry Formulation and medications In recent years, the cannabis industry has gone from being an emerging industry to positioning itself in the economic front with older industries such as the pharmaceutical market. The fact that there are many similarities and convergences between both industries leads us to examine the successes and errors that have been committed in the development of the giant pharmaceutical industry. One of the biggest lessons that the cannabis industry can learn from the pharmaceutical industry is to focus on the complexity of its products. By this, we mean the fact that medicine contains a wide range of compounds that interact with each other to enhance its effect rather than just one. Although the cannabis industry is obsessed with isolating novel compounds such as delta-8 THC or CBG, this can become a problem rather than an advantage. This mistake is one of the processes that we have replicated from the pharmaceutical industry where compounds from plants have been isolated to produce medicines, such as aspirin that comes from willow, or vitamin C from citrus.

But what is the problem with this kind of approach? This isolation of compounds goes against the scientific evidence that exists regarding cannabis medicine. The famous entourage effect has shown us that the whole plant is much more effective for the treatment of various medical conditions, something that the cannabis industry must certainly take into account in the production of medicines since the true healing power lies in accessing the entire plant rather than picking and choosing compounds.



CannaTrade Regulation and manufacturing Another area where these industries share a similar path is in regulation. The quality standards of both industries are extremely rigorous and for good reason, as they are designed to provide security and credibility for the patient and the medical industry.

For cannabis to follow the path of the pharmaceutical industry is necessary to create an industry with greater credibility in the eyes of consumers and legislators. Reducing risks and increasing security will also allow for global legal advances in a market with a supply of safe and standardized products.

Regulatory entities that control medicine production in the pharmaceutical industry have strict measures for the cannabis industry. If cannabis follows the same path as the pharmaceutical industry, it will need to standardize and update its manufacturing processes. This will likely add multiple tests to assess raw material safety and product consistency.




Cannabis, environment and humans The environment has always played an important role in human evolution, providing us with the elements and materials to build large cities, industries and continents. However, the main sustainability issues often refer to fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture, and landfills, but we may be missing something.

Industries started to see the profitability of the plant beyond medicinal use, investing and creating new strategies, jobs and possibilities. However, this year has been tough for the industry, especially in cultivation.

The demand for cannabis, water, soil, artificial lighting and single-use packaging can leave a huge environmental footprint if not done carefully. But, its economic, social and versatility contribution can reduce in some way the impact and help to build a sustainable society. Many materials can be extracted from a cannabis plant to replace those that we normally use such as plastic, clothing, fabrics, paper and even fuel. This new era of cannabis is getting closer.




A natural fight In recent months the changing climate has been a challenge, from wildfires to droughts to hurricanes; in other words, a more extreme climate that represents problems for cannabis companies.

Pre-storm shutdown procedures, post-storm reentry procedures, reentry and emergency response teams to conduct a point-by-point inspection of the facilities to evaluate the damages.

No one is more affected by these changes than growers. Depending on where the cultivated hectare is located, the challenge presented by climate change is different; as there is not a single region that is not currently undergoing constant change. In the United States, outdoor growers in the states of California, Oregon and Washington, are facing one of the longest wildfire seasons. In the Southeast, markets with regulated cannabis operations, such as Florida and Louisiana, need to prepare for the hurricanes and floods that often affect them.

While much of the West is experiencing drought conditions this year, some growers are looking for ways to reduce water use and make their operations as efficient as possible, so they have enough liquid in storage until the drought ends. Although the forecast is not well-defined, the plans to expand and grow the industry are becoming clearer, an example of this is the constant creation of new businesses and research around cannabis.

To prepare for those problems, some companies have developed a detailed, multiphase emergency plan to address all three potential disasters including:




Cannabis for Women:

Premenstrual Symptoms 3 out of 4 women suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), which is a series of physical and emotional symptoms that appear days before the start of menstruation (may include anxiety, changes in libido, altered appetite, fatigue, muscle aches); a smaller percentage suffer from a more severe clinical picture, called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with symptoms that appear one or two weeks before the start of the cycle and can include panic attacks, lethargy, anger or irritability, marked changes in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia.

The therapeutic management of these syndromes is a bit complex because each organism seems to respond differently to the available therapies, such as a series of hormonal treatments, antidepressants, and lifestyle changes. However, taking into account the side effects, and risks (heart disease, breast and endometrial cancer, osteoporosis, “medical menopause”) of these medications, many women have chosen to use cannabis to alleviate their symptoms.

For example, a study by the Department of Psychology at the Albania University recruited 145 women to evaluate their experience with cannabis, and it was reported that the use of the plant and its derivatives provided an improvement in mood, depression, anxiety, irritability and sleep problems. Both CBD and THC can help alleviate the symptoms that many women have to deal with every month. CBD can be a great analgesic and anti-inflammatory in these cases, it can also help with anxiety and stress; on the other hand, THC can benefit women with sudden appetite swings and work in synergy with CBD to relieve muscle aches. However, more studies and research needs to be done to verify the process that makes cannabis a great ally for the treatment of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle and premenstrual syndromes, and thus, in the future, establish the plant as a therapeutic alternative to improve the quality of life of this population. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |



Cannabis “up close”

Grape Ape The Grape Ape is a predominantly Indica strain; it is among the favorites of many people generally due to its fruity and fresh aroma, an attribute that the strain owes to the high amount of myrcene it contains – this one being its main terpene - followed by caryophyllene and pinene, a combination that creates a grape-like taste. The flowers of this variety are dense, resinous and large; with a sweet smell that is accentuated by separating the wavy structures that make up the bud.

THC: 17% - 25% Dominant Terpene: Myrcene

Regarding the proportion of cannabinoids, there is a clear predominance of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in concentrations that vary between 17 and 25%, while the levels of cannabidiol (CBD) are quite low. It is a variety known for its medical uses in relaxation, pain management, stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression; therefore it is very useful for alleviating premenstrual symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general health.




Cannabis use during


The use of cannabis during pregnancy is a topic that throughout history has been controversial. Recently, according to an anonymous survey of 306 pregnant women published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine, 35% reported the use of cannabis at the time their pregnancy was confirmed, and 34% continued to use cannabis during pregnancy. The remaining 1% stopped consuming for personal reasons or the recommendation of their specialist, but what leads a doctor to that recommendation? Are there any adverse effects of cannabis on fetal development or pregnancy? This medical suggestion could be mainly to prevent possible complications, not because cannabis causes adverse effects, but because there are not enough studies that strictly monitor a representative sample of pregnant women who use cannabis during pregnancy to determine that there is a relationship between cannabis and negative consequences. It is something complex and delicate since the current available studies tend to contradict each other, they also present different limitations, such as small and unequal samples, important co-factors that are not taken into account as socioeconomic aspects of the patients, other potentially harmful substances, administration route of cannabis or its derivatives, bad habits, etc.



CannaMed Among the hypothetical risks that concern most specialists is an effect on the neurological development of the baby, due to a study in an animal model that suggests that prenatal exposure to THC can produce slight but permanent changes in higher cognitive processes, such as good behavior; however, there is no evidence to support this effect in humans. Previous studies have linked the use of cannabis to various effects on pregnant women such as preterm delivery, or on babies such as low birth weight and measurements. However, other studies have denied these findings. In a bibliographic review carried out in 2018, it is mentioned that although the evidence of the studies is not very numerous, there is a pattern in the results of the investigations that allow inferring that cannabis is not a classic teratogen and does not promote malformations in the fetus and is not associated with morphological abnormalities at birth; however, the results from the psychological point of view show higher levels of depression and anxiety during adolescence due to exposure to cannabis during pregnancy.

In general, the common denominator of existing research is the rejection of the relationship between cannabis use with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality, that is, in no case is cannabis use related to the death of the fetus or newborn. Certainly, different factors can alter the results, such as the concomitant consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea and harmful drugs.

Keep in mind that the use of inhaled cannabis through a process that involves combustion (smoked cannabis) is very different from other methods of administration, the combustion is undoubtedly harmful to the health of both the mother and the fetus, since it can cause a decrease in the oxygen transport capacity in the blood, with the consequent detriment of oxygenation of organs and tissues, as well as cardiac dysfunctions and more. These consequences of combustion are avoided by using the substances through appropriate routes of administration, which implies suppressing any type of damage associated with said chemical process. In conclusion, there is an urgent need for studies that provide reliable bases to understand the true effect of cannabis on fetal development, or on the health of the patient, to guide health professionals and the patients themselves during the decision time and recommendations. Every day cannabis gains the acceptance of more people, and its consumption is legalized in more parts of the world, therefore, it is important to know in which cases to supply or cancel it, to use it responsibly. For now, the most important thing is to consult with your doctor or specialist, who should take into account what variety of cannabis the patient consumes, the frequency, the dose and of course, the way of consumption, along with other risk factors concerning the general health of the patient, to be assertive in the recommendations during the consultation. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 8 |


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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.

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