-Editorial: Cannabis legalization will be like a global 'domino effect'. Page 3 -Opinion article: Cannabis: a symbol of quality of life. Page 4
CANNAGROW SECTION What substrate should I use for my cannabis crop? Page 5
IN THE EXPERT'S ROOM: Interview with Cannábica Argentina. Page 7
10 Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis respectively, have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can find another two brand new sections in order to provide a global look about the plant: we are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for the demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!
CANNALAW SECTION - Legalization of cannabis use: patients' need or political discussion? Page 10 - Italy and cannabis: a step towards the legality of personal cannabis cultivation? Page 12 - Cannabis in Jamaica: legislation, use and history. Page 14 -Cannabis and fashion? Page 17
- Apple benefits medical cannabis companies with new policies. Page 19 - TRADING 101: Cannabis and ETFs. Page 19 - In the public eye: anti-cannabis congresswoman Virginia Foxx is Congress' biggest cannabis investor Page 20 - Canada's fragmented cannabis market. Page 20
CANNAMED SECTION - Improving the efficacy, performance and reliability of cannabis edibles: insights from lipid bioavailability studies. Article analysis by: McClements D.J. (2020). Enhancing Efficacy, Performance, and Reliability of Cannabis Edibles: Insights from Lipid Bioavailability Studies. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 2020 11:1, 45-70 DOI https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-food-032519-051834. Page 22
- Hemp seeds as a nutritional source. Page 24 - In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of ʻFutura 75ʼ hemp essential oil. Article analysis by: Marika Pellegrini , Sara Palmieri , Antonella Ricci , Annalisa Serio , Antonello Paparella & Claudio Lo Sterzo (2020) ): In Vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Cannabis sativa L. cv ʻFutura 75ʼ essential oil, Natural Product ResearchDOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1813139. Page 24
- Cannabis "up close”: Affinity Bio Partners. Page 27
Cannabis legalization will be like a global ‘domino effect’ Cannabis is everywhere, but that does not mean that its use is accepted or looked upon favorably by all of society. Ideally, everyone should be free of stigma towards this plant that has brought benefits to so many and has also favored the growth of economies in countries like Colombia, where companies that export cannabis are generating a great transformation resulting in the opening of multiple jobs. Unfortunately, the reality is different as the legalization of cannabis still generates a lot of debate and controversy. The truth is that although the stigma surrounding the uses of the plant remains, the industry has shown that it is not willing to stop; members of the industry have shown that it holds great promise in all its uses; in fact, specialists have stated that by 2024 industrial hemp could generate USD $ 4.2 billion.
It is expected that just as most of the countries in the world were inspired by the United States in the prohibition of cannabis in 1970, they will also be inspired to regulate the use of the plant for medicinal, scientific, and industrial purposes, since 29 of the 50 states in that country have regulated cannabis for different uses. This could become a "domino effect", meaning that the legalization of the use of cannabis in powerful countries could cause a reaction in the rest of the world. However, the legislative scenarios have suffered electoral political contamination, since many politicians have used legalization in their discourse either against or in favor, causing a division in public opinion. Now, it is somewhat regrettable to know that society in general is listening more to the opinions of some political leaders rather than the scientific evidence of the studies that have been carried out.
Nevertheless, the cannabis industry cannot be stopped and although some pieces have been moved with the aim of harming such effect, sooner or later they will be aligned so that the 'domino effect' so longed for by the international cannabis community will be perfectly in place. Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals
In the last editorial we talked about the fight against drug trafficking in different countries around the world, delving into the efforts of the international cannabis community for its voice to be heard.
Cannabis: a symbol of quality of life It is no secret how the cannabis industry has evolved in recent months with every step it has taken, breaking paradigms, and advancing in different parts of the world under the public eye. This has undoubtedly been an enormous triumph in these times where misinformation and taboo are still strong contenders. Despite this, the industry continues to move forward with the certainty that in the near future we will see it win. Although this is an era in which the properties of cannabis are still little known in some places, there are many internationally popular faces who have given their voice and support to the excellent benefits that the plant provides, claiming that cannabis has been their savior in terms of health. On the other hand, others see it as a green gold mine given the income it can provide, and of course the thousands of job opportunities the industry generates. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Seth Rogen, Morgan Freeman, Mike Tyson, Jay-Z, and Lady Gaga are just a few names in the long list of those who give a big YES to cannabis, its benefits and the wonderful opportunities it has, which is why they are in the fight for legalization. Why are there still people who have a blindfold on cannabis? Why are there still countries that continue to place obstacles in the legal processes to regulate the use of the plant and its derivatives? How many information campaigns do celebrities, activists, doctors, patients, farmers, entrepreneurs, need to provide for the rest of the world to come out of misinformation and fear?
How long does it take for people to finally see this paradise of health that nature offers us? Is it a matter of culture? These are questions that we must answer with every effort we make in our actions when laws in favor of the use of cannabis are passed, in every advance and discovery made by scientists, in every sowing of the plant, in every information campaign made, which include mothers of children who need the medical benefits of cannabis to alleviate the symptoms of pathologies that cannot be alleviated with the use of traditional medicine. In our hands lies the solution so that one day cannabis will no longer be a synonym of danger, but a symbol of what it really is, a plant with multiple benefits that can improve the quality of life of many people. With that being the case, it is almost certain that this day may be closer than we think.
Alibert Flores Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals
What substrate should I use for my cannabis cultivation? The Cannabis sativa L. plant is an organism with a relatively short life cycle, its average life is 6 months. Due to its metabolism, it is a plant with demanding nutritional requirements, during its development it needs macronutrients and micronutrients, which help it to carry out its biological processes such as feeding, energy, respiration, organ formation (leaves, stems, flowers, roots), etc. The plant captures these compounds and elements from its environment, mainly from the soil; this is why it is so important to have a nutritious soil or substrate, because chemically speaking, the plant carries out different reactions necessary for its nutrition, which is why it requires: Macronutrients, that it needs in large quantities: - Carbon dioxide (CO2): essential in the process of photosynthesis. - Nitrogen (N): Provides the green color to the plant, as well as the development of leaves and stems, essential for the vegetative stage. - Phosphorus (P): in the germination stage helps the plant to grow faster and more vigorously - Potassium (K): Provides the plant with resistance against pathogens. Strengthens stems and turgor (water pressure to provide rigidity) Micronutrients, that it needs in small quantities but are essential. - Boron (B): assists in pollen generation - Copper (Cu): enables chlorophyll formation
- Iron (Fe): catalyzes (increases the speed of reaction) of chlorophyll - Magnesium (Mg): accelerates germination and maturity of the plant
- Zinc (Zn): helps to produce carbohydrates that provide energy for further growth - Molybdenum (Mo): transforms inorganic phosphorus (that is, in the form in which the plant does not assimilate it) into organic phosphorus, which allows the plant to take it up (Crespo, 2020).
CannaGrow In addition to storing the fundamental molecules for the different phases of growth, the substrate must contain adequate physical conditions. A compact space results in stunting and does not allow the plant to live comfortably. A porous space, on the other hand, allows air to pass through, so that the plant can breathe through its roots. These spaces in the substrate also allows the water to filter through and the necessary amount of water can be absorbed. The substrate should not be too humid because it becomes an ideal ecosystem for the appearance of microorganisms that include pathogens that can affect the health of the plant. Nor too dry, because it becomes dehydrated and the plant can enter into episodes of stress bringing with it even death or changes in its morphology such as sexuality. Other important considerations to take into account is the pH, which informs us if the soil is very acidic or alkaline. "Cannabis grows best in soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0, or slightly neutral. Within this range, the
plant can absorb and correctly process the available nutrients in the most efficient way" (Cervantes, 2007). Temperature is a very important factor since, physically speaking, it accelerates chemical processes and stimulates the absorption of nutrients, so an optimal range is (18 and 24 °C). Some advice on the composition of the substrate to maintain all the characteristics previously mentioned are: - Coconut fiber: at 20 - 30%, it has great water retention capacity, its fibers behave like sponges, so it stores water for times of drought: - Compost: 40 - 50% is the greatest contributor of nutrients as it is degraded and mineralized organic matter, which enhances healthy plant growth. - Perlite: 0 - 15% increases aeration as it is a mineral that allows for porosity and provides moisture retention - Vermiculite: 0 - 15% is another mineral which maintains moisture and temperature in germination - Humus: 10 - 15%, it is rich in nitrates and abundant in organic matter; it balances the chemical functions of the soil. - Mycorrhizae: 0 - 3%, it is a fungus that has a symbiotic relationship with the roots, which helps to obtain a better fixation of nutrients, which translates into a better development. *Data obtained from (Casallas, 2019). If all the characteristics are met, it is most likely that the production of the plant will be of good quantity and quality. References Crespo, C. (2020, January 3). Soil micronutrients: functions, sources and time of application. PortalFruticola.com. https://www.portalfruticola.com/noticias/2020/01/06/los-micronutrientes-del-suelo-funciones-fuentes-y-epoca-de-aplicacion/.
Cervantes, J. (2007). Marijuana: Cannabis Horticulture the Bible of the Indoor and Outdoor Medical Grower (Illustrated ed.). Van Patten Publishing. Casallas, D. (2019, October). Cannabis production class [Diploma]. Diplomado de cannabis medicinal Utadeo, Bogotá, Colombia.
Members: Luis Castro Palma (Journalist), Ezequiel Rodríguez (Designer), Rodrigo Biscochea (Producer), Alejandro Mancuso (Political Advisor) and Nahuel Rodríguez (Journalist). In this edition, the Cannabis World Journals team had the opportunity to share relevant information on the cannabis industry with journalist Luis Castro Palma, founder of Cannábica Argentina. Here are the details of this pleasant meeting that took place in Villa Madero, La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
What is Cannabica Argentina? Cannabica Argentina, is a journalistic media about cannabis culture that addresses the different aspects of the cannabis community with a focus on information. Maintaining the pillars of journalism, ethical standards, direct and reliable sources, so that the veracity and informative quality stand out. Cannábica Argentina is not concerned with replicating news to attract visits to its page, but to have relevant information that is of interest to its audience. We understand that information is above distribution and the trust of our readers is above our personal opinions.
In the expert’s room Interview with
Cannabica Argentina
When and why did the idea of creating Cannábica Argentina arise? The idea arose around the end of 2020, when Argentina began to advance on the implementation of policies on the regulation of medical cannabis. From there we understood that we wanted to leave the militancy of cannabis on our own, as we used to, and form a working team that is able to integrate with us in the world of cannabis in order to expand our desire to support the cause and the progress that was brewing. It prompted us to stop commenting and make something more relevant and committed to cannabis, and thus be able to progress together with the knowledge of everything surrounding the plant.
Who is part of your team? What do you do? We are five friends who got together every Tuesday to have dinner and then to share some cannabis until late at night, with extensive talks about the plant. When we decided to take a step to form a working group, we saw that two of us did not have journalism as a profession, another one was beginning his studies in audiovisual production, one more friend is a very good designer, and one last friend was a cannabis activist in politics. With this sum of forces, we thought it would be best to form a media. What are your objectives, mission and vision? In Cannábica Argentina we seek to be an informative channel on topics of interest on the cannabis culture. Through research, we report on the various issues that surround and influence the field of cultivation; it is also a place to give voice to all those who contribute to address these various aspects, such as political, academic, and social information. Our goal is that the public chooses us again for the truthfulness, objectivity, and quality of the information we provide. For this reason, we choose to make good productions distanced in time and not to replicate news that only apply to the moment in our different portals. Our priority is to take the time to analyze the subject and approach it in a different way, with criteria and in a precise manner. How were your beginnings? Did you have any inconveniences to carry out Cannábica Argentina? The beginnings were complicated, as any new self-managed media, every step we take is a challenge we set ourselves,
sometimes with better results, sometimes not, but we learn from everything and it helps us to improve. Step by step we are making progress on issues that arise. Perhaps financing, like all community media, is what is most difficult, but little by little we are trying different ways to generate income, both private and in solidarity with our readers. How has cannabis progressed in Argentina? What changes have been generated in favor of cannabis? The advances are positive, considering that there was no regulation whatsoever in Argentina. Never in national history has cannabis been talked about without being referred to as a drug problem or drug trafficking. For many generations, having the possibility of hearing a president mention it at the opening of legislative sessions is a privilege. In these times, progress has been made in authorizing cannabis for medicinal use, and the possibility for those patients to be able to grow their own plants at home through the ReProCann (Cannabis Program Registry). The law that will allow the industrialization of these products and their derivatives, plus hemp, is currently under legislative debate. The changes are undoubtedly significant, but we always hope that the regularization will continue in pursuit of a total legalization of the plant. How has the receptivity of the population towards Cannábica Argentina been? Very good, readers and followers have always answered us with positive comments, providing different points of view, highlighting our work and above all leaving their queries. We try to answer them all, as long as they are within our reach. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
Unfortunately, many times we are asked to sell products, which we obviously do not commercialize, but perhaps we can recommend a portal to derive it. Do you consider that Cannábica Argentina has been a channel to break the stigma about cannabis? We consider that Cannábica is a nexus. There were already and there are many organizations, growers, mothers, and action groups that have been involved in this for a much longer time; what we came to do is to build a bridge between this work that has been going on for years of activism, many in the shadows, others with more disclosure, and a public that consumes news on the subject. We try to avoid protagonist and give place to the news or the character and let the facts speak for themselves. Obviously, the approach always has an editorial line around our view of the facts, and we are open to receive some kind of criticism. The stigma is not a social fact that questions us, we are in times where little by little that mark has been erased by the value and knowledge that we, as consumers, have acquired to be able to assert ourselves. Therefore, we are no longer so concerned about what people will say.
How do you see the future of the cannabis industry in Argentina?
We have a positive outlook due to the legislative progress that is being made; there are still many roads to go and certain points that were left as gray areas in the legislation still need to be corrected. Some doubts are generated in how the industry will develop, if it will be national or not, and if it will help the country's economy as a new raw material for export for the entry of dollars. Yes, we are very positive about the scientific advances that our CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) researchers will be able to contribute and hopefully it will be useful for the international community. What are the next projects of Cannábica Argentina? We are open to all projects that may appear. Fortunately, as we started, we have received several proposals, some of which we have not been able to complete due to lack of time and resources, but we will certainly take them up again when we have more group capacity to absorb them. At the moment, we plan to continue developing our website and social networks, to gradually add more collaborators to the team and thus be able to cover other communication formats.
Legalization of cannabis use:
need of patients or political discussion? The legalization of cannabis use in different countries around the world has given rise to a great debate, not only in terms of recreational use, but also in terms of medicinal use, as there are still people who continue to believe that the use of the plant or its derivatives for therapeutic purposes is harmful. However, there is hope that easy access to information will make its benefits more visible and help many people suffering from chronic diseases. This leads to the following question: why does public opinion believe political discourse more than scientific evidence?
The fight for regulation is not an easy one, in addition to dealing with the stigma, it has to face different situations such as the apprehension of patients or medical personnel taken to jail for plants that were to be used for medicinal purposes. Such is the case of cannabis patients' associations that live in a sea of anxiety, because today they can be extracting cannabis oil for their patients peacefully but tomorrow the police can enter their facilities and seize everything.
In Latin America there are countries that lead the way in terms of regulation, a clear example being Uruguay and Colombia. However, in countries such as Brazil, the debate has been in the legislative arena for years, which has generated a discourse to have public opinion in favor or against a political party. It is striking to see how in the Special Commission of the Brazilian Senate, some deputies in favor of legalization expressed that they were not the ones who CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
should decide this because they were simply people who knew about laws and were not aware of the reality that many patients live, and that the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) was the one who should send a document arguing for the legalization of cannabis.
Brazil is just one example, for this is the panorama of many of the countries that fight for legalization, while many people have to deal with their illness and the high cost of
importing a medicine, if the laws of their country allows it. The fact is that the medicinal use of cannabis is a latent reality, what must be clear is that they are human beings suffering from chronic diseases, which resort to cannabis as an alternative to alleviate the symptoms of their illnesses. Scientific studies are advancing, the needs of patients are there and the debate that has become a political discussion continues. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
Italy and cannabis: a step towards the legality of personal cannabis cultivation? Since 2007, medical cannabis has been legal in Italy thanks to the government's recognition of the therapeutic benefits of THC. However, since then, several changes have been made to adapt this new reality to the country. In this country it is legal to buy and use CBD oil only for medical purposes, and it is generally available in pharmacies with a prescription. It is also legal to buy CBD oil without a prescription, but THC levels must be 0.6% or lower. Italy and its new bill; self-cultivation of up to 4 cannabis plants at home.
Background: In 2014, the Parliament allowed cannabis production for the Ministry of Defense being a military owned Institute of Pharmaceuticals, the only place to grow medical cannabis in Italy. Later, in 2017, it was allowed to use Bedrocan, a product that is imported from the Netherlands and has a high cost, making it difficult for the vast majority, to access medical cannabis. Despite this situation, and the ambiguity of the Italian law, the demand for medical cannabis has been steadily increasing over the years. This has caused more and more calls for reforms and discussions, as people who want to access cannabis find themselves in unfavorable situations. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
CannaLaw Current events: Currently in Italy a law is being discussed to allow the cultivation of up to 4 plants at home. It also reduces penalties for minor offenses and increases the penalty from 6 to 10 years for offenses related to trafficking and possession of cannabis for sale.
The reform, presented by the Italian deputy Riccardo Magi, makes Italy one of the first countries in Europe to decriminalize the domestic cultivation of cannabis for personal use, since Spain and the Czech Republic also admit the cultivation of up to five plants at home. The deputy has recently stated: "We are the first in Europe to decriminalize the domestic cultivation of cannabis for personal use. It is a phenomenon that has been adopted on a large scale in the United States and has generated 300,000 jobs. Besides, the legal market has replaced the illegal one with a considerable benefit for the health of its citizens, who can now trace the production chain." As for Mario Pentoni, president of the chamber's justice commission and deputy for the 5 Star Movement, he commented: "This is an important result [...] The cultivation of cannabis at home is fundamental for patients who have to use it therapeutically and who often do not find it available, as well as to combat the sale and the consequent criminal substrate". While it is true that the text is only a first step, it represents a breakthrough on the issue. Magi also referred to the penalties proposed in the text and indicated that if it is fully approved by parliament, penalties would be regulated and a distinction would be made between a person who is arrested for possession of "hard drugs" and one who
only possesses cannabis for medicinal use, as currently the law does not distinguish between the two. Magi commented: "the penalties for minor offenses, such as possession of cannabis for personal use, would be of one year and for other drugs, a maximum of two years. Today, for a minor entity, the judge can decide a sentence of 2 to 6 years imprisonment, regardless of whether it is heroin or cannabis”. And now that the text has been approved, what's next in the legislation in Italy, is it possible now to grow cannabis at home without making it illegal?
Currently, personal cultivation is not yet legal; however, with the approval of the text, it entered the phase in which the parties must present modifications or improvements to the text; it is hoped that the new proposal can be approved and enter into effect as soon as possible. However, the deputies who are not in favor of legalization have presented amendments that have made it almost impossible for the text to be approved; in response to this, organizations, activists and associations began a referendum campaign to legalize cannabis, which in just 3 days collected approximately 300,000 signatures. With this, the country is awaiting the decision that the Parliament will take. The next few days will be key in determining whether Italy finally joins other nations such as the Czech Republic and Spain in legalizing self-cultivation, or if it will remain with its current legislation.
Cannabis in Jamaica: legislation, use and history
When most people hear the word 'Jamaica', they automatically associate it with cannabis, assuming that in this country everyone can consume cannabis freely in the streets, assuming that this is a plant that is part of the daily life of Jamaicans. Until 2015, the law in Jamaica stated that if a person was found with small amounts of cannabis, they could go to prison. Today, in 2021, the reality is totally different, the use of cannabis is no longer a crime and those who belong to the Rastafarian religion are free to consume it in their rituals.
How is the law enforced?
Dangerous Drug Act in 2015:
The aforementioned, perhaps, leaves many people perplexed because, in general, the use of cannabis in this country was linked to a free and non-taboo use. The previous law stated that whoever was caught with cannabis possession was sentenced to jail terms of up to five years and high fines of $100 per ounce.
- If the person is caught with a small amount, the person can no longer be arrested or brought to trial and the possession will not be recorded on his or her criminal record.
To talk a bit about how the law is enforced in this country, we will recount what the Jamaican government amended in the
- If the person is caught with 2 or less ounces of cannabis, they can be issued a ticket (similar to tickets or fines issued for traffic violations), they would have to pay $500 at any tax office. However, the possession of 2 or more ounces of cannabis is still a crime since CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
CannaLaw if the person possesses a larger amount, even for personal use, he/she can be arrested and will have to face a trial, in addition to the fact that the crime will remain on his/her criminal record.
of euphoria. The CBD industry is still growing and that is why it is a bit difficult to access these products, in addition to that, the market price is very high and most people cannot buy them.
The consumption of cannabis in public areas is defined as follows:
How to access medical cannabis in Jamaica? According to the legal changes in 2015, people with cancer, chronic disease, or any terminal illness can import cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic use. However, to access the drug, the law requires compliance with a series of requirements such as a medical certificate confirming their diagnosis.
To consume cannabis you must be more than five meters or more away (applies also for tobacco). When we talk about public areas we refer to bars, restaurants, tourist establishments, work environments and any other place that is accessible to the public. In the case of Rastafari, they may only use cannabis in areas identified as places of prayer. If we are talking about the use of cannabis for therapeutic use, the person can do it according to the law because the importation of medical cannabis into the country is allowed. Can cannabis be sold in Jamaica? Yes, as long as it is for medicinal, scientific, or research use. Sales and purchase requests must be authorized by the Cannabis Licensing Authority.
Can cannabis be cultivated in Jamaica? The law allows for growing small quantities, not on a large scale. A person can grow up to five plants and Rastafarians over the age of 18 can cultivate for religious purposes. Likewise, sending cannabis seeds to Jamaica is legal, anyone can send or receive seeds by mail.
Is CBD legal in Jamaica? The answer is yes, CBD is legal in this country because the state recognizes that THC levels are not enough to produce a state
Can tourists use cannabis in Jamaica? The answer is no, contrary to what most people think, if you go to Jamaica and consume or buy cannabis you can go to prison unless you have a certificate stating that you suffer from a disease that justifies the use of cannabis. Hemp for industrial use The law recognizes hemp as a practical fiber used in the manufacture of many products, however, the government has indicated that it has no intention of developing this industry. The legislation of Jamaica is very similar to the regulation in many countries in the world. The only difference between Jamaica and the rest of the world is that in this country there is a religion called Rastafarian. For many years, those who practice this religion were oppressed for the consumption of cannabis, since the plant plays an important role in their practices, they consider it a sacred plant because they believe that cannabis grew on the tomb of
CannaLaw King Solomon. Those who are part of this religion affirm that “Just as people eat when they are hungry and drink when they are thirsty, we smoke ganja when we want to feed our soul. The plant helps to connect with our interior, with our divine being." Six years ago the law treated Rastafarians the same as the rest of the population, if they were found consuming cannabis they were sentenced to prison and forced to pay a fine. Since 2015, this has changed and the Jamaican government has desisted from its persecution as long as it is for religious purposes. Why do people believe that cannabis is freely used in the streets in Jamaica? It is common to hear veneration of cannabis from Jamaican artists and reggae musicians. In other words, cannabis has become almost a national product that is part of the country’s brand because it is related to the island's culture.
cannabis. However, this article makes it clear that the Jamaican country has only enjoyed a very good reputation when it comes to the freedom to consume cannabis because history tells us another story. Jamaicans have quite restrictive legislation, like any part of the world. Although the Rastafarian culture has spread in many countries of the world such as the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries, Central America and South America, its origins lay in Jamaica, and in this country, it is only legal to possess and consume cannabis if you are part of this religion, it is not how people have in mind that you can find the majority of the island's population consuming, it has never been this way because there has always been a law that has established certain rules and although in 2015, it was modified, there are still certain restrictions and rules that Jamaicans have to comply with if they do not want to go to jail and pay a fine.
In 2015, when the media spread the news with headlines like "Cannabis can finally be smoked in Jamaica", there was a lot of commotion and controversy on social media, people made comments like "Marijuana is illegal in Jamaica? I did not know.” The world was surprised by the news, as the island was always recognized for the supposed freedom that its inhabitants had to consume cannabis, a country that was internationally known for being the cradle of the Rastafarian culture, a Jamaican spiritual movement influenced by currents of thought. In the year 1970, this fame was strengthened by the musician Bob Marley with songs about love and veneration of CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDICIÓN NO. 8 |16 CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
and fashion? Due to the legal advances in different countries of the world, cannabis is becoming part of everyday life. A new market has been generated, known for dispensaries and licenses, now farreaching the world of "fashion". In a world increasingly aware of the importance of planet-friendly actions, the cannabis industry has joined this crusade. The idea was born from the creation of garments of organic materials, in fact in countries like Colombia, one of the most promising sectors is the use of hemp fiber in the production of textiles.
This also generates employment in local economies, as it is supported by the national textile union for its ecological benefits and the social awareness generated by customers who purchase these products. It is a form of the orange economy, which seeks to protect the environment and support the national workforce. This is happening all over the world and not only in small industries; currently fashion designers add textures, shapes, prints to their designs alluding to cannabis, a clear example is Mara Hoffman, a renowned designer, who added a touch of cannabis to her line of maxi dresses and pants. For his part, Alexander Wang, an American designer made black and white cannabis designs in angora skirts and jackets in 2016. It is not limited to clothes since the shoe industry has also benefited by allowing the manufacture of cannabis-based shoes using 100% natural materials. This footwear has 100% waterproof capabilities; ensuring they are functional and portable in a variety of climates and environments.
Although the world of fashion is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about legalization issues, it is precisely these advances in the regulations of the countries that have allowed the successful generation of this new face of the industry, also proving that cannabis is profitable and aligned with current policies of developing an industry with an environmental conscience. It is all these different sides of the coin that must be considered when legalization is discussed, as it ranges from the best-known designer to the small entrepreneurs who end up benefiting from these new business ideas.
Apple benefits medical cannabis companies with new policies
More and more medical cannabis companies are taking advantage of Apple's new policies, which allow them to launch applications for the sale of cannabisderived products. This is a huge benefit for companies that have found that these apps can lead to greater customer engagement, increased orders, and greater motivation of cannabis users to buy online. However, these new measures apply only to licensed cannabis dispensaries and they must be geographically restricted to the corresponding legal jurisdiction. Weedmaps is one of the companies that took advantage of these modifications made by Apple and currently allows cannabis orders in 15 US states, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Companies like Caliva, which previously had only informational applications, decided to sell through these apps and have already registered a 25% increase in conversions. More and more companies are joining Weedmaps and Caliva, benefiting from this new policy in the App Store, which not only benefits dispensaries but also creates much more practical experiences for consumers. These changes in Apple's App Store have put Google in the spotlight; consumers and businesses are expecting Google play to change its policies. But so far there has been no announcement by Google in this regard, experts point out that it is a matter of time for Google to do so and that all companies with apps in the Apple App Store launch their versions for Android users.
ETF, a term commonly used in the investment community; but what does it mean? Is it just another of the companies that are listed on the stock exchanges? The answer is no. An exchange-traded fund or ETF is an investment fund, that is, an organization with a portfolio of different products or companies, where investors can cover several businesses and obtain profits from different companies, instead of investing in a single organization. These funds are available in many industries, including the cannabis market. The most popular Cannabis ETFs are The Cannabis ETF, Cannabis Growth Fund, Global X Cannabis ETF, and Cambria Cannabis ETF. The portfolios of these funds are made up of multiple public cannabis companies in different sectors such as agriculture, cultivation, production, manufacture and distribution of cannabis and its derivatives. 19
The fragmented market of Canadian cannabis
Multiple reports have been published about the cannabis market in Canada, however, the figures obtained during the last quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 did not meet the expectations of several analysts. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what these facts mean to determine if the Canadian cannabis market remains profitable in the long term or if this is the beginning of a market doomed to a downtrend. Many analysts have described the cannabis market in Canada as "highly fragmented". To understand what happens with this economic sector we must comprehend what market fragmentation is, and fortunately, the cannabis industry is one of the best examples of this financial phenomenon. Fragmentation
When an industry starts to grow and expand to cover multiple areas or products, fragmentation occurs, since the initial market is now divided into several sub-markets that work according to the needs of a specific audience or customers.
Last year, Virginia Foxx, a Republican congresswoman, made more than six investments in the company Altria Group Inc. This parent company of Marlboro cigarettes has a 45% stake in the giant Canadian cannabis producer: Cronos Group.
This made her one of the largest investors in cannabis-related stocks in Congress. Ironically, in December 2020 Virginia voted against the Marijuana Opportunity Elimination and Reinvestment Act (MORE), which would decriminalize the use of cannabis at the federal level. This contradiction has been criticized by former ethics attorney of the White House Richard Painter, who stipulated that this conflict of interest creates doubts on Virginia Foxx's credibility as a legislator. In response to these comments, Virginia commented that Democrats can't stop thinking about cannabis laws and that there are bigger issues like supporting small businesses, safely reopening schools, protecting American livelihoods. 20
CannaTrade The legal cannabis market in Canada, which was initially directed towards products and derivatives with medicinal properties, has expanded and fragmented to form segments of medicinal cannabis, adult-use, industrial hemp, cosmetics, beverages and food supplements, and each of these segments is divided into different categories. Therefore, new products continue to be created from the plant, and new communities of consumers are formed, thus increasing the fragmentation of the cannabis market.
downtrend that did not meet the predicted figures.
Taking these aspects into consideration, large companies are unable to "move" the market in a specific direction because even when they have large losses, there are many small businesses that continue to profit and increase sales, or in the case of Canada, to break sales records.
In conclusion, Canada and its cannabis industry are looking for ways to improve every day and it has certainly taken advantage of many opportunities, however, due to the latest reports, every step and decision made in this market is closely observed by the investors around the world.
From this information, we understand that determining the current state of a fragmented market is more complex since it does not have vertical integration, there is a lot of competition, and the general numbers are not a key indicator of the entire industry. On the contrary, in these cases, a specific analysis of each sub-market is necessary to establish realistic expectations.
This was most noticeable this year where there were several records of retail sales of cannabis in May (CA $ 313 million) and June (CA $ 318.7 million), in addition, several mergers were carried out such as the case of Tilray and Aphria that were merged to become the largest cannabis company by revenue. The acquisitions of Tilray, Cronos Group, Canopy Growth, Balanced Health Botanicals and other companies that invested in the United States to position themselves, not to mention that many were vertically integrated. Despite all the aforementioned, the cannabis market in Canada had a big decrease, especially concerning the expectations for leading cannabis companies in the country, such as Aurora, whose shares lost a percentage value from 18.2% to 7.4% and accumulated losses of up to US $ 2.2 billion; Canopy Growth registered losses of up to US $ 944 million; Tilray decreased from 7.8% to 4.2%, and in this way, the market ended 2020 and started 2021 with a CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 9 |
CannaMed Analysis of the article by: McClements D.J. (2020). Enhancing Efficacy, Performance, and Reliability of Cannabis Edibles: Insights from Lipid Bioavailability Studies. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 2020 11:1, 45-70 DOI https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-food-032519-051834
Enhancing Efficacy, Performance, and Reliability of Cannabis Edibles: Insights from Lipid Bioavailability Studies Currently, there is a wide range of therapeutic options available to the community of medical cannabis patients; the different presentations of the plant adapt to the conditions or the pathology of the patient. One of the therapeutic alternatives that has been implemented recently are cannabis-infused edibles. However, knowing that these chemical compounds are highly hydrophobic, it is necessary to investigate the different aspects that can alter the effects of cannabinoids when they are consumed orally in the form of food supplements or beverages. In this research, an exhaustive analysis was carried out on the different edibles available such as drinks (tea, coffee, beers, wines) with a low concentration of cannabinoids that have been chemically altered; baked goods (brownies, cookies, cakes) that are usually prepared with a fatty ingredient to integrate
cannabinoids into the mix; and confectionery (chocolate bars, gummies, candies). During the development of this study, the available information on the biochemistry and pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids was taken as a reference, together with the pathways established for lipid compounds with similar behaviors. Subsequently, the pertinent parameters related to the bioavailability and bioactivity of cannabinoids in edible presentations were evaluated. In the first place, it was determined that the potency of the effects of cannabinoids will depend on the dose included in the edible, and in turn, the dose or its stability can be altered within the product due to a series of processes during its production such as
CannaMed dehydration, heating, or UV exposure, that alter the final concentration of a given compound, and therefore, its bioavailability.
cannabinoids travel through the blood associated to lipoproteins, 28% with albumin, and 9% with blood cells.
To achieve an effect, cannabinoids undergo various processes after being consumed. First, they must become "bioaccessible", so they are modified to be absorbed by epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract. In this process, cannabinoids are degraded by the action of gastric and pancreatic lipases and are mixed with endogenous (bile salts) or exogenous (free fatty acids) surfactants. They are transported through the mucous layer that covers the epithelium to the epithelial cells where a local decrease in pH allows the integration of the compounds in the cells.
Finally, several enzymes participate in the metabolism and degradation of cannabinoids in tissues, mainly the hepatic enzyme CYP450 (either activating or inhibiting the effects of cannabinoids or concomitant drugs). In this process there are two possible ways, the storage of cannabinoids mainly in adipose tissue for weeks, where they can be slowly released; the other route is the excretion of cannabis molecules and their metabolites through urine (one third) or feces (two thirds).
The author has determined that a higher concentration of long-chain triglycerides in the cannabinoid mixture can enhance its effect because it allows better absorption in less time. Inside the cells, cannabis-derived compounds are modified in the endoplasmic reticulum, then they are released into the lymphatic system to reach and integrate into the systemic circulation. Throughout circulation, cannabinoids are distributed to human tissues according to the desired effect; to be transported through the blood, these compounds must bind to molecules or proteins that provide them with a watersoluble pole; according to the research in question, it is estimated that 60% of
In general, cannabinoids have a less powerful and long-lasting effect when consumed in edibles, compared to when they are administered by another route, for example, inhaling or smoking cannabis produces between 18% and 50% of bioavailable cannabinoids, however, in edibles only 6-20% of the total cannabinoids will be available to be absorbed and used. The extensive transformations that the cannabinoid undergoes from the time it is ingested to its excretion modify its structure and the power of its effect, so this research is extremely important to know the aspects that must be taken into account when cannabis edible is produced, prescribed, or consumed for a specific therapeutic purpose.
Hemp seeds as a nutritional source: We tell you everything about hemp seeds, their popularity in recent years, their wonderful properties and benefits.
For thousands of years, hemp has been considered a source of food, the cannabis seed was used as an important sustenance during the famines in China during the government of Mao Zedong. Recently, a growing interest has been generated regarding its nutritional use, given its multiple beneficial properties due to its content of fatty acids, vitamins, proteins and minerals, fundamental in the human diet. The nutritional properties of hemp seeds are undeniable since they have 25% protein, 2030% carbohydrates, 10-15% insoluble fiber, and 35% essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6 which are very important for the correct functioning of the cerebral and cardiovascular system (they are effective in reducing the cholesterol level and relaxing the cells of the arterial smooth muscle, thus improving blood flow); prevents the development of cancer, avoids inflammatory processes, therefore it can be used as an alternative therapy in some chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis or Crohn's disease).
On the other hand, it also contains tocopherols, a source of vitamin E (every 100g of seeds equals 90 mg of vitamin E), protecting cell membranes from the negative impact of free radicals, providing antioxidant properties, helping to maintain the skin in good condition by promoting cell proliferation and the synthesis of collagen fibers to prevent premature aging of the skin, repairing muscle tissues and modulating the immune system. They also take care of your bones, their high content of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium -which are essential in the proper functioning of the body- help prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, anemia, malnutrition and improve the strength of bones and teeth. Would you include hemp seeds in your diet? With the amount of amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, nutrients, and vitamins that cannabis seeds possess, it is an exceptional food, therefore; the ease and versatility of its consumption allows it to be an alternative to improve health and quality of life.
CannaMed Analysis of the article by: Marika Pellegrini , Sara Palmieri , Antonella Ricci , Annalisa Serio , Antonello Paparella & Claudio Lo Sterzo (2020) ): In Vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Cannabis sativa L. cv ʻFutura 75ʼ essential oil, Natural Product Research, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1813139.
In Vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Cannabis sativa L. cv ʻFutura 75ʼ essential oil In recent years, a large number of organizations, companies and even research institutions have focused their attention on industrial hemp, a species with a very low THC content, a cannabinoid with known psychoactive effects. The industrial interest that hemp has today has increased with the advances on its regulation; in this research, efforts were directed to evaluating the antioxidant potential and the terpenic profile of the inflorescences of the "Futura 75" strain, as well as the antimicrobial activity of its essential oil on pathogens isolated from spoiled foods.
in previous years. On the other hand, the team involved in this study identified 28 terpenic compounds in the strain and was able to detect that the volatile profile was richer in monoterpenes as reported by Bertoli and his collaborators in 2010. The most abundant compound was β-caryophyllene (34.59%), a sesquiterpene, followed by myrcene (13.27%), humulene (11.44%) and others with a lower percentage. The low concentration (0.17%) of cannabidiol (CBD) found in the essential oil of "Futura 75" was attributed to different variables.
To carry out the research, hemp essential oil "Futura 75" was extracted and subjected to three processes:
1. Characterization of the chemical composition. 2. Evaluation of the in vitro antimicrobial activity against pathogens derived from decomposing foods. 3. Antioxidant properties and evaluations of the total phenolic content. When conducting the tests, it was found that the extraction productivity of hemp essential oil was 0.20 ± 0.08% (p / p), which is related to results obtained in studies by other researchers on this strain
When evaluating the antioxidant capacity, its potential was confirmed as reported in previous research, and in relation to the antibacterial activity of the strain, significant antimicrobial activity was found on the pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. The bactericidal properties of the hemp essential oil obtained were found similar to those previously reported for the Satureja montana and Origanum vulgare plants, whose essential oils have been shown to be effective as antimicrobials. Based on these results, in this study, the antimicrobial activity is attributed mainly to the properties of β-caryophyllene, and other main compounds such as terpenes like myrcene, humulene and pinene; this is in line with the results of the 2019 trials by Iseppi and his team, who correlated the efficacy of the “Futura 75” strain against L. monocytogenes with CBD and monoterpenes ⲁ-pinene, β-pinene and myrcene.
It should be considered that the results of the evaluation of the antioxidant potential of the essential oil of this type of hemp presented a high total phenolic content and a very interesting antioxidant activity, with (28.46 ± 4.25 mg TE / g HEO) for a ABTS trial, (63.38 ± 0.08 mg TE / g HEO) for a DPPH assay, and (438.52 ± 6.92 mg TE / g HEO) for a FRAP assay. The antioxidant efficacy of this oil can be attributed to the high concentrations of βcaryophyllene, myrcene, and polyphenols. However, to obtain antioxidant power, there must be synergy between all the components described in this study. It is necessary to continue research to demonstrate the lack of toxicity of the essential oil of the "Futura 75" strain, as well as the appropriate form of administration, and to understand the action of the bioactive components combining their synergistic action, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities; to find an advantageous application of the essential oil of this strain in the field of food processing.
Cannabis “up close”
Affinity Bio Partners:
A company testing cannabis as a pain treatment for patients with complications from diabetes The firm Affinity Bio Partners has begun to investigate the benefits of cannabis for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy; the company assures that 47% of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus suffer from some peripheral neuropathy as a complication.
for EndocrineWeb that during his research he determined "the more concentrated the dose, the greater the relief." In addition, he reiterated that there is multiple evidence on the positive effects of the use of cannabis derivatives in the treatment of neuropathic pain.
Christina Di Arcangelo, CEO of Affinity; said in a press release: “The future of medical cannabis and cannabinoids as medical treatments depends on proper clinical studies. It is time for companies to invest their money in conducting studies that demonstrate the safety and efficacy of their products. "
The fact that companies lean their financial balance to support the lines of research that are dedicated to the study of cannabis, will give way to a significant acceleration of the benefits that this great industry offers from its many edges.
In 2015, Dr. Mark Steven Wallace, president of the Division of Pain Management at the University of California, conducted the first study of its kind, mentioning in an interview
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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.