Editorial. From the plant to the industry. Page 3 Opinion article: Clinical trial for a cannabis-based mouth spray: Life expectancy. Page 4
Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis respectively, have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can find other two new sections in order to provide a global look about the plant: we are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for the demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!
Visible differences between male and female flowering. Page 5
Interview with Valerio Vitari. Founder of Semi Ami, a company dedicated to the sale and distribution of hemp-based products in Italy. Page 7
CANNALAW SECTION Are cannabis clubs in Barcelona going to disappear? Page 10 Czech Republic: on the road to decriminalization. Page 12 New Jersey and its cannabis law. Page 15 Changes in Colombian legislation continue to boost the industry. Page 17
CANNATRADE SECTION Cannabis tourism. Page 18 Trading 101: 4 factors to consider when investing in stocks. Page 19 Cannabis businesses go to college.Page 19 In the public eye. Page 21 Michigan a potential cannabis state . Page 21
CANNAMED SECTION - Cannabis "Up Close" Cannabis and Male Fertility. Page 23 - Cannabinoid signaling and the effects of cannabis on the male reproductive system. Analysis of the article by: Macarrone M., Rapino C., Francavilla F. & Barbonetti A. (2021). “Cannabinoid signalling and effects of cannabis on the male reproductive system”. Nature Reviews Urology, 18:19-32. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41585-020-00391-8 . Page
FROM THE PLANT TO THE INDUSTRY Cannabis, like any other plant, has been present throughout history and has been related to humans since the dawn of time. Cannabis has gone through different domestication processes through the diversity of practices, cultures, religions and rituals, which has resulted in the genetic improvement of the species, making it possible to have a large number of varieties nowadays that offer multiple properties according to their morphology and composition. Around 6,000 years ago, cannabis was referenced as a medicinal plant in China; it was also used in ancient India for spiritual purposes in order to increase concentration during the reading of sacred texts, meditation and the performance of religious rituals; in other cultures it had many other uses, including therapeutic ones, for it was used as an analgesic in minor surgeries; others used it as a substance that helped reveal future events. Today, it continues to be used in some cultures and religions; for example, in certain parts of Central Asia it is used by yogis, in other parts it is associated with the god Shiva, and in Jamaica, in the rasafari cult it is a sacrament.
We mention this to highlight the cultural significance that cannabis has had in history, that despite having been stigmatized and having received some negative judgment calls, it went on to become a great industry: the popular, well-known, and productive cannabis industry. It is no secret that the industry is booming, every day we hear more news about this plant, new research, new laws passed, new discoveries and more acceptance due to the positive impact on people's health; it is a snowball effect, it continues to grow without stopping, more people begin to accept it and some who refused to consider it, start to give it the benefit of the doubt. Let's take a look on this new edition, the current topics and news of this industry that is growing more and more each day. Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals
Clinical trial for a cannabis-based mouth spray: life expectancy When it comes to cancer, any medical breakthrough scientists make to fight it is always a victory against a disease that has affected millions of patients around the world. In more recent news, the United Kingdom will conduct a clinical trial for a cannabis-based spray, which will mark a before and after in traditional medicine and another big step forward for the industry. These trials are scheduled to take place with the participation of several universities, cancer charities and the National Health Service (NHS) with the aim of finding out whether the cannabisbased mouth spray can treat brain tumors and prolong patients' lives. If this is possible, it will be a mayor global breakthrough.
intended to eliminate the cancerous cells. This research is a great step forward not only for the medical field, but also for the world, which is why researchers have great expectations about it.
In this phase II study, health professionals will give patients suffering from a brain tumor known as glioblastoma, the drug Sativex along with the chemotherapy drug Temozolomide, the combination of both is
If this study is successful, it would be further proof that cannabis helps traditional medicine, proving to be vital and essential in the healing of diseases and ailments. In view of this, in the not to distant future, NGOs and governments of the world should be intermediaries so that these aerosols are available to all people, even in countries where cannabis is not yet legalized and recognized as medicine.
In addition to this, the fact that next year Brain Tumor Charity, the organization sponsoring this wonderful initiative, will recruit approximately 232 patients from about 15 hospital centers, is a hope of salvation for these people. This will include specialized cancer centers in the United Kingdom, so that two thirds of them can receive Sativex and Temozolomide while the other third can receive the chemotherapy treatment and a placebo.
Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals
Visible differences between male and female flowering
he Cannabis Sativa L. plant is an annual plant that is characterized by being dioecious, that is to say; its unisexual flowers are on separate stems, there are male and female specimens. During the reproduction of the plant, the pollen comes directly from the stamens of the male and uses the wind or pollinators as a medium to reach the stigma (female sexual organ of the flower) and fertilize the ovules of the female. As a result of fertilization, seeds are produced, which is part of the final cycle of the plant to ensure the survival of the species. However, there are exceptional variations that result in the appearance of hermaphrodite plants, which have both sexual organs in the same stem and are selffertilizing, the latter having some characteristics of their own, such as greater resistance to environmental changes. But how to identify each individual morphologically? The initial step is to pay attention to the pre-flowering stage where you will see traces of what sex the plant will be, <<The pre-flowers grow in the internodes of the branches, just behind the stipules, around the fourth week of vegetative growth. By this time the plant is six to eight weeks old and has reached the point of sexual maturity. The pre-flowers are the first sign that the plant is preparing to flower>> (Cervantes, 2007). Male flowers can be identified to be forming when small sacs or bells that will store pollen are observed to develop. The male plant tends to stretch much more than the female, so the internodal distance is more visible; the stems are more robust, have fewer leaves, flower production is less dense than in the female, the pollen is a light yellow powder, which by the way has less amount of cannabinoids; In addition, more sacs develop quickly in the apex (in the highest part of the plant), the flowers open during the weeks to disperse all their genetic material and to fertilize successfully the female plants around them. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 6 | 5
Imagen: BFS Seeds
The female flowers can be recognized when, two weeks after pre-flowering, white hairs called pistils appear at the nodes, especially at the apex of the terminal bud, while eventually more hairs will appear on the smaller branches. <<The base of the pistillate set is attached to an ovule, which is contained in a light green bract, called a calyx. The calyxes with their pistils form dense clusters or buds along the stems. The bud clusters are often called tips or colas. The masses of calyxes develop rapidly during the first four to five weeks, after which they increase at a slower rate. The buds gain much of the weight they will give at harvest>> (Cervantes, 2007). This flowering brings with it the appearance of trichomes, which are the glands that feel sticky on contact, with the aim of adhering the particles generated by the male plant for fertilization. In the trichomes is where the main components are stored such as cannabinoids including THC-A, THC-B, CBG, among others.
The female flower is visibly smaller compared to the male, they need a photoperiod of 12/12, 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness where the flowers elongate and become more voluminous; "when the ovule has been fertilized by the male pollen, the rapid formation of calyxes and the production of resin slows down and the development of the seed begins" (Cervantes, 2007). On the other hand, when a grower is only looking for flower production to extract resin, the male is prevented from having contact with the females to avoid reproduction, because if the female plant is fertilized, the quantity of resin and the quality is deficient. References Cervantes, J. (2007). Marijuana: Cannabis Horticulture the Bible of the Indoor and Outdoor Medical Grower (Illustrated ed.). Van Patten Publishing, 64-73.
The Cannabis World Journals team enjoyed a pleasant conversation with Valerio Vitari. Founder of Semi Ami, during this interview you will learn about his company, dedicated to the sale and distribution of hemp-based products in Italy.
What is Semi Ami and why was it founded? The concept of Semi Ami was born at the end of 2016 with the precise intention of putting value to a product that is very mistreated and marginalized, but with innumerable virtues and so easy to fall in love with, Hemp. Semi Ami was born at a time when it was even more difficult to talk about hemp or, even worse, to show its shape; it is hard to forget the comments of some passers-by when I was installing the sign.... "But that's the drug leaf!" What is the main objective of Semi Ami?
In the expert’s room:
Our goal as a company was not to create a simple "grow shop" or hemp store, but rather a place to rediscover and reaffirm hemp, giving it the consideration and value it deserves. Throughout history, the role of hemp has been relegated to that of a "drug" for recreational use, but few know or remember that Italy was the world's second largest producer of hemp. From the stalk to the flower to the seeds, hemp can be used in numerous sectors. It has more than 30,000 different uses. Among the best known are the processing of fabrics, oil and flour extraction, paper production, bioplastics, medicines, bio-construction, energy, etc. When and how did you become interested in the world of cannabis?
Interview with Valerio Vitari Founder of SemiAmi, Italy
I came across cannabis almost by accident.About ten years ago my father passed away from lung cancer, two days later I came across a research
paper that talked about the anti-cancer properties of cannabis, from there I wanted to understand more about it and started reading about it. The more I read, the more I wanted to learn about this plant, and I realized that the reason it is illegal is purely economic. It is a plant with a thousand virtues and for that very reason it displeases many lobbyists. A few years later, my expartner and I had the opportunity to try CBD on our own, which solved a stress and insomnia problem I had and helped him with a serious intestinal condition. From there it was an easy step and we decided to start our company Semi Ami. Unlike many openings during the cannabis light boom in Italy, ours was a longer and more reasoned process. We made evaluations of what the market was offering and deemed it unsuitable for us and our ideas. This led us to a process of defining the best format, research, selection and analysis of products that reflected our philosophy of quality and, in still dark times in Italy regarding hemp, we opened the Semi Ami store in Seregno (Monza) in January 2017. What obstacles or challenges did you face considering the applicable legislation in Italy?
Parallel to the opening of our company in Italy, Law 242/16 was passed, which encourages the development of hemp cultivation. Many hoped that this was the beginning of a path that would lead to the decriminalization, or rather, to the legalization of cannabis, but unfortunately this was not the case. In fact, with the rise of "light" cannabis in late 2018 and early 2019, some politicians gave rise to a witch hunt that resulted in seizures and prosecutions; unfortunately, it is a poorly regulated market where too much is left up to free interpretation. We have not personally encountered any problems, either because of the careful selection and monitoring of each item for sale, or because in case of doubt we have always been the first to contact the police to ask them how to operate. Obviously, from the beginning we were subjected to all the necessary controls, but always with compliments on the cleanliness of our work and accompanied by good advice on the best way to operate. It is not an easy industry; the lack of clear laws and a single political vision makes long-term planning difficult. I am often forced to calculate investments and plans in periods that are too short and uncertain. What has your process of adaptation to the pandemic been like?
Fortunately we were already structured with an ecommerce site, and we were able to reopen a little earlier than other businesses. Of course, the limitations of the closures and restrictions have also had a big impact on our turnover and the opening of other franchise stores, but we have always placed a lot of importance on customer service and it has paid off. Although the market is moving more and more towards online shopping, through the usual giants, many of our customers still prefer to come to our store, where they feel better informed, guided and pampered. Why choose hemp and not marijuana? I don't like to talk about marijuana, it is a word of derogatory and racial origin. Personally I don't usually distinguish hemp from marijuana, for me they are all varieties that belong to the same species. There are plants that develop CBD, others CBG, THC and countless other cannabinoids, each with its own qualities. We like to guide the customer to the product that best suits their needs. Right now hemp is an item that many people are using for fashion, as it is very versatile. What uses do you generally have for hemp in your company?
In the store we try to carry almost every type of hempderived product. We have an extensive line of hemp oil or CBD-based cosmetics, a wide selection of foods derived from hemp flour, inflorescences and extracts based on CBD, CBG and CBN (all of them strictly with THC below the THC limits), certified seeds and collectibles, smoking items, fertilizers, lights and everything that can be traced back to this queen of the plant kingdom. Lime bricks and hemp, few people know that hemp is also an excellent insulator and has incredible sweat-wicking properties. Basically, we are direct consumers of what we offer. Regarding the products you offer, do you self-cultivate your raw material or do you rely on imports? It is difficult for a grower to achieve excellent results with everything he produces. That's why we prefer to rely on established manufacturers and distributors and to select only the best of what they have to offer. All the products in the store are carefully selected and focus on the "Made in Italy". When the market still does not satisfy us, we collaborate directly with the best companies to create specific products that we sell under our own brand. If legal regulations in Italy decrease the restriction on THC, would you explore that market? Absolutely, not only for the recreational use of THC, which is a large and important market, but above all for its
therapeutic potential, which is complementary to what we can already sell. We have been trying for years to create a structure of doctors specialized and competent in the therapeutic use of cannabis, unfortunately without success, but... We are not giving up! What are the greatest benefits that hemp has brought you? One is strictly personal, I solved my insomnia problems caused by too much stress. . Going from sleepless or almost sleepless nights and the use of drugs to the intake of CBD drops capable of giving me nights of real and deep sleep is priceless, especially when the same product has also given me great benefits in neck pain that has been with me for...too long! Not to forget the personal satisfaction of knowing and wanting to know better a plant that until a few years ago was taboo for me. I grew up as a non-smoker and with the idea that "if you smoke a joint you move on to worse substances", perhaps the worst stereotype linked to this world. The good thing about this change of direction is that it coincided first with the creation of the Semi Ami brand, which immediately became well known and appreciated in the cannabis sector, and then with the opening of the store in Seregno (MB). From here it was a necessary step, requested by our customers, to create a network of franchised stores able to transmit our values and the quality that
has always distinguished us in other countries. In Semi Ami stores you will always find knowledgeable staff capable of giving you the best advice and, above all, quality! From your perspective as an entrepreneur, what do you think are the aspects that still need to be resolved for a possible legalization of cannabis in Italy? The more time passes, the less confidence I have in legalization in Italy. There is often talk of proposed laws, decriminalization, cultivation for personal use, so many good initiatives that invariably clash with political (and economic) interests bigger than us. It is increasingly difficult to listen to the usual stereotypes about cannabis; there are legal "drugs" that are much more dangerous and freely available, and yet it is quicker to campaign than to inform citizens. Before talking about legalization, the masses must be made aware of what cannabis is, what its qualities are and what its risks are. Bring the right information to schools and train teachers and... the media.
Unfortunately, television is still much more of a "school" for many. It is easier to judge than to know.
Are cannabis clubs
in Barcelona going to disappear?
A piece of news that has had relevance in the cannabis community during the last few days is that of the cannabis clubs that have been consolidated in the last decade in Barcelona, which according to Spanish media are at risk of closing their doors due to a decision of the Supreme Court that seeks to close the legal loophole left by the popularity of these clubs. Over the last few years, cannabis clubs have established themselves as the channel of access to this plant among the inhabitants of Barcelona, as well as tourists visiting the city. Representatives of these 200 associations have stated that the clubs are of paramount importance as they have contributed to reducing the black market, as well as consumption on the streets; moreover, they have generated a better informed cannabis users, creating a thriving market. However, despite all the benefits that these clubs have brought to the city, the city council has issued a notice to these 200 associations stating that they will have to operate with a private club license. In other words, the court decided to overturn the 2017 decision, which said that "the private consumption of cannabis by adults is part of the exercise of the fundamental right to the outdoors, as well as to personal development and freedom of conscience."
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Federation of Cannabis Associations of Catalonia (CATFAC), Eric Asencio, stated that "most associations know that sooner or later they will be forced to close."
How did these clubs come about? The cannabis clubs emerged to collectivize self-consumption. Smokers opened nonprofit social centers, allowing them to consume cannabis in exchange for a contribution, thus taking advantage of the legal window. Each club has a manual of good practices, and although according to the authorities they are not complied to the letter, some of these rules are: cannabis cannot be sold, the member cannot take cannabis out of the premises and much less can promote it, among other things. The clubs are administered by the Consistory of Barcelona, but the Supreme Court has suggested that the city authorities are not the most competent to legislate on issues that should be regulated by the State.
The new legality says that the sale, consumption and promotion of cannabis are forbidden in Spain, this information will be made official through a statement to the 200 clubs, 70% of which are in Barcelona. In this statement, the administrator of each association will be informed of the new parameters within the regulation. The activists have spoken out against the situation, raising their voices and stating that once again the judiciary attacks the associations without taking into account the reality of Barcelona or the whole country, since the clubs have existed for more than 30 years. For his part, Catfac's spokesman, Eric Asensio, regrets the Supreme Court's decision and affirms that they are increasingly being pushed into a darker place. However, although the clubs are very popular and in some ways adult use is decriminalized in Spain, medicinal use has remained little explored, or worse, little talked about. There is a subcommittee studying the benefits of the plant and this may lead Spain to be the next country to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis. The debate is in a state of limbo, the press has dedicated its headlines to these famous clubs, but how is the debate on the medicinal use that benefits or can benefit patients with chronic diseases moving forward?
Czech Republic
On the way to decriminalization The current situation CBD is allowed: All CBD products containing 0.3% THC (the substance responsible for the psychoactive effect or "high") or less are legal in the Czech Republic; this means that it is legal to buy, sell and consume CBD oil, and the products can be freely purchased throughout the country.
Self-cultivation is allowed: Under Czech law, up to five plants may be grown at home for personal and private use; they may not be harvested for supply or sale to third parties, and harvested cannabis may not be consumed in public spaces. It is legal to buy and sell cannabis seeds, and they can be sent to the country by mail.
Medical cannabis is allowed: The Czech Republic introduced a medical cannabis program in 2013. However, it is not yet fully operational, and only limited products are available by prescription. Since its establishment, there have been problems with supply, and there are also problems with the country's domestic cultivation intended for the medical market; however, in June the Active Substances Act was amended, the Czech Republic government announced that medical cannabis will be grown and exported under new rules.
CannaLaw New changes in medical cannabis Reforms to the law will make it easier to grant cultivation licenses, which will improve diversity and supply in the European country's cannabis sector. In this regard, according to government figures, the number of doctors and pharmacies prescribing medical cannabis products gradually increased from 41 pharmacies in 2018 to 90 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the State Institute for Drug Control sold almost 16 kilos of medical cannabis between January and April 2020, a figure that represents the same amount sold in 2019. Despite the success, it should be mentioned that in the Czech Republic there is only one domestic medical cannabis producer supplying products for the sector. It should be recalled that, last
October, the Czech government announced that it will subsidize the cost of medical cannabis through public health insurance; this will be done through a plan that will allow patients to receive a reimbursement of up to 90% on the cost of their . prescriptions. Changes to the THC limit in products: Parliament is discussing an increase in the CBD limit in hemp for industrial and medicinal purposes from 0.3% to 1%. The Czech Parliament itself voted in favor of laying the legal groundwork to prepare a legal market with hemp and CBD extracts as edibles. In addition, amendments would be included that would also encourage legal cultivation, processing of medical cannabis products and licenses for their export. With this bill's approval in the Chamber of Deputies, the Czech Republic is ahead of its neighbors and Union partners on this issue, thus laying the groundwork for a promising medical cannabis industry in the Central European country. The vote was held last week, with the majority of political forces in favor. The approval places the country at the forefront of proposals aimed at reducing harm and making this medicine accessible to patients.
CannaLaw In order to be fully approved, the bill needs the Senate to vote in favor, and the Czech Upper House also needs to follow the same steps as the Lower House. In addition to being approved by both Chambers, it would also need President Miloš Zeman to promulgate the bill.
Future expectations: Full legalization. Farmers have invested in new equipment to meet increased production. Parliamentary elections in October are expected to usher in more permissive legislation. "It's a small investment, and I don't expect to make a fortune, but I know how to grow, and I want to make some money from it," says Pavel, a farmer. The Pirate Party, which has long campaigned for legalization, could challenge the current ruling coalition in the October elections. If they win power, the Pirates have promised to fully decriminalize cannabis production and consumption within two years. Also, the Czech Social Democratic Party is in favor of decriminalizing cannabis, as it supports the protection of civil liberties.
New Jersey and its cannabis law Cannabis laws in the United States have been advancing at a winning pace; as proof of this, the state of New Jersey joined Arizona, Montana and South Dakota in the approval of cannabis for adult use through the ballot initiative held in November of last year 2020; adding 15 states with full legalization. This, after the governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, signed the laws approving in practice the adult use of cannabis for those over 21 years of age in the state. Therefore, the law now allows the possession of up to 170 grams of cannabis. This was approved after four months of debate on sales licenses, taxes and penalties for those under 21 years of age who consume it.
According to New Jersey's new laws, people 21 years of age or older can possess up to six ounces of cannabis without legal consequences. Furthermore, police cannot arrest young people for smelling of cannabis, they can only warn them; in case authorities do not respect the provision, they can be charged with civil rights violations.
criminal records was also approved by both committees. Now, Governor Murphy accepted that the decision regarding adult-use cannabis took longer than he would have liked, however, he commented that this procedure allowed for the formulation of laws that will serve as a national model.
At the same time, the Assembly and Senate caucuses gave a big yes to bills that are complementary to verify the requirements for qualifying medical cannabis in New Jersey.
Murphy also assured that the decriminalization of cannabis consumption would come in immediately, meaning that people who were arrested for possessing small amounts of cannabis could be released without any mediation.
Similarly, another piece of legislation to check the procedure for the expungement of various
CannaLaw However, although the laws went into effect immediately, the new Cannabis Regulatory Commission must establish rules and issue licenses, which means that this process could take up to approximately six months, according to the governor and industry experts. Undoubtedly, this has been good news for the cannabis industry, as it is known that the stimuli at the state level to legalize it have been countless, considering everything from criminal justice reform to the desire for huge tax revenues. The aforementioned has been a transcendental fact for the use of cannabis, however; there are events that have tarnished these advances. An example of this is the case of Paul Myers, 53, who last month filed a lawsuit in the state Superior Court in Burlington County, alleging that he was unfairly fired for using cannabis a few days before the state legalized its use; the highest court in New Jersey decided last year that bosses cannot fire medical cannabis patients who use it during their off hours. The new cannabis legalization law will extend this protection to those over 21 years of age; however, at the same time, it has been discussed whether it applies to workers. Myers is therefore putting New Jersey's cannabis law to the test by suing his former employer.
According to the complaint, Myers, who has Crohn's disease, was hired in 2019, and subsequently, began treatment for cancer, this process required him to take an extended medical leave of absence, but he was met with hostility from his employer, who questioned his need for time off. Three days after Governor Murphy signed the law eliminating criminal penalties and fines for cannabis use, Myers' boss requested that Myers submit to a drug test. Taking into account the new law, employers can continue to conduct random drug tests to detect if the plant is consumed, what they cannot do is fire, discipline or refuse to hire someone if the result is positive, what is allowed, is to prohibit the consumption of cannabis during working hours. In this sense, in order for the rule to be enforced, an expert, certified in impairment recognition, must be on the work premises to detail the impaired behavior of an employee and have a positive drug test that points to the presence of cannabis in the person's system. However, that part of the law pertaining to employment has not yet come into operation. The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission has yet to implement these regulations, which include the development of a program to train the impairment experts needed to enforce it.
He indicated that National DCP, a supply chain company that services Dunkin' Donuts franchises, broke the law by firing him from its Westampton facility earlier this year. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 6 |
Changes in colombian legislation continue to drive the industry Colombia has been leading the cannabis industry in the region, thanks to its advanced regulation, and with its latest legislative change the market is gaining momentum. This is a change in decree 613 of 2017 that authorizes the export of dried flower of the plant for medicinal purposes and seeks to create incentives for the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, this change allows the entry of the flower to free trade zones to be transformed and packaged. Initially this activity was prohibited, limiting the possibility of growth of the industry in Colombia and limiting its competitive potential in a market that is estimated to generate US $64 billion dollars worldwide by 2024. In addition to the economic motivations behind this change, there is also the
generation of employment, with a total of 17 additional employees per cultivated hectare. With the opening of this line of commercialization, Colombia enters to compete in a big way with other players in the region and even in the world. In the words of President Iván Duque, "Today Colombia eliminates the ban on the export of dried flowers for medicinal uses and this represents Colombia's entry into the international market". An international market that has a very high demand for dried flowers and that so far has been supplied mainly by Canada. The idea with this change is to be able to supply the needs of countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, which up to now have been the main buyers of Colombian cannabis. This change definitely means that Colombia is giving the green light to this industry.
Cannabis Tourism
In recent years we have witnessed how cannabis has conquered different markets beyond the medicinal one, among them the gastronomic world, cosmetics, construction materials, etc., recently integrating the tourism market to the list.
This convergence opens the field to an enormous range of possibilities with an incredible economic potential. The cannabis market alone moves US$150 billion annually, while the tourism market moves some US$5 billion annually. Therefore, the union of these two markets was only a matter of time and progress in terms of legalization. But what is cannabis tourism and what possibilities does it offer? One of the possibilities that has been most exploited in this field are tours of cannabis crops with tastings and providing users with safe places for consumption, something similar to what is done with wine in places like the Guadalupe Valley or Napa. This type of tour is already being carried out in Humboldt Bay, a place in the United States with more than 200 cannabis crops.
Other options that have begun to be explored by the hotel industry are the implementation of services and products that allow the use of cannabis to be normalized little by little, this has been achieved by including cannabis-related food, beverages and even spa services in their facilities. In addition, hotel owners that offer these services emphasize the need to create outdoor areas that are friendly to cannabis consumption. Cannabis tourism is a field that we will undoubtedly see grow in the coming years, as the possibilities it offers are really diverse and innovative, there are few offers in cannabis tourism, but certainly these have begun to attract the attention of investors and entrepreneurs.
Cannabis Businesses go to College!
As the cannabis industry advances, the number of people interested in investing, starting and working in the industry increases, and this is reflected in the small steps that every day push cannabis to become one of the most stable and profitable industries, as it happened recently in the state of Colorado, specifically at the University Institute of Denver where a Cannabis Business Program was officially included, through which students will be able to obtain an Associate of Applied Sciences degree with the opportunity to do internships, and once the program is completed, students will soon be able to opt for the Cannabis Science and Operations degree that the institute plans to offer. This innovative program will include the basics of business, management and advertising around the cannabis industry through a hybrid system between classroom and online classes, and immediate job opportunities at the end of the educational period.
1. Growth trends: It is important to investigate whether a company's earnings have increased, even a small consistent increase over an extended period of time can be a positive indicator. 2. Debt and equity of the company: Some investors may use debt as an indicator of the company's financial well-being, the important thing is to find companies with a debt-equity ratio of less than 0.3. To find this figure, simply divide total liabilities by the total amount of stockholders' equity. 3. Dividends: A company that pays dividends usually has a certain degree of stability, especially if the company has consistently increased its dividend payment each year over a long period of time. 4. Stability: The nature of the stock market is volatile. At some point, a company will lose value in the markets, however it is important that it maintains long-term stability.
Although cannabis education had already been integrated into other universities, most of the classes were geared towards medical professionals, or focused on general education about cannabis and its benefits. However, programs that are primarily business-oriented have now been established at several universities in the United States and range from specialized cannabis courses to practical careers encompassing business, cultivation, manufacturing, extraction, law, accounting, and plant policy at many institutes in states such as New York, Illinois, Florida, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and now Colorado. Up until recently, cannabis businesses emerged by a practice of "trial and error" due to the little guidance and knowledge previously available regarding cannabis entrepreneurship, now those interested can get advanced education on the challenges and pitfalls of cannabis
business and learn how to avoid the mistakes previously made by many companies and entrepreneurs, making these college programs a key point for the prosperity of the cannabis industry and a promising bet on innovation in industrial developments around the plant. Industry expansion translates into higher demand By February 2021, cannabis businesses represented more than 300,000 full-time jobs in the United States, and as more states advance legally, there is more room for the formation of new ventures and companies around the same product: the cannabis plant, for this reason the demand for workers continues to increase since in all these projects is need a diverse team that includes a series of professionals such as accountants, lawyers, medical personnel, but also people with experience in cultivation, extraction, manufacturing, Cannabis marketing, bud tending, etc., and therein lies the importance of these programs that seek to educate and provide the spaces for the practice that students require to get a job in the industry and contribute either on a small or large scale to the constant growth of this unstoppable sector.
The huge reach that cannabis can have has long been limited, but that is changing thanks to legalization processes around the world. In the case of the United States, several states have become a solid market for investments, for example the state of Michigan offers excellent commercial, social and economic opportunities. In 2018, the Midwestern state became the 10th to legalize adult use of cannabis in the US, while medicinal cannabis was legalized in 2008. Currently, up to 12 plants of cannabis are allowed in private homes, the highest amount of any “legal” status. After the medicinal use was legalized, it was shown how lucrative cannabis can be; Michigan generated $958 million in medicinal sales in 2018, according to ArcView Market Research and BDS Analytics. However, Michigan's medicinal plant market is expected to decline to $590 million by 2024, but will be joined with an adult cannabis market that will
Imagen: Wikipedia
a potential cannabis state
Charles Koch, a chemical engineer, billionaire and philanthropist, is the Koch Industries CEO, America’s largest company (regarding revenue). Mr. Koch is ranked as the 15th in Bloomberg Billionaires Index, however, in recent weeks he was a trending topic in social media for different reasons... The businessman publicly announced that he supports the federal legalization of cannabis, considering its prohibition a "conflict to society and anti-progress". In addition, he added that he will be using 25 million dollars from his capital to work towards the legalization of cannabis. With Koch's influences, there is greater chance and attention to the legal issue of the plant, and this federal step means a huge boost to the cannabis market.
generate $893 million, which will make it an important state in the cannabis industry.
An alternative market Since its launch three years ago, the adult cannabis program offers great market opportunities due to its large population, rapid sales growth, additional licenses, and relatively affordable acquisition agreements. Monthly sales of adult-use marijuana in Michigan have surpassed $100 million since April, creating an expectation of $1.2 billion from 2021 sales. That would be more than double of last year's sales. The 2021 MJBizFactbook projects sales in Michigan are projected to quadruple from about $500 million in 2020 to $2 billion - $ 2.5 billion in 2025.
Currently, multi-state operators are increasingly focusing on Michigan as the state so far has little market penetration which provides more opportunities to create attractive companies or corporations while it is in the process of consolidation. In a research report a few weeks ago, the New York-based Cowen Group said Michigan has become one of the largest cannabis markets in the country. This is one of the factors that make Michigan so attractive, but it also has potential challenges for rapid growth due to unlimited licenses at the state level. Store openings are boosting this growth, with nearly 300 adult cannabis stores in Michigan, we can say Michigan has one adult store for every 34,000 residents. Local companies are trying to consolidate their position in the state's cannabis market while it continues to grow. This is definitely a new scenario for the cannabis industry to position itself as a potential financial investment.
Cannabis “up close”:
Cannabis and male fertility Taking into account that the endocannabinoid system is involved in body homeostasis and distributed in multiple organs, it is not surprising that the use of cannabis also has an effect on male fertility; this has been a controversial and interesting topic because the majority of adult users are generally men of reproductive age; as a result, research that seeks to decipher the effects of cannabis on the processes that rule male fertility are of great importance and increasingly relevant. Various hypotheses have been studied relating cannabis to effects on the levels of reproductive hormones (FSH, LH, testosterone), changes in testicular size and alterations in sexual function. So far, studies have not found significant changes in the release and regulation of male sex hormones per se. On the other hand, there are currently studies such as an investigation published in SAGE Journals where, with a sample of 409 men, it was shown that cannabis users have a greater probability of having a lower volume of semen and strict morphology according to the WHO parameters.
Nevertheless; this sample also showed a higher rate of motility or motile spermatozoa, suggesting a protective effect of cannabis against abnormal motility changes. Finally, for sexual function, cannabis has been described as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years, and current studies have confirmed that it can increase libido and sexual pleasure. Certain aspects regarding the studies should be considered before making any statement, for example many have limitations such as research with animal models or in vitro, and also in some studies small and statistically not representative samples have been used, likewise, in several of them there are factors that are not considered, such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in some participants, frequency of consumption, concomitant use of alcohol or other substances; therefore, it is still necessary to carry out more research regarding this topic to understand how cannabis actually works in male fertility, and what considerations, such as dose, duration of effect and frequency of use, should be taken by health professionals when prescribing cannabis medicine to a patient of reproductive age. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 6 |
CannaMed Analysis of the article by: Macarrone M., Rapino C., Francavilla F. & Barbonetti A. (2021). “Cannabinoid signalling and effects of cannabis on the male reproductive system”. Nature Reviews Urology, 18:19-32. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41585-020-00391-8
Cannabinoid signalling and effects of cannabis on the male reproductive system. Today, multiple medicinal properties have been recognized in the cannabis plant. Its main chemical components, cannabinoids generally have a stimulating regulatory effect on the function of almost all organs and systems, which has been associated with general health benefits. However, for decades the active principles of the plant were attributed a harmful effect on the male reproductive system, being associated with elements such as decreased testosterone levels and alteration of spermatogenesis (the process of sperm formation), resulting in a supposed decrease in sperm count.
There is an ethical issue involved in the small number of clinical studies conducted on the possible effects of cannabinoids on male reproduction, so much of the existing literature is based on observational findings made in adult cannabis users. In these investigations, no significant differences have been found between the testosterone levels of men identified as cannabis users and nonusers of cannabis. Even a study involving 1,194 Danish men between the ages of
18-28 found higher levels of testosterone in subjects who reported using cannabis at least once a week, which contrasts dramatically with other research. For the authors of this research, currently there are very few human studies that address the issue of the effects of cannabis on male sexual health, and many of these include methodical variables that prevent their results from being reliable. On the one hand, there are studies CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 6 |
CannaMed that conclude that cannabis use is associated with sexual disorders such as anorgasmia, delayed orgasm and premature ejaculation, although they emphasize that all of these have notorious flaws that do not allow accepting these results. At the same time, other investigations demonstrated that between 70-85% of cannabis users experience increased sexual pleasure, 25-40% have sex for longer and 55-70% have more intense orgasmic sensations. Currently, there is not a lot of information about the effects of cannabinoids on male reproduction. For example, it is a challenge for future research to understand the interference between endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. This knowledge could open new doors to better understand and exploit different components of the endocannabinoid system, which could represent novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets. To illustrate this point, it can be mentioned that most of the endocannabinoid system in the male reproductive system is found in sperm cells, therefore, we could identify endocannabinoids as potential useful biomarkers for the diagnosis of fertility problems in men. To date, there is no consensus on whether or not cannabis use is harmful to male sexual health. However, the evidence available so far does not seem to support the hypothesis that cannabinoids have definitive negative effects on reproduction or sexuality in men, however, a greater number of investigations are necessary before a real verdict can be delivered about the benefits or risks associated with its use. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 6 |
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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws in your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.