Edition 5: The cannabis industry continues to overcome obstacles

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-Editorial of the month -Opinion article: Cannabis as a recession-proof industry . Page 4


CANNAGROW SECTION Factors Affecting Cannabis Germination. Page 5


IN THE EXPERT’S ROOM The Myths and Realities of Medical Cannabis from the Experience of Dr. Mafer Arboleda. Page 8

Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, are dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis. Respectively, they have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine which are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can now find another two brand new sections in order to provide to you a global look about the plant. We are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!


CANNALAW SECTION - Democratic Senate calls for federal decriminalization of cannabis. Page 11 - Cannabis overcoming obstacles. Page 13 - Cannameter: countries that have legalized the use of cannabis by 2021 and those that remain. Page 15 - Prohibition of cannabis in athletes. Page 17


CANNATRADE SECTION - The marketing challenge for cannabis companies. Page 19 - Cannabis delivery! A new form of cannabis trading. Page 21 - Trading 101: stock crossings. Page 21 - Three business ideas in the cannabis industry. Page 23 - Cryptocurrencies, a profitable alternative for the cannabis industry? Page 23


CANNMED SECTION - Antimicrobial potential of cannabidiol. Page 24 - Cannabis "up close": CBG - The origin of cannabinoids.. Page 27


o talk about cannabis is to talk about opportunities. They are not innate opportunities, but rather those that have gradually developed over the last decades as a result of scientific research, approved legislation and, above all, people who have witnessed the beneficial properties of the plant in the medical, financial, environmental, sports and as well as psychosocial fields. Whenever the experience of any kind of cannabis user comes to light, it is generally an encouraging message to anyone concerned, because it lets them know that, in many cases, regardless of culture, borders, ailments, profession, or goals, cannabis represents an opportunity.


In the end, it is these realities and experiences that have driven the scientific and legal development of cannabis, since many of the advances we are witnessing today would not have been possible without the people who were brave enough to bet on the plant, despite having overwhelming odds against them. To these brave people we would like to express a huge Thank You! Thank you for taking the risk, today we know that cannabis is not a harmful drug, or simply an alternative treatment for refractory epilepsy, it represents an entire industry with multiple branches

where everyone involved has the possibility of obtaining countless benefits. Browsing through the pages of this issue you will learn about several of these projects established around the cannabis plant that have become a reality and you will learn about many advances that are the result of the work of professionals who dared to defend and build the next great industry on this planet. Let's remember that education in times of stigma is also an act of courage.

Welcome stigma breakers, welcome to Cannabis World Journals!

Editorial Team


Cannabis as a recession -proof industry This past year and a half has tested the resilience we have as a collective. It has been a time of uncertainty, economic crisis, and pain. We have rethought our social and labor structures and have seen industries that seemed unstoppable crumble. Along with all these lessons we have also witnessed the cannabis industry continue to flourish when others were paused. Why did the cannabis industry continue to grow in the midst of a pandemic? Several factors contributed to the industry's further consolidation in times of economic downturn. For example, in the case of the US, it was crucial that several states declared the services provided by cannabis dispensaries as an essential service, giving them the same status as pharmacies and allowing patients to continue to access their prescriptions. On top of this, anxiety levels caused by the pandemic rose by 45%, leading patients to increasingly turn to cannabis as a treatment option. Many countries saw the cannabis industry as an additional tool to boost their economies affected by the

global health crisis. This is also part of the constant legalization that has taken place over the last five years in both the medical and adult-use industries. It is difficult to imagine a country that does not want to be part of an industry that has a projection of 73.6 billion dollars by 2027, according to Grand View Research. On the other hand, investors flocked to secure their money in an industry that promised to be a safer option than other traditional industries such as airlines or entertainment. The cannabis industry has proven to be both versatile and creative, as before the challenges presented by the pandemic, it faced other challenges such as social stigmas, a highly regulated market, and the impossibility of making transactions through banks, among others. In conclusion, these new difficult times came as a reassurance paving the way forward for an industry that globally creates jobs, generates thousands of dollars and helps millions of people. Although the pandemic and the crisis are temporary, the truth is that the cannabis industry is here to stay.

Anne Graham Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals




Factors affecting cannabis germination

In the cultivation of cannabis, either on a large scale or in self-cultivation, it is most likely that some germination failures occur, and the seeds do not emerge correctly. There are different variables that prevent or limit the sprouting of the radicle or the first small root. It is important to clarify that germination refers to the sexual seed, meaning the one generated by the fertilization of the female plant, the asexual seed is a cutting that undergoes a treatment for rooting. For a seed to germinate properly the important thing is to provide the right conditions, cannabis seeds only need water, heat, and air to germinate. In the absence of light, properly moistened and with temperatures between 21 and 32° C, the seeds will take 2 to 10 days to germinate. Germination is faster at higher temperatures but worsens if the temperature rises above 32°C (Cervantes, 1999). A viable seed that is healthy and strong, " is between light and dark brown in color or has spots or speckles" (Cervantes, 2007); they are resistant to contact and pressure between the fingers.

There are three main germination methods: (1) popularly known as UFO, it involves leaving the seeds in an airtight medium, where a moist base is placed that is watered every day to maintain the percentage of humidity, avoiding flooding; it can be in napkins or a cloth, it is left in a cool and dark place. The result of this method gives an average germination time of 3 to 10 days. (2) Direct in substrate (a cocktail of worm humus, coconut fiber, compost, perlite, etc.) where it should be buried at a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm, ideally the seed should be on its side to prevent it from being born in the opposite direction, it should be properly hydrated and avoid direct light or contact with cold air, the result of this method will germinate between 2 to 10 days. (3) "It consists of burying the seeds in a seedbed or rooting bucket and keeping the substrate uniformly humid. Transplant two to four weeks after the seedling emerges" (Cervantes, 1999).



CannaGrow What happens when the seed does not sprout?

Some of the factors that cause a failure to sprout are: 1. Some of the factors that cause a failure to sprout are: Seeds that have been stored for a long time take longer to sprout and have a low germination percentage. Vigorous seeds start to germinate in a week or less. (Cervantes, 2007). 2. The shell or protective outer covering is not properly sealed on some seeds, which allows moisture and air to penetrate; this causes hormone concentrations to decrease and seeds to be less viable. (Cervantes, 2007).

3. Seeds with too much moisture attract pests and diseases, as a result the seed becomes obsolete. 4. Sowing poor quality seeds; these have a greenish appearance, are weak or soft to pressure, were not well formed and have remained immature, therefore, they do not have enough strength to grow well. Moreover, if they germinate, they tend to be unhealthy plants that do not develop well and may even die. 5. Excessive humidity or flooding of the germination site can cause limitations because it can rot, it is an ideal environment for fungi, the radicle and cotyledons are atrophied and do not hatch properly. 6. Fungi, the radicle and cotyledons are stunted and do not hatch properly. 7. Leaving the germination space with insufficient water and allowing it to dry out causes the seed to feel that it is not capturing moisture and it ceases its activities and does not emerge.



CannaGrow 8. If it is buried too deep, it is likely that it does not get enough water and the shell does not soften and the seed loses energy and does not sprout. It may also germinate at other times; the stem grows weak but with time it becomes a healthy plant. 9. If the temperature is very low it may take a long time to hatch and possibly not grow healthily, because germination is when the plant requires most of the energy to begin to form the organs of the plant. On the other hand, if the temperature is very high, they attract fungi.

14. Allowing seeds to germinate for too long, "it could be difficult at the time of transplanting them safely. The reason for this is that the longer the roots are exposed to light and air, the more likely they are to be damaged. Also, the longer the taproot, the greater the risk of an accident during transplanting" (Royal Queen Seeds, 2021a). 15. Use of salted water causes the seed to dehydrate and decompose, causing the radicle and cotyledons to drop out.


10. Incorrectly arranged in the Jiffy or in the substrate, the seed has an oval shape, and the crown should always be facing the sky. 11. Growing seeds too close together, eventually causes competition for space and it will be difficult to transplant, which results in weakening or death of the plants. 12. Placing the seeds in direct light, this causes the photoreceptor pigment of the seeds to not be activated properly and generates an atrophy.

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Cervantes, J. (2007). Marijuana: Cannabis Horticulture the Bible of the Indoor and Outdoor Medical Grower (Illustrated ed.). Van Patten Publishing, 14-15. Cervantes, J. (1999). Outdoor marijuana guerrilla cultivation. Cañamo Ediciones, 9. Royal Queen Seeds. (2021a, May 5). Cannabis germination - Troubleshooting guide. https://www.royalqueenseeds.es/blog-guia-deresolucion-de-problemas-para-la-germinaciondel-cannabis-n101.

13. Seed contamination by manipulation; this occurs when seeds are touched, since we have pathogens that can seriously affect germination.


The myths and realities of Medical Cannabis from the experience of Dr. Mafer Arboleda THE "GREEN MEDICINE” PANACEA OR FANTASY? NEITHER ONE NOR THE OTHER Myths and realities of Medical Cannabis

Dr. Mafer Arboleda addresses the 5 most widespread myths about this subject and clarifies what is true and what is not about this future medicine. There are countless myths that have emerged around the cannabis plant, such as: Does treatment with medical cannabis cause addiction? If I am recommended a treatment with cannabis, can it only be inhaled? Is CBD ideal for sleeping and does THC always cause euphoria? Many have been disproved - or perpetuated - especially around its recreational use, but what are the myths about the so-called "green medicine"? Is it really a panacea, capable of curing cancer, or a fantasy that will turn the patient into an addict? Neither one nor the other. Below, Dr. Mafer Arboleda explains the five most common myths surrounding green medicine.

1. Myth or reality? "Only those who have consumed marijuana have cannabinoids in their body"

In the expert’s room: Interview with Dr. Mafer Arboleda

Believe it or not, we all have cannabinoids in our body that we produce naturally. These "endogenous cannabinoids" are created through a system that all humans and vertebrate animals have: the endocannabinoid system. This important system, discovered and described in the 90's, is composed of: 1. Receptors located in the brain and peripheral tissues, 2. endogenous cannabinoids or endocannabinoids such as anandamide, and 3. enzymes (proteins) that produce and degrade these endogenous cannabinoids. And what is the purpose of this system in our body? It really is a fascinating system, which keeps us in balance and produces what in medicine is known as homeostasis. The endocannabinoid system participates in conjunction with the cardiovascular system, the immune system (defenses) and the digestive system. In addition, it has been implicated in pathways related to pain, mood, memory, the way we learn, bone development and density, the ability to be asleep or awake (the sleep-wake cycle), among others. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |


Dr. Maria Fernanda Arboleda is an anesthesiologist with a specialty in pain medicine and palliative care, Dr. Mafer discovered her vocation after the sudden and violent loss of a family member in her native Cali, marked by the characteristics of the violence experienced in Colombia in the 90's. She decided to study medicine (at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota) in order to help thousands of people to be pain-free and to have the best quality of life in the face of chronic ailments or on their way to death. After completing her specialty in anesthesiology and an advanced course in pain medicine and palliative care at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Salvador Zubiran National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, she completed a clinical fellowship in anesthesia for spinal surgery and interventional pain management at McGill University and the Montreal General Hospital in Canada. Finally, she completed postdoctoral research studies in Medicinal Cannabis and Supportive Care in Cancer at McGill University and Santé Cannabis, a leading clinic specializing in medical cannabis in Canada. There, she had the opportunity to see hundreds of patients, conduct clinical research protocols, and see firsthand the benefits and uses that medical cannabis could have directly on her patients. Today, she is an expert on the uses, research, truths, and recommendations of medical cannabis, while continuing her private practice in anesthesiology, chronic pain management and palliative care.

2. Myth or reality? "Medical cannabis is a miracle drug and works for everyone“ As already mentioned, cannabis is not a miracle drug or a panacea that will solve all our medical problems. We now know that medical cannabis is an individualized treatment and a useful tool to control the symptoms produced by some diseases such as chronic pain, refractory epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea and vomiting secondary to chemotherapy, anxiety, lack of appetite in HIV and cancer patients, and many more. It is important to remember that medical cannabis is not for everyone, and that it has specific indications and contraindications. Patients with uncontrolled cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias, uncontrolled arterial hypertension and recent history of myocardial infarction, among others, should not consume products where THC predominates. Similarly, patients with uncontrolled psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, psychotic episodes and bipolar disorder, among others, should not consume THC-rich products.

Finally, patients under 18 years of age should also not consume THCenriched products because it may affect their neurocognitive development and increase the risk of developing cannabis use disorders. However, in the pediatric population it is possible to use CBDpredominant products, for example, in cases of refractory epilepsy. A precise selection of the patient, the type of cannabinoid and its route of administration must be made by a physician specialized in the use of these therapies. 3. Myth or reality? "Cannabis cures cancer" We often come across vague information and false news related to medical cannabis curing cancer on social networks and websites. Let's clarify this point as precisely as possible: to date there are no clinical studies in humans that demonstrate that medical cannabis produces curative effects. While it is true that the anti-cancer effect of cannabis has been explored in preclinical studies (in animals and cell tissue), research on the curative effect of cannabis in humans is still lacking.



In this regard, for now there is only one very specific study conducted in Spain with nine patients suffering from a type of brain cancer (Glioblastoma Multiforme), who were infiltrated with THC through a catheter at brain level (directly into the tumor). Although signs of reduced tumor growth were observed, there was no impact on survival; all patients died within a few months. Therefore, it is not yet possible to claim that medical cannabis has curative effects in cancer patients. This, instead of discouraging, reinforces the importance of developing more clinical research that will allow us to give an accurate answer to this issue. What medical cannabis does do in cancer patients is to help control in a complementary way the symptoms that are caused by this disease, such as pain, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite and/or some of the effects caused by treatments such as nausea and vomiting secondary to chemotherapy.

4. Myth or reality? "Medical cannabis causes addiction" At this point it is essential to differentiate between the use of medical cannabis versus adult use. So far there are no figures on the risk of developing this disorder from cannabis use when it is used for medicinal

purposes. What we can state is that, because of the low doses of THC used for medicinal purposes. What we can state is that, because of the low doses of THC used in clinical practice, the probability of developing this problem is close to zero. Currently, there is talk of a medical condition known as "Cannabis Use Disorder", which has specific diagnostic criteria related to problematic cannabis use. It is now known that the probability that someone who uses cannabis chronically and in high quantities (for recreational purposes) can transition towards a cannabis use disorder is around 30%. 5. Myth or reality? "Medical cannabis is completely harmless and being derived from a plant produces no side effects” This is also a common myth. We now know that medical cannabis can produce side effects that in most cases are classified as mild to moderate. Additionally, these negative effects are related to the doses administered, whether THC or CBD. Although both can produce side effects, most of the effects are related to high doses of THC.

possible doses, and then increase them slowly (titrate the dose) until the desired therapeutic effects are achieved. Finally, it is important to bear in mind that due to the hepatic metabolism of THC and CBD, it is possible to observe pharmacological interactions between cannabinoids and other drugs if they are administered at the same time. For this reason, it should be the physician trained in this matter who recommends treatment with medical cannabis and who supervises and monitors this complementary therapy to avoid complications and side effects. Do you have any specific questions about this topic, chronic pain or palliative care? Look for Dr. Mafer Arboleda on her social networks or her website:

IG. @drmaferarboleda TW. @drmaferarboleda www.drmaferarboleda.com

The most common side effects related to both THC and CBD are dizziness, drowsiness (feeling sleepy during the day) and dry mouth. These effects generally disappear over the days, as the body assimilates or becomes tolerant to these cannabinoids. This is why it is so important to always start treatment with the lowest CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |



Democratic Senate calls for federal decriminalization of cannabis

Image: France24

Taking into account the long and arduous road that cannabis has had since its beginnings, the last few months have brought great advances for this industry, such as its legalization in Mexico, as well as the approval of adult use in the states of South Dakota, Montana, New Jersey and Arizona in the United States. Other efforts have also been added, such as the approval of the industrial and medical cannabis project in Argentina, the pressure from the White House towards the World Anti-Doping Agency to remove cannabis from its list of prohibited substances so that athletes can use it or its derivatives without serious consequences, and the recent acceptance of the regulation for its medical and therapeutic use in Peru.

Of course, the event that has caused the greatest impact and that has sown hope in the hearts of every businessman, activist, patient, farmer, merchant, doctor, lawyer, and anyone who wants to learn about cannabis, is that last Wednesday, July 14, Democratic senators presented a bill with which they want to decriminalize cannabis in the United States in a federal manner.

"This is monumental because steps are finally being taken in the Senate to correct the mistakes of the failed war on drugs," said Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, along with his colleagues Cory Booker and Ron Wyden. According to the outline, the bill "aims to end decades of harm to communities of color by removing cannabis from the federal list of controlled CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |



substances and empowering states to implement their own cannabis laws". In this sense, the bill would establish a fund with cannabis taxes and those resources would be directed to communities that have suffered because of the war on drugs and, above all, would help black entrepreneurs to enter the cannabis industry, taking into account that the three senators agree that the laws against this industry disfavor people of color. Similarly, another one of the conditions of this bill is the exclusion of criminal records, non-violent crimes that are linked to cannabis and sealing the criminal records of any of them.

According to Maritza Perez, member of the Drug Policy Alliance, the time has come for Congress to come up to date with what people have been waiting for so long. Likewise, those who have been convicted of cannabis-related crimes find themselves facing serious life-threatening consequences that have made it difficult for them to find employment. If the results of this new bill are positive, it would bring great changes and a sea of endless possibilities for many in the cannabis industry, especially for those who have paid the consequences of this fight against drugs.

The bill would treat cannabis like alcohol or tobacco, meaning that it may be allowed to be regulated. On the other hand, states would still be allowed to regulate its use, such as not allowing minors under the age of 21 to purchase it. In this context, it would continue to be illegal to sell notorious quantities without any control and without a respective authorization, as well as the smuggling of alcohol. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |



Cannabis overcoming obstacles The last few years have seen how cannabis has overcome obstacles in different parts of the world, and although it has not been an easy road for this fascinating industry, little by little it has been evolving and breaking schemes to the astonishment of many skeptics. This is thanks to the efforts of countless people who never stopped believing in the valuable properties of the plant. Proof of this is the American continent, which has become the founder of cannabis legalization with an extraordinary example such as Uruguay or some states in the United States. Uruguay overcame all difficulties to become the first in the world to legalize cannabis. In mid-2012, the Government announced the plan for the "regulated and controlled legalization" of cannabis. Despite the UN observations regarding the legalization plan, the country went ahead and in 2013 it was approved by the Senate to the joy of many, since then the prosperity of cannabis has increased in this nation, one example of this are the many exports of dried flower to Switzerland that were successfully done even in the midst of the pandemic. What about those countries that have yet to give the big YES to cannabis legalization? What's stopping them from embracing the industry? Unfortunately, despite the great progress it has made, some nations are still incredulous and indifferent to the properties of cannabis, so much so that they maintain

strong restrictions and sanctions for anyone who buys, sells, sows, commercializes, distributes, or possesses the the plant. One of the possible causes of this has undoubtedly been the little information they have about it, which has generated false myths and taboos about the plant, since in these places it is still seen as something negative; something very far from reality. Bolivia, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela are countries in the Americas where cannabis consumption is still illegal. In Brazil, the Drug Law is very strict with the possession and consumption of drugs, since 2015 the Brazilian Supreme Court is discussing the decriminalization of carrying and personal consumption of illicit substances, but so far, there has



CannaLaw been no conclusion on the matter. Although medical cannabis is not legalized in Brazil, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) introduced cannabis sativa into the official list of medicines in 2017. This is not only happening in America, in other parts of Europe such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovenia, Finland, Greece, Hungary and Ireland, the punishments for consumption and possession of cannabis are strong. Taking this into account, one of the great advantages of legalizing cannabis for both medicinal and adult use would be the extraordinary and thriving economic advances that many cultivation and export companies would have, as well as the

millions of jobs that would be created for the population. Many sick people would also enjoy the medicinal and curative properties of the plant to alleviate their conditions. This is why the global fight to end the taboo and achieve the legalization of cannabis worldwide must continue, not only would it provide millions of job opportunities, but it would also improve the lives of many. A great step was taken recently by the Democratic senators of the United States when they requested the federal decriminalization of cannabis, and if they have a positive response, the results would be magnificent for this great nation.




CANNAMETER: countries that have legalized the use of cannabis by 2021 and those that remain Scientific studies have advanced, the controversy continues and legislative scenarios around the world have had no choice but to put on the table the discussion on the legalization of medical cannabis in their respective countries. So far in 2021, the green fever has taken over some countries, while in others the discussion continues with the hope that the use of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes will be regulated. There are 7 countries that have approved medical cannabis in Latin America; for instance, Mexico, which recently decriminalized cannabis, when in June 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court approved cannabis with 8 votes in favor and 3 against, that is, it is possible to plant, collect, transport, and distribute cannabis for personal use without penalization.

to the cannabis community in this country, as he was firm in his opinion and expressed that "it is time to move forward and legalize cannabis in Israel". The bill is still on the table, and it is believed that if all goes well cannabis could be legalized within 4 months.

In the case of the United States, the discussion has been quite extensive during the first 7 months of this year, where 29 states out of 50 have legalized cannabis. This has encouraged the cannabis community around the world, as they hope that, just as most of the countries in the world were inspired by North America to start a "war on drugs", they will do the same for the legalization of cannabis, a plant that helps to improve the quality of life of many people around the world. Although many countries are discussing it, there are certain countries where the legalization of cannabis seems to be closer than ever, such is the case of Israel, which has been discussing the issue for some months now. The latest statements of the Minister of Justice, Avi Nissenkorn, gave hope




The latest country that has been measured by the cannameter and showed that it may enter the green rush, is Luxembourg, but the COVID 19 pandemic slightly delayed progress in the discussion on recreational use, considering that medicinal use was legalized in 2019. If cannabis for adult use is legalized, Luxembourg would become the first country in the European Union to legalize it. In some countries, legalization, although slow, is on the right track. Brazil is a perfect illustration of this, although the law punishes the possession and consumption of drugs, since 2015, the Special Commission of the Supreme Court of Brazil, discusses the decriminalization of illicit substances for personal use. As of this writing, cannabis is not legalized in this country. But although the plant is not legalized for medicinal use, there are three ways by which many patients obtain the medicine: 1. habeas corpus, a legal resource that prevents the citizen from being arrested if he grows cannabis at home; 2. there are more than 21 associations of cannabis patients that

provide medical and legal advice to their patients, only one of these (ABRACE), has authorization from the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) to produce oil extracted from the plant, while the rest produce cannabis oil under civil contempt; and 3. There is an option for importing the medicine; patients who need medical cannabis can obtain a direct permit from ANVISA to import the medicine; however, this last option is not available to most patients due to its high cost. The global cannabis community, which includes patients, doctors, scientists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, and activists, hopes that in the remainder of 2021, at least in their respective countries the legislative scenario will move along somehow, that the green fever will become a domino effect, and that the countries that do not have the debate on the table will be inspired by those that have approved or at least have proposed legislation to legalize cannabis.




Prohibition of cannabis in athletes. Cannabis was added to the list of banned substances after a Canadian gold medalist tested positive for the substance in 1998. Today, it is still banned for athletes in various disciplines. Not only is its use in sporting competitions prohibited, but athletes are often sanctioned for its recreational use. The most common sanction is to suspend the athlete from competition for a period of time. This can harm their careers and prevent them from participating in competitions they can win. In some cases, they even lose any medals they may have already won.

The most notorious cases: The following athletes were sanctioned following the guidelines of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF): Julio César Chávez Jr: Boxer, 9 months suspension and fine. Michael Phelps: Swimmer, received 3 months suspension.

Ross Rebagliati: Was stripped of his Olympic gold medal in snowboarding. Gervasio Deffer: Gymnast, was stripped of his silver medal after the Debrecen World Championships. Ricky Williams: American soccer player, was suspended for four games and had to pay a fine of $650,000 USD. Larry Sanders: Basketball player, was suspended for 15 games.

Sulley Muntari: Soccer player, received 1 year suspensión.



CannaLaw Cynthia Calvillo: Boxer, was suspended for six months and fined $6,000 USD, after medical use of cannabis.

Martavis Bryant: American soccer player, was suspended for a full season.

However, the idea that cannabis enhances performance is not supported by science. On the contrary, the evidence is inconclusive at best, while an overview of the research concludes that cannabis hinders performance by reducing endurance and peak performance while increasing heart and respiratory rate.

Recently Other studies, such as one published by the journal 'Sports Medicine', highlights that cannabis allows people to relax before or after a competition, as well as reducing levels of anxiety and increasing levels of well-being. Consuming cannabis In the case of Chilean weightlifter Arley can also help people sleep better before a Mendez, he tested positive to a test race. As it improves rest, it reduces the carried out in Colombia in May, after Espacio para el possibility of the athlete waking up which he was sanctioned with the texto prematurely and makes the organism prohibition to compete and train in official work better, because while sleeping the venues for a month. Fortunately, the repair of those small, damaged parts and sanction period did not prevent him from the elimination of some toxic substances. competing in the Olympic Games. In recent days two more athletes were sanctioned: Arley Mendez and Sha Carri Richardson.

In the case of American sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson, she was not as lucky as Arley. After the death of her mother, she was in mourning and, in order to overcome her state of mind, she consumed cannabis. She was subsequently sanctioned with a onemonth suspension, which coincided with the Olympic competitions, and she was banned from participating in them. Controversial influence:

In the face of such controversy, it is worth asking whether the consumption of cannabis by athletes deserves to remain prohibited, while CBD is currently allowed as it provides anti-inflammatory benefits, and it is being used by athletes who will participate in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Only science will be able to put an end to the controversy and determine whether this relationship between athletes and cannabis will continue.

The issue of cannabis' influence on athletic ability also plays a role in her inclusion on the list, and the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA) has said that one of the three reasons it banned cannabis is because it is believed that cannabis can enhance athletic performance. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 | 18

Images: Google


The marketing challenge for cannabis companies For companies finding their way into the cannabis industry, it can be difficult enough to achieve growth and build a fan base. The stigma surrounding over a hundred years of prohibition became even more apparent after a United Nations panel called for a global ban on commercial cannabis advertising. The cannabis industry is not the only one that has been facing these challenges. Industries such as tobacco and pharmaceuticals have also dealt with them, demonstrating that it is possible to overcome them with a creative and unconventional approach. This year, LivWell Enlightened Health was a clear example of how these challenges can be addressed. During 4/20 it aired a television commercial on an NBC affiliate, KUSA. This commercial was the first cannabis commercial aired and ran for three and a half weeks.

This was not the only triumph the cannabis industry has had against prohibition in advertising, just this year Apple changed the terms of its app store. Now, companies

licensed to sell cannabis and its derivatives can provide their sales services through apps. While these exceptional cases allow us to be optimistic about the marketing possibilities for cannabis companies, there are still many hurdles to overcome, and cannabis remains a banned topic in almost all mainstream media. These bans however are not the same everywhere, in the United States for example only Delaware and Montana expressly prohibit local media from running advertisements with any reference to cannabis. Despite the fact that only these states have strict laws on the matter, almost all media outlets in the country avoid such advertisements due to the fear of losing



CannaTrade their licenses to federal regulators. Social media doesn't make the job of advertising any easier either, on the contrary, it seems that Facebook and Instagram have taken back the momentum from removing cannabis businesses and advertising from the networks, many business accounts in the industry have already been shut down.

But it's not all bad, there are options cannabis businesses can turn to. When it comes down to it, you have to find different ways to do things with a non-traditional approach.

Let's start with social networks, although as mentioned before, there are many prohibitions in these, they can be overcome with creativity, for example, using educational content, this allows us to destroy the stigma while indirectly providing publicity to the company by talking about

the benefits of the plant. Social networks are not the only option on the Internet to publicize a business, you can choose to place ads on popular sites visited by those with interest in cannabis products, some well positioned sites with many visits are Weedmaps and Leafly. If you want to be creative you can opt for collaborations with influencers or other brands that are already well established, and there is also the possibility of making alliances with online video streaming services, you can even include ads in community events or some other type of sponsorship as well. In addition to looking for alternative means of advertising, the most important thing to do is to create ads with fresh and innovative content. In the world of cannabis advertising, suggestion, references or analogies can work very well in creating a lasting impression on potential customers. Looking back at the past and all the obstacles the cannabis industry has had to overcome, marketing is seen as a manageable constraint. Giants in the industry have shown that while cannabis companies may not have access to the same advertising media as others, they have done an exceptional job of becoming a benchmark in an industry that is constantly growing, generating millions in revenue and jobs around the world.




Cannabis delivery! A new form of cannabis trading

Every day the cannabis plant surprises with the countless opportunities it offers in different areas, like the new growing commerce in this industry which has generated a new trend during the last months: cannabis home delivery. Years ago, the idea of cannabis being legally accessible to the average citizen and representing a source of honest jobs seemed like a fiction to many, however, today this is becoming the reality in many states that have opted not only to legalize the use of the plant, but also to allow home delivery through various licenses. These legal events are very relevant, since they bring an exponential growth for the industry in those regions where it has been allowed to deliver cannabis directly to consumers either at their home, office, or even hotels, providing a series of benefits for cannabis users who are a heterogeneous population. For example, we can find the elderly who sometimes cannot travel to a dispensary, pediatric patients who must wait outside the premises where cannabis medicine is sold, those who prefer to keep their cannabis consumption private for personal reasons or others who simply prefer the ease of this service, in these cases, home delivery is the best option for a secure and convenient access to the plant and its derivatives.

Usually, stock prices tend to oscillate between the same values for a period of 150 to 200 days, thus creating a longterm average that can be interrupted by two events: A Golden Cross or a Death Cross. When this happens, we speak of a crossover between the long-term average, and a new short-term average (15 to 20 days), a Golden Cross means a bull market because the new average exceeds the prices during the last period, on the other hand, a Death Cross usually indicates a bear market, it happens when the crossover of the new average occurs in decline with respect to the established long-term values. Many investors evaluate these patterns in companies, however, even though crossovers may suggest changes in terms of a particular company's share price, they cannot predict anything with certainty and should not be considered unique parameters during an investment.


Furthermore, companies also benefit from this commerce since it allows them to have a greater reach in sales, especially for dispensaries, covering a wide range of public that is not limited to a specific area, they can work under the strict modality of personal delivery in times of confinement, it facilitates virtual payment and avoids the handling of cash (reducing the risk of robbery to the premises). It gives way to new ventures specially dedicated to transporting cannabis products, known as "Cannabis Couriers", such as Lantern in Boston, Your Green Package in Massachusetts, or Sidney's Truth and Alibi Cannabis in British Columbia, Canada. In general, this service also decreases the cases of users driving after consuming cannabis, generates jobs and produces higher incomes, therefore, there is no doubt that the cannabis home delivery service provides great opportunities for all the entities involved in the process: the user, the companies, and the state.

Apple becomes an intermediary for cannabis couriers

During this year, several events have caused the cannabis industry to gain momentum, such as Amazon's decision regarding its cannabis policies. Now, Apple, one of the largest companies in the tech industry, changed its policies to provide a space on its cannabis app platform specifically for cannabis delivery services. This provides businesses with an extensive platform reach that will allow entrepreneurs to facilitate sales and streamline processes. Home delivery and cannabis are two industries that boomed during the pandemic, and that economic boost makes this business attractive to many investors and forces large cannabis companies or dispensary chains to look for ways to keep up with the rapid pace of this growing industry. . CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |



Criptocurrencies, a profitable alternative for the cannabis industry?

Cannabis continues to make its way into the market despite the fact that regularizations remain in force, and for many entrepreneurs, entering the industry continues to be a challenge. For the United States, the plant is now legal in 36 states, 17 of which allow its recreational use. However, although this industry is becoming increasingly profitable, for cannabis companies the process has complicated processes with banks that, due to federal law, have decided not to get involved in the issue to avoid risks. Credit card companies and payment processors don't want to be responsible either and be involved in some kind of lawsuit while the legalization process is not finished. This has led businessmen and entrepreneurs to look for another method of payment. Cryptocurrencies have managed to meet the banking needs of these people by providing them with a solution and a benefit since cryptocurrency exchanges are not regulated in the same way as banks. It is much easier for businesses to open an account. Cashless transactions, lower fees, transparency, and international transactions are just some of the main services that this method offers users, in addition to seamless international or domestic transfers quickly and effectively. As well as the positive aspects, the negative aspects include the volatility in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which can fluctuate enormously in a matter of seconds. Something that the cannabis industry and cryptocurrencies have in common is that both industries are currently in full swing, taking the leading role in the market, so an alliance can be beneficial for both and open a window of possibilities for people who plan to venture into these two industries.

In recent years the cannabis industry has shown that despite the adversities, its regulation and profitability are imminent. This is why more and more people have decided to become part of this world. We bring you three business ideas to start in the market. Edibles: Gastronomy has become the plant's ally. Creating a brand of cannabisbased products to sell in stores or supermarkets is profitable, taking into account the regulations of the country in which it is developed.

Cosmetics: Beauty and personal care products are one of the most profitable and well-known business lines in the market. Research on the benefits of cannabis has led to the development of multiple articles with different benefits.

Specialized consultancy: Valuable information about the plant is discovered every day, if you are a specialist in the subject, giving courses and advice can be an option.


CannaMed Article analysis by: Blaskovich, M.A.T., Kavanagh, A.M., Elliott, A.G. et al. (2021). The antimicrobial potential of cannabidiol. Communications Biology 4, 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01530-y

The antimicrobial


of cannabidiol Since the discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin in 1928, the development of antibiotics has grown exponentially to reach a large supply in the pharmaceutical market. Amoxicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, azithromycin, these are all names that most of us are very familiar with, as we have at some point used these drugs to fight bacterial infections. But what would happen if these drugs were to stop being effective altogether? While this may seem like an unlikely scenario, we are actually getting closer and closer to this being our reality. The inadequate use of antibiotics: not completing the treatments, taking the drugs at inappropriate times, self-medicating, using them indiscriminately in farm animals. All this has resulted in bacteria having the necessary time to adapt and generate resistance, making antibiotics no longer effective. This era in which we currently find ourselves is known as the "post-antibiotic" era, which means that millions of people who are more prone to bacterial infections will most likely not have any medicine available in the future to fight them effectively. . CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |


CannaMed The search for new active ingredients with antibiotic properties in this scenario becomes imperative. Among the novel compounds that have been studied for their antibiotic properties are cannabinoids, one of them being cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids that is not psychoactive like THC and is also one of the best known cannabinoids from the Cannabis sativa plant. This cannabinoid is currently going through phase 2 clinical trials for the topical treatment of acne and atopic dermatitis; both skin diseases which are also associated with bacterial infections. That was a major driver for conducting this study, the previous evidence of cannabidiol as an effective antimicrobial. To test the antimicrobial activity of CBD in this research, a synthetic version of CBD was used. It provides a considerable advantage in reducing possible concentration variations that exist in batches of purified extractions from the plant. In addition, a number of methodologies were used: time-to-death assays, biofilm assays, cytotoxicity, ex vivo assays in pig skin and in vivo in mouse skin, membrane depolarization assay, agar disc assays. Everything in order to answer four important questions: What is the extent of CBD's antimicrobial activity? By which mechanism can CBD exert antimicrobial effects? How effective is CBD as an antimicrobial? and finally, how can CBD's antimicrobial effect be improved?

cannabidiol. The results showed a minimum inhibitory concentration from 1 to 4 ug/ml against a wide range of pathogens, including: methylcyclicin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis and the anaerobic bacteria Clostridioides and Cutibacterium (formerly Propionibacterium). Furthermore, cannabidiol is inactive against 20 species of gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. One of the most exceptional results was the finding of an antibiotic potential against 4 dangerous pathogens, which have not been reported in previous studies. These pathogens are responsible for producing gonorrhea, meningitis, bronchitis, skin infections and pneumonia: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, N. meningitides, Moraxella catarrhalis and Legionella pneumophila. The mechanisms by which cannabidiol is able to exert antibiotic properties against various bacteria are based on the inhibition of the synthesis of compounds that are vital for bacterial survival. CBD is able to inhibit the synthesis of proteins, DNA, RNA and peptidoglycan at concentrations of 2 to 3 ug/ml. Lipid synthesis in bacteria is affected at lower concentrations, meaning that CBD can have important effects on membrane depolarization, a process that induces cell death. As for the effectiveness of cannabidiol as an antibiotic, this was studied in a model of infection by S. aureus, in porcine skin. To treat this skin infection, several topical

As for the antimicrobial reach of CBD, a much higher antibiotic potential than what was previously found was demonstrated for CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 5 |


CannaMed formulations were used: liquids, gels, creams, ointments and, interestingly, it was determined that the different dosages do not affect the effectiveness, but that this is dependent on the type of formulation. Those formulations containing silicones or polyethylene glycol as vehicles were the formulations that exhibited the greatest antimicrobial activity. Finally, one of the most important contributions of this study is the comparison of the antibiotic potential of some phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids. This was done in order to determine the relationship between certain chemical structures of cannabinoids and their effectiveness as antibiotics. For example, extending the aromatic side chain of CBD resulted in slightly improved antibiotic activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, however, this structural change reduced antibiotic efficacy against N. gonorrhoeae. Being able to determine these correlations provides us with an extremely important tool to improve the antibiotic effects of cannabidiol by modifying its structure.

. The therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in this study proved that this cannabinoid has a much broader scope as an antimicrobial than previously thought. These findings are encouraging and above all necessary in the current context. The question that arises at this point is: Could cannabinoids become the antibiotics of the future? The answer is: it probably could be. Although the research and development of antimicrobial drugs with cannabinoids still has a long way to go, the first steps that have been taken are really big and in the right direction.





Cannabis “up close”:

CBG The origin of cannabinoids

It is no secret that the chemical compounds of the Cannabis sativa L. plant have provided a wide and complex spectrum of study opportunities. For example, more than 100 cannabinoids have been identified and gradually isolated and discovered as therapeutic agents, as is the case of Cannabigerol (CBG). However, CBG has a very important characteristic because it is the first cannabinoid formed in the plant and its acid composition, CBGA (Cannabigerolic Acid), serves as a precursor for other cannabinoids such as CBD and THC. Therefore, CBG is found in young or undifferentiated plants, given that as the plant develops, CBG is converted into other cannabinoids and simultaneously its concentration decreases. Recently, several studies have been conducted at the preclinical level to evaluate the possible therapeutic applications of CBG, where it has been found that this cannabinoid has no psychoactive effect

and can provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits similar to those of CBD; in addition, an antifungal and antibacterial effect has been described. Other studies have suggested antidepressant, anxiolytic and mood-enhancing effects due to their interactions with various receptors. They also inhibit the reuptake of anandamide, THC, and CBD; prolonging the effect of these compounds. In studies with animal models, its effectiveness has been proven to treat induced inflammation (similar to Inflammatory Bowel Disease), and in tumor cell cultures it has been reported to be effective in inhibiting cell proliferation in epithelial carcinoma, melanoma, colon and prostate cancer. Despite these advances, there is still much to be discovered about this cannabinoid, however, many users tend to consume it in conjunction with other compounds, usually in products such as broad-spectrum CBD oils.



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Disclaimer : Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws in your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.

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