Edition 18: Rocking the Cannabis Industry - Shavo Odadjian

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Editorial and Journalistic Team Cannabis World Journals

Cannabis World Journals is a bi-weekly publication that discusses the latest trends in the cannabis industry.

Content Management:

Alibert Flores Anne Graham Escobar

Graphic Design and Conceptualization:

Katerin Osuna Robles Jannina Mejía Diaz

Research, Journalism, and Editorial Team:

CannaGrow: Daniela Montaña. CannaCountry: Sandra Loaiza. CannaLaw: Anne Marie Graham and Alibert Flores CannaTrade: Jennifer Simbaña, Lorena Díaz and Verónica Hernández. CannaMed: Jennifer Salguero and Natalia López-Orozco CannaGraphics: Alibert Flores


English: Sandra Loaiza and Verónica Hernandez Arabic: Menna Ghazal and Oraib Albashiti. Portuguese: Jennifer Salguero, Lorena Díaz, Lauri Fakur Ferreira and Natalia López-Orozco Italian: Caterina Lomoro

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EDITORIAL: - The Hands of the World Unite Through Cannabis. Pg. 4



OP-ED COLUMN: - Cannabis and Creativity. Pg.5




CANNAGRAPHICS: - Mujeres Cannábicas Colombia. Pg. 6 - Medical Cannabis Golden Cup. Pg. 6

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10 Our Magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, each dedicated to the therapeutic area and the legal regulation areas of the cannabis industry, have decided to join forces and offer a new and more complete bi-weekly magazine: Cannabis World Journals. Canna Med magazine and Canna Law magazine are now sections of Cannabis World Journals. Along with them, we have created two new sections to offer a global look at the plant's market: we are talking about CannaTrade and CannaGrow. CannaTrade's objective is to reveal the rhythm of the businesses established around cannabis. Lastly, CannaGrow is a section dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most comprehensive cannabis magazine for discerning readers like you. Without further ado, we extend a warm welcome.

CANNAGROW: - Water Quality in Cannabis Cultivation, an Important Factor during All Growth Stages. Pg. 7 IN THE EXPERT’S ROOM: - Interview with Leonardo Mesa From Radio Cannabis Argentina . Pg. 10

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CANNACOUNTRY: - Lebanon. Pg. 12 CANNALAW: - Chile, Cannabis, and Constitution. Pg. 14 - Costa Rica Legalizes Medical Cannabis and Hemp. Pg. 16


PERSON OF THE MONTH: - Shavo Odadjian. Pg. 18


CANNATRADE: - Africa: the New Continent of Interest for Medical Cannabis. Pg. 23 - Metaverse: Cannabis Is Now Part of the Future. Pg. 25 - Global Cannabis Export Markets. Pg. 28 - Taxing Cannabis: A double-edged sword for the industry? Pg. 30


CANNAMED: - Acids Present in the Cannabis Plant May Prevent Covid-19. Pg. 32 - Cannabis in Skincare. Pg. 35 - Cannabis Up Close: Caflanone. Pg. 37


The Hands of the World Unite Through Cannabis W

ith the new year comes a sea of infinite possibilities for cannabis in the world, so much so that we could very well say that this year is the one when we will see cannabis dominate in every corner of the planet. From a scientific perspective, there is immense potential for the use of its components in the pharmaceutical and medical industries In this regard, there is an unexplored but promising future for using the plant's components for medicinal purposes. Proof of this was the recent news indicating that a study found that cannabis compounds prevent infection by Covid-19. Now that we know this, nothing is impossible for the pharmaceutical and medical industries. As the days go by, there is a new event that has to do with the achievements of cannabis. Malta is part of these achievements because this country became, last December 15, the first country from the European Union to legalize the plant for recreational purposes.

Apart from this, there are more investment opportunities in cannabis-related companies every day. More and more entrepreneurs are finding a place in the industry, which has prompted many to seek a more extensive customer base. Since the plant began to be legalized in various parts of the world, the cannabis industry has grown considerably, to the point that many analysts consider it the business of the future. In fact, several celebrities have invested in the industry, which has increased their fortunes, such as Mike Tyson or Seth Rogen, who has always shown his love for the plant. We are in the green year, cannabis color. What other country will legalize cannabis? What other medical breakthrough will there be for the plant? Which other celebrities will want to invest in the cannabis business? Which other important factors will need to be considered to make its planting and cultivation the most fruitful? In a short time, the plant will envelop the world with its great branches... The cannabis world is in the hands of Atlas.




Cannabis and

Creativity There is a growing fight for the legalization of medical cannabis, and with each new law, a stigma is broken, a step forward is taken, and people's perception of the plant's benefits is changed. But what about the benefits not classified as medicinal? There are some additional benefits for those who consume cannabis for adult use, and the most outstanding is its stimulation of creativity. It is no surprise then that cannabis has had a place in the lives of so many artists, writers, singers, musicians, etc.

To you goes this issue and some words of encouragement to continue developing your healthy relationship with cannabis, continue to fill our lives with your music, writings, films, and vision. Thank you for making reality a more exciting place and for continuing to open our eyes to the countless benefits of cannabis.

Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals

Although there is still no conclusive scientific study to prove this statement, we find in the testimonies of our interviewees from our different editions the positive relationship it has had on them and their art. We want to dedicate this edition to all those who paint the world with talent, capture their personality in art, and use cannabis to open their minds and inspire others. We want to thank them for their dedication, for giving cannabis a visualization, for giving it a place in the creative world, and for continuing to break down barriers of ignorance and misinformation.




Mujeres Cannábicas Colombia It is a group of Colombian women that since 2016 has been forming a network that has managed to connect and foster knowledge with women from all over the country and the world. Their goal is to materialize innovative ideas and inclusive educational methods based on the cannabis plant and its different uses. They created the Mujeres Cannábicas Colombia movement as a result of this initiative. They are women empowered and determined to make visible the importance of female intervention in the cannabis industry and social change at all incidence levels, contributing from their professions to the cannabis industry and research. They want to flourish with gender strength in the world of cannabis with the idea of a socio-economic change, inclusive of social and critical issues regarding the search for alternatives at a medical, ecological, and social level. For 2022 they will be organizing the academic part of the Medical Cannabis Golden Cup.

Medical Cannabis Golden Cup It is the golden event of 2022, where you will have the opportunity to celebrate the antiprohibitionist route that Colombia is marking and praise the scientific, social, or legal advances leading to the future. We will celebrate together at the Medical Cannabis Golden Cup, with commercial stands, food stands, talks, screenings, music, and a competition that includes private tastings of flowers, extracts, and products. There, national and international representatives of the industry are integrated, in a scenario, to increase quality standards by talking about the plant, its uses, benefits, product possibilities, and legal perspectives. The grand event will kick off on the day of the international cannabis celebration, April 20, 4:20, with a beautiful gala evening that will include the Medical Cannabis Golden Cup launch, talks, screenings, stories, and music. There will be themed activities on April 21 and 22, including historical tours, academic meetings, trade booths, private tastings, and exhibitions of innovative cannabis and hempbased products. Also, on April 23, there will be an incredible concert and an awards ceremony for the different categories participating in the Medical Cannabis Golden Cup.




Water Quality in Cannabis Cultivation, an Important Factor During All Growth Stages




Water is the basis of life; its cycle on earth allows the development of different biological processes indispensable for the present ecosystems. It is one of the most abundant compounds in living beings; for example, it represents almost 90% of their constitution for plants. We find water in different places, such as rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and groundwater; it is a resource that, depending on its origin, can have alterations in its physicochemical and biological factors. For instance, fresh water, with a pH between 6.5 to 8.5, is not the same as salt water, which generally has a pH between 7.5 and 8.4, to name one parameter of water quality (pH = Hydrogen Potential, which is an indicator of acidity or alkalinity of a solution). Cannabis plants are no exception and require different amounts of watering during their growth phase. However, it is not enough to add just any type of water; the plant requires certain specifications in terms of water quality, as already mentioned. The liquid is essential because it hydrates, enables metabolic functions, and is the solution medium for mixing and transporting nutrients. Therefore, monitoring and ensuring water compliance is vital, and it reflects in the crop and plant health. During H2O uptake, the microscopic capillary roots absorb water and nutrients from the oxygen present in the growing medium and carry them to the leaves through the stem. This flow of water from the soil through the plant is called transpiration flow. A fraction

of this water is processed and used in photosynthesis. The excess water evaporates into the air, carrying waste products through the stomata in the leaves. This process is called transpiration. Some water also returns to the roots, bringing sugars and processed starches." (Cervantes, 2007). In terms of water quality, it is necessary to evaluate several parameters to identify that the water to be used is the optimum according to its applicability. There is some practical field equipment to measure it, such as those of the Hanna brand, which have specialized instruments and are easy to use. There are different parameters to measure, but these vary according to the regulations of each country. In general terms, the most common are:




• Physical: transparency, temperature, turbidity, organoleptic characteristics (color, odor, taste), electrical conductivity, solids. • Chemical: pH, TOC, BOD, COD, metals, pesticides, sulfates, detergents, hydrocarbons, phenols, minerals (Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, P, etc.), salts. • Biological: total and fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, enteroviruses. In cannabis crops, it is necessary to observe if the water is hard, i.e., if it has high calcium and magnesium content or is soft, indicating low Ca and Mg concentration. Then, "water containing between 100 and 150 milligrams of calcium (CaCO) per liter is acceptable for growing marijuana" (Cervantes, 2007). The salts present are also measured, among them sodium chloride. At low sodium levels, it works as a compensator in potassium deficiency, but an excess can be toxic; chlorine helps with the photosynthesis process and is also necessary for cell division, which translates into the formation of organs such as leaves. A concentration of fewer than 140 parts per million (ppm) of sodium chloride in the water solution is usually safe for plants. Other decisive factors are the pH and the electrical conductivity (EC). If the pH is low, i.e., below 7, the standard neutral value, Ca and Mg, may become more accessible to the roots, and minerals nourish the plant. A suitable pH for cannabis is between "5.5 and 6.3 for hydroponic cultivation and Between 5.8 and 6.5 for soil cultivation"

(Cáñamo, n.d.). If this pH is not maintained, there is a risk of nutrient blockage and insufficient absorption, causing deficiencies in the plant. As for the EC, which means "how many nutrients are contained in the water, the culture medium and the nutrient solution" (Cáñamo, n.d.), the value must be at 2.4 µS/cm2 or 1200 ppm" (Cáñamo, n.d.) to absorb the dissolved nutrients. Therefore, the EC is recommended to be below the given value to provide a better nutrient solution. Testing for pathogenic microorganisms in the water is also crucial to prevent plants from indirectly contracting pests or diseases. Therefore, it is essential to make the proper water analysis and take care of the quality of the resource because, ultimately, paying attention to each parameter will allow the crop to be healthy and avoid unnecessary expenses to fix the damage. Finally, all translate into an economy for the pocket of growers.

References and Bibliography

Cervantes, J. (2007). Marihuana: Horticultura del Cannabis la Biblia del Cultivador Medico de Interior y Exterior (Illustrated ed.). Van Patten Publishing. Cáñamo. (s. f.). Nutrición y calidad del agua para el cultivo de cannabis. Canamo.net.Recuperado 19 de enero de 2022, de https://canamo.net/cultivo/interior/nutricion-y-calidad-delagua-para-el-cultivo-de-cannabis

CWJ: When and how did Radio Cannabis Argentina begin?

In the Expert’s Room: Interview with Leonardo Mesa

from Radio Cannabis Argentina

Leonardo Mesa: Radio Cannabis Argentina began at the end of 2020 in a very positive context, we had a lot of information about cannabis that was developing nationally, and internationally as well. Right next door is Uruguay, and we always had news about regulation, about how they were raising cannabis policies there. So, in the beginning, I think the idea was to channel all the information through a radio program, having already a radio station to do the broadcast. When I think about it, in the meeting with Carlos Lage, the doctor with whom the project started, who encouraged us to do more, the idea of having a radio station, to see where we could take it, came up. As I am closer to radio and medicine, he let me decide whether it was possible or not. So for me, it was not so complicated to say yes. We made a bet on that, and immediately we found an image and started to work on the station itself, which is Radio Cannabis. We took advantage of the station with which we were going to start broadcasting the program Cultura Cannabis, it was Radio Bicicleta, an online radio station in the city of Cordoba, in the capital. We started with this radio station that was already known, which was on hiatus, and then started again backed by the strength of Radio Bicicleta incorporating material on cannabis. At the time, it seemed positive to us to be hand in hand with Radio Bicicleta, a popular radio station, starting a little bit stronger, while at the same time germinating the cannabis radio. That's how cannabis culture started. CWJ: Tell us about Radio Cannabis Argentina. What are its objectives, mission, and vision as a media outlet? Leonardo Mesa: Well, what we emphasize within Radio Cannabis is our slogan: our main slogan is "the first online radio station about cannabis in the countryside." We would like to receive all information related to cannabis and its implementation plans within the national regulation from all the provinces. Since regulation practically has to start again this year. It gives us the possibility to be one step ahead CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 |


of what can happen. The projects that we consider relevant to work on this year include establishing contact with the different provinces, having information from associations, or journalists, in different areas of the country who can send us their updates from time to time. So, it is important to reach the provinces or the people through the small media that are becoming ingrained in each province's culture.

CWJ: What do you see as the best thing about reporting on the cannabis industry? Leonardo Mesa: The best thing about reporting on the cannabis industry is taking away people's prejudices. Giving them the information, so they stop thinking that cannabis is a plant that burns your neurons, a gateway drug to heavier ones. It's as if these ideas were left on another plane, we need to continue and insist with good information, with testimonies from mothers who use the oil on their children, of people who use cannabis recreationally, ordinary people like anyone else. They are not criminals. I think that is the most important thing, to separate the plant from prohibition and remove this mask imposed on it from above. CWJ: What do you think would be the challenges or obstacles as a means of communication for the industry? Leonardo Mesa: I don't think so. The obstacles we face are economic, preventing us from reaching every event and covering them journalistically to do what we want to do. We want to communicate, but we can't reach some places. There was a big expo in Chaco this year, we would have loved to attend but we could not cover the costs. The obstacle is not having the possibility to reach every event. How could it be achieved? I think receiving official support from different municipalities or provinces, ministries of health, or, I don't know, big entities that still get behind communication.

Leonardo Mesa: Yes, well, we were able to participate in this event, the "Premios Obrar Federal", this mention allowed us to reach the ears of the people at a national level, I think that the link we achieved with the community of the awards will continue. We made the radio to spread cannabis culture and so that people can improve their quality of life from home and well, that made us tell our story, they took it very well, we were able to participate and won the mention. That was enough for us to be happy that they highlighted what we did. CWJ: What plans does Radio Cannabis Argentina have for 2022?

Leonardo Mesa: In 2022 we want to attend more events. We are going to be in more events, and to have more guests to broadcast. We will continue polishing the music to incorporate new artists. We are including reggae classics, blues classics, rock classics, and electronic music. This year we are going to slowly incorporate new music bursting forth nationally and internationally. To cater to the youth, we have to include it in some time range during the afternoon, so we'll be doing that. We will continue to bet on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and establish ties, step by step, with those provinces moving forward on the cannabis issue. CWJ: Thank you very much for your valuable time. It is a pleasure to be with you. Leonardo Mesa: The pleasure is mine, thank you very much.

*This interview has been edited, to watch the full interview, visit our YouTube channel, Cannabis World Journals.

CWJ: We understand that you received recognition, tell us about those achievements. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 | 11









"The Chilean State, through its agents, exercises a systematic violation of the essential dignity and personal sovereignty of those who voluntarily cultivate plants and consume entheogenic substances for legitimate purposes, seeing their fundamental rights transgressed," the initiative states. Moreover, the proposal states: "people have the right to cultivate their relationship with nature and to benefit from its fruits, within the framework of a balanced and respectful relationship. Therefore, the State shall not restrict the ways for personal development, guaranteeing available access to entheogenic tools available for our evolution." Likewise, this proposal aims at making selfcultivation and decriminalization of cannabis a constitutional right. Similarly, the citizens' collective comprised 43 organizations, movements, associations, and enterprises, and hundreds of professionals raised this proposal defending "the respect for fundamental rights regarding the use of substances for recreational, therapeutic or spiritual purposes."

ecently, Chile achieved a breakthrough within the cannabis industry after announcing the new law project of popular initiative that reached the 15 thousand signatures required to be discussed in the Constitutional Convention. They called it "Cannabis to the Constitution now," causing significant impact because it obtained the minimum number of sponsorships in only 9 hours.


From the association, they explain that there is "a systematic violation of the essential dignity and personal sovereignty of citizens who voluntarily grow plants and consume entheogenic substances for legitimate purposes." On the other hand, the 43 organizations propose that all people "have the right to cultivate their link with nature and to be able to benefit from its fruits, within the framework of a balanced and respectful relationship." Thus, "the State cannot restrict the ways for personal development, guaranteeing functional access to entheogenic tools available for our evolution." CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 | 15


It has definitely been a great start of the year for the cannabis industry in Costa Rica. Recently, thanks to the vote of 29 in favor and 10 against with 39 deputies present out of the 57 that make up the Legislative Assembly, they approved the law of cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic use and hemp for food and industrial use. That is undoubtedly a resounding success for the Latin American country; life and health triumphed over ignorance towards the plant.

Given this remarkable fact, the members of the assembly who promoted this law insisted that the President respect the decision of Congress and corroborate the initiative. In this sense, this law will allow Costa Rican authorities to grant licenses for the industrialization and production of cannabis for medical purposes. On the other hand, it declares free the cultivation, commercialization, production, and industrialization of hemp or non-psychoactive cannabis, as well as its products, or for food and industrial purposes, without supervision or authorization of the authorities.

"With great satisfaction, after a very long road and multiple delays, we have the project approved," announced the congresswoman who promoted the initiative, Zoila Volio. On the other hand, she indicated that "it will generate economic reactivation, it will open up opportunities for the country to generate investment and that will generate employment." "But the most important thing is that chronic patients will be able to get quality medicine at a reasonable price to have a quality of life," she stressed. On the other hand, in a press release issued by the Ministry of Communication, they indicated that once the project reaches the


Executive Branch, it will follow its natural and formal process. It means that they transfer it to the other ministries involved "to analyze the project's content and present their recommendations to the President, who evaluates them and makes the final decision regarding the signature." Therefore, the Minister of Communication Agustin Castro expressed, "there is no definitive decision at this moment regarding this issue, neither in one sense nor in the other."

In this sense, if the President decides to veto the bill, the deputies can insist on its approval. Likewise, with 38 votes in favor, they can leave the presidential veto without effect. The plan received 33 votes during the first debate and 29 in this second discussion.



Person of the Month


SHAVO ODADJIAN The bassist of System of a Down exclusively shares his experience as an entrepreneur in the cannabis industry.



Person of the Month

Shavo Odadjian is a prominent member of the renowned band "System of a Down" and a respected entrepreneur in the cannabis industry. In this occasion, the Cannabis World Journals team had the privilege of interviewing him and discovering his experience and great trajectory in the business world of the plant. CWJ: Thank you so much for meeting with us. What are you up to nowadays? Shavo Odadjian: Busy, busy, man. I would love to be playing more with System (System of a Down) but we only have these four shows coming up, which is very soon. In the next two weeks, we'll start rehearsals on Monday for them. You know, but other than that, I run 22Red, I have North Kingsley, which I've been making a lot of music with. CWJ: Well, again, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us. We're all very excited. Can you tell me a little bit about what your relationship has been with cannabis? Shavo Odadjian: Well, I didn’t start smoking early, I wasn't like a teenage smoker or earlier than that. I started around 20, 21 years old, but it really became like something I liked when we started System. And I was with Darren a lot. He was an avid smoker, and we would get together. We would smoke, get talked about how great System's going to be and how we're going to do it, and we're

going to practice and we're going to write songs and we're going to do this and that. And it was just all talked about before it happened. And so that's how it started. And it just is something that I related with. It doesn't mess me up in a way where I can't function, because if it did, I would never be a part of that world. I wouldn't want to do it like alcohol. I don't drink a lot of alcohol, because I won’t be myself. I'll be this crazy person. So, it's not the same with weed, with cannabis. I want to say it's more calming for me. It's relaxing. I don't smoke all day, but there are points in the day when I think it’s time and I can have a puff. Like at night, I can smoke as it’s really the best time. CWJ: You mentioned cannabis aiding you in your creative process apart from that have you seen it have other positive side effects on your health in general? Shavo Odadjian: It does, you know? To me, it's calming, it's relaxing, it’s a pain reliever, sometimes. And I don't use it for those things, but it can be used for those things. For example, when I had COVID the first time around a year and a half ago, cannabis and Tylenol saved me. It was the Delta One, so it was the crazy one where it laid me down for 10 days straight. The headaches and the body aches. I was smoking the whole time. I couldn't breathe. It made it better. It really did. It was my savior, and it never affected my chest. I heard that something is in cannabis that

is repelling the actual COVID virus from hitting your chest. So, it saved me, I swear. So, if I can say anything and I don't want to tell everyone to do it, honestly, it saved my life. CWJ: Do you prefer CBD or THC? How much was cannabis involved during the creative process? Shavo Odadjian: Between CBD and THC, they both have their places. I don't ever just smoke like a CBD joint. I don't like the taste. It's kind of like we've never had a great tasting, actual CBD joint, like a flower one. We do have the vape though, which is natural CBD, all 100 percent CBD, which we flavor with natural terpenes, they are steamed-derived. So, if you are tasting watermelon, it’s steamed derived watermelon. I have a chemist who handles everything, makes sure everything is natural so the strawberry flavor is from actual strawberries. They take it from the strawberry. Throw it into the pot of the CBD. They do add the mixture of what I love to smoke, and I usually make sure we have a high percentage because most American companies, CBD companies, they're not what they say they are. They put the smallest amount of CBD in there and they say: “here you go to CBD and leave my money” and then they spread that thin and everyone's CBD doesn't work well. It doesn't work because of the brand you're buying because of how they're treating it.



Person of the Month

They are in the moneymaking business. It's a business altogether. You must remember that. A lot of the CBD out there doesn't work because it's a very low percentage. You need a high dosage of it for it to affect you, for you to feel the medicinal rewards of it. So, we put, for example, in our tinctures, the ones we drop under your tongue, a high percentage of CBD. We have that and I love it.

make something together? We hadn’t done anything together yet. The decision was to do a brand, and once we decided to do that, we started working on some ideas for names and stuff. Our third partner came in and he's one of the old school growers in California who's been doing it for years. And like I said, until that point, I still didn't want to work with weed. I just didn't want to be the seller.

CWJ: Now a question that I've been dying to ask, can you tell me about 22Red?

I didn't want to be the grower. I didn't want to be responsible, you know, for anything. But once I saw his place and I saw the quality and how clean he was making it, how everything, no pesticides, no nothing was tested, I approved. He was playing music to these plants, and I was very intrigued by that. So, I was like, I can do this. Let's make this part of the brand. Let's do a cannabis/lifestyle brand where we

Shavo Odadjian: 22Red started 3 years ago, started as just a lifestyle brand. One of my best friends in the world owns a manufacturing clothing plant. We kind of like the same kind of clothes and shirts and everything. So we were like, why don't we make something together? We

cannabis/lifestyle brand where we still speak of culture. We speak of art. We're very artdriven, 22Red honors the creative. We have a new thing we're doing where we're spotlighting artists. We're calling it "Framed by 22Red". We’re putting frames around artists and exposing them. Unknown artists, sometimes known artists. If I love them, I just say, “Hey, I'm framing this guy for a week, but usually unknown artists who don't have a platform”. I'll show them on our platform for nothing, just because we like to do that. And you know, we always honor that creative mind, and we like to push boundaries and maybe inspire others to work towards being more creative.



Person of the Month

I like art, all sorts of art. So where was I? 22Red? We launched in 2018 and we were in three stores. It's 2022. We're in three seats, so we're claiming, we're growing gradually slow. I don't like fast growth. I like kind of gradual growth because it is a fast low. I think it was just like a band. You know, if System of a Down blew up right away, it would have probably come down right away because the fans wouldn't be so strong. I think we're still valid. We're still a band and we still matter because we did that, and our fans are hardcore, and they really are the best. They're our backbone. If we didn't have you guys, we wouldn't be a band. You guys are the reason why, because we are and have true people. We have passionate people who are our fans, and I want to stay like that for 22Red. So, we started like that and we're still going. We have a long way to go, but we're here now and we soon hope to move to more states moving east. I think we're going to do Colorado, Washington looking forward to that. I personally am involved from A to Z. I am not a celebrity that sits back and just puts his face on something and says, Go, you do it. I'm there. I'm at every meeting. I'm at every grow and make sure the flower is the right flower and make sure the screens are the right screens and make sure we are represented the right way. I walk into dispensaries, I shake hands. All the budtenders know me. I don't act like a celebrity. I act like someone that cares about what they do because I do. So, yeah. 22Red is my new passion. As much as I love System

I love Kingsley, I have 22Red and I treat it like an art form, not a business, you know. CWJ: I wanted to ask you a little bit about how do you see the current landscape of cannabis in the industry in the United States? There’s been a lot of talk about decriminalization at a federal level. What do you think? Shavo Odadjian: I don’t think that’s going to happen with Joe Biden. I'm not on any side. Do you know what I mean? I'm going to say, why don't you get together a little bit?. If you know more to do together, maybe we'll have a better country, a better situation. Anyway, he promised a lot of things and did not do any of them. So, I don't see it happening. I kind of want to see banking become legal. You know, that's it's important. CWJ: It is an important part of the agenda Shavo Odadjian: Yeah, where do I put the money? You know, I don't want to bury it in a hole. When I do make money on 22Red, I want to be able to put it in the bank. But banks are wrong. They notice you have a business that's cannabis, and even if it's legal in California, Arizona or Nevada, because it’s not at a federal level, they don't want the money. I still haven't put one penny from 22Red in the bank or anywhere, and they don't want my money. I'm saying this is all like hard work money, you know, like playing music. But they're like, no, because we know you do cannabis. CWJ: This is a multibillion-dollar

industry, do you think it will be inclusive? my money. I'm saying this is all like hard work money, you know, like playing music. But they're like, no, because we know you do cannabis. CWJ: This is a multibilliondollar industry, do you think it will be inclusive? Shavo Odadjian: I don't know. I couldn’t guess right now. It's one of those questions I don't want to answer because I don't want to be wrong. I really do not know the answer. I am hoping that things go in the right direction because I have a lot to offer. And I know there are a lot of companies that are really good at what they do, and I want to see them flourish. I want to see them give the public what the public deserves instead of giving everyone mediocre stuff, which is what these bigger companies do. Any big billion-dollar company, nowadays in America, sells mids (a term used for cannabis that isn’t the best quality in the market). They're called mids stuff that anyone could grow. That's the quality. It doesn't have what you’ll find when you buy a 22Red jar, that's weed in there. It's not normal. It's beautiful. You can just look and take pictures of it. There are crystals. It's just potent. I'll tell you, I have the thirty-five percent weed and I have the 20 percent because I don't believe in everyone getting that high. I think sometimes it's good to just smoke a little and be a little changed. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 | 21

Person of the Month

what I think is going to happen. I'm hoping until then, I get this so hard and hit it so hard that, CWJ: Would you like to tell our readers about entering the cannabis industry? Shavo Odadjian: Well, at today's age in time, I don't know I would. It's not something I recommend. It's a tough industry. I came in three years ago with the amount of influence I have, and it's still an uphill battle. It's always an uphill battle. The way that America taxes every state. The taxes in California are crazy. If you make money, that's insane. Like every company that's alive right now is just staying afloat. They're not making millions of dollars. They're just staying afloat, living. It’s very hard because they take it from you. The seed has a tax once it grows, it has a cultivation tax, and it has a distribution tax. Then it has an after-distribution tax. It's the stored tax. By the time it gets to the end, there's no money left. It's been eaten away. One seed is taxed four times before it's sold. There's a new tax on the new tax and just there's nothing left at the end. This is the problem that a lot of cultivators, a lot of these dispensaries, companies, and brands have. But you know, you need to be really stand up. If you're in it, please be in it for the right reasons. If you want to join in your passion like me, then do it the right way. Start small. Don't sell in, just like a band. Don't sell out. Don’t change because someone wants you to change, do what you believe in, and if you believe in it, it will succeed.

Do you know what I mean? Because it's like if it's good enough and you have enough heart and passion, you could do a lot with it. CWJ: I understand that you have a condition called synesthesia and something very special about your brand is that you've infused a lot of different flavors. The different flavors you've infused, as you say, bring the terpenes out of different types of special natural compounds. Has this been something that you've put on your brand to help enhance those senses and enhance the synesthesia? Has this been something that you've built into your brand for the experience, for people to better feel the cannabis? Shavo Odadjian: That was not my intention. I did build it in a way to make it as good as it could be for the user. I didn't do it for the synesthesia. I didn't even know there was a condition called synesthesia. But when I came up with the name 22Red, people asked me. And when I explained why, they said, “Hey, that's a condition”, I was like yeah, but I guess it's an artistic thing. I relate senses with each other. My brain does it. I don't think about it. Every color, every number has a color, every letter has a color. Songs have colors. That's why I know I can direct. I see visuals when I hear things, when I see something, I hear something. When I hear something, I see something if I close my eyes. I thought that was normal for everybody. I didn't know it was a specific group of people that can do that, and hence I do all our stage, all the

production. I'm working a month before we do concerts. I'm out there with the light guys in red, blue, you know. At this point, what you see when you're watching a show is what I stage, all the production. I'm working a month before we do concerts. I'm out there with the light guys in red, blue, you know. At this point, what you see when you're watching a show is what I saw in my head a month before this show happened. I didn't know that was special. I just did it, you know? Maybe when I chose to do that, it might have been the reason, but I didn't know that was the reason. Do you know what I mean? But people when they smoke the stuff with those clean terpenes I'm talking about, they really mention it. They always say, “Wow, I've smoked a lot, but nothing like this”. CWJ: Well, thank you so much for this interview, it has been a pleasure Shavo Odadjian: I appreciate you guys. You guys are fun.

*This interview has been edited, to watch the full interview, visit our YouTube channel, Cannabis World Journals.




the New Continent of Interest for Medical Cannabis

There are many reports regarding the progress of the cannabis market in North America, South America, and Europe. However, recent industry updates point to a new continent rapidly catching up with the cannabis industry development of the other regions: Africa. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 |



Progress in Regional Production: First Production License in a Local Laboratory

Lesotho, More than a Pioneer Country Lesotho was the first country in South Africa to legalize the cultivation and production of cannabis for medicinal use in 2017. It was also the first to export cannabis to the European Union, specifically to Germany. This was possible through negotiations with the company MG Health, which is authorized to export the flowers, oils, and extracts from the cannabis plant. Several licenses have been granted in Lesotho to cultivate cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Early Accomplishments A few weeks ago, Instadose Pharma Corp. reported an export of medical cannabis from the southern African city of Johannesburg to northern Macedonia in Europe. This shipment corresponded to 2,125 tons of cannabis destined for patients using the plant and its derivatives for therapeutic purposes. This amount of cannabis was worth approximately $2 billion, a new record for the continent. The previous record occurred during August 2021 when 2000 kilograms of THC and more than 6000 kilograms of CBD were shipped from Lesotho, through agreements with the company Highland Investments.

GESlabs, a manufacturing laboratory located in Cape Town, became the first pharmaceutical company in Southeast Africa licensed to produce cannabinoid compounds for treatments and medicine. The license, granted earlier this month by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, is the first of its kind in the region. The first batch of medicinal cannabinoids will be available in February for the regional, national and international market, its destinations include the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and the United States. Not only does this exportation represent expansion for the industry, but the growing cannabis market in Africa creates expectations in terms of expansion and development in this continent. The medical cannabis market in Africa is estimated to reach $7 billion, it will depend on legal developments in the different countries, and the growth in those countries where some permits or legal proposals have been submitted, such as Nigeria, South Africa, Morocco, and Lesotho. Once again, proving that the cannabis industry continues to break down barriers and is entering every corner of the world in the best way possible.






he word metaverse went viral since Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder, announced his interest in it. But, what is the metaverse? Etymologically speaking, it comes from the Greek "meta" which refers to "beyond" and "universe."


In general terms, it is a virtual universe parallel to the real one, where it will be possible to interact with people simultaneously through virtual representations of themselves, where there will even be a digital economy. Although there is still much to evolve, it is already part of today, and the cannabis industry could not be left out. How is this possible? The company Higher Life CBD, located in Indianapolis, United States, announced on December 12th the official launch of what products to receive them physically at home.

became one of the first cannabis stores to offer its products in the metaverse. Once there, users can visit the store, listen to music, and buy products to receive them physically at home. The dispensary is located in the virtual world Cryptovexels, a kind of virtual city, made up of streets and "lots" or "plots" where interested parties can buy land (for which they have already paid up to US$ 1 million), on which they can build whatever they wish. It is currently possible to find parks, theaters, soccer fields, and even bars. CEO Brandon Howard states that "through this space, they have better communication with customers making online shopping more dynamic." In addition to this, he commented that "the metaverse can have a

Image of the Decentraland metaverse in the Kandy Girl store.

Higher Life CBD dispensary located at 7 Dendrite Street (48E,4979N) in the Cryptovexels metaverse



great impact on the cannabis industry." On the other hand, the Florida-based company Kandy Girl, which sells THC gummies, is one of the first cannabis stores to make its products available in the Decentraland metaverse. People from all over the United States can purchase their products, as the THC used is less than 0.3%, making them federally legal in all 50 states. According to information on their website, "Due to the weight of our gummies, we can put 10 mg of delta 9 THC in each one and comply with legal requirements.”

Image of the Cryptovexels metaverse at Higher Life CBD store

Therefore, the metaverse, just like the cannabis industry, is getting more and more followers and interested parties; that is why the cannabis industry must evolve at the pace of technological advances. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 |


CannaTrade The global cannabis market is estimated to reach $90 billion by 2026. Export policies are one of the factors that allow these figures to continue to increase while the cannabis market is becoming more globalized every year. By 2020, the leaders in cannabis exports were Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States. By 2022, more countries are positioning themselves on par with these major players in the cannabis market and surpassing them in numbers

INDIA There is great potential for the export of CBD products in India. This Asian country could compete with countries such as China and others, positioning themselves as market leaders. For this to be possible, the government must provide a simpler domestic regulation allowing the local market to grow and the products produced there to have an added value in the export markets. It is expected that, by 2022, exports start gaining momentum after drafts made in 2020 on the policies needed to grow the export market.

Global Cannabis Export Markets

SOUTH AFRICA The cannabis law in this African country opened the possibility of exporting cannabis products more than two years ago. It opened a window of opportunity for a whole new market. The opportunity was seized in 2020 by CannaPacific and Health House International, two companies that joined forces to become the first exporters of cannabis derivatives in the country. Over the next two years, more companies have entered the export market, helping to position South Africa as one of the leaders in this sector. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 | 28


AUSTRALIA In mid-2020 the Australian government made several amendments to its medical cannabis law to boost the market growth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country's Ministry of Agriculture now issues licenses for the export of cannabis and hemp. With these legislative changes, it is only a matter of time before Australia moves up the list of leading exporting countries.

COLOMBIA Many countries and foreign investors have set their eyes on this Latin American country after President Ivan Duque allowed the export of dried cannabis flowers last year. It has provided a boost to the industry, which until then had been only allowed to export a limited range of products such as extracts, oil, and seeds. Colombia could become one of the largest global exporters. American companies such as Tilray or Curaleaf Holdings are already looking for countries with optimal environmental conditions for cannabis cultivation, such as Colombia. In addition, it is predicted that Colombian companies could lead commercial agreements not only with European countries but also with countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. The cannabis export market in Colombia is estimated to reach US$12 million. During this year, countries such as Costa Rica and Malta legalized cannabis. This legalization opened the possibility that more and more markets could become exporters or buyers of raw material or cannabis derivatives. Nevertheless, we will have to wait to see what comes about export and import policies in these countries to know how viable their incursion into the plant's export market is. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 |



Taxing Cannabis: A Double-edged Sword for the Industry? Among the cannabis industry's growth indicators, a key factor is tax revenue. It is common to find headlines in the news that extol the tax rates coming exclusively from cannabis. It usually is a positive sign: if there is significant tax collection, the business must be booming. However, despite cannabis legalization across the United States, small and medium-sized retailers are currently in crisis. The reason? Excessive taxes. California is one of the states where this situation is most evident. Most players from the regulated market feel trapped in an endless tunnel, with no light at the end. While those in charge of the fiscal policies derived from Proposition 64 only see numbers that continue to grow. In 2020, California collected $1.1 billion in cannabis business taxes, the expectation for 2021 was $1.3 billion.

Currently, in numerous California counties, there has been an increase in petitions to local governments by small and mediumsized cannabis entrepreneurs asking for some tax relief. Many enterprises are at risk of going out of business or closing for good because of excessive taxation. "Taxes in the cannabis industry are significantly higher straight to taxes."

According to California tax policies, all cannabis products sold in California must pay an excise tax of 15%. Growers pay tax according to the weight of their harvest, plus the state tax of 7.25% on retail sales. Local taxes vary between 5% and 15%. In localities such as Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Jose, there is an additional 10% from gross receipts. When all the tax requirements are totaled up, those with legal cannabis businesses can pay as much as 45% in taxes. A negative side-effect of this issue is the continued expansion and entrenchment of the illicit market. With the high costs of regulation and taxation, it is almost impossible for legal businesses to compete against illicit operators, who do not have a heavy cost structure. Moreover, thanks to larger harvests resulting from cheap or even forced labor, these same illegal operators flood the market, depreciating the product.


The black market has an estimated size as twice as big as the legal market. As a result, consumers have much easier access to cheaper products, albeit of dubious quality. Jocelyn Kane, from the Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network, explains that high taxes tend to push customers to the black market, "that illegal market is a place where you can buy cannabis for less money, but it's untested, unhealthy and you don't know where it comes from. Unless small and medium-sized legal operators fail to increase their competitiveness, the black market will continue to dominate, thus affecting the environment, workers, and consumers.” To develop a more viable industry that will last over time, it is crucial to determine how fiscal policies affect the different segments, specifically small and mediumsized entrepreneurs. Possible solutions must be considered and establish structures that allow for greater price competitiveness. By achieving this, the prices of regulated products will likely decrease, attracting more consumers, allowing the entry of more players in the legal market.




Acids Present in the

Cannabis Plant May Prevent




With the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been more than 300 million confirmed cases, 5.5 million deaths, and 9.7 million doses of vaccines administered worldwide to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARSCoV-2). Despite the development of several vaccines, their limited availability, and the high rate of virus mutation, infections are likely to continue for several more years. During the pandemic, globally distributed variants of SARS-CoV-2 emerged, including variant B.1.1.7 (alpha, first detected in the United Kingdom) and variant B.1.351 (beta, first confirmed in South Africa); a strong concern with these variants is their ability to evade the immune response elicited by natural infection or current vaccines. However, such variants are associated with increased infections and hospitalizations. Any phase or step during the infection and replication process is a potential target for antivirals, such as cellular entry, genome replication, maturation, or viral release. A critical step during infection of human cells occurs during the binding of the SAR-CoV-2 spike (S) protein to the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor. Therefore, the entry of inhibitors into the cell could be used to prevent infection by this virus.

Natural products have been, and continue to be, the best resource to create drugs throughout the history of pharmacology. Since 1981, two-thirds of new drugs have come from natural products and their derivatives. Recently, Panduratin (extracted from the medicinal plant Boesenbergia rotunda) was reported to have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, both early and late in the course of infection. Several hemp extracts (Cannabis sativa L.) were analyzed by affinity mass spectrometry screening, using magnetic beads according to their affinity for the spike (S) protein. After analyzing these hemp compounds, cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and cannabigerol acid (CBGA) were identified as those cannabinoids with the highest protein S affinity. According to computer simulation analysis, the optimal binding site of CBGA is at an allosteric site (mode when the binding location of a molecule is modified) dominated by hydrophobic residues that interact with all of them. However, both CBDA and CBGA prefer binding at orthosteric sites (mode in which the binding location of a molecule is maintained) of the S protein. Through trials with the live virus infecting the Vero E6 cell line (virus susceptible cells),



it was possible to determine that CBDA and CBGA can prevent infection by blocking the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the cells. As no presence of this virus was found in cells treated with these cannabinoids; in addition, the concentrations of these botanical extracts showed low cytotoxicity. The focus formation trials were performed with serial dilutions of CBDA and CBGA in Vero E6 cells, incubated with SARS-CoV-2 for one hour. Done to validate the virus neutralization capacity, and the results obtained confirm that these cannabinoids prevent the entry of the virus into the cells. Additionally, it was established that CBDA and CBGA can prevent the infection of two variants: beta (B.1.1.7) and alpha (B.1.351).

a dose of 1 mg/kg, which was tolerated by the animals and more bioavailable than CBD. Previous reports indicate a possible mechanism of inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection by decarboxylation of cannabidiol by activating the immune response. However, the results obtained by the authors indicate that both CBDA and CBGA can block the entry into SARS-CoV-2 cells. Therefore, both mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, thus the following hypothesis is maintained: "Additional cannabinoids alone or in mixture with other botanical extracts, besides CBDA and CBGA, can be used in combination with vaccination and should create a safer environment concerning SARS-CoV-2 infection."

Studies showed that when CBDA was administered orally to human volunteers at a dose of 0.063 mg/kg, it showed a higher bioavailability compared to CBD. In trials in Beagle dogs, CBDA was administered orally at By: Natalia López-Orozco Source: van Breemen, R. B., Muchiri, R. N., Bates, T. A., Weinstein, J. B., Leier, H. C., Farley, S., & Tafesse. F. G. (2022). Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants. Journal of Natural Products Article ASAP. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00946



Cannabis in Skincare The cosmetic industry is constantly changing, with many products revolutionizing the market, not only aesthetically but also regarding the skin's health, thanks to compounds of interest. Hemp, known as Cannabis sativa L., has many compounds with antioxidant, analgesic, antiaging, moisturizing, healing, anti-inflammatory, even protecting against ultraviolet rays harmful to the skin. Such compounds include cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential fatty acids, etc. What is the reason for all these benefits? Depending on the properties of each compound, these are the benefits:

ANTIOXIDANT: They possess protection against free radicals that cause oxidative stress and can lead to skin aging. Hemp oil is rich in phenolic acid and vitamin E, excellent allies against the deterioration of your skin. CALMING: Thanks to its antiinflammatory power, helping in allergic and irritating processes, essential for the care of sensitive, oily, or acneic skin, as hemp oil is an excellent sebum regulator, protects irritated skin or skin with eczema. HYDRATING: Due to its high content of essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, omega 3, and 6, it nourishes the skin and helps regulate oil production, maintaining the balance of the epidermis. RELAXING: CBD recognizes cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system due to its similar structure with endocannabinoids, where it can bind by affinity, providing relaxing and calming properties, reducing anxiety, and improving mood.

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Hemp oil is obtained from its seeds, and fiber comes from the stalk. It is a fast-growing plant, does not require much water, and revitalizes the land where it is grown, improving soil quality. POWERFUL SEEDS: They are an excellent source of vegetable protein since their oil, as mentioned before, has multiple activities and beneficial properties, used not only as a cosmetic but also as a highly nutritious food.


Therefore, the frequency of using cosmetic products with cannabis increases thanks to the multiple benefits that this plant offers the body. It is why several brands have designed and marketed creams, fragrances, oils, and even eyelash masks with cannabis to enhance beauty.

The most popular cannabis-based products (with different concentrations) are: CBD oil tinctures, soothing and moisturizing face creams, soft capsules with various properties, roll-on products, relief, and recovery sprays, sunscreens, facial, anti-spot, and anti-aging serums; which give a refreshing touch to the skin, steam baths with CBD as sachets for bathtubs and different aromas (lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon), hemp-seed-oil cleansing masks, CBD-based balms, and hair creams. Ratifying that the cannabis cosmetic industry is a promising market with effective and safe products for your care.

By: Jennifer Salguero Londoño Source: https://www.xn--ministeriodediseo-uxb.com/actualidad/10-marcas-decosmetica-global-en-base-a-cannabis-y-el-porque-de-su-auge/



A Cannabis Flavonoid Derived From a Rare Jamaican Strain Known as

Black Swan.

Flavonoids are secondary metabolites present in most plants and have important therapeutic properties in treating various diseases; they have antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic activity. More than 20 flavonoid compounds have been identified in Cannabis sativa L., among which are: flavones (apigenin and luteolin), flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin), aglycones, glycosides, and finally, cannaflavins A, B, and C. Cannaflavins are healing substances in cannabis used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Caflanone (FBL-03G) is a synthetic isomer of Cannaflavin B, a metabolite found in high concentrations, derived from an endemic strain of cannabis found in Jamaica called "Black Swan."

Caflanone, as a drug, was designated as an orphan drug by the FDA in 2019 and is the lead molecule from a well-known Jamaican company used to treat pancreatic cancer and glioblastoma (an aggressive form of brain cancer), demonstrated in a study conducted at Harvard University Medical School, where in vitro results showed a significant increase in apoptosis and consequently decreased survival in two models of pancreatic cancer: Panc-02 and KPC pancreatic cancer cells, treated with varying concentrations of caflanone and radiotherapy.

On the other hand, in vivo results demonstrate therapeutic efficacy in delaying tumor progression, both local and metastatic in animal models with pancreatic



cancer, when using continuously administered caflanone from radiotherapy biomaterials. The findings demonstrate the potential of this new cannabis derivative in treating both localized and advanced pancreatic cancer, prompting further clinical studies. In addition, due to its antiviral activity, this secondary metabolite showed activity against coronavirus. An in silico study (a study using simulations or computational analysis) showed that this compound can bind with high affinity to the spike protein (S), helicase, and protease sites on the angiotensin-2 receptor (ACE-2) used by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to invade cells and infect the organism. Meanwhile, in vitro studies (laboratory trials) show the potential of caflanone to inhibit virus entry factors, including proinflammatory cytokines and target proteins that this virus recognizes in the host that facilitates mother-to-fetus transmission of the coronavirus. This demonstrates the versatility and benefits of compounds derived from cannabis, not only from known cannabinoids but also from other molecules derived from the plant, with enormous potential in treating various health problems.

By: Jennifer Salguero Londoño. Source: Moreau, M., Ibeh, U., Decosmo, K., Bih, N., Yasmin-Karim, S., Toyang, N., Lowe, H., & Ngwa, W. (2019). Flavonoid Derivative of Cannabis Demonstrates Therapeutic Potential in Preclinical Models of Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer. Frontiers in oncology, 9, 660. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2019.00660. Ngwa, W., Kumar, R., Thompson, D., Lyerly, W., Moore, R., Reid, T. E., Lowe, H., & Toyang, N. (2020). Potential of FlavonoidInspired Phytomedicines against COVID-19. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(11), 2707. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25112707 CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 18 | 38

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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals from its position as a purely educational journal is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis, consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.

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