Editorial: Cannabis, an unstoppable industry that continues despite the obstacles in its path Page 3 -Opinion article: The use of cannabis after war. Page 4
CANNAGROW SECTION Cannabis seeds. Page 6
IN THE EXPERT'S ROOM: Interview with Paul Moreno. Ananda Cooperative Chemist. Page 9
Our magazines CannaMed and CannaLaw, are dedicated to the therapeutic and legal regulation areas of cannabis. Respectively, they have decided to join forces to offer you a new biweekly magazine about cannabis: Cannabis World Journals. CannaMed magazine and CannaLaw magazine which are now sections of Cannabis World Journals, and along with these you can now find another two brand new sections in order to provide to you a global look about the plant. We are talking about CannaTrade, with the goal of revealing the rhythm of the business established around cannabis; and CannaGrow, dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most complete magazine about cannabis for demanding readers like you. Without further ado, receive the warmest welcome to Cannabis World Journals. Enjoy!
CANNALAW SECTION - Cannabis therapist unjustly imprisoned. Page 12 - Mexico has said YES to the adult-use of cannabis Page 14 - Cannabis Health Promoting Entities in Colombia. Page 17 - Cannabis licenses in the state of Missouri. Page 19
CANNATRADE SECTION - Importing and exporting cannabis: essential for the industry. Page 21 - Trending stocks. Page 21 - "Change Lives'' project, a support to cannabis research. Page 23 - Once upon a time: from a taboo to an investment. Page 23
CANNAMED SECTION - Medical cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a systematic review with a clinical approach. Article analysis by: Sarris, J., Sinclair, J., Karamacoska, D., Davidson, M., & Firth, J. (2020). Medicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused systematic review. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-019-2409-8.
Page 25
- Cannabis “up close”: LIMONENE. Page 27
Cannabis, an unstoppable industry that continues despite the obstacles in its path. Over the years cannabis has developed to the point of becoming an industry that is advancing in leaps and bounds despite the setbacks that have been encountered in the process. The progressive cannabis depenalization, which often advances too slowly, faces stigma and prejudice, it usually generates numerous contradictions at a legal level and even paradoxes. In many cases this is due to the lack of political will to establish a clear and coherent legal framework that truly guarantees the freedom of the individual. Populist measures are often adopted to pretend to be in agreement with depenalization, but complications arise that make less and less sense. Under a paternalistic scheme that pretends to guard the lives of citizens, as if they were incapable of deciding for themselves, paradoxes are generated, where, for example, the self-cultivation of cannabis is legalized, but the legal acquisition of seeds and the sale of the product is not allowed. Another contradiction is allowing the use of cannabis, but limiting it only to medicinal use. Is it perhaps more responsible the person who consumes cannabis to alleviate an ailment, than the one who does it for recreational purposes? How can we effectively distinguish the proper use for it?
Prohibitionism only benefits the mafias, this is fully demonstrated, even when we review in the past what the alcohol prohibition was in the United States. It gave rise to the most ruthless and infamous criminals, such as Al Capone. The lack of political will can be noticed in the tremendous legislative delays, as in the Mexican case, where the congress avoided for years legislating on the matter even when being obliged to do so on judicial mandate, but which finally takes a path of legalization with the last ruling of the supreme court. However, the cannabis industry continues to develop as the days go by, thanks to the efforts of those who bet on clear legal frameworks in favor of each individual. If anything has been demonstrated, it is that this industry does not stand still and sooner rather than later, countries will see in it the necessary opportunities in order to adapt to reality.
Editorial Team Cannabis World Journals
Cannabis use after war It is common knowledge that war leaves heavy scars on the minds and bodies of the people involved in it. The road is long and difficult, there are endless days that cannot be forgotten and wounds that linger as mementos of these battles. All these situations are difficult to overcome and soldiers in general, especially in the United States, are equipped with a myriad of tools to cope with the day to day during the war. But it
is after the war that the focus is lost on finding treatments to cope with the road ahead. What are the most common war injuries?
"Among the most common combat injuries are second- and third-degree burns, broken bones, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, nerve injuries, paralysis, loss of sight and hearing, post-traumatic stress disorder, and loss of limbs." (Brown, 2015). As veterans, soldiers obtain a wide variety of procedures with which to treat their combat injuries. They have access to doctors, specialists, surgeons, and physical therapists. Even with all this new arsenal at their disposal, recovery processes are long, difficult, and usually accompanied by a heavy dose of painkillers. What are the traditional treatments available? Opioid analgesics. These are classified as agonists and include drugs such as Codeine, Darvocet/Darvon, Demerol, Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Methadone, Morphine and Oxycodone; which tend to be quite effective for a period of time up until the body builds up resistance towards them. These opioids also have a very high likelihood to generate addiction and they are not the best alternative
for treating long-term chronic pain. The opioid crisis is reaching critical levels. "In the United States, 259 million opioid painkillers were prescribed in 2012 and an estimated 2 million of these people subsequently developed addiction." (Addiction, 2021). It is vitally important to start looking at alternatives to these chronic pain treatments. What are the alternatives for pain treatment? The treatment of refractory pain and neuropathic pain with cannabis has improved the quality of life of many patients worldwide. It is an efficient alternative for the treatment of chronic pain. At the same time, it helps to control post-traumatic stress symptoms typical of war veterans. Cannabinoid-based treatments can be administered in oral intake, topical use or inhaled in the form of a vaporizer; helping reduce anxiety, improve sleep patterns, decrease central pain perception, activate the reward system of the limbic system and act as an agonist at the vanilloid receptors. Many war veterans have found better results in their treatment of chronic pain through the use of cannabinoid-based medical products, and their use as an alternative for pain management is expected to become more widespread. Unfortunately, there is still too much stigma attached to their use and access to cannabinoid-based medications is quite limited. Organizations such as The Veterans Cannabis Project and Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access have taken
the lead in this fight to give veterans the freedom to discuss the medical use of cannabis with their doctors without the risk of retaliation. In countries such as the United States, it is also hoped that both federal and state legislation can be changed to expand access to cannabis products or their derivatives under protection of the law. It is important to keep these lines of dialogue open to expose the benefits of the medicinal use of cannabis and leave prejudices behind. There are hundreds of patients who need alternatives for their pain treatments. Without these alternatives, there is a risk of making more patients vulnerable to possible addiction or overdose to painkillers. At the moment, it is estimated that "83% of U.S. veterans support medical cannabis programs, but none of the Veterans Affairs medical facilities provide medical cannabis as a method of treatment for pain" (VETSCP, 2021) or any other pathology.
María José López Content Editor Pharmacology University INC
annabis seeds, as in other flowering plants, are produced by fertilization in the flowers. This process occurs naturally and in the case of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant, it happens when the male releases pollen from the stamens using the air as a medium or with the help of some pollinators, that take these particles to the stigma of the females. That is when the fertilization of the ovule takes place, and the result is those small seeds by sexual reproduction. Man has manipulated this process over the years in order to obtain varieties with particular profiles of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, among others.
that female mother plant a portion of the stem, that when placed in certain ideal conditions, will form roots and will be genetically identical. A disadvantage of choosing regular seeds is that in many occasions the male is rejected or discarded, because it can fertilize the female and produce seeds with a very heterogeneously genetic variability. However, if the male has very good features (for example: resistance, among other aspects) the pollen can be possibly used for hybridization or crosses in order to achieve a captivating variety.
In the certified seed banks in the countries where the production has been regulated, generally 3 types of seeds can be found for cultivation which are called regular, feminized and automatic or self-flowering.
As for feminized seeds, they are those that have undergone a process or hormone treatment that forces the female plant to produce stamens (male features), to generate pollen but with a very special peculiarity, the genetic material of these particles is female so the plant will become a hermaphrodite and fertilize itself, producing 99.9% female seeds. Now, the feminized pollen, obtained by the above method, tends to be used to fertilize other female plants, which means that feminized seeds would be obtained. This kind of seeds are the most popular and bought by growers. It is very important to clarify that if these seeds are not properly maintained, there is a probability that due to stress events, they may become hermaphrodite and produce genetic material characteristic of males and alter the desired process of obtaining female flowers.
Regular seeds are those which are characterized by not having a guaranteed probability of sex, that is to say, during the pre-flowering stage it is uncertain for the grower to know if the plant will be female or male; therefore, it can be said that the possibility of obtaining from it one of the sexes is 50% male and 50% female. Perhaps for some growers it is not one of the best options to select at the moment of obtaining or getting their plant to be of female flowers, nevertheless; regular seeds have certain very positive characteristics, for example, in terms of genetic selection it is interesting because if a female is obtained and this presents attractive phenotypic, genotypic and chemotypic characteristics, it can be cloned by means of cuttings, in other words to separate from
rule, where: if I need to grow 100 plants it is necessary to germinate 10% more in order to have the expected result, therefore 110 seeds are sown. One way to test if a seed is viable is to take it and press it within the index finger and thumb, if it remains firm, it is good; if on the contrary it is destroyed, it is a seed that when germinating, the plant will not form well or just will not germinate. To conclude, the flowering of the plants derived from each of the types of seeds will occur in relative times, they are subjected to the period of light, conditions such as altitude, temperatures, ventilation, relative humidity, pH, if it is indica it is more likely to flower sooner than sativa, among others.
On the other hand, the seeds called automatic or selfflowering are a NON photodependent variety; that is to say, they produce plants that do not require a very extensive light cycle to bloom, they have their own rhythm and bloom in a few weeks. Nevertheless, if they are given light, in periods of up to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness (which is the most recommended by the seed banks) they give a very good harvest. The most attractive thing about these seeds for growers is that the plants do not need long periods of light, which translates into less energy costs if grown indoors, a faster harvest and a quicker way to get flowers. Still, the cannabinoid profile in these conditions can vary significantly.
Last but not least, there are seeds that are produced for nutritional purposes; in other words, they can be consumed for their high nutritional values. A portion of 100 grams of seed provides 31g of protein, 4.5g of saturated fatty acids, 5g of monounsaturated fatty acids, 38g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, calories, fiber, omega 3, and vitamins, which are properties regarded as healthy for the human being.
An important factor to take into account is the germination failures, which means that not all the seeds emerge, this is why it is essential to follow the process efficiency 8
Cannabis World Journals editorial team was in contact with Paul Moreno, PhD in Chemistry and member of the Agricultural Production Cooperative Ananda, who shared with us part of his experience in the cannabis industry. In addition to commenting on the profitability of this field and the opportunities it currently represents. When was your interest in cannabis born and what inspired you to enter this industry? My interest in cannabis was born in 2012 out of curiosity, at that time legalization was in vogue in Uruguay, Colorado and Washington. That is when I started reading and researching, I read a lot about it on the internet, and I decided to try it. I got a gram and tried it, as soon as I tasted it, I knew it was a fantastic plant and that many good things could come from it. At that time, I was already 42 years old and living alone, that is why I started reading and experimenting on my own. What have been the obstacles during the development of your Ananda cooperative project in Ecuador? The biggest obstacle in the development of the cooperative has been the State, which does not know what it is regulating. The regulations, laws and requirements, all of this is very disorganized. Besides, the bureaucracy demands a lot of requirements and that has also been an obstacle. Of course, the pandemic made the process much more difficult. However, I would say that the State itself was a much bigger obstacle than the pandemic, since its regulation is not well defined, precisely in the two areas in which my project ventures: cannabis, and the popular and supportive economy.
In the expert’s room: Interview with Paul Moreno Ananda Cooperative Chemist
What economic implications do you consider the legalization of hemp in Ecuador has? It is a great opportunity because it is a new industry. This means that there are many services being developed around this industry, meaning that it is not only about sowing, harvesting and the transformation; but it also includes the manufacturing of uniforms, packaging, design, copywriting, substrates, nutrients, etc. It is also important to develop this industry considering that other sectors are at risk, such as the banana sector, which is currently at danger due to the Fusarium fungus that is on the Ecuadorian border about to enter the country. This fungus could cause the loss of up to 2 million jobs. The development of the industry, thanks to the legalization of CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 4 |
cannabis in Ecuador, could be the one that saves the country from the economic decline caused by politicians, the pandemic and the threats I just mentioned. What does the Ananda cooperative do? Our slogan is "creating sustainable communities". What are sustainable communities? They are territories that produce their own food, medicine and energy through high value-added plant species such as cannabis. We want to develop small territories that do not depend on the outside world, small rural communities where people can live decently and with the comforts of the 16th century. I don't mean that we are going to live like in the 1600s with horses, plowing the land or grinding corn by hand. We really need to build communities with all the comforts of this century: renewable energy, instant communications, nutrients and all the things that are necessary for a sustainable community that modern technology is already allowing us to develop. Why a cooperative? What is its primary mission?
The creation of the cooperative and its main mission was aimed precisely at the creation of a sustainable community,
that is the main goal we want to achieve with the Ananda cooperative. How do you see the projection of cannabis in the next 5 years in countries like Ecuador, where the regulation is quite new? I like to dream a lot; I believe that in 5 years cannabis for adult use will be approved in Ecuador. That market is 3 times bigger than the medical market and I think there is a lot to develop around it, especially cannabis tourism, the industry of extractions and the industry of other types of cannabis consumption: not only smoked, but also the production of extracts and edibles. I see it with a lot of optimism, and I hope that the people in charge of regulation understand this synergy that exists between cannabis and tourism so that it can develop. What has been the project that has given you most satisfaction within the cannabis industry? What has given me the most satisfaction is that we are the pioneers in the industry; we are the first non-profit organization, the first of the popular and supportive economy, and the first to which the Ministry has personally delivered the production licenses. We will also be the first organization to plant with an indigenous
Quichua community. However, my greatest satisfaction has been to be able to work with my children to develop plans and projects for the future. Do you consider that this is an industry with great risks? Of course, as I said, the government does not know what it regulates. I’ll tell two anecdotes: I went to register the lease in a notary's office, when the person in charge read that the place would be used to produce cannabis, she did not want to register it because she said that this was an illegal activity. I had to explain to her everything about the new regulations on cannabis, the constitution, the laws, and she still refused to register it. The second anecdote is when we launched the license in Guano, we needed police protection, so the person in charge in the municipality called the police officer in charge of security, who was surprised because he did not know that cannabis had already been legalized. So that is the biggest risk, that the state itself does not know what it is regulating and of course as it is a new industry, we are going to
be closely watched by all the controlling entities: government ministry, security, army, and municipalities, that is why we have to manage everything 100% legally. What goals would you like to achieve with the Ananda cooperative in the near future? Our purpose as an organization is that at least one person from each family that belongs to the community works in the cannabis industry. Not necessarily in cultivation, but in ancillary industries. That's our goal 5 years from now, then we'll see. There are many small details that we are working on, one of the most serious problems out of all the communities in the country is access to water, both for irrigation and for human consumption. That is something we have to work on immediately as soon as we have resources stemming from the cannabis industry.
just a drug, but a plant. That prohibition comes from discrimination, racism and that there is a legal, mafia and police infrastructure built around it, from which all the war on drugs problems derive. The second piece of advice is to try out what you are going to produce in a safe and quiet environment, that will allow you to know what is being discussed.. CWJ: We thank you very much Dr. Paul for giving us this time and providing us with this valuable space.
What advice would you give to a person who is just starting out in the cannabis industry? Educate yourself, read everything there is to read, experience everything there is to experience. You need to learn about all the curves on the road to cannabis sustainability. It is important to understand that cannabis is not only about planting and selling, it’s about solving the problems surrounding the 100 years of prohibition. We have to educate the population in general and the government, I insist. Not only do they have to be educated about the laws or processes, but also about the history of prohibition, so that people understand that this is not
Cannabis therapist unjustly imprisoned Cannabis is gaining more and more space in medicine, since many scientific researches have proven that the plant serves to counteract symptoms of chronic diseases such as cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. It is also a great ally to combat disorders such as depression and anxiety, that affect a large percentage of the world's population; this is why health professionals have shown their interest in the research and study of cannabis and its derivatives to offer their patients alternative or complementary treatments and therapies to traditional treatments.
But, what does a doctor or health professional need to prescribe cannabis, if in the country where he resides the medicinal use of the plant manages to get approved? It is logical that laws change from country to country, which means that the procedures and processes for a health professional to be authorized to prescribe cannabis depend on the country where he is prescribing.
to make the oil (cannabis flower). Such is the case of Márcio Roberto Pereira, a 39-year-old Brazilian therapist who together with his wife had started a cannabis crop to help a large number of people suffering from chronic diseases such as cancer and epilepsy.
Sentences and fines for prescribing cannabis when it is prohibited depend on each country, but it has come to light, that many health professionals have been sentenced to prison because cannabis for medical use is illegal in their country.
In December 2018, Márcio and his wife were traveling by car to the city of Acre, the couple were carrying medical cannabis oil for the treatment of a prostate cancer patient, who had a prescription but no money to import the medicine. The couple was stopped by the police before arriving at their destination, taken to the police station, and convicted of drug trafficking in accordance with Brazilian law.
In many countries around the world there are cases that represent the drama of health professionals imprisoned for being found with cannabis-based oils or with the raw material
Convicted for wanting to improve the quality of life of their patients.
Márcio and his wife were arrested for carrying 150g of pressed cannabis and 7 vials with cannabis oil that were good for 4 months of patient treatment, "it was an oil diluted down to 5% of integral cannabis and 95% of oil. Each bottle contained 1 ml of extract intended for 19 ml of oil", he said in an interview. Márcio's wife Fernanda, was sentenced to house arrest because she has a daughter under 12 years old, while her husband is serving a sentence in a high security prison in Porto Velho, Brazil. The couple is sentenced to 8 years in prison, a sentence that was handed down 7 months after the arrest in 2019. Both of them continue to fight to prove their innocence and thus regain their freedom. The case is being studied and it has now gone into second instance. However, the couple has received much support from the community, a document with 1,700 signatures was signed, among family, friends and people who are closely familiar with the case. On the social network Instagram there is an account with the name 'Marcio Livre', with almost 2,000 followers. The account, besides talking about Márcio's situation, represents support for the cannabis community that fights for the legalization of cannabis for medicinal use in Brazil, while supporting Márcio: a cannabis therapist unjustly imprisoned.
Mexico has said YES to cannabis for adult use. On June 28, 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court declared unconstitutional some articles preventing the consumption, acquisition of seeds and the planting and distribution of cannabis for recreational use. In this sense, it is important to recognize the background and implications of this decision in order to keep track of the progress in this country and how it could be a starting point for more nations to move past the stigma that has surrounded this plant for years. In 1920, the production, sale and recreational
use of cannabis was outlawed in Mexico, and in 1927, its export was also prohibited. Even possession for self-consumption was banned. Years later, on August 21, 2009, a law was passed allowing possession, for personal use, of up to five grams of cannabis. On August 11, 2015, minor Graciela Elizalde, diagnosed with Lennox Gastaut syndrome, obtained the first permit in Mexico's history to import and use a CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 4 | 14
CannaLaw cannabidiol-based cannabis oil to treat the more than 400 convulsions she presented per day. The case became an icon in the fight for medical cannabis in Mexico. This prompted that, on December 13, 2016, the Mexican Senate approved the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Finally, on April 29, 2017, the Chamber of Deputies approved the medicinal and scientific use of cannabis and its derivatives. Current Ruling. In November 2018, the supreme court had already declared the unconstitutionality of several articles that promoted the ban, and it was expected that the congress would legislate on the matter. The current decision came after three extensions. Only those who had filed an injunction could consume cannabis for recreational purposes and even then, the use of the plant was severely limited. Now, the Supreme Court urges the Ministry of Health to issue authorizations for adults to plant, harvest, transport and consume cannabis, while the Federal Commission for the Protection against Risks (COFEPRIS) must draft guidelines for the acquisition of seeds and specify that the consumption of cannabis cannot be done affecting third parties or in public places where other people have not given their authorization. All of the above is provisional, until the Congress passes legislation on the matter. This partial lifting of the prohibition comes into effect when the court's ruling is published. However, thanks to this ruling, users would no longer have to request protection to exercise their right to grow
and consume cannabis for personal or recreational purposes, but a modification of the penal code would still be necessary and this is one of the points most demanded by activists - for the possession and consumption of cannabis to no longer be penalized and thus not be considered as criminals for making use of such plant. Partial but insufficient lifting. During the session of the highest court, Magistrate Norma Lucía Piña emphasized that, as long as Congress does not legislate on the matter, "in no case is it authorized to import, trade or supply" cannabis. Following the explanation of the general director of Mexico United Against Crime, Lisa Sanchez: "It is up to the legislators to determine the best way to issue the permits, the quantities, and the spaces for consumption. They should legislate on that," she says. But Congress could leave things that way, in the hands of the Ministry of Health, as mandated by the Supreme Court, and not make a law on cannabis. "Creating a legal market is still up to Congress.“ This defeats for now the aspirations of many businessmen who, like former President Vicente Fox (2000-2006), see in Mexico a huge potential to create the largest legal cannabis market in the world. According to a report by Endeavor, Mexico is the world's second largest cannabis producer, with up to 27,000 tons annually, while the Latin American Cannabis Alliance (ALCAN) estimates that the medicinal and recreational industry of this plant would generate more than 22 billion dollars in only four years.
CannaLaw Reactions: The president of the Supreme Court has described it as a "historic day for liberties, the consolidation of the free development of personality in the recreational use of cannabis". Some users consulted by CNN in Spanish said to be celebrating this decision: "We are happy, we are overwhelmed, we are grateful, this is a great step for the liberation of human rights in Mexico". For his part, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, current President of Mexico has taken a somewhat ambiguous position regarding this decision. He has commented that when he began his term in 2018, this issue was discussed without being able to reach a consensus on which path should be taken. "This is a subject that must be well informed. When we get to the government, we have already started the process to legalize the use of marijuana. There are two visions. That should not surprise us because the
government represents the people and we have to collect the opinions of everybody" stated the current president of this nation when he was asked whether or not he agreed with this decision. It is important to note that until now, in Latin America, only Uruguay had approved the use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Therefore, this ruling represents a great advance in legislative matters on cannabis. However, as in other countries; the ambiguity of the legislative bodies put at risk the full freedoms of individuals by failing to reach a definitive consensus on this issue. It remains to see how this ruling will develop as the days go by, and what actions will be taken by the government to face the reality of an industry that progresses day by day and becomes more relevant in the world.
Colombian Entities that promote Cannabis Health The history of the regulation of the use of cannabis in Colombia started three decades ago through the Law 30 of 1986, in which the third article indicates that the manufacture, import, distribution, export, production, trade, use and possession of Narcotic drugs, as well as the cultivation of the plants that produced said drugs, would be limited only to medical and scientific purposes. It was due to the drug trafficking problem, that until 2015 the government established the 2467 Decree, which allowed the regulation and granting of the first licenses for the production and manufacturing of cannabis derivatives to four Colombian companies (Cannalivio, Pideka, Ecomedics and Econabis), a firm from Canada (Cannavida) and the Colombian-Canadian company Pharmacielo.
On that same matter, that same year the Ministry of Health and Social Protection reported that Med Colombia, Cannabis Medical Group, Medcann Colombia, Colombian Organics, Canmecol and Khiron Colombia were the new companies authorized to manufacture cannabis derivatives for medical and scientific purposes, these were the first companies to obtain their permits under Law 1787, also known as the Galán Law.
Similarly, Law 1787, enacted in 2016, established the regulatory framework for the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medical and scientific purposes. That is when the guidelines for licenses and quotas for the use of seeds for cultivation, manufacturing of cannabis-derived products, as well as the national distribution process for foreign trade, among others, were indicated.
Taking this into account, with these 6 companies, a total of 12 companies were authorized to carry out this activity in Colombia, together with Cannalivio, Pideka, Ecomedics, Econnabis, Cannavida and Pharmacielo, who were granted the license under Decree 2467 of 2015, which was canceled in order to embrace the regulations established by the Galán Law.
On the other hand, Decree 613 of 2017, which regulates the law, established the differences between non-psychoactive and psychoactive cannabis, regulated the commercialization of seeds for research and included benefits for small producers and farmers of medicinal cannabis.
The license to transform cannabis for medical and scientific uses allows for the research, commercialization, manufacture, export and distribution of psychoactive cannabis derivatives. Once the transformation licenses were granted, the firms were able to receive their cultivation authorization.
Although some of these licensees come with foreign capital, all of them are established in Colombia. Since then, approximately 25 local companies have struggled to obtain the necessary licenses and permits to grow, manufacture, distribute and sell medicinal cannabis products. By 2019, according to the Ministry of Justice, there were already 19 permits for the use of seeds, 62 for the cultivation of psychoactive cannabis plants (THC); 89 licenses for the cultivation of non-psychoactive cannabis plants (CBD), which comes at a total of 170. In the case of Pharmacielo and other companies based in Colombia, the first export of extracts and oils were scheduled for the middle of that year, which meant a new milestone in this industry.
Last year, Khiron, which is a global cannabis company established in Colombia, signed a research agreement with the Federico Lleras Acosta Dermatological Center (CDFLLA) to continue the progress in preclinical research directed at the effectiveness of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of dermatological conditions. It is important to note that the trials developed by Khiron and the CDFLLA are the first of their kind in Latin America. On the other hand, their efforts will be dedicated to the study and improvement of the administration and prescription methods of cannabis, as a potential support therapy for various skin conditions and symptoms. They will also have their training sessions, educational events and seminars aimed at training the medical community and patients in the safety and efficacy of medicinal cannabis.
2020: Alliance was founded to carry out the first preclinical studies of medicinal cannabis in Latin America CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 4 | 18
Cannabis Licenses in the state of Missouri It is well known that the state of Missouri has one of the most restrictive cannabis laws in the United States, which is why it has a very limited program on the use of the plant for medicinal purposes. This means that, medical cannabis patients can consume cannabidiol (CBD) oil, as long as it comes from the hemp plant and, not from marijuana leaves because this plant contains more than 0.3% THC. The sale, possession, and production of any type of product from the plant is illegal in Missouri. Therefore, it could be said that there are few patients who have access to cannabis medicine and that there are few medical personnel who prescribe it to patients fearing possible consequences, in fact only the patients suffering from untreatable epilepsy are considered medical cannabis patients. Moreover, at the beginning of 2017 a slight change was made in which the state gradually decriminalized the possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use. For example, if a person is arrested with 10g of cannabis or less, it is classified as a misdemeanor, they will not be deprived of liberty, but they get charged a fine of 250 Dollars.
Although, if the individual persists with this action, they can be sent to prison for at least one year, and in addition to this they will be fined $2,000. If the person is caught with more than 10g but less than 35g, it is defined as a minor cause; still, they can go to prison for a year and a fine of $2,000 would be applied. Possession of more than 35g is considered a felony that carries 7 years in jail with a fine of up to $ 10,000. In the 2020 elections, the residents of Missouri had the opportunity to vote for the legalization of cannabis, which would allow those older than 21 years to legally obtain and possess it. That same year, the state of Missouri announced that 192 licenses would be granted, which
meant 16.5% of the applications would be approved.
Around 1,160 people tried to receive a license for dispensaries throughout the state, an amount that would allow more applicants to obtain more licenses for cannabis centers. Now, the health department can could grant as many licenses as it wants, but according to the opinion of some people in Missouri, dispensaries and cultivation centers should be limited. This is why people who wish to obtain the license must stick to the selection process based on a scoring system. Unfortunately, the majority of applicants have expressed dissatisfaction with the evaluation, claiming that private companies have their own methods for this process. If these circumstances turn out to be a problem in the state of Missouri, the local cannabis business market would face the risk of losing a great chance of earning a revenue development. A judge rejects the residency requirement for medical cannabis licenses in Missouri Days ago, federal judge Nanette Laughrey impeded Missouri from enforcing the residency requirement necessary for granting medical cannabis licenses to business owners. She indicated that the residency requirement goes against the trade condition of the United States Constitution. This is due to a constitutional amendment that was approved in a 2018 vote which legalized the use of medical cannabis and
mandated that the facilities be "majority owned by natural persons who have been citizens of the state of Missouri for at least one year prior to the application". On the other hand, Mark Toigo, a cannabis investor from Pennsylvania, who at the same time is an owner of a Missouri business and has multiple licenses, filed a lawsuit in 2020 to remove that requirement. He noted that the market expectations of medical cannabis in the state was for sales to reach approximately 175 and 275 million dollars a year, but due to residency regulations, he is not allowed to invest more capital in any company from Missouri. According to Laughrey, the state approved the residency requirement based on the fact that the Department of Health and Senior Services can only do a background check on those who have lived in the state of Missouri for a period of at least one year. The judge denied the logic of that argument, specifying in her ruling that an applicant could "accumulate an extensive criminal history and a record of financial wrongdoing in Kansas, move to Missouri, and a year and a day later apply for a license to operate a medical cannabis establishment". Therefore, the public’s interest is best served by "the protection of Toigo's constitutional right to fully participate in the medical cannabis business in Missouri under the same conditions as any Missouri resident," said Laughrey, "a right that is probably being violated by the state's long-term residency requirement".
Importing and Exporting Cannabis: Essential for the industry Here is a list of the cannabis companies listed on the stock exchange, which have been a trending topic within the investment community in recent weeks:
1. Cronos Group (NASDAQ:CRON)
2. Canopy Growth (NYSE:CGC)
Importation and exportation processes are a very important part of the cannabis businesses around the world, since many of them depend on these processes for profitability and successful development of their activities; either because they must buy raw material from another country for the manufacturing, or they have to export final products to a foreign audience. Besides, for countries it also represents a great economic aspect, the cannabis industry is increasing day by day, and the income from the export of the plant could mean an economic boost for many regions. It is worth mentioning that during the beginning of the pandemic, these processes were slowed down by the closing down of the borders and the restrictions of COVID-19. However, little by little the movement of cannabis between countries continues to grow as legal regulations approve different laws. The main sector of the industry that participates in the purchase and sale of the plant in an international market, is the medical cannabis sector, the patient community and many pharmaceutical companies have had to turn to international producers to acquire the medicine or the active principle, making the countries that produce medical cannabis increase their
3. Tilray (NASDAQ:TLRY)
4. Curaleaf Holdings (OTC:CURLF)
5. Aphria (NYSE:APHA)
These companies had a significant rise in the market between 2020 and 2021, since then the media follows very closely the movements of these companies, and investors tend to be very alert to the variations in the price of their shares, mainly during the recent weeks after Reddit users paid special attention to Tilray, creating expectations about other cannabis stocks.
production, in order to satisfy an interested public outside their borders.
Importing cannabis: An advantageous process To be able to import cannabis, an established business must apply for a series of permits and licenses required by the government or competent regulatory body, which vary according to the activities, the products, the use, and the commercialization process carried out in said business. However, obtaining an import license tends to be a bit of a tedious process as there are many conditions that must be met by both the business and the regions participating in the process. Nevertheless, obtaining said cannabis licenses provides several advantages to businesses, such as the opportunity to obtain raw material (cannabis harvest or derivatives) with ideal characteristics, at a better price and with an unmatched quality in the region which is a critical aspect for many consumers. The importation positions many cannabis businesses above their competition because it provides the possibility of offering a quality product. while saving some expenses generated in the cultivation and harvesting of the plant.
Exporting cannabis: International expansion On the other hand, exporting has become a booming industry, and many of the large cannabis companies resorted as much as they could upon an export license that could allow the international shipment of the plant or its derivatives. Exporting is a big step for
any business, since it represents the growth of the brand by expanding to an international audience and clients, which generates greater demand, greater production and in theory, greater profits. In the cannabis industry, the main focus of many investors is the scope that a certain product can have through export, and knowing that this is a very regulated process, could offer confidence to those who invest in a company that has the necessary licenses through transparent procedures, as well as the international reach, that increases the probability of good performance, good demand, production and profit. A great example of this is the company Clever Leaves based in Colombia, who has managed to export its products to 14 countries in America, Europe and Africa. In addition, one of the most popular public cannabis companies, Aphria, has positioned itself as one of the main cannabis companies by being the largest distributor of medical cannabis.
Change Lives Project, a support to cannabis research Several companies have decided to bet on cannabis and its multiple benefits, as an example, the multinational company dedicated to producing and distributing medicinal cannabis, Clever Leaves Holdings, announced the launch of the "Change Lives” project. The company will donate US $25 million in cannabis for the development of pharmaceutical products. This is an initiative that seeks to help and promote scientific research about the health benefits of cannabinoids. For now, the funding will only be available to the United States and will consist of 250,000 bottles of cannabis oils and up to five tons of this medicinal plant to allow researchers to have the necessary inputs to carry out their tests and advances without difficulties.
This is a historic quantity of cannabis that gives a positive prognosis to advances in modern medicine. For its part, the company plans to start working on research as soon as possible, in a study focused on DNA sequencing of a variety of cannabis plants.
For centuries, misinformation led to cataloging cannabis as one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs in the world, however today the story is different, the multiple benefits of the plant have been demonstrated, becoming not only the center for thousands of investigations but a safe investment in the stock market. The cannabis industry is expected to increase the success it has had in years, it is even considered one of the most profitable industries for 2024. Even athletes, artists, businessmen and entrepreneurs have decided to get involved in one way or another with this new world aiming for the top of the market. With the beginning of the decriminalization of cannabis use in various parts of the world, it has been possible to open people's minds to the possibilities of large projects and research, that will help control or cure diseases in the coming years. According to Forbes magazine, it is estimated that legal sales will reach almost $30 billion, an amount that does not go unnoticed and that demonstrates the profitability that the cannabis industry is achieving in the market, not only in the United States but around the world. This figure takes into account the projection that more states will legalize its use and predicts a successful future for the cannabis industry. Leaving behind the prejudices around the plant.
One of the main goals according to the statements of Kyle Detwiler, CEO of Clever Leaves, is to allow patients to gain access to cannabis ingredients and for legal pharmaceuticals to cross borders freely in order to help more people.
Clever Leaves decided to partner with Biopharmaceutical Research Company, one of the most prestigious companies in America who has federal licenses to import, analyze and manufacture controlled substances in the United States.
They will be receiving and evaluating proposals from both university researchers and research centers in the United States. Then they will select the best proposals to carry out. With this project, cannabis manages to add another victory in its advance towards the legalization and acceptance from people, it is expected that more companies will make public their support for this growing industry.
CannaMed Article analysis by: Sarris, J., Sinclair, J., Karamacoska, D., Davidson, M., & Firth, J. (2020). Medicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused systematic review. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-019-2409-8
Medicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused, systematic review Currently, a wide variety of active principles found in the cannabis plant have proven to be effective for the treatment of various conditions, improving the quality of life of people suffering from chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, refractory epilepsy, or patients with treatments that have very strong adverse effects for the patient such as chemotherapy. However; much remains to be elucidated in these and other areas such as the study of the application of cannabis derivatives to improve mental health in humans; that is why this line of research in the field of psychiatry is also aiming its efforts towards the use of cannabis derivatives to treat some episodes associated with disorders such as anxiety, stress and insomnia that occur, for example, in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, depression; and other mental disorders or imbalances. In this review, the researchers analyzed and evaluated studies related to the use of medicinal cannabis through formulations made with complete extracts of the plant
as well as the use of isolated cannabinoids for the treatment of different conditions such as mood changes, anxiety, sleep disorders, psychotic disorders and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including major psychiatric disorders and omitting neurological conditions and pain. Although it is currently premature to recommend treatments based exclusively on the use of cannabis derivatives for psychiatric conditions, there is proof and evidence that the use of cannabinoids such as CBD can significantly help reduce conditions such as episodes of anxiety or insomnia in patients. Depending on different factors such as age, weight, condition suffered from and comorbidities, the dose applied can be between 200mg - 800 mg per day according to previous research, which is very useful for complementary treatment in case of disorders such as schizophrenia or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
On the other hand, in the formulations for the treatment of disorders of a psychiatric nature; cannabinoids such as THC, which is very useful to reduce pain and improve sleep, are administered with a high degree of caution and not in every case due to the highly psychoactive activity of this cannabinoid, which can be counterproductive in patients with mental health imbalances such as depression and psychotic disorders. In some users this cannabinoid can cause some adverse effects, among these we find symptoms of paranoia, anxiety and cognitive deterioration. In the case of formulations that contain THC, it is suggested to be very cautious if it exceeds 20 mg per day, since with only 1 to 2.5 mg per dose the psychoactive effect appears. Other studies report that formulations that contain extracts with terpenes in addition to cannabinoids, have some efficacy for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), providing these patients with the benefit of the entourage effect that is presented by the combination of these molecules. The results reported so far are encouraging. Research is beginning in this field, so the doctors who apply these treatments and the clinical trials that are carried out in this regard must take into account multiple factors that include safety considerations in patients; this review is a small sample of the evidence and compelling reasons to promote the extension of research in the area of psychiatric disorders and human mental health. 26 CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | EDITION NO. 4 | 26
Cannabis “up close”:
LIMONENE An ally for relaxation Every day, terpenes gain more popularity in the cannabis industry, as users are increasingly aware of how important these compounds are when consuming plant derivatives, especially if they are looking for a specific therapeutic effect. Progressively, more and more therapeutic effects of terpenes are discovered that are relevant to the medical community when any cannabis strain or medicine is prescribed or consumed. One of the most abundant terpenes of the cannabis plant is limonene, produced in the resinous glands of the cannabis plant known as trichomes, this terpene can also be found in the peel of citrus fruits, it is a commonly used for the production of cosmetics and cleaning products. Limonene is associated with a very intense citrus aroma and flavor that serves as protection for the cannabis plant, sometimes functioning as an insecticide, preventing attacks from different insects that can be harmful and annoying for growers.
Limonene has been studied in different fields to discover what effect it can have, isolated from the other chemical components that usually
complement it. It has been described that this compound can act as a great anxiolytic, promoting the production of neurotransmitters in the nervous system such as serotonin and dopamine, consequently causing stress relief and improved mood of the user. This terpene improves the absorption of certain chemical products in the skin, mucous membranes and digestive tract, which is relevant in the application or consumption of medications; it also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Furthermore, in recent studies it has been suggested that limonene has an antitumor effect since it has been reported to be capable of inducing death or apoptosis in tumor cells of the brain, lungs and mammary glands. When describing a strain of cannabis, it is not the most appropriate to label it as “limonene abundant” only for its aroma, since many of the strains with a large amount of this terpene do not exclusively have that characteristic smell. Through laboratory analysis, varieties of cannabis that have a significant percentage of limonene have been discovered, among which can be found: Banana OG, Berry White, Black Cherry Soda, Strawberry Banana and Quantum Kush.
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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible, and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws in your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.