Editorial and Journalistic Team Cannabis World Journals
Cannabis World Journals is a bi-weekly publication that discusses the latest trends in the cannabis industry. Content Management:: Alibert Flores Anne Graham Escobar
Graphic Design and Conceptualization: Katerin Osuna Robles Jannina Mejía Diaz Research, Journalism, and Editorial Team:: CannaGrow: Daniela Montaña CannaCountry: Sandra Loaiza CannaLaw: Anne Marie Graham, Alibert Flores y Hamid Tagadirte CannaTrade: Jennifer Simbaña, Rosangel Andrades, Lorena Díaz y Verónica Hernández CannaMed: Yumaira Rojas, Rosangel Andrades, Jennifer Salguero y Nazareth Becerra CannaGraphics: Sandra Loaiza Translation English: Sandra Loaiza, Rosangel Andrades y Maria José López Arabic: Hamid Tagadirte y Oraib Albashiti Portuguese: Lorena Díaz, Natalia López y Jennifer Salguero Italian: Caterina Lomoro Contributors 15th Edition: Verónica Maza Bustamante Journalist, writer, sexual educator, and cannabis lecturer.
Subscribe at www.cannabisworldjournals.com Info@cannabisworldjournals.com 15th Edition
EDITORIAL: - A Light Shining Among the Shadows of Ignorance. Pg. 4
5 6
7 23
OP-ED COLUMN: - Cannabis and Pleasure. Pg. 5 CANNAGRAPHICS: - Llactacunga Cannábica. Pg. 6 - Killa Cultiva of Colombia. Pg. 6 - Santiago Ramirez - Cultivation Club. Pg. 6 CANNAGROW
- Cannabis Interaction with Pollinators: Evolutionary Achievements with Specific Pollinators to Preserve Their Species. Pg. 7 IN THE EXPERT'S ROOM: - Interview with Santiago Raigosa, Entrepreneur at Damasco Green SAS and Cannabis School of Antioquia (Escuela de Cannabis de Antioquia, Colombia). Pg. 9
Our Magazines Canna Med and Canna Law, each respectively dedicated to the therapeutic area and the legal regulation area of cannabis, have decided to join forces and offer a new and more complete bi-weekly magazine: Cannabis World Journals. Canna Med and Canna Law are now sections of Cannabis World Journals. Along with them, two new sections offer a global look at the plant's market: we are talking about CannaTrade, its objective will be to reveal the rhythm of the businesses established around cannabis. Lastly, CannaGrow, a section dedicated to the botany and cultivation of the cannabis plant. Cannabis World Journals is the most comprehensive cannabis magazine for discerning readers like you. Without further ado, we extend a warm welcome.
CANNACOUNTRY: - Countries that are Making Progress in the Cannabis Legalization Initiative During 2021. Pg. 14
CANNALAW - Germany Readies for Full Cannabis Legalization. Pg. 16 - Mexico Is Expected to Go Green with Cannabis by December. Pg. 18 - New US Bill: Republicans Seek to Lower Taxes on Cannabis Industry. Pg. 20 - Cannabis and Veterans: Bill Aimed at Supporting Veteranoriented Research. Pg. 22
THE CANNABIS GENIUS OF ALL TIMES - Dr. Raphael Mechoulam . Pg. 23
CANNATRADE - Cannabis on the Stock Market: The Stocks that Stood-Out in 2021. Pg. 27 - Record Cannabis Market Sales in Canada and the United States in 2021. Pg. 29 - New Cannabis Markets. Pg. 31 - What to Expect from the Cannabis Business in 2022? Pg. 32 CANNAMED - HU-331, the cannabidiol oxidation product, is a cannabinoidquinone with anti-cancer potential: a narrative review. Pg. 34 - Cannabis Consumption During Covid-19 Pandemic. Pg. 37 - Cannabis "Up Close": Watermelon. Pg. 39
A Light Shining Among the Shadows of Ignorance
hroughout the year, the cannabis industry has taken several steps forward in different parts of the world, tearing little by little the veil of ignorance and lack of knowledge that has been a "stone in the shoe" in the way of the plant. Despite the many prejudices suffered by this fascinating industry, cannabis has been with us since the beginning of time. That is to say, the plant is available for whoever needs it, not only for the entrepreneurs of large companies but also for cultivation centers, doctors, patients, and the many activists who have given their voice to defend the benefits of this plant at all costs.
How many wars have been fought that damaged cannabis' image? There are countless occasions where information has been censored or limited. Thanks to scientific research, the world has learned about the plant's therapeutic properties. Through thousands of information campaigns by cannabis advocates and mothers thanking the industry for relieving their children's illnesses when traditional medicine failed to do so.
Eventually, education triumphed, and now we have a more realistic overall idea of cannabis and its benefits. In this sense, throughout the year 2021, the world has witnessed cannabis thriving in several countries, in America, Europe, and Africa. Little by little, they have been opening their doors to its benefits and therapeutic properties. Despite the initial rejection due to lack of knowledge, the industry has flourished amid darkness and ignorance to give way to a shining light of hope. A light that has, and always will shine green. Coincidence? I don't believe it is so. The green revolution is inevitable. We must welcome it with open arms and let it guide us by its light through a path of ignorance. Let us be grateful witnesses to the industry's golden age, find our place within it, and celebrate cannabis' great achievements.
Cannabis and Pleasure Pleasure connects with our search for happiness. It relates to the meaning we give to our life experiences and what our senses reveal about the world we inhabit. Pleasure is linked to the chemical processes going on inside us. When cannabis is part, consciously, of this chain of events, it is possible to have an expansive experience of existential enjoyment. Juan Camilo Cárdenas Cárdenas, a Colombian psychologist specializing in addictions, points out at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana's website that "to feel a balance in our daily activities, it is necessary to understand that what we call 'well-being', in terms of mental health, is neurobiologically determined as a reward system provided by the brain to the organism, rather than from obtaining objects, food or consumption of any kind." On the other hand, the sensation that we commonly identify with the popular Colombian expression: "estar pacheco" (being high), when smoking cannabis makes you feel relaxed and euphoric. It relaxes the skeletal muscles and triggers a series of processes that make you perceive great pleasure. Our pleasure circuit is triggered by different situations: those we know inside out, the unexpected, and first-time experiences we explore and learn from. "
There are some things we like because we are programmed to like them, such as eating food, drinking water, and having sex," explains David Linden, professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and author of a book called The Pleasure Compass. Both characteristics are appreciated when experiencing a pleasurable situation. Because being able to calm down and reduce stress helps the person be more willing and receptive to have an erotic practice or perform some action that brings joy: dancing, eating, playing, socializing, reading, conversing, etc. Also, the conscious consumption of cannabis promotes experiencing the "here and now", as a consequence of all the elements mentioned. This is of great help in the pleasurable experience. It eradicates ideas associated with fear, the past, the future, belonging, attachment, and resistance, which block a healthy and fluid sensory experience. However, we must never forget that each human being is a world in itself, and not all people have the same capacity to let themselves be carried away by the well-being that conscious use of the plant offers. Chemical processes, when they disappear, can show a different reality to the one experienced. It is important to know one's limits and take them into account, and the local existing legislation for cannabis use. Verónica Maza Bustamante Journalist, writer, sexual educator, and cannabis lecturer.
CannaGraphics Llactacunga Cannábica Llactacunga Cannábica, from Ecuador, is an organization designed to provide information to society in general on cannabis issues. Currently, they are advancing in creating their legally constituted company, with plans for research in cultivation and plant breeding. They also provide consultancy and training on the medical and industrial cannabis market, being this the legal and economic support on which to base their objectives as an organization. They will have their second annual drive to collect toys, nonperishable food, and clothing in December. Everything will be changed for cannabis workshops and cultivation kits. This initiative will favor vulnerable people, children, and mothers/fathers who need support and stability, demonstrating the objectives they meet as a social action organization.
Killa Cultiva From Colombia
Thirteen years ago, in Barranquilla, Colombia, two passionate cannabis dreamers decided to create a community to spread the cannabis culture in their city. They wanted to do it through self-cultivation, education, and conscious use. Today Killa Cultiva is a national and international reference characterized by its high-quality flowers. Find out all about self-cultivation and the cannabis industry in Colombia by following them on Instagram @killacultiva..
Santiago Ramírez Santiago Ramírez is a Colombian living in Austria and dedicated to cultivating cannabis with passion. In Europe, he discovered indoor cultivation techniques and was fascinated by this method. Currently, he shares his knowledge with anyone as passionate about the plant as he does through the Cultivation Club. With it, he established a network of gardeners based on shared knowledge and passion for plants. The Club is a space for future, former and current growers. There, they can show their plants, receive recommendations, and give advice about the growing process.
Cannabis Interaction with Pollinators: Evolutionary Achievements with Specific Pollinators to Preserve Their Species
Cannabis has evolved and adapted other mechanisms to survive, it has managed to conquer and attract certain pollinating animals that help it propagate its species. Cannabis Sativa L. is a plant that uses air as a medium to transport the male's genes in the form of pollen, thanks to the fact that the size of the particles is so tiny that the weight of each grain is light enough to reach the female flowers and finally fertilize. It is during this fertilization process that seeds form to preserve their species. "Each of its male flowers produces about 350,000 pollen grains" (Aboulaich et al., 2013).
Moreover, it is not by chance that the male plant has a greater height compared to the female, or its intermodal distance is more pronounced. Thanks to these morphological characteristics, the wind goes through and moves the plant to disperse the pollen. All of the above is an instrument of fitness to reproduce, which is fascinating. The interesting thing is that cannabis has evolved and adapted other mechanisms to such an extent to survive that it has managed to conquer and attract certain pollinating animals that help it propagate its species. While providing some kind of benefit to the organism, like food, for example. This characteristic has been an essential evolutionary part of natural selection and has helped the plant not to become extinct.
Currently, birds and bees are the primary pollinators that cannabis has managed to captivate.
This was achieved by transforming functional traits that are of interest to animals. A clear example is the attraction certain birds, such as quails and pigeons, have for the plant's seeds. This was proven by Haney and Bazzaz (1970), who also suggested that it was probably thanks to these birds that the plant spread, especially in North America. This symbiosis did not happen overnight. It took a long time for the plant to generate attractive odors or flavors. On the one hand, pollen provides water, amino acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and other micronutrients. The composition depends on the species, but generally, it has the following nutritional values. Protein: 16-30 %, Starch 1-7 %, Sugars 0-15 % and Lipids 310 % >> (Sanford, n. d.). Bees are attracted to pollen mainly for the essential protides (proteins) and ingest them. In turn, all those tiny grains adhere to their hairs and are transported to the next plant generating fertilization. Then we have the seeds, thanks to their nutritional content, especially protein and great taste, which turns out to be a delicacy for birds.
For them, the benefit turns out to be great food and collaborates with reproduction. On the other hand, for the cannabis plant, the birds are a great ally with the propagation of seeds in the feces and with important nutrients for germination. Pollinators are not the plant's main resource for gene propagation. However, their great evolutionary audacity collaborated to interact with these animals, helping each other. At this time, it has been found that birds and bees are the primary pollinators that cannabis has managed to captivate. However, there is a shortage of studies demonstrating the plant's interaction with other animals that collaborate with the spread of the species.
References and Bibliography Aboulaich, N., Trigo, M. M., Bouziane, H., Cabezudo, B., Recio, M., el Kadiri, M., & Ater, M. (2013). Variations and origin of the atmospheric pollen of Cannabis detected in the province of Tetouan (NW Morocco): 2008–2010. Science of The Total Environment, 443, 413–419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.075 Sanford, M. T. (s. f.). Producing Pollen. Web.Archive.Org. Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://web.archive.org/web/20110103081945/http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/aa158 Haney, A., & Bazzaz, F. A. (1970). Some ecological implications of the distribution of hemp (Cannabis sativa) in the United States of America. The botany and chemistry of Cannabis., 39-48.
Interview with Santiago Raigosa, Entrepreneur at Damasco Green SAS and Cannabis School of Antioquia (Escuela de Cannabis de Antioquia, Colombia).
Santiago Raigosa is a cannabis entrepreneur. He completed a certification in project management at the EAFIT University, School of Administration, Finance and Technological Institute, (Escuela de Administración, Finanzas e Instituto Tecnológico, Universidad EAFIT). He also earned a degree in cannabis at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in alliance with Pharmacology University. Afterward, he and his family started testing crops to understand and learn more about the plant. They also wanted to break away from all the beliefs and speculations about cannabis consumption. CWJ: Why believe in the cannabis industry? Santiago Raigosa: Well, I would say that faith in the cannabis industry arises first of all from a preference for the plant. I got to know the plant more or less 20 years ago. But the fondness for the plant came after Colombia decriminalized it, which opened the door to the industry and gave us all I got to know the plant these opportunities so that more or less 20 years we could enter. So from ago. But, the preference for the there came the idea, if we plant came after have the land, we want to Colombia produce. With the liking we decriminalized it, had for the plant, then we opening the door to applied both things, the that part of the knowledge we brought from industry. the palm industry, which is also very similar. The oil is extracted and is sold, which is what we handle at the moment. We also work with the flowers, but we come from the oil industry. So, I think that we put together everything we learned during the whole process and put it into practice in the cannabis industry. That's where the belief in the industry comes from.
The Expert's Room: Interview with Santiago Raigosa Entrepreneur
start creating here, in all this part of the Colombian industry. Because there is no, how can I tell you? There is no standard model because each crop has its climate. Each crop has its problems, its specifications for water, for light. I Santiago Raigosa: Si, de eso nos hemos believe that in Damasco Green what we have nutrido mucho de todo este proceso. done is not to invent many things. Instead, we Empezamos con la parte del autocultivo y de have taken many things brought from the United ahí empezamos a ver todo ese proceso, los States, which have helped us a lot and have cambios que había del taught us a lot. Because they bring us all the autocultivo a la industria. Las knowledge that they have dos pueden ser parecidas en Managed for more than 10 years algunos aspectos pero difieren that already comes with the plant. en muchas otras ya cuando So, what we do is not to invent. We empezamos toda la parte de We started with take the model of other industries, cultivo a gran escala. researching such as palm, coffee, and all this, and put it into the Colombian cultivation, then CWJ: How has the journey model, which had many myths: been in the area of cannabis cultivation, and then "Oh, it has to be in the pot, it can’t cultivation and research? the licensing be in the ground." So, there are procedures to learn many myths there. But in the end, Santiago Raigosa: Yes, we about the plant. what all the chromatography or have been nourished by this análisis tells you is what is useful whole process. We started with for you and where you can take the cultivation part, and from it. If it is destined for a pharmacist there we began to see the or a veterinarian. So that's where whole process. The changes you are looking at all that part. So, from cultivation to the industry. what we do is to demystify the production model. The two may be similar in some aspects, but they differ in many others when we started the whole large-scale cultivation part. CWJ: Have you done well with the models? CWJ: It seems that it has been a work of great responsibility and dedication as well, is that correct?
CWJ: How was Damasco Green SAS born, and what contributions has it made to the cannabis industry? Santiago Raigosa: Well, Damasco was born for pleasure, and from there we began to see the whole part, to get into the industry, and to get the advice and the right people to develop this whole project. And we began to see some of the myths and processes that came from the growers in the United States, that when we applied them here in Colombia we saw failures. We began to see that we had to look at the Colombian model, which is what we have to
Santiago Raigosa: Well, we have implemented several models. First, we started with the roofless part, from there we began to see that there were some needs and we can have different qualities under the roof, and also without a roof. So, we can have a premium model, a premium flower model. Another more economical model, seeing all this part of the world market prices as well. Many people started to spend a lot of money, and in the end, when they got their production they had high prices per pound or kilogram. So, we have to look at all that too, because WE have to adapt to the world market.
CWJ: Yes, of course, that is very important. They always have to be up to date and at the forefront of everything industry-related and their business. Santiago Raigosa: Yes, Damasco provides rural development and a social impact on the industry as well. We use this Colombian model, and besides that, we give work to mothers, heads of families, who are the ones who help us a lot in this process in Damasco Green. CWJ: That is one of the many positive things about this industry. It gives employment opportunities to as many people as they need. Santiago Raigosa: Women also help us a lot because they have a hand, as a sensitivity, for the plants and for treating them. Well, we like to help people and mothers who are heads of households in the company. So, the development and vision have been focused mainly on that.
see all this part of the plant and the benefits it brings: work. The amount of work we provide is impressive. We have, almost at this moment, 19 hectares licensed, but we do not have the whole complex planted. At the moment, we will have about 2,000 meters, and in the 2,000 meters or so, we employ about 15 people, in Direct and indirect employment.
Today is the boom. Today is the time to be in the industry. It is the moment when buyers are looking at Colombia, and people are looking at the business
CWJ: It is wonderful that through employment, they have helped a lot to remove the erroneous idea that the plant is something bad, but on the contrary, it is a medicinal plant. Santiago Raigosa: That's right, and the idea that we have tried to socialize with the community is the plant can aid our organisms. It is the one that helps us heal, that helps us in all this process of the endocannabinoid system. So it is a big process that has been done along with the community. Especially with the people from the countryside, who have helped us a lot in this project.
CWJ: How has the impact of Damasco Green SAS been on the community? What have the results been?
CWJ: What progress have you made as a company, and what are your expectations and vision for the future?
Santiago Raigosa: It is known that Colombia has always had a drug trafficking problem. We all bring all those traumas from the war. So, I thought that at the beginning. We were afraid of the community. We thought they were afraid of us, of the plant, of what was happening. But, we opened this space for the mothers who are heads of households. They are the ones who move all this machinery in the town or the community. Then all the taboo that exists disappears, and the whole community begins to
Santiago Raigosa: In terms of progress, within a year, because December will be in our first year, we barely have had the licenses for a year. In January, February, we started planting. I would say that, in less than a year, we have advanced in all the genetics and learned about the industry and its development. We have also reached the finished product. So we want to, at the moment, our mission is to position Damasco Green as one of the exporting and producing
CWJ: In addition to taking into account people's health, they also consider animals, which is something extraordinary. Santiago Raigosa: The idea is well-being at the moment. The idea is, after Covid, to manage people's welfare, people's mental health, and I would believe that apart from the incentive that cannabis gives to the endocannabinoid system, I believe in mental health. The impact on mental health is impressive. CWJ: Tell us a little about the Cannabis School. Who is the school aimed at? Santiago Raigosa: The school was born from need, from how difficult it was to find the right people to teach about the industry. It was a path, I would say, the most difficult one to follow. Finding people to help you in the process, to tell you how to do things right, to guide you along the path of how the industry moves, what you can do, what you can do, what you can't do. Keeping in mind that we are also human, we can also do a process where tomorrow it can change. So, what we at the school try to do is to help people, to help companies, to help universities with our support, and our professors, from the technical side and our knowledge. Helping them to develop this whole cannabis project. CWJ: It is ideal for people to learn more about the benefits of the plant, right? We teach the whole part of the benefits of the plant, and we get a lot into the cultivation part. Always educating people about the Colombian model. What is our experience, what we have brought to the experience from the other companies we have managed, oil palm, citrus, and now cannabis. So, we have been putting all these parts to mesh with the plant and created our Colombian model. At the moment, we have trained about 100 people, including individuals, companies, and universities. In the course, we teach the whole model from the cultivation aspect,
through practice with our professionals. We teach the whole part of cultivation, vegetative, flowering, harvesting. Then we move on to the extraction factor. We see everything about extractions: with solvents, without them, distillation, we get to finished products such as cosmetics, sublingual drops. So it is a process that we do in three days. It is an immersion into cannabis: we go to the farm, spend three days there in the process. We study laws, about cultivation, about extraction. We do cultivation practices. We set up a complete greenhouse, the materials, the substrate, the light, the automatic irrigation. Then, we teach all this to the students and the companies so that they create their endeavors, make their own experiences. Beyond that, we get to the finished product. This is one of the most difficult parts to learn about and to be introduced to this part of the extraction. I think it is one of the most secret parts of this industry. So, we put them in the immersion for three days to get to know the whole world of cannabis. CWJ: CWJ: If someone wants to join the Cannabis school, what benefits would they get from it? Santiago Raigosa: Through access to information and access to people. The networking we do with students. One student can be the owner of a cannabis company, and another can own a restaurant. We have seen those mergers. The school opens those kinds of doors into the industry by removing all the myths and misinformation, helping from the professional point of view. CWJ: What are the plans for the Cannabis School? Santiago Raigosa: Well, at the moment, to continue teaching with love, the whole process that is the cannabis industry. Helping people get into the industry. Aiding growers to get their plants healthy, to get their plants organically.
Other than that, keep improving our facilities, keep improving our processes and try to innovate, always try to innovate: with guests, companies, here internally in Colombia, of medical cannabis. In all its forms: medicinal, cosmetic, food, veterinary, in all its forms. We want to position Damasco Green as one of the largest exporters and sales here in Colombia. with processes, improving the facilities, every time we have a course we add a little thing, we add a facility, we add a machine. So, I would say innovate. Innovation is our keyword. CWJ: What message do you have for growers and entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry, both in Colombia and abroad? Santiago Raigosa: Well, the invitation is that today is the boom. It is the cannabis boom, it was not two years ago. The cannabis boom was not three years ago. The cannabis boom is today. Today is when the buyers, not the investors, but the buyers are the ones who are looking to Colombia to do their business. So, I think it's time to move forward, not to give up, to keep persevering in this industry because it's a whole process, and it's a long process. People thought that the plant, since it takes six months to grow, that after six months, they were going to see some money back. So, I believe that it is a long process, that we have to build slowly. We have to do things well, slowly. But, I reiterate that today is the boom, today is the time to be in the industry. It is now when buyers are looking at Colombia, and people are looking into the business. Because they come from other industries, other countries and are seeing that in the winter, we are producing. So, now we will do that, and that is the most important part for Colombia, producing all year round and at a lower cost. So, my invitation is not to give up and to continue persevering in this beautiful industry.
COUNTRIES MAKING PROGRESS IN THE CANNABIS LEGALIZATION INITIATIVE DURING 2021 We are close to saying goodbye to 2021, a year that has presented great challenges and, at the same time, presents advances in the cannabis sector. There is still a long way to go, but it is worth highlighting those countries that have made a little more progress in their legalization processes or developing this growing industry.
COLOMBIA Through the approval of Decree 811 of 2021, which allows the export of dried cannabis flowers, new doors opened to position Colombia in the international market. It signifies a new advance in Colombian legislation since the legalization of cannabis with Law 1787 of 2016.
ARGENTINA In 2021, Argentinian deputies are expected to vote for a law that will allow the industrial production of the cannabis plant.
The Government's hemp legalization bill, already approved by the Senate, was approved by the Agriculture and Livestock Committee, to strengthen this industry in the country and allow further progress in the national economy.
ITALY In September 2021, the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill decriminalizing the personal cultivation of cannabis, allowing the possession of up to four plants.
PANAMA In August 2021, the National Assembly of Panama approved a law regulating the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis and its derivatives.
MEXICO In June 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice approved, with eight votes in favor and three against, the annulment of the prohibition of the recreational use of marijuana, contained in the General Health Law. In addition, such a resolution establishes that cannabis may be planted, harvested, transported, and distributed for personal use without penalty.
LEBANON In 2021, and as a measure to ensure the farmers' economic survival, there was an increase in the number of agriculturalists switching their crops to cannabis, especially after the Lebanese parliament voted in April 2020 to legalize the cultivation of cannabis for medical use.
LUXEMBOURG The Government of Luxembourg, in October 2021, announced the authorization of cannabis consumption and its cultivation for personal consumption of up to four plants.
UNITED STATES In March 2021, the State of New York legalized the consumption of cannabis for adult use. At the same time, New Mexico joined in April 2021 those states where cannabis for adult use is legal and will launch legal sales in 2022..
COSTA RICA On November 30, 2021, the Constitutional Chamber of Costa Rica reported that it did not find unconstitutional defects in a bill aimed at legalizing the production and sale of hemp and medical cannabis. The initiative may soon be discussed and voted in Congress. This law will allow the country's authorities to grant licenses for the production and industrialization of cannabis for medical or therapeutic purposes.
MOROCCO In Morocco, in March 2021, the government validated a bill authorizing the medical, cosmetic, and industrial use of cannabis, but prohibiting its adult use.
Readies for Full Cannabis Legalization The new government announced that it would legalize the adult use of cannabis.This action would make it part of the European countries betting on the plant. Germany may become the third country in the world to legalize cannabis completely. Undoubtedly, this milestone by Germany will mark a before and after not just for Europe but for the rest of the world.
For Germany, 2021 has been a year filled with triumphs within the industry. In previous days, the new government announced that it would legalize adult use of cannabis. It would make it part of the list of European countries that bet on the plant and its thousands of benefits, or even better, Germany could become the third country in the world to legalize it completely. With regards to this, there is an encouraging scenario for the industry with the new government cabinet, the first step would be decriminalization, which eliminates criminal penalties for consumption that would precede full legalization. At the same time, various parties joined together to carry out a media campaign referring to the reform of cannabis laws, requesting the consumption of cannabis, the regulation of sales, and of course the much-desired culmination of criminal prohibition.
Undoubtedly, this great step taken by the nation could become a milestone that marks a before and after, not only for Europe but also for the rest of the world, since Germany could very well be a great example to remove from the minds of the world population the ideology that cannabis endangers health.
On the other hand, considering this development, even though Germany does not prohibit cannabis consumption, its possession and sale are punishable, except for medicinal purposes. But, with the legalized sale, the goal is to control the product quality and prevent it from containing toxic substances, improving the protection of minors by reducing illegal trafficking.
Likewise, the legalization of cannabis would be a symbol of great economic contribution. Since it would provide the German state with an additional income of 4.7 billion euros in taxes and would save expenses associated with the fight against illegal sales. This movement is carried out in Germany with the help of activists and members of political parties in favor of the legalization of the plant. It is another sign that the liberation of cannabis is imminent, and this country is just one more of those that will close the year 2021 triumphantly. With a big YES to change, a big YES to employment opportunities, and above all, a big YES to medicine. In this way, Germany welcomes the future, welcoming complete cannabis legalization, a small step for Europe and a big leap for the plant.
Mexico is Expected to Go Green with Cannabis by December According to Mexican authorities, December promises to be a month of change for cannabis. While lawmakers work to promote legislative reform and make this bill happen, several activists have been working hard to ensure that attention on the issue is not brushed aside. When talking about cannabis in Mexico, it is easy to think about the long road that the industry has had to travel, and it is not a novelty that the struggle to give the much desired big YES to the plant is taking place. On several occasions, the Assembly has postponed the plant's legalization, claiming to study and analyze in-depth the step-bystep process for its legalization, which has taken longer than expected. However, according to Mexican authorities, December promises to be a month of changes for cannabis.
According to rulings made since 2015, Mexico's Supreme Court has insisted on the country achieving legalization. In this regard, in 2018, the court reported that cannabis prohibition was a violation of human rights. However, Mexico's Congress has been slow to respond to these rulings. It has been such a slow process, that last June, the Supreme Court had to step in, once again, and effectively legalize cannabis. It is up to Congress to bring the country's laws in line with the Court's rulings. On the other hand, a bill to legalize and regulate cannabis sales is among the senators. Therefore, the Political Coordination of the Senate of the Republic indicated that the law that will regulate cannabis in Mexico will be ready by December 15. However, the legislation has not yet been formally presented. The drafted bill is based on a previous version that the Senate approved last year, with some modifications.
Likewise, members of the Senate were selected to integrate health and justice committees to formulate the draft of the cannabis bill. In this sense, according to this provision that is currently processed, people over 18 years of age could buy and possess up to 28 grams of cannabis and grow six plants for personal use only. Following this order of ideas, the bill would implement a Mexican Institute for Regulation and Control of Cannabis, which would also be responsible for granting licenses, supervising the program, and carrying out informative campaigns on cannabis. Likewise, retail licenses should be issued within 18 months of the law's enactment.
Meanwhile, as legislators work to promote legislative reform and make this bill come to fruition, several activists have been working hard to ensure that attention to the issue is not put aside. This means that they have taken it upon themselves to continue promoting cannabis education, informing the community about its benefits and therapeutic properties, and, of course, calling for reflection so that cannabis is seen as what it is, a common good. Taking this into account, together with the work they are doing in the Assembly, everything indicates that Christmas in Mexico may be cannabis green.
New US Bill: Republicans Seek to Lower Taxes on Cannabis Industry Both Republicans and Democrats have put forward their proposals to give an additional boost to the industry in the country. The bill removes cannabis from the U.S. federal list of controlled substances and imposes a 3% federal tax. This bill seeks to expunge federal records of non-violent cannabisrelated convictions. One of the most talked-about issues in the industry this year is the legalization of cannabis at the federal level in the United States. Both Republicans and Democrats have presented their proposals to give an additional boost to the industry in the country. The latest project presented by the Republican party seeks to have a more flexible regulatory touch, focusing mainly on lower taxes. Additionally, it would also seek fewer regulatory "impediments" by allowing minorities into an industry that has proven to be both successful and recession-proof. Nancy Mace, a representative from South Carolina and the bill's leader, explains that the new law would regulate cannabis like it is done with alcohol. First, it removes the plant from the U.S. federal list of controlled substances and imposes a 3% federal tax. The tax revenue would support mental health initiatives for veterans and help small businesses in the industry.
Finally, this bill seeks to expunge federal records of non-violent cannabis-related convictions, potentially freeing more than 2,600 people in the country.
The Opposition While the initiative has had great support it also has opponents, such as Drew McKissick, the South Carolina Republican Party Chairman. He has stated that the party opposes any effort to legalize controlled substances, including cannabis. He further clarifies that it is the Democrats, and not Republicans, who support legalization. Except for specific cases such as this bill, most members of the Republican Party are against these initiatives. McKissick warns of the negative impacts that such a law would have, stating that it would increase crime levels and the mental health of minors.
Conclusions: While it is uncertain whether this bill will pass in the future, what seems inevitable is the federal-level decriminalization of cannabis in the United States.
More and more people are supporting this reality and, whether it is a Republican or Democratic initiative, it is safe to speculate that we will be facing a different legislative reality by 2022.
Cannabis and Veterans: Bill Aims to Support Veteran-oriented Research
The House Veterans' Affairs Committee approved a bill that seeks to federally authorize research on the therapeutic applications of cannabis for military veterans. The issue of veterans and their relationship with cannabis has been controversial in the United States. However, the legal initiatives favoring this group of people to get treatment through the plant's medicinal benefits have increased this year. This month the House Veterans' Affairs Committee approved a bill that seeks to federally authorize research on the therapeutic applications of cannabis for military veterans. If signed into law, it would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to conduct clinical trials on cannabis and its effects in treating posttraumatic stress disorder as well as chronic pain.
Should Congress pass the bill, it could positively contribute to restoring normalcy to the lives of those who sacrificed themselves for their country. The VA recognizes Post-traumatic stress disorder as a factor in suicide rates. While there is no conclusive evidence, it is believed that cannabis could alleviate PTSD symptoms. When cannabis' health benefits are increasingly more recognized, it is necessary to create laws to continue fighting misinformation and create new opportunities for the groups that need it most.
The cannabis genius of all times Image from Google
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 15 |
he world of science is a place where only the brave dare to enter and stay.
Studying, discovering why things happen undoubtedly requires a mind willing to face the great challenges and responsibilities it entails. That is why few people are born with the gift of curiosity and dedicate years of their lives to delve into the field of a thousand unanswered questions. In this article, we pay tribute to a man whose knowledge has crossed the barriers of science, a man who dared to overcome life's hard trials to achieve a transcendental purpose in scientific research. For this and so many more reasons, the editorial team of Cannabis World Journals names Dr. Raphael Mechoulam as Genius of the Year for his wonderful, admirable, and magnificent career in cannabis research. Raphael Mechoulam is and will always be a living example and source of inspiration for future generations.
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The cannabis genius of all times
and experience on some specific topics with our dear readers. His answers were concise and to the point but of great value. One of the first interests was why the cannabis plant above others, why this plant? To which Dr. Mechoulam explains that other plants are no less compelling. Parallel to Cannabis research, my interest in ancient drugs led me to investigate Frankincense, the resin from the Boswellia plant. The burning of it as a sacrifice was a central ceremony in the religious and cultural life of many - probably most - ancient tribes and nations in the Middle East. In ancient Egypt, burning incense signified a manifestation of the presence of the gods and a gratification to them. To the ancient Greeks burning incense was an offering to God, an oblation. In ancient Judea, it was a central ceremony in the Temple. Wars were fought over incense in the ancient Middle East. Tiglath-Pileser III, who ruled Assyria in the 8th century BC, attacked Gaza to control the frankincense routes.
Likewise, the Cannabis World Journals team had the privilege of having a small window of time with Dr. Mechoulam so that he could share his wisdom CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 15 | 24
The cannabis genius of all times
We discovered that frankincense is still used today in religious ceremonies! CWJ also asked Dr. Mechoulam about his most recent work, specifically about EPM301, the new synthetic molecules that are more potent than CBD and THC. He says he expects it to become a drug and invites us to read the existing literature to learn more about how it could revolutionize the industry. R. G. Pertwee, E. M. Rock, K. Guenther, C. L. Limebeer, L. A. Stevenson, C. Haj, R. Smoum, L. A. Parker, R. Mechoulam. Cannabidiolic acid methyl ester, a stable analog of cannabidiolic acid, can produce 5HT1A receptor-mediated suppression of nausea and anxiety in rats. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 175, 100-112 (2018). D. Hen-Shoval, S. Amar, L. Shbiro, R. Smoum, C. Haj, R. Mechoulam, G. Zalsman, A. Weller, G. Shoval. Acute oral cannabidiolic acid methyl ester reduces depression-like behavior in two genetic animal models of depression. Behavioral Brain Research, 351, 1-3 (2018).
Dr. Mechoulam answers, of course, and more research is needed. He also answers positively when asked about the progress of synthetic cannabinoids in Israel and whether he thinks they could be used for medical purposes. As for Delta 8 THC, CWJ asked his opinion, as it was recently in the eye of the storm in the United States. Dr. Mechoulam explains that he does not see anything controversial about this cannabinoid. He states, that some years ago, they worked on it when it was called Delta 6. He also invites to read about the subject to understand it better. Y. Gaoni and R. Mechoulam. The isomerization of cannabidiol to tetrahydrocannabinols. Tetrahedron, 22, 14811488 (1966). Y. Gaoni and R. Mechoulam. Concerning the isomerization of D1 to D6-tetrahydrocannabinol. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 88, 5673-5675 (1966).
E. Murillo-Rodríguez, G. Arankowsky-Sandoval, R.G. Pertwee, L. Parker, R. Mechoulam R. Sleep and neurochemical modulation by cannabidiolic acid methyl ester in rats. Brain Res Bull. 155, 166-173 (2020). Y. F. Zhu, K. Linher-Melville, M. J. Niazmand, M. Sharma, A. Shahid, K. L. Zhu, N. Parzei, J. Sidhu, C. Haj, R. Mechoulam, G. Singh. An evaluation of the anti-hyperalgesic effects of cannabidiolic acid-methyl ester (CBDA-ME) in a preclinical model of peripheral neuropathic pain. Br. J. Pharmacol. 177, 2712-2725 (2020)
CWJ also took the opportunity to ask him about several different topics regarding using cannabinoids in cancer treatment. Dr. Mechoulam points out that although cannabinoids aid anti-cancer drugs and treatments, they are not yet considered anticancer drugs themselves. In this context, CWJ followed with this question: given the advances of some cannabinoids in the in-vitro antitumor action do you think it would be ideal to design nanotechnology therapies targeted to the affected tissue or organ, or in your opinion would a relatively systemic application be sufficient? 25
Genius of the Year
Finally, he emphasizes that he is not interested in social causes. He does not see much purpose in educating people about the cannabis industry, nor does he have any opinions that he wishes to share about where the greatest resistance lays among people against recognizing the value of medical cannabis. Lastly, CWJ posed the following question to Dr. Mechoulam: what factors should legislators consider when creating cannabis regulation? His answer is simple: the illegal use of cannabis.
Also, CWJ asked him about how he sees the cannabis industry in the upcoming years, to which he responded that certain industries will be very lucrative. When asked his opinion on adult use of cannabis, he just says that it depends on the content of the cannabis. The meeting concludes with one final question: Is there any new medical breakthrough that Israel or any advanced institute is researching or about to start looking into? What message do you send to the medical profession? A: Develop cannabis drugs following the wellknown development path used for other drugs.
Image from Google CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 15 | 26
Cannabis on the Stock Market: The Stocks that Stood-Out in 2021 The cannabis industry has grown considerably in recent years. In the United States, for example, in about ten years cannabis status changed from being illegal in all states to be legal in more than half of the country. Cannabis dispensaries in many American states became essential businesses, and sales skyrocketed due to quarantine and increased anxiety levels among people.
industry, as legal sales in the United States surpassed $17.5 billion, a 46% increase over 2019. The pandemic played a major role in this growth, cannabis dispensaries in many states became essential businesses, and sales skyrocketed due to quarantine and increased levels of anxiety among people.
In 2021, investing in the industry became more viable than ever for many people.
The cannabis industry has become one of the most promising investment areas for many investors in recent years, something that seemed impossible a decade ago. Truthfully, the cannabis industry has grown considerably in recent years. In the United States, for example, in about ten years cannabis status changed from illegal in all states to be legal in more than half of the country. The year 2020 was considered by many to be a watershed year for the cannabis
In 2021, investing in the industry became more viable than ever for many people. However, it is important to consider that this is an industry with certain volatility, which is why investing is a decision that should be made after an analysis that allows minimizing risks. Despite the industry's volatility, several companies have managed to stand out during this year in the stock market, here are some of them:
Grow Generation is a young company in the market but has shown during 2021 to grow by leaps and bounds, the company has a P/U ratio above 104, which is a good sign for investors looking for growth. As with any other investment, when considering investing in cannabis stocks, do the research and consider all the factors that would make it a good addition or not to the portfolio. Investors must understand the risks associated with investing in this relatively new industry.
Amyris Inc. (AMRS): A company that has dedicated its work to creating synthetic cannabinoids with a vision of making the industry stop relying on large and expensive crops. This company's stock last year was worth 1.88$, it rose to over 15$ in 2021. Curaleaf Holdings Inc (CURA): A dispensary and production facility management company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange. CURA has a market capitalization of $10.3 billion and is increasing more than 165% year over year. Cronos Group (CRON): A global brand manufacturer of CBD products. Cronos shows controlled growth. However, its fluctuating stock value ranging from 4.92$ to 15.83$ should be considered when investing. GrowGeneration Corp (GRWG): A leading hydroponic equipment retailer in the United States.
Record Cannabis Market Sales in Canada and the United States in 2021 While in the United States, market growth and expansion continued in Illinois and Colorado. Illinois stood out again, with adult-use cannabis sales reaching $121.7 million.
Here is a summary of the moments when cannabis broke its previous sales records in recent months.
Sales approached C$356.9 million, up 5% compared to July and up 43.8% compared to August 2020.
In Canada, cannabis retail sales reached a new record high for the sixth consecutive month. Sales approached C$356.9 million, up 5% compared to July, and up 43.8% compared to August 2020.
In 2021, cannabis retail sales were one of the factors that revealed the industrial breakthrough of this market in Canada and the United States, major North American powers in the cannabis industry.
In the United States, Maine and Illinois had very significant monthly cannabis sales revenues. Adult-use cannabis sales in Maine reached $10.2 million for the first time since legalization in 2020, a record relevant to sales patterns in the state.
On the other hand, Illinois surpassed the $120 million mark this month for adult-use cannabis sales by residents and visitors, which at the time was partially attributed to the Lollapalooza music festival.
Canadian medical cannabis enthusiasts broke a new sales record in the region. Due to a notable increase in revenues in one of its provinces: Ontario, where sales reached $110.56 million, and national sales totaled $276.95 million.
Other states also had recorded this year, including Nevada with $865 million in total sales as of the latest reports; Maine; and Michigan, with significant sales records in July and August.
Growth and market expansion continued in the American states of Illinois and Colorado. Illinois stood out again, with sales of adultuse cannabis reaching $121.7 million. On the other hand, Colorado surpassed $206.4 million in revenue from sales of cannabis products made in the state, which is a lower figure than in August, but an increase compared to September of previous years.
Cannabis companies such as Fiore Cannabis and Cage Growth Corp. reported record sales in the last quarter of 2021. According to Yahoo Finance, Fiore Cannabis reported revenue of $1,106,000, up 101% from $550,000 in the third quarter of 2020, and Cage Growth Corp. announced revenue of $27.2 million, up 119.6% year-over-year and 3.2% quarterover-quarter.
October To the surprise of many, Illinois continued to break records, surpassing $123 million. The second-highest record for the adult-use cannabis market since its legalization in the state in 2020. It positioned the state at the top with sales of more than $1.2 billion in the first 10 months, without counting medical cannabis sales, according to Chicago Sun Times.
Cannabis Markets
In Canada, Tokio Smoke enabled its catalog in the new service UberEats platform, allowing cannabis orders.
In Colombia, Grupo Aion with Biowellness will sell in New York, New Jersey, Georgis, Florida, and Pennsylvania ground coffee and capsules with medical cannabis substances. Cannabis has been occupying quite a space in different industries, and this reflects in the opening of new products and services. As proof of this, here are some examples of what seems to be a promising future for cannabis in the food industry. In Ontario, Canada, the Tokio Smoke store enabled its catalog on the new Uber Eats platform service, allowing cannabis orders. Initially, buyers must pick up their order at the store, but over time it is expected that consumers will be able to receive the order at home.
Colombia and the United States In Colombia, the Aion Group, in charge of exporting and commercializing coffee, together with Biowellness, in charge of adding CBD to these products in the state of Florida, will sell in New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, and Pennsylvania ground coffee and coffee capsules with medical cannabis substance. The objective is to sell an average of $100,000 per month and reach a par $200,000 in coffee with different cannabinoids alone. The CBD infusion with coffee offers antioxidant, analgesic, and antiinflammatory benefits; also helping to stimulate memory and combat anxiety and stress. Likewise, this company intends to expand its catalog of Colombian products with CBD shortly. Brazil, a culture fond of sweets and chocolates, could not be left out of the cannabis gastronomic market. Although currently, the use of cannabis is not legal in that country, there are companies like Chocohemp that decided to innovate with chocolates whose main ingredient is cannabis terpenes. The interesting thing is that the products are free of THC and CBD, making them legal for consumers. The aroma and flavor of the cannabis strains guarantee a unique experience.
What to Expect from the Cannabis Business in 2022? The future of the cannabis industry looks quite bright as long as certain hurdles are overcome in four key areas: legality, investment, technology, and market. The industry generated around $4.6 billion in 2020, these profits are expected to grow rapidly, reaching $15 billion by 2024 and even $20 billion by 2025. More and more new companies are emerging with new products and formulas based on the multiple cannabinoids available in the plant.
The year 2021 is a year of great growth and expansion for the cannabis industry. Currently, in the United States alone, 35 states plus the District of Columbia allow the legal use of cannabis for medicinal reasons, and 16 of these same entities allow adult use. Times have certainly changed. In 1969 barely 12% of the population agreed with the plant's legalization, but by 2000 this number increased to 31%, 20 years later it doubled to 67% according to Pew Research. This change in attitude occurred not just in the people but also in their political leaders.
In 2019, according to Politico, 296 members of the US Congress represented the 33 states that legalized medicinal Cannabis. President Joe Biden supports Cannabis decriminalization, evident by his appointment of a Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nominee who recognizes the plant's medicinal benefits. For the first time, three cannabisrelated bills are under discussion: 1) the Banking Security Act of 2021, 2) the Hemp and Hemp Derivative CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2021, and 3) the Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act of 2021. The expansion of cannabis acceptance ranges from the European continent with Luxembourg,
Germany, or the United Kingdom joining this wave of legalization, to the relaxation of countries in extremely strict regimes such as the United Arab Emirates However, how will all this change the business? First of all, it is necessary to establish that despite the legal duality that surrounds it, this industry has generated around 4.6 billion dollars in 2020. It is estimated that these profits will grow rapidly, reaching 15 billion in 2024 and even 20 billion by 2025. More and more new companies are emerging with new products and formulas based on the multiple cannabinoids available in the plant. This has a direct impact on product quality, distribution channels, and manufacturing processes.
It will allow users and the population to feel more secure when using cannabis and its derivatives. As a consequence, the companies who have worked the longest on this arduous path towards the normalization of the plant will be able to enjoy the benefits of investing in this new market, even though they had to sacrifice margins of return on investment in the beginning. The future of cannabis is very bright. This is truly an unstoppable industry where new technologies and their implementation will further accelerate its growth in the coming decades. Of course, there will be a stone or two to dodge but as the barriers are torn down the growth will be exponential.
In a rapidly expanding market, big players such as Procter & Gamble or even CocaCola or Unilever will soon want to participate, primarily through the acquisition of smaller ones. Of course, this opens the door to a true massification of knowledge about Hemp and its benefits.
HU-331, the cannabidiol oxidation product, is a cannabinoid-quinone with anti-cancer potential: a narrative review Article analysis: Cannabidiol oxidation product HU-331 is a potential anti-cancer cannabinoid-quinone: a narrative review, Journal of Cannabis Research. Authors: Judy Trac, J. Myles Keck, and Joseph E. Deweese. Published: April 03, 20212021
The cannabinoid-quinone HU-331 has emerged as a potential therapeutic agent against cancer.
Cannabidiol and related cannabinoids are under analysis for the treatment of several diseases. The cannabinoid-quinone HU-331 has emerged as a potential therapeutic agent against cancer. Previous studies evidence that HU-331 shows anticancer activity without some of the known adverse events associated with the traditional substances. In this brief review, HU-331 action is investigated in purified systems, cancer cell lines, and animal models. For example, HU-331 shows inhibitory activity against human topoisomerase IIα, a known antineoplastic drug. Additionally, in multiple cell model systems, the IC50 value for HU-331 was less than 10 µM. Furthermore, mouse model systems demonstrate the ability of HU-331 to shrink tumors without causing cardiotoxicity.
The research will include some key HU-331 analogs and derivatives activities for various stages of the disease. As a whole, the published studies support further exploration of HU-331 for the treatment of cancer and possibly other diseases. Cannabidiol (CBD) is of increasing medicinal interest. Some of the biologically relevant activity of CBD may derive from active metabolites. For example, this compound possesses many derivatives formed through oxidation and metabolism. Among these oxidation products is cannabidiol hydroxyquinone (CBDHQ), also known as HU-331, which has been examined as a potential anti-cancer therapeutic.
Data from purified systems, cellular assays, and in vivo models have been published over the past 2 to 3 decades and indicate that HU-331 has biological activity against relevant protein targets, cancer cells, and xenograft tumors.
A follow-up study demonstrated that this mechanism of HU-331 also works against the other human isoform of topoisomerase II, TOP2B (Wilson et al.2018). Activity In Animal Model Systems
HU-331 acts against the human enzyme topoisomerase II There is documentation of (TOP2), a known anti-cancer Several sets of animal drug. TOP2 is an essential studies. In 2004, Kogan et al. enzyme involved in controlling followed up their cellular work DNA topology during with in vivo experiments. replication, transcription, and Here, mice were injected with mitosis. Disruption of TOP2 HT-29 human colon cancer function leads to cell death. cells and treated with 5 mg/kg Several anticancer agents, such HU-331 three times per as etoposide and Los estudios week. HU-331 produced a anthracyclines such as publicados significant reduction in tumor doxorubicin, target TOP2 respaldan la size (compared to control) destroying cancer cells. HU-331 exploración using more than one route of (or CBDHQ) is not a new adicional de HU-331 administration. compound. In the 1960s, the (intraperitoneal, literature mentioned this para el tratamiento subcutaneous, and compound was formed by del cáncer y intratumoral), and this effect oxidation of cannabidiol by posiblemente otras appeared to be dosepotassium hydroxide, which enfermedades. dependent. Together, these results in the violet color used data revealed the ability of for the Beam test to identify the HU-331 to shrink presence of cannabis. CBD can also be oxidized by exposure to air and HT-29 xenograft tumors across multiple doses oxidizing agents, forming HU-331 and possibly and different routes of administration. other oxidized products. Activity In Cell Model Systems Activity Against Human Topoisomerase II Several cell systems have been used to Laboratory analysis confirmed that HU331 is a examine the anticancer activity of HU-331 catalytic inhibitor of TOP2A through blockade of (Table 1). In 2004, Kogan et al. oxidized the ATPase domain, which blocks the ability of cannabidiol to HU-331 and then tested a the enzyme to relieve DNA supercoiling without series of cancer cell lines for growth inhibition causing DNA strand breaks. This is consistent using the dye-based MTT viability assay. The with the work of Kogan et al., who previously cell lines included the following: different cell observed no increase in DNA strand breaks in types. the presence of HU-331 (Kogan et al. 2007b).
HU-331 is active against the human topoisomerase II (TOP2) enzyme, a known anti-cancer drug.
Raji (Burkitt's lymphoma), Jurkat (T-cell lymphoma), SNB-19 (glioblastoma), MCF-7 (breast cancer), DU-145 (prostate cancer), NCI-H-226 ( lung cancer), and HT-29 (colon cancer). All seven cell lines were inhibited by HU-331 in a concentration-dependent manner. Specifically, Raji and Jurkat cells were inhibited by 50% at concentrations as low as 0.61-1.2 μM, while other lines ranged from ~ 9 to 40 μM. These results support that HU-331 effectively inhibits cancer cell growth in different cell types. As a whole, the results demonstrate that HU331 disrupted topoisomerase II functions, inhibited cancer cell growth, prevented angiogenesis, and decreased tumor size in xenograft models. Unlike doxorubicin, HU-331 did not cause cardiac toxicity, a significant dose-limiting factor for anthracyclines. Therefore, HU-331 could potentially be an effective option for cancer treatment while avoiding some of the toxic effects of agents such as doxorubicin.
For example, there is a lack of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic information to evaluate HU331's stability, metabolism, and toxicity in human and animal model systems. Currently, none of the published studies reviewed examine long-term adverse events in animal models. Therefore, safety and toxicity profiles need to be clarified by additional studies. HU-331 and related analogs are potentially viable anticancer agents. From an oncology perspective, these compounds function in various cellular and animal model settings to inhibit cancer cell growth and decrease tumor size. While the exact mechanisms have yet to be determined, this promising compound could help treat cancer and avoid some of the toxicity of classical agents. In addition to anticancer activity, some analogs may also be useful in treating other diseases, and further studies of this family of compounds are warranted.
Additional data on HU-331 is needed to assess safety and efficacy as a potential cancer treatment.
Cannabis Consumption During the Covid-19 Pandemic Recent research shows an increase in the use of medical cannabis in the Americas and Europe. As a consequence of multiple psychosocial and environmental factors that primarily affect this period of social alienation.
The world population is living in an exceptional situation due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). As a response, the governments of different countries put into practice security guidelines recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) to prevent spreading the disease, such as implementing the measure of mandatory social isolation. The rigorous measures could increase stress or mental disorders symptoms when reducing contact with other people or remaining in confinement for long periods in the same space or room. Recent research shows an increase in medical cannabis use in different countries in America and Europe. A consequence of multiple psychosocial and environmental factors that primarily derives from this period
of social distancing, fear, or uncertainty for our future to other comorbidities (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, among others) (Copeland et al. 2018, NIH, 2021, Schauer et al., 2021). According to the World Drug Report 2021 presented by the UN, in a survey of health professionals from 77 countries, 42% reported higher use of cannabis, mainly in adolescents, considered the most affected, since interaction with schoolmates or friends is a fundamental part of healthy development. They also found differences in the use of medical cannabis by marital status, with single people or those in a common-law union using the largest amount per day (Mejía et al., 2021).
During this pandemic, for many people obtaining medical cannabis was a necessity, because to them it is essential to their quality of life.
According to Nicholas MacLean, a medical cannabis producer, "when you are homebound, you pay more attention to things like terpenes and cannabinoid profiles, as well as THC and CBD levels, bud structure, and the aroma of the plant." More and more people are using medical cannabis to treat chronic pain from nerve injuries, control nausea and vomiting often caused by chemotherapy against cancer, increase appetite, especially in diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer.
Patients also use it to improve symptoms in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, lowering eye pressure in glaucoma. Finally, for many people during this pandemic, getting medical cannabis was important, as they consider it essential for their quality of life.
References and Bibliography Copeland, M., Fisher, J. C., Moody, J., Feinberg, M. E. (2018). Different kinds of lonely: Dimensions of isolation and substance use in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(8), 1755-1770. doi:10.1007/s10964-018-0860-3 Mejía, D., Gutierrez-Trejo, A. R., Avila-Chauvet, L., & Bonin, L. (2021). Drug use as a coping style to social isolation by COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the adherence to safety guidelines in Mexico. Revista internacional de investigación en adicciones, 7(1), 25-32. National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2021. COVID-19 & Substance Use. https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/comorbidity/covid-19-substance-use Accessed on November 29, 2021. Schauer, G. L., Dilley, J. A., Roehler, D. R., Sheehy, T. J., Filley, J. R., Broschart, S. C., Holland, K. M., Baldwin, G. T., Holmes-Chavez, A. M. & Hoots, B. E. (2021). Cannabis sales increases during COVID-19: Findings from Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. International Journal of Drug Policy, 98, 103384. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103384 World Drug Report. 2021. (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.21.XI.8). https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/wdr2021.html Accessed on November 29, 2021.
Cannabis "Up Close"
Watermelon This strain offers among its therapeutic benefits the high relaxing and sedative power that derives in a deep and restful sleep thanks to its characteristics. It is indica dominant with a THC percentage of about 18%. This strain has fast growth, abundant flowers, and a pleasantly sweet and fruity aroma thanks to the variety of terpenes it possesses.
It helps in the relief of pain, also in the reduction of anxiety and depression episodes. It is a strain that can be used in treating patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), insomnia, and symptoms associated with opioid use disorders.
This strain offers among its therapeutic benefits the high relaxing and sedative power that derives in a deep and restful sleep thanks to its characteristics. CANNABIS WORLD JOURNALS | ISSUE 15 | 39
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Disclaimer: Cannabis World Journals in its position as a purely educational journal, is not responsible for the issuance of personal opinions for informational purposes. For the proper, responsible and safe use and handling of cannabis consult the laws of your country and/or your family doctor or specialist.