Havyard Times 2007 no1

Page 1

havyard times a m a g a z i n e f r o m t h e h av ya r d g r o u p


Havyard Maritime - Head of the good design times


“The Blue Diamond” to become Havyard’s new headquarters


Wonderful journey through the kingdom of the polar bear


The shipowner - Portrait of Anne Jorunn Møgster

this issue

no. 1 june 2007

havyard times

Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and

its subsidiaries: Havyard Maritime, Havyard Leirvik, Havyard Powertec, Havyard International, Havyard Elektro, Havyard Trading and Havyard Arctic Technology. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our business philosophy is “Adding value”. We hope this magazine will add extra value to our company.

responsible editor: gunnar larsen writer: geir bjarte hjetland concept and design: havnevik as photographers: fred jonny hammerø, tony hall, Arve Ullebø,

jonas andre pedersen

illustrations: print:

havnevik as, georg grimstad, gunnar flusund pk trykk as



22 Wonderful journey through the polar bear’s kingdom

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xsjuufo!cz;! Geir Bjarte Hjetland qipup;! arve UlleBø!!

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xpsme!cfofßu!gspn!uijt!dpodfousbujpo!pg!fyqfsujtf/ ufyu;! Geir Bjarte Hjetland

The maritime cluster is predominantly located

tionally oriented maritime expertise has provided

in the area from Hordaland to Møre og Romsdal,

great opportunities for product development and

which is also home to the Havyard Group. Hav-

innovation,” according to Aker Yards.

yard’s state-of-the-art shipyard is located in Leir-

But Aker is not the only key shipbuilder in the

vik in Hyllestad, and the other divisions are located

cluster. Other players include Havyard, Ulstein and

in the area around Ålesund. ”This concentration


of the maritime environment is crucial for us in the further development of our business, and it

In other maritime fields, Havyard, Rolls Royce,

is also important for our clients,” says Geir Johan

Vik & Sandvik, Aker etc also have key positions in

Bakke, CEO of the Havyard Group.

the cluster, this applies to design and not least

The maritime cluster has a central role, not least

with its head office in Ulsteinvik is the biggest of

to equipment suppliers, where Rolls Royce Marine

when it comes to offshore vessels and technology. The rich oil and gas reserves off the Norwegian coast have had a major impact onshore, which is reflected in a number of local communities along the coast. “Fosnavåg, south of Ålesund, from where the Havyard Group also operates, is the world’s largest offshore shipping milieu. This naturally creates syn-

its kind in the world. ”All the enterprises in the maritime cluster in Western Norway deliver high quality and competence. For the Havyard Group, competition with the companies in the immediate area is an important factor in innovation and development,” concludes Geir Johan Bakke, CEO of the Havyard Group.

ergies, both for the individual companies and the local communities. The people here are proud of

Support from the local authorities

their knowledge and competence,” says Mr Bakke

The active investment in the further development


of a maritime cluster in Western Norway has also

The listed company Havila Shipping ASA, which has

received the full support of the local and regional

a dominant position in relation to oil and gas ac-

authorities. Møre og Romsdal’s County Mayor, Jon

tivities in the North Sea, is one of the companies

Aasen says that the maritime industry plays a cen-

to have established a base in this area.

tral role in the county’s economy. ”We have, among other things, financed analyses

from Florø to Aukra and one in Eastern Norway.

and we will continue to ensure that the analyses required by this industry are compiled. We also work actively to ensure that the central authorities do not change the competitive terms in re-

described as one of the world’s most complete

lation to those under which foreign competitors

maritime clusters. This concentration of interna-

operate,” says Mr Aasen.




leader by President of the Havyard Group


Western Norway is the maritime sector’s gold coast


Havyard Maritime - Head of the good design times


“The Blue Diamond” - Havyard’s new headquarters


Havyard Leirvik is very important to Hyllestad


“Havyard is my home away from home”


Major Investment in the Leirvik shipyard


Focused investment in knowledge


Wonderful journey through the kingdom of the polar bear


The shipowner - portrait of Anne Jorunn Møgster


Newbuild 85 delivered


Newbuild 90 delivered




The Havyard Group wins contract




In shipbuilding, Aker Yards is one of the key players, with six Norwegian shipyards along the coast

“The yards are important players in what can be

leader by president of the havyard group, geir johan bakke

driven by passion for our profession The Havyard Group’s objective is to be a complete integrated shipbuilding company, by which is meant that all critical and most of the knowledge-based elements of shipbuilding will be carried out by companies within the group. photo: fred jonny hammerø

The Havyard Group currently includes the group’s

of employees has more than tripled and over

shipyard, Havyard Leirvik, which is one of the big-

20 HAVYARD-design vessels are now being built

gest and most modern in Norway today, where

worldwide. In our opinion, this success is based

vessels are equipped inside a roofed dock hall,

on the fact that shipbuilding competence in the

which ensures an optimal working environment,

group has been a very important factor dur-

high quality and expedient progress in the proc-

ing the development of the designs, which is a

ess of equipping ships. Havyard Leirvik shall focus

major competitive advantage in relation to our

on building purpose-built vessels, and be a world-

competitors. This means “construction-friendly”

leading shipyard in this segment with respect to

vessels that ensure profitability for the yards and

logistics, quality and innovation. It shall also act as

make it easier to deliver at the agreed time, while

a shop window for the products we supply in the

shipping companies get far more functional and

Havyard Group.

practical vessels, which ensures more reasonable and simple operation, and better functionality for

Havyard International is the sales organisation in

the operations the vessels have been designed to

the group. The company’s objective is to sell the

carry out. However, nor should we forget that we

products we supply; shipbuilding competence

have been particularly fortunate as regards the

and capacity, hulls to yards that build HAVYARD-

clients who have chosen to build HAVYARD-design

design vessels, design, the main switchboards

vessels. They have been exceptionally knowledge-

and worktops for vessels’ bridges and control

able and demanding. Because of this, we have

rooms, and equipment packages. Our objective

chosen the slogan - “designed by shipbuilders for

is to further expand the product segment. This

demanding shipowners” for HAVYARD-design.

will be achieved both through further developing companies in the group and taking over external

Havyard Trading is responsible for hull construc-


tion in the group. The objective of hiving off hull construction into a separate company is to ensure

Havyard Maritime is the design company in the

that there are clear lines of responsibility and ex-

group. This company was established when Leine

pedient procedures in an activity as critical as hull

Maritime was taken over two years ago, and since

construction. Today, hull construction currently

its launch it has far exceeded the expectations

takes place in Poland and Turkey, where we have

we had at the time of the takeover. The number

good partners.

“ Our objective is that a Havyard-design vessel should make you proud ” Geir Johan Bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS

leader by president of the havyard group, geir johan bakke

Havyard Arctic Technology is the company in the

A total of 13 vessels of the HAVYARD 842 design

group that focuses on ensuring the process of

are currently being built; this is an optimised and

improvement in the construction of ice-breakers.

cost-efficient AHTS in the “medium” segment,

The Havyard Group is a world leader in the con-

which has been designed with seaworthiness

struction of this type of vessel, with six vessels, of

and functionality in mind. Consideration was also

a total of nine, delivered in the last seven years.

given to the vessel being environmentally friendly. The vessel has an approx. 200 tonne bollard pull

Havyard Powertec is the most recently estab-

and a 350-400 tonne winch. In our opinion, a ves-

lished company and shall have responsibility for

sel of the HAVYARD 845 design is the optimal AHTS

developing electro technical solutions, documen-

in the “large” segment, with optimal focus on the

tation, automation and other products in ships’

environment and consumption, and the crew’s

electrical systems, focusing particularly on HAV-

safety. The Havyard 832 CD is an optimised PSV in

YARD-design vessels. The company also wishes to

the segment between “medium” and “large”. This

develop equipment packages and products in this

is the first “Clean Design” in this segment, and has

segment, which will be offered to clients who buy

a deck area of 800m2, and a deadweight of 4,000t.


In the construction vessel segment we have the

As mentioned above, more than 20 HAVYARD-

HAVYARD 858 and the HAVYARD 858 DSV, which are

design vessels are currently being built around

also built for diving support.

the world. In addition to the criteria mentioned above in the development of HAVYARD-design, we

The further development of the Havyard Group

also focus a great deal on aesthetics; we believe

shall be carried out in a safe and expedient man-

aesthetics are important as long as they do not

ner in accordance with our focus on a sustainable

interfere with the functionality and construction-

environment. And we are sticking to our motto

friendliness of the vessels. Our objective is that

of “adding value” vis-à-vis you, our stakeholders,

a HAVYARD-design vessel should make you proud,

based on the fact that everyone in the Havyard

whether you are part of the Havyard Group, ship-

Group is “driven by passion for our profession”.

builder, owner, crew member or charterer etc. In our opinion, this will ensure a more optimal focus, and will probably also increase the value both of the assignments that are performed and the

Geir Johan Bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS

value of the vessel itself.


Western Norway is the maritime sector’s gold coast Western Norway has the biggest cluster of maritime enterprises in Norway and northern Europe. Clients throughout the world ­benefit from this concentration of expertise. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland

The maritime cluster is predominantly located

tionally oriented maritime expertise has provided

in the area from Hordaland to Møre og Romsdal,

great opportunities for product development and

which is also home to the Havyard Group. Hav-

innovation,” according to Aker Yards.

yard’s state-of-the-art shipyard is located in Leir-

But Aker is not the only key shipbuilder in the

vik in Hyllestad, and the other divisions are located

cluster. Other players include Havyard, Ulstein and

in the area around Ålesund. ”This concentration


of the maritime environment is crucial for us in the further development of our business, and it

In other maritime fields, Havyard, Rolls Royce,

is also important for our clients,” says Geir Johan

Vik & Sandvik, Aker etc, also have key positions

Bakke, CEO of the Havyard Group.

in the cluster, this applies to design and not least

The maritime cluster has a central role, not least

with its head office in Ulsteinvik is the biggest of

to equipment suppliers, where Rolls Royce Marine

when it comes to offshore vessels and technology.

its kind in the world.

The rich oil and gas reserves off the Norwegian coast

”All the enterprises in the maritime cluster in West-

have had a major impact onshore, which is reflected

ern Norway deliver high quality and competence.

in a number of local communities along the coast.

For the Havyard Group, competition with the

“Fosnavåg, south of Ålesund, from where the Hav-

companies in the immediate area is an important

yard Group also operates, is the world’s largest off-

factor in innovation and development,” concludes

shore shipping milieu. This naturally creates syn-

Geir Johan Bakke, CEO of the Havyard Group.

ergies, both for the individual companies and the local communities. The people here are proud of

Support from the local authorities

their knowledge and competence,” says Mr Bakke

The active investment in the further development


of a maritime cluster in Western Norway has also

The listed company Havila Shipping ASA, which has

received the full support of the local and regional

a dominant position in relation to oil and gas ac-

authorities. Møre og Romsdal’s County Mayor, Jon

tivities in the North Sea, is one of the companies

Aasen says that the maritime industry plays a cen-

to have established a base in this area.

tral role in the county’s economy. ”We have, among other things, financed analyses

In shipbuilding, Aker Yards is one of the key play-

and we will continue to ensure that the analyses

ers, with six Norwegian shipyards along the coast

required by this industry are carried out. We also

from Florø to Aukra and one in Eastern Norway.

work actively to ensure that the central authori-

“The yards are important players in what can be

ties do not change the competitive terms in re-

described as one of the world’s most complete

lation to those under which foreign competitors

maritime clusters. This concentration of interna-

operate,” says Mr Aasen.

havyard maritime Head of the good design times


Head of the good design times Stig Magne Espeseth was born and raised in Fosnavaag and, on completion of his engineering studies in 1991, he returned to his home town full of enthusiasm and new knowledge. Today, he is the head of Havyard Maritime’s prospering designer operations. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland illustrations: havnevik and gunnar flusund photo: fred jonny hammerø


havyard maritime Head of the good design times

Arve Helsem Leine

Design Manager of Havyard Maritime

Stig Magne Espeseth

Managing Director of Havyard Maritime

He started his career in Leine Maritime, where he

closely together at a high level of expertise. That

worked with four other designers and engineers

is a benefit for us, and I’m sure it benefits our

until the company became part of the Havyard

customers around the world.”

Group two years ago.

He is supported in this view by the Design Manager in Havyard Maritime, Arve Halsem Leine. He

“My job in Leine Maritime was exciting and it gave

started as a designer in his uncle’s company, Leine

me the right expertise in the maritime cluster

Maritime, in 1996 – and was one of four employ-

here in Western Norway. Having a good job in

ees who joined the new company when Leine

this line of business was very valuable for me as a

Maritime was bought by Havyard.

young engineer,” Mr Espeseth says. “I believe that we brought with us the drive and When Leine Maritime was taken over by the

spirit from our old company, and that has had a

­H avyard Group on 2 May 2005, the company

positive influence on our job for Havyard Maritime

­b ecame a wholly-owned subsidiary.

and our global customers,” says Mr Leine.

“We were four employees from Leine Maritime who joined the new company, and we now have a to-

Havyard Martime’s ship designs have proved a

tal staff of 13 highly proficient men and women.

great success for several shipowners both in Nor-

Today, Havyard Maritime has a design department,

way and abroad. HAVYARD 842 is especially popu-

a steel department, machinery department and a

lar, and Stig Magne Espeseth shares the credit for

stability department. We really have made good

this success with his staff.

progress in the past two years.” “For me as Managing Director it’s very important As Managing Director of Havyard Maritime, Stig

that we can provide our customers with a full

Espeseth has a busy work schedule all year round.

package and flexibility, especially when it comes

He travels a lot, but he always looks forward to

to the final equipping of the vessels. We work to-

coming back to Fosnavaag.

wards a common goal and solve the challenges

“For me, it is an added bonus to have excellent job-

that arise at the most expedient level. Together,

related challenges in my home town. I certainly

we aim to provide solutions that will satisfy the

value the environment in Havyard, where we work

shipowner 100 per cent,” concludes Mr Espeseth.


havyard maritime Head of the good design times

“ For me it´s an added bonus to have excellent job-related challenges in my own home town ” Stig Magne Espeseth

Managing Director of Havyard Maritime

Havyard 832 CD

LOA: 78.6 m, B: 17.6 m Deadweight: 4,000 tonnes, Deck area: 800 m2

Havyard 834 CD

LOA 78.6 m. B 17.6 m Dødvekt 4,000 tonnes. Dekks areal 800 m2

Havyard 835 CD

LOA: 96 m, B: 20 m Deadweight: 5,500 tonnes, Deck area: 1,070 m2

Havyard 841

LOA: 64.8 m, B: 15.7 m Bollard: 70-120 tonnes, Deadweight: 2,000 tonnes

Havyard 842

LOA: 74.5 m, B: 17.2 m Bollard: 200 tonnes, Deadweight: 3,000 tonnes

Havyard 845 CD

LOA: 92 m, B: 22 m Bollard: 275 tonnes, Deadweight: 4,200 tonnes

Havyard 858 CD

LOA: 110 m, B: 23 m, 2 moon pools, 3 ROVs 140 crew, Deck area: 1,100 m2, Offshore deck crane: 250 tonnes


“The Blue Diamond” to become Havyard’s new headquarters

“The Blue Diamond” to become Havyard’s new headquarters In March next year, the Havyard Group AS will bring together its activities in Havila’s new headquarters, “The Blue Diamond”. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland illustration: Architect georg grimstad

When planning of a new headquarters for Havila and Havyard started, Per Sævik, major owner and chairman of the board, said that he wanted something different. And different it certainly is. Architect Georg Grimstad produced drawings and a model that everybody was delighted with, and in March 2008 the dream will become reality at Mjølstadneset, just outside Fosnavåg.

Havyard will have the first floor at its disposal. The ground floor will contain an exercise room and a cafeteria, and the second and third floors will be the “the blue diamond”

headquarters of Havila. The total floor space in the new building is about 2,500 square meters.

In March next year, the Havyard Group AS will bring together its activities in Havila’s new headquarters. Architect: Georg Grimstad

“We are very excited about the new building, and we believe that ‘The Blue Diamond’ will be another example of the quality behind the activities of both Havila and Havyard,” says Hallvar Ulfstein, Finance Director in Havila AS, .


Havyard Leirvik is very important to Hyllestad

Havyard Leirvik is very important to Hyllestad Havyard Leirvik is a modern shipyard located in the municipality of Hyllestad in the outer Sognefjord area. The activity at Havyard Leirvik is very important to the local community. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: tony hall

With only around 1,500 inhabitants, Hyllestad is one of

ing old houses for let. Even young people are building

the smallest municipalities in Western Norway, but it

brand new houses and have plans for a future in Hyll-

is nonetheless very important to the maritime cluster

estad,” says Mr Wolff. Today, a lot of the workers at the

along the Norwegian coast. For generations, shipbuild-

shipyard are contract workers from Eastern European

ers have practised their profession at Kjørneset, west of

countries such as Poland. “We hope that at least some

the small town of Leirvik. Havyard Leirvik is one of the

of these workers will bring their families to Hyllestad.”

most modern shipyards in the maritime cluster, with

The mayor of Hyllestad, Harry Mowatt, is convinced

orders worth around NOK 3.5 billion on its books. The

that Havyard Leirvik`s role is very important, not only to

yard is by far the largest employer in Hyllestad munici-

Hyllestad, but to the whole district. ”You can multiply

pality, and the other private businesses in the area are

the number of employees at Havyard by four or five,

very happy that Havyard Leirvik is doing so well. “In our

then you will see the great importance and value of

small municipality, the ripple effects of the high activity

Havyard to the local community.” Mr Mowatt empha-

at Havyard Leirvik are of course very important,” says

sises the fact that Havyard is a larger employer than the

Odd-Erling Wolff, chair of Hyllestad business advisory

municipality itself, which is not at all common in outly-

board. Mr Wolff points out the significant effects of the

ing regions in Norway. ”Havyard is an important partici-

high activity on other private businesses, the munici-

pant in the community, and it plays an active part in the

pality in general and the surrounding district. “People

development of Hyllestad. That is very important,” the

are shopping, planning to build houses and redecorat-

mayor concludes.


“For me, a visit to Havyard is like coming home.” Ravindra D. Punwani, President - Technical of Garware Offshore Services Ltd., looks out at the fjord landscape through the window on the bridge of the new Platform Supply Vessel “Kamet”. written by: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: Arve Ullebø

“Havyard is my hom

me away from home�

Ravindra D. Punwani is back at Havyard’s shipyard

wani. He adds, “When a customer looks at the Hav-

in Leirvik for the second time in just a few weeks.

yard design portfolio, it is a combination of ease

The long trip from the metropolitan city of Mum-

of construction and efficiency of operation, as

bai in India to the very small town of Leirvik in

Havyard receives input from Havila as a shipowner,

Western Norway does not seem to bother him

the shipyard in Leirvik and a great design team in

much. He assures us that he really loves being in

Fosnavaag. To put it in a nutshell, the Havyard de-

Norway in general, and especially when he can

sign is very shipyard-friendly, and it will result in a

join his friends at Havyard. ”Of course, Norway is

lower lifecycle costs for the shipowner.”

very different from India and Mumbai, but for me, Havyard is like my second home. I have so many

”Ravi”, as he is called by friends, strongly believes

good friends here,” says Mr Punwani and smiles a

that, in the 200-tonne bollard pull AHTS-vessel

heartfelt smile.

class, there are perhaps just three or four designs that are really good, but none of the others has

Garware Offshore Services Ltd. has ordered a total

the combined experience that Havyard provides.

of four Platform Supply Vessels from Havyard. The

“The very fact that you have all these different as-

first one, the “Kailash”, was delivered in Novem-

pects of shipbuilding and ship operation under

ber last year. “Kamet” will be delivered in May this

one roof will definitely result in great ships. It is

year, and the next two are scheduled for delivery

also the case that CEO Geir Johan Bakke and his

in 2008.

team ensure that you are not tied to ordering a complete package. The Havyard design allows

“From a shipowner’s point of view, I can only give

flexibility in the equipment used.” Mr Punwani

praise to a wonderful partnership. Not only have

points out that, where others say ”take it or leave

our new ships been built by Havyard, we also ex-

it”, Havyard designs provide flexibility, allowing

clusively represent the Havyard Group in India,

you to choose equipment without sacrificing the

marketing their designs and shipyard. In a very

characteristics of the design.

short space of time, we have successfully sold a design package for four Havyard 842 AHTS to ABG

The relationship between Garware Offshore Serv-

Shipyard Ltd. in Mumbai in India. I find this very

ices Ltd. and the Havyard Group started with a mu-

satisfying, and it marks the beginning of Havyard

tual friend in London. He says: ”We have a close

design as an international player,” says Mr Pun-

friend called Alan Gatland, who is Managing Direc-


“havyard is my home away from home”

“ From a shipowner’s point of view, I can only give praise to a wonderful partnership” Ravindra D. Punwani

Technical President of Garware Offshore Services Ltd.

tor of Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd. Geir Johan Bakke and Alan are good friends, and when he told Geir Johan that he had an Indian customer for Havyard,


Geir Johan thought it was a joke! Then Alan told

Company promoted by the late Mr B. D. Garware, founder of the Garware Group of Companies.

him that Garware was very serious, so why don’t

Mr Ashok B. Garware is Chairman of the Company.

you consider it and meet them?” The meeting did take place and the rest is history.

Garware Shipping was incorporated on 20 September 1976. Garware Shipping commenced business with General Cargo Vessels.

Mr Punwani laughs a bit when he thinks of the little things in life that are needed to create good business relations, and friendships. “I remember the first time I met Geir Johan. He picked me up in his 1981 Ford Granada and we found out that we have a shared interest in cars. And I have to say that I believe that a man who is really passionate about cars, is equally passionate about his job.”

During our interview, Ravindra Punwani is very busy on board Garware’s new ship, the ”Kamet”. Like the rest of the Platform Supply Vessels in the fleet, the vessel has been named after some of the world’s highest mountains – in the Himalayas. A proud symbol of Garware’s success in the Indian offshore industry in recent years.

”Garware started its shipping activities in 1976. Now we are the third largest private sector shipping company in the offshore segment in India. That is a very satisfying situation. But we are not resting there, we still

Garware Shipping left General Cargo Vessels in 1998. In 1983/1984, the company built 5 AHTSVs in Singapore for service with ONGC. The company sold one AHTSV to Middle-Eastern buyers on private terms in April 2005. Currently, all four of its AHTS are on long-term charter to ONGC. The company changed its name to “Garware Offshore Services Ltd.” in January 2006. Took delivery of “Everest”, a UT 755 Platform Supply Vessel (built 09/2000) in December 2005. Presently deployed with British Gas in India. Took delivery of “Kailash” a UT 755L Platform Supply Vessel from Havyard Leirvik AS, in November 2006. Presently deployed with Transocean in India. Platform Supply Vessel “Kamet”, a UT 755L (Hull 090), is scheduled for delivery from Havyard Leirvik AS in mid-May 2007. Two UT 755 LN Platform Supply Vessels scheduled for delivery from Havyard Leirvik AS in March 2008 and December 2008.

have a long way to go,” Ravindra Punwani concludes.


Major Investment in the Leirvik shipyard

Major Investment in the Leirvik shipyard Havyard is investing heavily in the further development of the Leirvik shipyard. Among other things, a new fitting-out quay and environmental station have been constructed and the traffic conditions in the area have been improved. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: Arve Ullebø

Demands for more space and the goal of even more

been built as a result of the high influx of orders and

efficient production is the reason why Havyard has in-

a marked increase in manning levels. In addition, it is

vested between 4 and 5 million UD dollars in the Leirvik

desirable to build a new crane and expand storage ca-

Shipyard. “With the new fitting-out quayside, which has

pacity. “It is important to us that we have a high level

been extended by 100 metres, we can fit out two new-

of quality throughout the facility. This will benefit us as

buildings simultaneously, in addition to having one ship

well as our customers,” says the shipyard’s managing

in the dock. This will definitely improve our efficiency,”

director. The Leirvik shipyard currently employs approx-

says Tor Leif Mongstad, the shipyard’s managing direc-

imately 200 full-time employees all of whom are highly

tor. A new environmental station for better and safer

competent in their respective disciplines. It also hires

handling of production waste is being established in

labour when the need arises. A total of approx. 400

the area. “We produce a great deal of waste which re-

men and women currently work at the shipyard. “With

quires correct handling from an environmental point of

the expansion that has taken place, we now have the

view, including over 3,000 tonnes of sand from sand-

possibility of having around 600 people at work. We en-

blasting. Improved sorting of waste will yield both envi-

visage this becoming a reality from the autumn. Given

ronmental and financial gains,” says Mr Mongstad.

Havyard’s success, reflected in its large order reserves,

Better employee and guest parking facilities have

this is completely necessary,” says Tor Leif Mongstad.


focused investment in knowledge with havyard powertec as

Focused investment in knowledge with Havyard Powertec AS The Havyard group is making a focused investment in quality and knowledge. In light of this objective, the high-competence company Havyard Powertec AS has been established. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: fred jonny hammerø

With Managing Director, Johan Bakke, leading the

He emphasises that the company focuses to a

initiative, Havyard Powertec AS is focusing on de-

great extent on high-competence within its field.

livering quality services and products in their niche

“In a situation of global competition for contracts,

in the market.

clients must know that our objective is to deliver high quality at the agreed time,” says Mr Bakke.

“We shall be responsible for preparing general electro engineering and documentation/production

“This is an element in the strategy chosen by the

bases, and also for delivering a number of prod-

Havyard Group, in which we shall focus more on

ucts to ships’ electrical systems. This will focus on

the knowledge-based side of shipbuilding, and in

and be specially adapted for Havyard-design ves-

doing so, become an even more attractive partner

sels. The company will also invest in the develop-

to our clients,” says the Havyard Group manage-

ment of equipment packages and products in this

ment. Havyard is focusing on gradually increasing

segment, which will be offered to clients who buy

the activity linked to the new company Havyard

Havyard-design,” explains Johan Bakke to “Havyard

Powertec AS. Havyard Powertec AS has recently


moved into new premises in Tollbugate 8 in the heart of Ålesund town centre.


Wonderful journey through the polar bear’s kingdom


Wonderful journey through the kingdom of the polar bear Russian Gazprom recently carried out an ice test for Havyard’s building no. 83, the icebreaker “Yury Topchev”. It was a wonderful journey through the kingdom of the polar bear. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: tony hall and ingve kolås


Wonderful journey through the polar bear’s kingdom

”Yury Topchev”

Multifunctional Icebreaking Tug Supply Vessel Design: MOSS 828 - MISV DnV Ice Class ICE-15

Main dimensions:

Length over all, approx: Breadth moulded: Depth moulded: Maximum draught, approx: Deadweight, approx:

99.30 m 19.00 m 10.50 m 8.00 m 3800 tonnes

Total installed power:

21.250 kW (28.900 HP)

Main Propulsion:

2 x ABB Azipod, each 7500 kW propeller power

Delivered by Havyard Leirvik, November 2006.


Wonderful journey through the polar bear’s kingdom

“ It was a great journey where the ship had a chance to show its qualities under tough conditions ” Ingve Kolås

Havyard Leirvik’s project coordinator

Havyard Leirvik’s project coordinator Ingve Kolås took

looking at us as if it was wondering what on earth we

part in this state-of-the-art ice-breaker’s two-week

were doing there, in his kingdom. Seeing a polar bear

journey from Murmansk around the Russian arctic is-

up close is a mighty experience,” according to Mr Kolås.

land of Novaja Zemlja. “It was a great journey where the

“Yury Topchev” is owned by the Russian company

ship had a chance to show its qualities under tough

Gazprom, the world’s biggest gas producer. Together

conditions. All the technical tests went very well, and

with its sister ship “Vladislav Strizhov”, it will function as

the ship showed its best side,” says Mr Kolås. Among

a supply ship for an oil platform on the Prirazlomnoye

other things, ice tests were carried out, during which

field, east of the more well-known Stockman field.

“Yury Topchev” made its way safely through thick ice. “There were no problems in handling the tasks tested.

The requirements specified for the ship included be-

It went very well. In addition, a number of ice samples

ing able to:

were collected for further analysis of its consistency.”

• Operate independently surrounded by firm ice up

to 1.45 cm thick and rubble ice up to 4.9 metres The ship left Murmansk early in May, in cloudy and

over and 13.6 m under the waterline.

rainy weather, and headed straight for the Kara Sea

• Maintain a speed of 2 knots or more through 1.5

and the fierce waters around Novaja Zemlja. “Out

metres thick firm ice covered in 20 cm of snow

at sea the sky cleared, and we had day after day of

• Maintain a speed of 10 knots or more through 0,8

wonderful sunshine day and night. The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful, and this in combination with the successful tests made the journey a unique expe-

metres thick firm ice • Make a 180 degree turn in 0.9 metres thick firm ice

in less than 3 minutes.

rience,” says Mr Kolås. The ship can also move backwards into the ice and use The highlight for Mr Kolås and the others came in the

its powerful azipod propellers to “chew” the ice.

middle of the frozen Kara Sea, incidentally the sea where the heroic arctic explorer Otto Sverdrup saved

“During this journey, the ship demonstrated that it pos-

many Russian lives during a rescue expedition in 1914.

sesses all the qualities necessary to operate in these

“We suddenly spotted the king of the polar region, the polar bear. The enormous animal stood on an ice floe,

tough waters. Two weeks on board was a great experience,” Ingve Kolås concludes.


the shipowner - portrait of anne jorunn møgster

the shipowner She is the head of the well-established company, Simon Møkster Shipping AS, a mother of three, and very interested in the future of the industry. With her dazzling smile and high level of expertise, Anne Jorunn Møkster navigates her way through a tough industry. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: Lars Jonas Pedersen

The 41-year-old native of Stavanger is not that

impressive, well-run shipyard which is an indus-

concerned about titles, but in the world of ship-

trial cornerstone in the community.

ping there is no doubt that Anne Jorunn Møkster

So far, we are extremely satisfied with our collab-

is the boss of the family-owned shipping com-

oration with Havyard,” declares Anne Jorunn.

pany Simon Møkster Shipping AS. From her corner office in the company’s headquarters in Tasta, she

It was her father, Simon Møkster, who in 1968

runs the shipping company which has become a

founded the shipping company, which is now a

key player in supply and emergency response on

company of long standing. In the initial years, he

the Norwegian continental shelf.

focused on cargo ships that sailed in Northern Europe carrying simple cargo under fixed contracts.

The shipping company’s 19 ships are in constant

In the 1980s, the focus shifted from cargo to the

operation and during the next two years the fleet

offshore industry, and in 2001 the last cargo ship

will be supplemented with an additional six new-

was sold. The shipping company’s first ship, M/S

buildings, including two from the Havyard ship-

Nordborg, was purchased for NOK 825,000. Today,

yard in Leirvik. “We are definitely very satisfied,” says Anne Jorunn Møkster with a charming smile.

the shipping company has new building orders worth more than NOK 1.5 billion. “My father passed away in 1992 and today it is my two siblings and I who own the shipping com-

It was an Oslo broker who recommended the

pany. I learned the hard way and started working

Leirvik yard and Havyard’s quality design of the

in the company right after I completed secondary

842 type to Ms Møkster. Today, the top woman

school. I have worked in most of the departments

in Simon Møkster Shipping AS is proud that the

in the company, which has been invaluable experi-

shipping company’s new vessel is to be built by

ence,” says Anne Jorunn, who took over as head


of the company in 2004. “You could almost say that I have been groomed

“We must admit that we didn’t know much about

for a career in shipping. I have a piece of advice

Havyard before, and we were very positively sur-

for those young people who are thinking along

prised when we visited the shipyard in Leirvik. We

the same lines as I did: get a good education be-

were met by talented people and were shown an

fore you choose a career path.”


Simon Møkster Shipping AS and Managing Director

eyes rest on the fjord which has provided the ba-

Anne Jorunn have always made a point of focus-

sis for the shipping company for two generations.

ing on Western Norway and the maritime cluster

The fact that she, a woman, heads one of the

that stretches from Jæren to the Møre coast.

most prominent shipping companies in Norway

“It is important to us to focus on the qualities that our region has to offer. Personally, I am particu-

does not seem strange, neither to herself nor to anyone else in the industry.

larly impressed by the knowledge and expertise found in the region around Sunnmøre and Roms-

“At least, no-one says anything to me about it,”

dal. A close collaboration with the people who

jokes Anne Jorunn and points out that she also

build our ships is a precondition for us, and it is

has a key office in the “male bastion”, the Norwe-

therefore natural that we choose a partner such

gian Shipowners’ Association.

as Havyard, for example, for our future plans,” Ms Møkster points out.

Simon Møkster Shipping AS

“However, just as it is necessary to invest in good vessels, it is also important to focus on human resources. We are, among other things, very concerned with HSE work. Our focus on safe operation, systematic efforts in human resources and good values, gives us a competitive advantage.

The company operates and owns or partly-owns a fleet of 25 ships, including newbuildings. The fleet includes three area standby vessels, six platform supply vessels (PSV), four AHTSs, three field standby vessels, eight standby vessels and one ROV Subsea vessel. The company has approx. 440 employees: 390 Norwegian and 30 Faroese maritime personnel, and 20 office staff.

“As a family-owned shipping company, it is of course a great strain and challenge that we are now investing heavily in newbuildings. We are therefore also dependent on having good partners,” says Anne Jorunn.

From her office on the top floor of the Møkster building, she has a view over the seaward approach to her city of birth, Stavanger. Sometimes

Anne Jorunn Møkster (41):

Position: Offices: Marital status:

Managing Director Member of the central board of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, and a key player in the collaboration between the Association and the Research Council of Norway (MAROFF) and a member of the Strategic committee. Married with three children, lives at Tasta in Stavanger

she turns her chair to the window and lets her


newbuild 85

The godmother for “Havila Mars” Eva Altman and from Havila, Bjørn Erik Aas.

newbuild 85 delivered

A special day for Havila The cold wind failed to take the enjoyment out of the moment when “Havila Mars” was delivered from Havyard Group AS to Havila Shipping AS at the christening ceremony in Bergen. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: bjørn ottosen

newbuild 90

The connection between Havyard and Havila is stronger than ever, as demonstrated by the new vessel built at Havyard Leirvik.

The godmother for “Havila Mars” was Eva Altman. She is married to Thormod Hope, vice president of logistics in Statoil. Eva, who also works in Statoil, gave a splendid speech in honour of the new ship, as did Mayor Knut Nærø of Herøy municipality, where the headquarters of both Havila and Havyard are located.

Delivered: 19 May 2007 Name: ”Havila Mars” Shipowner: Havila Shipping

Technical facts:

Design: UT 786 86 m long 19.9 m wide


newbuild 90

Mr and Mrs S. A. Garware were proud to attend the christening ceremony in Bergen. On the right, Tor Leif Mongstad, President of Havyard Leirvik.

newbuild 90 delivered

A happy day for Norway and India The new Garware vessel, “Kamet”, was delivered from Havyard to Garware Shipping at a traditional ceremony in Bergen. text: Geir Bjarte Hjetland photo: bjørn ottosen

Despite the bad weather, with rain and a cold wind, the

newbuild 90

event was a beautiful manifestation of the collaboration between Norway and India. The godmother for the christening ceremony was Mrs S. A. Garware, the shipowner’s wife. The ceremony was based on both Norwegian and Indian traditions. “The owners expressed that they were very happy and satisfied with ‘Kamet’, which is ship number two of four scheduled to be built at Havyard Leirvik. After the naming ceremony, a dinner was held for 70 guests at SAS Bryggen Hotell, with both Indian and Norwegian food on the menu,” says Bente Nesse, Senior Vice President of Havyard Leirvik.

Delivered: 18 May in Bergen, Norway Name: “Kamet” Shipowner: Garware Shipping

”Kamet” is named after the second highest mountain in the Garhwal Himalaya range, which stands at 7,756

Technical facts:

metres. This giant peak stands in splendid isolation on the Tibetan border. When first climbed in 1931 by a British party led by Frank Smythe, Kamet was the high-

Design: UT 755 L 72 m long 16 m wide

est peak in the world to be climbed by man.



havyard design

havyard design

Havyard design to China

New Havyard 832 CD designs at Fjellstrand

Havyard International has signed con-

Havyard International AS has signed

tracts for the delivery of 2 + 2 HAVYARD

contracts for the delivery of the design

842 vessels at Yuexin Shipyard in China.

and hull for 1 + 1 HAVYARD 832 CD vessels at the Norwegian shipyard Fjell-

The HAVYARD 842 AHTS, which is to be

strand AS for the owner, Supply Service

built for PACC Havila Pte. Ltd., is another

AS from the Faeroe Islands.

breakthrough for the HAVYARD design. Building North Sea-standard offshore

Supply Service already has one HAVYARD

vessels in China means new market op-

832 CD under construction at Solstrand

portunities. Including these contracts,

AS. In addition to the design, Havyard is

there are now 13 HAVYARD 842 vessels

delivering the hull to Fjellstrand for con-

under construction in China, India and

struction of the vessel. This is in accord-

Norway. The first vessels of this type

ance with the Havyard strategy of deliv-

were ordered by Havila Shipping, Deep

ering products and services adapted to

Sea Supply and Simon Møkster Shipping

meet the customer’s requirements.

in Norway. The Havyard 842 is designed

Havyard 832 CD is a medium-sized plat-

by Havyard Maritime AS. It has been very

form supply vessel which meets the new

well received in the market and demand

demands in the market. The design has

for the vessel is growing.

greater capacities than existing designs and


Length: Breadth: AHT winch: Bollard Pull:

74.50 m 17.20 m 350 t 200 t


vironmental requirements for Clean Design. The Havyard 832 CD is expected to establish a new segment in the future PSV market.


Length: Breadth: Deadweight: Cargo deck:



propulsion, and it satisfies the new en-

78.60 m 17.60 m 4000 t 800 m2

The Havyard Group wins contract

The Havyard Group wins contract for a state-of-the-art Diving Support Vessel Havyard Leirvik AS has been awarded a contract by

The Havyard 858 DSV design is a follow up of Havyard’s

Havila Shipping ASA for the building of a diving sup-

858 design (construction vessel), which is presently

port vessel of the Havyard 858 DSV design.

being built for Havila Shipping.

The vessel, which is scheduled for delivery in Febru-

Havyard Maritime has designed the Havyard 858 DSV,

ary 2010, will be immediately employed on a long-

and the assignment is further recognition of the com-

term contract.

pany’s expertise in the design of advanced offshore vessels.

The Havyard 858 DSV, the most advanced diving support vessel ever built, will have the following technical features:

The vessel’s hull will be delivered by Havyard Trading. Havyard Elektro will deliver the electrical installations on board, while Havyard Powertec will ensure high-

• Dimensions: 120 m x 23 m

quality electro-technical solutions and the required



• Clean Design • Comfort class • Accommodation for 120 persons • Diving system for 24 persons • Full ROV spread • Main crane: 150 tonnes • 2 moon pools • Speed: 17 knots • Helideck


adding value

Value added is important to us, and our customers are entitled to consider whether they could achieve more in their projects by carrying them out somewhere else. The human factor plays an important role here. Stability, knowledge and quality are vital to all aspects of a project. Competitive edge must be proven through results, and ­ Havyard guarantees that this will be done in the maritime value chain.

Havyard group as Havyard international as Havyard leirvik as Havyard maritime as Havyard powertech as Havyard electro as Havyard arctic technology as Havyard trading as

Havyard group as

P.O.Box 215 6099 FosnavĂĽg, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 55 00 Fax: +47 70 08 55 01


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