Havyard Times 2008

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havyard times a m a g a z i n e f r o m t h e h av ya r d g r o u p


Merger and vision


Developing the first Havyard design


the Captain - Portrait of trond solev책g


a successful norwegian-turkish alliance

this issue

no. 1 august 2008

havyard times

Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and


its subsidiaries. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our business philosophy is “Adding value”. We hope this magazine will add extra value to our company.

responsible editor: writers: concept and design: photographers:

gunnar larsen HeiDi Hattestein, Marit benDz, roalD evensen Havnevik as tony Hall, tan jet CHen, freD jonny HaMMerø, DaMir CuDiC, Havnevik as, tronD solevåg, HavyarD grouP as

illustrations: print:

gunnar flusunD anD Havnevik as Pk trykk as



18 efwfmpqjoh!uif! gjstu!ibwzbse!eftjho � good �ve months elapse �rom a new hull �or a �avila ��� is towed into the doc� at �avyard �eirvi� in the �ogne��ord until it is handed over to its owners and can sail out the ��ord again under its own steam� �o �ar� �eirvi� has delivered two �avyard ���s� while three vessels are in di��erent stages o� completion�

�odern� turn�ey and tailor�made NFSHFS!BOE!WJTJPO

�he �avyard �roup has ac�uired a top�notch partner through its part�purchase o� �letten �lectronics ��� �he company delivers turn�ey bridge solutions �or all �inds o� vessels� but primarily �or o��shore� �shing and seismic survey vessels�

�he �avyard �roup has restructured its companies to ma�e room �or its big vision� because big visions demand simple and well�organised structures� te�t:


leader by President of the Havyard group


Merger and vision


the far east


ConCePt Bridge tm - Modern, turnkey and tailor-made


Developing the fist Havyard design


the Captain - Portrait of trond solevåg


a successful norwegian-turkish alliance


life long service - Havyard ship services


newbuilding Contract at Havyard leirvik


usD 300 Mill Contract


a blue diamond







Together, we will reach our goals This is only the third issue of Havyard Times, yet the magazine has already made its mark as a wonderful means of communicating the positive developments we have experienced in the Havyard Group in recent years.

This issue is particularly important, since it presents

Our vision shows that we have big goals in Havyard.

our new vision and our restructuring into four divi-

Even though we have seen positive developments in

sions to the public.

recent years, our vision is ambitious. However, we will reach the goals of our vision together with our stake-

The Havyard Group is currently enjoying an extreme-

holders - employees, customers, subcontractors etc.

ly positive period characterised by major growth. In order to ensure our ability to complete projects and

In “Our values”, we wish to emphasise that the exper-

grow further, we have decided to divide the group

tise Havyard employees have is our most important

into the following four divisions:

driving force. Only the most skilled and motivated people will work for Havyard. I believe that this will

1. Global Sales Network

be even more of a factor in the future – winning

2. Shipbuilding

companies are those which have the most skilled and

3. Ship Design & Engineering

motivated employees. “Our values” states that an im-

4. Ship Equipment & Systems

portant motivating factor is job satisfaction – that individuals are valued and feel secure.

In order to ensure common goals and values for current and future employees, the management has

The four “we” statements in “The Havyard Culture”

drawn up overall strategies at the group and company

communicate the following: “We can”- we have the

levels. In addition to our vision of being the “world’s

expertise, “We will” – we are motivated, “We dare” - we

most innovative supplier of shipbuilding technology”

are decisive at all levels in the organisation, and, on

these strategies include “Our values”, “The Havyard

that basis – “We get it done”. Our “HSE vision” states

Culture” and our “HSE goals”.

that we also wish to be the best in this extremely important field.


leaDer By president of the havyard group, geir johan Bakke

“ Only the most skilled and motivated people will work for Havyard. I believe that this will be even more of a factor in the future – winning companies are those which have the most skilled and motivated employees.” geir joHan bakke

President of the Havyard Group

Since the last issue of HT, we have delivered two

Everyone who works for Havyard and our stakehold-

Havyard 842 vessels, and it is a great pleasure to

ers should feel that they are treated with respect

receive so much positive feedback from the crews

and appreciation. By following the guidelines out-

and shipping companies, and, not least, the char-

lined in our vision, we will create the basis for future

terers. This gives us the motivation and strength

growth and positive development together. This will

to continue developing new designs and technical

in turn create profitability, and, consequently, inter-


esting and safe jobs as well as good products for our customers. On this basis, Havyard will become

Internationalisation is a clear strategy in Havyard, and we are very excited about the founding of

“best in the world” – an expression I like to use when we succeed.

Havyard Far East, which is our new branch office in Singapore. Asia is an expanding and exciting area in which we already have several contacts, and we are also working on several interesting new projects. geir joHan bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS

Recently-founded Havyard Ship Services is a company we expect great things from. We wish to offer owners of Havyard-designed vessels “life-cycle support”. By this is meant that we will offer all the technical services which the customer desires throughout the vessel’s operation. Furthermore, we will use the company to offer shipbuilding technology worldwide.



vision possiBle

Merger and vision The Havyard Group has restructured its companies to make room for its big vision, because big visions demand simple and well-organised structures. text: Marit benDz


vision possiBle

our vision:

The mos innovative supplier of shubuilding technolon in the world

havyard group organiSation

havyard group

global network global SaleS sales network


Ship deSign & engineering

Shipequipment & SyStemS

HavyarD international

HavyarD leirvik

HavyarD international

HavyarD PowerteC

HavyarD sHiP serviCes

HavyarD elektro

HavyarD PowerteC

sletten eleCtroniCs 40%

HavyarD traDing HavyarD solstranD

Having experienced an international breakthrough

then it’s just a target. A vision, on the other hand,

and major growth in 2007, the Havyard Group need-

is something to reach for, something to strive to-

ed to reorganise. In order to ensure that operations

wards. It has to be far away, though not unachievable

continue to run smoothly and to enable further growth, the Havyard Group has now been organ-

– a vision is not a utopia,” Mr Larsen explains. Going by the growth that is built into the group’s

ised into four divisions. Each division has its own

vision, Havyard aims to be world leader in its field.

management, while the group management will

“In that case, we need a structure that will enable

provide various support functions such as strategic

us to grow and serve the market. The restructuring

management, purchasing, finances and coordina-

means that the global customer market will have

tion and planning.

better access to our services,” he argues.

a vision is not a utopia “We are not known for our modesty here in Sun-

Big visions require a lot of space The background to and motivation for the restruc-

nmøre,” says Gunnar Larsen with a chuckle. He is

turing of the Havyard Group goes a long way back,

head of the international division, Global Sales Net-

with the shipyard in Leirvik and the creation of

work, comprising Havyard International and Havyard

the group’s own designs in Havyard Maritime. “We

Ship Services.

gradually came to realise that there is also a market

“We always have to think big. It shouldn’t be possible

for selling design outside our own yard, and we de-

to achieve a vision already next year. If that is the case,

veloped more and more new products, and started


tHe reasoning beHinD our vision:

in tHe worlD

reflects our ambition to be a world-class player in our industry. Most innovative

means that we are more creative and more ahead of developments than our competitors. we offer technical and commercial solutions that meet present and future requirements, and focus on customers’ needs. sHiPbuilDing teCHnology

means that we aim to have control over and be able to supply all critical components and processes, from design to completed vessel.

new businesses and companies. However, it even-

the companies, which in turn will benefit our cus-

tually became too cumbersome to have so many

tomers in the form of increased capacity and effi-

different companies, both internally in the group

ciency.” Havyard Design will have offices in Fosnavåg

and in relation to our customers,” Mr Larsen tells

and Dragsund in Herøy municipality near Ålesund.

us. “The reorganisation means that the group will not just be easier to run, it will also have sufficient

new personnel required

space to allow Havyard to realise its vision – to be

Havyard Design has great expertise in the develop-

the most innovative supplier of shipbuilding tech-

ment of basic design packages, detailed engineer-

nology in the world.”

ing and production documentation. Because of its burgeoning order books and exciting new projects,

havyard maritime + havyard shiptec

the company will need to recruit more personnel in

= havyard design

the fields of project management, basic design and

An important part of the restructuring is the merg-

detailed engineering. “Employees of Havyard design

er of Havyard Maritime AS with Havyard Shiptec AS

will be offered flexibility and will be able to work

to form the new Havyard Design AS. “The merger

from either Fosnavåg or Dragsund depending on

will improve quality and achieve synergies between

the type of job they are doing. We therefore urge

the companies. Havyard Design AS will deliver the

people to regularly check the job vacancies adver-

same products as the two individual companies did,

tised on our website, www.havyard.com,” says Stig

i.e. ship design and detailed engineering for ship-

Magne Espeseth

building. “By merging Havyard Maritime AS and Havyard Shiptec AS, the ties between them will become stronger and cooperation easier to achieve,” says Stig Magne Espeseth, Managing Director of the new company. “It is extremely important to have good internal cooperation during the whole phase of developing the basic design and producing working drawings as well as looking after the interests of the ship owners and shipyard throughout the process,” Mr Espeseth ex-

“ We’re not known for our modesty here in Sunnmøre, we always have to think big. ” gunnar larsen

plains. By merging the companies to form Havyard Design, we will also streamline the management of


The Far Eas The Havyard Group’s international breakthrough came in 2007. Last year, the group signed sixteen contracts for havyard designs and equipment in Norway, China, India and Singapore. In connection with its focus on Asia, the group has established its first branch office outside Norway - Havyard Far East Pte Ltd in Singapore. tm

text: HeiDi Hattestein photo: tan jet CHen


the far east


the far east

HavyarD far east Pte ltD

“ Singapore is an area with a lot of activity in shipbuilding and repairs. There is a lot of shipping activity in the Singapore area, and Singapore has one of the world’s biggest container ports. ” gunnar larsen

President, Havyard International

“Singapore is an area with a lot of activity in shipbuilding and repairs. There is a lot of shipping activity in the Singapore area, and Singapore has one of the world’s biggest container ports,” says Managing Director Gunnar Larsen. “In addition, Singapore is an important gateway to Asia. Many Western companies use Singapore as a base for their business in the region and as a hub for other surrounding markets,” he adds. The island state has a long history as one of the world’s most important ports. Many Western companies work from Singapore in connection with markets in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and China. The Havyard Group already has an agent in China. “Our plan is that the new branch office in Singapore will provide support for this agent,” says Mr Larsen.

it is all aBout Being where the action is “With a bigger presence, it’s easier to make contacts and receive important information. With engineers and project leaders in the region, we will also be able to provide better support for local projects,” says Mr Larsen.

A local presence has many advantages, among other things, in relation to the time difference. It is not always easy to run a business when the business hours in other countries are in the middle of the night for staff at the head office in Norway.


the far east

“ Today, the challenge at every level and around the world is to secure staff, and we are no exception. Running everything from Norway is cumbersome. We need people over there to help out ” gunnar larsen

President, Havyard International

The establishment of the Singapore office provides

In addition to selling Havyard designs and equipment

new opportunities for the Havyard group.

contracts, the Singapore office will make it easier to enter the secondary market for ships in operation.

“It gives us access to technical and market know-how

Together, the companies in the Havyard group pos-

about the types of vessels that are used over there,

sess a wide range of expertise related to the construc-

and we will have an opportunity to increase our de-

tion, operation, alteration, repair and maintenance of

sign and engineering capacity. We can take some of

ships that can be offered to shipyards and ship own-

the burden off the head office in Norway. Today, the

ers through Havyard Far East.

challenge at every level and around the world is to secure staff, and we are no exception. Running every-

“Singapore is a key port and a strategic location for

thing from Norway is cumbersome. We need people

repairs. That gives us good opportunities for enter-

over there to help out,” says Mr Larsen.

ing the secondary market comprising ship owners

The goal is to staff the Singapore office with a combi-

who call at or are based there,” says a very satisfied

nation of Norwegians and local employees.

company President.

Mr Larsen cites the contract with Swire Pacific Offshore as an example of the success of the group’s efforts in Asia. In summer 2007, Swire Pacific Offshore

havyard Far eaSt pte ltd

ordered four Havyard 844 anchor- handling vessels to be built at the Drydocks World – Singapore shipyard.

Swire Pacific Offshore is one of the world’s biggest offshore players.

This big contract was yet another breakthrough for the Havyard design. Havyard Maritime worked in close collaboration with Swire Pacific Offshore for a long time to develop Havyard 844, an anchor-handling vessel that supports mobile offshore facilities in harsh,

Havyard Far East Pte Ltd in Singapore is the Havyard Group’s first branch office outside Norway. The plan is for the branch office to employee 10-15 people within a few years. The Havyard Group has already secured a major contract in Singapore. In summer 2007, Swire Pacific Offshore ordered four Havyard 844 anchor-handling vessels to be built at the Drydocks World – Singapore shipyard.

deepwater conditions.


concept BRIDGE TM new havyard partner

Modern, turnkey and tailor-made The Havyard Group has acquired a top-notch partner through its part-purchase of Sletten Electronics AS. The company delivers turnkey bridge solutions for all kinds of vessels, but primarily for offshore, fishing and seismic survey vessels. text: HeiDi Hattestein photo: tony Hall

concept Bridge tm - new havyard partner


concept Bridge tm - new havyard partner

“ It adds a whole new dimension to the company. New owners mean new requirements and obligations, but, at the end of the day, we realise that this will result in increased activity and more secure jobs ” gunnar griMsson

Managing director, Sletten Electronics

Together with the company Hareid Elektriske AS, the

made to meet customer requirements – within the

Havyard Group has acquired 80 per cent of Sletten

limits of the law, regulations and common sense, of

Electronics AS (40 per cent each). The head office in

course. Or, in other words: concept BRIDGE TM.

Hareid will be the base for the engineering, design and

“Naturally, customers are free to submit wishes and ob-

planning of turnkey bridge solutions, while the branch

jections, but within the limits of common sense. We

offices in Fosnavåg and Ålesund will attend to service,

have worked so much on these solutions that we know

new installations and after sales service. “A successful collaboration,” says Gunnar Grimsson, head of Sletten Electronics. He is happy to be “swimming with the big fish,” as he puts it. “I believe it will be difficult to run a “corner shop” busi-

where it is expedient to place the equipment, also with a view to subsequent service and maintenance,” says Mr Grimsson. Sletten Electronics developed concept BRIDGE TM because there was a need for it in the market.

ness in five to ten years. Recent developments show

“Previously, when we delivered electronic equipment,

that there are going to be fewer but bigger groupings.

we always used to get many questions about how

One of the success factors in our industry is expertise,

things had to be done to stay within the existing regu-

and in order to develop expertise, it is a great help to

lations. The requirements are stringent, not least with

have a big organisation behind you that can contribute

respect to where equipment is placed and the angle

to strong development and growth,” says Mr Grimsson.

of vision from the bridge. So we took the matter into

And he wants to be in on that development.

our own hands. We have developed a package solution

Through the acquisition, the Havyard Group has acquired both a major resource and expertise in electronics, design and service in connection with the delivery of turnkey bridge solutions for the maritime sector.

that has proved to be excellent with respect to both functionality and the aesthetic aspect.” When Mr Grimsson presents concept BRIDGE TM around the world, he focuses on three advantages:

Sletten Electronics is unique in the Norwegian context.

“We are a total supplier of electronic equipment. We

While there are other suppliers who deliver turnkey

adapt the equipment to what is needed and deliver

bridge solutions, they are usually based on their own

turnkey bridge solutions.” The latest thing on modern

equipment. Sletten Electronics focuses on functional-

bridges is multifunctional stations.

ity. The company delivers state-of-the-art electronic

That means that you can have the radar, chart radar,

equipment, regardless of who manufactures it. It de-

ECDIS/chart plotter etc. in one and the same station.

livers complete bridge solutions for the future, tailor-

These are network-based systems, i.e. electronic units


are configured into a network which, for example,

offices in Fosnavåg and Ålesund. Sletten Electronics

means that the updating of charts is done on one sta-

was a small company the one day, and the day after it

tion but applies to the whole network. One of the goals

was part of the Havyard Group and based at Hareid. But

is that ships should be able to upgrade their systems

there are major plans for the service departments in

almost irrespective of where in the world they are. To-

Fosnavåg and Ålesund.

gether with a well-coordinated service network, this

“We have plans to open a showroom at our branch

will make the Havyard Group an irresistible force in the

office in Fosnavåg. There, we intend to build and simu-

competition for the big contracts.

late complete bridges so that customers can get a

“Havyard is good at focusing on multiple use and

virtual experience of the finished product. Once the

service, and it is entirely in line with our philosophy of

showroom is ready, it will be available to the whole Hav-

operating in both the newbuild and the service mar-

yard Group. We are talking some time in the future, of

kets,” says Mr Grimsson. “Of course, the equipment

course, but I think it will be really good.”

on a bridge must have good functionality and it has

Mr Grimsson admits that Sletten Electronics took

to look good aesthetically, but that isn’t much help if

steps to bring itself to the notice of the Havyard Group;

you cannot get service when you need it, regardless

among other things, he contacted the group himself.

of whether the ship is off the coast of Brazil or in Sin-

“But the Havyard Group was just as interested in us as we

gapore. It costs a lot of money to have a ship standing

were in it. And I fully understand why. We represent se-

idle. The after sales market is, and will continue to be,

curity and a resource for the group. The Havyard Group

one of our focus areas.”

will be in a better position to ask critical questions and

He is very pleased with the acquisition. “It adds a

to receive clear answers. Which we can give them.”

whole new dimension to the company. New owners mean new requirements and obligations, but, at the end of the day, we realise that this will result in increased activity and more secure jobs,” he says.

conceptBridge tm

• •

It is a goal to be based in Western Norway because, as Mr Grimsson says, “This is where it’s happening.” The acquisition will mean some reorganisation, however, including moving the company’s head office. The com-

is a Sub-brand of Sletten Electronics. Sletten Electronics AS is a total supplier of electronic equipment. Manufacturers: Furuno Norge, Sailor, Sperry Marine (Decca, Cplath), Transas, Sam Electronics, Syberg (Raytheon Anschüts), JRC, Scanmar, Marport, Simrad

pany’s new head office will be at Hareid, with branch


designing, Building and operating the 842

developing the first havyard design A good five months elapse from a new hull for a Havila 842 is towed into the dock at Havyard Leirvik in the Sognefjord until it is handed over to its owners and can sail out the fjord again under its own steam. So far, Leirvik has delivered two Havyard 842s, while three vessels are in different stages of completion. text: roalD evensen photo: tony Hall anD tronD solev책g


designing, Building and operating the 842


designing, Building and operating the 842

kriSti og 842 johan e. Stenødegård havyard

“The basic idea when we started designing what was to become the Havyard 842 was to create a mediumsize, powerful anchor handler that also had good supply properties. We also wanted a stylish vessel that would be pleasing to the eye, have good lines, be efficient and environmentally friendly, and that could be used for a variety of tasks,” says Design Manager Arve Helsem Leine of Havyard Design AS.

The President of the Havyard Group, Geir Johan

Guer ad tem zzrilissisit vel eum iuscill uptatuerat, quisLOA: m, B: 17.2 odolobortie m mod ea 74.5 am dolor auguero consequat. Bollard: tonnes, nullan hent landreet iril. Estrud mod200 modolutpat Deadweight: 3,000 tonnes

Bakke, believed that the market needed a vessel like the Havyard 842. Arve Helsem Leine produced a first draft and the design process continued nonstop. “It is obvious that the market liked what it saw, and continues to like it, since we had sold 13 vessels


designing, Building and operating the 842

of this type shortly after we launched the design,”

allows optimum speeds to be reached without sacri-

says a very satisfied Mr Leine.

ficing the vessel’s seaworthiness. We have received a lot of positive feedback from crews that have sailed

“This type of medium-size AHTS is designed to carry

on board that the Havyard 842 is a stable and good

out anchor-handling tasks in addition to having PSV

seagoing vessel . The Havyard 842 is designed for low

functions. In brief, this means that it can carry deck

fuel consumption and is known to be an efficient

cargo and has a large capacity for shipping bulk

and environmentally friendly vessel. The ship is ver-

cargo such as mud and brine, cement and barite,

satile and can be used for more than just anchor han-

bentonite, potwater or fuel for rigs – things that

dling. The Havyard 842 is FiFi class and has many ex-

traditional supply vessels supply on a daily basis

tra sleeping berths and, not least, a powerful, mobile

to offshore installations around the world. We de-

crane on the cargo rail. The ships are equipped with

signed a vessel that has a greater bollard pull than

a cutting edge UREA system for cleansing exhaust, a

other, similar designs. The Havyard 842 has a BP of

sewage treatment system, waste sorting system and

over 200 tonnes and a towing winch of 350 tonnes.

everything a modern, environmentally friendly ship

It has modern lines and a big bulb, and the design

requires in 2008,” says Mr Leine.


designing, Building and operating the 842


designing, Building and operating the 842

“ The Havyard 842 vessels we have taken delivery of have functioned optimally for both us and our customers from day one. Moreover, they are strong and good seagoing vessels that can be used for most jobs. ” arilD reMø

Manager Chartering and Operations, Havila Shipping ASA

Building The HLE 92 Havila Saturn and HLE 93 Havila Neptune

tasks, inspection jobs, and anchor-handling and tow-

were the first two vessels in the Havyard 842 series.

ing jobs, and everything has worked to our customers’

Next up is a vessel for Deep Sea and two vessels for

complete satisfaction. The vessels have been involved

Møgster, which will also take delivery of ORO and

in six or seven rig moves each. Saturn recently arrived

Resque. “That means even more equipment on board,

in Trinidad for a four-month period during which it is

and consequently new challenges for us in the building

scheduled to carry out all kinds of rig jobs for Petro-

process,” says Jobjørn Løland, Project Manager for the

Canada. Neptune will also have a chance to be tested

Havyard 842 series at Havyard Leirvik.

abroad as it is now en route to the Canary Islands to

“This type of vessel is already fairly crammed with

transport a Transocean rig from Las Palmas to Libya.

modern equipment, not least, in the engine, where

That will allow us to test them out under somewhat dif-

space is becoming more and more limited. They are

ferent weather and climate conditions than we usually

designed to be compact, strong vessels with just as

experience in the North Sea,’ says Arild Remø.

much towing power as significantly bigger anchor han-

“There is no doubt here at the shipping compa-

dlers. It can therefore easily become cramped on board

ny – and, not least, among our customers – that the

and that is an extra challenge for those of us whose

Havyard 842 series are very versatile vessels. We are

job it is to build the vessels. But, at Leirvik, we are used

continually receiving praise for the vessel from our

to building prototypes, so it’s not a problem. We of-

charterers. They have performed varied assignments

ten build only one or two vessels of a design. Building

in the most highly variable conditions we can imagine

series of vessels is not very common here,” explains

and have passed these tests with flying colours. They

Jobjørn Løland.

have withstood hurricanes and winter conditions in the North Sea, and I am convinced that they will also work


optimally in warmer climes with the challenges a tropi-

Someone else who is very pleased with the Havyard 842

cal climate often presents. And, not least, they have

design is Arild Remø, who is responsible for day-to-day

operated well without any of the usual teething prob-

operation of the vessels. As Chartering and Operation

lems that newbuilds often bring with them from the

Manager in Havila Shipping, he has nothing but praise

yard. The Havyard 842 vessels we have taken delivery of

for the vessels’ wide range of use.

have functioned optimally for both us and our custom-

“During the relatively short time that we have had

ers from day one. Moreover, they are strong and good

Havila Saturn and Havila Neptune in operation, we

seagoing vessels that can be used for most jobs,” says

have already managed to try out the vessels on supply

a very satisfied Arild Remø.


the captain - portrait of trond solevåg

THE CAPTAIN “The thing that makes the Havyard 842 one of the best anchor-handling vessels – and probably the best of its size – is that it has good capacity for spooling wire and fibre cables. With its unique design, it is also a beautiful ship to look at and a powerhouse with enough power to achieve a maximum bollard pull of more than 200 tonnes,” says Trond Runar Solevåg (32), ship’s master on Havila Neptune, an “authentic” Havyard 842. text: roalD evensen photo: tony Hall anD Havnevik

trond runar Solevåg


Trond Runar Solevåg from Solevågen on Sula. Will be 32 in December 2008. Lives in Ålesund together with his Polish fiancé Karolina. The first ship he sailed on was the chemical tanker Stolt Topaz which he signed on with in Brazil in 1994 at the age of 17. Worked for Trico Supply from 2002 on the anchor-handling vessel Northern Comrade as second mate. Employed by Havila Shipping since 2005, he first sailed on the recently purchased AHTS Havila Force as second mate, first mate and ship’s master until the ship was sold in autumn 2007. Reserve officer on board other Havila ships and instructor and simulator operator for an anchor-handling group training course at Ålesund University College. From the end of 2007 until handover of AHTS Havila Saturn, he was building supervisor for both Saturn, which was christened on 23 February, and Neptune, which was christened on 19 April 2008. A keen photographer and watercolour painter, he has a passion for Italian cars, mainly Alfa Romeos. During periods off in summer, he works for Geiranger Fjordservice and Stranda harbour authority in Geiranger assigning anchor drop positions and moorings to cruise ships.

the captain - portrait of trond solev책g


the captain - portrait of trond solevåg

“ Despite its size, it is extremely steady in the sea, which makes our work on board both safer and easier. We had an opportunity to experience this on board Havila Saturn on the Halten Bank. The wind was gusting at over 70 knots and the waves were 15 to 20 metres high at times. ” tronD solevåg


Captain at Havyard 842 design; Havila Saturn

the captain - portrait of trond solevåg

This relatively young ship’s master has plenty of facts

we concluded that the vessel had moved surprisingly

to back up his opinions. He has previously sailed with

little and was steady and comfortable in the rough sea.

other North Sea shipping companies that have chosen

A Havyard 842 is extremely easy to manoeuvre and is an

other designs for their ships. He has also taken part

efficient work vessel which can carry out even big and

in building inspections and chosen two 842 newbuilds

difficult jobs safely and quickly.”

for Havila. “Prior to working on Havila Saturn and Havila

Another advantage of the design is the mobile crane

Neptune, I worked for eight years on chemical ships in

that can be moved the entire length of the deck on

international shipping, taking some time off to com-

the cargo rail. This greatly simplifies work on deck and

plete my education as a mate and ship’s master, and for

means that heavy deck operations can be carried out

a few years on small anchor-handling vessels.”

much more safely and quickly. Just as important is the

“There are many vessels of various designs that are

vessel’s interior capacity, with sleeping berths for 42

the same size as the Havyard 842, and I would be ven-

people, which means that we can carry out jobs that

turing onto thin ice if I were to compare and contrast

require a lot of extra personnel on board. This came in

the different vessels,” says ship’s master Trond Runar

handy when Havila Saturn was given the task of inspect-

Solevåg. “However, as I mentioned before, one impor-

ing the chains on a production ship in the British sector

tant main difference is spooling capacity. Other impor-

a few weeks ago. They had 14 extra people on board

tant elements that favour the Havila 842 are its comfort,

without any problems. “Both Saturn and Neptune have

newer and better equipment, and increased effect as a

an overall high standard on board with big lounges that

result of there being a lot more power in the Havyard

can be used by both active types and people who pre-

842 design. It is also more stable and steadier in the sea.

fer to just relax,” says Mr Solevåg. “There are good op-

The design has incredibly good stability and the vessel

portunities for exercising for those who still have some

can carry out jobs at great depths. Despite its size, it is

energy to burn after working hours, and, for those who

extremely steady in the sea, which makes our work on

want to relax during their time off, there is a TV and

board both safer and easier. We had an opportunity to

DVD/ hi-fi system in all the cabins, in addition to inter-

experience this on board Havila Saturn on the Halten

net and satellite phones. I have no doubt that Havyard’s

Bank. The wind was gusting at over 70 knots and the

842 is a really good design that will become an efficient

waves were 15 to 20 metres high at times. At the time,

workhorse in the North Sea and in other places where

we were towing the West Alpha rig together with an-

power and elegance, capacity and comfort are need-

other vessel and holding it in place in anticipation of

ed in one and the same vessel. It is a pleasure to be

the weather improving enough to allow the anchors

ship’s master on board such a well designed ship,” says

to be lowered. In the subsequent discussion on board,

Captain Solevåg on board Havila Neptune.



a successful norwegian-turkish alliance

A successful Norwegian-Turkish alliance Cemre shipyard in Istanbul builds hulls for Havyard-designed offshore vessels. The collaboration has been a success for both the Havyard Group and the Turkish yard, and both parties are positive about collaborating on future projects. text: HeiDi Hattestein photo: DaMir CuDiC anD HavyarD


a successful norwegian-turkish alliance

“ Cemre shipyard is one of our most important partners and a key factor behind the successful growth the Havyard Group has experienced, and which we plan to continue ” kennetH Pettersen

Chief Operating Officer of Havyard Group

“Both parties are very pleased with the collaboration,”

Both Mr Gülcek and Mr Pettersen confirm that the

says Kenneth Pettersen, Chief Operating Officer of

collaboration is a win-win situation for both parties

Havyard Group AS.

and that the outlook is good.

“Cemre shipyard is one of our most important partners

The Havyard Group intends to further develop the col-

and a key factor behind the successful growth the

laboration. “The collaboration is based on trust and

Havyard Group has experienced, and which we plan to

respect. Together, we can develop in such a manner

continue,” continues Mr Pettersen.

that we always remain ahead of current and future requirements for complex offshore vessels. We of-

The Havyard Group has contributed to building Cemre

fer our customers a world class product, at the same

shipyard up from being a subcontractor in the mari-

time as they can rest assured that we have long-term

time cluster in Istanbul to being a yard that builds

relations with our partners and continuity in the com-

sophisticated hulls.

pletion of the projects,” says Mr Pettersen.

“The Havyard Group has an excellent international rep-

Cemre Shipyard is a relatively young yard, but it has

utation and it is clear that our collaboration has had

experienced strong growth since it was founded in

a positive effect on our growth,” says Orhan Gülcek,

1996. “For a time, our main activities were ship repairs

General Manager of the Turkish yard.

and surface treatment. In 2005, we decided to expand

“Cemre shipyard ranks among the top one thousand

our activities to include building ships. In a short time,

exporting companies in Turkey. However, we have be-

we have secured a reputation as a serious player in

come the biggest exporter in our region, Pendik. The

shipbuilding,” says Mr Gülcek.

collaboration with Havyard is expanding day by day, and, in the long term, we hope to be able to expand

The work of developing Cemre’s giant shipyard in Is-

our operations to also include building turnkey vessels

tanbul is an ongoing process. Although 50,000 square

for Havyard,” he continues.

metres has already been put into use, the goal is to


a successful norwegian-turkish alliance

increase capacity to 12,000 tonnes of steel per year by

cemre Shipyard

the end of 2009. The collaboration with the Havyard Group is an important factor behind the success of the Turkish yard.

During the first two and a half years, we delivered hulls for six offshore vessels, and a further four will be delivered in 2008,” says Mr Gülcek.

The first Havyard-designed hulls to be completed at the Istanbul yard were for the anchor-handling and towing vessel Havila Saturn. Havila Saturn was the first

of a number of vessels to be built with the Havyard 842 design. The design has been developed by Hav-

yard Maritime AS in Fosnavåg. It has been a long and

instructive process, both for the design company and the shipyard in Turkey. The goal has always been to develop a design that functions optimally, is cost-ef-

Cemre shipyard is a Turkish yard experiencing strong growth The yard is located in Istanbul. Cemre shipyard builds hulls in accordance with the Havyard design. The yard has already delivered hulls for six offshore vessels, and an additional four hulls will be delivered in 2008.

fective, and ensures an efficient building process. And this is a goal that the Havyard Group and the Cemre shipyard have reached together.


havyard ship services - new company in the havayrd group

life-long service The recently established Havyard Ship Services aims to provide customers with professional follow-up. “In a way, we will be taking part in the vessel’s life cycle,” says Manager Øyvind Sævik. text: Marit benDz photo: tony Hall



havyard ship services - new company in the havayrd group

“ After-market service used to be more of a sub-task, and was not structured enough. With this new unit, we will, for example, be able to handle warranty follow-up more professionally” øyvinD sævik

Managing director, Havyard Ship Services

øyvind Sævik

life-long standard Havyard Ship Services, which was formed in May, will provide after-market service and other services for all vessels designed and built by the Havyard Group. “After-market service used to be more of a sub-task, and was not structured enough. With this new unit, we will, for example, be able to handle warranty follow-up more professionally,” says Mr Sævik. “This type of life-long service provides extensive, cost-saving services for ship operators.This is a natural extension of the Havyard Group’s long-term commitment to our customers,” he adds.

• • •

General manager of Havyard Ship Services Background as chief engineer Worked for Sævik Supply, later Trico Supply AS, from 1994 Has risen through the ranks from chief engineer, technical inspector and technical manager and is now general manager.

havyard Ship ServiceS aS

• •

Formed in 2008 Head office in Fosnavåg

services offered: • • • • •

After-sales service for vessels built at HLE Service and repairs at HLE Life-cycle support for vessels of Havyard Design After-sales service for ships in operation Shipbuilding technolog y

added value for the customer So far, Mr Sævik is the sole employee of Havyard Ship Services, but an additional four employees will be in place in the next few months.

“In addition to the expertise that will be employed at Havyard Ship Services, we can offer our customers services that utilise the expertise and capacity of the other companies in the Havyard Group. The group has great expertise in design, engineering, shipbuilding and ship equipment,” says Mr Sævik. “Our overall expertise is unique – very few other companies can offer their customers anything similar. And this expertise is also available to our customers after the vessel’s warranty period has expired and it is in operation worldwide.”


modifications and engineering Changes in the market will mean that vessels have to be upgraded or modified. Life-long service also includes prefabrication since we have detailed drawings of the vessels.

“Our short building time is an advantage for Havyard Ship Services, and we can also carry out modifications efficiently and safely,” says Mr Sævik. In addition to annual FMEA testing by independent companies, classifications and certificates are con-

“ Our overall expertise is unique – very few other companies can offer their customers anything similar. And this expertise is also available to our customers after the vessel’s warranty period has expired and it is in operation worldwide. ” øyvinD sævik

Managing director, Havyard Ship Services

tinually being expanded or upgraded. This requires engineering work. “We also have an advantage when it comes to carrying out the engineering work since we have a lot of knowhow about the vessels and have documentation and drawings.”

the whole world Havyard has unique expertise and knowledge about all the vessels it has designed and built, and it is therefore the company that is best qualified to provide good service in all phases of a vessel’s life cycle.

“In addition, we offer our expertise to shipping companies who have not used a Havyard design. We are accessible to customers all over the world through Havyard’s global sales network,” adds Mr Sævik. Havyard Ship Services’ head office is in Fosnavåg, near Ålesund.


newbuilDing ContraCt at HavyarD leirvik

NEWBUILDING CONTRACT Havyard Leirvik has signed a contract with Havila Shipping ASA for the construction of a Havyard 855 IMR ship, yard no. 101. illustration: gunnar flusunD

The Havyard 855 IMR (inspection, maintenance and

lations to be developed and sold. In addition to the

repair) design, which will be built at Havyard Leirvik

Havyard 855 IMR, Havyard Design AS has designed a

AS, is scheduled for delivery in the summer of 2010

larger IMR and the most advanced diving support

and has a contract value, including OFE, of approx.

vessel in the world. Given the other Havyard AHTS

NOK 700 million. The vessel will have a length of

and PSV designs under construction worldwide, it is

97.5m, a breadth of 19.8m and accommodation for

impressive to see what has been achieved in a few

70 persons. The vessel will also be equipped with

years. In addition to its leading position in terms

an offshore crane with a capacity of 100 tonnes at

of ownership and operation of advanced offshore

15 metres, and it will have a cargo deck of 600 sq.

vessels, Fosnavåg in Norway now also has a serious

metres and a max. speed of 17 knots. The ship will

player in offshore vessel design.

have an environmentally friendly design for both the crew and the surroundings, including comfort class, clean class and catalytic converters to reduce emissions to air.

havyard 855 imr

The Havyard 855 IMR is designed by Havyard Design AS in Fosnavåg, Norway and it is further recognition of the work done since the launching of the


havyard HAVYARD design™in 2005. This is the third type of tm

Havyard design for vessels serving subsea oil instal-


Length Breadth Cargo deck Accommodation

97.50 m 19.80 m 600 m2 70 persons

usD 300 Mill ContraCt for HavyarD 860

USD 300 MILLION CONTRACT The Havyard Group has secured a contract for the development and construction of an offshore construction vessel worth USD 300 million. illustration: gunnar flusunD

Havyard Leirvik AS has signed a contract with Havila

with two large offshore cranes, the biggest lifting 250

Ships AS for the delivery of a Havyard 860 offshore con-

tonnes, and launching systems for remote operated

struction vessel for delivery in spring 2011. The total

vehicles (ROV) over the ship’s side. Havyard 860 will have

contract value is approx. USD 300 million. Havyard 860

high comfort class and facilities such as dayrooms, an


is a new HAVYARD havyarddesign™ and this contract is an-

internet café, cinema, health club etc., ensuring high

other step towards realising Havyard’s vision of being

living standards for the 140 crew on board.

the most innovative supplier of shipbuilding technol-

havyarddesign™ are currentClose to 40 vessels of HAVYARD

ogy in the world.

ly under construction at shipyards in Norway, India,




Havyard 860 is an advanced construction vessel that

Singapore and China. In addition to delivering design

will carry out work on the seabed in connection with

and construction of the vessel, the Havyard group

the development, operation and maintenance of sub-

will deliver havyard IASTM (integrated alarm and au-

sea installations for offshore oil production. Havyard

tomation system) and havyard conceptBRIDGETM.


860, the biggest HAVYARD havyarddesign™ so far, will be a tm

powerful workhorse with advanced equipment installed. The ship will be of Clean Design Class to satisfy the highest environmental requirements and will have diesel-electric propulsion systems for the highest dynamic position class DYNPOS AUTRO / DP3.

havyard 860 ocv

Length Breadth Cargo deck Accommodation

160.00 m 28.00 m 2 400 m2 140 persons

To carry out subsea work, the vessel will be equipped


a blue DiaMonD

A BLUE DIAMOND The whole of Havyard’s management has now moved into the impressive new office building at Mjølstadneset. text: Marit benDz photo: tony Hall

“The official opening will not take place until the autumn,” says Hallvard Ulstein, who is head of the project and ordinarily works as Managing Director

Sporstøl Arkitekter AS has designed the building, and he is very happy with the result. “The natural stone facade on the ground floor is

of Havila Ariel.

quite unique. The high quality of the big glass sur-

He is very pleased that Havila, Havyard and the

energy,” he says. “The building is heated using hot

other subsidiaries have now finally gathered all

water from eight energy wells.”

faces means that the building does not use a lot of

their activities under the same roof in the “Blue Diamond”. “The building is stunning, it’s very impressive and a landmark in our region,” he says.

The new administration building has a very high standard. The building’s design incorporates modern, up-to-date solutions, when it comes to indoor

‘the blue diamond’

• •

climate, light and energy. Supported by four natural stone pillars, the sloping glass surfaces of the “diamond” reflect its beautiful natural surroundings. Engineer Arnfinn Sporstøl of


• • •

2,500 square metres over four floors Ground floor: Canteen, dining room, meeting room, nm and technical room 1st - 3rd floors: Approx. 70 offices Havyard moved into the building in June 2008 Architect: Sporstøl Arkitekter AS in Ulsteinvik


newbuild 094 delivered

newbuild 096 delivered

Havila nePtune DelivereD

tHe freelanCer Mana DelivereD

on 10 april 2008, havyard leirvik as deliv-

the supply vessel mana was christened

ered nB 094 ‘havila neptune’ to its owner,

on 27 june by sushma garware in both

havila ships as.

the norwegian and the indian manner.

Havila Neptune is a Havyard 842 AHTS de-


signed for operation both in the North

ceremony, the Indian buyers held their

Sea and worldwide. It is the second vessel

own Hindu christening ceremony, which




of the Havyard 842 design, and a further

included incense and prayer, and flowers

11 vessels will be built, three at Havyard

strewn on the sea as an offering.

Leirvik, four in India and four in China, for owners from Norway, India and Singapore.

Although the Indian shipping company has its head office in Mumbai, Mana will

The christening ceremony for Havila Neptune took place in Leirvik on 12 April, with “open ship” for people in the area near the

be based in Aberdeen and will sail on the spot market in the North Sea. “This is the first time a Garware vessel will

shipyard. Almost 500 people took a closer

carry out jobs outside the Indian sector,”

look at the vessel, which headed for her

says project manager Torleif Sundbotten

first job for her owner right after the

of Havyard Leirvik.

christening ceremony. Mana is the third supply vessel the yard has handed over to the Indian customer, and a fourth vessel is scheduled for completion in the new year.

newbuild 094

newbuild 096

Delivered: 10 April 2008 Name: Havila Neptune Ship owner: Havila Ships AS

Delivered: 27 June 2008 Name: Mana Ship owner: Garware Offshore Services LTD

technical FactS

technical FactS

Design: Havyard Design 74.5 m long 17.2 m wide

Design: UT 755 LN 73.6 m long 16.0 m wide


adding value

Value added is important to us, and our customers are entitled to consider whether they could achieve more in their projects by carrying them out somewhere else. The human factor plays an important role here. Stability, knowledge and quality are vital to all aspects of a project. Competitive edge must be proven through results, and Havyard guarantees that this will be done in the maritime value chain.

HavyarD grouP as ship design & engineering shipBuilding ship equipment & systems gloBal sales network

HavyarD grouP as

P.O.Box 215 6099 Fosnav책g, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 45 50 Fax: +47 70 08 45 51


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