Havyard Times 2009

Page 1

havyard times a m a g a z i n e f r o m t h e h av ya r d g r o u p


Back to the hook


The Ironman - Portrait of David Marren


The Visionary - Portrait of Per SĂŚvik


Havyard Life Cycle Portal tm

this issue

no. 1 june 2009

havyard times

Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and


its subsidiaries. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our business philosophy is “Adding value”. We hope this magazine will add extra value to our company.

responsible editor: writers: concept and design: photographers:

gunnar LarSen geIr BjarTe HjeTLanD, MarIT BenDz HaVneVIk aS Tony HaLL, InVy ng (THe SHooTIng gaLLery), freD jonny HaMMerø, HaVneVIk aS, fugLefjeLLeT, HaVyarD grouP aS

illustrations: print:

gunnar fLuSunD anD HaVneVIk aS Pk Trykk aS



havyard design tm - department fish technology

havyard design tm - department fish technology

the ironman - portrait of DaviD marren

28 the ironman - portrait of DaviD marren

the visionary - Portrait of Per sævik

the visionary - Portrait of Per sævik

THe visionary Can you be both down to earth and a visionary at the same time? Per Sævik can. For him, work is a blessing, and his gut feeling is more important than all the exams in business economics in the world. text: marit bendz photo: tony hall and havnevik

the ironman Havyard



department fish technology

back to the hok

As Technical Director of Swire Pacific Offshore, David Marren (47) is a workhorse par excellence, and he also recently completed the Singapore Ironman triathlon. text: geir bjarte hjetland photo: invy ng (the Shooting gallery)

’The hook was the firs type of fishing gear ever used, and it will also be the last,’ says Reidar Aas, grandson of the founder of the former Solstrand shipyard, now Havyard Tomrefjord. text: marit bendz photo: tony hall








Leader by President of the Havyard group


HavyardDesign t Department of fish Technology Havyard


Havyard 858 - The future is now


HavyardDesign t Ice Technology Havyard


The Ironman - Portrait of David Marren




The Visionary - Portrait of Per Sævik




new design - Havyard 8832










Managing in challenging times Although this is only the fourth issue of Havyard Times, the magazine has already gained recognition as a means of keeping stakeholders updated about developments in the Havyard Group.

aMong THe wInnerS

ciency we have experienced at the group’s shipyards, and,

In THe PerIoD of eConoMIC growTH

unfortunately, the trend is also apparent in most ship-

Havyard Group was without doubt one of the winners

yards worldwide. The most important causes are delays,

in the recent period of economic growth. In 2005, we

increased costs, poor ability to deliver, and defects and

had a total of 160 employees and our activities were

deficiencies in deliveries and work performed by subcon-

limited to building ships at Havyard Leirvik. Today, we

tractors. This has been reinforced by the fact that the

have more than 350 employees and have operations

shipyards have increasingly become entrepreneurs that

in several locations in Norway, as well as in India, Sin-

outsource a large proportion of the hours in the build-

gapore and China. Back in 2005, we did not have any

ing process to subcontractors. However, it is undoubt-

products of our own, while we now have well-known

edly the case that the shipyards have overestimated their

products such as Havyard DesignTM and HAVYARD IaS TM.

own expertise and ability to complete projects. We still


Havyard HavyardDesignTM has been an incredible success

do not know what the consequences of reduced profit-

ever since the first contract for a Havyard 842 was an-

ability at the shipyards will be, but it will certainly affect


nounced in December 2005. Designs for AHTS, PSV, Sub-

the future of the entire industry. What is certain, how-

sea and diving support vessels have either been deliv-

ever, is that the increase in costs and reduced efficiency

ered or are under construction at our own shipyards, as

we have experienced in the last few years cannot con-

well as other shipyards in Norway, India, China, and Sin-

tinue in the future, and Havyard Group has initiated many

gapore. For AHTS alone, we have either delivered or are

processes to reverse this trend. The goal for the Havyard

building 19 vessels in four different designs, with bol-

Group’s shipbuilding activities is to build prototypes of

lard pulls ranging from 80 to 275 tonnes. This success is

HavyardDesignTM and to develop the shipbuilding Havyard



largely the result of a combination of our proficient and

technology of the future. Prototypes of sophisticated

committed employees, and good partners such as ship-

offshore vessels will be built at the Havyard Leirvik AS

yards and shipping companies. As we say in the Havyard

shipyard, while Havyard Tomrefjord will build other pur-

Group: ‘Without demanding and competent customers,

pose-built fishing vessels, coastal vessels etc. Following

we do not have a future.’

the establishment of Havyard Design , Havyard




One area that we are not satisfied with and where

of Fish Technology in February, several exciting new

there is great room for improvement is the group’s

vessels have been developed in this segment, which we

shipbuilding activities. We have seen a huge increase in

believe will result in contracts in the near future.

activity, which unfortunately has resulted in reduced efficiency, although the positive side is that the increase in


activity has not affected the quality of the vessels deliv-

Many positive processes have been initiated to enable us

ered. There are many reasons for the reduction in effi-

to deal with future challenges and achieve our goals. HPS


LeaDer by president of the havyard group, geir johan bakke

fuTure goaLS

“ The Havyard Group’s goal for the future is to emerge as one of the winners from the current economic downturn and to be significantly bigger in terms of both our market share and products once the economy picks up again.”

(Havyard Production Systems) is a system for mapping

middle of an economic downturn. We do not know how

processes that will help us to keep track of all work proc-

things are going to develop; is it going to be L-shaped,

esses in the Havyard Group, from the value chain to de-

U-shaped, or, perhaps best of all, V-shaped, or, in the

tailed work processes. The end product will be presented

worst-case scenario, I-shaped (technology shift)? Nor

as an interactive tool to which all the employees can log

can I help thinking that the industry needed this reces-

on at any time to find their own work processes and an

sion, to reduce activity, to rationalise and restructure,

explanation of how and when they are to be carried out.

and, last but not least, to free up resources to develop

The objective of developing this system is to be able to

new products to satisfy future requirements. I know it is

improve the building process internally, but we also want

audacious to suggest that a recession is necessary, be-

to develop the system so that it can be used at any ship-

cause an economic downturn is unpredictable in both

yard worldwide. The goal is – based on certain conditions

strength and duration (see above), but I think most peo-

such as climate, facility, expertise etc. – to be able to build

ple would agree that the way things were developing in

vessels equally efficiently anywhere in the world.

the last few years was not positive for the industry in the

C12 (Cost 2012). This is a separate project aimed at in-

long term. We in the Havyard Group do not believe that

creasing efficiency and reducing costs whose objective is

the recession will be I-shaped, and we are well equipped

to achieve specific reductions in building costs for vessels

to face it, having already started the process of planning

that are to be delivered from our own shipyards in 2012.

activities and products for the next period of growth.

Havyard WW (Havyard World Wide). Internationalisation

We do not intend to miss out on the opportunities pre-

is an important element in our investment for the fu-

sented by this economic downturn, and we therefore

ture, and the establishment of a separate branch office

aim to be among the best at developing new technical

in Shanghai in China is part of this strategy.

and commercial products and services adapted to future


demanding, but also incredibly exciting and stimulating.

requirements in an industry that is both challenging and

We live and work in a challenging industry characterised

With these words, I would like to wish all our em-

by cyclical fluctuations, where both periods of growth

ployees and other stakeholders such as customers and

and downturn come with challenges, although very dif-

subcontractors the best of luck, and I look forward to

ferent ones. The last boom period taught us that the

a prosperous collaboration whose goal is to make each

challenges it entailed were not necessarily the easiest

other good.

to handle. This is confirmed by the fact that the boom spelled the end for more shipyards in Norway than any recession ever has. The few orders that have been placed during the last year certainly tell us that we are in the

geIr joHan Bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS


havyard design tm - department of fish technology


havyard design tm - department of fish technology





baCk TO ThE hok ’The hook was the firs type of fishing gear ever used, and it will also be the last,’ says Reidar Aas, grandson of the founder of the former Solstrand shipyard, now Havyard Tomrefjord. text: MarIT BenDz photo: Tony HaLL


havyard design tm - department of fish technology

“ My forefathers were stayers who persevered through one economic downturn after another for 100 years� reIDar aaS


Design Manager Fish Technology, Havyard Tomrefjord

havyard design tm - department of fish technology

’That’s because the fish hook is most environmen-

new autoliners and seiners, as well as Danish seiners,

tally friendly – it means you don’t haul up lock, stock

trawlers and small purse seiners. Things are happen-

and barrel. Hopefully, environmental considerations

ing so fast in every area, and I think we’ll see many

will make nets and trawls obsolete long before the

new developments in the years ahead,’ he says.

line. But that’s in the future, and it will most likely weaTHer-BeaTen Men

not happen in my lifetime,’ speculates the Design


Manager of the newly-established Havyard Havyard Design,

The story of Solstrand is the story of several genera-

Department of Fish Technology in Tomrefjord. Here,

tions of stubborn, hard-working men, and not least


years of experience in design from Solstrand will

women, who kept things going through hard times,

flourish in a department dedicated to fisheries and

despite large broods of children, reluctant banks and

fish farming in the years ahead.

periods when orders dried up. Reidar’s





BaCk To fISHIng

founded a shipyard in Vestnesbukta in 1911. It was

At 58, this well-known designer has a passion for the

the forerunner to Solstrand. Johan was badly hit by

hook and for line fishing vessels. The challenge lies in

both tuberculosis and a banking crisis, but he made

developing them to become more efficient, so that

it through the 1920s. His oldest son Ragnar went to

fewer people are needed on board. Line fishing ves-

the shipyard with his father from the age of three,

sels are struggling to recruit crew because of all the

and his first job was to drill holes for keel bolts.

hard work involved. ’The solution is to develop boats that require fewer people,’ Reidar Aas concludes.

‘My forefathers were stayers who persevered through one economic downturn after another for 100 years,’

He is positive about the future, as it runs in his family

says Reidar Aas, now something of a persevering

to take a fundamentally optimistic view.

grand old man himself.

’I see a lot of positive things in the fishing industry,

In 1947, Johan the entrepreneur died, and Ragnar

which will be the shipyard’s priority area in the time

decided to build a new shipyard in Tomrefjorden. In

ahead. We have great expertise in fishing vessels.

1958, the first boat was hauled up the slipway. By

We’re hoping that the line fishing fleet in Norway

then, however, the fisheries had been hit by a new

will be replaced in the years ahead,’ he says enthusi-

crisis, and most shipyards experienced empty or-

astically. Tomrefjord Havyard offers newbuilds, serv-

der books. Many boat owners couldn’t even afford

ice and modifications. ’We will focus on developing

bottom coating. The shipyard barely survived these


reidar aas

other education than primary school. Luckily, he discovered early on that I was a natural at drawing

Reidar joined his father Ragnar’s company along with four of his brothers – three of them in 1962 and the other two in 1983. Reidar designed boats, but he also worked on the shop f loor the first few years. He started working as an apprentice in 1964, at the age of 13. He worked as a steel builder and welder from 1969 to 1975, when he got a chance to work full-time at the drawing board. He was a Designer until 1983. From 1983 to 2002, he worked as Technical Manager, and since then he has worked as a Constructor. Married to Aud-Irene, 4 children and 11 grandchildren His son Thomas Aas is the IT manager at Havyard Tomrefjord

and gave me a chance at the drawing board. The first few years, I worked outside during the day and spent evenings and weekends inside drawing – practical and theoretical knowledge side by side. Only after ten years did I become a designer full-time,’ says Reidar, who is the youngest of ten siblings.

froM wooD To STeeL A revolution took place in the mid-1960s. ’I participated in the building of the last wooden boat at the shipyard – a tough and intense apprenticeship. After that, we used more and more steel,’ says this man from Romsdal, who, at the tender age of 16, did the drawings for the very first steel vessel built at the shipyard. Ragnar had set a new course – no more wooden vessels. Wood chips and welding

difficult years and scraped through by doing alterations and other small jobs.

flames were not a good combination. There was money in steel boats and it was easier to get financing. Solstrand’s autoliners became a

THe SCHooL of LIfe

household name in the industry. Since that first steel

Back then, a shipyard was like a farm – you were

boat back in 1969, Reidar has designed many of the

born into the business and had to do your share of

most recognised fishing vessels both in Norway and

the work. Reidar followed in his father’s footsteps,

around the world.

and by the time he was 15 he was already working full-time, just like his father had done when he was

a new generaTIon TakeS oVer


The period from 1985 onwards was a prosperous one.

’My father designed all the boats himself, with no


Solstrand invested and increased its capacity. A new

havyard design tm - department of fish technology

“ We will focus on developing new autoliners and seiners, as well as Danish seiners, trawlers and small purse seiners. Things are happening so fast in every area, and I think we’ll see many new developments in the years ahead” reIDar aaS

Design Manager Fish Technology, Havyard Tomrefjord

economic downturn brought Havyard in as owners, which Reidar believes is a good thing. Of the five

THree generaTions of aas, THree sHipyards in one

brothers who entered the business, Reidar is the only one left. The others are all retired now, although they still come around to have a look and catch up on the business. Three members of the next generation are already involved in the business. ’I noticed early on that one of my sons showed a greater interest than the others.’ Today, Thomas is the IT manager at Havyard Tomrefjord. Two nephews also have the business in their blood – one of them is technical manager and the other production manag-

er in the company. Whether someone from the fifth generation will be fascinated by large fishing vessels remains to be seen. Judging by the experience of both Havyard Design and Havyard Tomrefjord, it is

Johan Rasmussen Aas (1883-1947) founded J. Aas Baadbyggeri in Vestnesbukta in 1911 Ragnar Aas (1912-1997) moved the shipyard to Solstrand in Tomrefjorden in 1958 Reidar Aas (1951- ) Havyard Tomrefjord was established in 2008

natural to once again focus activities on the market for fishing vessels. in regulations regarding cargo capacity and length, wanTS To reSTore THe fISHIng fLeeT

and because of the restructuring whereby there are

’Fisheries is an interesting market that needs renew-

now more quotas per keel. The industry has been

al,’ says Arne Tennøy, Sales Manager for Fish Technol-

weathering a storm for some time now, partly due

ogy & Special Projects. He also has experience from

to high oil prices and low prices for fish,’ Mr Tennøy

the former Solstrand yard and describes fisheries

explains. Now financing could be an obstacle, but it

customers as a demanding group, all of them with

looks as if things will fall into place.

specialised and specific requirements. And Havyard Design is ideally located in Herøy, with fishing boat

’The time has definitely come to invest’, says Havyard Design’s Sales Manager.

owners on all sides. ’The coastal fleet, for example, needs new and bigger vessels because of a change


newbuild hle 087 ‘havila phoenix’ - havyard 858 design


newbuild hle 087 ‘havila phoenix’ - havyard 858 design

newbuild hle 087 ‘havila phoenix’ - havyard 858 design

The future is now Just as the mythological bird the Phoenix conquered the ancient world by being immortal, Havila Phoenix has now set sail on the seven seas as a symbol of the ship solutions of the future. text: geIr BjarTe HjeTLanD photo: fugLefjeLLeT Illustration: HaVneVIk


newbuild hle 087 ‘havila phoenix’ - havyard 858 design


newbuild hle 087 ‘havila phoenix’ - havyard 858 design

“ The vessel and equipment are working impeccably. Both the crew and the charterer are very happy with Havila Phoenix as a work platform. At present, there are roughly 100 people on board ” kjeLL raBBen

COO of Havila Shipping

Havyard Design and Havila Shipping, the two partners

lounge etc. Crew replacement while the ship is at sea

behind this collaboration, are very pleased with the final

is done by helicopter, for which there is a dedicated

result, packed as it is with ultramodern technology and

landing area on the foredeck. Great emphasis has

fitted out in a manner that satisfies all requirements.

been placed on high standards throughout in order to

’Havila Shipping has great expectations of Havila Phoenix

ensure the crew’s comfort and minimise the environ-

in the years ahead,’ says Kjell Rabben, COO of Havila Ship-

mental impact. ‘We have designed the Havyard 858 for

ping. He says that the vessel is now in operation in the

worldwide operations and aimed to produce a good

Gulf of Mexico, where construction work is being carried

workplace for both shipowners and crew, both in the

out on subsea installations using offshore cranes and

North Sea with its autumn storms, snow and turbulent

divers.‘The vessel and equipment are working impecca-

waters and in the Gulf of Mexico with its heat and cy-

bly. Both the crew and the charterer are very happy with

clones. Havyard 858 is designed to be able to work with

Havila Phoenix as a work platform. At present, there are

two big offshore cranes as well as operating two ROVs

roughly 100 people on board,’ says Mr Rabben.

in subsea operations under tough conditions of this

Arve Helsem Leine, Havyard’s Design Manager, be-

kind, at the same time as it has to remain in exactly the

lieves that the Havila Phoenix is a great advert for

right position, for days and perhaps even weeks at a

Norwegian ship design in general and Havyard Design

time,’ says Arve Helsem Leine.

in particular. ‘It has become a genuinely high-quality product, not to mention world class and a really impressive boat,’ Mr Leine states. The Havila Phoenix is an

Havyard 858 ’Havila pHoenix’

advanced vessel built for work on installing and operating subsea installations, for example in connection with offshore oil production. The vessel is of the Havyard 858 design, specially built for the purpose, with a large deck area, crane capacity, moon pool and ability to operate submarine ROVs. In operations of this kind, great manoeuvrability and positioning ability are required, and the vessel is equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system and DP2 class. In order to accommodate the large number of personnel required, the vessel has top-standard amenities for a crew of 140, with facilities such as cabins, lounges,

Length: 110 m, Breadth: 23 m, Speed: 17 knots, Deadweight: 6,250 tonnes, Fitted out for a crew of 140

restaurants, exercise rooms, conference rooms, a sky



havyard design




- ice technology


Our experience takes you further Through fog, stormy weather and almost insurmountable amounts of ice, the search continues for the world’s largest oil and gas deposits. Havyard’s ice-breaker technology is an important tool in the hunt for these huge resources. text: geIr BjarTe HjeTLanD illustration: HaVneVIk anD gunnar fLuSunD


havyard design


- ice technology

In such an inhospitable environment as the polar

“ We have received many enquiries about our ice-breaker technolon and we are strongly focused on this being a market for the future. It is important for us to maintain our high level of expertise in this area, not least now that the global economy is changing. ” gunnar LarSen

CIO, Havyard Group

region, Russian companies in particular are laying the foundation for an oil and gas industry of almost inconceivable magnitude. This is where Havyard has an important role to play. With its experience and expertise, Havyard is one of the most competitive and competent builders of ice-breakers for the oil and gas industry.

’The background to our focus on Ice Technology is, among other things, that Havyard Leirvik is one of the shipyards in the world that has built most icebreakers for the offshore industry during the last 10 to 15 years. Our ships are world-class and highly sophisticated in every way. That gives us a great competitive advantage,’ says Gunnar Larsen, CIO of Havyard.

Like the rest of the corporate management team, he is pleased that the company has managed to develop this expertise in Havyard, not least because it makes Havyard Group and Havyard Leirvik among the best in the world in this segment. ’We cannot give enough credit to the work of our highly competent staff in this area to strengthen and maintain our position as one of the world’s leading producers of ice-breaker technology and vessels,’ says Gunnar Larsen.


havyard design


- ice technology

“ The background to our focus on Ice Technolon is, among other things, that Havyard Leirvik is one of the shipyards in the world that has built most ice-breakers for the offshore industry during the last 10 to 15 years. Our ships are world-class and highly sophisicated in every way. That gives us a great competitive advantage. ” gunnar LarSen

CIO, Havyard Group

One of the most talked-about oil and gas projects

erations and requirements that apply to everyone

in the last few years is the Shtokman field and the

who is involved in recovering the enormous natural

neighbouring fields in the waters between Siberia

resources on the Arctic seabed.

and the islands of Novaja Semlja. The Russian offshore giant Gazprom is in charge of the gigantic

’We have received many enquiries about our ice-

project of developing the fields. So far, Havyard

breaker technology and we are strongly focused on

has delivered two ice-breakers to Gazprom for the

this being a market for the future. It is important

Priraslomnoje field, which is situated quite far east.

for us to maintain our high level of expertise in this area, not least now that the global economy is

’These ships will act as supply ships in one of the

changing,’ Gunnar Larsen concludes.

harshest areas of ocean in the world, and, to us, it is a unique way of showing the world our expertise in designing and building ice-breakers for offshore work in the Arctic region. Our extensive experience

KrisTi og 878 joHan Havyard ice e. sTenødegård

of building ice-breakers combined with our expertise in the areas of design and outfitting, gave us a competitive advantage that led to Gazprom choosing us as its supplier,’ says Gunnar Larsen, emphasising that the vessels have sophisticated dieselelectric propulsion and that, among ice-breakers that are not nuclear-powered, they have the most engine power.

Havyard maintains a strong focus on the vulnerable environment in the far north in connection with the delivery of ships for oil and gas production in the Arctic. The design and production takes place in ac-

Guer ad tem vel eum Length: 91 zzrilissisit m, Breadth: 21 miuscill uptatuerat, quismod ea am dolor auguero odolobortie consequat. Ice Class: Icebreaker Polar 15 Estrud mod modolutpat nullan hent landreet iril. Deadweight: 4,000 tonnes Bollard pull: 200 tonnes Accommodation: 50 persons

cordance with the rigorous environmental consid-


the ironman - portrait of david marren

ThE irONmaN As Technical Director of Swire Pacific Offshore, David Marren (47) is a workhorse par excellence, and he also recently completed the Singapore Ironman triathlon. text: geIr BjarTe HjeTLanD photo: InVy ng (THe SHooTIng gaLLery)


the ironman - portrait of david marren


the ironman - portrait of david marren


the ironman - portrait of david marren

“ Since the start of this project to design large deepwater anchor handlers in December 2005, we have enjoyed a very pragmatic, robust and cooperative relationship with Havyard.” DaVID Marren

Technical Director of Swire Pacific Offshore

A top management job in the offshore industry is

tise in design and construction have created a robust

no bed of roses, but David Marren has never been

and exciting climate of cooperation, Mr Marren be-

known to rest on his laurels. Structure and focus are


the keywords when describing this man, who often starts his day with a run and who rarely calls it a day until late in the evening.

’Since the start of this project to design large deepwater anchor handlers in December 2005, we have enjoyed a very pragmatic, robust and cooperative

’A working day with SPO usually starts with a brief

relationship with Havyard. The relationship has, I be-

email review before breakfast with my family, and

lieve, been challenging for both parties in both the

then I am usually at my desk by 8.15. The day is al-

commercial and technical sense. each party has chal-

ways interesting, with lots of variety. I aim to arrive

lenged the other and in so doing has developed in its

home by 18.00 to have dinner with my family and

own right,’ says David Marren.

then work after 20.00 for another hour or two depending on what’s going on,’ he says.

He believes that late owners’ requests, which are

He believes that keeping in good physical shape is

inevitable due to the changing demands from the

also the key to endurance in the work context and

industry and regulatory bodies, have been well dealt

often runs before even checking his email.

with and that this reflects well on the current relationship. David Marren is originally from Bolton in

’I enjoy cycling, running and swimming in an effort to

england. He started his maritime career as a cadet in

keep relatively fit and recently completed the Singa-

esso UK in 1978 and attended South Shields Marine

pore Ironman 70.3, which is a triathlon consisting of

College in the north-east of england. A long career

a 1.9-kilometre swim, a 90-kilometre bike ride and a

in the maritime sector has led him from the north

21.1-kilometre run,’ says Mr Marren with a smile, well

to the south.

aware that ’relatively fit’ is a huge understatement. David Marren has played a key role in the collabo-

’I sailed in every rank deep sea up to second engi-

rative projects between SPO and Havyard, and he is

neer on tankers and various types of cargo ships and

happy with both the collaboration and the results

joined Swire in May 1988. I then sailed as Chief en-

achieved since December 2005. SPO’s position as a

gineer for three years on anchor handlers and con-

world leader in offshore vessels and Havyard’s exper-

struction/diving vessels before becoming a project


the ironman - portrait of david marren

manager looking after conversions and dockings,

fallen and oil companies are looking to cut costs,

and then moving into technical management. I con-

many of the new owners who came to the offshore

verted the first standby vessels to enter the North

market with great expectations, borrowed money

Sea under the new Cullen Report guidelines after the

and a lack of operating experience face difficulties.

Piper Alpha incident,’ says Mr Marren, who makes no

We expect that new vessels which speculators or-

secret of the fact that he has been very conscious

dered at top-of-market prices will probably end up

that doing a good job also means putting in a lot

being sold at a loss.’ David Marren says.

of effort.

He points out that SPO has built up a strong network of local offices to support its vessels all over the

That is why David also chooses to spend what spare

world and that it has a strong base of experienced

time he has on activities that give him strength and

officers and crew.

inspiration, whether in the form of the above-mentioned training and competitions or positive activi-

’We see the current downturn in the industry as a

ties with his three children aged 11, 10 and 5. He is

chance to expand into new segments and to buy

involved in charity projects in Singapore, which he

high-quality vessels at lower prices than before. The

finds both gratifying and inspiring.

global recession has dented demand for oil, but the declining production from mature fields means that,

’I try to raise some money for charity every three

once the economy recovers, the oil companies still

years or so. This year I raised 130 thousand SGD for

need to increase their reserves and pump crude.

a local charity in Singapore,’ he tells us with a smile.

We’re very positive in the medium term, as we ex-

Mr Marren’s employer, Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO),

pect drilling and offshore construction activity to

has been in business since 1975, and it now a very

increase, although 2009 and 2010 will probably be

important player in the offshore industry. He be-

weak due to the economic downturn,’ says David

lieves strongly in SPO’s future, despite the challenges


currently facing the global economy after several

Mr Marren is certain that SPO will manage to ride out

years of strong growth and the acute crisis that

the storm the industry is currently experiencing, not

struck in 2008.

least because SPO is prepared to bide its time and

’The credit crunch will throw up many opportunities for a company like SPO. Now that the oil price has


focus on the future of the industry. ’The offshore business is cyclical and we are in the

the ironman - portrait of david marren

“ We’re very positive in the medium term, as we expect drilling and offshore construction activity to increase, although 2009 and 2010 will probably be weak due to the economic downturn. ” DaVID Marren

Technical Director of Swire Pacific Offshore

business for the long haul. Our strategy is to provide

david vincenT Marren

global service to our global client base, even in difficult and remote locations, and to invest in people and technology year in, year out. The world needs the energy from oil and gas under the sea, and,

• • • •

increasingly, it is being found in deeper water and harsher environments. We are here to provide whatever marine services our customers need, wherever

in the world they need them.’

As a director of one of the world’s leading offshore

Technical Director Swire Pacific Offshore Background as chief engineer Worked for Swire since 1988 Has risen through the ranks from chief engineer, project manager, technical manager and is now technical director. Born in the UK but lives in Singapore/Australia Married to a Dutch woman Three children - 2 girls and 1 boy

companies, David Marren wants to contribute to ensuring that SPO leads the field on all fronts. He points

swire pacific offsHore

out that SPO’s goal is to be a leading player in the offshore marine services sector that places high value on safety, the environment and people.

’As such, we try to design vessels with these factors in mind - both the practical aspect of safety at work, the vessel environmental impact, ease of maintenance, ergonomics and, very importantly, reliability in order to preserve our good name. Our fleet is diversified in design but nevertheless state-ofthe-art, with technology applied at different levels.

Reliability is very important to us and our clients,

Swire Pacific Offshore owns and operates over 65 offshore support vessels, with over 20 new vessels on order for delivery from yards in 2008-2011. SPO’s fleet is modern, with an average age of 11 years, and a large proportion of the fleet is equipped with dynamic positioning systems (DP 1 or DP 2). The fleet includes over 55 Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels, Platform Supply Vessels (PSV), Anchor Handling Tugs (AHT), seismic survey vessels, ROV support / dive support vessels and maintenance / accommodation support vessels. They are fully equipped to support a wide range of offshore activities, including drilling, production, exploration, pipe-laying, subsea construction and FPSO operations.

along with the competence of our staff – hence our very large investment in the state-of-the-art Swire Marine Training Centre here in Singapore,’ concludes SPO’s ironman.







a high-quality alarm and automation system ’The fact that we are engineering and designing the whole electrical system and are responsible for the engineering and design of the IO list as well as programming and testing the IAS system, has had a positive effect on the quality of the product. The feedback has been very positive. text: MarIT BenDz photo: Tony HaLL

general manager of havyard powertec, johan bakke and manager for the ias system, kai robert vartdal are convinced the alarm and automa-

rent and future customers to choose this system for their havyard designs! ’our objective is for HAVYARD IaS TM to be delivered

tion system that havyard is now launching on the

to all “our” vessels worldwide, both large, com-

market is a quality product. it has already been de-

plex vessels and vessels with conventional solu-

livered to two vessels under construction at the

tions. to achieve this, we have to work hard and

shipyard, and a further three ias systems are on

stay focused. it is also our goal to deliver ias solu-

order and will be delivered in the near future. ’the product is based on well-tried and tested technology and solutions, based on long expe-

tions to modification projects for the upgrading of automation systems,’ kai robert vartdals says with conviction.

rience at høglund marine automasjon as, our

since the company was formed, havyard pow-

licence partner. in particular, we would like to

ertec has been responsible for the development

mention the highly recognised power manage-

of electro-technical solutions, engineering and

ment system (pms) that is an integral part of the

design, analysis, documentation and automation

HAVYARD ias TM. the systems are extremely reliable

for the havyard group’s own ship designs. in ad-

and stable and, with an excellent pms, the cus-

dition, it sells consultancy services, engineering,

tomer gets a product where operating reliability

and small-scale automation solutions to the ex-

and operating economy are in focus! fat testing

ternal market.

and classification of the two delivered systems in

’the agreement we signed with høglund marine

collaboration with det norske veritas (dnv) has

automasjon as in autumn 2007 means we have

gone very well, and we have received a lot of posi-

taken a new and necessary step towards being a

tive feedback on the projects, also from shipyards

system supplier. so far, the collaboration has been

and shipping companies. io lists have also been

very positive, and we are really starting to see

drawn up by havyard powertec,’ says a very satis-

the results of it now. i feel proud when the end-

fied kai robert vartdal.

users can see that we’ve delivered a high-quality

’the fact that we are engineering the whole electrical system and carrying out the engineer-

havyard product. this boosts our identity and our havyard products,” concludes johan bakke.

ing of the io list as well as programming and testing the ias system has had a positive effect on the quality of the product. it makes havyard powertec a central player in the havyard group’s projects.


in havyard’s other skilled employees and through the havila system, we have access to all the expertise we need. the first system we delivered was

for a havila vessel, and our collaboration with havila on the system for the b104 has been both useful and constructive,’ says kai robert vartdal. havyard powertec and havyard group have

B104 Havyard Leirvik, Havyard 832 design, IAS delivered. B121 Simek AS, Havyard 832 design, IAS delivered B88 Havyard Leirvik, Havyard 858 DSV design, IAS project ongoing B101 Havyard Leirvik, Havyard 855 design, IAS project ongoing B105 Havyard Leirvik, Havyard 832 design, IAS project ongoing

great ambitions for HAVYARD IaS TM. we want cur-


the visionary - portrait of per sĂŚvik


the visionary - portrait of per sĂŚvik

the visionary Can you be both down to earth and a visionary at the same time? Per SĂŚvik can. For him, work is a blessing, and his gut feeling is more important than all the exams in business economics in the world. text: MarIT BenDz photo: Tony HaLL anD HaVneVIk


the visionary - portrait of per sævik

His father and his grandfather were both fishermen,

THe SeLf-TaugHT Man

and Per started as a rookie on his father’s fishing boat

In the old days, when the freighters wanted to recruit a

at the age of 15. ’I faced my biggest challenge when, as

cook, they also wanted someone who was familiar with

the youngest member of the crew, I was captain of a

the local waters and was useful with an engine. Per Sæ-

line fishing boat off Newfoundland. For three months,

vik realised early on that he wasn’t best at everything

we were stuck in a fog bank, fishing for mackerel shark.

and he therefore took on skilled professionals in various

I was only 23!’ he remembers. Havyard’s ‘Grand Old Man’

fields. He didn’t get much formal education. If he could

was the third child of nine – eight boys and a girl.

change one thing in life, it would be to have taken more

‘The person I most admire is my mother. She practically raised us on her own, my father being away at sea. Dur-

education. ’I don’t deny that it can be difficult sometimes to have

ing the war and in the post-war period, things were

such a poor command of english. It is a weakness for an

pretty tight and we learnt that money isn’t everything

entrepreneur, but nonetheless my strong point in life.

in life.’

I’ve always been dependent on skilled employees,’ says this practical man, who believes above all else in his gut

THe fISHerMan ‘Fishing is in my blood, I suppose,’ the former fisherman

feeling and common sense. ’The business schools educate people who spend so

says. But the oil industry grew, and Per Sævik did not

much time making calculations that they never get out

see a big difference between a supply vessel and a fish-

of the starting blocks.’

ing boat. He was the first shipowner in his area to buy a supply vessel in 1981, when he founded Sævik Supply.

THe BeLIeVer

In 2005, the family company Havila Shipping was

Per Sævik was in his teens back when preachers used to

formed. Together with his children, he has the majority

travel to every corner of the country saving souls. Per

shareholding – only just, though. His own share is so

wasn’t the only 17-year-old among his friends to meet

small that his children can send him home when they

Jesus in the chapel on the island of Remøya, and Jesus

no longer need him. ’So now I try my best every day to prove that they need me,’ the 69-year-old laughs. ’My generation learnt at an early age that work is a bless-

became the most important stabilising factor in his life. His friends from back then are still his neighbours and friends, and his wife has been his anchor for 40 years. He describes her as a wonderful person.

ing. As long as I find work both fun and inspiring, I will

’A firm faith and a good marriage will keep you ground-

continue. Besides, it wouldn’t be ideal for my wife to

ed, even when the going gets tough,’ Mr Sævik says.

have me around the house with nothing to do!’

He’s also been blessed with six grandchildren, five of


the visionary - portrait of per sævik

“ I faced my biggest challenge when, as the youngest member of the crew, I was captain of a line fishing boat off Newfoundland. For three months, we were stuck in a fog bank, fishing for mackerel shark. I was only 23. ” Per SæVIk

Founder of Havila Shipping ASA and Chairman of the Board of Havyard Group AS

whom live within walking distance, a fact their grand-

with a knowing smile. He’s helped to create a thousand

father sets great store by. He calls it ‘a second bless-

jobs, a big responsibility that also gives him great satis-

ing’, revealing that his english is not as poor as he would

faction and helps him to maintain a steady course to-

have us believe.

wards the future. When the financial magazine Kapital ranked 96 towns in Norway, tiny Fosnavåg was named


Sævik chaired the awards ceremony. This is what the

His Christian values led him to join the Christian Dem-

magazine wrote: ’He looks out over the audience with

ocratic Party for whom he was a deputy Member of

a satisfied smile, before adding in his usual down-to-

Parliament for three periods. He was also mayor of his

earth manner: Don’t forget what often happens to

native municipality of Herøy for two years. He then be-

companies that win an award like this. There’s only one

came Member of Parliament from 1989 to 1993. After

way it can go from here – downhill.’

20 years in politics, he felt it was time to call it a day. But

’I’ve been around long enough to know that economic

committed citizens like him will always take an interest

downturns are as sure a thing as booms. We have

in politics, and he has sat on countless boards. Things

things under control and have no other plans than

can get rough in that area too, as when he was chair-

to be the best in the business,’ says the entrepreneur.

man of the board of Central Norway Regional Health

The biggest shipbuilding boom in recent times has

Authority during the building of St. Olav’s Hospital in

peaked, and he is very calm about it.

Trondheim. ’The work was very time-consuming, hectic and also very

THe granDfaTHer

difficult. But I came into contact with a lot of very nice

The current financial crisis will blow over this time as

people and that gave me an insight into issues that had

well. But Sævik is more worried that the risk to the envi-

previously been peripheral to me.’

ronment will not be given the attention it deserves. He is concerned about the future and what has happened

a PILLar of SoCIeTy

to the world during his lifetime. Can things continue in

The small town of Fosnavåg has a population of roughly

this way for another generation? What kind of future

3,501, while the entire municipality of Herøy is home to around 8,400 people. It is common to speak of a mari-

will his grandchildren have? ’The Western world will have to take the environmental

time cluster in Sunnmøre, but Havila and Havyard forms

threat more seriously than it has so far, even if it means

a cluster all of their own.

our prosperity might suffer as a result.’ As owner and

’At least that’s what we say to people abroad, because

builder of supply vessels, he acknowledges that this

then we leave our modesty at home,’ Sævik explains

issue concerns his own business and that oil is an


the visionary - portrait of per sĂŚvik


the visionary - portrait of per sævik

“ The business schools educate people who spend so much time making calculations that they never get out of the starting blocks. ” Per SæVIk

Founder of Havila Shipping ASA and Chairman of the Board of Havyard Group AS

environmental challenge. ’When developing new ves-

per sæviK

sels and new technology, we focus one hundred per cent on reducing nitrogen oxide emissions, environmentally friendly designs and fuel. The big powers in particular must acknowledge their responsibility for a strong change of course, since they are the ones who can take measures that really make a difference.’

a Man of MoDeraTIon When Per Sævik sold Sævik Supply back in 1997, many people wanted to know what he was going to do with the money. Given that his family probably had the oldest kitchen in all of Remøya, he suggested that it might be time to replace it – which is what they did a few years later. The locals say that the grandest thing he’s ever spent money on is the new kitchen for his wife. That was before ’the Diamond’, the architectural gem

• •

that is Havila’s administration building, was unveiled last year. Mr and Mrs Sævik still live in an ordinary house, in

a municipality that is home to most millionaires in all of

Norway. It is said that if someone from Herøy goes to the town of Ålesund and is served champagne and oysters, they reply: ‘We don’t eat bait or drink fizzy drinks.’ Unlike some millionaires, Per Sævik is very much a man of moderation.

• • •

Per Sævik, born 15 December 1940 in Herøy. Chairman of the board of the Havyard Group and co-owner of the family company Havila AS, which owns 88% of the Havyard Group 1981: Sævik Supply, first supply vessel. 1997: Sold to Trico Marine 1998: Havila Supply 2003: Sold to Bourbon Groupé majority 2005: Havila Shipping, owns 17 vessels in operation, 24 vessels by 2010

Herøy: Fishing municipality in Sunnmøre, with 25-30 ocean-going fishing vessels, 100 offshore vessels, and even more under construction.




total care HAVYARD LIfe CyCLe PorTaL TM

Life Cycle Portal is a unique customer portal for ships, which makes everything from handling complaints, enquiries and ordering spare parts to maintenance and modifications much easier. text: MarIT BenDz photo: Tony HaLL

Havyard Ship Services, which started up in May last

gLoBaL InTereST

year, provides after-market service and other serv-

In addition to vessels under warranty, since start-up

ices for all vessels designed and built by the Havyard

in January, Havyard Ship Services has been responsi-

Group. A web portal it has developed has revolution-

ble for purchasing consumables for nine large fish-

ised contact with customers.

ing boats, which is being handled through Life Cycle Portal. ‘We also have an ongoing dialogue with other

TakIng ParT In THe LIfe CyCLe

customers who want to make use of our services. In

’We developed the web portal in response to requests

addition, shipyards in China, India and Singapore have

from our customers,’ says general manager Håvard

expressed an interest in this product,’ he says. The

Notøy. All vessels under warranty or in regular serv-

portal will be continuously developed on the basis of

ice can log all their enquiries, orders, complaints and

requirements from different customers. We are cur-

product improvements, all in one place. A portal is

rently in a further development phase with one of our

created for each ship long before the ship is com-

customers, and we are exploring the possibility of in-

pleted, and it contains all the information about the

tegrating new functions such as Repair Shop Topic List


and Green Passport. ’The idea behind the concept of customers making

’Usually, it is very difficult to obtain an overview of

their purchases through us is that they save operating

customer complaints, for example during the first

expenses by dealing with Havyard instead of having to

year. Now each ship has its own interactive page on

deal directly with subcontractors. Being a major player,

the portal, through which the shipping company

Havyard is in a good position to negotiate favourable

communicates with Havyard. All parties have pass-

framework agreements with suppliers, as well as strik-

words and access to the latest updated information.

ing deals on after-market services and other services.

If a vessel needs a spare part, the order is placed via

So far, we have managed to reduce operating costs

the portal, and e-mails are automatically sent with

for all our customers. In addition, other shipping

information about the processing and implementation of the order.’ ’It is a very well organised and easy way of keeping in touch with our customers,’ Mr Notøy says.

companies have asked us to quote a price for their “buyer’s delivery”, as we can negotiate far better prices on such deliveries than the shipping companies can on their own,’ Mr Notøy says.


HaVyarD 8832

Havyard 8832 plaTforM supply vessel

Loa: Breadth: Deadweight: Deck Area: Accommodation:

78.60 m 17.6 m 4000 ton 800 m2 27 persons

HaVyarD 8832

ships for the markets of the future The Havyard 8832 design is based on the extremely successful Havyard 832 platform supply ship design, but with even more options for customers to adapt their ships to local conditions. illustration: gunnar fLuSunD

So far, Havyard has sold 13 vessels of the Havyard 832

nearly as strict. We have developed the Havyard 8832

design, and the target now is to achieve as great if

design for the platform supply ship of the future –

not even greater success with the new Havyard 8832

ships that will be designed as simply as possible to

design. ‘When we launched the Havyard 832, we hit

perform the designated job,” Mr Larsen points out.

the bulls eye in a new niche market with our optimal

A simpler design also means reduced costs for the

solutions for everything from greater cargo capacity

customer, which is important when a company fo-

to strong focus on operating economy and environ-

cuses on the Asian markets, where costs per ship are

mental friendliness. With the Havyard 8832, we are

significantly lower than in the North Sea, for example.

able to offer our customers a simpler design that has

”The Havyard 8832 is designed in such a way that it

been adapted to markets in which crew qualification

can be built in low-cost countries and used in markets

and automation requirements are less stringent than

in which crews are not normally as highly-qualified as

in the North Sea, for example,’ says Havyard CIO, Gun-

in the North Sea. However, it is important to point out

nar Larsen. He points to Asia in particular as a poten-

that the individual customer will be able to decide on

tial big market for the Havyard 8832 design, not least

the level of equipment, standard and degree of auto-

because the 832 design is slightly too advanced for

mation if they decide to buy an Havyard 8832 design. I

the requirements specified for offshore activities in

like to compare it with buying a new car; you pick the

Asia compared with northern areas.

optional equipment you want when the car is deliv-

‘It is much more acceptable in Asia to employ a big-

ered. We offer the same thing to our customers, who

ger crew for the same tasks, and the requirements

can then adapt the Havyard 8832 to their own needs,’

for automation of the various tasks on board are not

says CIO Mr Larsen.



newbuild 095 delivered

newbuild 093 delivered

THe Sea LIon DeLIVereD

anCHor-HanDLIng VeSSeL To afrICa

nb 095 sea lion was christened in leirvik

b 093 stril commander was christened

on 25 october 2008 by godmother anna

in leirvik on 17 december 2008 by god-

cecilie holst.

mother ingrid torjussen and handed

The vessel is an anchor-handling vessel

january 2009.

over to the shipping company on 2

(AHTS) with a bollard pull of more than 200 tonnes. After the christening, the ves-

The boat is an anchor-handling vessel

sel sailed up the Sognefjord to Balestrand

(AHTS) with additional classification as Oil

with guests to celebrate the handover.

Rec and Rescue. After the christening,

This is Havyard’s first delivery to the ship-

This is Havyard’s first delivery to the

the vessel was sent on contract to Africa.

ping company Deep Sea Supply in Arendal.

shipping company Simon Møkster in Sta-

Sea Lion is the third vessel in the Havyard


842 series, and it is the sister ship of the Havila vessels B 092 and B 094, with some

Stril Commander is the fourth vessel in

minor changes to the equipment package.

the Havyard 842 series. Its sister ship, B 098, is also under construction at Hav-

After the handover, the vessel went

yard Leirvik, with delivery to the same

straight into operation in the North Sea.

shipping company scheduled for 24 June 2009.

newbuild 095

newbuild 093

Delivered: 4 November 2008 Name: Sea Lion Shipowner: Deep Sea Supply, Arendal

Delivered: 2 January 2009 Name: Stril Commander Shipowner: Stril Offshore

TecHnical facTs

TecHnical facTs

Design: Havyard 842 Loa: 74.50 m Breadth: 17.20 m

Design: Loa: Breadth:

Havyard 842 74.50 m 17.20 m



MaKalu delivered

newbuild 087 delivered

MakaLu DeLIVereD

HaVILa PHoenIx DeLIVereD

the supply vessel makalu was christened

on 4 march 2009, havyard leirvik as

in both the norwegian and the indian

delivered nb 087 ’havila phoenix’ to its

manner at bryggen in bergen on 6 march

owner havila ships as. havila phoenix

2009 by mrs maneesha shah.

is the first havyard design 858 subsea construction vessel.

Following the Norwegian christening ceremony, the Indian buyers held their own

The vessel is designed for operation in the

Hindu christening ceremony, which includ-

North Sea and worldwide. It is equipped

ed incense and prayer, and flowers strewn

for ROV operation. A 250-tonne and a

on the sea as a sacrifice.

40-tonne crane have been installed. The vessel has a helideck. 140 people can be

The Indian shipping company’s head office

accommodated on board.

is in Mumbai, and Makalu briefly visited Aberdeen before heading for India, where

The Havila Phoenix was christened at

she will be on a five-year charter with In-

Mjølstadneset near the Havila office

dian operator OMC.

building ‘the Diamond’ on 18 March 2009 by godmother emma Sævik.

Makalu is the fourth and last supply boat in

Almost 1,000 people visited the ‘open

the UT755 design series to be delivered to

ship’ after the ceremony. The vessel is

Garware from us, but we have also signed

now in operation in the Mexican Gulf

a contract for a vessel of Havyard design

near the city Cinidad del Carmen.

(832L Se) for delivery in October 2010.



newbuild 096

Delivered: 6 March 2009 Name: Makalu Shipowner: Garware Offshore Services LTD

Delivered: Name: Shipowner:

TecHnical facTs

TecHnical facTs

Design: Loa: Breadth:

Design: Loa: Breadth:

UT 755 LN 73.6 m 16.0 m

4 March 2009 Havila Phoenix Havila Ships AS

Havyard 858 110 m 23 m


newbuild 083 delivered

newBuILD 83, HaVILa forTune the vessel was christened in the traditional norwegian manner at the quay at havyard tomrefjord as, 31 january 2009.

Jorun Norskag Marken, who works for Sparebank 1 MN, the shipping company’s and the shipyard’s bank, was god mother. The shipping company is Havship DA and the operator is Havila Shipping AS. Both companies are located in Fosnavåg.

Since leaving the shipyard, the vessel has operated in the North Sea with a high degree of continuity and very few operational interruptions.

newbuild 094

Delivered: 31 January 2009 Name: Havila Fortune Shipowner: Havila Ships AS TecHnical facTs

Design: Length: Breadth:

MT 6009 74.87 m 16.4 m


adding value

Value added is important to us, and our customers are entitled to consider whether they could achieve more in their projects by carrying them out somewhere else. The human factor plays an important role here. Stability, knowledge and quality are vital to all aspects of a project. Competitive edge must be proven through results, and Havyard guarantees that this will be done in the maritime value chain.

HaVyarD grouP aS ship design & engineering shipbuilding ship equipment & systems global sales network

HaVyarD grouP aS

P.O.Box 215 6099 Fosnav책g, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 45 50 Fax: +47 70 08 45 51


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