Havyard Times 2012

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havyard times a M a G a z I N e f r o M t h e h a V Ya r D - G r o u p a u g u s t 2 0 1 2

Improving life at sea

havyard times 2

havyard times is the external magazine for the havyard Group and its subsidiaries. through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. our new vision is "Improving life at sea." We hope that this magazine can help to improve your understanding of our vision and your knowledge of havyard.

chief editor: graphic design: print:

Per-Jan Brekke cann as egsetviketrykk as




CONTENT 04 Leader by President of the Havyard Group 06 ImProvInG LIfe at sea: father and son loving life at sea 12

ImProvInG LIfe at sea: Havyard researchs and develops


ImProvInG LIfe at sea: Just the beginning


the shipbuilder

24 Looking for quality 28 over the atlantic 32 Per sĂŚvik receives the order of st. olav 34 a norwegian-turkish adventure 38 artus in full flow 42 Havyard with long-term recruitment focus 46 new contracts 52 Delivered newbuilds



Improving life at sea

IntroducIng a new vIsIon

our aim is to deliver products and services of the best

our previous vision was introduced in 2005 when the

quality at a competitive price and on time.

aim was to develop havyard from being a small and

to ensure that we achieve this, we have defined the

local shipyard to an international group. In 2011 we

havyard Business Model. the most important thing is

found ourselves in a situation where we felt that the

to put the customer first. or the way I like to put it;

vision was no longer giving us that “boost” a vision is

“havyard`s employees being happy with our products

supposed to give and a process was started in order to

is important, but the most decisive factor is our

define a new one.

customers being satisfied”. the next level is Concept,

after a good process with many people involved, the

which are those products that we deliver in our four

new vision became:

business areas. Next level is Value Chain meaning process & people.

ImprovIng LIfe at sea the vision is supposed to give direction and energy to

the support function is havyard production System,

everyone working in havyard and it also expresses a

a web-based self-developed system which amongst

level of ambition in how we wish to be perceived. the

other things defines all processes in our value chain.

vision is at the same time important for creating a belief

the havyard project Management system defines how

in change and that havyard can compete amongst the

project management is going to be carried out within



our new vision shall motivate havyard`s employees to contribute towards improving everyday life of everyone

havyard academy is the hr department`s tool for

involved in the operation of vessels of a havyard design

defining what knowledge we need now and in the

or vessels with havyard equipment onboard, whether

future. It is going to uncover what competence and skills

these are crew, charterers, onshore employees or

we have, and last but not least, to ensure an increased

others that benefit from our competence and skills.

level of competence amongst our own employees and to ensure the correct recruitment. havyard Life Cycle

Havyard BusIness modeL

portal is our web-based dialogue with customers after

We have defined the following success factors to

delivery of the vessel. this could be anything from

secure satisfied customers and secure our own

Claim handling to support of the daily operation and

competitiveness in relation to our new vision:

our goal is to follow the vessel throughout its life cycle.






delivery time


eDItorIaL haVYarD tIMeS GeIr johaN Bakke

”You are now reading the 7th edition of Havyard Times and I hope that you will find it interesting. The purpose of this magazine is to communicate the current status and development of Havyard to our customers and stakeholders.” Geir Johan Bakke

Havyard Business Model

Havyard BusIness modeL In order to make sure that good tools and systems work, it is vital that we have the

Havyard Life Cycle Portal

Havyard Production System

Value Chain Process & People Services

Sales Design Concept

Warranty Systems Test

Pro??? Newbuilding

Havyard Academy


Enginering Hull Production

people with the ability and desire to do what it takes.


Customer Equipment

best, the most competent and motivated

Sucess factors 1. Quality 2. Cost 3. Delivery time Havyard Project Managenent System

In havyard we are also going to “be all ears and have the biggest heart within the industry”. By this statement we communicate that we have to listen to our customers and stakeholders in order to continuously improve. If we do make a mistake, we will admit to that and then

carry out improvements and be generous if there are claims for compensation. We must not forget, in a hectic and demanding environment, that there are both threats and opportunities in every situation, and maybe we should become better at seeing opportunities in a difficult market and not least see potential threats within a good market too. With these words I wish all of our employees, stakeholders, customers and suppliers good luck, and I am looking forward to a successful cooperation where the aim is to make each other good.

fosnavåg, 15.08.12 Geir johan Bakke Ceo havyard Group aS

geir JOHan Bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS


IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea

Father and son, Ottar and Egil, loving life at sea text: P e r - Ja n




yann ak e r

IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea

Ottar Nygjerde can certainly vouch for the statement “Improving life at sea”. The 70-year-old is currently captain on board the Havyard-constructed vessel ”Havila Fanø”, but his career at sea started already in his childhood as «autopilot», standing on top of a wooden orange box in the wheel house.


IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea

Father and son: ottar Nygjerde (right) and his son egil are both working on offshore vessels in the havila system. havyard Group`s new vision is “Improving life at sea”,

– Yes, I`ll gladly give some advice towards areas of

to best serve customers, crew, employees and the

improvement and I have one or two things I`d like to


give some feedback on, although there really is little

Ceo of the ship technology group of havyard, Geir

to complain about on board. We have the very best of

johan Bakke, points out that one of the group`s mottos

technology on board. the welfare of the crew is superb

is that everyone is an expert. this is the attitude whether

and if you go back 50 years in time, 12 men were

talking about shipowners, operators, researchers, crew,

sleeping in bunk beds in the forward cabin with a tiny

subcontractors, designers or other employees.

portable radio as the only piece of entertainment and one cuvette between all of us. Nowadays there are one-

“aLL ears and a BIg Heart”

man berths with a sofa, shower, stereo and a flat screen

- We will continue being “all ears and have a big heart”.

tV, equal to what most people have at home. these are

this means that the most important thing in the time

simply incredibly good conditions to work and live in,

ahead will be to listen to and learn from our customers

says the veteran who started working for the shipping

and end-users, and if something isn`t quite right, we

company Sævik Supply in the middle of the 1980s, a

will show great humility and we will solve the challenges

shipping company which is the origin of the present-

as quickly as we can and in the best possible manner,

day havila Shipping in fosnavåg.

Bakke says. one of the real offshore veterans on any havyard vessel

L I K e f at H e r , L I K e s o n

today is the 70-year-old captain ottar Nygjerde from

he would also like to add that it has been a real

ulsteinvik, who is happy contributing towards this

adventure being part of the offshore development

motto. ottar is captain of the havyard 832 CD designed

in herøy and in fosnavåg. – When I started working

vessel “havila fanø”, delivered in 2010.

in offshore supply, there were only two such


IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea

vessels in herøy; “Northern Clipper” and “Northern

my youngest son, egil, to head in the same direction,

Commander”, both operated by Sævik Supply. I was

says the 70-year-old, who is now working the opposite

hired to work on “Northern Clipper” in March 1986

four-week cycle to his son egil.

by general manager and shipowner per Sævik, ottar

- that suits us both quite well. We have around 60

Nygjerde reminisces, who since then has been aboard

animals (28 of these are milk cows) at home on our

a number of Sævik- and havila vessels.

farm where else Marie, my wife, sometimes need

these days you can spot both ottar and his son on

assistance to look after the animals while I`m at sea,

the bridge on separate havila vessels, one vessel

says the offshore veteran.

designed by havyard and the other constructed by

Despite father and son working opposite shifts,

havyard. egil (29) is first officer on “havila Mercury”, a

havyard times still managed to get a meeting with

ship constructed at havyard Ship technology in 2007.

the two on board one of the ships at Mongstad just

In addition, ottar`s third son, ole petter, is captain on

outside Bergen, as it was the time for one of the crews

“rem hrist”.

to disembark and the other to embark on a new four

- My oldest son, ole petter, had no plans on doing this

week working stint at sea. the two sailors shared some

for a living. he became seasick when joining me on

quality time reminiscing and eagerly chatting about

our small fishing boat. however, when he was 25 years

the development within the offshore industry and also

old I managed to convince him to come along as an

about the two vessels.

ordinary seaman. the seasickness passed by within a couple of days, and he virtually remained on board the

s ta n d I n g o n a n o r a n g e B o X

same ship until he became a captain. today he says

- When I was a child, I was standing on top of an

this is the best thing that could have happened to him.

orange box in the wheel house and steered the boat

and his choice also probably helped inspiring

so that I could manage to look out through the wheel


IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea

”When I was a child, I was standing on top of an orange box in the wheel house and steered the boat so that I could manage to look out through the wheel house windows. I was eventually functioning as “autopilot”. Ottar Nygjerde (70), captain on board Havila Fanø

house windows. I was eventually functioning as an

g r e at e r s a f e t y, L e s s n o I s e

“autopilot”, ottar says with a smile.

his son, egil Nygjerde (29), who has been working for

- But my first paid job at sea was back in 1953 aged

havila in the last seven years and who is currently a

12, when I went along with my grandfather on the

first officer, thinks that the biggest development has

freighter “elieser”. We were on our way to oslo with

been in terms of safety surrounding the actual work

tinned food. I was minding the engine and sometimes

on the ship.

even allowed to be at the helm. When we got home

– In addition to the safety aspect the vessels have

after two weeks my grandfather pulled out 250

become larger with good capacities. Vessels are also

Norwegian kroner and gave them to me. “are you

delivered with several classifications for use in various

crazy?”, my uncle shouted out; “are you really going to

types of operations. there`s a greater focus on

give the lad that much money?” But my grandfather

comforts such as reduced noise and good planning

had already decided, ottar chuckles, while he reclines

solutions. the standard is simply excellent, the way I

in the grand captain`s chair on board “havila fanø”

see it.

outside esbjerg in Denmark.

- It seems like the designers are taking into

- Not even when I was sailing on behalf of the fred

consideration the wishes that filter through from

olsen shipping company in the 1960s, were you


allowed to sit while on the bridge, whether you were

shipowners and operators are totally focused on

the captain or not. there was only one chair and that

safety, reduced noise, capacity, multi-purpose use and

was reserved for the pilot whenever he came aboard.

comfort on board the ships. that`s definitely a good

Nowadays everything is so wonderfully furnished on

thing, if you ask me, and also something that should

the bridge, in the cabins and the common areas, that

continue to be a focus area. furthermore, there`s a

it feels like a second home when embarking on this

lot of diligence put into making the crew enjoying

working voyage, the captain tells us. he still feels that

themselves, says the first officer.

it is the technological development that has been the most formidable aspect of the offshore evolution. - We have instruments and equipment for virtually everything, says the 70-year-old, though he is slightly worried this knowledge on navigation and mapreading skills might soon be a thing of the past as a consequence of the new technology. – I still believe that we should keep the old hexagon and the paper maps on board.






IMproVING LIfe at Sea: father aND SoN LoVING LIfe at Sea


IMproVING LIfe at Sea

Havyard researches & develops text: P e r -Ja n

B r ekke

photo: Per-J an


�Engaging with Havyard on this project was very rewarding. We went all the way right to the extreme borders of our knowledge.� Project Manager Klas Kooiker (pictured right), Maritime Research Institute, Wageningen, here in discussion with Project Manager Ships, Rinnert van Basten Batenburg. 12

IMproVING LIfe at Sea


IMproVING LIfe at Sea

Havyard Design & Engineering (HDE) is constantly working on reducing fuel consumption for their designs. The company uses model testing at home and abroad to find the best possible voyage towards “Improving life at sea.”

”Improving life at sea” is havyard Group`s new vision.

company has also got two offices in ede and in

It is all about improving the life and conditions for

houston. the institute engages 300 employees,

everyone involved in havyard`s products, whether they

seven test facilities and three simulators.

are operators, shipowners, crew or simply for the sake

a lot of information, knowledge and experiences

of the environment. this is a vision that not least the

were exchanged before the extensive, advanced

group`s designers are constantly engaging in when

and time-consuming model testing started.

developing new designs and vessels. the design company havyard Design & engineering (hDe) employs 80 people based in the main office in fosnavåg in Norway and branch offices in Stavanger, poland and Croatia. a reduction in fuel consumption, beneficial






environment, is very much the focus of attention in this company, a company which is one of four business areas of the havyard Group.

There is no such thing as optimization in real life anyway. Optimization is only something that can happen in a laboratory and no vessel is optimal during all conditions. Designer Kristian Voksøy Steinsvik, Havyard Design & Engineering

modeL testIng In HoLLand Model testing of hulls is an essential method

at a H I g H L e v e L

for hDe, in order to gain as much information

– engaging with havyard on this project was

as possible as foundation for reaching the best

very rewarding. We went all the way right to the

possible decisions in the design process.

extreme borders of our knowledge, says project

havyard utilizes - amongst other things - test

Manager klas kooiker at the Maritime research

tanks at SINtef in trondheim and in Wageningen

Institute Nederland (MarIN). the institute offers

outside amsterdam.

a combination of simulation, model testing, full-

just before the turn of last year, havyard times

scale measurements and training programmes for


shipbuilders all over the world.






designer kristian Voksøy Steinsvik in havyard

-Despite huge progress made at the drawing


table, physical tests are still the be-all and end-all,







Wageningen for model testing at the Maritime

says kooiker.

research Institute Nederland (MarIN). this is one

– the havyard project focused on testing the

of the leading institutes in the world on hydro-

models for fuel consumption during actual weath-

dynamical research and maritime technology. the

er conditions – not some hypothetical average


IMproVING haVYarD LIfe DeSIGN™ at Sea

Model testing: Designer kristian Voksøy Steinsvik, project Manager petter frøystad in havyard Design & engineering testing models in Wageningen together with project Manager Ships, rinnert van Basten Batenburg from Maritime.

weather condition. a great deal of estimates was

indicator and increasingly helps us in making more

exchanged and compared, and discussions were

efficient ships, the project Manager points out.

held at a high level, the project Manager empha-

after 14 years of ship design and hydro-dynamical


research, kooiker is left with one main understanding;

Designers at havyard are more concerned about

- the most important thing that I have learned is that

what is a best possible compromise than what is op-

practical model testing is still absolutely vital, even

timization. – there is no such thing as optimization

if we have become much better at doing advance

in real life anyway. optimization is only something


that can happen in a laboratory and no vessel is optimal during all conditions. the challenge is finding

– our customers are good at predicting the relative

the best compromise. Laboratory optimization on

differences between different design models. they

selected conditions is uninteresting if it cannot be

are nevertheless less good at estimating the absolute

linked to the real picture, designer kristian Voksøy

performance of the vessel. our advantage is that we

Steinsvik points out.

employ a vast amount of computer models, as we have more than 8000 ships in our database. our customers

o p t I m I Z at I o n

generally only have access to the ship models they have

kooiker gets his point but claims that optimization and

drawn themselves.

“best compromise” is virtually the same thing: – Ship design has always been complicated, where

e n e r g y- s av I n g

a number of parameters play a role and these are

- another trend is the renewed interest in energy-

frequently in direct conflict with each other; it is

saving units (eSD). – these units have existed for

therefore impossible to design a ship with optimal

many years, but developments have gathered

outcome on all these different criteria. It`s all about

pace since the work of CfD (Computational fluid

prioritizing; choosing one set of conditions to be

Dynamics) started to show results. We have seen that

tested. Choosing the correct parameters is also a form

this is leading to better work environment units.

of optimization, says kooiker.

- at MarIN we have several common industrial

– previously the sea trials were often carried out with a

projects that involve various aspects of eSD,

given speed and in near ideal conditions. today there`s

informs the Dutch project Manager, who is looking

a tendency for testing out at non-optimal conditions.

forward to an ongoing cooperation with havyard

thus, it frequently shows that the vessels are not so


fuel-efficient after all. today`s method, where wave resistance is taken into account, is a much better


IMproVING LIfe at Sea

Just the beginning text: P e r -Ja n

B r ekke

photo: Per-J an


“We have just seen the beginning in regards to fuel savings in offshore ship design.”

this is the firm belief of Design Manager arve

changes and improvements made in this “micro

helsem Leine at havyard Design & engineering

mode” will impact the bigger picture.


- If we lift our eyes and look upwards, we may

-Design at a micro level must be combined with

frequently get some surprises – these could either

a more superior bird`s eye view, havyard`s Design

be good or bad. Maybe it would be smarter sailing

Manager believes. – a pSV managing 14 knots in 8

at 10 knots instead of 12 when conditions allow?

metre waves is possibly an engineering feat, but is

perhaps the captain`s and the crew`s choices

it really a design achievement? Leine asks.

will influence fuel consumption more than the

– average waves on this scale hardly ever happen

individual technical components do separately?

(less than two percent of the time in the North

– It is all about creating an interface that makes

Sea), and extremely few vessels have got sufficient


engine power to maintain this speed. You then

shipowner, operator and crew – speaking the same

need to ask yourself whether the choice that

language and pulling in the same direction, says

was made to optimize this feature has come at

havyard`s Design Manager.

the expense of qualities that the shipowner has a greater need for.

“Rarely does the most obvious thing provide the biggest impact” Design Manager Arve Helsem Leine, Havyard Design & Engineering the Design Manager believes that there is still much to gain in fuel savings and environmental improvements in the time ahead. – rarely does the most obvious thing provide the biggest impact. as technologists we often find it way too easy to directly pounce on the technical aspects of designing. Is the propeller optimal? Is the bulb working? have we chosen the optimal machinery? Straight away we enter into a “micro mode” and study the details. If you have good methods for analysis, you are capable of seeing how the





juSt the BeGINNING


the ShIpBuILDer


the ShIpBuILDer

Yard Director of Havyard Ship Technology AS; Trygve Solaas

The shipbuilder text: P e r -Ja n

B r ekke

photo: ya n n


�He is formally an agronomist and he owns forest areas where he is chopping wood and hunting for deer. But he really is a shipbuilder at heart.�


the ShIpBuILDer

” I quickly realised that I missed the great atmosphere at the shipyard. It is an incredibly exciting and international environment to work in. No two days are similar” trygve Solaas is the name, and recently appoint-

yard, close to 70 vessels have been built since

ed Yard Director at havyard Ship technology aS

1977, mainly vessels for the offshore market.

in Leirvik, Sogn on the west coast of Norway. he is 50 years old and a father of five boys. he rep-


resents the sixth generation on the family farm

trygve`s father was involved in building the ship-

in the village of Skor in hyllestad, Norway, only a

yard in the middle of the 1970s but unfortunately

short drive from the shipyard.

he had a serious accident. – he became stuck un-

his great interest in anything maritime origi-

derneath a big iron gate and he barely survived.

nates first and foremost from his mother`s fam-

Luckily things went quite well but because of his

ily. her father was a captain and many a long

injuries he was forced into working in an office,

summer holiday spent at Bjelkarøy by Sotra laid

trygve tells us, pointing out that the greatest pos-

the foundations for trygve`s interest in anything

itive development within the shipyard industry in

related to boats and the ocean.

Norway has actually been in terms of safety.

Most people who come to Leirvik for the very

the father of five has been connected to the

first time are perplexed by the fact it is pos-

Leirvik shipyard holding various positions such

sible to run a major shipyard with more than

as a sheet metal worker, foreman, project leader

500 workers in such a remote area with ex-

and project director since 1979, only interrupted


by national military service and further education,






ling down to the shipyard itself. But in this

plus a “year off” working as a tractor salesman.

tiny village they have built boats since 1938

- that was during a stage when I had lost faith in

against all odds, and here at the present day

the possibility that the shipyard could survive,


the ShIpBuILDer

says the 50-year-old, who returned when things

ability to simply hang in there. the advantage of

got better.

Norwegian shipyards and groups like havyard, unlike many foreign yards, is the fact that we

deLIverIng tHe goods

deliver on time, on budget and with good quality.

- I quickly realised that I missed the great atmos-

- Norwegian shipyards, compared to foreign

phere at the shipyard. It is an incredibly exciting

shipyards, also have the benefit of working closely

and international environment to work in. No two

with the shipowners. Without this cooperation, I

days are similar, says trygve, who is chuckling a

do not think that neither the Norwegian shipyard

little while thinking of some of the many foreign

industry, nor the Norwegian shipowners, would be

visits the shipyard has had over the years.

as optimistic as we are today, trygve emphasizes.

- among other things, I have had business people from huge cities in India visiting and I have


taken them fishing in the mountain lakes in this

- there`s no doubt that the construction of

surrounding area. they are totally surprised, even

“Seven havila”, voted Supply Vessel of the Year

slightly worried about how quiet it is here, says

2011, was a major lift for us. the shipyard and all

the Yard Director, one of only a few people who`s

of havyard Group proved capable of making big

worked for all the four owners; Løland, kleven,

things happen and also making good money. and

kværner and then havyard Group who took over

now I feel that the shipyard is well-prepared for

in 2000.

the future. Continuous new findings in the North

- there are a lot of positives now. Shipyards by the

Sea suggest the prospects are good, says the Yard

Norwegian west coast seem to have this unique



the ShIpBuILDer

- Woodchopping ”When I was a child, and Ideer washunting standingononmytopown of an orange land arebox twointhings the wheel I willhouse continue and doing steeredfortheasboat so that long as I could am able manage to. to look out through the wheel house windows. I was eventually functioning as an “autopilot”. Ottar Nygjerde (70), captain on board Havila Fanø

just as havyard times visited, there was an unusual low level of activity with only one pSV (build 109 “torsborg” for Supply Service) quayside being outfitted and no hulls in the dock. But according to Solaas this is simply “the quiet before the storm”. In 2012, the construction of three new offshore vessels will begin at the Leirvik shipyard at mouth of Sognefjorden.

HavyarD sHiP tecHnOLOgy as

• Havyard Ship Technology AS is based in Leirvik in Sogn, on the west coast of Norway. • There are 170 employees at the shipyard, plus a further 330 to 400 employees via subcontractors. • Since Havyard Group AS took ownership of the shipyard in 2000, 35 vessels have been delivered and these are mainly PSVs, AHTSs and subsea vessels.

a man of tHe forest

• Last year, four vessels were delivered; two of them were

the 50-year-old succeeded Bente Nesse as Yard

the subsea vessels “Havila Subsea” for Havila Shipping

Director from the turn of last year, coming from

and “Seven Havila”, a Havyard 858 DSV design for

the position as project Director.

Havila / Subsea7. Moreover, the PSV “Saeborg” was

- It really hasn`t been that much of a change. I still

delivered to Supply Service and the fishing vessel “Artus”

work a lot on projects but this job carries even

to Brattholm Invest.

more responsibility, says the down to earth man from Sogn, who is originally an agronomist. and that particular educational background is good to sometimes fall back on since the Yard Director

• So far this year the PSV “Ocean Pride” has been delivered to Atlantic Offshore and “Sjoborg” has gone to Supply Service. • Build 110, ”Vestland Mira” to Vestland Offshore, build

also owns forest areas linked to the family farm

107 ”Havila Charisma” to Havila Shipping and build

of “Solås”. that`s where he relaxes from work and

112 to Global Offshore, will all be delivered during this

where he chops up wood for private use, plus selling


a little of it on to friends and other acquaintances.

• Also, the latest major signing; the Havyard 857 design,

apart from this, he uses his spare time hunting

which is a subsea vessel for Forland Shipping is due to be

deer together with his dog “Mia”. Selling any of his

delivered in the autumn of 2013.

wooded area is so far out of the question. - Woodchopping and deer hunting on my own land are two things I will continue doing for as long as I am able to. these are spare time activities that I greatly appreciate and it is brilliant medicine for both body and soul, says the shipbuilder as he smiles.


the ShIpBuILDer


heaDING for quaLItY

Heading for quality Text:

Per-Jan Brekke


ya n n a k e r

“In a distinguished villa right next to the historic Troldhaugen in Bergen, you`ll find the location of Forland Shipping, a shipping company with focus on tradition and quality. After having had all their vessels constructed in their own hometown so far, Forland eventually chose Havyard.� 24

heaDING for quaLItY


VaLGte SeG kVaLItet

and it oozes of tradition and Norwegian history while

in terms of seismic vessels. Since then the focus has

we are winding our way along narrow roads in the

very much been on seismic exploration and also a

residential neighbourhood of fana, located between

greater focus on subsea.

the airport and Bergen city centre. just before we reach the shipping company`s offices we are passing

eLLen forLand

by the home -

now a museum - of the famous

her husband passed away in 2003 and ellen forland

Norwegian composer edvard Grieg; “troldhaugen”,

continued to run the company until she died in 2010,

before eventually passing the former residence of

83 years old.

another Norwegian great, the poet Nordahl Grieg.

– We are still running the company as Mrs. forland would

a short two minutes later we are standing at the

have liked us to manage it, says arne Magnus johnsen,

entrance of forland Shipping`s old villa, respectfully

the state authorized public accountant, who moved

knocking on the heavy door.

positions within the company from financial controller to Ceo, after ellen forland passed away. forland`s son,


frode Bjørn forland, is the working chairman.

– Well, we do have a long tradition for acquiring quality ships, and everyone knows that quality pays off

johnsen (37) of forland Shipping, as he smiles and

“ There were three reasons for choosing Havyard; design, quality and price.”

welcomes us into their fine offices.

Arne Magnus Johnsen, CEO Forland Shipping

in the long run, says the young Ceo arne Magnus

forland Shipping is a privately-owned shipping company going back to 1973. It really all started when the

- Mrs. forland was constantly 10 to 15 years ahead of

well-known shipbroker Mikkel r. forland and his wife

her time and her philosophy during her last few years

ellen forland established a shipbroker`s company in

was that when so much was put onto the seabed, then

1953. 20 years later ellen forland founded what was

someone also had to take care of all the equipment.

then called “ellen forland Shipping Company”, which

that`s why we now focus so heavily on subsea vessels,

is the origin of today`s shipping company employing

says the 37-year-old, who points out that the shipping

71 people, 11 of these working within the adminis-

company sees quality as a way of safety, and well-being


and comfort for the crew, as main priorities.

the business really took off when ellen forland in

- ellen forland wished to adapt the vessels in the best

the 1960s started taking a serious interest in seismic

possible way for the sake of the crew, and not the other

exploration. this was long before any oil was found

way round. and that is something we highly prioritised

in the North Sea and she became a female pioneer

when agreeing a contract with havyard Group regarding


heaDING for quaLItY

the construction of a new vessel last winter, says the

has great belief in staking out a course in the subsea

father-of-three from kristiansand.

market in cooperation with amongst others havyard Group, as being the right way forward for the shipping

w e n t f o r H av ya r d 8 5 7


forland Shipping owns and manages three vessels within offshore- and seismic operations. after the first newbuild “MS Seisventurer” was constructed in Drammen, Norway in 1986, the shipping company has exclusively constructed new vessels in the hometown of Bergen. In february this year, the management was convinced that fosnavåg-based havyard Group`s new havyard 857 design and their shipyard in Leirvik, were the way forward. havyard has previously delivered similar subsea vessels such as Seven havila, voted Support Vessel of the Year 2011, in addition to havila phoenix and havila Subsea.

HavyarD 857

forland`s new subsea vessel will be constructed at

• Length:

110 m

havyard Ship technology aS in Leirvik and is due to be

• Breadth:

22 m

delivered at the end of august next year.

• Dead weight:

4750 tonnes

• Speed:

14.5 knots

desIgn, QuaLIty and prIce

• Deck area:

1000 sq. m

- there were three reasons for choosing havyard; design,

• Accommodation:

106 persons

quality and price. the havyard 857 has many great and creative solutions with, amongst other things, a 360 degree view from the bridge and the crew`s mess hall has also been moved further upwards within the ship. We simply like havyard`s philosophy when it comes to quality and it does of course also help that we could both agree on price. - and as I have already stated; quality always pays off, both for the shipping company and the crew, arne Magnus johnsen of forland Shipping sums up, who also


oVer the atLaNtIC

Over the Atlantic text: P e r - Ja n



yann ak e r

-It is important that those who design offshore vessels keep in mind that the ship is also going to be constructed. In Havyard they know this.


• Tidligere Portugisisk koloni, selvstendig siden 1822 • Ca 27 x Norges areal – ca dobbelt så stort som EU • Ca 200 mill innbyggere fordelt på 26 stater, dvs. verdens 5. største land både i areal og folketall • Verdens 7. største økonomi, blir verdens 5. største i nær fremtid • GDP vekstrate på 7,5% i 2010, inflasjon på ca 6,5% • Arbeidsledighet – under 7%


oVer the atLaNtIC


oVer the atLaNtIC

"Ocean PriDe"

• ”Ocean Pride” is an 832 L PSV design with a length of 86 metres and 17.6 m. breadth. • The vessel is constructed according to the Clean Design notation from DNV, setting high environmental standards throughout the vessel`s lifecycle. • Deck area is 900 square m. • Speed of up to 14 knots with accommodation for a crew of 23. • Dead weight is around 4000 tonnes • ”Ocean Pride” is fitted out for rescue and standby operations according to NMD for a total of 200 persons. • Vessel can carry out oil protection operations and is constructed at Havyard Ship Technology AS in Leirvik in Sogn, Norway.


t o m GuLB ranD s e n

the statement comes from Ceo roy Wareberg in

Bergen in 2008 in the name of Sartor offshore and

atlantic offshore (formerly Sartor offshore) while

was partly created out of Sartor Shipping, founded

he is standing at the former helm of SS Norway, a

in 1988.

treasure he managed to get hold after the scrapping

today they are located at the coastal base of

of this historic cruise ship. the helm from the former

Ågotnes in fjell municipality. the company also

french and Norwegian pride – now sitting proudly in

keeps offices in aberdeen.

the atlantic office – has crossed the atlantic ocean

Sartor is otherwise an old Norse term for the place

hundreds of times.

of Sotra.

atlantic offshore today owns a fleet of 21 vessels. the

52-year-old roy Wareberg, who is literally at the

company has 550 employees, where 500 are sailing

helm of this shipping company, was involved in

offshore and 25 are based in the head office at Sotra,

founding atlantic offshore in 2008. the father of

Norway. a further 15 work in aberdeen in Scotland.

three from Skudesneshavn has lived in Sotra for

the company also operates four other vessels.

the last 18 years and came from the banking in-

earlier this spring the shipping company took delivery

dustry, but this fearless man also has six years of

of the pSV vessel “ocean pride” from havyard Group,

experience as a fishing boat operator in Greenland

a havyard 832 L design. the ship was constructed by

together with his wife and children.

havyard Ship technology aS in Leirvik in record time.

- a very instructive and exciting time of my life

“ocean pride” is also the first vessel havyard has

where I, in addition to many things, managed to

delivered to atlantic.

test my skills as a hunter together with the Greenlanders, roy tells us enthusiastically, while study-

Hunter In greenLand atlantic offshore came to life in Sotra, just outside


ing a map of the area where he used to live.

oVer the atLaNtIC

renewIng tHe fLeet

designers who have adapted their own designs

these days, however, it is all about offshore. –We

very well according to our wishes. and it is another

are focusing on oil protection and standby, as

great advantage that the designers have their own

well as the pSV market. our ships have recently

shipyard to turn to, with people fully realising that

operated in the North Sea, by the falkland Islands

these ships are actually going to be constructed.

and in the Mediterranean, Wareberg informs us,

In that sense you can get both cost-effective

who also believes that atlantic will be drastically

and efficient vessels at the same time, Wareberg

renewing their fleet in the coming years.

says, and points out that their experiences with

-We are very positive about the future. Better

“ocean pride” certainly hasn’t scared atlantic off

financial arrangements and new oil discoveries

a working relationship with havyard in the future.

make the market very promising, but if we are

-Not at all. We had an excellent dialogue with

going to be part of this bright future we must

designers and shipyard where we managed to

constantly renew our fleet. today it pays off to

avoid the major conflicts, but price and delivery

construct new vessels instead of buying second-

time will be crucial in the future when it comes to

hand. So we will be renewing a considerable

choosing shipyard and designers, says the atlantic

number of vessels over the next five to eight

Ceo and smiles.

years. If we don`t, turnover will dramatically decrease, says the Ceo of atlantic, who considers

In july atlantic offshore chose the havyard 820

havyard to be a business partner in this context.

design twice in less than a month. firstly when securing a North Sea agreement with the oil- and

H av ya r d H a s f I g u r e d I t o u t

gas corporation total, and secondly in a long-term

-We have had a great dialogue with havyard`s

agreement with Shell uk.


per SæVIk reCeIVeS the orDer of St. oLaV

Per Sævik receives the order of St.Olav text: P er - Ja n


photo: Jann

fL at va L

knigHt : the havila founder per Sævik, in many ways anchored in the fishing industry was awarded the

prestigious first Class knight of the order of St. olav by county governor Lodve Solholm in remøy chapel.

Chairman of Havyard Group, Per Rolf Sævik (71), became First Class Knight of the order of St. Olav in February, for “his efforts and achievements within the shipping industry”. It is his Majesty, king harald of Norway who awards

also got great experience as a politician for Norway`s

people with this prestigious distinction. per Sævik

Christian Democratic party. he was elected member

was a key member in establishing the powerful

of the Norwegian parliament in 1989 and held the

maritime cluster in the northwest of Norway. With his

position as a deputy representative in periods

background from fishing he started three major

between 1977-1981, 1981-1985 and from 1985-1989.

shipping companies; Sævik Supply, havila Supply and havila Shipping. Sævik has held many vital positions


within fishing and traditional shipping, in addition

- I feel both humble and pleased to receive this medal

to being a board member of important public

of honour. But I must point out that havila is not a


one-man creation. I am especially thinking about my

the shipowner and the industrial businessman has

wife Liv, who has been by my side during all these


per SæVIk reCeIVeS the orDer of St. oLaV

years and not least all the clever co-workers in the havila system, says per Sævik. per Sævik was also mayor of the west coast municipality of herøy in 1988 and 1989. he was president of the Norwegian Shipowners’ association from 1996 to 1998. the 71-year-old has furthermore shown considerable commitment and put great effort into voluntary Christian work both in his own region and internationally.

a rOck

the order of St. olav was awarded Sævik on february 1st in remøy chapel by the county governor of Møre and romsdal, Lodve Solholm. the county governor put emphasis on Sævik as being a rock in society. he compared Sævik with a farmyard tree, sometimes swaying but never falling down. Sævik was also honoured by the mayor of herøy, arnulf Goksøyr and former prime Minister of Norway, kjell Magne Bondevik.


VaLGte SeG kVaLItet

A Norwegian-Turkish adventure Text:

Per-Jan Brekke


Per-Jan Brekke

A relationship running across different cultures doesn`t always last a long time, but the relationship between Cemre Shipyard in Istanbul and Havyard Group in Fosnav책g has now lasted for seven years, with 21 newbuilds as a result. 34

a NorWeGIaN - turkISh aDVeNture


a NorWeGIaN - turkISh aDVeNture

Launching "Vestland Mira": turkish eu-minister egeman Bagis (left), the Managing Director Børge Brende of Government relations of the World economic forum in Geneva, Cemre Gülcek and her father General Manager orhan Gülcek of Cemre Shipyard.

and it is very much thanks to havyard Group that

2 1 H av ya r d H u L L s

Cemre Shipyard has become the largest export

the Norwegian group`s many contracts have made sure

business in the big Yalova-region by the gigantic city

that Cemre over the last few years has constantly had 3

of Istanbul. the shipyard comprises more than 60.000

hulls in working progress at the yard, something which

square metres and has in addition a “workshop” of

is still the current situation by the Cemre shipyard. It also

10.000 square metres.

means that the shipyard on a daily basis employs around

It all started in 1996 when master painter orhan

1000 people.

Gülcek decided to establish a new company. orhan,


who now is a father of three daughters, then only

development and havyard has obviously played a central

had one little daughter. the married couple decided

role in terms of both the success of Cemre and the

that whenever the second child was to arrive, he or

added positive effect for the local area and its society.

she would be going by the same name as the new

But it has of course been a mutual relationship with


mutual benefits. We have both helped developing

– that`s why I needed to find a name for the company

each other and through Cemre we have a partner in

that would suit both a boy and a girl, and Cemre was

continuity and in quality. We have besides this our own

the name, says orhan. In 1996 he then established

site team consisting of 10 men that follows up on the

Cemre engineering Company

quality aspect, says Chief operating officer kenneth

which later became






Cemre Shipyard in 2005.

pettersen of havyard Group.

n a m e d d a u g H t e r a f t e r t H e s H I p ya r d

“ Our cooperation has since August

the master painter is now General Manager of Cemre Shipyard,

and it is the now 14-year-old daughter

Cemre who one day will take control of the shipyard

2005 been built on mutual trust and friendship.”

Geir Johan Bakke, CEO Havyard Group

by Istanbul. In terms of the cooperation between Cemre and havy-

BIg festIvItIes

ard; this all started back in 2005 and involves Cemre

a total of 21 havyard hulls have been launched at

constructing the hulls for havyard`s self-designed

Cemre with big festivities on each occasion. the latest,

offshore vessels and fishing vessels that are eventu-

the havyard 833 L design vessel “havila Charisma” was

ally towed from Cemre to havyard`s own shipyard in

launched in june.

Norway; havyard Ship technology in Leirvik, where the

havyard times` own journalist took part in the “jubilee

remainder of the outfitting process takes place.

launching” of hull number 20, the havyard 832 L “Vestland Mira” for Vestland offshore, at the end of april.


a NorWeGIaN - turkISh aDVeNture

Friends: General Manager orhan Gülcek of Cemre Shipyard and Ceo Geir johan Bakke of havyard Group.

this all happened to the customary accompaniment of local music and sparkling confetti cannons. this time, there were in addition major visits from the turkish euminister egeman Bagis and the Managing Director Børge Brende of Government relations of the World economic forum in Geneva. one of the principal speakers was Ceo Geir johan Bakke of havyard Group, who emphasized the trust and friendship that have arisen between the two companies and also between Bakke himself and General Manager of Cemre Shipyard, orhan Gülcek.

frIendsHIp and trust -our cooperation has since august 2005 been built on mutual trust and friendship. Not only that; we are both willing to take risks. the success in turkey is moreover a result of us picking out the best Norwegian and the best turkish competence in order to reach a common target of delivering on time, on budget and with the best possible quality, havyard`s Ceo Geir johan Bakke points out. and the General Manager of the Cemre shipyard is also very pleased with his Norwegian partners. – We do have a very good cooperation with havyard and I have become a good friend of Geir johan. Both he and havyard are very much focused on finding quick and good solutions to the challenges that do occur, in order to solve everything in the best possible way for the sake of all of us, orhan Gülcek, concludes.


artuS IN fuLL fLoW

Artus in full flow Text:

steinar eggesBĂ˜ Hagen


tOM BenJaMinsen

- The crew has now got a new boat which we have properly learnt to use. We have come to where we want to be, the production is going really well and the crew is very pleased with the vessel. Ole Morten Vassdal, captain on board Artus 38

artuS IN fuLL fLoW


IMproVING LIfe at Sea

Captain of "Artus": ole Morten Vassdal is watching the unloading of fish in tromsø, Norway.

this combined purse seiner and Danish seiner is in full

Low fueL consumptIon

flow and in perfect working order as it is fishing along

the newest and fifth artus was delivered from

the Norwegian coastline. the latest artus was con-

havyard Ship technology aS in Leirvik in Sogn last

structed at havyard Ship technology in Leirvik, Norway

june and named in fosnavåg in connection with

last year and after the first year of fishing and gaining

the Maritime Summer festival.

experiences, captain and crew are very pleased.

artus is an advanced fishing vessel with a solid

- We started the seine fishing in September last year and

freezer capacity of 100 tonnes as the crew

experienced a good herring and mackerel fishery. Last

goes fishing for capelin, mackerel, herring and

winter`s capelin quota was swiftly concluded with. re-

whitefish. after some starting up challenges last

cently, we have been fishing for cod and haddock and

year where not everything worked optimally,

there`s been less haddock this spring while cod seems

havyard had these problems related to insulation

to be in great surplus. During the summer we have

of the freezer rooms fixed.

spent much of our time fishing close to Bjørnøya by

- havyard wished to make sure that we found

Svalbard and our quota for cod will guaranteed be filled

the right solutions and that the challenges were

quite easily, says the calm and steady captain of artus.

solved in cooperation with the owners of artus,

When reading this, artus has most likely finished both

Brattholm Invest aS. We have now made sure

its cod and haddock fishery for the season.

that artus is working perfectly well and there is a functional and top modern factory on board. It is

10 fIsHermen and

running smoothly with low fuel consumption due

traInees praIsIng tHe vesseL

to new propulsion technology and an efficient

artus has on each roundtrip 10 fishermen on board

hull shape, says Yard Director trygve Solaas of

while fishing.

havyard Ship technology aS in Leirvik.

- Life on board is excellent with good facilities. We

artus has in 2012 a quota of around 500 tonnes

sometimes receive phone calls from trainees wishing

of cod, a quota-free haddock fishery and a capelin

to do their apprenticeship on our boat, something

quota of 500 tonnes with herring around 2000

which we see as a good sign. this means that others

tonnes, in addition to mackerel fishing.

who have been on board must have been speaking of

the history of the fishing vessel artus dates back

a good fishing vessel and speaking well of the crew. on

nearly 50 years. arthur Sævik ordered the first

our boat a trainee gets to sample virtually all aspects of

artus in 1965 and it was delivered the following

fishing such as factory, seine fishing and much more,

year. During the following decades a new artus

says the captain who enjoys life on board. Sigvald Sævik

arrived two, three and four times, until the fifth

is the other captain of artus.

one was delivered in 2011.


IMproVING haVYarD LIfe DeSIGN™ at Sea

a n I m p o r ta n t p r o J e c t a L s o

Main Data M/s «artus»

f o r H av ya r d g r o u p - the construction of artus has been an important

• Loa: 49.8 m

project for the owners but also for havyard Group.

• Beam: 12.0 m

this successful project shows that havyard also

• Depth to shelter deck: 7.2 m

focuses on this segment within shipbuilding, in

• Max draft: 5.7 m

addition to the construction of offshore vessels.

• Combined RSW-tanks / freezing holds: 180 m3

Constructing a fishing vessel is no small matter as

• Combined RSW-tanks / live fish tanks: 320 m3

the vessels are often highly specialized with a lot

• Total fish hold capacity: 500 m3

of complicated equipment on board. Integrating

• Fuel oil: 200 m3

all this equipment within the vessel`s design is

• Main engine: 1770 kW

demanding as limited space often plays a central

• Auxiliary engines: 540 + 320 kW

role, but the cooperation with Brattholm Invest

• Tunnel thrusters: 2 x 370 kW

aS has worked really well and the fifth artus is a

• RSW / freezing machinery: 2 x 430 kW

solid, functional and modern fishing vessel, says

• Processing area w/heading- and gutting machines, 4

the Yard Director.

• plate freezers, 1 freezing tunnel








• Vacuum pump system: 4200 litres

good facilities for shipbuilding has previously

• Purse seine- / Danish seine winches: 2 x 26.5 tonnes

constructed and delivered several fishing vessels

• Net winch: 18.5 tonnes

and it is a segment havyard wishes to focus on

• Deck cranes: 30 tonne m & 25 tonne m

also in the future.


haVYarD WIth LoNG-terM reCruItMeNt foCuS

Havyard with long-term recruitment focus Text:

steinar eggesBĂ˜ Hagen / LinDa HageseLLe


Per-Jan Brekke

Havyard Group goes further than merely designing ships and constructing fishing boats and offshore vessels. – The summer trainee programme is an important part of a future recruitment programme, not only for the sake of Havyard but also for the maritime industry in general.

m Z C


y x


haVYarD WIth LoNG-terM reCruItMeNt foCuS

p(T)dT = d dT

v a+ T d T + p(T) = v a e¯


v a+ T

IMproVING LIfe at Sea

havyard Group`s human resources Director, Bente

this year havyard announced their trainee positions

Nesse, is convinced that havyard has made the

earlier on in the spring and as a result there were a

correct decision in focusing on youth for the second

greater number of applicants, something which could

consecutive summer. the summer trainee programme

be seen as an early sign of a successful programme.

is too young to be called a tradition yet, but the hr

- We received a lot of interest this year and offered a

Director is still firm in her belief that it is vital for the

place to 13 teenagers and other youngsters in the age

entire maritime cluster on the west coast of Norway

group between 18 to 25, these either being pupils at

and for the future maritime industry, that companies

an upper secondary school or students at university

become much better at recruiting teens and young

College level. During these two weeks our trainees re-

people onto maritime educational courses.

ceived training in all parts of our value chain that deal

- all companies within the maritime cluster carry a

with shipbuilding, from agreeing a contract to servicing

huge responsibility in managing to convince motivated

after delivery of a vessel, Bente Nesse informs.

youngsters to enter a maritime education programme.

the 13 trainee participants worked on the intro-

We need highly qualified personnel. Succeeding with

duction programme in week 26 & 27. havyard`s

this recruitment process is not easy but it is still an

own people within the various business areas of

issue we need to continue addressing. the challenges

the company took part and shared their knowl-

are right in front of us and havyard wishes to be at

edge of shipbuilding technology with the youth.

the forefront, making sure we all succeed with future

- Last year`s trainee programme gave the youth

recruitment, Bente Nesse says.

experience in shipbuilding technology on many

Nesse also points out that the trainee programme so

levels and at the same time it gave everyone in

far isn`t a full value trainee programme but a project

havyard useful experience in what we needed to

that will be developed over time and one that will be

change for this year`s course. the feedback was

continuously developed and improved.

clear; they all wanted an even busier schedule

the havyard summer trainee programme was formed

with several hands-on tasks for them to solve.

a while back. During two summer weeks of 2011 the

as a direct consequence of this feedback we ad-

first group of youngsters joined havyard Group in

justed this summer`s programme. the participants

order to learn more about the company, ship design,

now worked on tasks and exercises every day and

shipbuilding and much more of what is connected to

we challenged them to consider aspects such as;

shipbuilding technology. of last year`s youth who took

“what is the most important contribution from

part; two youngsters actually changed their courses of

every business area within havyard, which secures

education as a direct result of the trainee programme

a ship being delivered at the right time and of the

and decided to sign on to a maritime course.

right quality?�


IMproVING haVYarD LIfe DeSIGN™ at Sea

-Through Havyard`s introduction programme I have received a much greater understanding and a better overview of both the company and the possibilities within the maritime industry.

It is difficult to get an understanding of a company only from the outside, since they offer so many different jobs, says the 22-year-old.

Sara Storøy (22) - there are mainly two reasons as to why we focus on this programme, says Bente Nesse, hr-director of havyard Group. – one of the reasons is that we wish to present to youth all the possibilities that they have within the maritime industry. even if the youngsters may have grown up in the local area, the various possibilities within this industry are still a bit unfamiliar to many of them. the other reason is that we are working on a long-term recruitment plan and it is possible we may recruit some of these participants for future work at havyard, says Nesse.

B e t t e r u n d e r s ta n d I n g Sara Storøy (22) is one of the 13 participants in this introduction programme and she has been appointed “spokesperson” for this group of youngsters. She informs us that the main reason for wanting to be part of the programme, is that she wishes to discover what type of work and professional positions that havyard can offer. Sara studies law and wants to do a Master degree, ideally some sort of maritime course. - I hope to find out whether this is something for me.


NeW CoNtraCtS

Illustration: gunnar fLusunD

More success in India with the Havyard 832 design Havyard Group is proof that it is possible for a Norwegian company to do successful business in

HavyarD 832

India. the group has signed a contract for delivery of


79.60 m

two pSV vessels of a Havyard 832 design to Global


17.60 m

offshore. Since 2005 contracts to the value of Nok


4000 tonnes

2 billion have been signed with the Indian shipping

Deck area:

800 sq. m



14 knots


26 persons

these will become offshore vessels number 6 and 7 from Havyard to Global offshore (formerly Garware). five vessels have already been constructed and delivered from Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik, Norway. havyard is also in the middle of constructing a vessel of a Havyard 832 design, due to be delivered from the Leirvik shipyard in january next year. the latest contract for a vessel of a Havyard 832 S design to be delivered in july next year was signed to the value of Nok 270 million. there`s also an option for delivery of a vessel of the same design in March 2014. the 8 vessels have a value of around Nok 2 billion. furthermore, these are the 16th and potentially the 17th design sold of this popular Havyard 832 design.

Global offshore believes that when it comes to ordering technologically advanced vessels, Havyard is the right choice for them.


NeW CoNtraCtS

Illustration: gunnar fLusunD

Vestland Offshore orders Havyard 832 design Havyard Group AS has sold yet another Havyard

where Havyard is a co-owner, will supply complete

832 design, the 15th of its kind, to Vestland offshore.

diesel-electric propulsion for the vessel.

the vessel to be constructed is of a Havyard 832 L design. the vessel is scheduled to be constructed at Havyard Ship Technology (HST) at the Leirvik

HavyarD 832 L

shipyard in Sogn, Norway.


86.00 m

the supply vessel heading towards Vestland offshore


17.6 m

will become build number 110 at hSt in Leirvik.


4200 tonnes

Havyard 832 has become a major success is a

Deck area:

900 sq.m

modern, environmentally friendly and competitive


14 knots

pSV sought after in the market amongst both


23 persons

shipowners and charterers. Vestland offshore, located in torangsv책g in austevoll, Norway, operates a fleet of six vessels within offshore and seismology and are looking to expand their offshore fleet with pSV vessels that have slightly smaller deck area compared to the company`s other pSVs. Vestland offshore eventually landed on the Havyard 832 L. this will also be the first vessel the offshore company is going to have constructed at Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik. Havyard Group and Vestland offshore are engaging in a good dialogue and process towards realizing this project, with the ship due to be delivered in october 2012. the hull was constructed in turkey by the Cemre Shipyard. the outfitting of the pSV vessel will be carried out by Havyard Group AS, at Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik. this contract also leads to big subcontracts for other business areas such as Havyard Design & Engineering and Havyard Power & Systems. Norwegian electric Systems,


NeW CoNtraCtS

Illustration: gunnar fLusunD

Forland Shipping orders new vessel of a Havyard 857 design forland Shipping and Havyard Group have agreed on a major new contract for the construction of a subsea

HavyarD 857



110 m

Havyard Group AS are pleased to have secured this


22 m

new, prestigious subsea contract with a brand new


4750 tonnes

customer. forland Shipping, located south of Bergen,

Deck area:

1000 sq.m

is a privately owned shipping company with traditions


14.5 knots

going back to 1973. the company with 70 employees


106 persons

owns and operates three vessels within offshore and seismic operations. Ceo of forland Shipping, arne Magnus johnsen, is very pleased with their choice in both design and shipyard and he has great belief in Havyard`s 857 design, combining long traditions of shipbuilding and design with the characteristics that future charterers will put emphasis on�, says the Ceo of forland Shipping. the subsea vessel is going to be constructed at Havyard Ship Technology AS in Leirvik, Norway and Havyard Group is naturally very satisfied with this agreement with forland Shipping aS. the Havyard 857 is a new design from Havyard Design and there are great expectations for this type of design.


In the town centre: havyard´s 832 design "torsborg" was dominating the centre of torshavn on the faroe Islands during the naming ceremony in june this year.

NeW CoNtraCtS

Illustration: gunnar fLusunD

Atlantic chose the Havyard 820 design twice Atlantic Offshore chose the Havyard 820 design

there will be much Norwegian equipment fitted out

twice in less than a month. Firstly when securing

onboard this new vessel. In addition to a great deal

a North Sea agreement with the oil- and gas

of external contractors being involved, Havyard

corporation Total, and secondly in a long-term

Power & Systems is going to deliver numerous other

agreement with Shell UK. Forland Shipping and

products and services for this project, such as electro

Havyard Group have agreed on a major new

engineering, Havyard IaStM and pMS, Havyard

contract for the construction of a subsea vessel.

ConceptBridgeTM, Havyard NavCom and Havyard Bridge Watch System.

atlantic has engaged in a four-year standby contract

In addition to all of this, Norwegian electric Systems,

with the oil- and gas corporation totaL in the North

where Havyard Group is a co-owner, will deliver

Sea and the shipping company will from 2014 put in

diesel-electric propulsion.

place a new vessel with a capacity for 300 persons in the Martin Linge gas field, northwest of Stavanger,

HavyarD 820



66.80 m

atlantic offshore was also awarded a long-term charter


16 m

agreement with Shell uk, offering the Havyard


14 knots

820-design. the ship will be located on the Gannet

Bollard pull:

65 tonnes

oilfield east of aberdeen, Scotland, and is certified to



rescue more than 300 people. It's a so-called class a

NMD Rescue/Standby class for 300 survivors

ship, which is the highest rank for this type of ship. the ship will also contain loading and storage capacity to support nearby Shell rigs. atlantic offshore is located at Sotra just outside Bergen and has a fleet of 22 vessels. the company has around 580 employees. the vessel is a standby vessel or fSV (field Support Vessel) and is designed by Havyard Design & Engineering in fosnav책g. the Havyard 820 design is also a completely new design from Havyard. the vessel is due to be delivered in the summer of 2014. the Havyard 820 design is developed by Havyard Design & Engineering to satisfy the specific demands of a modern standby vessel.


NeW CoNtraCtS

Illustration: gunnar fLusunD

Havyard sells wellboats Havyard Group is going to deliver a Havyard 587

this is the first wellboat design Havyard Group shall

design for fosnavaag Shipping with an option for one


further delivery. the design is being described as the

Delivery of the ship is due in january 2014 with the

wellboat of the future.

option for one further delivery six months later. It is currently not decided which shipyard is going to

Havyard Group AS, based in fosnavaag in herøy,

construct the wellboats.

Norway, shall deliver a design for a company in the same municipality. fosnavaag Shipping already owns

HavyarD 587

the wellboats “Viktoria Viking” (1000 m3), “Viktoria


84.6 m

Lady” (1000 m3) and “Gripfisk” (600 m3), in addition to


16.9 m

the prawn trawler “remøy”, as well as the coastguard


Three cylinder tanks totalling 3250 cubic.

vessel “kV aalesund”. the company that was founded in 2006 has 70 employees with four working in the

Main engine:

3000 kW



12 persons

Havyard 587 is currently the largest in a series of wellboat designs developed in close cooperation with fosnavaag Shipping. the vessel has three large cylinder tanks for live fish with capacity for an impressive 3250 cubic. the ship is nearly 85 metres long and has accommodation for a crew of 12. Havyard 587 will contain the finest within wellboat technology, setting a new standard for gentle and environmentally friendly transport and treatment of live fish. the cylindrical cargo tanks and the efficient filter- and water treatment equipment, make it possible to do a sealed transport across long distances and with a greater fish density. Both hull lines and propulsion machinery are designed to suit a high maximum speed, as well as an operational friendly average speed.



newBuiLD 102

newBuiLD 103

Havyard deLIvers

"ocean prIde"

"saeBorg" to tHe faroe

named In Bergen


on the 21st September 2011 havyard Ship







technology aS delivered the pSV “Saeborg”

technology aS in Leirvik, was delivered to

to Supply Service p/f on the faroe Islands.

atlantic offshore on the 2nd of february

the vessel is designed by havyard Design

2012 and named in Bergen two days later

& engineering and is of a havyard 832 L

with hedwig Øgreid as godmother.


ocean pride is a larger pSV of a havyard

the naming ceremony of “Saeborg” took

832 L design with a deck area of 900

place on the 24th September in torshavn,

square metres and accommodation for 23

the faroe Islands with jóhanna rasmussen

crew members. the vessel is outfitted for

as godmother in front of more than 110

rescue- and standby operations, in addition


to oil protection.

the Sjóborg group focuses heavily within

It took around one year of efficient

the offshore industry and on their shipping

construction time to complete the project

company Supply Service. the company

of ocean pride at havyard Ship technology.

wants to be one step ahead.

havyard Group and atlantic offshore are

havyard 832 L is the development of the

experiencing a very solid and good working

popular havyard 832 design. Supply Service

relationship and the result is seen in a pSV

was the first to order havyard 832.

built in record time. atlantic offshore is running a fleet of 24 vessels and has around 550 employees.


newBuiLD 102

newBuiLD 103

Delivered: 21st September 2011

Delivered: 2nd February 2012




Ocean Pride

Shipowner: Supply Service P/F

Shipowner: Atlantic Offshore Management AS

tecHnicaL facts

tecHnicaL facts


Havyard 832 L PSV


Havyard 832 L PSV


86.00 m


86.00 m


17.60 m


17.60 m


newBuiLD 109

m/s “torsBorg” named on tHe faroe IsLands

havyard Group aS has delivered another pSV






company Supply Service pf. M/S “torsborg” is of a havyard 832 L design and becomes newbuild 109. the vessel was named on the faroe Islands on the 30th june this year. this is the fourth ship of a havyard design heading to the faroe Islands and it is the third Supply Service vessel being built at havyard`s own shipyard in Leirvik in Sogn, Norway. the shipowner was also the first to order a vessel of a havyard 832 design, leading to a series of deliveries of ships of this popular design. the vessel is the 14th delivered of this specific havyard design. Supply Service pf has become a very good and much valued customer for havyard, and is part of the Sjöborg pf-group.

newBuiLD 109

Delivered: 27th June 2012 Name:

M/S Torsborg

Shipowner: Supply Service Pf tecHnicaL facts


Havyard 832 L PSV


86.00 m


17.60 m


Improving life at sea

IMproVING LIfe at Sea. this vision shall motivate us to improve everyday life of all who are involved in the operation of a vessel of havyard DesigntM or vessels that have havyard equipment on board.

HavyarD grOuP as Havyard gLoBaL soLutIons as Havyard sHIp tecHnoLogy as Havyard desIgn and engIneerIng as Havyard power and systems as

HavyarD grOuP as

Postboks 215 6099 Fosnav책g, Norge Telefon: +47 70 08 45 50 www.havyard.com

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