havyard times a m aga z i n e f r o m t h e h a v y a r d g r o u p
Fosnavüg – Norway`s number one business town
Of good design and Goddesses
Time isn`t necessarily money
The fifth Artus
this issue
n o . 1 m ay 2 0 1 1
havyard times 2
Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and its subsidiaries. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our business philosophy is “Adding value”. We hope this magazine will add value to you.
chief editor: writers:
gunnar larsen hege norman, Steinar Eggesbø hagen, Harald THorseth
translator: concept and design: photographers: print:
Steinar Eggesbø hagen cann as yann aker, Leo costa, fuglefjellet seriprint AS
Editorial by CEO of the Havyard Group
From small company to major group
Fosnavüg – Norway`s number one business town
The best support vessel of 2011: Seven Havila
Of good design and Goddesses
Best compromise
Time isn`t necessarily money
The fifth Artus
New contracts and deliveries
The human factor will be decisive in the future
You are now reading the sixth edition of Havyard Times
essential, we have decided to establish Havyard Centre
and I do hope you find it interesting. The purpose of
of Expertise (HCE). Through HCE we will define what
this magazine is to communicate the current status
competence we need based on the business areas we
of developments within Havyard, and also to focus on
choose to focus on. Based on what we define as our
factors that are important for a positive development
core competence we will set up routines and training
within the maritime industry in general.
programmes that secure a controlled development in terms of competence and motivation. This will be done
I believe the human factor will be even more important
by using both external and internal resources.
in the future. When speaking of this I think of highly motivated people with top skills and competence. Or as
Motivation is a management responsibility
I say at work, “effort and competence beat facilities and
Motivation is first and foremost a management
product, always, in every case.”
responsibility and everyone in charge of personnel carries the responsibility of contributing towards this
During the positive economic upturn we have been
goal. Leaders and managers at top level have the
through, we have learnt that it is not the shipbuilders
absolute responsibility. Through being visible in both
with the best shipbuilding facilities that have had
adversity and prosperity the leader will be a prime
the best success in delivering vessels of good quality
motivator, and also by making sure that the complete
on time and on budget. And it has been possible for
organisation focuses on competence and motivation.
Havyard to establish Havyard design ™ as a product and trademark on par with, and often as a preferred option
Reorganisation of Havyard Group
in the market, related to those offshore designers who
We are running a leadership programme in Havyard
have been established for decades. I think this is due
called “To do before you have to”. The aim here is to
to Havyard`s ambition that only the best and most
evaluate what changes we would likely be doing in the
motivated people should work for Havyard. I think this
future, changes we didn`t think of at the time because
statement has already been confirmed, where based on
it wasn`t necessary. The advantage of doing something
competence and hard work, we have delivered equally
before you really have to is to give yourself extra time
good and in our opinion even better products than the
and to take less risk. The challenge is then defining what
established offshore designers.
you should do in a situation where you can get away with doing nothing. To date, an important result of the
Havyard Centre of Expertise
leadership programme is the reorganisation of Havyard
With the understanding that motivated employees
Group into four business areas.
with high competence and the right expertise is
editorial by ceo of the havyard group, geir johan bakke
“The advantage of doing something before you really have to is to give yourself extra time and to take less risk.�
1. Havyard Global Solutions 2. Havyard Ship Technology 3. Havyard Design and Engineering 4. Havyard Power and Systems
The background for this was to become even more efficient and to clearly define our position in the market, as well as concentrating our competence within fewer, but larger companies.
Finally, I would like to wish all our employees, customers, suppliers and others good luck. I am looking forward to a successful cooperation where our aim is to make each other good.
President & CEO, Havyard Group AS
from small company to major group
From small company to major group The Havyard reorganisation is a direct result of the “Client first” programme, where the aim is to put the customer and the customer`s expectations of Havyard as the number one priority. text: He g e
n o r man
photo: Ya n n
Due to its instant success and rapid development,
this by establishing companies that specialised in
Havyard is changing its business structure in order
delivering individual products and services within
to make life easier for Havyard customers. What
the value chain. This was a “small company cul-
started out as a local shipyard in Norway has now
ture” proving to be a huge success. But by grow-
become an international group of businesses.
ing ever-larger it has become more challenging
Havyard Global Solutions AS
to market our activities with so many different
Havyard Ship Technology AS
branches,” says Executive Vice President Gunnar
Havyard Design & Engineering AS
Larsen of Havyard Global Solutions.
Havyard Power & Systems AS These
When controlling more of the links of the value
Havyard Group.
chain it becomes easier extracting synergies and
“The incitement at the be-
the final product is much more unified.
ginning was to control larger
“With three product oriented business areas and
parts of the
one for international sales, we have created a plat-
value chain
form consisting of fewer individual companies. As
within the
a result it will be much easier for our clients and
group. We
customers to contact us and to find exactly what
Extracting synergies
they are looking for,” says Larsen.
from small company to major group
The Havyard reorganisation is a direct result of the
and services in support of
“Client first” programme, where the aim is to put
building these vessels. This is done
the customer and the customer`s expectations of
to make sure that the shipbuilding process is a
Havyard as the number one priority.
successful one, no matter where in the world the
Since the start in 2000, Havyard Group has had a
ship is being built.
continuous development of a wide range of products,
“The development of Havyard Group is character-
internationalisation, competence and number of
ised by key personnel with core skills and compe-
employees. From being just a local shipyard Havyard
tence establishing dedicated companies. The key
Group has developed into a group of corporations
personnel have developed new products and ser-
with competence, skills and products throughout
vices that fit into an overall strategy. The people
the value chain of shipbuilding technology. Ships
with this competence and entrepreneurial spirit
of a Havyard design ™ are now built and are sailing
have been essential to Havyard`s success,” says
Larsen. To realise new, long-term goals and strategies, it
Havyard worldwide
is vital for Havyard Group to be dimensioned for
India, China, Singapore; ship-owners in an ever-
further growth and to supply an organisation that
increasing number of countries around the world
facilitates efficient use of the synergies between
now wish to build ships of a Havyard design. In
the units of the group. This again enables us to
addition, Havyard delivers a range of products
give more added value to our customers.
from small company to major group
global solutions as
ship technology as
Design & System Packages
Newbuilding in Norway
Sales organisation and strategies
Shipbuilding Technology world wide
International network
After sales
General Marketing Communications
from small company to major group
design & engineering as
power & systems as
Havyard Design™
Electrical installations
Havyard IAS™ & PMS
Havyard ConCept Bridge™
Bridge Watch System
Engineering support
Communication, Information & Entertainment System Multi Control System Dieselelectric Propulsion System
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town text: h a r a ld
tHo rseth, hege norman
Photo: ya n n
Fosnavüg – Norway`s number one business town
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
Fosnavåg, in the municipality of Herøy in Sunnmøre,
to a total of 8500, whereas the number of employees in
was voted as Norway`s number one business town
the offshore industry during that same period has gone
in both 2008 and 2010. This is an annual rating of all the
from 700 to 3500 people, a number still increasing.
cities and towns in Norway, and is based on a survey of
When the oil industry in the North Sea started at the
how well Norwegian cities and towns have succeeded in
beginning of the 1970s, many people in Herøy were
terms of developing businesses, industries and creating
sceptical towards what would happen next, especially
financial values. The survey was carried out by Norway`s
the fishermen and fishing boat owners. The relationship
leading business magazine, Kapital.
between the new and old servants of the North Sea
Fosnavåg, given town status in year 2000, has a
was at times tense. In areas previously dominated by
population of around 3500. The people here have had
fishing, fishermen were no longer allowed because of
fishing as the most important economic foundation,
the new drilling- and oil production rigs. Many people
but over the last few years there have been enormous
were also concerned about the scope of this new
commitment and focus on the offshore industry
industry. The extent of this new field of business was
within the municipality. Still, Herøy remains one of the
a concern in terms of competition for workforce and
largest fishing communities in Norway. In the Herøy
the possibility of draining other industries of their
area there are 25 larger ocean-going vessels and many
resources. The country had virtually full employment
smaller boats. In addition, ten coast guard vessels have
and in the early 1970s unemployment was beyond the
Fosnavåg as their home port.
horizon of political thinking. Many were apprehensive about the oil industry causing an increased demand for
workforce and thus the cost of this would go up.
No other town or city in Norway can match the number
Some of the fishing boat owners in Herøy soon took
of offshore vessels that Fosnavåg has. The eight
an interest in the oil industry in the North Sea, and
offshore companies Olympic Shipping, Havila Shipping,
upped their investments in seismic and supply vessels,
Bourbon Offshore Norway, Rem Offshore, Neptune
often as a supplement to the new and modern fishing
Offshore, Remøy Shipping, Remøy Management and
vessels. One of the reasons for this was that the effort
Fosnavaag Shipping own close to a hundred offshore
of operation and technology were closely linked to
vessels to the grand value of close to USD 5 billion. At
deep-sea fishing. In this sense it wasn`t a big change-
the start of the 1990s you could only find ten of these
over, but at the same time it was a major step from
vessels here. Moreover, major international companies
what was safe and familiar, towards the uncertain and
like STX OSV, Rolls-Royce Marine, Ulstein, Brunvoll and
unfamiliar territories of a new business.
Havyard Group are based in the northwest of Norway. Since 1992 the population of Herøy has increased by 300
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
introduction of the engine came at a time when fishing
In Herøy, Per Sævik was the pioneer in this field. At the
was good, both for herring and cod. Simultaneously,
end of the 1970s he disembarked from the fishing boat
the engine helped improving results of the fisheries. It
and focused on the oil industry, a successful industry
has been said that the engine was as revolutionary for
at the time. Regulations of quotas and generally less
fishing as electricity had become for the industry.
fish in the ocean were other likely explanations for him
The good harbour of Fosnavåg was without a doubt an
deciding to expand within other arenas.
important reason for the fishing village strengthening
In 1981 Sævik contracted his first supply vessel and
its position from the 1900s. Besides, at the start of the
established Sævik Supply, acquired later by the American
1900s there were renewals and growth in various trades
based Trico Marine in 1997. The following year he listed
in Fosnavåg. Many of the newly established businesses
a new company on the stock exchange, but only five
came directly from the maritime development in the
years on and the French Bourbon Group gained control
municipality after the turn of the century. During the
of this company.
next decades a trade- and service environment grew
Today, Per Sævik`s Havila Shipping, with its main offices
and created the rural town of Fosnavåg.
in Fosnavåg, consists of a fleet of 26 ships with a further two being constructed.
T HE A M A ZI N G WI N T ER HERRI N G F I S HERY The winter herring fishery of the 1950s, one of
the largest seasonal fisheries in the world, was
There have been big changes in Fosnavåg over the
tremendously important for the progress of Fosnavåg.
last years. Houses and seaside warehouses have been
The 1950s saw its peak, but also the end of a long and
knocked down and new buildings are constructed
plentiful period for herring. At the peak close to 30
next to one another. More than a hundred years ago
000 fishermen and almost 2700 boats were involved.
Fosnavåg had few inhabitants and buildings, but you
The record year came in 1956 when 12.3 million
could easily see that the fishing village had something
hectolitres of herring were brought home. During the
next year the quantum was dramatically reduced and
Around this time the fishermen started putting engines
success was followed by tougher times.
onto their fishing boats. With an engine the distance
The vibrant life at sea, the fishing of herring with
to where you caught the fish was less important. More
fishnets and seines, the huge amount of boats in
importantly were the spacious harbours where you
operation, all lured tourists to its shores. Tourism and
could find shelter from the rough weathers and where
travel agencies arranged for people to experience
it was possible to tank up on oil, acquiring various
herring trips at sea, and for the people of Fosnavåg it
types of supplies and getting your engine fixed. The
was all an adventure.
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
Even foreigners were fascinated by this fairytale.
especially from northern Norway. For the ship traders
The Ministry of Fisheries organised trips for foreign
and other businesses in Fosnavåg the winter herring
diplomats, and some even came to Herøy. Amongst
fishing resulted in an increased capital turnover. In
people experiencing fishing for “the silver of the
these two months of fishing the trading could be
sea” - herring fishing - was Norway`s Prime Minister
bigger than the rest of the year put together. In the
Einar Gerhardsen and diplomats from a wide range of
centre of Fosnavåg there were shops in almost every
countries in America, Europe and Asia.
house with opening hours from early morning until way past midnight, even at weekends. There were so
C O MPE T I T I O N Newspapers
many customers in the shops certain days that the great
shop owners simply couldn`t manage to serve all of
attention to this adventure and the newspapers
them. Life in Fosnavåg was transformed in this era.
printed an overview of the most successful boats.
As many as 10 000 fishermen found shelter in the
The winter herring fishing looked increasingly like a
harbour during the herring season.
national sporting event. It was part of furthering the competitive spirit between fishermen and the fishing
boat owners; not least in Herøy.
During these fabulous years of fishing there was a
The Voldnes Group was the largest and most important
great demand for people working onshore, within
company in Fosnavåg back then. During the good
fish factories and fish production. Workers poured
herring years close to 500 people were employed at
in to Fosnavåg from many parts of the country,
various Voldnes sites. When the fishing was on the
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
“The Mayor of Herøy, Arnulf Goksøyr, believes Fosnavåg will be challenged by others at some future date.” decline towards the end of the 1950s, the company
at almost everything. That`s life as people know it
had a simple choice of firing people or thinking
on these tiny islands. An unwritten rule says that
afresh. Early in the 1960s Voldnes Shipyard was built in
you cooperate whenever you can and you compete
Fosnavåg. Many of the workers at Voldnes were within
whenever you have to. This is a norm still at large
a short time frame retrained as shipbuilders and in
today. Another essential ingredient mentioned is
1964 the first boat built at the shipyard was launched.
the willingness to take risks; the offshore owners
Over the next years, Voldnes Shipyard had plenty of
are dynamic and have the willpower to achieve swift
work. In 1972 Voldnes Shipyard delivered Rig Pilot, the
results. But at the same time they are aware of the
very first Norwegian-built supply vessel for Norwegian
dangers of being too hasty, and if you are, things may
go wrong. Equally, being too late and you may also be doomed. To succeed then, you simply must get the
wind of something...
The many offshore companies in Fosnavåg are amongst the largest suppliers of various services
to the oil and offshore related industries. There is a
It is relevant to associate these ship-owners to the
tough and healthy competition going on between the
master seiners of the great herring era of the 1950s.
offshore companies in regards to getting contracts,
In this incomprehensible way, they were kind of
while they manage to cooperate in other fields. One
gifted with a force and skills to entice the sparkling
explanation for so many successful businesses in
silver out of the ocean. They possessed a scent - an
such a small area is that people challenge each other
inexplicable ability of being in the right place at the
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
“Stig Remøy, entrepreneur, owner of Olympic Shipping and Vice President of Norwegian Shipowners` Association, compares Fosnavåg to what Silicon Valley means to the US and what Bangalore is for India.”
right time. They were the coastal celebrities of their
time and were spoken of with admiration and respect.
Association, compares Fosnavåg to what Silicon Valley
A common denominator for the master seiners was
means to the US and what Bangalore is for India.
that they realised that a seiner on his own could do
“They are all unique locations packed with competence.
little – he is totally dependent of his crew in order to
Fosnavåg alone operates more than 100 vessels,” he
achieve a good result. That is also how it works for
points out, and exemplifies this by referring to design
the offshore ship-owner. You totally depend on your
companies. Speaking of design companies, there are
learned colleagues to succeed – at sea and onshore.
seven in the whole of Norway. It says a lot when six of these are situated on Sunnmøre, Norway. The around
200 businesses in the maritime cluster, located within
The ship-owners virtually play in the same team as the
a rather small geographical area, design, build, fit out
local community and both parties show great goodwill
and operate the largest and most advanced offshore
towards each other. The ship-owners work as a joint
fleet in the world. The success of the maritime
source of power when it comes to raising money
cluster is a result of the combination of interaction
for projects like Astroturf football fields, building of
and competition, both externally and in-house.
churches, waterparks, hotel, cinema, community
International research shows that these business
clusters – including the networking created thereof
many types of services, and if people are to enjoy
– lead to higher employment, larger financial growth,
themselves, voluntary work and cultural activities are
better wages, improved productivity and a higher
number of recently established companies.
The growth within the offshore industry has led to an obvious shortage in workforce. It is important to
offer services that will attract people to settle here.
Stig Remøy thinks that some of the unique features
Today, around 3500 employees are working onshore
about Fosnavåg are that fishermen, suppliers and
and offshore within maritime businesses based in
ship-owners are gathered in a small geographical area.
Fosnavåg. The maritime industry has generated a
This makes the competition even greater and provides
need for competence in sales and marketing, HSE,
added vitality.
engineering, HR, finance and accounting. This also
“All levels of offshore operations are found in Fosnavåg.
makes the market attractive for women. At sea there
It gives us all an incredible power and will for innovation.
are mostly men, but even here you will find women
Overall, this leads to an even faster development,”
says Remøy. He thinks that offshore companies from
Stig Remøy, entrepreneur, owner of Olympic Shipping
the maritime cluster very often set the standards
Fosnavåg – Norway`s number one business town
• Fosnavåg is the town centre in the municipality of Herøy on Sunnmøre, with around 8500 inhabitants • More than 100 Offshore Service Vessels are controlled and operated from Fosnavåg • The OSV fleet in Fosnavåg represents a value of more Fosnavåg
than NOK 25 billion, or around USD 5 billion • Herøy is one of Norway`s largest fishing communities with 25 to 30 ocean-going fishing vessels • Fosnavåg is home for ten coast guard vessels in operation. • 3500 people are working offshore and onshore for Fosnavåg-based companies
in technology for the rest of the world, for example
carries on, it is obvious that there will be a big demand
environmental technology.
for qualified people. Remøy emphasizes that transport
He certainly doesn’t exclude the possibility that the long
and communications to Ålesund and Oslo is absolutely
traditions of subsisting from fishing and agriculture
vital if the industry is to succeed in getting enough
have given the people of Sunnmøre an added edge
qualified personnel in the future. This includes a further
when it comes to competitiveness.
improvement of Ørsta-Volda Airport, Hovden and a
“We are used to living off what nature provides and the
mainland connection to Ålesund.
fishermen often had to go further and further away to catch the fish. Today 70 to 80 percent of the catch
comes from the big oceans of the world,” says Remøy.
The Mayor of Herøy, Arnulf Goksøyr, believes Fosnavåg
He compares developments of today with the amazing
will be challenged by others at some future date.
herring years of the 1950s. Similar to how Fosnavåg
“People elsewhere have registered what the small
then received national attention, today services from
town of Fosnavåg has achieved and they will hope to
Fosnavåg are in demand all over the world.
do the same,” he says. But Goksøyr is still fairly sure that the unique offshore environment of Fosnavåg
will retain its strong position in years to come.
One of the major challenges in the time ahead is to
“Many of the offshore companies here are family
continue strengthening and developing the maritime
companies and a new generation will sooner or later
cluster that Fosnavåg`s offshore environment is part of.
take the leading role and guide the business on. A
“If the growth continues, the challenges of the future
condition for the next generation proving successful
will be to reach hold of sufficient expertise for our
will be to show the same wisdom and commitment
industry. We envisage that Aalesund University College
that the founders of these offshore companies have
can become like a job centre for our cluster. Also, the
demonstrated. The ones taking over the heritage must
infrastructure is essential. Not everyone wishes to settle
show the same hunger as their parents if they are to
down and work on a tiny islet,” Remøy says and smiles.
succeed,” Arnulf Goksøyr points out, who also believes
Eiksundsambandet – an underwater tunnel and roads
that local attachment, patriotism, strong desire and
on Sunnmøre linking together a larger geographical
commitment are important words that describe the
region and workforce – has opened up the job market
incredible development of businesses and industries
for an added 20 000 inhabitants. This is still not enough.
of Fosnavåg and Herøy over the last few years.
As an example, Remøy uses Olympic Shipping. A company started in 1997 with only three people has today close to 600 employees. If this development
the best support vessel of 2011: seven havila
The best support vessel of 2011: Seven Havila “Like stepping into a new world� Diving crew text: h e g e
n o r man
photo: f u g l e f j e l l e t
the best support vessel of 2011: seven havila
the best support vessel of 2011: seven havila
“Havyard`s vision is to be the most innovative supplier of shipbuilding technology in the world.”
“Havyard`s vision is to be the most innovative supplier
“Completing Seven Havila has given everyone in
of shipbuilding technology in the world.”
Havyard`s organisation an added boost in further developing our design and shipbuilding technology.
Sleek lines, modern finish and innovative solutions.
Also, we have been able to succeed in our own
During the Offshore Support Journal Conference in
restructuring process in order to meet the demands of
London in February this year, Seven Havila got the most
our client. Receiving the OSJ award for Seven Havila is
votes in the contest for Support Vessel of the Year 2011.
a solid confirmation of us having achieved what we set
The ship is a Havyard 858 DSV design, a state-of-the-art
out to do. We have delivered a product of excellence,”
diving support vessel built at Havyard Ship Technology
says Solaas, who believes this confirms Havyard`s
AS in Leirvik. Project Director Trygve Solaas believes
position in the Premier League of shipbuilding. The
the biggest challenges in the building process have
award has also been well noticed in the market.
been coordinating and integrating the diving systems onboard the vessel. There are vast amounts of custom
A fo r m i d ab l e e l e vat i on of l e v e l
designed equipment installed inside the ship.
Project Manager Håkon Kopperstad of Havila Shipping
“Considering the technical solutions and logistics it
believes that Seven Havila did not get the OSJ award
has been a demanding process, in addition to the
by accident.
contractual challenges of all the parties that have been
“Initially, this was a very complex newbuilding project
involved in the building process,” says Solaas.
involving many parties. Havyard has had a very steep
The ship is a joint venture between Havila Shipping
learning curve and the elevation of their level is
and Subsea 7 and shall be used for subsea operations
formidable. The end product is a credit to Havyard and
assisted by divers. Seven Havila is presently going
it`s also one of the most advanced vessels in the world,”
through rigid and thorough testing near Stavanger and
Kopperstad states.
the feedback so far has been excellent.
The shipbuilding process has not been without certain challenges, but as the work progressed, things simply
I m p r e ss e d b y t h e co m p l e x i t y
got better and better.
“We have received very good feedback so far, both
Kopperstad has also been onboard the vessel during
from the customer and other interested parties,”
the test period in Stavanger and the crew has heaped
Solaas confirms, who has seen lots of visitors onboard
praise onto the vessel and its facilities.
the vessel. Visitors ranging from pupils to potential
“They say it was like entering a whole new world,”
customers have inspected the vessel and been thrilled
Kopperstad says and smiles, hoping and trusting that
by the end result, and most visitors are impressed by
things will be going just as smoothly in the future.
the complexity of the vessel.
the best support vessel of 2011: havyard seven design™ havila
V i s i on : b e i ng t h e m ost i nno vat i v e i n
new and good solutions that give added value to the
the world
client,” says Geir Johan Bakke.
Havyard`s vision is to be the most innovative supplier of
He still mentions one factor that he thinks was decisive
shipbuilding technology in the world. It`s an ambitious
for the success of Seven Havila; the close cooperation
vision but companies of the maritime cluster in the
with the ship-owners and key suppliers.
northwest of Norway are not known to set themselves
“We have learnt a lot in this process and the project has
modest targets.
given us a new platform that we will continue to build
“Our aim is simply to be the best in the world. We are
in order to develop our group and our products,” says
a company investing time and effort in being ahead in
a competitive market and our clients and customers
Havyard has no time for resting on their laurels as new
need us to go for new and competitive products and
targets are in their sights.
solutions. Our main driving force behind this is of course our own skills and competence, but not least
T h e n e x t ta r g e ts
demanding customers and good competitors do
The foremost aim of Havyard is constantly having
help to inspire us. We have worked hard to develop
processes running in order to continuously developing
and deliver the best possible products in terms of
the group. This means added value for customers.
innovation, quality and competitiveness. Seven Havila`s
“We know that satisfied customers are what we live
award at the OSJ Conference is a recognition of the
by and the products we deliver must help them to
competence and effort that you will find in the Havyard
be competitive and profitable. We always look to and
organisation,” says President and CEO Geir Johan Bakke
strive to achieve our vision. Our good and demanding
of Havyard Group. Bakke also confirms that the prize
customers always make sure that we are on our toes.
gives Havyard newfound motivation to continuously
Moreover, we have this inner belief and driving force
developing the group further.
in our organisation to do before we have to, and that gives us possibilities and advantages that our
Pass i on fo r s h i p b u i l d i ng
competitors may not have,” Bakke says, and with a glint
The Havyard Group has not got a simple recipe for
in his eye he adds:
success. Hard work, professional pride and a deep
“I can promise you that there are lots of exciting things
passion are all key ingredients to its success so far.
going on here and those who continue to follow the
“We have many competent and passionate employees,
Havyard development will not be left disappointed...”
people who put formidable efforts into their work. We love challenges and based on the experience we have gained already, we are very much capable of finding
of good design and goddesses
Of good design and Goddesses text: h e g e
n o r man
photo: ya n n
of good design and goddesses
“If you talk about design, there are some things that survive through shifting trends. The Citroën DS for example, is a beautiful car that will be beautiful at any time” Stig Magne Espeseth
of good design and goddesses
The assignment behind Seven Havila was to design
completed at Havyard Ship Technology AS and
the most advanced diving support vessel in the
the ship received the prestigious award «Support
world. With the achievement of the prestigious
Vessel of the Year 2011».
OSJ-award in London, Havyard Group can safely say that they accomplish what they set out
The most advanced DSV in the world
to do. The naval architects Arve Helsem Leine
“The most challenging part was the diving system.
and Stig Espeseth, believe that a good design
The ship was to incorporate a diving support
is recognizable and timeless. Whether it is the
system, and we engaged in close dialogue with
world’s greatest diving support vessel or a Citroën
Havila Shipping and Subsea 7 (formerly Acergy) to
DS, also known as «Goddess».
succeed. Subsea 7 knows diving systems and the
real challenge was to implement these systems
Engineering, Arve Helsem Leine, thinks that the
within the ship,” explains Leine.
ultimate challenge of any era would have been to
The last time such a big diving support vessel was
design and build the Titanic. If the naval architects
built, was in 1985. The market is small, and Leine
had put the watertight bulkheads one deck higher
appreciates being part of a team that had the
up, the ship would still sail, he claims. But then
opportunity to design the Seven Havila. The goal
again, maybe it wouldn’t have been that famous.
was to build the most advanced diving support
Instead, almost a hundred years later, Arve and
vessel in the world.
his team faced the challenge of designing and
“Is it the most advanced?”
“Yes,” the designer says with a short laugh, and
vessel of all times. Last year the construction was
then puts on a more serious face; “it also turns
of good design and goddesses
out to be very nice to look at. As we expected,” he
proud. But first and foremost function and
adds quietly, almost humble. In the very same calm
arrangement are the main issues. And of course,
and stout manner that generally characterizes
there are some simple things you can do to make
people working in the maritime cluster. Where
it look good,” he points out.
ships are synonymous to life.
He must know what he is talking about. Seven
“The ship is supposed to last for at least 25 to
Havila got the most votes worldwide for Support
30 years. It is expensive stuff and our greatest
Vessel of the Year 2011. Even though functionality
assignment till now,” states Arve.
comes first, the classical lines of the vessel strike even the older sailors of Fosnavåg. With a nod of
Recognition and marketing value
recognition, Arve and Stig Magne approve of the
Arve Helsem Leine confirms that the OSJ-award
ship with a little shared grin.
gives Havyard Group recognition in the industry
Arve is convinced that classical lines will last
and also provides good marketing value. But far
through time.
more importantly, he believes, is that the owners
“Just look at the Citroën DS. This car is from the
and the captain and crew are satisfied. The ship
sixties, but still ends up winning awards for best
is still being thoroughly tested, but so far the
design even today,” he says.
response has been exclusively positive.
Without even realizing what his colleague and
“Do you feel to some extent that aesthetics has to
friend has just stated, the Executive Vice President
come at the expense of functionality?”
at Havyard Design & Engineering, Stig Magne
“It is pleasing to see things that look good. It
Espeseth, says precisely the same thing as the
makes everybody involved in the project really
Design Manager.
of good design and goddesses
“Classical lines will last through time”
“When you talk about design, there are some
Seven havila
things that survive the shifting of trends. The Citroën DS, for example, is a beautiful car that will
• Loa: 120,0 m
remain beautiful at any time …”
• Beam: 23,0 m
No wonder the design office works smoothly!
• Dead weight: 6800 t • Deck area: 1050 m
Spends time developing
• Speed: 16,3 knots
There are more than 60 people working with de-
• Accommodation: 120 persons
sign and detail engineering at Havyard Design &
• Sat diving system: 24 persons
Engineering. One of Stig Magne`s main ambitions
• Main crane (heave comp): 250 tonnes
is to be innovative. The interaction between de-
• Aux.Crane (heave comp): 40 tonnes
sign and engineering is important and an abso-
• Aux. Crane (heave comp): 10 tonnes
lute target is, not surprisingly, to make it flow
• Class: DnV + 1A1 – E0 – SF – DYNPOS AUTRO –
“Ships are what we know, and we make efforts to
create and build the best possible product. It has to be excellent. We are resting upon generations of proud ship-owners. It’s in our genes, you see,” he chuckles. The design office spends a great deal of time developing new systems and calculation tools. That certainly came in handy when developing the Havyard 858 DSV which had to fit advanced diving systems. The result that can now be seen is the most advanced diving support vessel in the world. “How passionate are you?” “He-he. Very. But when you think of ships 24/7 then maybe it’s too much,” he states.
of good design and goddesses
best compromise
Best compromise text: h e g e
n o r man
yann aker
(C ) m Z C
y x
best compromise
“A good compromise is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.” (Barack Obama)
v +a T d T
p(T)dT = d dT
+ p(T) = v a e¯
v +a T
t (seconds)
negative amplitude
best compromise
O f f sho r e S hi p – best com p r omise
p e r f o r ma n ce
• Building
• Resistance
cost • Operating
• Propulsion
• Hull Structure
cost • Required
• Machinery
• Outfitting
freight rate
• Safety
• Profitability
form • Main dimensions
missio n
F u n ctio n
• Hull lines
• Transport logistics
• Payload systems
• Space balance
• Route
• Ship systems
• Weight balance
• Capacity
• DWT / depil
• Trim and stability
• Speed
• Power / speed
• Restrictions
• Gross Tonnage
A Formula 1 car. A jeep. An ordinary family car. Which is
Pa r t of t h e g e n e s
the best one? Which would you choose?
The young designer likes to think that he chose his
There is no simple answer. First you need to decide
own maritime education and profession at his own free
what the car is going to be used for. Are you going to
will. But when Kristian considers the circumstances and
drive 300 km per hour on a flat surface or are you more
community in which he was brought up, he is not as
likely to need a vehicle in which you take your family
convinced anymore. There are maritime companies and
on holiday?
groups everywhere and many of his friends and family
When brought to a head these are the considerations
have always worked within the maritime cluster. These
ship design is all about. About considering options.
factors are both inspiring and motivating. Just by read-
About compromise. About finding the best combination
ing articles in the local newspaper you quickly realise
and interaction of the many possible solutions onboard
that the general level of maritime knowledge is quite
relative to the vessel`s mission and function.
high. Everyone knows ships.
Having the knowledge of operational profile and
“Ships have been built for thousands of years. Surely
operational area is decisive in ship design.
there must be a ship that is virtually optimal?”
“Should a vessel have the same qualities if it`s in
“Well, it`s not easy defining what is optimal even for
operation in Brazil or in the North Sea? How do you
vessels that have well-defined operational profiles and
optimise the ship if the operational area is worldwide?”
areas. Defining what is optimal can be intuitive but it is
designer Kristian Voksøy Steinsvik at Havyard Design &
still a challenge. I don`t wish to portray it being easier
Engineering asks.
designing for example ferries, cargo ships and tankers,
He believes that the optimal offshore vessel is yet to
but they are more specialised and give other types of
be made, because designing ships consist of a wide
challenges when designing them. In regards to off-
range of design parameters and criteria, individual
shore vessels the flexibility is what makes them so com-
qualities that no single vessel can be equally good at.
plex. The focus in the market today is very much about
The best compromise can be reached by using design
fuel consumption, emissions and environmental issues.
and analysing tools that help us in taking control of
These are all important issues that the designer is trying
and combining all the considerations of “soft” and
to optimise, but at the same time these issues must not
pure technical variables we must deal with. Therefore,
come at the expense of safety and functionality. Thus,
an optimal offshore vessel can only be a result of best
it becomes even more important to analyse the condi-
compromises which then make it the most suitable
tions where the ship will be operating and also to have
vessel for the condition it’s going to sail in. That`s why
a close relationship with the ship-owners and operators
Schumacher chooses a Ferrari whereas the father of
of the vessels,” Kristian tells us.
the family may rather go for a safer Volvo V70.
best compromise
M i n im u m i n p u t to e val u ate a desig n
VESSEL p e r f o r ma n ce
MODES T O TA L SCORE (total annual cost)
There are no hulls that can be considered being opti-
between the sub-optimal solutions and the actual
mal, in a worldwide setting.
global optimal solution. The Executive Vice President
“Even though many vessels have a classical and conven-
Stig Espeseth of Havyard Design & Engineering has said;
tional hull shape, they can be very different. Some are
“building ships is the world`s largest compromise”.
blunt and “broad shouldered”, whereas others are slim
Havyard therefore uses the slogan ”best compromise”
and slender,” says Kristian, and finds the photo of one
when referring to ship design, as it is the closest descrip-
of the latest Havyard vessels; Seven Havila. The DSV was
tion of what is an optimal ship.
awarded the Support Vessel of the Year 2011 at the OSJ
“By continuously developing and improving skills within
Conference and is the most advanced vessel of its kind
engineering and new technology, and at the same time
in the world.
focusing on operations and economy, we can reach our
“This is a prime example of modern, classical lines. Just
target of finding the best possible compromise,” says
look at how slim the bow is. Look at the thin film of wa-
ter resting on the bulbous bow, and look at how nicely
“If the design philosophy is that we want a green ship,
the water runs along the “shoulders” of the ship. The
we must realise already in the design process that a
wave that is really going up here is being pushed down
«green ship» is much more than technology only. Equal-
by a wave running anti-phase so that it is being nulli-
ly important to physical factors like propulsion systems
fied,” Steinsvik explains, and points out again that this
and bow shapes are mindset of the captain and crew,
is just a small part of a much bigger picture. It is not
the policy of the owners, rules and regulations, main-
enough to promote one extreme advantage in a ship
tenance, operational profiles and operational areas,”
design and forget about the bigger picture.
the designer tells us. One example of this could be
“Anyone can easily pick out the best particular data
that ship-owners have a clear policy for fuel-economy
from an analysis but it doesn`t necessarily give a correct
and defines “economy speed” as the vessel going at
picture of the real world,” Kristian emphasises.
10 knots instead of 12, whenever external factors al-
The truth is; a good vessel is a result of a long line of
low this to happen. He also clarifies that you can affect
good compromises.
the human factor with a good set-up, a solid system in place. By collecting information at an early stage of the
B e st co m p r o m i s e
design phase, for example by reading statistics about
An engineering achievement is not always necessary a
wave conditions where the vessel will be operating or
design achievement. Optimal solutions within parts of
studying the logbooks of other ships previously per-
one engineering field can come at the expense of oth-
forming similar operations, you can achieve the best
ers. Hence, the combination of detailed solutions and
possible design.
a global overview becomes essential in order to divide
best compromise
“ We are in the middle of Fosnavåg. We are very close to the real world and can`t fool anyone.”
A m i d st t h e m a r i t i m e c l u st e r Imagine an eagle soaring above the ocean looking for food. It has a total overview of everything going on, above and below the surface of the ocean. Suddenly, the eagle dives down, breaks the water surface in a split second and grabs a fish hiding underneath the dark water. This depiction is used to best try describing how Havyard`s designers work. They must always have a total overview, be able to see the full picture, before diving down and working at details on a micro level. The next second they must be able to break out of this sphere and look at the big picture from above once again. This is only possible when their offices are in the midst of the maritime cluster – where shipping is pretty much embodied in their genes. In addition, Havyard Design & Engineering works with all engineering and design fields within ship design. “We are in the middle of Fosnavåg. We are very close to the real world and can`t fool anyone. Most people around us have the know-how regarding ships and you will soon be found out if your solution doesn`t work in real life,” says Kristian, adding also that there have been many innovations from the maritime cluster of Sunnmøre, Norway. One can pretty much guarantee that there will be even more innovations from this corner of the world in the future.
best compromise
time isn´t necessarily money
Time isn`t necessarily money “Brazil is just a bit mad at present. Rio is full of challenges but also full of opportunities” text: h e g e
n o r man
Photo: Leo
• Formerly a Portuguese colony, independent since 1822 • Approximately 27 times larger than Norway – about twice the size of the EU • Around 200 million inhabitants divided on 26 states, • 5th largest country in both area and population • The 7th largest economy in the world, soon expected to be the 5th largest • GDP growth rate at 7.5% in 2010, inflation at around 6.5%, unemployment less than 7% Rio de janeiro
• Around 12 million people • A native person from Rio is known as a ”Carioca” • Very friendly people • Fantastic location between oceans and mountains • Quality food • Best football team in the world (red and black shirts)
time isn´t necessarily money
time isn´t necessarily money
With 12 million people living in Rio de Janeiro there`s
country. In this way Havyard Group can provide better
no wonder things take time. Kjell-Peder Overvåg
support for South American clients wishing to buy
has lived in the samba capital since 2006 and is still
their products and services. Having an office in Rio
not comfortable with waiting half-an-hour at the
also creates a solid foundation for building a portfolio
supermarket checkout. Just before Christmas Kjell-
of products and services with a Brazilian content, for
Peder started his new job as General Manager of
example design and engineering.
Havyard South America Ltda.
Havyard South America Ltda`s newly-established offices
“Brazil is just a bit mad at present. Rio is full of
are found in the same building as the Norwegian
challenges but also full of opportunities,” says Kjell-
Consulate in Rio.
Peder Overvåg. He first became familiar with the continent when he
A w i n - w i n s i t u at i on
was working offshore on a cruise liner in South America
in 1992. In 2006 he simply went for it and moved from
experience within the maritime industry, both as a Ship
zero degrees and slush at home in Norway to settle
Manager and Sales Manager for design and equipment.
in Rio.
“There`s a positive vibe around the place. The politicians
He hasn`t turned completely “Carioca” just yet but
have done a lot of good work and the country seems
knows the city better than most Norwegians. This
to be one of few exempt from the economic downturn
is partly because of his genuine interest in Rio and
around the world. Quite a few poor people are getting
Brazilian history, and partly because of his wife Cíntia,
out of the slums and there`s generally more money
who is working at the Academia Brasileira de Letras,
amongst ordinary people,” says Kjell-Peder. Much of the
herself interested in culture above average.
explanation for this comes from the potentially vast oil
These matter-of-facts made Kjell-Peder more than
reserves outside of Brazil.
suitable for his current job when Havyard Group in
Finding oil in Brazil makes it even more interesting for
December last year decided to open their own Brazil
Norwegian companies to establish offices there. At the
same time Kjell-Peder emphasizes that Havyard is not
“Kjell-Peder has the local knowledge and has spent a
there to exploit Brazilian resources.
considerable time in the Brazilian market. That is exactly
“We will be humble. We are here to share our experiences
what we need if Havyard is going to succeed in this
and also to acquire new knowledge,” he says, and
country,” says Executive Vice President Gunnar Larsen
compares Brazil to the Norway of 40 years ago.
of Havyard Global Solutions.
“Norway didn`t have much knowledge of the offshore
Larsen believes it is essential that Havyard shows that
industry at that time but we invited the USA across
they mean business by establishing an office in the
so that we could reap the benefits from American
time isn´t necessarily money
kjell peder overvåg
• 50 years young, married to Cíntia • From Hareid on Sunnmøre, Norway • Lived in Brazil since 2006, interested in Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro, history and culture • Trying to learn Brazilian Portuguese (é uma briga) • Loves Norwegian mountains, music, cars and MC • Likes diving whenever time permits
And that`s just the way it is. Even the tiniest little de-
developed new technology and now it is time to
tail has to be formalised and standardised, preferably
bring that experience on to others,” he feels.
through a lawyer adding a few stamps here and a few
Brazilians are quite far ahead in certain areas, he points
stamps there. But in the end you never get any of your
out. Amongst other things the oil company Petrobas
ideas officially approved of unless you throw in some
has the most advanced system in the world when it
hefty arm movements and a bit of shouting. “Quem
comes to mooring of offshore installations.
nâo chora, nâo mama ...”. “Children who do not cry, do
“In this area we have a lot to learn,” Kjell-Peder says,
not get any milk”.
who also thinks that maybe Norwegians could learn a
“If you don`t verbally colour in your conversations,
thing or two from the laidback attitude of the Cariocas
nothing happens. But then again, there are 12 million
in general.
people here. We need to respect and have patience
with the fact that things don`t go as quickly at the suT i m e co m e s
permarket checkout in Brazil compared to the super-
“We like to arrive one minute before an appointment,
market at home,” says Kjell-Peder, who underlines the
whereas the Brazilian on average arrives 20 to 30 min-
fact that despite different social codes and a relaxed
utes late,” Kjell-Peder confirms to us. He is getting
attitude, there has been and still is a rapid development
feedback from Brazilians that Norwegians are com-
in the country. Being punctual and keeping business
pletely obsessed with keeping time. After five years in
appointments are not necessarily the essences of the
the country he realises that Brazilians are hardwork-
Brazilian (business) life.
ing people and are actually getting quite a lot of work
In addition there are three things all Brazilians see as
done, even if they spend more than three minutes eat-
indisputable facts:
ing breakfast.
1: Flamengo is the best football team.
If a Brazilian is delayed he or she normally blames the
2: Picanha is the best steak.
traffic, or gives another explanation that might sound
3: Brahma is the best beer.
plausible. Most Brazilians simply shrug their shoulders
“Do you agree with these facts, then?”
at this and accept the explanation. Kjell-Peder doesn`t
“Totally,” he says.
hide the fact that this can be quite a challenge for a Norwegian. Not to mention the intricate bureaucracy. “I heard a Brazilian lawyer explain it like this:”We brought all the bureaucracy with us from Portugal and cultivated it”, says Kjell-Peder and smiles.
the fifth artus
The fifth Artus text: s t e in a r
e g gesbø hagen
Photo: Yann
the fifth artus
the fifth artus
The new and fifth Artus will next month be delivered
on and take a great interest in. With the fifth Artus
from Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik in Sogn,
we also have our new concept. In addition to capelin,
Norway to Magne Sævik and the other owners of
herring and mackerel we have also prepared the boat
Brattholm Invest AS. The new Artus is naturally the
for catching whitefish. With a solid freezer capacity
most advanced of these five fishing vessels that have
onboard we get a good winter price for the cod. After
belonged to members of the Sævik family since the
the naming ceremony in Fosnavåg we are heading
middle of the 1960s.
straight towards Bjørnøya in the Barents Sea, fishing
“We are greatly looking forward to taking delivery of
for haddock and coalfish. Maybe we can manage four
new Artus on June 17 in Leirvik and of course towards
round-trips this summer before the mackerel season
the naming ceremony in Fosnavåg the day after.
kicks off in August,” says a thrilled Magne Sævik.
Straight after this we are hoping to enter an intensive
The purse seiner / Danish seiner Artus has in addition
and good period when Artus gets into the swing of
to fishing quotas for capelin, herring and mackerel
fishing this summer,” says General Manager Magne
quotas for cod (500 tonnes), haddock (1000 tonnes)
Sævik of Brattholm Invest AS.
and coalfish (1100 tonnes). During what is now a final
Magne Sævik is a fishing vessel owner and a keen
phase of the outfitting process in Leirvik the coastal
follower of the construction and outfitting of this
fishing vessel is also being prepared for a future trawl
brand new combined purse seiner and Danish seiner.
arrangement that allows for deep sea trawling for
But Magne has always been and will always be a
fisherman at heart, a lifestyle choice that he made as a teenager years ago, a choice he would happily do again
5 0 YE A R S O F A R T U S
if an alternative was put to him.
The story of Artus goes back nearly 50 years. The very
Being a fisherman is probably much of the reason
first Artus was ordered by Arthur Sævik in 1965 and
why he is so heavily involved in the whole shipbuilding
built by Kleven Mek Verksted in 1966. This was the very
process. Magne is totally aware of what is needed
first ship the family got built, owned by father Arthur
onboard and wants a functional boat for the fisherman
and his three eldest sons Kåre, Magne and Per. In a
who spends much of his life on the fishing vessel. He
time when John Lennon claims that The Beatles are as
wants a top quality boat with good solutions and low
popular as Jesus, the four members of the Sævik family
operating costs.
invest their time and money in a fishing boat proving to
“Personally, I must say that I am a little impressed by the
be a handsome investment. The price at the time was
progress of the outfitting of Artus and also the quality
NOK 2.2 million, a fairly considerable investment for the
of the work Havyard is in the middle of completing. This
father and his sons.
is absolutely a work in progress that I keep a close watch
“In the local community at that time it was said about
the fifth artus
Artus,”never before has such an expensive boat been
“For a while we experienced some tough times and it
paid for by what comes out of the sea”. This shows how
was hard running operations with a profit. After being
big the investment was for us but those years were also
allowed higher fishing quotas on top of us getting
so successful that we paid off the boat in the following
better prices for the fish, we then managed. But there
three years of fishing. The vessel was purpose-built
was a stop to the fishing of herring later in the 1970s
for catching North Sea herring and even though the
and we caught less herring than before anyway. On the
herring stocks were seen to be declining and the
other hand we had a few good years of capelin,” says
amount of capelin was on the up, we fished mainly for
herring, mackerel and capelin,” Magne recalls.
The fourth Artus - a seiner and blue whiting trawler
The boat was 128 feet long and 25 feet wide with a mess
– also saw some good years with Magne`s youngest
room for 14 people. Loading capacity was just under
brother, Arthur junior, as captain of the vessel. In
4,000 hectolitres and Magne`s brother Per was captain
year 2000 the family-owned business sold Artus on
at the time. The fishing vessel was well-equipped with
to Knester of Austevoll, Norway and ever since the
single and double cabins but the real icing on the cake
adventures of Artus has been put on hold. Until now
was Artus having a television set onboard for its crew,
that is.
as the first ship in Herøy. In 1970 Artus won the socalled ”Sølvsilda”, or Silver
Herring Award if you like, as the best seiner catching
It is perhaps this waiting hour – or month – towards
5,755 hectolitres of big herring. Despite a successful
taking delivery in June what is making Magne a little bit
period Artus was really too small and in 1971 the Sævik
extra excited about the fifth and new Artus.
quartet sold their boat and replaced it with a second-
“We can`t wait, really. I was 14 years old and very excited
hand liner rebuilt and named Artus. It cost NOK 3.05
on my first adventure as a young fisherman going
million, the vessel was 171 feet long and could load
far north to Finnmark fishing for herring. Now I`m
twice as much fish as the previous one, with a capacity
excited about Artus coming to Fosnavåg for its naming
of 8,500 hectolitres.
ceremony before leaving for Bjørnøya this summer on
“The prices of fishing vessels eventually increased but
its first real trip.”
this one was a relatively inexpensive boat for us and we
“Is there still life left in the coastal fishing fleet along the
experienced many a good year of fishing. We worked a
Norwegian coastline?”
lot in the Barents Sea, summer like winter, in addition to
“Yes, I firmly believe in our coastal fishing and the
the North Sea fishing,” Magne recollects.
opportunities in years ahead. The way I see it the
The third Artus arrived a little later in the 1970s, a slightly
industries of big international fishing boats will
smaller seiner (6,500 hectolitres) than its predecessor.
eventually be phased out. In Norway we are lucky
the fifth artus
“Personally, I must say that I am a little impressed by the progress of the outfitting of Artus and also the quality of the work Havyard is in the middle of completing.”
enough to have a vast coastline; we have the natural
resources to succeed and lots of fish in Norwegian
waters. Cod fishing has been and still is an adventure
Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik has previously
in many ways. Even with the natural fluctuations in
delivered several fishing vessels and this segment
spawning of various fish types, it is also looking good
within shipbuilding is something Havyard would like
for herring and mackerel,” Magne sums up.
to continue being a part of. Havyard Ship Technology has top facilities; with a covered dry-dock where the
outfitting is sheltered from wind and rain. This is a
Designing and constructing new Artus has been an
great advantage especially in winter both in terms of
important project for Havyard Group and shows that
production and overall quality of the end product.
Havyard also focuses on this segment of shipbuilding technology as well as OSVs.
Artus :
“Building a fishing vessel is not a simple task. The boats are highly specialised with a lot of complicated
Loa: 49,8 m
equipment onboard. Integrating this within the
Beam: 12,0 m
vessel`s design is demanding with space very often
Depth to shelter deck: 7,2 m
being a limiting factor,” says Trygve Solaas, Project
Max draft: 5,7 m
Director at Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik.
Combined RSW-tanks / freezing holds: 180 m3
“We think it is very interesting working closely with
Combined RSW-tanks / live fish tanks: 320 m3
smaller ship-owners, something which fishing vessel
Total fish hold capacity: 500 m3
companies often are. They are frequently smaller
Fuel oil: 200 m3
organisations that cannot always follow-up every
Main engine: 1770 kW
step of the building process and often depend on
Auxiliary engines: 540 + 320 kW
a handful of energetic and resourceful persons with
Tunnel thrusters: 2 x 370 kW
great experience and a clear view on functionality. It
RSW / freezing machinery: 2 x 430 kW
is therefore essential that we establish a continuing
Processing area w/heading- and gutting machines, 4
and good dialogue with the fishing boat owner
plate freezers, 1 freezing tunnel
throughout the project and that we show flexibility
Vacuum pump system: 4200 litres
and a will to change things to achieve an optimal
Purse seine- / Danish seine winches: 2 x 26,5 tonnes
result. We feel we have managed to do this in our
Net winch: 18,5 tonnes
cooperation with the owners and that the results
Deck cranes: 30 tonn metres & 25 tonn metres
of our common efforts are seen in Artus; a good,
the fifth artus
new contracts
Illustration: Gunnar flusund
Contract for a Havyard 832 L for Supply Service Havyard 832 has become a great success for
delivered. The experience of former designs and
Havyard Group and the ship-owners of this design.
feedback from shipyards and ship-owners will make
This contract, a Havyard 832 L platform supply
sure that Havyard 832 L will become an even more
vessel, is the tenth vessel of this type of design.
market adapted and building friendly design.
Havyard 832 has defined a new segment of medium-sized
capacities, increased flexibility, better sea keeping
abilities and lower fuel consumption compared to
86,00 m
competing designs. The proof is seen in that nearly
17,6 m
all these ships are working on long-term contracts
4200 tonnes
and receive very positive feedback from ship-owners
Deck Area:
900 sq.m
and crew, regarding the attributions of the ships in
15 knots
operation. This is reflected in the high market value
24 persons
of these ships. It is the Faroese ship-owners Supply Service that has contracted one Havyard 832 L platform supply vessel (PSV). The ship will be delivered in August 2011 and will be built at Havyard Ship Technology AS in Leirvik in Sogn. The vessel will become newbuild 102. Supply Service is an innovative company with roots in fishing, first entering the offshore industry when ordering the first Havyard 832 PSV design, Eldborg, delivered in 2009. In a short space of time the company has shown with this ship that they are an offshore company to be reckoned with and they have also received good feedback from oil companies and other contractors using their services. Supply Service is now using their good experiences with Havyard 832 and has given Havyard Design ™ useful input in the process with developing Havyard 832 L. Havyard 832 L is a development of the former Havyard 832 designs that have previously been
new contracts
Illustration: Gunnar flusund
Sartor Offshore orders Havyard 832 L Sartor Offshore in Sotra has in cooperation with
the on- and offshore industry compared to a
Pareto ordered a Norwegian-developed design
year ago. The renewal programme makes Sartor
ship from Havyard Ship Technology AS. This
Offshore`s fleet considerably more attractive with
PSV vessel, which will be built at the Havyard
current and potential customers. The company
Ship Technology`s shipyard in Leirvik in Sogn, is
has long-term contracts with customers such as
expected delivered in January 2012.
Statoil, Total, Gdf, Suez and Shell. The new ships
“This is a contract based on the optimism within
also hold the highest environmental class.
the industry. We have no contracts in connection
“We wish to increase our presence through PSV
with the building of this ship, but the atmosphere
vessels,” says Wareberg. He is happy that Norwegian
in the market is increasingly positive and we see
shipyards once again are competitive in terms of
this as a future-oriented and correct decision
quality and price.
to make,” says General Director Roy Wareberg in Sartor Offshore. The ship is a platform supply vessel (PSV) and is
developed in Norway.
86,00 m
Sartor Offshore has today 24 vessels in their
17,6 m
portfolio and have started an extensive renewal
4200 tonnes
Deck Area:
900 sq.m
positioning itself for an international and leading
15 knots
role as a supplier within MRV and PSV, including
25 persons
standby, supply and oil protection standby. Sartor Offshore has around 600 employees and an operations office in Aberdeen. “The contract with Sartor Offshore is a further recognition of the design and functionality of Havyard 832 L. We have succeeded in developing a modern, environmentally friendly and competitive ship
charterers,” says CEO Geir Johan Bakke of Havyard Group. Sartor Offshore has already noticed a significant improvement in the optimism and activity within
new contracts
Illustration: Gunnar flusund
Foreign ship-owner orders design for construction of Havyard 832 CD PSV Havyard will deliver design and production drawings for the construction of a Havyard 832 CD platform
supply vessel (PSV). The hull of the ship is to be built at
78,60 m
JSC Shipyard Zaliv, Ukraine and the complete outfitting
17,6 m
of the ship will be completed at another shipyard.
4000 tonnes
The Havyard 832 CD is designed by Havyard Design &
Deck Area:
800 sq.m
Engineering AS, which is headquartered in Fosnav책g,
15 knots
Norway and has departments in Stavanger, Poland and
25 persons
Croatia. The Havyard 832 design is a large mediumsized PSV that has been contracted by many shipowners in various editions. This design has been a great success and has become a brand name in this segment. The success of the Havyard 832 design is important for Havyard Group as many of these types of ships have been contracted recently and are still in demand in the market. The good references made through satisfied customers operating Havyard 832, gives Havyard a marketing advantage in the competition for new orders in the PSV market. The flexibility of this design enables us to tailor it to individual customer needs and our knowledge of this market also enables us to be good advisors about what characteristics customers should choose for their ships. Our experience with the development of the Havyard 832 and the feedback from users of the ships in operation, has also given us valuable input to the development of our other PSV designs. We have many exciting projects at present and are optimistic about the prospects of delivering designs to several Havyard 832s and other PSV designs in the near future.
Havyard Ship Technology
Havyard delivers fifth
delivers Support Vessel
consecutive vessel for
of the Year 2011
Indian ship-owner
In September 2010 Seven Havila was
On 1st December 2010, Beaucephalus
delivered from the shipyard in Leirvik to the
joint venture of Havila Shipping and Subsea
to Global Offshore Services. The vessel
7. Seven Havila is a diving support vessel of
was contracted and will be operated by
Havyard 858 DSV design and the vessel was
Garware Offshore Services in India. Garware
going through long and stringent testing
has become a very good customer for
of diving systems after delivery from the
Havyard Ship Technology and this was the
fifth consecutive delivery to this particular
Havyard 858 DSV is the most advanced
ship-owner by the shipyard in Leirvik,
diving vessel design in the world and at
Norway. This was also the 8th Havyard 832
the Offshore Support Journal Conference
in operation. Havyard 832 has become a
in London in February this year, Seven
major success story for Havyard and the
Havila was awarded the prestigious Support
owners of these vessels with its modern
Vessel of the Year Award 2011.
Seven Havila was named during a ceremony
Beaucephalus is assigned a long-term
in Stavanger in March this year and will
contract, working for Petrobas in Brazil,
be working on a long-term contract for
and will go through rebuilding at Havyard
Subsea 7.
Atlantic and start working in Brazil.
newbuild 105
Delivered: 15 October 2010
Delivered: 1.Desember 2010
Seven havila
Shipowner: JV Havila Shipping and Subsea 7
Shipowner: Global Offshore Services
technical facts
technical facts 099
Havyard 858 DSV
Havyard 832 L S E
120.00 m
84.00 m
23.00 m
17.6 m
adding value
Value added is important to us, and our customers are entitled to consider whether they could achieve more in their projects by carrying them out somewhere else. The human factor plays an important role here. Stability, knowledge and quality are vital to all aspects of a project. Competitive edge must be proven through results, and Havyard guarantees that this will be done in the maritime value chain.
HAVYARD GROUP AS Havyard Global Solutions AS Havyard Ship Technology AS Havyard Design and Engineering AS Havyard Power and Systems AS
P.O.Box 215 6099 Fosnav책g, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 45 50 www.havyard.com