- O F F S H O RE - F I S H ERY
OLYMPIC PEGASUS (2002) Design: Ulstein A101
GT 4,477
OLYMPIC PEGASUS is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards.
OLYMPIC HERCULES (2002) Design: Ulstein A101
GT 4,477
OLYMPIC HERCULES is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards.
OLYMPIC POSEIDON (1998) Design: UT 722 L
GT 3,153
OLYMPIC POSEIDON is a Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Standby Oilrec Vessel designed for a wide range of offshore operations.
OLYMPIC OCTOPUS (2006) Design: UT 712 L
GT 3,102
OLYMPIC OCTOPUS is built with a unique collection of innovative new equipment. The vessel has an efficient hull to reduce fuel consumption, increased crew safety on deck, and improved comfort through reduced noise and vibration.
OLYMPIC PROGRESS (2005) Design: UT 755LN
GT 2,168
OLYMPIC PROGRESS is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design.
OLYMPIC PROMOTER (2005) Design: UT 755 LN
GT 2,167
OLYMPIC PROMOTER is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design.
OLYMPIC ELENA (2007) Design: MT 6009
GT 2,652
OLYMPIC ELENA MT 6009 is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility.
OLYMPIC PRINCESS (1999) Design: Ulstein A101
GT 3,424
OLYMPIC PRINCESS is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility.
OLYMPIC CANYON (2006) Design: MT 6016
GT 4,787
OLYMPIC CANYON is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption, excellent manoeuvrability, excellent sea keeping and high flexibility. The vessel was converted to Subsea in May 2007.
OLYMPIC TRITON (2007) Design: Ulstein P101
G 5,947
OLYMPIC TRITON is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption.
OLYMPIC CHALLENGER (2008) Design: Aker ROV 02 CD
GT 6,596
OLYMPIC CHALLENGER is a ROV Support Vessel designed with focus on good sea keeping abilities and excellent station keeping performances. The vessel is environmental friendly with focus on low fuel consumption.
Design: Ulstein P101
GT 5,974
OLYMPIC INTERVENTION IV is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption.
OLYMPIC ZEUS (2009) Design: Ulstein A122
GT 6,839
OLYMPIC ZEUS is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Vessel has installed 250t offshore crane. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment also installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP
OLYMPIC HERA (2009) Design: Ulstein A122
GT 6,839
OLYMPIC HERA A122 is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP 350 tons A-Frame ready to be mobilised.
OLYMPIC ELECTRA (2011) Design: MT6009
GT 3,140
OLYMPIC ELECTRA is a Multipurpose Field Support Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Total 40 persons accommodation.
OLYMPIC COMMANDER (2012) Design: MT6015
GT: 4,800
OLYMPIC COMMANDER is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility.
OLYMPIC ENERGY (2012) Design: STX PSV 06 LNG Gt: 5,197 OLYMPIC ENERGY is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is an environmental friendly combustion fuel with NOx and CO2 emission far below any fuel oil based engine.
OLYMPIC ORION (2012) Design: MT6015
GT: 4,800
OLYMPIC ORION is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility.
OLYMPIC TAURUS (2012) Design: MT6015
GT: 4902
OLYMPIC MT6015 is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. The vessel is equiped with helideck and Ahc crane is installed in Q2 2013.
OLYMPIC ARES (2013) Design: MT6022 MkII OLYMPIC MT6022 MkII is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market.
OLYMPIC BOA (2014) Design: MT 6022 MkII
GT: 7888
Olympic Boa is a subsea construction vessel og MT 6022 MKII design, with a 250t AHC Crane and total 102 persons accomodation.
OLYMPIC TBN (2015) Design: MT 6021 The vessel is a Multipurpose Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, with diesel electric frequency controlled propulsion, highly efficient azimuth thruster and a system for dynamic positioning.
OLYMPIC TBN (2015) Design: MT 6021 MKII The vessel is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market, with diesel electric frequency controlled propulsion, highly efficient azimuth thrusters and a system for dynamic positioning.
JUVEL (2003/2008) Design: Rolls Royce NVC / Skipsteknisk Juvel is a krill vessel built in 2003, converted in 2008. The vessel has got one out of four licences to fish for krill in Antarctica. Juvel has been reconstructed and has a new length of 99 meters. With new technology onboard Juvel opens new opportunities for extracting and refining raw material from the fish.
OLYMPIC PRAWN (1999) Design: Skipsteknisk The F/T Olympic Prawn is an arctic deepsea trawler. Since delivery in 1999 the vessel has been catching shrimp in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Greenland and off the Coast of Canada.
NORDØYTRÅL (2001) Design: Skipsteknisk The M/S Nordøytrål is a factory trawler for fishing prawns and cod in Arctic waters. Since delivery in 2001 the vessel has been catching shrimp and cod in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Barents Sea, and the North Sea.
STIG REMØY vaks opp på Remøya, ei øy i Herøy
STIG REMØY grew up on Remøy, an island in Herøy,
kommune med ei lang historie innan fiskeri. Faren
a municipality with a long history of fishing. His
og bestefaren hans var fiskeskipperar og det var
father and grandfather were fishing masters, and it
naturleg for Stig Remøy å velje same yrkesveg. Han
was natural for him to choose the same profession.
utdanna seg til sjøkaptein på Kristiansand maritime
Stig Remøy is educated as a Master Mariner from
og tekniske fagskole. I ein alder av 19 år investerte
Kristiansand Maritime and Technical College. At the
Stig Remøy, saman med far sin, brørne sine og
age of 19, Stig Remøy together with his father, brothers
nokre andre investorar, i eit fiskefartøy bygd i 1941.
and some other investors invested in a fishing vessel
Skipet hadde ein marknadsverdi på 6 millionar
with a market value of NOK 6 million. The vessel was
kroner. Allereie som 21-åring vart Remøy skipper på
built in 1941. Stig Remøy became master at the age
fabrikktrålarar i Grønland, Barentshavet, Nordsjøen,
of 21 on factory trawlers operating in Greenland, the
utanfor kysten av Alaska, New Zealand etc.
Barents Sea, the North Sea, off the coast of Alaska, New Zealand etc.
Utover på 80-talet og tidlig på 90-talet investerte Stig Remøy vidare innanfor fiskeri, medan han
Throughout the eighties and early nineties, Stig Remøy
samtidig vart involvert i offshore gjennom kjøp av
made further investments within fishing while at the
aksjar i Sævik Supply AS. Etter nokre turbulente år
same time becoming involved in the offshore industry
kjøpte Stig Remøy i 1994 forsyningsskipet Northern
through acquisition of shares in Sævik Supply AS. In
Commander og døypte skipet om til Olympic
1994, after a few turbulent years, Stig Remøy bought
Commander. Dette vart forløparen til Olympic
the PSV Northern Commander and renamed the
Shipping AS, som Stig Remøy etablerte saman med
vessel Olympic Commander. This purchase was the
Bjørn Kvalsund i 1996. I oppstarten besto flåten av to
forerunner to Olympic Shipping AS, which Stig Remøy
offshorefartøy og ein trålar. Desse tre eldre fartøya
established along with Bjørn Kvalsund in 1996. At the
hadde ein total marknadsverdi på 120 millionar
time, Olympic Shipping AS operated two offshore
kroner. Idag har Olympicgruppa nærare 1 000 tilsette
vessels and one trawler. These three aged vessels
som opererar 24 moderne skip over heile verda, samt
had a total market value of NOK 120 million. Today,
ytterligare to under bygging. Sidan oppstarten har
the Olympic Group has close to 1 000 employees,
Olympic investert ca 12 milliarder kroner i avanserte
operating 24 modern vessels worldwide. In addition,
fartøy av norsk design og teknologi, bygd ved norske
two more vessels are under construction. Olympic
has, since its inception, invested approximately NOK 12 billion in sophisticated vessels of Norwegian design and technology, built at Norwegian yards.
www.olympic.no FLÅTEOVERSIKT 2014