havyard times A M A G A Z I N E F R O M T H E H AV YA R D G R O U P A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
havyard times Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and its subsidiaries. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our vision is "Improving life at sea". We hope that this magazine can help to improve your understanding of our vision and your knowledge of Havyard.
chief editor:
graphic design:
Leader by President of the Havyard Group
Building the future
Icelandic dragon in new saga
New technology - new opportunities
Havyard Design from Spanish shipyard
MMC technology in four parts
Competence is most important
The final crossing in first-class
New contracts
Delivered newbuilds
services throughout the complete value chain, and
Ever since the first settlements in Norway, the population
today we are able to deliver nearly everything within
has depended on and learnt how to adapt to the tough
ship equipment and systems, ship design, complete
conditions at sea, in order to get food and find ways of
newbuilds and support for vessels in operation. We
transport. The Norwegian Vikings were renowned for
are particularly strong within design and construction
their good boats and seamanship and they voyaged
of advanced vessels for offshore oil production and
around the world at an early stage. Fisheries in Norway
dominate in terms of developing efficient fishing gear and tools and also by managing the resources in the
In addition to our own shipyard in Norway, there are
ocean. This experience was part of the basis when
currently vessels of a Havyard design being constructed
Norway established an industry for utilizing the oil
in Spain, India, Singapore and China. One of our most
resources that exist underneath the seabed outside the
important competitive advantages is that we can help to
Norwegian coast. Havyard’s main office and most of
secure the right quality no matter where the shipowners
our core activities are located in this strong maritime
choose to construct their vessels, through our compe-
cluster on the coast of Norway.
tence and knowledge about the complete value chain. Our five success criteria are Design, Technology,
Today, Norwegian oil companies, contractors, ship-
Quality, Cost and Delivery Time. We believe Quality is
owners, shipyards, ship designers and suppliers are
and will continue to be the most important competitive
recognized for delivering world leading technology.
advantage for our products.
The Norwegian maritime cluster has had great success through a good combination of competition and
cooperation, in order to renew itself and to offer the
If the Norwegian maritime cluster and Havyard are
market new, competitive technology. However, it is no
going to continue to develop, we depend on main-
matter of course that this cluster is going to maintain its
taining our competitiveness in an international market.
position and competitiveness.
Norway has the highest cost level in the world on many of the input factors that are important for this
industry. Politicians, the industry as a whole, and
Since being established in 2000, Havyard Group has gone
Havyard as a group, work to improve these framework
from being a local Norwegian shipyard, to becoming
conditions. But we must first and foremost increase our
an internationally recognized ship technology group.
competitiveness through being even more efficient
We have taken control of and developed products and
in terms of developing and producing solutions that
”Our ability and motivation to continue to be innovative will be decisive in terms of how we succeed in the future.”
provide our customers with greater value, compared
We have a long-term business perspective and our
to what competitors in low-cost countries can provide.
success is measured by what others and in particular
Our ability and motivation to continue to be innovative
what our customers think about us. Our vision
will be decisive in terms of how we succeed in the future.
«Improving Life at Sea» is there to motivate us to make sure we create value added for our customers.
COMPETENCE IS KEY One of the characteristics and success factors for the
Our focus is to deliver expected quality and we are
Norwegian maritime cluster is the broad composition
doing it in a competitive way.
of competence within the whole value chain. Competence and motivation will be the key to further
The Havyard culture is to listen to our customers
development. In cooperating with research institutions
and to be positive towards changes that provide
and subcontractors we get access to expertise for our
product development. Never underestimate the value of a satisfied customer! Havyard Academy’s task is to map out our need for competence, to uncover competence gaps and
We believe the key to continued growth and success is
implement programs to develop competence and the
found within delivering competitive quality. That way
individual’s motivation to use it.
we will meet the expectations of all our stake holders, whether they are employees, customers, investors or
Havyard shall have the most competent and motivated
employees in the industry! We are looking forward to continue to solve challenges
and take advantage of opportunities together with all
Havyard Group ASA was listed on the Oslo Stock
our stake holders!
Exchange on July 1st. This means that there are even more people interested in us and who follow how and what we are doing. This also gives us new challenges and opportunities. We have had a fantastic owner in
GEIR JOHAN BAKKE President & CEO, Havyard Group ASA
Havila Holding since the start in 2000. Without them and the good cooperation with Havila Shipping, we would not be where we currently are.
It is not so dignifying presenting yourself as a Nigerian
businessman or as the CEO of a Nigerian company. Taofik Adegbite is working on changing that, every day. Ships from Havyard are part of the solution.
”Developing young people, providing them with skills, equipment and mental discipline is building the country from within.”
Taofik Adegbite, CEO, Marine Platforms Limited
A little boy sits next to his mother for a few hours every
London School of Economics. An OPM-degree from
morning, they talk. He is second to the last of six children
Harvard Business School is also on his CV.
in this very modest middle class family, they are very close. She shares her wisdom of life with him:
He has always been the kind of person who likes
- If you spend your life chasing money, you are not
starting up new businesses. Before MPL he was part
going to find money. But if you spend your life chasing
of establishing three other companies. But ideological
work and doing good job, then the money will come to
differences with the co-promoters made him pull out.
you, she says.
MPL started with a friend from university, Biodun Odusi, getting in touch to sell the idea of setting up
Today the boy is 45 years old and CEO of the oil and
an oil service company. He also introduced a friend
gas services company voted Nigerian company of the
from his banking career, Baji Nyam. The three young
year in 2013. Since 2001 Taofik Adegbite and his two
men quickly agreed to push forward. Most importantly,
partners have made Marine Platforms Limited (MPL)
they agreed on the basic philosophy for the company:
a recognized company with around 350 employees.
integrity, safety, security, quality and delivery on time.
Most of them are Nigerians. That’s unusual in the
The aim is to build a company that will outlive them,
African country with a major oil industry dominated by
create value for the employees, the local community
foreign corporations with foreign employees.
and the country at large. They want to create a Nigerian brand that’s respected and trusted globally.
- Developing young people, providing them with skills, equipment and mental discipline is building the
country from within. It is an investment in tomorrow’s
To achieve their set goals, they need to be thorough
leadership, it is better than foreign aid, says Adegbite.
when employing people. They no longer place job
Being a Nigerian national is not enough; we recruit
adverts in newspapers.
young graduates with credible family background and
- Integrity and good character are very essential.
integrity. They need to take on the company culture and
We are a serious company and we only want serious
they need to excel in their chosen career.
people. We invest a lot in our employees; therefore we want to know who they are. They need to have
recommendations and references, and we conduct
Adegbite studied computer science at the University of
careful background checks before interviewing, says
Ibadan, a university in his hometown. After working for
Adegbite. They have experienced sending a new
about eight years in Nigeria, he relocated to the United
employee abroad for three months training, only to
Kingdom. While in London, he took a Certificate Course
receive a phone call from him right towards the end of
in Strategy- and Organization Management at the
the period, resigning because he had got a job better
paid. That hurts, but the practice of thorough training,
to do the job in the future. He thinks his native country
even abroad, stands firm. Expensive and advanced
has got an undeserved reputation abroad.
equipment is useless without skilled people to operate
- Nigeria is a hidden treasure that more people should
allow themselves to explore, both in terms of nature, climate and friendly people, he says. Sure there are
problems, but that is not peculiar to Nigeria.
Taofik Adegbite remembers his mother`s good advice: - Know what you are capable of doing and what
you are not while you ensure you only dance to your
The road to success has been a long one for Marine
own music; don’t dance to other people’s music she
Platforms Ltd. Competing against established brands,
told me. He lives by these words. MPL brings in the
very high cost of capital and shortages of skilled
expertise that they lack, also from abroad if necessary.
human resource are just some of the challenges
But they fully support the authorities demand that
recently established companies need to cope with.
there should be Nigerian employees both in national
Nigerian companies additionally face their country’s
and international companies operating in the country.
poor reputation around the world, corruption and the
- We have a very huge working population that are
danger of violence and other crimes.
unemployed because nearly everything is manufactured abroad and finished end products and
For many years they didn’t make money. But the three
services are just delivered in Nigeria. Adegbite believes
partners stuck to their basic values, they paid off
competent Nigerians must be employed whenever
bank loans and paid out wages to employees even
possible. Competent expats are fine when there are
when there wasn’t enough money to cover their own
no local expertise, but they need to train local people
wages. Slowly but surely things improved. The big
breakthrough came in 2009, when Chevron Star-
shipyards when MPL were to construct a new subsea
Deepwater Nigeria Ltd chanced on chartering the first
vessel. Adegbite visited everyone on the top 5 list.
vessel from MPL. Today the company`s main office is
- We identify and respect our weaknesses at all times.
in Lagos, operations base is in Onne near Port Harcourt
Aside building quality vessels, Havyard is one of few
on the south coast of Nigeria and technical operations
shipyards taking charge of their vessel build end
office is in Aberdeen in Scotland. They deliver well
to end, and who also provide good support after
services, subsea solutions at deep waters and vessel
delivery. Nigeria does not have sufficient support
chartering to the oil and gas industry in Western Africa.
structures, therefore we need a shipyard that will be a one stop shop. Havyard ticked all the boxes, he
explains, being generous in his praise. He emphasizes
The company is growing and the latest addition to
the good relationship with the people in Havyard, in
their fleet is a subsea vessel of Havyard 857 IMR
particular with CEO Geir Johan Bakke.
design, due to be delivered in September 2014.
- A very balanced and consistent gentleman with
“African Inspiration” is the appropriate name. The
integrity, he describes Havyard CEO. Adegbite certainly
ship has an enlarged moon pool, a larger offshore
has plans for buying more ships from Havyard in the
crane, an additional auxiliary crane, and larger
future and believes others in West Africa will follow suit.
accommodation and cargo deck compared to the
- Definitely, the Havyard brand and GIEK-financing
first edition of this design, it is all tailor-made to the
are serious levers. We clearly have first mover
needs of MPL.
advantage, he says while looking forward to a long-
- That’s one of the reasons why we chose Havyard,
term cooperation with the Norwegians.
says Adegbite. He heard of the Norwegian company through Clarksons. They listed names of potential
The boyhood dream of owning a Harley-Davidson is complete. The clothes were bought long before he could
afford the motorbike itself. Steingrimur Erlingsson is now about to fulfil another dream: he is going to lead
Iceland into the oil era. Fafnir Offshore is named after the dragon that guards the gold in the Volsunga Saga.
ONS exhibition in Stavanger 2012: Amidst the throng of
done courses from Boeing 737, 757 and Fokker 50. Wind
suited and booted men and women, a man turns up
turbines are also interesting. Erlingsson owns two of the
with his long, scruffy, reddish beard and with informal
four mills existing on Iceland today. They are located on
attire; his traditional Icelandic knitted jumper and jeans.
the south of the island and provide the electric network
He strolls in to Havyard Group`s stand.
with around 5 GWH per year.
Runde, March 2013: During the annual cod dinner of
Fosnavaag Shipping Club the Icelandic Foreign Minister
Erlingsson has many interests and many strings to his bow.
Össur Skarphédinsson announces that Fafnir Offshore
- I was part of a warm-up act for Bonnie Tyler and Kiss
has signed a contract with Havyard Group regarding
when they held concerts on Iceland! He smiles, a few
the construction of Iceland`s first platform supply vessel
years have passed since his youth and stardom in the
(PSV). It is the most expensive ship that has ever been
rock band Foringarnir. They were popular in the 80s and
ordered to the country.
got to do gigs with the greatest. He played bass guitar. - I don`t play very often today, but …… he pauses for
Fosnavaag, April 2014: His red beard is newly cut and
a while. Who knows what`s around the corner? The
trimmed, his knitted pullover is replaced by a black
energetic Icelander makes things happen; he is full of
t-shirt; Steingrimur Erlingsson, founder and CEO of
vitality and has the confidence to start up new projects.
Fafnir Offshore, signs the contract with Havyard Group
But he is cautious when it comes to characterizing
regarding construction of the company`s first hybrid
PSV with battery power. With an option for a sister ship.
- You either like me or you don’t, is the quick remark.
He is a country boy. Born into a fisherman`s family in
- My log book tells me that I have nine years under my
Bolugarvik in the West Fjords in 1970. His father was mate
belt as a sailor, he says. It was inevitable that he`d work
on a fish trawler; grandfather and great-grandfather
with boats and fishing. Mainly on freeze trawlers. As
were both captains. Young Steingrimur is technically
chief engineer he was part of the «Cod War» between
inclined and loves boats. The perfect combination is to
Norway and Iceland in Smutthullet (The Loophole) in the
study to become chief engineer at Reykjavik Navigation
90s and he has experienced being towed into Tromsø,
School. But he is fascinated by more than boats. The
accused of pirate fishing in international waters.
next step takes him across the Atlantic to the USA, Tulsa
- We thought that the cod we caught didn`t speak
in Oklahoma, and education as a flight mechanic.
Norwegian, he says with a twinkle in his eye.
- I have the FAA Certificate A&P, he tells us. This means
On Greenland it was all about Greenland halibut and
Airframe and Powerplant and confirms that he has
prawns. From there he went on to northern Canada.
Inuits in Nunavut had huge Greenland halibut quotas
make himself understood in Swedish, Greenlandic
but no experience with modern fishing boats.
or even Faroese. Subject of conversation is possible projects, the first meeting is a success.
Erlingsson established Nataqnaaq Fisheries Inc., sailed
- I have been fortunate enough to get to know Per Sævik.
boats and equipment across from Greenland and
That`s why I called on Havyard, explains Erlingsson.
started a new adventure. They fished as far as the 72
Sævik is the offshore industry`s «grand old man» in
degrees north, in Davis Strait, the oceans between
Norway. The former fishing boat captain, shipowner,
Greenland and Baffin Island which is covered by ice
mayor, shipping president and Member of Parliament
during half the year. Greenland halibut quotas were
established the first offshore shipping company in Herøy.
eventually exchanged for prawn quotas in order to be
Since then there have been more, many more, and
able to operate in fishery all year.
he still holds the tiller of Havila Holding, the majority
- I am used to operating vessels in Arctic waters, says
stakeholder of Havyard Group.
Erlingsson. But in 2011 he decided enough was enough.
- We share the same background, from fishing, we
His wife and their two daughters, now aged 11 and
understand each other, speak the same language, says
14, were at home in Seltjarnarnes on Iceland and he
Erlingsson. The same goes for many others of the people
wanted to spend more time with them.
he has got to know within Havyard. - I have learned a lot from the lads in Fosnavaag, he
And he also wanted to ride his motorcycle more often.
says enthusiastically. The good personal chemistry and
He could afford the Harley «Fat Boy» in 2000 and
mutual trust were decisive in terms of Havyard getting
he was one of the first when «Chapter Iceland» was
the contract for the vessels that will lead Iceland into the
formed that same year. Three years later he took part
oil era. And of course factors such as design, quality and
in Harley`s 100th year jubilee in Barcelona. He has no
delivery time. In Canada he only had Norwegian built
plans on swapping; the motorcycle is a lifelong love.
trawlers of Norwegian design.
- We trust each other, he laughs. A good offer decided
- I remember I was once considering to buy a five-year-
matters; he sold the shipping company and started
old trawler built in Spain. It looked like a 15-year-old
looking for new investment opportunities.
Norwegian built ship, he says. There was no purchase made.
MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING The ambiance is good on Havyard`s stand at the ONS
Exhibition in 2012. The bearded Icelander`s informal
«Polarsyssel» is the name of Fafnir Offshore`s first vessel,
and humorous demeanor resounds well with the people
to be delivered in August this year. It`s a Havyard 832 L
from Møre. He speaks Danish / Norwegian, mixed with
WE state-of-the-art design, specifically developed for
English, with an Icelandic accent. If necessary he could
operations in severe conditions in the North Atlantic.
It is constructed for 30 persons and is designed for
the number of ships and employees considerably over
transport of supplies to and from offshore installations.
the next few years.
It is also fitted out for firefighting and oil recovery and has a helideck amidships that can be mounted
News regarding Fafnir Offshore`s contracts has re-
according to needs. Advanced research in cooperation
ceived plenty of attention in the Icelandic media and
with amongst others Marintek and MARIN (Maritime
is wholeheartedly supported at the highest level. The
Research Netherlands) have given the vessel the slim
country is finding its feet again after the financial crisis
lines and characteristic design with fins underneath the
but the fishing fleet is old and run-down.
afterbody. Depending on wave heights «Polarsyssel»
- We are capable seamen. On average an Icelandic
will use 20-33 percent less fuel compared to equivalent
fisherman catches a 20 percent larger haul compared
vessels. NOx emissions are reduced to a minimum and
to a Norwegian fisherman. But we need something
the ship possesses a dynamic positioning system that
new. And sooner rather than later the oil industry will
keeps it on the spot during operations.
arrive. 25 percent of the Jan Mayen area is in Icelandic
- This is tomorrow`s environmental ship, built for Arctic
waters and geologists have great expectations for
jobs and with a fuel consumption competing with lighter
finding oil on the Icelandic shelf, says Erlingsson.
vessels, says Erlingsson pleased. The price is more than NOK 330 million. Islandsbanki and Eksportkreditt/GIEK
He thinks it`s a fascinating industry and is positioning
are part of the financing.
himself for the future. At the same time he is concerned about the environment and believes that strict demands
on the industry are crucial.
The ship is fitted out and is named after the job
- We are guests of the Earth, it is obvious that we
contract in place: for the next six years it will be utilized
shouldn`t mess it up. But the regulations have to be
half of each year by the district governor of Svalbard
realistic and developed in cooperation with those
who work in the field, he says. He doesn`t hold in high
surveillance and service missions in Norwegian waters
regard politicians who by chasing votes make rules that
around Spitsbergen, Bear Island and Hopen. Along with
only lead to increased prices of oil products.
two helicopters the new vessel represents an essential
- I hope Iceland will use the oil revenues as shrewdly as
strengthening of the Norwegian authority`s presence
Norway does, he smiles.
and service to people working and living in the region. Remøy Management is responsible for operation of the vessel during the contract period. It can be extended twice and by two years. When «Polarsyssel» is not in operation for the district governor the ship will be re-equipped and used as a normal PSV.
GROWTH Even before the first Havyard vessel is delivered to Fafnir Offshore, Erlingsson has ordered number two. It is going to be delivered in July next year and is the first Havyard 833 WE ICE PSV with battery power in addition to diesel engines. The ship is a development, larger and even more environmentally friendly than the first one. It’s also designed for operations in Arctic waters. The price is NOK 20 million higher than «Polarsyssel». With this contract Fafnir Offshore has as many ships as employees. But Erlingsson is already quite sure that he will take up the option of a sister ship to be delivered in the second half of 2015. His ambition is to increase both
Oil- and gas installations at sea are in good company.
Like majestic forests wind turbines dominate in succession the horizon high above the ocean surface.
Some are far at sea, others in shallower waters closer to shore. They are on the increase and they need
maintenance. Havyard has designed and is currently
constructing two tailor-made vessels for the Danish oil service company Esvagt. A new market has opened up.
ÂŤMaking the sea a safe working environmentÂť has
become a major area of commitment, in particular in
been Esbjerg-based Esvagt`s vision since the start in
Denmark, Germany and Great Britain. In Europe last
1981. With 37 vessels so far they operate all across the
year there were 73 offshore wind parks at sea with a
North Sea, by Greenland and in the Mediterranean.
capacity of 5111 MW, according to the European Wind
Specialized vessels and crews offer safety and support
Energy Association (EWEA). Numbers are changing
functions for installations at sea and they handle oil
rapidly. The organization`s estimate is that European
gathering and rescue operations, transport of people,
countries are going to invest NOK 1200 billion into ocean
equipment and supplies, and they assist oil tankers and
wind during the period from 2021 to 2030. Until 2020
help out in relocation of rigs. Over the last few years a
the investment amount is reckoned to be NOK 500
new customer group has emerged; ocean wind parks.
billion. Great Britain alone plans on installing rock solid
And they have quite specific needs:
turbines on the shelf, equivalent to the total Norwegian
-They need vessels that are stable, safe and comfort-
water power production, by 2020. EU`s target is to use
able work platforms for people working with service
offshore wind power to cover 17 percent of electricity
and maintenance of wind parks, says Design Manager
needs by 2030. These numbers are confirmed by
Arve Helsem Leine of Havyard Design & Solutions.
Research Manager John Olav Tande at SINTEF Energy
Vessels must in addition be capable of carrying
Research in Trondheim:
necessary equipment and cargo, and not least be able
- Germany led the race, with plans for more than 60
to transfer these to the windmills in a safe and secure
ocean wind parks over the next 16 years. They have been
way. It goes without saying that the vessels must also
forced to scale down somewhat because the targets
be cost-efficient both during transport laps to and from
were over-ambitious, and now Great Britain has taken
harbour and during operations. That`s why Esvagt`s
the lead, he says. Developments are capital demanding
fleet will be increased by two vessels towards the end of
and it has proved particularly challenging to build out
2014 and at the start of 2015.
sufficient net capacity.
- We chose Havyard because of their innovative design and professional attitude during the development
In Norway offshore wind power is currently not a
process, says Kristian Ole Jakobsen, Chief Operating
big focus area but Statoil and Statkraft are behind
Officer (COO) of Esvagt.
Sheringham Shoal with 88 ocean turbines on the Norfolk coast in England. More than two hundred thousand
households receive their electricity from there. The
Across large parts of the globe there`s work going on
two Norwegian corporations are also involved in the
in terms of developing renewable and environmentally
planned expansion of the Dogger Bank wind park.
friendly energy alternatives to replace oil, gas and nuclear power. In Europe windmill parks at sea have
NEW CUSTOMER The commitment to this new technology has already created a lot more jobs and opens up plenty of opportunities for contractors in a broad sense. - Esvagt is a new customer for us and this is the first time we design ships to operate for offshore wind parks, says Sales Director Gisle Vinjevoll Thrane in Havyard. He is enthusiastic about the cooperation with the Danes and the potential that opens up in a new market. - Cooperating with the market leader and being in front early is a good starting point for us, he says.
FAMILIAR TECHNOLOGY Havyard has not reinvented the wheel. The basis for the new vessels of a Havyard 832 SOV design is the familiar platform supply vessel (PSV) that the group has already constructed many of. But the design is already further developed and the vessels are tailor-made for the operations they are about to embark on. Esvagt presented a long list of new demands that had to be fulfilled. - Reuse, further development and utilization of familiar technology in new ways are often the key to success, says a pleased Design Manager Helsem Leine. He believes the process leading up to this new design has been rewarding and interesting. Vinjevoll Thrane and he are both looking forward to a long and solid cooperation with Esvagt.
Not all vessels by Havyard design™ are built at the
company's own shipyard in Leirvik. Some customers choose design packages with construction to be undertaken elsewhere. Atlantic Offshore’s newest ship got water under the keel in Spain.
- It is a very good boat! CEO Roy Wareberg of Atlantic
partnership between Atlantic Offshore and Havyard
Offshore, in Sotra just outside of Bergen, is pleased.
Design & Solutions.
The company's newest vessel was delivered from
- We wanted to develop a new design which can be
Zamakona Yards in San Sebastian, Spain, in the middle
used both in Norway and in the UK. We required a
of March. «Ocean Osprey» has since been at work for
vessel that is simple in operation, but which also can
Shell UK and Dana Petroleum on the Gannet Oil and
be adapted to the customer's needs. Havyard took on
Gas Field just outside of Aberdeen, Scotland.
the challenge. With feedback from us a design was developed that we could offer to customers and get
priced from shipyards, explains Wareberg. He is no
The vessel is a Havyard 820 design, the first standby
stranger to Havyard's work prior to this cooperation
design of its type. It is especially developed to work
either. «Ocean Pride», a Havyard 832 L design, was
in both British and Norwegian waters. It has a class A
the first vessel developed in Fosnavaag to join Atlantic
certification, the highest ranking possible. In the event
Offshore's fleet.
of an accident the ship has the capacity to save more than 300 persons. In addition it has the loading and
But the build was done in Spain.
storage capacity to provide service for oil rigs and a towing capacity to manage tankers during loading in
the field.
- Competence and price are deal-breakers, explains
- Oil companies are very interested in acquiring vessels
Wareberg. They assessed several places, but the choice
that can carry out several functions in addition to its
fell on Zamakona Yards because of the shipyard’s
original standby function, says Wareberg.
extensive experience and solid references from building
«Ocean Osprey» has been realised by the close
vessels adapted to British specifications.
- We are very pleased with this decision, it has been
South Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. The company
plain sailing, he says.
is in the middle of an extensive modernisation program and in the process of completing new builds. They are
His satisfaction with the business partners both in
replacing old vessels at high speed in order to comply
Fosnavaag and San Sebastian being such, that he has
with the highest demands for safety and regulations.
subsequently put in an order for two additional vessels
Today the company has long-term contracts with,
of the same design. One of which has obtained a
amongst others, Statoil, Total, GDF Suez, British Gas
long-term contract in the UK, the other one in Norway.
and Shell UK. Wareberg doesn't rule out further builds
Havyard delivers complete design and equipment
of Havyard design™. That will be determined by future
packages, where the ships are filled with Norwegian
equipment both from Havyard and other maritime
- We are ready! Sales Director Gisle Vinjevoll Thrane
companies based in Sunnmøre. The first of the two
of Havyard is pleased to have Atlantic Offshore as a
new builds are to be delivered from Zamakona in the
customer. He is very proud of the vessels they have
summer 2014, the second is to be delivered next year.
developed together. The fact that the ships have
In addition Atlantic Offshore has two other ships being
secured contracts with the likes of Shell is a seal of
built at Kleven in Ulsteinvik.
approval. He is looking forward to a long and fruitful partnership in the years ahead.
GOOD CUSTOMER Atlantic Offshore's fleet consists of a total of 24 vessels. The company employs nearly 600 members of staff at its head office in Sotra, in Aberdeen and on the vessels at sea off the coast of Ireland, in the North Sea, the
SMARAGD text: JO S EF I N E S P I RO photo: S M A R A G D A N D J O S E F I N E S P I R O
In 1967 two brothers decided to buy the purse seiner
«Smaragd» together, and they founded the fishing company by the same name. 47 years on and several
boats later all their children have joined the family business, with Petter Geir Smådal at the helm.
The family owned fishing company is making a new leap towards the future – with a second to none «Smaragd». 26
- Last autumn I took my ten-year-old son onboard. In
- Smaragd is a family company, where the second
the first attempt we only got a small catch of around 20
generation has partly taken over the operation. I have
to 30 tonnes. My son went below to the net bin to join
two sisters and Per has two daughters who are also
the crew and heard them talking. A while later he came
part-owners of the boat, and one of Per’s sons-in-law
back up to me with a message from the lads. He was
works onboard as a fisherman, Petter Geir says.
almost afraid to tell me what they said; «Dad, they are
It’s impossible not to pay attention to it. «Smaragd».
saying that you need to sharpen up». «Okay, let’s do it
The boat is moored up furthest in at Leine Bay in the
properly next time then», I said. And we succeeded. We
municipality of Herøy in the northwest of Norway, in full
found a real good school of mackerel, set the net and
view for those who live in the village and for those who
got about 630 tonnes in one go. Everything was good.
drive past on their way to Remøy and Runde. Propellers currently lay quiet. But earlier today the
Petter Geir Smådal’s (41) son has revealed he wants to
trusted fishing boat has carried out a test voyage for
become a skipper, just like his dad. And his granddad.
potential buyers. It is soon time to sell.
And his great-uncle. And his great-grandfather.
- In Herøy there are many family owned fishing boats.
- But we’ll see how things go. He is still very young, says
We are competitors, and we want a boat at least as
Petter Geir.
good as all the others. If you wait too long before
Petter Geir made his decision as a 16-year-old. Not
renewing, the boat becomes outdated and the price
because he had no choice, but because he had already
drops. No matter what you’re doing, it is important to
gained several years of experience from summers
keep up the pace with development and start using
onboard the family’s fishing boat, and he was absolutely
new technology, says Petter Geir.
sure he would enjoy the work. Because the fisherman’s blood was already running through his veins.
The shipowners have put their trust in Havyard’s design company in Fosnavaag, only a few minutes’ drive
The mess room, fitted out towards the end of the 90s,
from the family`s homeplace. In April 2015 the Smådal
carries no visible sign of wear and tear. But the paintings
family will take over the boat – a brand new Smaragd
on the wall tell us that Smaragd has had longevity. In
with everything in terms of modern technology and
the shape of different boats, managed by several
equipment from Havyard’s shipyard in Leirvik in Sogn.
skippers. All of them with Smådal blood in their veins.
Included in the new vessel you’ll find an indoor net bin,
Today, they are all here: the brothers Per and Reidar
enclosed shelter deck and environmental, cost-effective
Smådal, who started it all in 1965, and Reidar’s son and
heating systems. Just to mention a few things. The new
skipper, Petter Geir (41). A fisherman has joined them,
purse seiner / pelagic trawler is barely comparable to
Torbjørn Hide, who is married to one of Petter Geir’s
the current boat, and much less so with the first purse
seiner they bought in 1967.
- First and foremost we need to think operating
In 1965 «Leinebjørn», which today is based at the same
economy, says Reidar.
bay as Smaragd, wanted to start purse seine fishing,
- We also focus on the boat becoming environmentally
but they needed someone experienced. They needed
friendly. The vessel will use little fuel, and waste heat
Per. Besides that, they also required a purse seine.
from diesel engines is recovered and used for heating
- Reidar and I teamed up and bought a purse seine,
onboard, Petter Geir explains.
which we rented out to Leinebjørn, Per says. After a year and a half with good catches, expanding
wallets and more knowledge, Leinebjørn wanted to
But taking only operating economy into consideration is
buy their own seine. The Smådal brothers had to come
not quite enough in today’s competitive climate.
up with something new. That’s when they purchased
- The onshore industry has changed drastically. When
the first Smaragd.
we had the current Smaragd constructed in 1999, we often carried 5-600 tonnes of fish, because that was the
maximum of what onshore plants could receive in one
47 years on and the Fosnavaag-based shipowner
day. Only a select few onshore plants were able to take
has got a contract for their third newbuild in hand. To
deliveries of such a quantum. Now 5-600 tonnes are
Havyard’s shipyard in Leirvik it is newbuild number 121.
normal and some take up to 1000 tonnes in a day. That’s
The family company established contact with Havyard’s
why larger catches are in demand. There’s no problem
design company as early as 2009, but the contract was
going with 1200 tonnes of herring. In actual fact, that’s
not signed until more than four years later.
what we want. If so, we need boats able to carry such
- We started well at first. However, in 2011, we were
quantities, Petter Geir explains.
offered to buy a part in another boat along with two
The current Smaragd is able to load around 1600 tonnes
other shipowners. We chose to postpone the newbuild,
when it is full to the brim, but if the fish is meant for human
Petter Geir says.
consumption, they can only carry around half of that.
- But the new Smaragd is going to be a much better
- If we carry more, we don’t get sufficient circulation
product now compared to how it would be if we had
for the refrigeration, and the quality will not be good
not waited, he continues.
enough. The new boat has a tank capacity of 2100 m3,
Per nods:
says Petter Geir.
- Many shipowners in our area have had new boats
Fish tanks for the new Smaragd are shaped for superior
constructed recently. Consequently, we do have the
circulation of cool water, to make sure that all the fish is
advantage that we can learn from others, for better or
efficiently refrigerated. Tanks are furthermore adapted
worse, he says.
to simple cleaning, by use of automated tank washing
And the Smådal family knows what they want.
The Smaragd shipowners know that they are demanding
– and they know exactly how important that is in order to reach their targets. Not least are they aware that`s the
reason why they chose Havyard to construct Smaragd of the future.”
Taking good care of the fish is vital. Systems onboard
- We might have ended up saving some money at first,
the new Smaragd are therefore particularly designed
had we chosen to construct the vessel abroad, but
for gentle treatment of fish, both during pumping from
quality will pay off in the long-term, he believes.
purse seine amidships and from trawl. The vessel is
- And Havyard has got competent people, Reidar
fitted out for pumping of the trawl from stern, so that
the fishermen don’t have to loosen the trawl bag and
In addition to designing and constructing the new
move it to the ship’s side for pumping.
Smaragd, Havyard also delivers much of the equipment onboard, including the MMC systems that gently handle the fish, from when it’s being pumped onboard the boat
know that they are
until it’s unloaded onshore.
demanding – and they know exactly how important that is in order to reach their targets. Not least are they
Torbjørn Hide, who has so far sat back and listened
aware that’s the reason why they chose Havyard to
to the others, all of a sudden leans forward when the
construct the Smaragd of the future.
conversation is pencilled in on the cooperation with
- At Havyard we found an opportunity to take part in
Havyard. Even though he is not a shipowner, Torbjørn
forming our own boat from the beginning, says Petter
is certainly part of Smaragd, and he has been heavily
involved in the new vessel during the planning- and
- And we have done that, Reidar adds, - All the way
construction process.
from the thrusters to the masts.
- Over the last two years we have been in touch with
Petter Geir thinks for a second, before he says:
Havyard virtually on a day-to-day basis. The new
- At the same time I am pleased that Havyard is in control
Smaragd is a newly developed design, so work is more
of the complete process. We relate only to the contract
demanding compared to if they had previously designed
with Havyard – they take care of everything else.
the vessel. But we know the people well, and there’s a
The hull is being constructed in Turkey, at a shipyard
low threshold for getting in touch with them. Sometimes I
that Havyard knows well.
have rung them in the evenings but it is never a problem.
- The hull is usually constructed abroad, because
They are there whenever we need them, says Torbjørn.
this process is quite expensive in Norway, says Petter
He pauses deliberately, before saying:
Geir, who visited the shipyard in Turkey with Reidar in
- And we know where they live should there be anything
2012. That was before the contract with Havyard was
signed, and the Norwegian ship technology group was competing against more inexpensive shipyards
abroad. So why did Smaragd choose Havyard?
Petter Geir’s career as a skipper started the summer
- Quality, Petter Geir replies in an instant.
he turned 22.
- But this one was even younger, says uncle Per and
points at his little brother.
There’s no doubt that the Smådal family wants to
Reidar was 21 years old when he became skipper. And
take care of the Smaragd crew, both in terms of their
Petter Geir worked mainly for Reidar when he started
management style and by providing good working
his career at sea.
conditions. Herøy is one of Norway’s largest fishing
- He’s the one who has taught me, says his son.
municipalities, and to succeed in the battle for skilful
- Well, it’s not quite as simple as that, Reidar counters:
labour, high wages and more time at home than at work,
- I remember once when we were fishing for blue
is not enough temptation. You need high standards. As
whiting, and we were trawling. I said «I’m going to
mentioned the new boat will have an indoor net bin,
lie down now, you steer the boat». Petter Geir was
both simplifying the net handling in bad weather and
supposed to wake me up whenever we were ready to
preventing too much light hitting the ocean surface at
turn. And that’s exactly what he didn’t do, he says.
What Petter Geir did was to turn round and hauled the
- We often work during night time, when it’s dark. We
trawl up while his father was asleep.
don’t want too much light escaping from the vessel as it
- After some time he came downstairs and woke me up,
attracts fish that get stuck in the net. The idea is for the
because the trawl was full, says Reidar, clearly proud of
fish not to get stuck in the net, but to gather inside of it. An
the fact that his son did not obey orders that time.
indoor net bin also protects the crew from hard weather,
- My dad was a good boss, giving me a chance at a
explains the skipper.
young age. And he always kept his cool. There was never
For the exact same reason, the shipowners have chosen
any screaming and yelling, Petter Geir remembers and
to close the shelter deck, which is also going to simplify
the cleaning of the vessel. The competition in today’s fishing industry is tough, but it used to be even tougher, the Smådal brothers believe.
- If you found a school of fish you simply had to catch it,
the fish. Besides, modern technology comes in handy.
otherwise somebody else would, and you’d lost, says Per.
- We have equipment that makes sure that we find the
Petter Geir smiles at his uncle.
fish even from a distance of several thousand metres. If
- Nowadays, it’s more about timing, and fishing your
we for example find a school of herring at deep sea, we
allotted quota whenever you can get the best price for it.
stay there until the dusk of the evening, when it comes up
It’s not a competition anymore. Well – we still have some
to the surface. Then we catch it, tells Petter Geir.
fighting spirit left in us, he confesses.
In Norway herring is called «the silver of the sea», but
Torbjørn nods:
the truth is that the blue field is full of slippery, flopping
- There’s still some prestige in catching what you want as
treasures. The funniest of them all is the mackerel, the
quickly as possible, and then moving on. The competitive
Smådal family thinks.
instinct is latent within us, at all times, he says.
- It jumps! You can hardly talk when on deck because
- It’s a little strange to operate fisheries in today’s society
there’s so much noise, says Petter Geir and laughs. That’s
where everything is meant to be planned a week ahead,
the sort of noise the shipowners want to hear more of.
continues Petter Geir:
- Soon we will probably be allowed to fish larger quotas.
- We leave from home with a boat we’re supposed to fill
It’s important that we are ready when that happens, with
with fish, but we don’t know where we’re going or when
a good boat and capital, so that we manage to keep up,
we’ll catch the fish. At the same time the authorities want
says Per.
us to report on when we leave, where we’re going and
The Smådal family naturally wants to move on and
at what time we catch the fish. However, we are hunting,
they wish to see Smaragd remain in the family where it
and we have little chance of planning, he says.
already has belonged for 47 years.
It might sound like the skipper and the rest of the
- Fish stocks are on the increase and more and more
Smaragd crew depend on luck, but they are experienced
people need food. We have good faith in the future. That’s
fishermen who know what to look out for in order to find
why we invest, skipper Petter Geir Smådal concludes.
In 2012, Havyard bought 70 percent of the company
The MMC refrigeration system is also made for
MMC AS, a company which today is world leading
refrigerating fish in freshwater.
within equipment and automated systems for gentle fish
- That’s something you use when you trawl for blue
handling and refrigeration. The company, previously
whiting in the western oceans. You need to bring
known as «MMC Tendos Holding» now goes by the
freshwater from shore, because the fish cannot be
name «Havyard Fish Handling & Refrigeration» (HFR),
stored in seawater. If you do, the fish become salty, and
and is one of Havyard Group’s four business areas.
that’s not desirable for this type of lean fish. You’ll only
- HFR is still an independent supplier, delivering
end up with a lower price for the goods when unloading
products to anyone who is interested, independent of
it onshore to harvesting plants, Gjelseth explains.
where their vessel is constructed, says Gjelseth. After the fish has been delivered to harvesting plants, The new purse seiner/ pelagic trawler, Smaragd,
it’s time for the cleaning of RSW tanks.
currently being constructed at Havyard’s shipyard in
Smaragd does this by means of an automated cleaning
Leirvik, will use MMC equipment in everything related
to fish handling and refrigeration. This means quick,
- When the fish have been unloaded from the boat, you
efficient, and not least automated handling and
close the tank hatches and start the cleaning system
refrigeration of the fish from the moment it is pumped
that washes down the tank on its own. This solution is
from the seine or the trawl until it’s delivered ashore.
quite typical for Smaragd, because they generally use
MMC loading systems. MMC refrigeration systems.
equipment that amongst other things takes care of
MMC unloading systems. MMC cleaning systems. The
crew safety. Tank washing is traditionally a dangerous
boat has got it all.
and exposed operation, as tanks are very deep.
- At first, the fish are pumped over a water separator,
There’s always a danger as you’re standing there with
where the warm seawater is separated and once again
wellington boots and waterproof clothing, about to
goes overboard. Next, the dry fish are released into
climb these steep ladders. As the machines do the job,
refrigerated seawater in the cargo tanks. The pipes
you can wear lighter clothing and keep safe, Gjelseth
and valves have a large loading capacity, which make
says and smiles.
the process quick. This is important for the quality of the fish. RSW tanks (Refrigerated Sea Water, ed.’s note) allow you to store the fish in the tanks for several days, says Gjelseth.
”We deliver the equipment that handles the fish from
when it’s in the net until it leaves the vessel. All of this is mainly performed through automated operations.
Our goal is that fishermen will wear jeans and a t-shirt at work. Smaragd is pretty close to that goal” Leif Gjelseth, founder of MMC
MMC PRODUCTS IN THE NEW SMARAGD: Fish loading pipe from purse seine
Stainless steel
Fish loading pipe from trawl
Stainless steel from stern
Water separator
Double system forward / aft
Distribution to fish tanks
ND600 stainless steel pipes incl. valves
Loading calculation
Archimedes` principle
RSW system 2 x 1130 / 1539 kW spray cooling Vacuum system
2 x 4200 l, 4 x 64 kW
Tank cleaning
Automated flushing
Automation Fully integrated Tank and pipe cleaning
”The competence plans and programs gathered underneath the Havyard Academy umbrella will help us to develop an improvement culture and to strengthen our
position as a world class player within our industry. Competence is going to be the most important factor for our future success as a company.”
”We put great focus on planning Havyard’s future competence needs and development, both for the
organization and for every individual already working for us. In addition, recruitment is just going to prove more important in the future.” Frank-Levi Kvalsund, HR-Director Havyard
Havyard Academy is principally about mapping out and
Academy. He sees Havyard’s success best being
developing the competence that Havyard Group needs
developed through further education of the group’s own
in order to continue its growth and positive development.
With the Academy there’s a clear strategy that new
- Correct competence will be the most important
competence will be developed through educating own
competitive edge for Havyard and other companies in
employees and by recruiting new colleagues.
the future, Kvalsund believes.
- We put great focus on planning Havyard’s future
Havyard Academy includes 8 different programs.
competence needs and development, both for the
Summer Program is for local and regional youth between
organization and for every individual already working
the age of 18 and 19. Young Professional Summer Intern
for us. In addition, recruitment is just going to prove
is directed at university college- and university students.
more important in the future, says HR Director Frank-Levi
The Academy also includes an Apprentices Program,
Basic Training Program, Project Management Program, Executive Trainee Program, Leadership Program and
finally an Executive Management Program.
Kvalsund also believes that you need to have a systematic
All programs are focused on the education of Havyard
approach to competence by implementing tools to
employees at different levels and potentially new
identify where you are, where you are going, and last
but not least, to implement activities in order to realize the potentials and targets. In other words, you need to
fill the gaps between where you are and where you are
Havyard Academy also focuses on youth who are
interested in learning more about the maritime
The competence system Dossier Solutions is a tool for
environment. With Summer Program and Young
competence mapping but also an assistant to Havyard’s
Professional Summer Intern, Havyard is better equipped
managers and employees in how to define specific
to recruit motivated youngsters to an expanding ship
performance- and development targets.
technology group.
- Havyard employees will notice that competence is
- Our goal is to get the best and most motivated
of great significance strategically at an organizational
youngsters to come to Havyard. Relevant summer
level, through competence plans at business level,
jobs and interesting assignments are important in this
at department level and also on an individual level,
respect. Our own, satisfied employees are of course the
continues Kvalsund.
best ambassadors in the recruitment of more people, but those who don’t have havyard.com in their email
address could prove to be excellent ambassadors as
The HR Director targets further development of the
well, says HR Director Kvalsund.
Havyard Academy is a success, judging by the enormous
currently being constructed, as well as visiting Havyard’s
interest in this year’s Summer Program and Young
branches in Fosnavaag and in Aalesund. In Fosnavaag
Professional Summer Intern. More than 300 youth
they learnt more about the many assignments in Havyard
applied for the two Academy programs; the first one is
Design & Solutions and in Havyard Fish Handling &
for 18- and 19-year-olds, and the second is for university
college students and university students. Consequently,
- We invest a lot in recruitment and plenty of time and
youth who are interested and willing to learn have a
energy is dedicated to this part of Havyard Academy.
unique opportunity to get to know Havyard, which again
That’s why we believe the program should be as
could lead to more young people deciding to embark
instructive as possible, while we also think it’s important
on education programs sought after by the maritime
to create fun experiences for the motivated youngsters
who get through. The two weeks are packed with new impressions and experiences, says Kvalsund.
LEARNING IN NORWAY AND POLAND - I am impressed by the level of the 20 youngsters who
took part in the Summer Program this year. Everyone
Havyard also wishes to meet and present themselves to
had to go through testing interview rounds before being
higher education students, during amongst others the
offered a place, and a career test was also carried
Bergen Career Days, at NTNU in Trondheim, and during
out before they started Havyard Academy Summer
Ocean Talent Camp in Aalesund.
Program, says Frank-Levi Kvalsund. Branding is something the group is conscious about and Those who participated in the introduction program
future recruitment will depend on how successful this
from 23rd June to 4th July also went through an added
becomes. On Universum’s top 100 branding list, Havyard
learning experience of going to Sopot in Poland for
is in 77th place. A similar list from Evidente / Karrierestart.
a few days, to learn more about Havyard Design &
no shows that 42 % of finance- and engineering students
Engineering. 30 local engineers work for Havyard
in Norway have gained knowledge about Havyard.
in the Polish coastal town where they do parts of the
- These two lists please us a great deal. External
engineering for the group’s many ship designs. And
branding of Havyard will simply become more and more
the Norwegian Summer Program participants learnt
important. We are a young company in this context and
amongst other things that Havyard is an international
the fact 42% of students and talents know about us is
group with the challenges and opportunities that brings.
important. We attempt to get the best to choose us and we need to make sure that young, competent people find
In Norway, the youth visited Havyard Ship Technology’s
their way here, says HR Director Frank-Levi Kvalsund.
shipyard in Leirvik in Sogn, with tours onboard the vessels
The large salmon are calmly swimming round and
round inside the netpens, apparently unaffected by the drumming sound of the vessel that`s approaching. They have no idea that life will soon come to an end.
Their next swim will be onboard what the shipowner, without hesitation calls the world`s most efficient and
environmentally friendly wellboat. ÂŤFS StormyÂť has arrived.
The weather is brilliant on the last Saturday of March
than previously and with considerably lower fuel costs.
2014, with the Almenning Quay in Fosnavaag town
The aim was to create the world`s best wellboat. They
centre packed with people listening to brass music.
firmly believe they have achieved.
There`s an open boat session and hundreds of people
- A happy salmon is a good salmon, a pleased Remøy
have arrived to take in the impressive views of the latest
comments. Fish welfare and environment are the
addition to the Herøy fleet, also witnessing the naming
ceremony of «FS Stormy». The crowd cheers on as
- Having travelled with us, the salmon fetched,
the champagne bottle breaks at first attempt against
transported and delivered by «FS Stormy» will be of the
the red painted ship`s side. The shipowner`s wife,
best quality possible, he says. Leif Gjelseth agrees;
godmother Kathrine Andersen Remøy, delivers the hit
- We want the fish to be treated well all the way to
with a steady arm. There are plenty of smiles amidst
being harvested, he comments. Plenty of experience
the throng of people, many of them commenting on the
and close cooperation with research environments
fine lines and the size of the ship towering quayside.
have led to the solution of an advanced filtering- and
- With this boat we have reached a completely new set
water treatment system with three cylindrical tanks.
of standards for gentle treatment and environmentally friendly transport of live fish. I believe our competitors
Pumps ensure circulation that allows fish to swim
have got something to think about now, says a smiling
countercurrent all the way to the harvesting plant.
CEO Olav Remøy of Fosnavaag Shipping AS, a company
Consequently, fish density can also be substantially
he owns together with his sisters Kristin and Beate. He
increased without reducing the salmon`s quality and
has been actively involved in the development of the
new vessel along with designers from Havyard Design & Solutions and Leif Gjelseth Founder of Havyard Fish
Handling & Refrigeration (HFR, previously MMC).
- This design will turn out to be the breakthrough for Havyard in the wellboat market segment, Remøy
believes, and tells us about major interest in the vessel
It`s just a short walk between the offices of Fosnavaag
both from the fish farmer environment and other
Shipping and Havyard House in Fosnavaag town
participants within the industry. «FS Stormy» has
centre. And Olav Remøy has frequently taken that stroll
entered a long-term contract with Norsk Fisketransport
since the work on the development of «FS Stormy»
(Norwegian Fish Transport) and transports salmon
started. HFR`s offices are also nearby. The three-way
from netpens to harvesting plants on behalf of the
cooperation has resulted in the Havyard 587 design, a
union of fish farmers in Ytre Namdal, Oppdretternes
wellboat that can transport more fish than other vessels
Miljøservice AS (Fish Farmers` Environmental Service).
of the same tank volume, across much further distances
Delousing of salmon will also become an important
The Havyard logo adorns the front of a characteristic building close to the quay in Fosnavaag town centre.
This is Havyard House, the main offices of Havyard Design & Solutions AS (HDS), where they develop
the qualities and appearances of future offshore- and fishing vessels together with colleagues in Stavanger, Poland and Croatia. And customers, of course.
task for the wellboat, especially when the fish are
designer, equipment supplier and shipbuilder, is a huge
growing. It all happens inside a sealed system within the
advantage, most certainly when being compared to
large tanks. When fish are sucked onboard, hydrogen
our competitors abroad, he says.
peroxide is added to the wells` seawater. This causes the lice to let go of the fish skin. After about 10 minutes clean
water is circulated into the tanks, and the used water
The brass band has packed away its instruments and
is sent through an advanced filter system before being
the crowd has gone home. “FS Stormy” has left its home
released into the ocean again. All lice are gathered
port and started work off the Trøndelag coast. The crew
and destroyed and the fish are brought back into the
of eight has tested and booted-up the new systems,
netpens. The complete operation is done in half an hour.
all set. But there`s a mood of excitement onboard as
- This is an environmentally friendly method that also
the near 85 metre long vessel drifts slowly towards the
gives us a complete overview of the extent of the lice
first netpen that is about to be emptied. Peter Sylte
problem, harming and stressing the fish as little as
is an experienced wellboat captain but there`s still
possible, Remøy explains.
something about it: a new vessel will always be a new vessel. It takes some time to become familiar with how
she responds under different conditions, with a brand
Even before «FS Stormy» was delivered from Havyard`s
new bridge and the new and advanced systems.
shipyard in Leirvik, Norsk Fisketransport ordered another vessel of exactly the same design. Olav Remøy
The vessel is quickly moored to the netpen. The net
is convinced that sealed delousing and transport of live
is raised in order to gather the fish. Enormous hoses,
fish will become a future demand and that «FS Stormy»
one from each of the three round wells onboard, are
will pave the way forward.
lowered into the netpen. They work like hoovers. The salmon have no time to react before being sucked in
CEO Geir Johan Bakke of Havyard Group believes the
by the use of underpressure; they are led through the
hoses at three metres a second. In an instant, they
- This is the first wellboat delivered by us and one of
are able to swim once again, only this time it`s inside
our projects with the highest level on new development.
one of the sea-green and lit up tanks. The fish feel
Building prototypes like this always means challenges.
the current in the cooled down and clean seawater
Amongst other things, in this case we needed a
and immediately start swimming against it. On the
longer testing and optimizing period than planned.
bridge they are carefully monitored via computer
However, I’m impressed by the way we solved the
screens, there`s complete control at all times of what
occurring challenges, closely cooperating with the
is happening in the wells, with an exact count on the
shipowner. Being this close to our customers, both as a
number of fish onboard.
”A happy salmon is a good salmon, a pleased Remøy
comments. Fish welfare and environment are the keywords: - Having travelled with us, the salmon
fetched, transported and delivered by «FS Stormy» will be of the best quality possible.” Olav Remøy, CEO Fosnavaag Shipping AS
of new vessels. The fact that this vessel has been
The number of fish inside the large tanks increases as
developed in our local area makes it even more special,
the netpen on the outside is being emptied. Fully loaded
it has turned out to be a superb boat!
«FS Stormy» is able to transport up to 650 tonnes, which means 130.000 salmon weighing up to 5 kilos each. The water is UV-treated, filtered and is perfect in temperature. The circular shape of tanks prevents pockets of poor water quality and allows the fish to swim in their natural way. The crew onboard «Stormy» is able to loosen the moorings and can embark on their voyage towards the harvesting plant. The complete operation has taken less than one hour. During voyage the fish are constantly watched from the bridge screens. They swim together calmly and densely against the current. They have not been fed in the last few days, but neither that nor bad weather including major waves, seems to affect them. At the harvesting plant the huge hoses from the wells are lowered into the waiting netpen. This time the hoses work exactly the opposite to the loading sequence; with overpressure the fish are guided through the hoses one last time. If necessary, «FS Stormy» is able to deliver the salmon straight into the factory as well. - I can`t think of a more gentle way of treating fish, Remøy says. Having finished the testing period, “FS Stormy” returned to Havyard, getting the last modifications and optimizing of the systems in place. Shipowner Olav Remøy summarizes the project: - It`s always a great joy to be part of the developing
HAVYARD 832 SOV Havyard enters into renewable energy H AV YA R D 8 3 2 S O V Length:
83,70 m
17,60 m
60 persons
Illustration: GUNNAR FLUSUND
ESVAGT has signed a contract with Havyard for design and construction of two offshore windmill service vessels. The vessels are due to be delivered from Havyard Ship Technology’s shipyard in Leirvik, Sogn in December 2014 and March 2015. The vessels will become newbuilds no. 118 and 119 from Havyard Ship Technology. ESVAGT is a new customer for Havyard and it is also the first time Havyard designs a vessel for service and maintenance of offshore windmills. The basis for the design is nevertheless taken from technology that Havyard has developed and delivered to the offshore oil industry for a long time. The two vessels will become the first that Havyard delivers for this market segment and could prove to be the door opener into a new and exciting renewable energy market. - We have chosen Havyard because of their innovative design and their professional approach during the development phase of this project, says Kristian Ole Jakobsen, CTO of ESVAGT.
HAVYARD 832 Indian shipowner continues to have vessels constructed in Norway H AV YA R D 8 3 2 Length:
79,80 m
17.60 m
Deck area: Crew: Deadweight:
800 square metres 26 persons 3900 tonnes
Illustration: GUNNAR FLUSUND
Havyard has signed a contract for the construction of a Havyard 832 PSV for Global Offshore Services. This will become the 8th newbuild from Havyard in Norway to the Indian shipping company. The vessel is due to be delivered from Havyard Ship Technology’s shipyard in Leirvik, Sogn during August 2014 and will become newbuild no. 116. - Good quality vessels and good financing solutions were important factors for contracting with Havyard the first time, says Aditya Garware, CEO of Global Offshore, and he continues, - personal relations that we have developed with Havyard’s people, and the way we together solve challenges that may occur, are the main reasons why we continue to come back when contracting new vessels. We are sure that the total economy in the lifespan of a Havyard vessel is good.
HAVYARD 843 ICE Havyard constructs new icebreaker for Russia H AV YA R D 8 4 3 I C E Length:
86 m
19,5 m
7.75 m
16 knots
Bollard pull:
185 tonnes
34 persons
Illustration: GUNNAR FLUSUND
Havyard has signed a contract with the Russian shipping company FEMCO for design and construction of a Havyard 843 ICE icebreaking offshore vessel. The vessel is designed by Havyard Design and Solutions in Fosnavaag and is going to be constructed at Havyard Ship Technology’s shipyard in Leirvik, Sogn. The vessel will become newbuild no.122 and is due to be delivered in September 2015. The Russian shipping company has also secured an option for construction of one further Havyard 843 ICE. FEMCO Group was established in 2004 and is the only privately-owned company in Russia that has specialized in operations of AHTS vessels. FEMCO has broad experience in terms of operating vessels in both tropical and arctic waters and is used to meeting the challenges of rough weather conditions and advanced operations. By contracting an icebreaking offshore vessel at Havyard, part of their long-term fleet renewal strategy is to offer services for the offshore oil industry in arctic waters.
HAVYARD 587 Contract for design and construction of new live fish carrier H AV YA R D 8 5 7 Length:
84,6 m
16,9 m
Capacity:Three cylinder tanks totalling 3250 cubic Main engine:
3000 kW
Bollard pull:
185 tonnes
12 persons
Illustration: GUNNAR FLUSUND
Havyard has signed a contract with Norsk Fisketransport (Norwegian Fish Transport), a subsidiary of Namsos Trafikkselskap ASA, regarding design and construction of a Havyard 587 live fish carrier. The vessel will become newbuild no. 124 and is due to be delivered during the 3rd quarter of 2015. The shipping company has an option for construction of one further vessel of a Havyard 587 design. A group of fish farmers in Ytre Namdal in Norway (OMS) has agreed on a 5-year lease of the newbuild from the delivery date. OMS has already got two vessels working on contracts for Norsk Fisketransport, and this newbuild replaces one of them. Oppdretternes Miljøservice AS (OMS) – Fish Farmers’s Environmental Service – represents the fish farmers in Ytre Namdal. OMS is responsible for the logistics for just over 50 salmon licenses around mid-Norway and the county of Nordland. Annual production levels are around 65.000 – 70.000 tonnes. - This acquisition makes OMS better equipped for transporting salmon across larger distances to local harvesting plants in Ytre Namdal, says Gudbrand Sørheim, General Manager of Oppdretternes Miljøservice AS. – In addition, the vessel is well adapted to meet the requirements and challenges connected to the environment and fish health. 47
HAVYARD 833 WE ICE Havyard constructs Arctic PSV with hybrid battery power H AV YA R D 8 3 3 W E I C E Length:
89,70 m
19,60 m
Deck area: Crew: Dead weight:
1000 square metres 25 persons 4250 tonnes
Illustration: GUNNAR FLUSUND
Havyard has signed a contract for the construction of a Havyard 833 WE ICE platform supply vessel for Fafnir Offshore HF. This vessel will become newbuild no. 126 and is due to be delivered in July 2015. The idea of a hybrid battery diesel-electric propulsion system is, as for hybrid cars, to produce energy as efficiently as possible while also having access to necessary power whenever it is needed. - The Havyard 833 WE ICE is designed for operations in arctic areas and the hybrid battery power enables us to save even more on fuel expenses, says Steingrímur Erlingsson, founder and CEO of Fafnir Offshore. Havyard really does live up to its vision of «Improving Life at Sea» and we have great faith in the future and the cooperation with Havyard. That’s why we have also secured an option for construction of a sister ship, for delivery during the 4th quarter of 2015, and we firmly believe we will make use of this option.
Fifth Havyard design™ for the Faroe Islands
Naming ceremony and celebrations in Fosnavaag
N E W B U I LD 1 1 1 Delivered:
NEWBUIL D 113 June 2013
August 2012
Name: Kongsborg
Name: Makalu
Skansi Offshore
Global Offshore Services
Havyard 833 PSV
86.80 m
19.60 m
Havyard 832 PSV 79,80 m 17,60 m
On June 15th 2013, Skansi Offshore named its fifth
On Saturday 24th August 2013, there was plenty of
newbuild. All vessels are of a Havyard designTM and
activity by the quay in Fosnavaag, Norway. Havyard’s
four of these have been constructed at Havyard Group’s
build no. 113, the 7th delivery heading to Global
shipyard in Leirvik.
Offshore, was properly celebrated with an open ship
- Our leading ambition is to make sure that our
session, free concert with the famous rap duo Erik and
customers trust us to deliver what we promise, says
Kriss and naming ceremony.
Jens Meinhard Rasmussen, CEO of Skansi Offshore. – In addition to a good crew and solid routines, it is also
Project Manager of build no. 113, Radek Kaminski, says
necessary to have good tools. Havyard has been a good
that Makalu was initially going to become a sister ship
partner ever since we ordered our first vessel in 2006
for «Ben Nevis», the PSV that Havyard delivered to
and we have continuously developed our cooperation.
Global Offshore in February 2013. – However, there
By learning from each other the vessels have just
were quite a few changes fairly late in the process
become better and better, and I believe it`s difficult
and with a short production period this was quite
to find a finer ship of better quality than «Kongsborg»,
a demanding project, although a very interesting
concludes the CEO of the shipping company proudly.
one, says Radek Kaminski. – These changes would have been impossible to carry out if not for the very good cooperation with the shipowner. After years of cooperation with Global Offshore, we know really well what to expect from each other, concludes the Project Manager.
HAVYARD 857 Subsea IMR HAVYARD 857 Subsea Magnificent vessel named in Leirvik
N EW B U I LD 1 1 4
Extensive conversion job
November 2013
Lewek Inspektor
Forland Shipping
April 2014 Havila Phoenix
Havila Shipping
TECHNICAL FACTS Havyard 857 Subsea IMR
Havyard 857 Subsea Construction
83,70 m
Loa: (before/after reconstruction) 110/127,40 m
17,60 m
23,00 m
The last time a naming ceremony took place at the Leirvik
Havila Shipping signed a contract in the autumn of
shipyard was many years ago. But it was no coincidence
2013 with Deep Ocean for the hire of the subsea vessel
that Havyard’s newbuild no. 114 «Lewek Inspector» was
«Havila Phoenix», to carry out cable laying and trenching
named specifically at the Leirvik shipyard.
assignments. The contract was signed for 7 years with a further 4 one-year options, which meant that the vessel
This is the first vessel that Forland Shipping has contracted
had to go through major conversion work.
after the previous shipowner, Ellen Marie Forland, passed away in 2010. Mrs. Forland was a lady of principle until her
In May this year, the conversion was complete and the
final day. The vessels had to be constructed at Norwegian
«new» «Havila Phoenix» was delivered to Havila Shipping,
shipyards, be fitted out with Norwegian equipment and
ready to enter into the Deep Ocean contract.
also have a Norwegian crew. Naming ceremonies had to
– The vessel’s total length is now 127.4 metres, and this
be carried out at the shipyard, to honour the workers who
has given us a far larger deck area, says Technical
had constructed ships for the stormy seas.
Inspector of Deep Ocean, Iain Campbell. An A-frame is mounted far on the deck at the stern. The A-frame is
The vessel is designed for the toughest of jobs in heavy
used to launch a trencher by using the crane’s winch that
seas, to do work at great depths and during ice-cold
is already onboard. – This trencher is constructed to cope
conditions. It is fitted out with two work-ROVs with Heave-
with rough seas and the vessel will dig ditches and lay
compensated winches for assignments as far down as
cables for some of the world`s largest oil companies,
3.500 metres below sea level. The vessel includes a high
Iain says. In addition to an ROV system, the vessel is also
freeboard and 8 propellers in order to lie completely still
fitted out with a cable carousel on deck, with a capacity
in DP position while working on the seabed, even in heavy
of 2000 tonnes. – We have already secured the first three
seas. The vessel is also fitted out with an ice strengthened
projects for 2014. This includes installation- and trenching
hull, and heating cables are installed in rescue equipment,
work for Statoil, BP and Conoco Phillips, confirmed a very
helideck, staircases and railings.
pleased inspector at the delivery of the converted vessel.
«Lewek Inspector» is working for EMAS AMC over the next five years and the company has included an option for continued hire of the vessel after the contract period.
HAVYARD 587 The world`s most environmentally friendly live fish carrier
N E W B U I LD 1 1 7 Delivered:
April 14
Name: Shipowner:
FS Stormy Fosnavaag Shipping
Havyard 587 wellboat
84,60 m
16,90 m
When «FS Stormy» was named in Fosnavaag on 29th March, it was the most efficient and environmentally friendly live fish carrier that had so far been delivered. Havyard 587 includes the most outstanding within live fish carrier technology, setting brand new standards for environmental and gentle transport, and treatment of live fish. The live fish carrier has got cylindrical cargo tanks and efficient filter- and water treatment equipment, providing for closed transport across far larger distances compared to existing vessels. This allows for greater fish density with far gentler treatment of the live fish and better quality of the end product. There’s also huge emphasis on the hull and propulsion machinery to be as efficient as possible during real operating conditions, so that fuel economy is the best possible and environmental emissions as low as possible. In addition to Havyard having designed and constructed the live fish carrier, Havyard Fish Handling & Refrigeration, previously MMC, has developed and delivered most of the technology that takes care of the salmon that «FS Stormy» is going to transport.
Improving life at sea
IMPROVING LIFE AT SEA. This vision shall motivate us to improve everyday life of all who are involved in the operation of a vessel of Havyard Design™ or vessels that have Havyard equipment on board.
HAVYARD GROUP ASA Po. Box 215 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 45 50 www.havyard.com