Olympic Magazine no 02 2013

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Christmas Magazine December 2013 - www.olympic.no
























You are now reading the 8th Olympic Christmas Magazine. The magazine is distributed to all employees in Olympic. We hope this tradition with Christmas Greetings and news updates is still appreciated. Thanks to all who have contributed with text and photos! Thanks also to CANN AS for good cooperation with layout and editing. We have choosen not to include the employee list in this magazine. It will be distributed as internal memo. The editors hereby wish all readers a merry Christmas and a happy new OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013



Š Peder Otto Dybvik


4 Christmas time and a new year is just


around the corner.

- Are we doing the job in the safest

2013 has been an interesting and expansive

possible way or can we do it SAFER?

year for the Olympic Group. As you can read from this magazine, Olympic is an exciting


company with worldwide operations in

- Are we doing the job in the most efficient

different market segments.

way or can we do it SMARTER?

This autumn Olympic has introduced a


new slogan; OLYMPIC - BLUE FUTURE..

- Are we doing the job with minimal environmental impact or can we do it

OLYMPIC - BLUE FUTURE is the slogan


for Olympic visions and strategies. The BLUE ocean shall be our FUTURE both

Olympic are always looking for improve-

from efficient and sustainable harvesting

ments. We have established a own e-mail

of marine resources and from safe and

address to make it easy for all in Olympic

environmental friendly offshore operations.

to bring forward new ideas.

I have read much lately of the Nobel Prize

We encourage all to use the e-mail:

winner Norman Borlaug who was called

smarter@olympic.no if you have good

the father of the green revolution.

ideas for improvements.

The green revolution is a term used for

Olympic has the last year done several

the great improvement in agriculture

strategic moves. In Brazil Olympic Maritima

production from 1940s to 1960s because

LTDA has been established as a branch

of new methods like fertilizer, watering

office and we see good effect of this

and new types of grain.

change. With Olympic Maritima in place we have the right tool to grow in Brazil.

Many believe that we have more or

Olympic has in 2013 also established a

less reached the limit for how much it is

joint venture in the Phillipines with Aboitiz

responsible to produce on this planet


today. For several years we have hired via crew What the world needs now is a “Blue

agents many Phillipino sailors. Olympic

revolution”. UN estimates that the populat-

wants with this move to have better control

ion will be about 7,7 billion people in 2020

and management. This gives also better

and over 9 billion people in 2050.

opportunities for competence building for

This will result in an enormous demand

this important part of the crew.

for food and energy. The ocean represents 70% of the earth. It contains over half of

The management team in Olympic has

the worlds biomass is in the ocean, but

also used 2013 to build our competence

contributes today only 2% to the worlds

with leadership training. Over 20 employ-

total food supply.

ees have completed a Master of Management programme on Handelshøyskolen BI

The blue revolution needs however to be

Business School. The programme has re-

“safer, smarter and greener” than the green

leased new


develop the company into a “Blue Future”.

We want all who work for Olympic to have

This summer Olympic joined the United

these 3 words in their minds in the daily

Nation Global Compact. This organization

work; Safer, Smarter, Greener.

has established 10 basic principles within

ideas and better knowledge

corporate social responsibility. OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013

3 5 When Olympic is growing


We want to use this opportunity to thank

it is getting even more important that the

everyone in the Olympic Group for your

whole organization has common ground

hard work and dedication during 2013.

on these issues. You can read more about the principles in this magazine.

From Fosnavåg we wish you all a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In November the Philippines were hit by a typhoon with catastrophic effects. With

Stig Remøy

the history and connection we have with

CEO & Chairman of the Board

this country, it was natural for Olympic to take part in the support relief with a gift to the Red Cross. We challenged also all in Olympic to contribute, and we are happy to announce that employees so far have given over 50 000 kr. One of the most remarkable persons in our time, Nelson Mandela, passed away this December. We want to share


of his most famous quotes that can be an inspiration to us all: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”






Max speed: ~16.1 knots

Flag: Bahamas

Gross Tonnage: ~7888

Delivery: October 2013

Net Tonnage: ~2366

Builder: Kleven Verft AS

Accommodation for 102 persons,

Design: MT6022

24 x 1 man cabins, 39 x 2 men cabins

Length o.a: 115,40 m

Dead weight: ~6510 T

Breadth mld: 22,00 m

Main deck: ~1280 m2

Max draught: midship (SWL): ~7,12 m

Cargo deck max width: 21,3 m

Olympic Ares is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general off¬shore market, with diesel electric frequency controlled propulsion, highly efficient azimuth thrusters and a system for dynamic positioning. This vessel is designed for low fuel consumption and excellent sea– and station-keeping. This is in addition to low noise and vibration in hull and superstructure which ensures high comfort and safety for the crew. Olympic Ares is designed according to class and authorities, with high focus on reduced fuel consumption, which also means lesser emission to the environment. In addition to construction work the vessel is also arranged for 2 WROV`s with LARS in the hangar, and option for 1 Obs ROV at Shelter Deck. The vessel can also perform normal field support duties and is ar-ranged with a construction Moon Pool (7,2m x 7,2m). © Peder Otto Dybvik


Olympic Ares’s naming ceremony took place next to the famous waterfall “The Seven Sisters” in the Geiranger’s fjord on September 26th. The Godmother was Carolina Périssé, Commercial and Administrative Manager at Olympic Marítima office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The guests boarded the vessel at Hareid and followed Olympic Ares to the ceremony in the Geiranger’s fjord. In the evening a banquet was served at Union Hotel. While sailing, guests were given the opportunity to look around the ship, have a good lunch and otherwise enjoy the clear and beautiful autumn day. In the words of the godmother, Carolina Périssé: “The scenery in Geiranger Fjord also incredible. This was an unforgettable moment in my life! ´I m extremely grateful to be part of this company with such a competent, experienced and dedicated team...we can say that this vessel is ready for any new challenges on the subsea support and construction market around the world. As godmother of this ship, it is my hope that Olympic Ares will be successful and operate with the excellence of Olympics’ tradition. We wish a safe journey.”

M. deck load: Stern—fr.107: 10 t/m2

Helicopter deck of aluminium for Sikorsky S-92 with D=26,1m

M. deck load: fr.107—fr.119: 5 t/m2

(20,88 m x 1,25)

Max Speed 16 kn: ~29 t/day

Det Norske Veritas, +1A1, ICE-C, DE-ICE, SF, LFL*, COMF-V(3),

Econ. Transit ~12,5 kn: ~11 t/day


DP Operations: ~6,5 t/day

The vessel complies with the SPS Code, (MSC.266 (84), adopted

Port: ~1 t/day

13th May 2008) and flag state requirements.

Consumption at D=5,5m, propulsion only.

DP II ERN 99,99,99,99



OLYMPIC PHOTO CONTEST 2013 We received many great photos in this year's photo competition. The images show interesting and exciting situations from work and leisure on board the Olympic fleet. It was a difficult task for the jury to decide on the winning photos, but there was a few that stood out. First prize (Nikon D7100 Camera with 18105 lens.) Terje Grande on Olympic Electra. This is a great shot! The picture is taken in the perfect moment as the bird is being released after a visit on board. The picture is telling a story which creates links between the interaction amongst people and animals. Second prize (Apple Ipad Retina Wi-fi 16 GB.) Martin Carlsson on Olympic Hercules. The image shows a tough work situation on board. Great colours and an exciting angle which shows some of the dimensions in the work environment on deck. It is a cool and very special photo. The people depicted in the photo are Dagfinn Nielsen FIRST PRIZE

and Tom Eirik Berquist Johansen. Third prize (Apple Ipad Mini Wi-fi 16 GB) Luciano Lucio Silva pü Olympic Elena The image displays a situation that many will recognize; a football match on deck after a hard day’s work. A nice photo which shows some of the spare time activities on board.

SECOND PRIZE Congratulations to the winners! The jury wishes to thank everyone who contributed with their photos in the competition. We are planning on arranging a new photo competition in 2014 and we THIRD PRIZE

would like to encourage everyone to keep their best shots from the life on board the Olympic fleet.


9 3

Š Terje Grande



© Luciano Lucio Silva

© Martin Carlsson



© Freddy Ragnar Bøe

© Tore Stokka

© Trond W. Jensen

© Luan M. Furlan

© Daniel Brunstad

© Dan Smith

© Lovise Løken

© Martin Carlsson



By Monica Eide

Olympic Shipping realizes the necessity


to create policies that reflect more clearly

• Principle 1: Businesses should support and

the company’s involvement in social and

respect the protection of internationally


proclaimed human rights; and




social responsibility arises in the current

• Principle 2: make sure that they are not

scenario as a decisive factor for the

complicit in human rights abuses.

development and growth of businesses. But what exactly does Corporate Social


Responsibility mean?!

• Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective





defined that








recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

relationship between the company with

• Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of

its employees, customers, suppliers, etc.,

forced and compulsory labour;

and above this, establishing business

• Principle 5: the effective abolition of child

goals compatible with the sustainable

labour; and

development of society, in order to respect

• Principle

human rights and preserve environmental

crimination in respect of employment and












generations. ENVIRONMENT For Olympic Shipping, an important step in

• Principle 7: Businesses should support a

this journey took place in July 2013, when

precautionary approach to environmental

the Company represented by its CEO, Stig


Remøy, signed the letter in which he stated

• Principle 8: undertake initiatives to pro-

the intention to become a member of the

promote greater environmental responsi-

United Nations Program Global Compact.

bility; and • Principle 9: encourage the development






developed by the former UN General-

and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

secretary, Kofi Annan, “is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed


to align their operations and strategies with

• Principle 10: Businesses should work

ten universally accepted principles in areas

against corruption in all its forms, including

of human rights, labour, environment and

extortion and bribery.

anti-corruption” to build a more inclusive and equitable global market.

To Olympic Shipping, embracing these principles means working with trans-

Today, The Global Compact has over

parency, ethical conduct, respect for the

10.000 corporate participants and other


stakeholders from over 130 countries.

international norms of conduct, respect for


human rights, support and engage in social






responsibility initiative in the world.





and environmental projects which delivers lasting benefits to people, communities,

The UN Global Compact has ten principles

and markets.

in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, which are:


Prosperous New Year!




A TASTE OF RIMFROST KRILL IN LAS VEGAS Olympic Seafood gathered in Las Vegas in November for the ingredient industry largest trade show the SupplySide West. More than 13000 delegates attended the show. This is a great place to exchange ideas, view the latest products and meet customers, partners and press and to see what is trending. For Olympic Seafood and the RIMFROST KRILL team, the event has quickly become a highlight of the calendar. In cooperation with our partner Bioriginal, RIMFROST sponsored a Vendor Brief seminar




renowned Dr. Steven Lamm. Dr. Lamm is especially well known in the US for his appearances on ABC’s The View, where By Steivor Tangen

Dr. Lamm regularly offers his analyses and commentary on a wide variety of health and medical related topics. In his presentation at SupplySide West, Dr. Lamm discussed a newly published human clinical study looking at phospholipids and brain function entitled “Krill Oil: New Human Clinical Study on Phospholipids & Mental Acuity.” The turnout was great and around 80 people came to the seminar. Shortly after Dr. Lamm’s presentation was a follow-up event hosted at the RIMFROST and Bioriginal booths entitled “A Taste of Norway” where over 230 attendees gathered to enjoy some Norwegian cuisine and lively discussion on the presentation. We had brought the special local sausage “Brudevoll Mør”, crispy “Flatbrød” and of course our fantastic Aquavit with us. The fact that we also could introduce our captain on Juvel, Mr Per Hugo Ekrem to the guests came out as something very genuine and exciting for them. Both events were very successful and we will indeed repeat this next year.





GREETING FROM OLYMPIC HERA Once again it is December, and another

assisting with the disconnection of the

year has passed by.

Bannf STL buoy, and the following tow into Invergordon.

2013 have been an interesting year with many different projects onboard the Hera.

Another project to mention is the Janice

Mainly we have been doing Rig-Moves and

FPU, where we changed out a majority of

ROV-Work, but there have also been a

the rigs anchor chains. At the end of the

couple of cargo runs. Our area of operation

project the counters on our winches added

has been from up north in the Barents Sea,

up to about 80.000mtr chain runned.

to Ekofisk in the Southern North Sea, and on the UK sector. The bright spot of the

We would like to wish everyone, especially

year is the increase of vessel utilisation in


the AH Spot market, keeping the vessels

onboard, a merry christmas and a happy


new year!

Some of the more unusual jobs for us

-Shift A

were in April when we were involved in the decommisioning of the FPSO Petrojarl 1, which had been lying at the Glitne Field since 2001. And in June when we were

Hera alongside the Janice FPU. ROV in the water and J-Hook on the stern roller, ready to deploy.

Manouvering the Bannf STL buoy alongside quay in Invergordon OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013






Hera passing Ă…lesund. Alnes lighthouse in the background.



YEAR 2013 FOR OLYMPIC ORION Year 2013 dawned for Olympic Orion

work project” or “W2W”. The project lasted

whilst doing cargo operations alongside rig

until early October.

Galaxy II. The next few months continued as the first day of the year, supply duties

The W2W project was very interesting, as

on North Sea British sector. Rigs like

it completely changed vessels routines for

Rowan Gorilla and Noble Ronald Hoope

a while. We had to get extra people for

were visited regularly by us.

catering as well an extra DPO. We had to rearrange watch systems to suit the exact

The secure routine for serving British

schedule for Ampelmann connections. The

sector was broken in 29th of March, when

most welcome change was that now there

we heaved in our lines at Upper dock in

was warm food in the night time as well.

Aberdeen, and sailed for Florø in Norway.

Judging by the more round appearance

For some of the crew this was the first

of crew members, this change was well

time to visit Norway with a vessel. Be it


the first time in Norway or 100th time in Norway, the landscape still manages to

The walk to work project was very

impress visitors. Even though the area

successful. Olympic Orion proved her

changed, the work still remained the same,

position keeping capability over and over

we continued on supply duties.

again. Also co-operation with all parties was at excellent level, we all enjoyed

We stayed in Norwegian waters until mid-

working with the clients` crew. It will be

May. Then it was time to sail back for

interesting to see if we can make another

Aberdeen. Only this time it was not for

such project in 2014.

supply duties, we received an Ampelmann gangway and a workforce of a nearly forty

It seems that the year will end as it began,


doing supply duties in the North Sea. Shift #2, Ole Schie and his crew will have the

With the gangway and workforce we did

Christmas onboard this year.

servicing for Unity platform on North Sea

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all

UK sector. This was called “The walk to

our collegues.

Johan Simonsen and Karsten Eiken taking a break in the sunset





Rune Lande & Hjørund Selliseth wearing Olympic – Technip shirts ;)

Geir Arthur Angelsen, Svein Erik Muren, Oskar Kristiansen Amiel B Cesar, Glet Jomocan, Johnny Fredriksen, Kjell Christian Stormo, Tom Kevin Mokkelbost, Jonathan Belasa, Frank A Nilsen, Harald-Ove Johnsen, Pedrito Pechon, Mariano Arayon, Gener Amonico, Val Camero, Robert Clavillas, Ramon Gabriel, Alfredo Samaniego, Jørgen Reite, Jairus Regio, Jearson Biloy, Domingo Misola OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013








some seabed structures and to disconnect

finishing our campaign in Ghana heading

Schiehallion FPSO. The excising FPSO

for Stavanger, Norway. While in Norway

is also to be replaced in 2015 with a new

the vessel was in dry dock for five years


maintenance and some upgrade. Beginning of September we sailed from At the end of February course was set

Lerwick, Shetland Isles to Kristiansund,

for Leith, Scotland for changes of ROV’s


and other upgrades/maintenance before

Compression campaign. Work has been

commence operation for BPs QUAD 204


west of Shetland Isles. Finally after a

November but then weather started to pick

hectically period in Leith with a few Audits

up. The job is to build a gas compression

the Challenger was ready for work.

plant at the seabed. This is first of a kind

mobilizing to



Aasgard until


Gas of

for Statoil. Working west of Shetland was a new experience for us with rough weather and

OJCM ( Olympic Jebsen Crew Management)

fog. No chance to get sun burn or even

started crewing operations mid October for

thinking of sun protection. According to

the vessel. A high number of the Pilipino

locals it was forty years since last time

crew through OSM took the possibility to

fog was so intense in the month of July.

move on to OJCM and became full worthy

Although rough weather and fog was a

Employees of a Olympic Branch.

challenge work scope was completed

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a

within timeline. Work scope is to renew

Prosperous New Year!

Crowded Back Deck at Åsgard Gas Compression Campaign.



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC ELENA Another year comes to an end and

Brazil and knows how things work here. It

Christmas is approaching. Elena has now

has been a great help for us.

been in Brazil for more than 2 years and still has almost two years left on the

Looks like foreigners feel comfortable on

contract with Petrobras.

board and we have a fairly stable crew. For the time being we are only two (normally

It has been a number of challenges with

3-4) Scandinavians, two Filipinos and 11

language, culture, Brazilian and Petrobras

Brazilian on board. This shift will celebrate

requirements and so on, but it works. Until

Christmas at home this year.

the 1/9 we only had wet- and dry bulkcargo and loading in 3-4 different ports, no

We wish all Olympic employees and

deck cargo. Now we only have deck cargo

customers onboard and ashore a Merry

and water and loading 2 times a week in

Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Macae. Christmas greeting from Olympic Elena . Olympic has established an office in Rio, Olympic Maritima, with people who know

Left behind: Oiler Amauri Cruz, AB Arthur Mondego, 1st Off. Camilo Sierra Müller, Chief Mate Heri V. Thomsen, Captain Kristen Bue, Chief Eng. Marco Aurélio, 2nd Eng. Luis Eduardo Frazão, AB Maickon Gomes, 2nd Off. Rodrigo Cabral Barbosa, Left forward: AB Ailton Almeida, Chief Cook Elemar Stinghen, Eletrician Margarito Mangubat, Messman Luan Soares, 1st Eng. Marianito Amonsot, AB Jarbas Nojosa.



CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Christmas Greetings to all our Olympic

with success and in good cooperation with

colleagues – on shore and offshore. It’s

the Olympic office and our charterer and

already time again to sit down and look


back on another year that has almost passed.

The credit goes to the exceptionally good crew on board Olympic Triton, who has

For the crew on Olympic Triton, 2013 has

done an outstanding job to achieve this

been an adventurous year, with many








To our colleagues at sea, the office team on shore, our families and friends – we

We have worked in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico,

wish you all a Merry Christmas and a

Brazil and now ended up in West Africa.

Prosperous New Year.

We started the year in the U.S. Gulf of

On behalf of the crew on Olympic Triton

Mexico, mobilizing alongside Fourchon.

Martin Eysturdal

In February our charterer Canyon secured


a project in Brazil for Shell. We departed Galveston on Feb. 25th and had a good transit in calm weather all the way down Niterói, where we arrived on Mar. 16th. After completion of the job in Brazil, we were ordered to transit back to Galveston for demob. On our way north, we did our marine crew change in Port of Spain, Trinidad. After the crew change was completed,





However 24 hrs. later, we received orders to return to Trinidad and demob. our equipment in Chaguaramas. Canyon had secured a job for the vessel in Ghana, for Tullow Oil and Gardline. When the demob was completed we started our transit across the Atlantic. Majority of the mobilization was done in Las Palmas, but we also did a stop in Praia on the Cape Verde Islands, to complete the mobilization, on the way to Ghana. A ROVDrill spread has been installed on deck, which enables us to drill core sampled from the seabed. As these lines are written, the vessel is alongside Sekondi, Ghana. We have completed another project safely and on time. Our next assignment will be in Gabon for Total and we expect to remain in Gabon for what is left of 2013. We can look back on a year where we OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013

have completed our assigned projects


3 24


GREETINGS TO THE OLYMPIC FAMILY Olympic Commander started its year by

In mid-November we demobilized with

being on the spot marked in the UK and

Furgo and went back to normal supply

Norwegian sector. After a while with supply

operation. At this writing moment we are in

we sailed over to Montrose at the end of

Bergen on the spot marked and preparing

March to mobilize to a 9 months contract

for sailing to Esbjerg and supply duties for

for Fugro. On this project, different tasks







We changed several seawater valves on

We from the Olympic Commander crew

“Alvheim FPSO” in Norway, but mostly the

wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy

project was based on controlling pipelines

New Year, especially those who will be

and raisers.

celebrating Christmas at sea.

Crew list (not in order of appearance in photo): Jostein Løvøy, Kenneth Strand, Jørn Kvalsvik, Paul S. Wang, Per Ola Jakobsson, Bjørn Erik Johannesson, Henrik F. Stampe, Kristoffer Hansen, Olav Vårvik, Karl Johan Djupvik, Stefan Gjendem, Tommy Opsahl, Svein Kåre Kvalsund, Henrik Solhaug, Per Inge Larsgård.





GREETING FROM OLYMPIC HERCULES It’s finally Christmas and for the first time

There have been many jobs carried out in

in several years the Olympic Hercules is

the past year. Perhaps the most spectacular

going to celebrate Christmas in the North

was in Brazil when four 100-ton torpedo


anchors filled the deck. Otherwise, it has also been a good market demand in the

The past year has been an exciting year.

north sea. Both in the Norwegian and

It started in Brazil, but during spring the

British sector.

four year contract with Petrobras was completed and we went back to the North

Finally, the crew of the Olympic Hercules

sea. Since then we have been working in

wish all Olympic employees and their

the ”spot marked”.

families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Returning to the North sea an almost brand new Scandinavian crew was ready to sign on. Must say that the crew department has done a tremendous job finding so many handsome and talented people.

Frode Midsæter, Ole-Andrè Leine, Jonas Simondsen, Torbjørn Hatledal, Jogvan Heini Olsen, Morten Melcher, Poul








Tom Erik Johansen, Jens Welander, Mikael Abrahamsson, Jim Westerlund, Magnus





Alexander Brandal.




GREETING FROM OLYMPIC PROGRESS Olympic Progress is in port of Rio routinely every 3 – 6 days in Demape Terminal. carrying Deck cargo, Fresh water and fuel oil Except Cement (Dry bulk). 
Rest of the year she will be spotted in Santos and Campos Basins. 

 Crew onboard has an excellent relationship working onboard Olympic Progress.
 The crew onboard wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.

Crew onboard Olympic Progress from left front: Ch Engr. Gilbert Heducos, ETO Leo Gustilo, Ch engr Roy Ababao, Capt. Rodrigo Fontillas, Capt Nestor Dioneda, AB Wallace Marinho, Henrique José Borges Vicente, Ivan Bredis De Oliveira Junior, Ch Officer Rolan Paniergo and AB Iran Cardoso. 

 From Left 2nd and 3rd row, AB Nilo De Souza, 2nd off, Bernardes Toledo, Messman Robson Rios, Oiler Sergio Azevedo, OS Luiz Neto, Messman Christiano Pereira, 2nd Engr, Wilson Ferriera Jr. OS Leonardo Benato, AB Alessandro Medeiros, Oiler Silvan Reis, AB, Marcelo Correa, 2nd Officer Braulio Zannetti and OS Alessandro De Moura.




Poseidon facing a storm east of Shetland OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013

This year Olympic Poseidon has sailed

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

on the spot marked in the North Sea, and

from all onboard on Olympic Poseidon.

we have had a range of different jobs. we sailed, mainly on the UK sector, out from

Best regards


Bridge Olympic Poseidon







Well, another successful safe year has

Yo’ Bro, how about you!

passed on the Olympic Intervention IV and I want to personally thank our top

We have not been to Mardi Gras neither

notch Olympic Team for making it happen.

did we see the Super Bowl at Superdome

We continue to set the bar here in the

in New Orleans.

Gulf of Mexico with our safety record as well as our project performances, due in

The year has been full of work, in and

large part to our Team atmosphere here

out of lovely Port Fourchon. Our main

on board. Evaluations received from our

break was yard stay in Mobile Alabama, a

clients consistently rank as Excellent in all

memorable month in May/June. The five

categories; safety, offshore performance,

years classing kept us frantic with...you

engineering, initiative, project management

know the usual stuff! Our PTW system

and Teamwork.

ran on overheated speed in spite of some hair rising episodes. But them we keep for

Shell Oil has been so pleased with this

social evenings off the record, on the QT,

vessel that essentially 90% of our work

and very hush-hush:)

in 2013 will have been for Shell Oil Co. Consequently our vessel utilization rate is extremely high and we’re happy about that!

Currently we are beginning a field

abandonment project for Shell that is scheduled to last 20 days. Let me just wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year ! Best regards, Crew members on OI4, from left side standing: Crane Operator Per Inge Berge, Chief Cook Dennis Naingue, Crane Operator Knut Sterri, Chief Officer Peter Khart, 1st Officer Dag Johansen, 1st Engineer Jonleif Antoniussen, 2nd Engineer Andreas Voldengen, ETO John Tysnes, Deck Cadet Leonard Beltran, Steward Danilo, Chief Steward Roy Lien, Chief Cook Florente Oreiro, 3rd Engineer Larry Escaño From right side sitting down: 2nd Officer/DPO John Paul Jovenes, Cheif Engineer Hallvar Skaten, 2nd Officer/DPO Perpetuo Gamas, Captain Johan Rindmyr, 3rd Engineer Ruel Sanchez, AB Randy Recto, AB Sherwin Hulleza, Steward Jose Masacupan, Steward Joseph Tiberio OLYMPIC CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE 2013

Terry Wineinger OIM; Olympic Intervention IV Oceaneering Int’l, Inc.



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC PRINCESS We are receiving feedback from our client

Aberdeen where it usually does normal

that Olympic Princess is still a popular

PSV speed to Alba NP. It will stay there

Princess in Aberdeen, which is nice as

until spring of 2014. There has been quite

the Princess is getting older and is not

a few new crewmembers and a few temps

completely free of wrinkles anymore.

aboard, both internal and external, but they have all felt welcome. It is the crew

In May-June, the Princess had a spa

who makes the ship and makes it so that it

treatment in Fredrikshavn where she got

proudly can be called a Princess.

the treatment worthy of a princess. She also got brand new papers and a shine and

Shift B will run the ship this Christmas.

moved on to the Netherlands and mobilised for Ampelmann. There she functioned as

On behalf of the crew on shift A, Captain

a service/hotel ship for maintenance and

Frode wishes all colleagues on the ships


and the Olympic office, internal and external colleagues, families and friends,

There were a lot of people aboard during this period and it was crowded, but as the weather was nice everything worked out just fine. In September the Princess signed a new contract with Team Marine/Chevron in

a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.





Olympic Ares was delivered from Kleven

of drills and training. The crew seems to

on the 26th of October this year. After that

function very well together and that is

the Bibby ROVs was installed and tested.

promising for the future.

The naming ceremony was held on the 26th of September in Geirangerfjord,

It has been a slow start for Olympic Ares,

close to the waterfall “Syv søstre“. It was

Presently we are staying in Ulsteinvik

a very nice day with beautiful weather.

and sorting out some issues while we are

The Godmother Carolina Perisse did a

waiting for work. Meanwhile we are doing

very good job and crushed the bottle on

our best to make sure the vessel is as ready

the first attempt. Someone said that they

as possible. The crew is looking forward to

were sure they saw a dent on the other

work on complex projects and we are quite

side of the hangar .

sure that the vessel will perform well.

The marine crew aboard Olympic Ares

The crew on the Olympic Ares wants to

consists of 12 crewmembers from the

wish all employees and future customers

Philippines and 9 Norwegians. During

both ashore and at sea a Merry Christmas

our stay in Ulsteinvik we have done a lot

and a Happy New Year.



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC ELENA Olympic Octopus was in Cuban waters in

We wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy

the first half of the year. The vessel was

New Year.

engaged in ROV, Supply and Stand By operations. From Cuba the vessel went to Trinidad and demobilised. From Trinidad it was back to a more familiar and colder climate. But first we had a stop in Las Palmas and then Brest for a Crew change. Olympic Octopus arrived in Aberdeen on the 28th of July and has been there since on the Spot Market. The crew is very happy about being back in Anchor handling operations.

Stående fra venstre: Håkon Sand, Beinir Vestergaard, Karl Gregersen, Terji Roykheyggi, Christian Lauritsen, Stian Næss, Lars-Erik Kvande, Martin Nordstedt, Ivar Kragset. 
Sittende fra venstre: Marcis Skuja, Stefan Eilertsen, Trond Skogen, Kjell Rødseth.



GREETINGS FROM OLYMPIC TAURUS Olympic Taurus started this year in the supply market and later moved into the subsea market. Since June we have been stationed




cable on one of the larger windmill farms outside Oostende/Belgium, contracted by DEME Tideway and it seems that there will be jobs for at least out January 2014, maybe longer. Taurus crew and clients would like to wish all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and a Great 2014!

From Left: Andrea Brandal, Krister Engfors, Lovise Løken, Karl af Ekström, Robert Marholm, Henrik Schmidt, Torbjørn Hoddevik, Jorunn Langhaug, Fredrik Andersson, Andre Bjørnland, Jarl Gunnar Sandvik, Espen Dahlberg, Flemming Rasmussen, Lasse Bertheussen, Håvard Warholm Extra picture from left: Ole Bakmark, Werner Kristiansen, Manuel Vaz, Ragnar Mouritsen



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC ENERGY Most of the year 2013, Olympic Energy

Olympic Energy was built in 2012 and it

have been on a contract with Conoco

is absolutely a good place to work. The

Phillips in the north sea, helping with

vessel has proven to be a seaworthy ship

the development of a new installation

with high standards, not only technical

on Eldfisk, but we also did some inter rig

but also inside the accommodation. The

trips on Eldfisk and Ekofisk. Mostly we

crewmembers thrive on board, which helps

are loading/offloading in Tananger and at

create a good working atmosphere.

Buøy, and on board we feel we have a good working relationship with Conoco Phillips.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and a

Currently the contract lasts until the end

prosperous new year!

of January.





Dear colleagues,

Når mannskapet nede i fabrikken de

As you all know, Olympic Prawn has earlier


only caught prawn. This year, however,

da hører man formelig pengene klinger

we were able to also catch fish and this

i kassa de kommer, krone og øre

has enabled us to expand our crew from

man vet nesten ikke hva man skal gjøre.

September onwards. It has been a hectic

Gutta de synger og roper og ler

autumn, but the fishery has been good

de høres ut som Napoleons hær

and the crew has shown excellent spirits!

fisket det går så det grin og gutta får fylt opp sine pengeskrin.

With this, we would like to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!

On behalf of the crew on Olympic Prawn,

Take care!

Børre Holm Captain



GREETING FROM JUVEL 2013 has been a good year for Juvel. Fishing

which was on fire. It was a bit dramatic

and production went pretty well and we did

when we went alongside Kai Xin but the

three successful trips and have spent the

crew on Juvel did really well and the only

last six months or so at the shipyard in Las

injury was smoke inhalation suffered by

Palmas. Juvel has been repainted and we

the Chinese Chief Mate. He recovered quite

have done some upgrades in the factory as


well as the 10 year DNV class certification/ inspection.

Juvel is scheduled to leave Las Palmas for Antarctica in the beginning of January 2014.

On April the 17th Juvel was involved in a

Per-Hugo Ekrem, Andrei Goldberg, Jim Roger Johnsen, Frodi Jogvasson, Jan Hansen, Mads Kaerskov Jakobsen, Rasmus Quist Christensen, Baraldur J. Joensen, Sunarto, Mark P. Gross, Roseli de Oliveira Hanson, Olena Kovalenko, Kjell Magne Kjøllesdal, Kai Roger Staldvik, Aslan Eloev, Andrey Panchenko, Denis Zakrullin, Susmono, Nursalim, Heni Wantoro, Samnoto, Maspuri, Edi Widiarto, Pita Ria Risandi, Sugiono, Susyanto

rescue operation in which we saved 97 crew

From the crew on Juvel – Merry Christmas

members from the Chinese trawler Kai Xin

and a Prosperous New Year to you all.



GREETING FROM NORDØYTRÅL Nordøytrål started off the year fishing

We would like to wish you all a wonderful

coalfish and continued on until April.

christmas and a happy new year to come!

Thereafter we went to Greenland to catch Greenland halibut, with return in the

Best wishes,

beginning of August. Since then we have

The crew on Nordøytrål

been working our way up north to catch the cod and haddock quota. It has been a good year for Nordøytrål and our crew has worked persistently all year!




GREETING FROM OLYMPIC PEGASUS On behalf of the Captain and the crew of Olympic Pegasus, we wish all Olympic personnel and their relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


 Olympic Pegasus

This shows the loading of anchor handling equipments while the vessel was berthed in Rio de Janeiro. Is also the place where our crew changes are carried out

This picture was shot during the Hook-out of SS-62 in Campos Basin. In this picture, we have the second mate Rafael; Chief Officer Arnbjoern and Bosun Ronald.




GREETING FROM OLYMPIC CANYON Hi Fosnav책g and the rest of the Olympic fleet. The warmest Christmas greetings and a happy New Year to you all. As you can see we have starting Christmas preparations onboard. Galley crew have started making traditional Skandinavian





coldcuts and of course assorted Christmas cakes. The only thing missing now is the Christmas presents. (Maybe Santa is coming) We are getting into the Christmas spirits here onboard Olympic Canyon at the East coast of India.



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC ELECTRA We started 2013 as we ended 2012 by working for Centrica out of Great Yarmouth, UK. In March we went to Kleven shipyard i Gursken to take care of some warranty issues. We then spent the spring and summer on the spot market in Norway and then transferred to Aberdeen. From 2nd half of October we are back working for Centrica on a long term contract with Great Yarmouth as our base, serving the jack up rig Noble Julie Robertson currently located at the York oilfield. The crew of Olympic Electra wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014! Tonny Sørdal asking difficult questions on internal audit.

In picture standing from the left: Thomas Nyborg, Peter Lans, Per Larsson, Alexander Sylte, Fredrik Andrèason, Svein Henning Lien, Bjørn Andre Breivik, Pauli Magnusson, Marie Halse, Poul Sofus Eysturdal, Maximilian Evenrud, Freddy Bøe. Sitting: Alf Rødsås, Liv Kari Longva




GREETING FROM OLYMPIC PROMOTER Olympic Promoter is chartered by Petrobras on a specific duty as a cement carrier to accommodate the requirements of the vast drilling operation in Brazil mainly in the Oil Fields of Campos Basin, Espirito Santo and Santos Basin. And we onboard Olympic Promoter are proud to be part of the Olympic Fleet here in Brazil that has contributed in the evolution of Olympic Maritima (Olympic Office Brazil) possible to exist. From Olympic Promoter Crew and Officer’s wishing you all the wonder and beauty of Christmas!

Crew from Left to right: Murilo Noronha, Marcelo Klock, Carlos Diniz, Rílker Álvares, Jun Jamolin, Jay Tabor Sabio, Ricardo Arriesgado, Sérgio Rubens, Suliano Paiva, Carlos Jocélio, Teodorico Yepes, Danillo Nogueira, Maik Douglas.



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC ZEUS This year we have done many different

went through Kiel Channel, and we were

things, there has been some challenges

running locks for the first time which was

through the year.

an experience.

The year started with rig-moves, amongst

This autumn we had more rig-moves and

them Transocean Seacher, Transocean

this is good for us so we don’t forget how



to do AH operations. Olympic Zeus is a

In May we had a lovely voyage from

vessel with many different jobs and we

Kristiansund to Hammerfest, the weather

have done the job in a good way and take

was very good all the way up the

the next challenge without any problems.



Norwegian coast. In Hammerfest we took onboard a Spud Can, the weight on this

We wish all our colleagues in Olympic a

was 85 ton. We used our one crane for

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

the mobilization. The Spud Can was going to Iskrystall field in the Barents Sea. With help from the ROV and a suction pump the Spud Can was placed on the seabed. At the end of September Statoil took us on-hire again to recover the Spud Can, this operation also went smooth :) In the summer month we did pile cutting, grouting and lifted three LUM (42 ton

Spud Can on the way down to seabed.

each), from Shelf Express to a frame on the seabed. This was a job done for Sea Renergy on a wind farm in German sector. The mobilization and de-mobilization took place in Esbjerg, Denmark. Right after the job for Sea Renergy we did a job for Subsea 7 on UK sector. The job


was to change ca. 500 meter 120mm top chain on Triton FPSO. The mobilization and de-mobilization took place in Aberdeen. Then there was a break from the subsea work and we got ourselves a rig-move. In August we had a voyage to Rostock in Germany to mobilization for a cable jointing

LMU’S from Shelf Express

job for VSMC. VSMC had 2 cable jointing jobs for us. We had crew change with crew boats from Klintholm in Denmark, this was a satisfying way to do the crew change, and the boats had a hydraulic ramp on the bow so it was easy to go onboard and of board The lock from Velsen Noord to North Sea. Size of the lock:

length 200

meter and breadth 25 meter

Olympic Zeus. When the jointing was over and safely placed on the seabed we sailed to Rostock for demobilization. Not all equipment was to be de-mobilizated in Rostock. One container was to Nordenham in Germany and rest to Velsen Noord in


Netherland. Our route to these places

Cable jointing Baltic Sea


Voyage to Hammerfest, passing Tromsø

3rd row from left: Håkon Bjørkly, Even Remøy, Frank Rørvik, Ove Myklebust. 2nd row from left: Stig-Gjøran Roska Nilsen, Arne Pedersen, Kjell Pettersen, Aashild Giske, Torgeir Giskeødegård, Øyvind Djupvik, Sven Wolsdal. 1st row from left: Jan Erik Leine, Kern Kragh, Nikolai Atle Breivik, Kjetil Kjenner, Olve Aleksander Storås, Espen Søvik. In front: Monica Kolseth (Fredrik Dahl and Ståle Fjørtoft was not present when the crew picture was taken)



GREETING FROM OLYMPIC MARÍTIMA As another year concludes and starts to

appreciation for the joys that life can hold.

make way for the next, in the eternal cycle

With every difficulty comes a new level of

of time, here’s praying and wishing that we

strength to be gained.

are all blessed with wisdom to understand

With every loss comes an increased

the will go god and the courage and

determination to win.

strength to implement it in our lives here’s

Though life has many pitfalls and

some inspiration for the same ..

problems, there is a positive side to every one of them.






Choose to see and live that positive

justifies celebrations as a chance to look

reality and no problem will be a problem

into the future with true assurance as

for long.

living is a harmonious combination of the joy of life and work. The spirit of ambition

Our goals should be smart (specific,

pervades our very being and renders the

measurable, achievable, realistic and time

day’s work like a happy child at play.

bound.’ let us have fun in implementing our goals, and celebrate each and every time


we achieve one of them! We shall then

With every ending comes also a new

look towards achieving another goal and


life would be full of joy and celebrations,

With every disappointment comes a new

instead of a onetime / festive season

opportunity for success.


With every mistake comes a new and valuable lesson to be learned.

Olympic Marítima is looking forward to

With every setback comes a new position

be a strong vessel operator in Brazil with

from which to move forward.

the patient and persistence of a good

With every frustration comes the energy

and firm structure to deal with day to day

to move to a higher level of achievement.


With every challenge comes a new strategy for taking action.

We would like to thanks to all who support

With every time of darkness comes the

us and are involved on this project.

chance to make a real difference by

With best wishes to all of you for a bright,

shining your own special light.

cheerful, peaceful, progressive and loving

With every sadness comes a deeper

new year.

Rio Office: Carolina Périssé, Marcos Vitor, Eduard Claassen, Eduado Lima, Hellen Afonso, Barbara Carvalho, Renata Sousa, Jupira Souza, Hans Ellingsen, Caio Goes, Isis Natureza, Ivan Barbosa and Wesley Brito


Macaé Office: Raphael Bastos, Ricardo Cotrim e Leandro Tintel



The Olympic Shipping office team showing their best side.

The Olympic Seafood team with full focus on the target.


OLYMPIC PEGASUS (2002) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 4,477

OLYMPIC PEGASUS is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards. Contract:: Petrobras

OLYMPIC HERCULES (2002) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 4,477

OLYMPIC HERCULES is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards. North Sea spot

OLYMPIC POSEIDON (1998) Design: UT 722 L

GT 3,153

OLYMPIC POSEIDON is a Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Standby Oilrec Vessel designed for a wide range of offshore operations. North Sea spot

OLYMPIC OCTOPUS (2006) Design: UT 712 L

GT 3,102

OLYMPIC OCTOPUS is built with a unique collection of innovative new equipment. The vessel has an efficient hull to reduce fuel consumption, increased crew safety on deck, and improved comfort through reduced noise and vibration. North Sea spot


OLYMPIC PROGRESS (2005) Design: UT 755LN

GT 2,168

OLYMPIC PROGRESS is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design. Contract:: Petrobras

OLYMPIC PROMOTER (2005) Design: UT 755 LN

GT 2,167

OLYMPIC PROMOTER is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design. Contract:: Petrobras

OLYMPIC ELENA (2007) Design: MT 6009

GT 2,652

OLYMPIC ELENA MT 6009 is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility. Contract:: Petrobras

OLYMPIC PRINCESS (1999) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 3,424

OLYMPIC PRINCESS is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Contract:: Team Marine


OLYMPIC CANYON (2006) Design: MT 6016

GT 4,787

OLYMPIC CANYON is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption, excellent manoeuvrability, excellent sea keeping and high flexibility. The vessel was converted to Subsea in May 2007. Contract:: Canyon

OLYMPIC TRITON (2007) Design: Ulstein P101

G 5,947

OLYMPIC TRITON is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption.

Contract:: Canyon

OLYMPIC CHALLENGER (2008) Design: Aker ROV 02 CD

GT 6,596

OLYMPIC CHALLENGER is a ROV Support Vessel designed with focus on good sea keeping abilities and excellent station keeping performances. The vessel is environmental friendly with focus on low fuel consumption. Contract:: Technip



Design: Ulstein P101

GT 5,974

OLYMPIC INTERVENTION IV is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption. Contract:: Oceaneering


OLYMPIC ZEUS (2009) Design: Ulstein A122

GT 6,839

OLYMPIC ZEUS is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Vessel has installed 250t offshore crane. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment also installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP North Sea spot

OLYMPIC HERA (2009) Design: Ulstein A122

GT 6,839

OLYMPIC HERA A122 is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP 350 tons A-Frame ready to be mobilised. North Sea spot

OLYMPIC ELECTRA (2011) Design: MT6009

GT 3,140

OLYMPIC ELECTRA is a Multipurpose Field Support Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Total 40 persons accommodation. Contract: Centrica

OLYMPIC COMMANDER (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4,800

OLYMPIC COMMANDER is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. North Sea spot


OLYMPIC ENERGY (2012) Design: STX PSV 06 LNG Gt: 5,197 OLYMPIC ENERGY is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is an environmental friendly combustion fuel with NOx and CO2 emission far below any fuel oil based engine. Contract:: ConocoPhilips (Statoil from March 2014)

OLYMPIC ORION (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4,800

OLYMPIC ORION is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. North Sea spot

Commited to BP UK summer 2014

OLYMPIC TAURUS (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4902

OLYMPIC MT6015 is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. The vessel is equiped with helideck and Ahc crane is installed in Q2 2013. Contract:: Tideway

OLYMPIC ARES (2013) Design: MT6022 MkII


OLYMPIC MT6022 MkII is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market Commited to Bibby from March 2014


OLYMPIC TBN (2014) Design: MT6022 MkII OLYMPIC MT6022 MkII is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market

JUVEL (2003/2008) Design: Rolls Royce NVC / Skipsteknisk Juvel is a krill vessel built in 2003, converted in 2008. The vessel has got one out of four licences to fish for krill in Antarctica. Juvel has been reconstructed and has a new length of 99 meters. With new technology onboard Juvel opens new opportunities for extracting and refining raw material from the fish.

OLYMPIC PRAWN (1999) Design: Skipsteknisk The F/T Olympic Prawn is an arctic deepsea trawler. Since delivery in 1999 the vessel has been catching shrimp in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Greenland and off the Coast of Canada.

NORDØYTRÅL (2001) Design: Skipsteknisk The M/S Nordøytrål is a factory trawler for fishing prawns and cod in Arctic waters. Since delivery in 2001 the vessel has been catching shrimp and cod in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Barents Sea, and the North Sea.


OLYMPIC SHIPPING AS P.O. Box 234, N-6099 Fosnav책g Tel.: +47 70 08 12 00 Fax.: +47 70 08 12 01 www.olympic.no

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