Sommermagasin 2013

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summermagazine July 2013 -







leader - Stig remøy


Rescue Operations in the Antarctic




A great partnership!


New generation of telecom services from Mobitalk




Olympic Shipping management back to school


Olympic Seafood wins second award in 1 year at Vitafoods in Geneva!


rimfrost on facebook


INTERVIEW WITH Carolina Périssé








Olympic Photo Contest 2013



Dear Colleague, It is time to put on the shorts and sunglasses, sit back and enjoy reading our new summer magazine. We hope you find the articles and interview interesting. Thanks to all contributors of text and photos. A special thanks to Cann AS for layout and design. To all of you, have a nice summer! THE EDITORS



4 Summer 2013 has finally arrived to the

competence and qualifications one person

North West Coast of Norway.

has, and less and less the nationality in the passport.

The Olympic Group is still going strong. We are impressed by our new team of In 2012 Olympic for the first time exceeded

colleagues in Olympic Maritima in Brazil.

1 billion NOK in annual income. Within the

It is reassuring to have a dedicated team

offshore division, the market is improving

with high knowledge and enthusiasm

and in 2013 Olympic has been awarded

to establish Olympic as a strong vessel

several important contracts. Olympic now

operator in Brazil.

see the result from the strategic choices of vessels with flexible multipurpose

Brazil is a complex market to operate in,


but we believe in this market in the long run and Olympic are there to stay and

In the seafood division we experience that


the trawlers works well and the krill project is still moving in a very positive direction.

The most dramatic event this year was probably when our krill trawler Juvel saved

Stig Remøy

There is a slogan which has been on my

almost 100 chinese sailors from a trawler

President & CEO

mind lately. It is from the GL Group, but I

on fire in the Antarctic.

feel this sums up Olympics’ history, present and future.

The Chinese Ship Owner showed their gratitude by coming all the way to

Be safer, smarter and greener

Fosnavåg to say thank you and hand over

Be safer; always strive to reduce the risk

a gift to Olympic.

of our operation through working with human factors and new technical solution

Official Chinese governments has also


raised their appreciations to Juvel and






solutions in how we operate to deliver

Olympic through the Norwegian Embassy.

great results to our customers

I would like to use this opportunity to thank

Be greener; always work to improve

captain Per Hugo Eikrem and his crew for

our performance to reduce impact on the

performing a great rescue operation.

environment. Strive to reach our vision of zero emission.

Olympic is always moving forward, and there are lot of development going on in

One of the big worries for our industry is

how we run our business.

the lack of qualified Human Resources. The prognosis shows need for 5000 new

In this magazine you can read about both

offshore employees in the Norwegian

the new solutions from Unisea and the

Sector within the next years. This will

leadership programme from BI. Both are

require new models and changes of frame

important steps in the right direction.

condition. In Brazil we already experience this situation with shortage of qualified

I hereby wish all a nice summer.

personnel. We hope the politicians both in Norway and Brazil will find good solutions

Remember that safety is as simple as ABC

adjusted to a new reality!

- Always Be Careful!

Olympic runs a business that requires high

Stig Remøy

standard of competence in all levels.


This means it is necessary for Olympic at all times to make strategic choices based on available competence and qualification. OLYMPIC SUMMER MAGAZINE 2013

It will be more and more important what

3 5


Rescue Operations in the Antarctic.

These pictures shows the drama when Juvel rescued 97 Chinese Sailors from a trawler on fire in Antarctic. Juvel managed to go alongside the vessel Kai Xin and saved everyone with the deck crane and a crew basket 5 by 5 with 3mtrs wave and 15kn wind. The heroic rescue operation went on for about 45 minutes. One person had injuries from severe smoke intoxications, but he was successfully treated by the �vet� onboard of Juvel. After 6 hours onboard the crew was transferred to another vessel in the area. The Kai Xin sank the day after the rescue operation, according to the reports. Both the Chinese Ship Owner and official Chinese Governments has shown their gratitude to the Master and Crew of Juvel and to Olympic for this life saving rescue operation.





“TBN” Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel The vessel is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market, with diesel electric frequency controlled propulsion, highly efficient azimuth thrusters and a system for dynamic positioning. MT DESIGN IS KNOWN FOR: Excellent speed and seakeeping properties, environment-friendly ships, reduced fuel consumption, reduced exhaust emission, high safety level, low sound and vibration level.

Type: MT6022 MkII SCV (2270-01)


Yard: 362 at Kleven Maritime

Length o.a.: 115,40 m

Delivery: August 2013

Length b.p.p.: 108,25 m

Owner: Olympic Shipping

Breadth mld.: 22,00 m


A great partnership!

10 UniSea and Olympic Shipping have been

and the name is also changed to Univu

working together for many years and will

Business Manager, Univu in short. The

take the next step together this fall when

major change is that you can now create

Olympic moves over to the new UniSea

meeting templates, as many as you like.

web platform.

This allows you to save time by using predefined templates, and it also supports

UniSea core philosophy

different templates for different vessel

Anyone can drown you in buttons, features


and data. We believe the key to success is to deliver the right information to the right

We have also a new range of mobile

people at the right time.

solutions in development, and the first solution ready is UniSea Start mobile

At UniSea we know that you seafarers

for office users. More news on this in the

out there have a lot of different systems

months to come.

you need to relate to, and more and more is demanded of you each year. From regulatory- and customer demands, to

What will the change mean for the

internal reporting.

seafarers? Even if the design has been updated

By Kurt Roar Wilhelmsen, ceo, Unisea

UniSea aims to help you onboard, and you


working at the office, to do your job as

your way around very easily. The forms

easy and efficiently as possible. Meeting

themself have more or less the same

external demands, while at the same time

layout, so that when you create a report,

drive business value for the company.

you will recognize the fields and buildup






of the form. We also have a PDF-jumpstart With the new web version of UniSea we

that will be ready this summer, to help you

have made a lot of improvements to the

get an easy start.

user experience, and we are very excited to hear your thoughts and feedback on the

UniSea Daily Report have now a feature

new look-and-feel of UniSea.

called Vessel Status that allows the captain onboard to flag potentially critical

News in the latest version of

issues by department, instead of sending


everything by email. A color-coding of

The navigation in UniSea have been

vessel status is integrated in the list of

modernized and simplified. There are

daily reports and also available in mobile

a number of functions where we have

apps for office users.






One example is the new UniSea Start

What will the change mean for the

button “Report updates�. This gives you an

office staff?

overview of updates related to Audits and

One major change is that office staff now

HSE reports in one integrated list, with one

only needs Google Chrome or Internet


Explorer 10 to access UniSea. No client needs to be installed. This also means

Another example is in UniSea Risk. You

that you can logon from any computer, like

can now save time registering attendees

your computer at home.

by importing users from earlier Risk Assessments to get a short list, and then

Another great feature for office staff is

you just click to remove those that are

that you can now access Daily Reports

not relevant and ad those that might be

directly from UniSea Start with one click,


the Vessel Status button. When you open a daily report from a vessel, it lists


Final example is HSE Meetings. This

automatically UniSea reports like Audits


and Incidents from that day. You can then





11 click on one of these links and it will take

the satellite link goes down. All data will

you directly to that report with one click.

automatically be synchronized between vessel and office every 1 or 2 hours

The way forward

depending on the implemented interval.

The only thing needed onboard and at the

In other words, data synchronization will

office for the new UniSea web versions is

work exactly the same way as today.

a webserver to run the applications, and a a modern web browser. No install on the

So to summarize for vessels and office

computers on the vessel or at the office.






integration, fewer clicks, and a better user Even though you use Internet Explorer or


Google Chrome to access UniSea onboard, you are not actually on the internet. You

Hope you like using it as much as we enjoy

are working locally onboard. Response will

making it!

be quick and everything will work even if

New generation of telecom services from Mobitalk

12 New generation of telecom

The EPS is a flexible and reliable solution

services from Mobitalk

that takes care of the internal and

Mobitalk has since December 2010 been

external communication in a professional



manner. The structure is based on groups

Mobitalk has direct access to Telenor

that handle their own areas, such as

Mobile GSM, which means that we have

Media, Relatives and Staff. This ensures

the same coverage, priority and quality as

an optimal basis for making the right

Telenor customers. Mobitalk is located in

decisions and coordinate resources during

Aalesund, and accommodating employees

an emergency. The solution is scalable

with high competence and extensive experi-

and can be expanded with additional users

ence in the telecommunications industry.

when needed.


Virtual Switchboard and emer-

Employee Benefits

gency Preparedness Service (EPS):

As part of the overall package, Mobitalk

March 13th 2013 Olympic upgraded from

offers all Olympic employees with family

traditional fixed telephony to Mobitalk

beneficial deals on mobile phones, IP

Bedriftsnett, which is the interconnection

telephony and fixed telephony.

of mobile telephony, VoIP and switchboard service. Our old Alcatel Central was thus

Employees are therefore able to draw an

replaced by a switchboard «in the cloud».

affordable deal directly with Mobitalk.

Bedriftsnett is a hosted solution and

For more information see;

requires therefore no local installation.

Bedriftsnett is built with full redundancy

or call Mobitalk customer service at 02229

(Technical duplicated system). This means

and refer to “ The Olympic Agreement”.

that we will always be able to receive calls even when power and Internet outages.

✴ Olympic employees with Norwegian

To strengthen our preparedness efforts,


we have chosen to implement EPS from Mobitalk.


Olympic Shipping AS is well ahead in the process of implementing the new MLC2006 code. Olympic has started with vessel certification and everything indicates so far that all vessels in the offshore fleet will be approved within the important deadline at 20.08.2013. Olympic has in this certification process had very good help from the local maritime consultant company Marine Q and Karl Erik Sande (photo), who has been working for Olympic since November 2012 together with departments at the main office to ensure good procedures, clarifications towards class/authorities and internal training.


Olympic Shipping management back to school

During the year 2013 Olympic Shipping have 20 participants, representing all departments and including top leaders joining a management program arranged by the Norwegian Business School BI. The program is for the company only and it differs from traditional programs as it is tailor made in the context of the Olympic Shipping strategy and challenges.

By combining management theory with

The project tasks are:

the experience from the participants, the

• Best operating Practice

Olympic experience and other company

• The challenge of recruiting Qualified

experiences we get a better perspective of

Human Resources

the role of being a leader in our company.

• The “Green” Shipping Company

We believe the focusing on creating values

• Contracting,

with a cultural and commercial mind set is key for the development of our organisation.




responsibilities • Communication strategy • Company culture

The agenda has 6 sessions of each 2

• The highly motivated participants have

working days plus an on-going project to

put a lot of effort and energy into the

be completed and exercised by year end


2013. These projects will involve the entire company and you will be asked for your view/response from one or more project teams. Topics for the program includes among others strategy, management, communication, change management, teamwork, project management, budget- and cost control, cultural management and internationalisation.

Olympic Seafood wins second award in 1 year at Vitafoods in Geneva!


constant effort and commitment of our

ed recognition for its ecological steward-

sector to provide sustainable solutions to

ship at the Vitafoods Europe show.

our customers and to the entire nutritional

Olympic Seafood won the Environmental

industry”, Remøy emphasizes.

Excellence category of the esteemed Nutraceutical Business & Technology (NBT)

About NBT awards

Awards. The prize trophy was received at

The judging criteria of the NBT awards

the NBT awards gala dinner in Geneva, May

were focusing on clarity of objectives,


effective resource allocation, quality of

The sales and marketing team, led by


Sales- and Marketing Director Even Remøy,

focus, innovation, impact on customer

was very happy for the award and especially

perceptions, evaluation criteria and results.


when our friends and competitors Aker BioMarine were nominated in the same

Arranged in connection to Vitafoods Europe,


the NBT awards gala dinner recognizes and rewards excellence in R&D, marketing,

Responsible sourcing is the core of the



the nutraceutical, functional food and



trademark ECO-COLLECTING. Even though


the work is still in the early stages of


development, as only a year has passed

applications and business practices, the

since the RIMFROST KRILL brand launch

mission is to deliver a set of benchmarks

in May 2012, the goal is to create a true

to a global audience to achieve significant

connection to consumers through the

developments in quality of service, health

brand and the trademark.

management, research, development, and

industry. and



throughout ingredients, products


relationship management. “We want to contribute to a healthy, balanced and happy lifestyle. This also

Our presence at Vitafoods 2013

entails being able to assure our customers

The stand at the trade show was larger

and consumers of our responsible conduct”,

this year. As a Co-exhibitor together with

explains Sales and Marketing Director

Bioriginal, our distributor in Europe, we

Even Remøy. “We want our customers and

had very good working conditions and

consumers to clearly know what we are

complemented each other very well. We

about and how we operate. We also want

also got very good feedback on how our

to provide them with an opportunity to

stand looked from visitors and colleagues

experience the Antarctic ecosystem and to

passing by. This is something we absolutely

understand the origin of krill”, he adds.

are repeating next year.

The key aspect of Olympic Seafood’s environmental efforts is the technological excellence of the krill-collecting vessel Juvel, which allows low emissions, low energy use and low climate impact. Openness and 100% traceability are the chosen approaches to operating. The company also puts emphasis on scientific cooperation in order to better understand and protect the environment in which it operates. R WINNE NUTRACEUTICAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY AWARDS

“The fact that two krill ingredient companies were nominated in the Environmental


Excellence category demonstrates the

15 3

rimfrost on facebook

16 We have a goal to reach 500 LIKES

again can share this with their friends.

during 2013!

That’s what Social Media is all about.”.

Steivor Tangen, Marketing Coordinator of Olympic Seafood AS explained: “RIMFROST

RIMFROST SUBLIME Krill oil can be bought

has an exciting story to tell and Facebook

in two places in Norway. Either through the

is the right place to tell it.

web shop or in Fosnavåg at Naturkost.

Social Media is all about communication, not marketing. It’s about engaging people, not pushing our message on to them. We like to interact with those who are interested in what we do. We want to create engagement by sharing our thoughts and ideas with our followers. Who are these followers? It’s not only customers and potential customers. It’s our employees and future employees, collaborators and even press. Our goal is to get closer to these people and help them understand and like the RIMFROST brand so they

INTERVIEW WITH Carolina Périssé

17 Carolina Périssé is 37 years old and is

in Macaé, where our main client has its

a mother of a boy. In 2012, she and her

operation settled. Another important step

colleagues received the challenging task of

of the process was the opportunity to meet

helping Olympic Marítima in its first steps

some of the Captains and their crew to

towards deployment and stabilization in

give some feedback on what we need to

the brazilian market. She worked for five

improve. Also, visiting Olympic Shipping’s

years in Norskan Offshore as a Commercial

office last year, presenting ourselves and

Coordinator, and brought from there a lot

having the opportunity to meet the whole

of experience. Carolina is currently the

team in Norway. The idea was to present

Commercial and Administrative Manager at

the company and get to know each other

Olympic Marítima. Check out how she has

and feel the atmosphere of Olympics’

been facing this challenge.


1. How did the idea to work in

3. What are the major difficulties

Olympic Marítima happen?

faced by the Company so far?

It started when our actual General Manager,

Well I would not say difficulties, but I

Hans Ellingsen left the other company,

would say challenges. A strike of the

where we used to work together. We told

agency responsible to issue the Brazilian

him that he could start a new company

Shipping License, some new laws related

and that we would work with him. One of

to the importation process, a lot of paper

the reasons is that he and his wife, Lauris

work, some tax issues that influenced the

Ellingsen were the ones that inspired us

contractual structure of our major Client

to have passion for the Offshore Business.

that took a long time to be accepted. We

Each year of growth, new vessels coming in

also have to attest to our main client that

and new buildings were a huge celebration

we are technical, operational, administrative

and emotion. At first, I was afraid to

and financially capable to take over the

leave the other company with 10 years

vessel operations as Olympic Marítima.

of existence in Brazil, to start from “zero”, because i had been working almost 8 years


there. However, afterwards, I got anxious

challenges that O.M will face in

In your opinion, what are the

by the idea to start in a new company like

the near future?

Olympic all over again and see the whole

In the near future, the biggest challenge

growth again. This experience would be

is that we are proud to announce the

not only a professional goal, but also

transfer of the vessels from Asso Marítima

a personal reward to again be part of a

to Olympic Marítima Ltda, in July of

successful job..

this year. We will start with Olympic Elena and Olympic Promoter, after the





the of

process the


year with Olympic Progress and at last


Olympic Pegasus. There are many steps

being made?

and implications in this process, we really

First, we started working on the gap

need to pay attention to each detail and

analysis of vessel status regarding Brazilian


documents and importation process, the

and Norwegian office. We would like to

legal aspects, some tax issues, clients’

request the support and patience from

requirements, Brazilian Shipping License

everyone involved in this process to be the

process and other mandatory licenses. It

smoothest change possible.





was a huge job for all areas, especially for QHSE, to provide the translation of major

5. What has been your biggest

procedures to Portuguese and adapt the

challenge in the whole process?

Total Management System according to

I would say not only from my side, but

Brazilian requirements, which sometimes

also for the whole Olympic Marítima´ s

are very specific. In addition, to establish

Team, to have patience to deal with all

two offices, one in Rio and the other

the challenges and understand that things

3 18

Carolina PĂŠrissĂŠ and her son

19 would take more time than we expected! It

possibilities and talked to other people

was like going fishing and not catching any

to exchange experience on that particular

fish so you could tell the story.


6. You worked in another offshore

10. When you are not working, what

company with similar profile to

do you like to do?

the O.S, what did you learn there

I like to be with my family, friends, in

and are using in O.M?

beautiful nature, go to museums, travel

It was a great experience to have the

and watch movies.

chance to work in a Brazilian Shipping Company that have passed through many

11. What are your plans for the

steps that we are passing through. Also


not from the last company, but from life

Thinking professionally, from now to ten

the importance to understand each other’s

years, would be to have the chance to watch

cultural influences in different aspects of

Olympic Marítima´ s growth, becoming one

ways of thinking, working and how this

of the most successful companies in the

is a great opportunity not only for our

Brazilian Market during these next years.

professional growth, but for our own lives.

Study more and learn more and more. Turn

Imagine if all of us think the same way and

back and see we really succeeded on this

act the same way, how the world would be


boring and discouraging! 7.







difficulty to work in the offshore area in Brazil due to immense bureaucracy. Do you agree with this? Like







challenges, but I think it is positive, because on the other hand, this means that only strong and focused companies will exceed from other companies. From my point of view, the Brazilian Market is only starting and it will be a long term market opportunity. 8. Do you think the job will be easier with the package of new laws that




has announced to the ports? I think this is only a beginning to improve the infrastructure and speed up the importation





than that, specially related to laws and regulations, would simplify it and not make it more difficult. 9.

Do you take work home? Talk

about your work style. Sometimes, yes. I am a committed to my work. Sometimes I don’t have the answers right away, but I don’t rest until I have found a solution and checked for other



INNOTOWN SPONSOR SINCE 2009 For more than 13 years, InnoTown has gathered some of the brightest minds from both the world of business and the world of culture. This annual dose of inspiration has trigged creativity, challenged status quo and offered a sneak preview of things to come. «It is the mindset behind InnoTown that is most important: To get inspired to elevate oneself to a new, higher level. One must dare to think fresh thoughts to be able to lie ahead of the global development. InnoTown contributes to that.» Stig Remøy, CEO Olympic Shipping

Poseidon, Electra & Hercules in Dusavik preparing for work offshore




He likes speed, his passion is motorbikes,


preferably the big ones. He had early


If you could go back in time, you





several experiences on different types

Engineer again?

of ships but now he is Chief Engineer in

It is hard to say for sure, but with so many

Olympic Shipping, He is Erling Riiber,

opportunities that exist today, it is clear

47 years old. In ten years working in the

that I would choose something in the

Company he has been on Orion (the old),

maritime or oil area.

Princess, Challenger, Commander, Orion and Taurus. And it seems that he will not

3. What are the main challenges in

stop there.

being a Chief Engineer nowadays? The main challenge is to have one eye

1. You have been working for the

on the machines to keep them in perfect

Company since 2003, what are the

order, running, clean and all equipment

special points in working for O.S?

updated, while at the same time, we need

I started working in Olympic by chance. I

to keep the other eye on the papers,

was working on a cruise ship, but due to

rules, laws and regulations because we

the fall of the dollar I started sending

have many requirements to follow

out requests for work to several shipping

the time”. There is lots of equipment on

companies. It didn’t take long before Berit

board the new vessels that we need to be

(Berit Teige, Crew Coordinator) called me

familiar with to operate and maintain and

and asked me if I could take a 14 days trip.

where formal training is not available. In

I joined Kurt Remøy and his crew aboard

the yard, there are many “experts” making

the great Olympic Orion, The ship was less

everything look so easy, but from the

than 1 years old and since then I have been

day we take over the ship we are left to

in Olympic. The reason for this, of course,

ourselves. That gives also a new challenge

is that I enjoy it very much and feel that

to train the people who work with us

Olympic has provided the challenges that

onboard. Only then the vessel can be

I needed along the way for me to develop

well maintained and managed and the

further in my job.

work can be done. Since access to the


experienced seamen is limited, this can be OLYMPIC SUMMER MAGAZINE 2013

challenging enough. Fortunately, there are

23 a lot of clever people working with us, so normally this works out well. 4.

You have been on the Olympic

Commander, Orion & Taurus lately. What is your opinion about these ships? Now, I have been lucky enough to get some short trips on all those ships and have to say that they are very nice boats to work on. They have been built to do many different jobs. They have an advanced cargo system as well as they can easily be converted to subsea jobs, so I think the Company will have great benefits from these. 5. How do you see the future of offshore activities? Subsea operations show a big trend currently, but, we know this comes and goes like waves. So it’s reasonable to be prepared for everything. Hope and believe that there will be a lot of activity in the northern regions and that many ships from Olympic probably will be there. Personally, I prefer to travel south, but let’s see what happens. Now Brazil is the next big thing on the market and shows a great need for ships. I hope the Office in Brazil can make big achievements in this market. 6. What do you like doing in your spare time? I haven’t had many days off lately, but when this happens I spend most of it on my home island Frøya with my family. Doing some work around the house and I have a small boat and a houseboat so spending some hours with this too. But my passion is motorbikes and then it’s just a Harley Davidson that counts! 7.

What will you be doing in ten

years time? Then I will most likely be sitting on board in some Olympic vessel and grieve about how little I will get in retirement in a few years! But for now, I would like to wish all my colleagues a great summer!



Our major challenge now will be the process to start the transfer of the contracts. We’ll start with Olympic Elena and Olympic Promoter in July and during the next months with Olympic Progress and Olympic Pegasus. Our target is to conclude this process of transfer of the contracts from ASSO Marítima to Olympic Marítima, as soon as possible. Participate of new tenders with Olympic Vessels and possible partners. Expand our customer’s portfolio with other international clients in addition to Petrobras. Make sure that the organization is our














others in Brazil. This year we had an important step that will make a huge difference in our operations. The crew members started participating in Pre-embark meetings together. Even though we are different cultures working together, we are “one Team” and especially for this kind of activity and our operations, this is extremely important. Another major goal is to contribute to reinforce Olympic Group´s Long Term commitment with clients in Brazil.



Olympic Photo Contest 2013

Please, send us your best photos! We would like to see your pictures from the life aboard an Olympic Shipping AS vessel. Taking part in the competition you can win great prizes! First Prize: Nikon D7100 camera

w/ 18-

105mm lens (value, nok. 10.000, -) Second Prize: Apple iPad Retina WI-FI 16GB (value, nok. 3890, -) Third Prize: Apple Ipad Mini WI-FI 16GB (value, nok. 2590, -) Theme, “At work with Olympic” We want photos that show different aspects of life aboard, both work and leisure situations. Deadline Send your photos to: by 1/10/13 Rules • Pictures must be related to Olympic Shipping AS • Everyone working aboard an Olympic

First prize

Shipping AS vessel may take part in the competition • Each participant can submit up to three images. Remember to tag your photos with your name , email address, the name of the ship, and a short description of the photograph • Pictures must be in JPEG-format • If there are people in the photo, please

second prize

include the names of those pictured • By entering the competition you consent that Olympic Shipping AS can use the image without charge, within the organization, and in the media. Jury

third prize

• Oddlaug Remøy, Olympic Shipping AS • Frode Andreassen, Olympic Shipping AS • Photographer Olav Thokle, Fotomaritim AS Winners will be contacted and some of the photos will be published in the next issue of “Olympic News”

27 3

Olympic TAURUS performing offshore crane test




OLYMPIC PEGASUS (2002) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 4,477

OLYMPIC PEGASUS is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards. Contract:: Petrobras

olympic hercules (2002) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 4,477

OLYMPIC HERCULES is a “high spec” Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel of Ulstein A101 design. The vessel is designed for a wide range of offshore operations and has large rope/wire capacities and a hotel compliment of high standards. North Sea spot

olympic poseidon (1998) Design: UT 722 L

GT 3,153

OLYMPIC POSEIDON is a Multifunctional Anchor Handling Tug Supply Standby Oilrec Vessel designed for a wide range of offshore operations. North Sea spot

Olympic octopus (2006) Design: UT 712 L

GT 3,102

OLYMPIC OCTOPUS is built with a unique collection of innovative new equipment. The vessel has an efficient hull to reduce fuel consumption, increased crew safety on deck, and improved comfort through reduced noise and vibration. North Sea spot


OLYMPIC Progress (2005) Design: UT 755LN

GT 2,168

OLYMPIC PROGRESS is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design. Contract:: Petrobras

olympic promoter (2005) Design: UT 755 LN

GT 2,167

OLYMPIC PROMOTER is a PSV of the well-known UT 755LN design. Contract:: Petrobras

olympic elena (2007) Design: MT 6009

GT 2,652

OLYMPIC ELENA MT 6009 is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility. Contract:: Petrobras

Olympic princess (1999) Design: Ulstein A101

GT 3,424

OLYMPIC PRINCESS is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Contract:: Peterson SBS


OLYMPIC CANYON (2006) Design: MT 6016

GT 4,787

OLYMPIC CANYON is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption, excellent manoeuvrability, excellent sea keeping and high flexibility. The vessel was converted to Subsea in May 2007. Contract:: Canyon

olympic triton (2007) Design: Ulstein P101

G 5,947

OLYMPIC TRITON is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption.

Contract:: Canyon

olympic challenger (2008) Design: Aker ROV 02 CD

GT 6,596

OLYMPIC CHALLENGER is a ROV Support Vessel designed with focus on good sea keeping abilities and excellent station keeping performances. The vessel is environmental friendly with focus on low fuel consumption. Contract:: Technip

Olympic intervention IV


Design: Ulstein P101

GT 5,974

OLYMPIC INTERVENTION IV is a Multifunctional Subsea Vessel with a large deck area and very large cargo capabilities for most operations. The vessel is equipped with diesel-electric machinery which ensures low noise levels and low fuel consumption. Contract:: Oceaneering


OLYMPIC zeus (2009) Design: Ulstein A122

GT 6,839

OLYMPIC ZEUS is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Vessel has installed 250t offshore crane. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment also installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP Contract:: Subsea 7

olympic hera (2009) Design: Ulstein A122

GT 6,839

OLYMPIC HERA A122 is an Anchor Handling Tug Supply and Offshore Construction Vessel with environmental friendly hybrid propulsion system. Extended version of Safe Deck Operation equipment installed. Equipped with: Merlin WR200 - Electrical Work Class ROV 200 HP 350 tons A-Frame ready to be mobilised. North Sea spot

olympic electra (2011) Design: MT6009

GT 3,140

OLYMPIC ELECTRA is a Multipurpose Field Support Vessel with diesel electrical propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Total 40 persons accommodation. Contract: ExxonMobil

Olympic commander (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4,800

OLYMPIC COMMANDER is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Contract: Fugro Subsea

3 34

OLYMPIC energy (2012) Design: STX PSV 06 LNG Gt: 5,197 OLYMPIC ENERGY is a Multipurpose Field Supply Vessel with low fuel consumption, low noise level, high safety level and high flexibility. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is an environmental friendly combustion fuel with NOx and CO2 emission far below any fuel oil based engine. Contract:: ConocoPhilips

olympic orion (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4,800

OLYMPIC ORION is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. Contract:: BP UK

olympic taurus (2012) Design: MT6015

GT: 4902

OLYMPIC MT6015 is a Multipurpose Offshore Vessel with diesel electric propulsion, low fuel consumption and high flexibility. The vessel is equiped with helideck and Ahc crane is installed in Q2 2013. Contract:: Tideway

OLYMPIC TBN (x2) (2013 & 2014) Design: MT6022 MkII OLYMPIC MT6022 MkII is a Multifunctional Subsea Support & Construction Vessel, designed to meet the general offshore market


juvel (2003/2008) Design: Rolls Royce NVC / Skipsteknisk Juvel is a krill vessel built in 2003, converted in 2008. The vessel has got one out of four licences to fish for krill in Antarctica. Juvel has been reconstructed and has a new length of 99 meters. With new technology onboard Juvel opens new opportunities for extracting and refining raw material from the fish.

olympic prawn (1999) Design: Skipsteknisk The F/T Olympic Prawn is an arctic deepsea trawler. Since delivery in 1999 the vessel has been catching shrimp in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Greenland and off the Coast of Canada.

Nordøytrål (2001) Design: Skipsteknisk The M/S Nordøytrål is a factory trawler for fishing prawns and cod in Arctic waters. Since delivery in 2001 the vessel has been catching shrimp and cod in the Arctic areas, off the coast of Spitsbergen, Barents Sea, and the North Sea.


OLYMPIC SHIPPING AS P.O. Box 234, N-6099 Fosnav책g Tel.: +47 70 08 12 00 Fax.: +47 70 08 12 01

Antarctic Krill Oil Rimfrost sublime

Contains bio-efficient omega-3 phospholipids I salg hos bjor og Natur kost Fosnav책g AS www.r imfrostkr Design:


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