February 2011

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Canungra Foodworks Supports Year 7 Bursaries Two students from Canungra State School’s Year 7 Class of 2010 received generous bursaries from Canungra Foodworks. At the Year 7 Graduation Ceremony in December 2010, Tony and Anne Nguyen presented Matthew Hastings and Natalie Smith with a $250 Rebel Sport or Angus and Roberts Book Voucher, $100 cash and $150 FoodWorks voucher - totalling $500 each. Matthew received the bursary as recipient of the School’s Academic Award and Natalie for Sporting Achievement. Both students have been great leaders and role models for their peers throughout their schooling at Canungra. Canungra FoodWorks has provided abundant donations, certificates and sponsorship for many community events since Tony andAnne took over the store in 2007. Tony said sponsorship and donations from local businesses enables the Canungra State School, sporting associations and clubs within the community to thrive. “We are proud to be contributing to this legacy and making a difference in the community.,” he said.

CANUNGRA SCHOOL OF ARTS HALL The new facade of the Canungra School of Arts Hall is making rapid progress, with the four new roof trusses lifted into position on Monday 17th January. Estimated completion date is mid February, with some allowance for wet weather. Interested residents can follow the progress on the hall's web site at: www.canungrahall.com/upgrade.html. The Committee is planning for a busy year ahead, with the hall booked every evening during the week, and also parties, wedding receptions and two orchid shows. The aim of the rebuild is to provide a modern, well equipped venue that the town can be proud of. The new entrance will feature exposed wood beams with LED down-lights. The concrete steps and patio will be finished with a new, colour coated non-slip surface. Storm water drainage has been completely replaced, eliminating runoff problems experienced in the past. The Hall Management Committee will hold it's AGM on Wednesday 9th February at the Canungra Hotel at 6.30pm and interested residents are most welcome to attend. The meeting will commence after a meal, at which time new office bearers will be elected and a Progress Report, Presidents Report and the Financial Report will be delivered. This will be followed by a short bimonthly meeting. Please advise the secretary on 55434008 or via the 'Contact Us' page on the web site at: www.canungrahall.com if you would like to attend.

WOMAN TRAPPED IN WATER PIPE Australia Day celebrations turned to near tragedy when a woman was trapped in a water pipe in the causeway on Coburg Road, Canungra for two hours. The woman was bogie boarding down the creek a friend when she was pulled into the pipe by the force of the water. Queensland Fire and Rescue Officer, Alan Harper, said friends assisted the woman until the Fire and Rescue Service arrived, securing her with a rescue strap until more firefighters were able to attend. Three QFRS crews, including a swift water technical rescue technician, attended the rescue. "It took a lot of manpower to pull her out," he said, "The creek is running over the causeway and the current is incredibly strong." The woman was taken by ambulance to Gold Coast hospital as a precaution. She suffered shock and bruising. Water which appears calm on the surface often has fast running currents under the surface. On Australia Day water was flowing over the causeway, giving the impression it was a quiet, slowflowing waterway, however the force beneath the surface could easily have been deadly. QFRS has issued requests for people to keep away from stormwater drains and never swim upstream of a causeway, regardless of how safe it appears. In an emergency please phone 000 for QFRS, police, SES orAmbulance assistance.

Page 4 - The Canungra Times, February 2011

Repairing Flood Damage in the Scenic Rim

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Canungra Dental Surgery Robert A M Smith B D Sc Dental Surgeon OPEN 8AM - 5PM: Mon w Tues w Wed w Thur

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New Patients Welcome Page 6 - The Canungra Times, February 2011

Scenic Rim Regional Council area was declared a Natural Disaster Area by the Queensland Government due to the recent rain. Mayor John Brent said he hoped the worst of the weather has passed, however, a plan of attack for rehabilitation is needed. Council has created an internal taskforce to capture the costs and undertake works in a coordinated effort. “We need to be frank with the community, like many regions throughout Queensland, our road network is currently at a lesser standard and I plead with road users to drive carefully to suit the road’s condition,” said Cr Brent. Once the assessment is completed, works will prioritised with accessibility and public safety remaining paramount. Road Network Update: ~ All roads within the region are currently open to traffic, however all drivers are asked to exercise caution due to extensive damage caused by the recent rain. ~ Both sealed and gravel roads have been affected with potholes and wash outs reported throughout the Scenic Rim region. ~ Minor repair works have been undertaken to "make safe" all sections of roadway. With more rain forecast during the coming weeks Council thanks all drivers for their continued patience as workers endeavour to repair damaged roads. To notify Council of any extraordinary damage please call 5540 5111.

Flooding at Sharp Park, Canungra Photo: Katrina Harrison

Health and Safety Concerns After Floods Public Health and Hygiene: Be careful when completing any clean up processes. Remember to wear gloves and use other protective clothing or equipment, especially when handling broken, damaged or unusual materials. Wash hands and other exposed body parts, particularly before preparing or eating food. Alcohol-based hand sanitiser may be useful for these purposes. Rainwater: Check rainwater tanks for contamination and remove any debris from rooftop catchment areas. If you are concerned about the quality of your rainwater supplies, water should be boiled if used for food preparation or hygiene purposes or bottled water can be used. Council can assist with testing water quality in these circumstances. Contact the Health, Building and Environment Department on 5540 5444 for more information. Waste Disposal: Excess waste should be taken to a Council Waste Transfer Station. Large loads of cleanup waste, such as truck loads, should be taken to the Central landfill at Bromelton. Disposal of any debris that is a result of the recent flooding will be accepted FREE of charge. Usual tipping charges will apply for normal wastes being taken to our waste sites. Chemical containers, gas cylinders and asbestos should be handled and disposed of with care and in accordance with safety standards. Mosquito Management: Prevent mosquitoes breeding by emptying or treating items such as buckets, tubs, wheel barrows and tyres. If you have a mosquito problem, avoid being outdoors during times of high mosquito activity such as dawn or dusk. If you must be outdoors at these times, wear long sleeves, pants and repellent. For more information, contact Council's Health, Building and Environment Department on 5540 5444.

Local Girl Receives Australia Day Medallion Nacole Wakefield, a registry clerk from Canungra was recently presented with the Australian Day Medallion by Colonel Darryl Groves, the Commander of the Land Warfare Centre - Canungra. Nacole, who completed high school at Merrimac High School, was awarded the medallion for her exceptional administrative support over the period 2009 - 10. The accompanying citation states that Nacole's professionalism and dedication to her work was well beyond that expected of her currentAustralian Sector Grade (PSG). It stated “You have consistently analysed complex problems

and solved them by the application of well thought out commonsense solutions”. As Nacole made her way into the staff common room at DIntTC, she was greeted by her children and husband “I was wondering why they were here, but before I could ask them why, Colonel Groves started to address the staff.” “I went totally blank when he commenced to tell everyone about the award, then it started to sink-in; I then was in shock” said Nacole. When ask how she felt being only one of only two recipients of the Australian Day Medallion in the unit, Nacole replied “I was excited and appreciative that they thought I had done a great job”. Nacole finished by saying that The Defence Intelligence Training Centre is a great organisation to work for, and looks forward to an exciting year.

Australia Gains 33 New Citizens Thirty-three people became Australian Citizens ceremony at The Centre, Beaudesert on Australia Day, including Sarabah Estate’s Cam Dearsley. Mayor John Brent said the ceremony was important in welcoming newAustralians in the Scenic Rim region.

Colonel Darryl Groves presents Nacole with her Australian Day Medallion and citation in front of her family and staff at the Defence Intelligence Training Centre, Canungra.

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Phone: 5543 5338 The Canungra Times, Februrary 2011 - Page 7



Boyd and Tammy Johnson from Ashmore are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their little daughter Kirby Maree Johnson. Kirby was born on December 27th at Pindara Hospital weighing in at 7lb 8oz. She is the 1st child for Boyd and Tammy, first grandchild for Charmaine Cameron and the first great grandchild for Ken and Sylvian Cameron, formerly of Canungra.

Two local identities celebrated their birthdays at a combined birthday barbecue on January 16th in Canungra with friends. Graeme Prosser from Tamborine Couriers celebrated his 31st birthday on the 17th, and Trish Hansen celebrated an undisclosed number of birthdays on the 18th. Also in January, Mykal Prosser, from Graeme Prosser Tamborine Transport turned 30 while on holidays with friends in Darwin. Krista Pike (Geiger), the town mail lady, also turned 30 on January 17th, the same day that Jon and Robyn Mahony celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. Brian Laurence from Tamborine Transport celebrated his birthday on January 7th with fellow staff members at his home at Boyland. John Harrison (alias Princess pictured left) celebrated his Trish Hansen 50th birthday with family members at Advancetown Hotel on Sunday January 23. Princess is a staunch St George fan and was dressed accordingly for the special occasion John was surrounded by his children Brian, John Harrison Kylie, Paula, Nicole and Angela and their children in a real party atmosphere.

Charmaine Cameron, Tammy Johnson nursing Kirby and great grandmother Sylvian Cameron.

WELCOME TO TWINS Congratulations to David and Paula Veivers of Beechmont on the safe arrival of their twins on January 5, 2011. Elizabeth Mary arrived first and weighed in at 6 lb 1 oz and was followed shortly after by Walter Hill Daryl weighing in at 7lb 1oz. The babies were delivered at Pindara Hospital on the Gold Coast, just a very short distance from the Benowa home of the very excited and proud grandparents, Michael “Mick” and Betty Veivers. The twins are the first grandchildren for Mick and Betty. Mum and children are home on Beechmont and doing well.

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FAMILY TRAVEL FOR 80TH BIRTHDAY On Sunday 16th January Peter Hickson of Wonglepong Celebrated his 80th Birthday at home with his wife Ray, family and friends. Peter’s family travelled from Tasmania, Victoria and the Gold Coast to celebrate with him. The photo below shows Peter with his wife Ray and their four children: Stephen Hickson (Victoria) Lyn Rogers (Tasmania), Wayne Hickson (Nerang) and Sonia Shreeve (Gilston) along with their Grand Children and Great Grand Children many of whom made the trip to Queensland for his big day, and friends from the Gold Coast.

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Page 8 - The Canungra Times, February 2011

If you would like your upcoming or retrospective birthday or anniversary, or new arrival announced in The Canungra Times please email the details to news@canungratimes.com.au prior to our deadline each month, or phone Keer on 0407 671 286 or Stu on 0422 986 208 with details.

Peter Hickson on his 80th Birthday receiving his Super Veterans Badge from Joyce Libke (Chairperson, Canungra Bowls Club)

Orchid Society Thanks Careflight Lee Thorneycroft, President, and Peter Rice, Secretary, were only too pleased to present a cheque for $1,000 to Corinne Ross, Careflight representative and promotional speaker, at the recent meeting of Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society Inc. This donation was as an expression of thanks to the local community for its continuing support of a Society that holds Autumn and Spring Shows for orchids and other foliage plants at Canungra each year. This donation is intended to help in the running costs of Careflight, such a worthwhile organisation that can be called on at any time to provide emergency assistance to people in need within our rural shires. For more information about the Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society Inc, visit their web site: www.bdofs.com.


St. Luke’s Anglican Church Canungra will be celebrating its 75 Anniversary on the weekend of 15-16 October, this year. A weekend of celebrations is in the planning. The St. Luke’s Guild plans to publish a memento booklet and is searching for anyone who has been associated with the church over the past 80 or so years. Any old photographs, newspaper clippings or stories will be most welcome. Further details about the 75th Anniversary will be published in The Canungra Times as they come to hand. If you are able to assist in any way, please contact John and Anne King on 5543 4249. This is a great way to contribute to the recording of Canungra’s history which can be shared for future generations.

The Canungra Times, February 2011 - Page 9

Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards 2011 The Scenic Rim Regional Council Australia Day Awards Ceremony was held on Tuesday 25th January from 5-7pm at The Centre, Beaudesert, and resulted in nine categorical winners as well as four achievement award recipients. Mayor John Brent said “All the categorical winners of the Australia Day Awards and the nominees too should feel very proud of themselves for their achievements.” The winners of the Australia Day Awards 2011 for the Scenic Rim region are: Citizen of the Year Dr Alan Blackman Dr Alan Blackman has played a major role in supporting the development of sport in South East Queensland and particularly on Tamborine Mountain where he has been the driving force behind the development of the Tamborine Mountain Sports Complex. He was awarded the Sport Volunteer of the Year Award at the 16th Annual Queensland Sports Awards 2010. Senior Citizen of the Year Pam Marsh Pam has been an active member of many organisations on Tamborine Mountain, some of which include the Tamborine Mountain Creative Arts Group and the RSPCA Million Paws Walk, plus various charities that help raise money for cancer including Make a Wish Foundation. Pam also has a passion for theatre and is a member of the Tamborine Mountain Little Theatre Group and has received a nomination for the CulturalAward. Young Citizen of the Year Kathryn Willett 2010 was a busy year for Kathryn, winning the Logan/Scenic Rim Business Trainee of the Year, Boonah State High School Apprentice of the Year, being School Captain and receiving an Academic Award at Boonah State High School. Kathryn also represented Fassifern at the Queensland Vigoro State Titles where she took out wicketkeeper of the tournament. Sports Junior - Riley Day Riley regularly competes in school athletics, cross country and touch football. In 2010, achieved four gold medals at the Queensland Little Athletics State Titles. Riley represented Queensland at the A u s t r a l i a n Tr a c k a n d F i e l d Championships in Bendigo. Sports Senior - Vey Payne Vey has been an active member of the Beaudesert Pistol Club since 1966. He has held several positions on the Club's committee since 1967, including President over five periods, most recently from 2002 to today. Over the past 30 years, he has designed and built most of the club’s facilities and has been pivotal to the success of the club.

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Cultural Junior - Yasmin Poole Yasmin Poole is a 12 year old entertainer with a big future in the entertainment industry. With her commitment and dedication to music, she is bound to achieve all she sets her sights on. She has jointly raised over $15,000 for everything from school computers to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal. Cultural Senior - Rachael Brook Rachael doesn't let adversity get in her way. Born with cerebral palsy, Rachael began painting at 18 as an outlet for her creative spirit. She paints by holding a brush in her mouth. In 2010 she entered her painting of Brisbane artist Michael Zavros in the Portia Geach Competition for female artists. Community Event - Rathdowney Heritage Festival The 15th annual Rathdowney Heritage Festival was held over the Easter weekend in 2010. It was the most successful festival held to date with over 6,000 people visiting the region and enjoying the festivities.

Achievement Awards Fassifern Vaulting Team In 2010 the Fassifern Vaulting Team won the Queensland State Championships in the team category, also taking out the same title at the Australian Team event. Combining gymnastics and dance on horse back, this team of locals worked together with their horses to perform outstanding gymnastic routines. Dr Michael Rice Dr Rice has been an active and committed member of the Beaudesert community for 18 years and has been involved with many volunteer organisations. As a local GP, he is passionate about ensuring the community has access to appropriate health services and has been a strong advocate for the return of maternity and Arthur and Delma Day Arthur and Delma volunteer three to four days a week at Wongaburra and the wider Beaudesert Community. They are very well respected volunteers and known for their Kate Raymont Kate was the driving force behind the establishment of an after school childcare facility in Canungra. She formed a working group to assess the need for this facility and sought suitable companies to run the service. After months of work, the YMCA opened the after school care service in 2010. See story page 1. Mayor’s Award - Ray Parker Ray was one of the driving forces behind the Aratula Community Sports Centre and has been raising funds for over 20 years through raffles and other sponsorships. He has been the president of the Aratula School of Arts for 15 years and is a great supporter of theAratula community.

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