Ct october 2015 web

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The Canungra Times

October 2015, Issue No 114 www.canungratimes.com.au

2,500 copies distributed FREE every month

Canungra Turns Pink!



Canungra Hairdressing

Come and join in for gentle exercise and relaxation Learn how to control your breathing Thursdays 9.30 am - 10.30 am - $10 Accredited Instructor Rae 0421 520 690

Canungra Turns Pink Raffle & Specials See instore for details! Christie Street, Canungra

5543 5455

30 varieties of wood fired oven baked pies Tasmanian Pies: Scallop & Salmon & Brie Pies Page 2


with Shirley at Moriarty Park Hall

Monday Mornings from 9.30am - 11.00am Cost: Only $13.00 per class

Phone Shirley on 5543 4047

BLACKBIRD COUNTRY PIES Sweets, Cold Drinks, Tea & Coffee Cold Party Packs Available for All Pies

At Moriarty Park

Sewing & Crafters Tools All $4

Now Selling: Streets Ice Creams!

2/27 Christie Street, Canungra. Phone: 0431 091 296 The Canungra Times October 2015

Enjoying the first event for October’s Canungra Turns Pink month - the Pink Shoe Party at The Shoe Vault.

Canungra Turns Pink for Cancer

The flags are out on the main street as Canungra Turns Pink to raise money and awareness for the Cancer Council. A initiative of the Canungra Chamber of Commerce and The Breeze, Canungra Turns Pink will see businesses and community organisations throughout the town rally together. Ashley Palmero, Promotions Manager from The Breeze and Rebel Media said, “Each year, the Breeze donates over $1000,000 in advertising airtime

to local charities and groups and last year we wanted to be hands on with a major fundraiser for the Cancer Council of Queensland. Many of our staff have been affected by cancer either personally or indirectly so we decided to tie in with Pink Ribbon Month and Turn Canungra Pink in October.” “Last year was a huge success, raising over $20,000 for the Cancer Council of Queensland and promoting Canungra across Logan and the Gold Coast. We

are looking forward to turning Canungra pink again and if the support we have received from the local businesses, the Canungra Chamber of Commerce and the Canungra Times so far is indicative, then this year is going to be huge.” Events include a high tea, Shoe Party, Garage Sale, Bowls Day, Markets, raffles and special promotions and donations by businesses. See the Date Claimer on page six or pages 14 and 15 of this Canungra Times for further details.

Ph: 07 5543 4889 Mob: 0417 728 072 Shop 2, 1 Lawton Lane CANUNGRA QLD 4275 www.aussieproperties.com.au

Your lifestyle counts!


Aussie Lifestyle Properties in the fight to cure cancer!

Donate and help “Phil” the pig to go in the draw for a chance to win 1 of 4 picnic hampers at O’Reillys Canungra Valley Vineyard, valued at $70 each. The Canungra Times October 2015

Monique Morcus

Specialising in property management

Page 3

Miss Lisa’s Garden

Lisa Fay was a teacher at Canungra State School from 1998 until 2007, when tragically she was rediagnosed with cancer. She taught children of all ages and loved the town and the school community deeply. Her younger students knew her as ‘Miss Lisa’. Sadly, Lisa passed away in 2009. Her funeral was held at the Canungra School of Arts Hall where the Canungra State School Choir sang some of her favourite songs, as Lisa had requested. Lisa asked people to bring living trees to her funeral, to be planted at the School. She is buried in Canungra cemetery. During her illness, she arranged for a garden to be planted in the Prep playground for the children to play in. Lisa wanted the children to be able to use this garden, and to pick the flowers as she knew Prep students would want to do. Lisa loved children and was a dedicated mother and teacher. Please remember this very special lady as you pass by Miss Lisa’s Garden.

Morgan and Victoria Lee and Aiden Bell-McNee, past students of Miss Lisa

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Two pairs of complete glasses from $149


Orthodontic treatment (fixed & invisible braces)


Cosmetic work (crowns/bridge, denture, whitening)




Same day emergency appointments**

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Beaudesert 5541-1177

In the Woolworths Centre

Medibank and BUPA major provider, health fund on the spot claim

Single Quick Fold Bed Steel tube frame, single action easy set up, carry bag included. Great for camping or guests! 100kg max.


Page 4

The Canungra Times October 2015

Bridge Renamed To Honour Family Patriarch

Canungra’s new Murphy Bridge is to be renamed in recognition of the late patriarch of the family Robert (Bob) Murphy. Mr Murphy, a prominent dairy farmer and lifelong resident of Canungra, passed away in May 2015, just shy of his 90th birthday. Council completed the replacement of the original timber Murphy Bridge, which was damaged by flooding associated by ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald in early 2013, with a new concrete structure in June of this year. Deputy Mayor and Division 3 representative Cr Virginia West said Mr Murphy had been a near daily visitor to the bridge construction site, adjacent to the family property on Murphy Rd, prior to his passing. “After the new bridge was completed in June, the Mayor and I met with the family to officially commission the new crossing,” Cr West said. “It was wonderful to hear stories from both Bob’s family and the contractors involved of the rapport he had established with the workers on the new bridge during his regular inspections and how he had been very much looking forward to its completion.” “In consultation with his family, it was proposed the new bridge be renamed Bob Murphy Bridge in recognition of his connection to the local area spanning some 89 years.” Corporate and Community Services Committee chair Cr Nigel Waistell said given the close connection to the existing bridge name, Council had waived the normal public submission period for naming proposals. “Given the significance of Mr Murphy’s contribution to the Canungra area and the fact this bridge was originally named after the family, Council has waived this process and the renaming will take effect immediately,” he said. “It is certainly an appropriate recognition of a man who was a lifelong resident and supporter of the Canungra community.”

Flying Fox Strategy Adopted

Council has adopted a new strategy for the management of Scenic Rim flying fox population. Corporate and Community Services Chair Councillor Nigel Waistell said the adoption of the Scenic Rim Flying Fox Strategy followed a six-week public consultation process in respect to the draft document. Cr Waistell said Council had received one public submission in relation to the document during the consultation period. “The strategy seeks to provide a long-term solution to managing the impact from flying foxes across the region and identifies 11 locations within the Scenic Rim where flying foxes are known to roost,” he said. “At the core of the Flying Fox Strategy is a commitment to ensuring the health and safety of the Scenic Rim community, balanced against the need to provide a habitat for our native wildlife.”

Council Notices Rural Trees Initiative Free trees will be available to ratepayers as part of Council’s Free Trees Program on Saturday 3 October. Residents must present their Free Tree Voucher (delivered with their 2015 rates notice) in order to collect their free trees. Trees will be distributed at DJ Smith Park (Christie St, Canungra) between the hours of 8am and 12pm. E-Waste Recycling E-Waste Recycling has returned on a trial basis at two Council waste facilities, Tamborine Mountain Transfer Station and Beaudesert Transfer Station. The service is free of charge for residents disposing of a broad range of electrical items such as computers and computer accessories, printers, microwaves and small kitchen and household appliances. For any enquiries contact Council’s Waste Services section. Garage Sale Trail - 24 October Households, schools and groups in the Scenic Rim are set to join thousands of Australians as part of the Garage Sale Trail on 24 October. Be a part of this initiative that encourages the reuse and recycling of items and start collecting for your garage sale now! Register at www.garagesaletrail.com.au.



Book Clubs


Book Clubs are available at all libraries or as private groups, each discussing something different.

BAMS Presents The Wizard Of Oz Friday October 9, 16, 23 & 30 at 7.30pm Saturday October 10, 17, 24 at 2pm Saturday 31 October at 5pm Adults $27.50; Conc. $25; Under 16 $20; Groups 10+ 10% discount @ The Centre Beaudesert

Children’s Storytime Children’s storytime teaches your child literacy and a love of reading. Find your local storytime at a branch near you. Computer Classes Computer classes include Internet for Beginners, iPad classes and much more. Contact your local branch for more information: Beaudesert ................................................. 5540 5142, Boonah .......................................................... 5463 3064 Canungra ...................................................... 5543 5791 Tamborine Mtn .......................................... 5540 5473 Mobile Library ...................................... 0418 984 064

POSITIONS VACANT Compliance Officer - 2 positions Full time, closing 12pm Friday 9 October Customer Contact Officer Part time, closing 12pm Friday 9 October

Musical Mornings At Last With Scott Irwin & Danielle Barnes Friday 23 October 11am Adults $16; Groups 10+ $12.50 (incl. morning tea) @ Boonah Cultural Centre EXHIBITIONS (free entry) Make Do & Mend Heritage Arts and Crafts Continues until 28 October @ The Centre Beaudesert Basi Members Mixed Media Exhibition Continues until 1 November @ Boonah Regional Art Gallery

CINEMA Friday Flicks: The Age Of Adaline (M) Friday 9 October 10am & 7pm Adults $10; Conc. $7.50 @ Boonah Cultural Centre That Sugar Film (PG) Friday 16 October 6.30pm Adults $5; Children: gold coin Cancer research fundraiser @ Boonah Cultural Centre Classic Flicks: On The Town (G) Gene Kelly & Frank Sinatra Thursday 15 October 10am $5 (incl. morning tea) @ The Centre Beaudesert CENTENNIAL BALLS Saturday 24 October @ Boonah Cultural Centre Saturday 14 November @ The Centre Beaudesert MEET THE WYARALONG SCULPTORS 6pm Saturday 3 October Free @ the Centre Beaudesert RSVP 0421 006 220 For more information visit www.liveatthecentre.com.au

Council correspondence should be addressed to c/- Craig Barke, Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 25, Beaudesert, QLD, 4285 (unless otherwise stated). For information on Council services and events visit www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au or phone 5540 5111 or 1300 360 555. Follow Council on social media www.facebook.com/ScenicRimRC or www.twitter.com/ScenicRimRC

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 5

Canungra and District Date Claimer

Listings in the date claimer are free for non-profit and community events. Email news@canungratimes.com.au or call 5543 5532.

October - Turning Canungra Pink!

3rd ��������Pop Up for Pink in DJ Smith Park, 10am - 3pm. 8th ���������Front Garden Judging. 10th �������Street Markets. Ph: 0408 435 655. 11th ��������Beechmont Tennis Club - Official Opening of new courts from 10.30am. 15th �������Shop Window Judging. 17th �������Pink Golf Day at Canungra Golf Course. 23rd �������Pool Movie Night at Canungra Swimming Pool. 24th �������Garage Sale Frenzy at Moriarty Park. Contact Bren via email bren.dalby@bigpond.com. 25th �������Canungra Valley Markets and Pink Poker Run for Motorbikes. 30th �������Pink Hoe Down at the Showground Fundraising BBQ. Ph: 5543 4322. Ollie King negotiates the water jumping castle at Canungra Pool open day.


just great music November

14th �������Tracey Davis performing at Canungra Hotel. Leigh Bartlett and Janine Whittaker at the sign up day for Canungra Masters Swimming

25th �������Christmas Day. 26th �������Boxing Day.

December Mondays:

• Beechmont Over 50’s at Graceleigh Hall, Beechmont. Ph 0457 803 045. • Fitness Training Moriarty Park Hall 5.30pm. Steve 0405 103 670. • Zumba. 9-10am Beginners Class at Canungra School of Arts Hall. Ph: 0427 171 134.


• Canungra Golf Club - Ladies’ Competition Golf Day. • 30 min High Intensity Fat Burning Classes at Live Fit Studio. Kym 0405 103 670. • 3rd Tue: Canungra Rural Fire Brigade monthly meeting. Jamie 5543 5778.


• • • • •

Fitness Training Moriarty Park Hall 5.30pm. Steve 0405 103 670. Justice of the Peace Community Signing Centre. Next to the library 1pm - 4pm. 1st Wednesday: Canungra AH&I Society Meeting. 7.00pm at Canungra Showgrounds. 2nd Wed: Canungra Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Ph: 0407 671 286 for details. 3rd Wednesday: Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society. www.bdofs.com.

• • • •

Men’s Competition Golf Day at Canungra Golf Club. Every 2nd Thursday Canungra Art & Culture Group. Showgrounds Art Hut. Ph: 5543 5528. Zumba. 9-10am Beginners Class at Canungra School of Arts Hall. Ph: 0427 171 134. Canungra Swimming Club. Juniors Swim Club, 5:30 to 7:30 pm . Ph: 0409 752 997.



• Justice of the Peace - Canungra Visitor Information Centre. Ph: 5543 5156. • 30 min High Intensity Fat Burning Classes at Live Fit Studio. Kym 0405 103 670.


• Mixed Competition Golf Day at Canungra Golf Club. • 1st Sat: QCWA Wonglepong (except January) at 9.30am. Ph: Joyce Libke 5543 5212. • • • •


The Shoe Vault Marketta. Ph: 0400 477 818. Church Services: St Luke’s Anglican 7.45am. Canungra Uniting Church 10.30am. 1st Sun: Canungra Pony Club Rally Day. Ph: 0400 436 867. Last Sunday each month: Canungra Valley Markets at Canungra School of Arts Hall.

Amanda Thoroughgood and El Hogan enjoying their day at Canungra Pool QBCC Licence no 1165 637

we do the lot

Ph (07) 5547 7133

www.kamconstructions.com.au Page 6

GARAGES - CARPORTS PATIOS & INDUSTRIAL Lot11 Euphemia Street, Jimboomba

The Canungra Times October 2015

Local Groups Share in $349,000 Grants

Community groups in Canungra, along with others in the Beaudesert electorate, shared in over $349,000 in grant funding awarded through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Member for Beaudesert Jon Krause said the money would make a huge difference to the 13 successful local groups. “It is wonderful to see so many local organisations receiving grants to fund activities and facilities for our community,” Mr Krause said. “This terrific outcome would not have occurred without many hardworking volunteers giving their time and energy to complete the grant application process. “I remind not-for-profit groups that the next round of Gambling Community Benefit Fund opens in mid-October and closes at midnight on 30th November 2015. “I am always happy to provide support for grant applications, simply contact my office via email to beaudesert@parliament.qld.gov.au or phone 5515 1100 for more information,” he said. Local organisations to receive funding were: • Canungra State School P&C Association received $26,649 to purchase desktop computers. • Tamborine Mountain Junior Cricket Club Inc received $35,000 to install practice wickets. • Tamborine Pony Club Inc received $31,818.18 to purchase a tractor. • YMCA Canungra Outside School Hours Care received $19,578.65 to purchase furniture and equipment. • Canungra Area Golf Club received $31,818.18 to purchase ride on mower The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) Community Benefit Funds Unit (CBFU) distributes revenue from gaming taxes to various not-for-profit community groups throughout Queensland.


CANUNGRA (17 Appel St): Tues 9.30am & 6.30pm Thurs 9.30am Fri 6.30pm (”Yin” class) Sat 8am BEAUDESERT: Wed 4.30pm & 6.30pm (at the Masonic Hall, opposite Beaudesert Pool) Timetable subject to change during school holidays & when we are away running retreats. Please check website for changes.

CanungraYoga.com or LIKE us on Facebook Phone: 0421 871 564

Funky Dory owners Alan McCloy and Jamie Quetcher

New Owners Continue to Serve Quality

Jamie Quetcher has working in hospitality all her working life, and when Funky Dory Diner owners Neville and Isabel Appleyard decided it was time to retire, she was more than happy to take over the reins. Jamie has been working at Funky Dory for nine months and is excited about joining her partner, Alan McCloy in the business. Jamie and Alan assure customers that they will be carrying on the business with the same dedication to quality and service that Neville and Isabel showed. “We won’t be changing things,” said Jamie, “Working for Neville and Isabel, I had a good chance to learn the business and we are very happy to be able to offer our customers the menu and food they have enjoyed at Funky Dory for the past five years.” The popular takeaway shop is a career change for Alan, who is a plasterer by trade but he is excited about the possibilities the business has and appreciative of the assistance Neville and Isabel have given him and Jamie. Neville and Isabel are looking forward to spending time with their children and grandchildren. “We thank the community for their support and friendship over the years, we could not have done it without them,” they said. Funky Dory will continue to open seven days a week.

Smoothies and Protein Shakes

Phone Orders Welcome

Open 7 Days Fish & Chips Salads







EFTPOS Available

Under New Management

Phone: 5543 5338 28 Christie Street, Canungra

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 7

Canungra Sports and Recreation Grounds Working Bee

The Impact of Slow (or No) Broadband

WHEN: 8am Saturday 31st October WHERE: Canungra Showgrounds Coburg Rd, Canungra. WHAT: We are continuing with restoration works at the Showgrounds and focussing on planting around the recently built camp kitchen facility. Please wear sun smart clothing and closed footwear. BBQ Morning tea provided Suitable for families MORE INFO: Jodie Clifford 0407430070 ecojodie@hotmail.com

Look as young as you feel with Dysport Antiwrinkle Opening Special: $150 for frown area Injections (October only) Before Treatment

After Treatment

Available now at Canungra Beauty. Book in for an obligation free consultation.

Phone: 5543 5060

Residents in the Canungra district are being inconvenienced by a lack of adequate internet services in the area. ADSL broadband is unavailable to some households due to cabling restictions or a lack of available ports at the exchange, however alternative options can be problematic and expensive. Mobile broadband services are also unreliable in many areas due to ‘black spots’. Generally this is because signals can not reach into the valleys, something that can only be fixed with additional infrastucture. Illinbah is one of the most problematic areas, with residents opting for satellite internet services which may be subsidised by the Government. However this has also been unreliable. Loretta Mineo of Illinbah described her satellite internet service as “absolutely woeful”. “I have two kids at uni and they can’t even do their study here at home. I have to drive them sometimes seven days a week and leave them at friends’ houses to do their study,” she said. Another Illinbah resident, Monique Amala said, “While we are classified as a Telstra mobile ‘black spot’ - the government subsidised satellite internet service is also a disgrace. Internet speeds are ridiculously slow (particularly in the afternoon/evening) and render any opportunity to work from home useless. I run a number of successful companies and as a result of poor services, rather than having the opportunity to employ local community members, I am forced to manage my businesses (and therefore employ) outside the local area.” Telstra Manager Darren Clarke said mobile broadband reception can be improved with external aerials. He also advised residents requesting ADSL to put an order in to Telstra even if they are told it is not available so that they are aware of the demand in the area. The wait for NBN could be a long one. NBN’s Corporate Affairs Manager - Queensland, Kylie Lindsay said NBN is rolling out a three year plan as this paper goes to print. She said at this stage there is no NBN being rolled out in the Canungra area. “In the coming weeks the NBN™ will be releasing a three year construction plan, outlining the technology and areas that will be either in build or complete within three years, “said Kylie, “I urge local residents to keep an eye out for this.” The Canungra Times would welcome any information from readers about this issue. Please contact our office on 5543 5532 or email news@ canungratimes.com.au. We will continue to update readers on this issue.

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The Canungra Times October 2015

Vibrancy Funding for Communities

Canungra Ambulance Officer Jud Hart was recognised for 15 years service in September.

Community improvements worth $900,000 will be delivered in 2015-16 as part of Council’s Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages initiative. Council is funding significant projects in Beaudesert, Beechmont, Boonah, Kooralbyn and Tamborine Mountain as part of its continuing commitment to local infrastructure improvements which enhance the character of Scenic Rim communities. “Our Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages initiative delivers outcomes which respond to the current and future needs of our community by creating new vibrant and active spaces or enhancing our existing facilities,” Mayor John Brent said. Cr Brent said projects in the communities of Beechmont and Kooralbyn would also benefit from VATV funding in 2015-16. “In Beechmont we will be undertaking a significant upgrade and refurbishment of the war memorial in Graceleigh Park,” he said. “Council is committed to ensure the service and sacrifice of those from the Beechmont district continues to be recognised in a fitting manner which meets the expectations of the community. Community improvements under the 2014-15 VATV program included: • A 100m addition to the Canungra footpath loop on Lamington National Park Rd. • Canungra beautification and landscaping - Christie St, DJ Smith Park, School of Arts. Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages 2015-16 Funding • Tamborine Mountain - Gallery Walk park and community space - $100,000. • Tamborine Mountain - Vonda Youngman Centre exterior improvements - $90,000. • Beechmont - Graceleigh Park Memorial refurbishment and upgrade - $35,000. • Regionwide - Minor footpath upgrades and kerb ramp improvement - $70,000.

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Congratulations Hamper Winner - Vanessa Ticket Blue C91

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 9

Stormchaser Turns Local Hero

Local Stormchaser Daniel Lutzke put his first aid training to good use when he came across a serious motobike crash at Advancetown on Saturday 19th September. Daniel scrambled 15 metres down the steep embankment to assist the rider who had been thrown from his bike after hitting the guardrail. The embankment was so steep that Ambulance Officers had to abseil down to the injured rider. Daniel said he took the first aid kit from his car and applied the first aid training he had recieved through Surf Life Saving and Junior Firefighters. Daniel stayed with the rider until he was safely in the ambulance. He gave the rider his own shirt to cover him after Emergency Services workers had to cut his clothes off to treat him. “He’s lucky to be alive,” said Daniel, “It was crazy, there were five ambulances, two fire trucks, one police car and my car as well as a chopper over head. Two other riders were down there with me till the firies and ambos got there.” Ros Bates MP congratulated Daniel on his bravery and quick thinking. “It is local acts of unsung heroism like this that make our community stronger, and I thank Daniel for his quick thinking and selflessness,” she said.

Art Classes in an Inspired, Creative Atmosphere

Artist Giselle Luske believes there is a hidden talent in all of us. “Everyone can draw or paint,” says Giselle, “For the beginner, these art classes are an ideal opportunity to try drawing or painting free of the obligation of booking for an extended course. For the experienced artist it is a perfect situation to come for re-stimulation, learn a new technique, or simply come to paint and get some positive feedback.” With her individual structured program, students can join at anytime, be taught individually within a creative art studio atmosphere, surrounded by like minded beautiful people. Enjoy the beautiful studio atmosphere, study new and/or traditional painting techniques and explore your own style. Giselle has the unique ability to render complicated matter simple, and her experience in the field of colour and shape; art and design; creativity and inspiration, coupled with a down to earth, individual and practical teaching style, make her an excellent tutor. For enquries please call Giselle on 0407 630 776 or email giselle@ gallerygiselle.com.

Giselle’s Art Classes Join at any time Individual Teaching

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Beginners to Advanced Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:30am - 1:00pm $30 per class

3155 Beechmont Road Please call Giselle on

0407 630 776

www.GalleryGiselle.com Celebrating 25 years Art Classes

Page 10

The Canungra Times October 2015

Orchid and Foliage Show Spectacular By Peter Rice, Secretary Beaudesert and District Orchid and Foliage Society

The Beaudesert Orchid and Foliage Society’s Spring Festival for Orchids and Foliage Plants was a great success with over six hundred visitors from across South East Queensland attending the Show. Visitors enjoyed a spectacular display of one hundred and eighty spring-flowering orchid plants and sixty-seven foliage plants, a small number of foliage plants compared to previous years, but not diminished in quality because many foliage plants are yet to awaken fully from their winter nap. Again, so many Canungra locals gave the Society their support, as well as some from the Beechmont area and a surprisingly large number

from coming down from Mount Tamborine. The Grand Champion Orchid was Dendrobium speciosum var grandiflorum exhibited by Ian Brown of the Tweed. This is a type of the king orchid that many growers have flowering now. The Grand Champion Floral Plant was a Davallia pyxidata, a fine type of Australian hare’s foot fern. This was entered by Merv and Gwen Stewart of Slacks Creek.

Garden Hamper Winners

• First Prize: Wendy of Jimboomba. • Second Prize: Beth of Mt Tamborine. • Third Prize: Joy of Advancetown. • Fourth Prize: Tracey of Beaudesert.

Sandy Su, Tina Lee and Rosemary Chou travelled from Brisbane for the Orchid Show.

• Fifth Prize: Canungra.


• Lucky Door Prizes


• Bunnings Voucher: Wynne of Mount Tamborine. • Gardening Australia Subscription: Robyn of Logan. All major prizes were picked up by the winners with the Lucky Door Prizes in transit. The Society is most grateful for the support that the local residents give and hope that

we can see them again in March for the Autumn Show when different orchids will be flowering and foliage plants will be at their best. The Beaudesert and District Orchid and Foliage Society meets at the Canungra School of Arts Hall on the on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm. For enquiries visit their web site www.bdofs.com or phone Peter on 5543 2108.

One of the spectacular orchids on display

Desley Caswell and Jenny Corcoran ran the cake and craft stall The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 11

Scenic Rim Salutes Green Army Teams

Council has recognised the contribution of the Scenic Rim’s first Green Army participants in delivering improved environmental outcomes for the region. Mayor John Brent and Deputy Mayor Virginia West presented Green Army participants with certificates of appreciation from Council in acknowledgement of their work in the Canungra area over the past several months. Virginia said two Green Army teams had undertaken significant vegetation management work in Moriarty and Riverbend Parks. “Between them, team members planted more than 5000 trees and rehabilitated several hectares of riparian bushland. This included the removal of several tonnes of invasive weeds and plants from along the creek bank,” she said. “This work has certainly been noticed and appreciated by the local community and Council wished to acknowledge this in a formal manner. “They should rightly feel a great sense pride in what they have achieved over




the past few months and I thank them for a job well done.” Cr Brent said Council would be sponsoring a total of eight teams from the Federal Government’s Green Army program over the next two years to assist in the delivery of works associated with Council’s Million Trees initiative. “We are undertaking an expanded range of programs to achieve improved land management and environmental outcomes across the region,” he said.


By Carol Mahony

Nora Hart’s wedding dress is on display at the Templin Museum near Boonah until 25th October. Nora Hart was the granddaughter of Hugh Mahony - the first man of European descent to set foot in the Canungra area and take up land. Her parents were Thomas and Emma (Daniels) Mahony. Nora was born in 1886 and died in 1966 aged 80 years. On 9th December 1911 Nora married Walter Hart. They had one child, Mary Hart who lived in Canungra until her death in 2011 aged 99. She was well known in the town and very involved in the Canungra Bowls Club and St Luke’s Anglican Church. In DJ Smith Park in Canungra is “Mary’s Tree” which is a Mexican Pine brought back from a CWA conference as a seedling. It is the tree that is decorated each Christmas and is the centre piece of the Park. Page 12

Mayor John Brent and Deputy Mayor Virginia West with Green Army participants and supervisors at Moriarty Park, Canungra


“Participants in the Green Army program will be integral to this process over the next two years but in return will gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation. “I commend our first cohort of Green Army members for the great outcomes they have delivered in the Canungra area.” To find out more about joining the Green Army visit www.campbellpage. com.au/green-army.


Nora and Walter lived their early married life in a house rented from Amos Finch near Finch Road. In 1917 they bought a property just out of Canungra on Canungra Creek called “Irvinsford” where they built their house which still stands today. Walter and Nora initially ran cattle on the property and in 1929 they began dairy farming on their property. Walter was a timber cutter who had a Bullock Team in the Canungra District. In 1951 Nora and Walter moved into the house at 50 Kidston St, Canungra, opposite the Catholic Church. They employed share farmers to run the farm at Irvinsford. In 1961 Irvinsford was sold to John Finch. Nora’s wedding dress is still in very good condition along with Kid leather shoes. It is on display at the Templin Museum until 25th October. Templin Museum is open for visitors every Sunday 9:30-3:30 or by appointment during the week. Phone 07 5463 1970. The Canungra Times October 2015



Walter Hart and Nora Mahony on their wedding day 9th December 1911











Halloween Movie Night! FRIDAY 30TH OCT 2015

Creep on in, sit dow n & c atc h a movie on our BLOW- UP PROJECTO R SCREEN in t he BEER GARDEN!









MALE & FEMALE! DRINKS AVAILABLE! The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 13


Date: 25 October 2015 Valley View Equine Group is holding the annual ride for cancer! Dress yourself and your horse in Pink. Ride starts at 7.30 am sharp from 868 Lamington National Park Road, Canungra. Approx 4 hour ride with light refreshments half way. Followed by a Picnic basket lunch and wine tasting at O’Reillys Canungra Valley Vineyard at approx 1.00pm. Drinks will be available for purchase. Rider: $70 includes ride, light refreshments & lunch Non Rider: $40 includes lunch All riders must be over 16 years. For further information email

valleyviewteam@gmail.com or phone:

0413 724 638 Sponsored by:

Jon Krause MP with Matthew Jones and Cr Virginia West at The Shoe Vault

Fundraising Kicks Off with Pink Shoe Party Canungra Turns Pink Kicked off

with The Shoe Vault’s Pink Shoe Party on Saturday 26th September. Guests were treated to great evening hosted by The Shoe Vault owner, Nora Jones.


There was a prize for the best pink POOL INTERIORS

shoes on the night - which turned out to be an all ladies competition!

Nora also ran a raffle with all proceeds from the night going to the Canungra Turns Pink fundraising. There are many opportunities to take part in events and fundraising throughout October with a variety of events taking place in Canungra. The grand finale is the Hoe Down at the Showground on Friday 30th October, hosted by Cafe Metz with live music, raffles and dinner.

Free breast screening and hearing checks in Beaudesert

BreastScreen Queensland and Australian Hearing are teaming up to offer free screening in Beaudesert. BreastScreen Queensland is visiting Beaudesert Hospital until mid December and eligible women are encouraged to book their free breastscreen early as appointments are expected to disappear fast. Last year saw a record numbers of ladies visiting the breast screening mobile service at Beaudesert, with more than 1300 local women having this important health check. On 21st October, members of the community can also take advantage of free hearing checks at Beaudesert Hospital, through Australia’s largest provider of hearing services. Australian Hearing will be onsite providing hearing checks for the general public from 9am until 4pm on this day, with no appointment necessary. BreastScreen Queensland health promotion officer Julia Foreman encourages people to take advantage of these free services on offer. “We know it can be difficult for people to find the time to attend screening which Page 14

BreastScreen Queensland will be in Beaudesert until December

is why we are bringing these services to Beaudesert to make it easier and more convenient for the local community,” Ms Foreman said. A breastscreen aims to detect breast cancer in its very early stages and is strongly recommended for women aged between 50 and 74 years. The Canungra Times October 2015

This free health service is available to all women from the age of 40 who do not have existing breast cancer symptoms. A mobile service will visit North Tamborine early next year. Eligible women can arrange an appointment at their nearest BreastScreen service by phoning 13 20 50.

Pop Up For Pink in the Park

Here in our beautiful community there are amongst us a number of families who are at the coalface of fighting cancer. Chrissy Keepence of “The Lindy Charm School for Girls” is one such warrior. Chrissy is a local and in the past three years she lost her father, baby sister and mother to the disease and then had to face her own cancer diagnosis in January this year. Di Crooks, the owner of Café Metz, is another such warrior, simply getting on with it whist enduring difficult treatments and difficult days. Both of these ladies have the BRCA gene that gives a predisposition to Breast and Ovarian Cancer, as do all of the females in their families and both of these ladies have tirelessly given their time and energy to raising awareness about BRCA and helping others who are struggling. Pop Up For Pink is an event to help people in our community who need a well-deserved pampering. It will be held on Saturday 3rd October from 10am - 3pm in DJ Smith Park (next to Cafe Metz). Chrissy is one of Australia’s leading Vintage Stylists and is setting up a styling booth to pamper anyone who feels they could use some TLC. On hand will be a wonderful photographer from “Redmond Photographics” who can capture your vintage make over and leave you with a memento. Chrissy goes by the motto that ‘if you look good you feel good’, even if it’s only for a moment. Chrissy’s husband Swing-a-Billy Ray will DJ some hopping swing tunes to put a pep in your step. There will be 18 (high end, real hair) stunning wigs available for anyone in the community who is in need of one because of chemo treatment. These wigs belonged to Chrissy’s sister Elisha Neave, who fought her own good fight before losing her battle with cancer last year, she would have LOVED having these go to women of our community. If you know of someone who would like to have one of these wigs please write a letter to us and tell us their story of their personal battle/journey with Cancer. Letters can be sent or dropped in to Cafe Metz, 37 Christie Street, Canungra or email to: cafemetz@bigpond.com. Letters accepted throughout October. There will be head scarves and Bandanas and Beanies all lovingly made and freely available for those who need them. Please come down and see Chrissy and Di who really want to help you share your load. This will be a fun, high energy, day filled with positivity and glamour. A day to embrace and celebrate the fabulously strong cancer warriors in our community. Call Chrissy on 0409 727 888 to book in your FREE Vintage Makeover on the day. Open to all Cancer Warriors, Previvors and Survivors, or just turn up for a pamper at our Pop Up For Pink Pamper Salon.

Valley Vintage High Tea fundraiser for Cancer Council at 63 Little Flying Fox Road, Flying Fox via Canungra on 22nd October at 10am. Tickets $20 Bookings are essential as there are limited numbers.

Ph: Trish 0419 090 246 or Jo 0417 727 507 Canungra Turns Pink Raffle

Prize: Scenic Flight (TIF) in an Ultralight Aircraft

Tickets: $10 Each - Drawn: 1 November 2015 Tickets Available: Hinterland Gold Properties Shop 1, 38 Christie Street Canungra. Ph: 5543 4355

Proceeds donated to Cancer Council.

Pink Hoe Down in the Showground

The Shoe Vault Spring Racing accessories available now: • Fascinators • Shoes • Handbags • Jewellery

PLUS 20% off Zeta and Sunshine throughout October

Breast Cancer Fundraising BBQ

Canungra Showground

Friday 30th October 2015 from 6.00pm

Live band - $45.00pp

Tickets Available at Cafe Metz Don’t miss out!! Will be a great night again! Book ASAP to avoid disappointment!

Raffles, Lucky Door Prizes, Best Dressed.

M: 0400 477 818 35 Christie Street Canungra 4275

Balloon Lucky Dip $15 per balloon

Ph: 5543 4322

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 15

Have Your Say!

Email: news@canungratimes.com.au or post to: 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra QLD 4275

Faith Restored

From My Window with Keer Moriarty, Editor

Lives Cut Short This month, Canungra Turns Pink to raise money for the Cancer Council, as well as awareness of this devastating illness. Research and new treatments have prolonged and saved many lives but this disease, which can take many forms, remains one of the leading causes of death in Australians today. In 2012, 43,000 people died from cancer-related illness. Three out of ten deaths were from Cancer. Those who do survive are often affected by the illness or the treatment for the rest of their lives, from loss of limbs or organs or reduced functionality. So as you see the pink flags, decorated buildings and pink t-shirts around Canungra this month, pause to remember those who have fought this illness and survived. Spare some change when you can for the tins that are in businesses around town, buy a Canungra Turns Pink T-shirt, or attend one of the many fundraising events during the month.

Just lately I have despaired at what is happening to our youth, especially their inability to communicate without Social Media and the lack of real friends, not just faces on a computer screen. I also thought, why would I bother with the Halloween tradition, due to our old age and the fact that my husband is an invalid. I usually make about 200 toffees and the kids are usually appreciative, but as people come from everywhere and the numbers grow it has become a bit much. Wow!! All of a sudden my faith has been restored, about eight young ladies aged about 17 or thereabouts all beautifully dressed on their way out together walking up Picnic Place, saw me struggling up my driveway and called out to me asking me could they bring my garbage bin up for me. They had been talking together with not a mobile in sight and they looked so happy. Made me think all is not lost and maybe things will turn around and a whole new social fashion will emerge where friendship and fun through face to face communication will spread happiness, with no need for any horrible drug and it’s dreadful consequences. I’m sure primary school youngsters will lead the way, as at present they always smile as they pass me and are usually polite. We must encourage them. I also notice how so many young people come to help me put the wheelchair in the car when I’m at a shopping centre, this makes my husband and I emotional and we have teary eyes we are so grateful. So I’ll now continue with the Halloween tradition, as I’ve decided there is hope. Just issue a plea to the kids to please use the driveway and not the garden this year. I’m too old to clean up the mess. Keep a smile on your faces and the candle of hope burning. Jan

Cancer has taken so many of our residents, our friends and family. I’m sure everyone knows at least one person who has been affected by this disease, if not more.

1. All advertising is accepted on the Publisher’s Conditions.

Help find a cure - support Turn Canungra Pink in whatever way you can.

2. All advertising is subject to the approval of the Publisher who may reject any advertising without giving any reason therefore.

Have a great month - stay safe.

Established May 2005 Office: 1 Lawton Lane, Canungra QLD 4275 Open 9.30am to 2.30pm. Phone: 5543 5532, Mobile: 0407 671 286, Fax: 5543 5329 Email: news@canungratimes.com.au Web Site: www.canungratimes.com.au Distribution: 2,500 copies distributed monthly to: • Canungra (Canungra Newsagency, Canungra Hotel, Canungra FoodWorks, Post Office, Caltex) • Beechmont (Beechmont State School, Beechmont General Store) • Tamborine Village (Cosy Corner, Shell Service Station, Mathilda’s Service Station) • Beaudesert (Beaudesert News in Brisbane Street) • Mount Tamborine (North Tamborine Information Centre, Drift, Spice of Life Cafe) The Canungra Times is distributed on the first Friday of each month. Page 16


3. The Publisher, its servants or agents shall not be liable either in breach of contract or tort for any damage whatsoever suffered by an advertiser as a result of breach by the Publisher of any contract for any advertisement in this paper, whether such breach is a fundamental one or occurs through accident or otherwise. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Publisher will be under no such liability for failure to place or misplacement of advertising or for errors in an advertisement, provided that, in the case of omission, misplacement or significant errors, the Publisher will refund proportionate cost of the advertisement concerned (OR the Publisher may at its option insert the advertisement in a subsequent issue). 4. The Publisher in accepting advertising, relies upon the understanding that the material submitted is not in contravention of any provision in Part V or the Trades Practices Act, and otherwise complies with all relevant laws and regulations. 5. In lodging an advertisement with us, you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of advertisements apply also to publication on our web site. Canungra Times Office: 1 Lawton Lane, Canungra QLD 4275 Open Monday Wednesday Friday, 9.30am to 2.30pm or by appointment. Phone: 5543 5532, Mobile: 0407 671 286, Fax: 5543 5329 Email: news@canungratimes.com.au

The Canungra Times October 2015

The Canungra Times November and December Advertising Feature: SHOP LOCAL THIS CHRISTMAS Call 5543 5532 for enquiries. Shop 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra Ph: 5543 5532 Email: news@canungratimes.com.au www.canungratimes.com.au

Official Opening of Beechmont Grass Court

Red Door Studio Canungra Turns Pink Raffle 300 tickets @ $5 each major prize is this stunning artwork by local artist Tamlyn Geiger.

Beechmont Tennis Club will officially open its new artificial grass tennis court on Sunday 11th October at Graceleigh Park, Beechmont. The resurfacing of the court was made possible with a grant received from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Events will begin at 10.30am with tennis matches, netball games, table tennis, badminton, magic show as well as a barbecue and jumping castle. Organisers have also scheduled several events as part of the Canungra Turns Pink fundraising. For more information visit their Facebook page.

Timetable for Official Opening

10:30am – 11:00am Mixed Doubles – exhibition match - Court #1 11:00am – 11:30am Mens Singles – exhibition match - Court #1 11:30am – 12:15pm Junior tennis exhibition - Court #1 12:15pm – 12:30pm Official Opening - Court #1 12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch, BBQ, social tennis - Court #1, Court #2 1:30pm – 2:00pm Mens Doubles – exhibition match - Court #1 1:30pm – 2:15pm Magic Show - Hall on Graceleigh 2:00pm – 2:30pm Ladies Doubles for Pink October - Court #1 2:00pm – 2:30pm Netball for Pink - October - Court #2 2:30pm to close Social tennis Court #1, Court #2

Robert Ward Solicitor

Tickets are available from various shops in Canungra throughout October or at Red Door Studio, 10a Appel Street, Canungra All proceeds to support Canungra Turns Pink fundraising. In the September edition’s article about Margaret Goldsmith’s art classes, it was incorrectly stated that Margaret was offering 5 children’s classes for $45. This was incorrect. Margaret offers 3 children’s classes for $45. The Canungra Times apologises for any inconvenience.

Local - Experienced

Conveyancing - Wills - Deceased Estates

Phone: 07 5545 2431 - Mobile: 0407 197 145 Email: rob@robwardlaw.com.au

Margaret Goldsmith’s Studio & Art Gallery

• Art Classes for all ages and abilities. • Children’s Classes - 3 for $45 . • Adult Art Classes - 5 for $100. • Paintings for sale.

Phone : 0407 145 535


Studio Address: 83 Bateke Road - Mt Tamborine

Website: margaretgoldsmithartist.com.au The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 17

Page 18

The Canungra Times October 2015

Council Comment By Cr Virginia West Scenic Rim Regional Council

Canungra Turns Pink For October

This annual event hosted by the Canungra Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Breeze FM, sees a whole month of diverse “pink” themed activities with all proceeds going to Breast Cancer Research. Last year the community raised $20,000 overall so the target is higher for this year. This event certainly puts Canungra on the map and was even spoken about in Federal Parliament last year by Scott Buchholtz, Member for Wright. Christie St is looking fantastic adorned with pink banners and The Shoe Vault Pink Shoe Party hosted to commence the event was a great fun evening. Thank you Nora. You may notice Council’s Facebook page sporting a pink theme this month in support of this initiative.

Swimming Pool

The Canungra Pool has now opened for the summer months and Canungra Social Swim Club have hosted their sign on day and are ready for a busy season. Pool hours remain the same as last season which are: Monday to Friday: 6-10am, 2-6pm Saturday: 8 am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 4pm


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Comprehensive Health Care Service Opening Hours: Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Canungra Pool is open again for the swimming season

Garage Sale Trail

Why not join this state-wide project on Saturday 24th October when communities unite as part of the biggest Council supported community-powered event to reduce waste in our landfills and reuse where possible. The event is for individuals, businesses or community groups or you may like to follow the trail and see what bargains you can find.Moriarty Park committee have kindly offered to coordinate the event in Canungra so phone Bren on 0414 435 919 if you would like to book a site.

Free Tree Day

8.30am– 7.00pm 8.30am–5.00pm 8.30am–12 noon 8.30am–10.30am

Dr Ann Bennett Dr Jan Zomerdijk Dr Leeann Carr-Brown Dr Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers Dr Henri Coombs Dr Carla Beugel Dr Sandra Pitzen Dr Jolanta Tritt Dr Susie Radford

Councils Nursery officers will be in D J Smith Park , Canungra on Saturday 3rd October from 8am until 12noon to give out the annual free trees to ratepayers. Remembers it’s no voucher no tree! If you are unable to be there, trees can be collected any Friday between 9.30 am and 3 pm at the Birnam St Nursery in Beaudesert.

Update On Bromelton State Development Area

Council and Queensland Urban Utilities have applied for a grant under the State Governments $200 million Building Our Regions initiative for a co-contribution towards the construction of a new $6.2 million water main from Beaudesert to Bromelton. This vital infrastructure will pave the way to activate initial investment at Bromelton which will support local jobs and economic development for our region.

Nationally Accredited

Contact Me

I am always available to talk with residents on 5540 5403 or 0407 630 052 or email virginia.w@ scenicrim.qld.gov.au. The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 19

Well Being

A Short Thank- You

With Clancy Beck

Spring Clearing

Lack of energy is a major cause of why people don’t feel like exercising, and it’s often not a physical condition, but an emotional one. Here’s a hypothetical energy-zapping day: You wake and worry about your work day ahead, you think about exercising but can’t be bothered, then feel a failure for constantly procrastinating. You get frustrated with the kids, annoyed with your partner, the car won’t start and you’re late for work. Your desk is a mess and you’ve lost the ‘to do’ list you made yesterday. To ease your frustration you eat cheesecake for morning tea, and vow to start your exercise program tomorrow. That evening you dislike what you see in the mirror and regret the cheesecake. The kids drive you insane, you blame them for your lack of energy, you worry about your parenting skills, and grab a beer or wine to ease your tension. Exhausted you crash on the sofa, watch a depressing newscast and some mindless reality TV. Imagine that you get 100 energy dollars deposited into your account every day. You’ve got complete control over how you spend them. Are you wasting them on worry, holding grudges or blaming others? Every one of these frustrations, worries, negative thoughts and emotions leak energy dollars from your account. You’ve used all your dollars - and none of them were spent doing something creative or rewarding! If you get a late night it’s like an overdraft, meaning you might start the next day with only 90 dollars. To increase your personal energy stores take a look at where your energy is leaking. Go through every area of life (physical body, emotions, relationships, living circumstances, finances, work, health, etc) and notice which things drain you. Think of at least one thing you can do to lessen or remove it. Maybe a conversation to ease a draining relationship, get the car serviced, tidy your desk and office, pack a healthy snack for work, or spend time to clear out closets to tidy your living area. It’s Spring! Time to prune out the dead wood, and let new shoots grow!

Canungra agency now open

The Hall family would like to extend our appreciation to the Canungra and Tamborine Village communities following the loss of our baby boy, Reilly, in February. Throughout what was an extremely difficult time, we were reminded again and again how fortunate we are to live in this wonderful place. We received lots of lovely messages of support from so many people, too many to list here, but we do want to make mention of some very special people in particular: Kate from Hinterland Harvest Catering, who together with Leigh Karolak, dropped everything to come to our home and provide such an amazing spread of beautiful food on the day of Reilly’s Service, and refused to accept anything in return. Laura Quinn, who took it upon herself to organise a massive fundraising effort for Sids and Kids Qld, in honour of Reilly. This took the form of donation boxes in businesses throughout Canungra, a sausage sizzle at Foodworks and a raffle, the wonderful prizes being generously donated by local businesses. Sids and Kids is a very special and unique organisation that provides the type of support that is difficult to adequately describe. To all the businesses involved and to everyone who donated, thank-you. Robyn and the quilting ladies who approached us and said they would like to produce a quilt for Reilly’s big brother Flynn. It is beautiful and even has dinosaurs. Thank you, Flynn loves it! The Lions Club of Tamborine Village who provided all sorts of things such as tables, chairs, marquees, crockery etc on the day of Reilly’s Service. We’re sure this is just another example of the sort of work that the Lions do day in, day out, quietly and without fuss, for so many people in need, in all kinds of situations. Last but by no means least, our wonderful customers, so many of whom sent messages of support, every one of which was very much appreciated.

Raquel, Jonathan and Flynn


Located at the Canungra Times Office


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47 William St Beaudesert

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The Canungra Times October 2015

‘Goodness 4 Me’ Green Smoothie

From In the Raw


2 cups fresh greens 2 cups frozen bananas 2 cups filtered water 1 ⁄ 3 cup raw cashews 2 tablespoons coconut oil ½ teaspoon vanilla powder


Craft Extravaganza Christmas Fair

Place all ingredients into the blender and wizz together until smooth. Enjoy. Serves - 2.

The next Craft Extravaganza Christmas Fair will be held at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre North Tamborine on 9th to 11th October 2015, open each day from 10am to 4pm. The Craft Extravaganza has been raising funds for the Tamborine Mountain Rural Fire Brigade since 2003 and has been able to assist the Brigade in purchasing much needed equipment. The friendly and efficient folk from J C Epidemic, a Christian based youth organisation, will again be operating the cafeteria providing excellent coffee made by their trained baristas and delightful scones, slices and cakes for morning and afternoon teas as well as tasty light lunches. We will be having our popular bric-a-brac display where we have a large range of preloved items looking for a new home. The show features the handmade craft of 50 local and South East Qld artisans all handmade by the exhibitors and all available for purchase at reasonable prices. There is a wonderful variety of crafts and our visitors are always impressed with the quality, the variety and the quantity of craft available over the three days. Our venue is wheel chair friendly, adequate free parking, refreshments and eftpos facilities available. For further information please call Dorothy on 5545 2822 or 0407 738 799.

Suzanne Roberts Practice Director 92-96 Wagonwheel Road BOYLAND CANUNGRA QLD 4275 Ph: 07 5543 4996 Fax: 07 5543 5104 Mobile: 0447 060 849

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Page 21


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Page 22

5546 9833

The Canungra Times October 2015

OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Sat 8am-2pm

AWL Pets of the Month

Nature’s Gems Cape Barren Goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae) By Melissa Whitby

Goodie is a big, sweet hunk of love! This beautiful Bull Arab cross Mastiff girl is looking for a home where she can live with another calm, friendly doggy and be a big part of her family’s life. She can be quite shy, and is looking for a confident owner to teach her the world is not such a scary place. She enjoys her beach walks and walks well on leash. Goodie is five years old and is $250. She is vaccinated, wormed and desexed.

Georgie has previously lived with children, cats and a dog. He likes to to be held and also sits on your lap. Georgie is an affectionate, friendly boy who will make a great new member of the family. At only six years of age, Georgie’s easy going nature will ensure he fits in well with almost any household. Georgie is $50 and is vaccinated, wormed and desexed. Adopting an adult cat or dog has a lot of advantages - their personality has already been formed so you will have a good idea of what they are like and whether they will suit you; they may have already had some basic training; you don’t have to go through the destructive puppy stage; and they still have a lot of love to give. To meet Georgie, Goodie or any of the other animals, visit the AWL Gold Coast Rehoming Centre.

Shelter Road, Coombabah Ph: 5509 9000 www.awlqld.com.au

One of the most recognisable birds that I encountered in Tasmania was the Cape Barren Goose. This beautiful bird is easily recognised by its distinctive goose shape, steel-grey feathers and white patch on the top of the head. In the 1950’s, it was feared that the numbers of the Cape Barren Goose had dropped so low that the species was heading for extinction. Various conservation measures such as introducing the birds to locations such as Maria Island have helped to increase the numbers of Cape Barren Goose. I was able to observe this bird at close quarters on Maria Island in Tasmania. The birds have no fear on Maria Island and I took many amazing photos. However, it pays to be careful when observing these birds at close quarters, especially if young birds are present. Respecting the birds ‘private space’ is vital to having the ultimate viewing experience. The favoured habitat of the Cape Barren Goose is offshore islands and brackish lakes and swamps. Offshore islands along the coast of southern Australia including the Furneaux group, Kangaroo Island, Recherche Archipelago and Hunter group of northwest Tasmania make-up the distribution of the Cape Barren Goose. Some of these islands are vital to the survival of the species as the birds choose these areas to breed. The nest of the Cape Barren Goose usually has 5 eggs and is placed amongst the tussocks of its grassland home. Cape Barren Geese will usually feed on select native grasses and succulents. However, if food is in short supply, birds will utilise improved pastures as a food source. The future of the Cape Barren Goose is looking bright. The numbers of the birds are steadily increasing and many of their nest sites are protected. They were certainly not a hard bird to see in Tasmania but it was a thrill to be so close to such a unique Australian bird species. I will certainly look forward to the next Cape Barren Goose time that I see a Cape Barren Goose in the wild…

Got a possum, snake or bird problem? Naturecall can remove all types of pests from your home, office or school. Call us now to report a pest 1300 319 954 www.naturecall.com.au

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 23

School Happenings - Canungra State School Talent Quest

September saw the start of the Canungra State School Talent Quest live auditions. Students danced, sang and performed tricks in front of a very receptive audience each morning tea. Thanks to the parents who have come along to support, it has been very entertaining. The finals were held on the last day of school and results will be in the next edition of The Canungra Times.

The cubby houses were built by Year 12 students from Pacific Pines State High School who design and create the houses as part of their Manual Arts course.

Year 5 Camp

The Year 5 Camp was held from 7th to 9th September. Mrs Hadwen visited the students and said they were having a wonderful time with some students asking if they ‘could stay a week?’

Show Your True Colours

The student council organised a fundraiser for Friday, 4th September. Students were asked to wear their team colours or team uniforms to school to support the ‘Show Your True Colours’ cause which raises money for kids and teenagers suffering with cancer. Students brought a gold coin to school as a donation towards this worthy cause and raised a total of $170. Congratulations to the student council for their ongoing support of charities that focus on childhood issues.

Green Team Working Bee

The sun was shining on Saturday 5th September for the Green Team Working Bee. It was fantastic to see so many parents and students out working in Miss Lisa’s Garden, which has been weeded and new plants and mulch added. Thanks so all involved, it was both a productive and fun few hours. Cubby Houses The Canungra State School P and C Association have purchased three cubby houses to enhance our playgrounds and give students a new avenue to develop their creativity, co-operation and imaginative play. Two of the cubby hourses will be in the Prep area and the third beside the playground at the front of the school.

There are some time after parade to allow students to state what they thought Aim High looked like at Canungra. Mrs Hadwen then invited students to draw or write what Aim High means to them and hand them in to me. Thank you to all the students and parents who have provided examples of what they believe Aim High looks like. Please keep those ideas coming in. Thank you also to the staff who have been discussing Aim High with their students.

Regional Athletics Carnival

Saxon and Trad successfully qualified for the South Coast Regional Track and Field Championships. Saxon has been selected for 11 years High Jump, and the 200m and 800m track events. Trad was selected for the 12 years 800m and 200m track events. Congratulations to both boys on a fantastic achievement.

Aim High

A few weeks ago on Parade the Principal, Shirley Hadwen, spoke to the students about the school motto – Aim High. Students looked at some visual representations about the concept of Aim High such as – achieve, champions, dreams, goals, stand tall, success, don’t give up, discipline, positive attitude. Mrs Hadwen then spoke about what that might look like at Canungra State School and some of the words/phrases I used were – Respect for ourselves and others, Doing our best, Positive attitudes, Working hard, Role models, Doing the right thing, Following rules, Pride in ourselves and our school, Persistence, Confidence, Resilience, Organisation and Getting Along.

Magpie Season

With the weather warming up, the local magpies are nexting the large trees at the front of Prep. There have already been several reports of the birds swooping so please be aware and take care as you walk along the footpath.

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Page 24

The Canungra Times October 2015

Green Team News

Prep Enrolements

Canungra State School is looking forward to meeting the Prep students for 2016. Prep is the first year of school and provides the foundation for your child’s education. Prep is a full-time program held in primary schools with children attending Monday to Friday. Children must be five by 30 June in the year they enrol. For children to be eligible to attend Prep in 2016 they must have been born between 1st July 2010 and 30th June 2011. Parents can collect an enrolment pack and Prep handbook from the school office from the start of Term Four.

Farewell Jana

On of the special people who make up the Canugnra team left at the end of Term Three. Jana Zehr, the Business Service Manager who has done a fabulous job of runing the school finances has decided to retire. She will be greatly missed by the school community.

By Fiona Williams, greenteamcss@gmail.com

On behalf of our Green Team I would like to say a huge thank you to all the families who attended our Working Bee last month. We had an amazing turn out of nearly 40 people! It always warms my heart to see how many wonderful families we have in our school community! Many hands did indeed make light work and we were able to completely overhaul the garden at the front of Prep. This garden also incorporates a memorial to our former teacher ‘Miss Lisa’ (Lisa Fay) and I am sure she would be proud of how it now looks! The plants have a little ways to grow but it will look fantastic in

the coming months. Thanks also to the dads who helped put up the new cubby in the prep playground and to the children who helped paint it, it looks fantastic! We had a lot of fun also this term holding our Chicken Taco Cup day. We had over 100 students attend to make some delicious chicken taco cups and the proof was in the eating that it was another very successful recipe by our cooking club. A big thanks to all our helpers on the day, we would be lost without you! I can’t believe another term has come and gone but I am sure we will have more exciting activities installed for next term so stay tuned!

In Miss Lisa’s Garden: Former students of Miss Lisa, Victoria Lee, Aiden Bell-McNee and Morgan Lee with Phoebe Bell-McNee and Lisa’s teaching partner Becky Bell-McNee.

Jana Zehr

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Ph: 07 5543 4889 Mob: 0417 728 072 Shop 2, 1 Lawton Lane CANUNGRA QLD 4275 www.aussieproperties.com.au

First Time Offered for Sale $550,000 neg - Canungra Township

This solid Colonial brick home is set on 5950m2 (1.5acres) of level land. In recent years the home has been renovated, along with a new swimming pool and gazebo. Features include: • 4 bedrooms, with ensuite and walk in robe off the master bedroom and 3 bedrooms have built ins. • Spacious kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas stove & oven. • Open plan lounge, family and dining room. • Floating floors throughout, along with fans and reverse cycle air conditioning. • Wrap around verandahs with concrete slab. • Trickle fed town water along with rain water tanks and gas hot water. • Brick bbq and a fire pit great for entertaining. • 3 carports, a storage container and plenty of garden sheds to house the tools and yard equipment.

This is your opportunity to purchase one of the best blocks in town! Book an inspection today... The Canungra Times October 2015

Monique Morcus

Sales and rental listings urgently needed to meet demand! Page 25

TCT Kids!

Halloween Decoration Ideas!

Mummified Pumpkin

Halloween Spooky Faces

Halloween Monster Door

On Saturday 31st October, Picnic Place, Canungra will be alive with spooky characters. For those who live in the street and don’t want to participate, leave a sign on the door or letterbox, or leave the front light off. For those who live there and want some easy decorations the kids can make, take a look here!

You will need: A pumpkin, bandage, PVA Glue, scissors, 1-inch googly eyes, glue gun and hotmelt adhesive, black acrylic paint, crafts knife, glow-in-thedark paint, and paintbrush. How to do it: Wrap the pumpkin with the bandage leaving the bottom and top uncovered. Glue eyes to pumpkin. Cover portions of the eyes with bandage diagonally. With a knife, carve a small mouth through the cheesecloth and paint the inside black. Mix PVA glue 50/50 with water and apply all over the pumpkin where the bandage is. Allow to dry. Apply glow-in-thedark paint and let dry.

Page 26

You will need: Plastic milk containers, craft knife, black permanent marker, clear low-wattage lights. How to do it: With a black permanent marker, draw ghost mouths and eyes on the milk containers. Cut a small hole in the back of each container using the craft knife. Arrange the jugs near the front door or driveway and string the lights between them. Stuff some lights into the containers to make them light up.

The Canungra Times October 2015

You will need: Masking tape, two paper plates, streamers, black paper cut into circles, and scissors. How to do it: Create the monster face on the front door using the paper plates, black circle cut-outs, and streamers by taping them with a masking tape.

Canungra Crossword

Your Stars - October 2015

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Answers page 35











TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)

Venus moves into Virgo in a week or two. This will bring you down out of the state of excitement you’ve been in. Excitement is more like stress than pleasure for a Taurus. A layer of tension is about to fall away. Life will then feel more like it should; simple, comfortable and delightful.

11 12





17 20


GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)


Mercury stays in Libra for the month. Life keeps bringing you back to the middle. It keeps insisting that you keep to balance. It keeps making you focus on what is beautiful. Extremes are chaotic. They aren’t attractive. To find equanimity, decisions are going to have to be made.

21 22





26 30

CANCER (June 22 – July 22) 27




35 36

Slowly, slowly, your feeling world is beginning to thaw. Whatever it was that caused your emotions to stop flowing, is out of the way. As you come back to feeling more like the person you really know yourself to be, so jauntiness and joy begin to resurface. Process this patiently.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

Venus moves out of Leo. The habit of endlessly consuming eases off. This comes as a huge relief. With numerous planets now in Libra, you can get back to an even keel. Keep an eye out for those people and activities that make you feel comfortable, relaxed and balanced. Find beauty.

33 34

Mars stays in Virgo for the whole month. On the surface this inhibits your flow. Deal with the superficial discomfort gracefully however and a deeper positive can be seen. Stop trying to place life into a template that is inaccurate and unreal. To do so will cut frustration off at the pass.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)



36 Uncommon

19 Strike out

3 Gives an edge to

37 Mourn

22 Make insane

9 Reluctant

38 Scatter abroad

23 Suffered speech defect

Though the Sun has moved into Libra, Venus, Mars and Jupiter are all in Virgo. Your sense of adventure, your capacity for delight and your desire to broaden your horizons, are all likely to be kicking in uninhibitedly. Use this energy to get yourself out of pickles and into the light. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) The Sun and Mercury are both in Libra. The Sun will help you feel integrated, whole, aligned. Mercury will give you insight, providing you are willing to think for yourself. The more you get off the fence and take a position, the more insight you will get. Diplomacy is not in order.

Solution No. 8382 ACROSS DO 10 AbelísACROSS brother 24 DOWN Academy Awards Stifled laugh 25 Harsh 3 Sharpens 1 Rada 3 11 Gives an edge DOWN to 1 Radiolocation SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) 12 Flattery 1 Radiolocation 27 Ten decibels Travelling through the month before one’s birthday,2 is a bitRedu 9 Averse 9 Reluctant 2 Slim like travelling through the hours before dawn. You could find 16 Remember 2 Slim 28 Thrown 10 Cain 3 10 Abel’s brother 3 Colonist yourself dreaming about possibility. You could feel impatientSettle 17 Dwell 3 Colonist 30 Puzzling question for openings that haven’t quite opened yet. Bide your4time,Actor 11 Titter 11 Stifled laugh 4 Thespian as creatively as you can manage. State of mind 4 Thespian 32 Chemical compound 12 Adulation 1220 Flattery 5 Precipitated SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) 5 Raine 21 Hill-enclosed river 5 Precipitated 35 Short sleep With Saturn in Sagittarius slowing things down, along 16 Recall 6 withPit 16valleys Remember 6 Mine Jupiter in Virgo, demanding care, rather than your normal 6 Mine Reside 7 areEntai restraint, you have entered tricky territory. You 1723 Dwell 7 Impose as a burden lack of17 Fierce animals 7 Impose as a burden going 20 to haveTemper to be smart to wend your way through this 8 in aSerie 2026 State Discount of mind 8 Set of things in8line Set of things in line creative fashion. Adjust to a change of pace. 21 Dales 13 Detai (Dec 22 – Jan 19) 2129 Hill-enclosed river 13 Keep under restraint CAPRICORN Part of the foot 13 Keep under restraint As the Sun moves into Libra, so you will have to deal 23 Lions 14 Lame valleys 31 Far distant with people and situations that don’t always hold to the 14 Express grief14 Express grief values you do. Aesthetics and balance are likely to override 26 Rebate 15 Alp Forms into animals voice 2333 Fierce 15 High mountain 15 High mountain pragmatics. You are going to have to figure out how to make Instep 18 Salam Carpentry tools 2634 Discount 18 Smallgoods item things29 work, without actually being in control. 18 Smallgoods item AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) 31 Remote 19 Delet 29 Part of the foot 19 Strike out The Sun in Libra helps you to feel light and breezy. This is 33 Vocalises 22 31 Far distant 22 Make insane an especially good thing, considering that there will be plentyDera of challenges to face in the world of relationships. People 34 Planes 23areLispe 33 Forms into voice 23 Suffered speech likely to be impulsive. They are going for what they feel is Canungra Rainfall - September 2015 36 lightly Rare 24 Osca best. Dance with those who differ. 34 Carpentry tools defect PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) 2015..............Year to Date.........Recorded by 37 Grieve 25 Seve 36Area...............September Uncommon 24 Academy Awards The Sun is in Libra. Libra is a cerebral sign. You function 38yourDisperse 27 isBel through feelings, not your mind. Though there 37Canungra. Mourn............... 24mm........................... 25922mm.................. Harsh Barry Day difference, there is also similarity. Both are essentially 28 Tosse Glen.............29.5mm....................... ....Lindell Grimshaw 38Ferny Scatter abroad 27955.5mm. Ten .decibels interested in aesthetics, even if both go about it in different Wonglepong........... 35mm.......................... ways. Turn any friction happening, into a creative outcome. 30 Pose 281035mm............. Thrown Ray Hickson © M.J.Dean32 2015Ester 30 Puzzling question 35 Nap 32 Chemical compound The Canungra Times October 2015 Page 27 35 Short sleep

News from St Luke’s By Di Ayscough

I am just listening to a song on the radio “Love is in the Air” and thinking how appropriate these words are at this time of the year. In lots of ways love starts at Spring time, don’t you just love seeing the the beauty of our gardens in bloom, the birds enjoying the flowers filled with nectar and seeing people shed their dark winter woollies for brighter, lighter clothing? All signs of happiness. I think these things are symbolic of what is to come. Longer hours of daylight, families enjoying God’s beauty and love. We have been very happy at St Luke’s as we have recently welcomed, through baptism, two new families. Brian & Jesseka along with their family and friends celebrated their son, Bryce’s baptism. While Melanie and Glen have celebrated the baptism of their boy, Charlie, who is a little brother for Abbey and Beau. We welcome these children and their parents. Another pleasure we have enjoyed is to find Mary a visitor from New Zealand, Mary is a serving member of the New Zealand Air force who is presently stationed at Canungra. Mary has willingly and cheerfully stepped in as our organist while Anne, our local organist is away on holidays. We feel truly blessed and thank Mary so much for her generosity. Yes, love is in the air in so many ways, I encourage us all to look around and enjoy what we are given so freely by our Lord. Remember to love your neighbour, your friends and your family. Until next time may you take a moment to feel the love that is in the air.

Page 28


Solution page 35

This is a ‘classical’ sudoku puzzle - a grid 9 squares wide and 9 squares deep. The lines of squares running horizontally are called rows, and the lines running vertically are called columns. The grid is further divided by the darker lines into nine 3 X 3 square ‘boxes’. Some of the squares already have numbers in them. Your task is to fill in the blank squares. There’s only one rule: Each row, column and box must end up containing all of the numbers from 1 to 9. This rule has an important side-effect, which is the basis of all solving techniques: Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

The Canungra Times October 2015

Trade and Business Directory Accounting Corporate and Country Accounting. Ph: 5543 5563 Trilogy Accounting Group. Ph: 1300 554 136

Bank Bendigo Agency. 1/1 Lawton Lane. Ph: 5543 5532 Building


Quality Render & Texture Finishes Blue Board & Foam Acrylic Render


Cleaning Wendy’s Exit Bond Cleaning. Incl general house cleaning, windows, carpets and pest. Ph: 0438 173 999. Done N Dusted Cleaning. Ph: 0411 707 559. Computers

RENDERVATONS Trade and Business Directory

Advertising Rates Ad Size B/W Colour (25% Loading) 2cm $22.00 $27.50 3cm $33.00 $41.25 4cm $44.00 $55.00 5cm $55.00 $68.75 6cm $66.00 $82.50

• Minimum 3 month booking. • All advertisements are 55mm wide. • Advertising must be paid prior to publication. • All prices are per month and include GST.

Ph: 5543 5532

Animals, Pets and Pet Services

Tamborine Pet-Farmstay

• Luxury Dog Kennels • Pet Sitting Service • Short-Term Horse Agistment

Ph: 5543 8800, 0438 373 404 www.pet-farmstay.com.au

Animal Welfare League of Qld. Ph: 5509 9000 Canungra Vet Surgery. Ph: 5543 5622 Dane Batten Farrier. Ph: 0439 765 780 Scenic Rim Cat Lodge. Ph: 5543 4002 Air Conditioning

Rod: 0415 699 775 Charlie: 0413 125 612

Cabinet Making & Carpentry


BSA Lic: 1069723


CARPENTRY Frames Fixouts Decks Renovations Kitchens

Phone Luke 0412 684 485 Geoff Bowman - Qualified Carpenter

Repairs, Maintenance & General Carpentry Jobs. Over 30 years experience. Quality workmanship, competitive pricing.

Ph: 0414 772 367 BSA 1011326

Cafes and Restaurants Blackbird Country Pies. Ph: 0431 091 296 Funky Dory Diner. Ph: 5543 5338

The November 2015 deadline for advertising and editorial is Wednesday 28th October.


Rosalie Meekcoms Registered Marriage Celebrant Two Be One 0414 510 155 / 5543 4428 November deadline: 28 October Bakery


rosalie@twobeonecelebrant.com.au www.twobeonecelebrant.com.au

Russ Johnston Concreting Pty Ltd BSA Number: 1130649

All Aspects of Concreting Driveways Causeways House Slabs Foundations Pathways

Mobile: 0418 450 903 Dental Beaudesert Dental Care. Ph: 5541 2411 Canungra Dental Surgery. Ph: 5543 5299 Driveways

Driveways and Plant Hire Bitumen - Asphalt - Roadbase

4WD Slashing Post Hole Auger Bobcat with Profiler Excavator and Tipper

Asphalt Patches Earthmoving

Mobile: 0418 731 287 Driving Schools Suzuki Swift Manual & Auto Free keys2drivelesson


The November 2015 deadline for advertising and editorial is Wednesday 28 October. The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 29

Trade and Business Directory Earthmoving

Trade and Business Directory Electrical Contractors

Finch Earthmoving

House Pads, Laser Levelling, Roads, Drains, Supply & Build Bush Rock Walls, Driveways, Clearing, Excavations, Dams, Soils, Gravels.

Steven 0408 943 940 - A/H 5543 7211

Gardening and Landscaping

B.J. Phillips Electrical Contractors Licence no 74268

Electrical, data & communications Commercial & residential

Phone Brett 0421 289 400

Email bjphillipselectrical@live.com Floor Coverings

Local bobcat & tipper hire - Sand, soils & gravel Water truck. Good rates. Resident 30 years.


Bobcat and Backhoe available for hire Hard to reach areas: lantana, weeds & grass Owner operated Driveways Post hole drilling Laser levelling Block clearing General hire

Call ROCKY ON 0435 378 844

Hinterland Driveway & Landscaping Solutions Call Fred 0418 735 091

Gas Fitter

Hinterland Driveway & Landscaping Solutions

Local bobcat & tipper hire - Sand, soils & gravel Water truck. Good rates. Resident 30 years.

Call Fred 0418 735 091

New Phone Number: 0419 724 855

Raemac Earthworks

- 7.5t Excavator/ Bobcat/Truck - Laser Levelling - House Pads - Roads - Arenas - Site Cleans - General Earthworks - Soil, Sand, Gravel Delivered

Mick 0419 300 649

Rae 0421 520 690

Office 5543 7199

Everything Earthworks Over 20 years experience

Electrical Contractors

Gas Supplies

Joyan Household Gas Tamborine We deliver Wesupply supplyand & deliver Household Bottles Kleenheat Gas

Call John on 5543 6400 Mobile: 0424 486 986

Craig’s Mowing Services

Residential and Small Acreage - Mowing - Weed Spraying - Rubbish Removal - Hedging - Garden Clean Ups -

Phone Craig 0417 728 561

Eureka Slashing Services Local Contractor Large Acreage Blocks Slashed

Ph: 0411 691 080


Call Paul 0401 384 783

Lic No 78786

All electrical needs: commercial, domestic & rural; Solar power specialists.

Ph: 0403 584 505

Email: bhogan@behelectrical.com.au

Trade Directory ads from $22 per month

Glass QBCC:

Eager Beaver Garden Care

Garden maintenance & makeovers, landscaping plants, acreage mowing, commercial & private, body corporate.

Jason Beaver, Horticulturist - 0407 454 831 www.eagerbeavergardencare.com.au

Page 30

The Canungra Times October 2015


Gardening and Landscaping

Glass Replacement Windows & Doors Fly & Security Screens

Glass Shop Fronts Shower Screens Wardrobe Doors

Trade and Business Directory Gym & Personal Training

Health and Beauty

Live Fit Studio Get Fit - Stay Fit - Live Fit Personal Training for: Weight Loss/Toning Muscle Building and General Fitness Weekly Training Programs Bring a friend and share the cost! Group Fitness Classes: • For all ages above 15 years • Mon & Wed 5.30pm at Moriarty Park Hall • Tues & Fri 9am HIIT classes at the gym

Dion Harvey

PAINTER & DECORATOR All interior and exterior work • Prompt and reliable • Workmanship guaranteed QBSA 1198097 Ph 0417 801 538 or 5546 9907

• • • •

Ph: 0431 208 588 29B Christie Street, Canungra behind My Country Escape

PERSONAL TRAINING Group fitness • Private gym CLANCY LEE BECK 0407 434164

Hall Hire - FREE Not for Profit Listings Moriarty Park. Ph: 0402 167966. Canungra School of Arts Hall. Ph: 5543 4008. Canungra Uniting Church Hall. Ph: 5543 4021. Handyman

O’McBell Home Maintenance

Pest Control

Logona Herbal Henna Hair Colours 100% plant colours now available in Canungra at

“In The Raw”

(opp hardware store)

Christie St.

Organic, Natural, Vegan & Certified Hair Colouring www.organichaircare.com.au

from manufacturer, Beauty By Nature since 1998 Specialising in Formal & wedding makeups, Organic Facials & all beauty treatments. Complimentary skin analysis! LOWER BEECHMONT Phone or text your by appointment request

Ph 0417 736 994 07 55331433

Avon Distributor, Marj Pholi. Ph: 5543 5421 Canungra Hairdressing. Ph: 5543 5455 Health Foods

Email: omcbellhomemaintenance@gmail.com For all those small jobs

Canungra Beauty &Acupuncture • • • •

Beauty Treatments Nails Tanning Acupuncture Phone: 07 5543 5060 Mobile: 0405 103 670

Safe Solutions - Peter Triglone

Termite & Pest Control

Buy the best healthy, organic Makeup & Skin Care direct

Phone Don 0414 564 050 Health and Beauty


New Technology: Termatrac t3i


* Competitive Prices * Licenced * Insured * Free Quotes

5541 2027

QLD Lic 13515 QBCC 1152044


In the Raw

Health Food Store 2/28 Christie St, Canungra. Phone: 5543 4371 Machinery Repairs West Machinery Service Mobile Machinery Servicing & Repairs



* 15yrs Experience * Local Family * All General Pests * Termites

BSALic No: 537872

Hot Water Systems Bathrooms Extensions Plumbing & Drainage Renovations Taps Toilets Septic Trenches Installation of H.S.T.P

CALL TONY ON 0434 378 036


Horse Float Repairs & Maintenance Qualified Diesel Fitter

07 5543 5060 Shop 5/28-30 Christie St Canungra QLD 4275

Feelin’ Groovy Therapies Jane Evans Qualified Massage Therapist - Remedial - Deep Tissue - Pregnancy - Relaxation -

The November 2015 deadline for advertising and editorial is Wednesday 28th October.

Phone: 0423 252 101 Mechanical

On The Road

AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Mobile Mechanical Repairs QLD SAFETY & LPG CERTIFICATES Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Floats

CALL SEAN 0409 291 053 Geiger Motors. Ph: 5543 5222 Canungra Auto Clinic. Ph: 5543 5844 The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 31

Trade and Business Directory Post Office

Real Estate

Sport Mondays at Canungra School of Arts Hall

Hinterland Sales

Mark Parry - 0428 122 809 Printing

Dance Classes: Jazz, Hip Hop and more!

Phone Ashleigh 0435 871 026


GET FIT, GET FLEXIBLE - Learn the ultimate in self defence skills for men, women and children. Tues & Thurs 6pm at Canungra School of Arts Hall

The Canungra Times

John 7th Dan: 0418 210 880

• Photocopying (black & white/ colour up to A3). • Printing - Business cards,flyers. • Laminating (A5 and A4). • Faxing, scanning/email.

Canungra Area Golf Club. Ph: 5543 4620 Canungra Bowls Club. Ph: 0409 797 985 Canungra Owls Soccer Club. Ph: 0414 435 919 Canungra Social Cricket. Ph: 0422 986 208 Canungra Social Swim Club. Ph: 0409 752 997 Canungra Swimming Pool. Ph: 0437 018 518 Moriarty Park CSC. Bookings number: 0402 167 966. Valley View Equine Group. Ph: 0458 244 121 List your not for profit sporting club here for free. Ph: 5543 5532 or email news@canungratimes.com.au

Shop 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra Ph: 5543 5532

Swimming Pools Canungra Realty. Ph: 5543 5555 Pumps

Roof Construction

Cedar Grove Roofing

Metal Fascia Gutter and Roofing


Local Poo l Builde since 1994 r

Highest Quality Reinforced Concrete Construction Pools, Spas, Water Features S All Work Guaranteed FREE Quotes S Design Advice S Site Inspections

Call Jamie 0418 110 978 - Wonglepong www.jbpoolconstruction.com.au Stump Grinding

Kevin 0412 031 364, 5543 1009 Phil 0416 154 509

Real Estate

John Tetlow 0412 571 900 07 5543 5544

Septic & Sullage

47 Christie Street, Canungra www.canungravalleyrealestate.com.au

The deadline for the November 2015 edition is Wednesday 28th November.

Real Estate Sales & Property Management 55 43 43 55 Shop 1, 38 Christie St, Canungra www.hinterlandgold.com.au

Sign Writing Television Ph: 07 5543 4889 Shop 2, 1 Lawton Lane, CANUNGRA www.aussieproperties.com.au

The deadline for the November 2015 edition is Wednesday 28th October. Page 32


The Canungra Times October 2015

26 Years Experience

Trade and Business Directory Tree Lopping

Tree Lopping


Hilltop Tree Worx

• Tree Removal & Trimming • Woodchipping & Mulch Sales • Fully Insured $20m • Free Quotes Pensioner Discounts • Qualified Arborist Local Owner/Operator

Phone Lucas 0406 915 216

TreePro Land Clearing

• • • • • •

• Mulch & Firewood • Major Credit Cards

All Terrain brush & tree clearing Right of way tree clearing/access roads Regain your land Steep banks Lantana removal Large track Stumpgrinder/Tipper

Ph: 0419 646 046


Canungra Water

10,000 litre Domestic Water Deliveries Stainless Steel Tank Good rates. Resident 30 years. Call Fred 0418 735 091 Water Filters

Mountain Trees. Ph: 0438 176 775 The November 2015 deadline is Wednesday 28th October. Waste Management

The November 2015 deadline for advertising and editorial is Wednesday 28th October.

Waterproofing Waterproof 2000. Ken Wells. Ph: 0408 437 182

The Canungra Times

Your local paper and much more!

COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: • 2 column x 5cm: $60 Inserts: $215 • 3 column x 8cm: $94.50 Other advertising rates and sizes available • Quarter page: $132.00 - call our office for details. • Half page: $214.50 • Full page: $379.50 Shop 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra - Ph: 5543 5532 Email: news@canungratimes.com.au www.canungratimes.com.au The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 33


Classified advertisements are free for private advertisers and run for three months. Please send advertisements to news@canungratimes.com.au or phone 07 5543 5532.

For Sale

For Sale

Desks: 2 x student/office desks, 1200W x 600D x 700H, 3 drawers each, 1 x white with black vinyl top, 1 x white with grey vinyl top. VGC $70 each Ph 0455 027 161. Entertainment Unit: Solid Timber, bought from Freedom, suit Country/Classic decor. Base with 3 cupboards, Hutch with adj. shelves. 150cm long. $100 ono. Lynne: 5543 4552 Guitar: Tanglewood TW-145ASC guitar with hard case. $360. Ph: 0407 671 286. Lounges: 2 x 3 Seat Lether Lounges. Dark Brown, electric recliners each end. 18 months old. Nick Scali. $800 each, neg. Ph: 0433 135 904. Queen Bed: Frame only. Wood and metal. $50. Ph: 0433 135 904. Ride On Tractor/Mower: Husqvarna ride on tractor/mower. 1 owner, reg serviced, 48’ cut, 26hp, vgc. $4,500. Inspect and make an offer. Ph: 5463 2454 Boonah. 12/15 Roses: Fresh cut $10~$20/bunch 2541 Beaudesert Nerang Rd, Benobble. Ph: 0431 091 296. 10/15



Accommodation Vacant

For Sale


• 2 x King Single beds, matching base ensemble. $75 each. • Lounge suite. 1 x 3 seater, 2 x recliners. Green with white spots. Excellent condition. $170. • Atom chain saw drill attachment. $200. • Wire spinner. $30. • Hardie 100lt spray tank. 12v motor, hose and gun. $350. • Victor mower. 2 stroke motor and catcher. Work well. $50. • 20m electric lead. $30. • Wire strainers. $25.

Ph: 0419 758 845 or 5543 5581

Canungra: $375pw. Available 10th October. Tidy 3 bedroom brick home with ensuite and walk in robe off the master bedroom. Tiled in living areas and kitchen with carpeted bedrooms. Air con and fire place, Large covered veranda with lovely views of the valley. Double lock up garage. Outside Pets permitted. 751m2. Canungra: $380 pw. Available now. 4 bedroom home with ensuite and walk in robe. Double Lock up garage, large back yard and fully fenced. Pets on application. 600m2. For a viewing please call our office. URGENTLY WANTED RENTAL PROPERTIES TO FILL THE DEMAND OF ENQUIRIES. Contact our office:




For Sale Wood Chipper

For Sale

• GMC 500w Router/Trimmer. Never used. $50. • 240v mains “Gallagher” electric fence energiser – 3 to choose from $75 each. • 9v and 12v electric strip grazers $50. • Builder’s wheelbarrow – plastic tray and large pneumatic tyre $25. • Adult men’s 21 speed bicycle – very little use $100. • 3 x adult saddles and various tack gear, prices vary upon item, call for details.

Phone: 5543 5369

Aussie Lifestyle Properties 2/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra Ph: 07 5543 4889

Public Notices


Pets and Livestock Chickens & Chicks: For sale. Day old to point of lay. Mixed breeds, all colours, incl lavender/silver (blue egg layers). From $5. Organically raised. Biddaddaba. Ph: 5543 0743. Leave msg. Hay: Lucerne Bales $20ea. 2541 Beaudesert Nerang Road, Benobble. Ph: 0431 091 296. 11/15


Clairvoyant Clairvoyant: Fern 0431 091 296.


Accommodation Wanted 200mm pto driven power feed wood chipper. 360 degree discharge chute. Local pick up. $2000 ono

Phone 0430 248 661 Wanted

Granny Flat Wanted: By single active retiree. in exchange for work as a house sitter/Organic Gardener/ Maintenance. Excellent references. Ph: 0438 253 093. 08/15

To Rent Lge Storage Shed in Town: To rent from July at $50pw. Min one month lease and payable in advance. Note: Storage only. Ph: 0419 767 090.


Collector: Wants antique bottles and fruit jars, cash paid. Call Steve 0417 897 957. Fill Wanted: Ph: 0432 407 544. (p)

Pets and Livestock Baby Budgies: Fantastic colours, $20. Baby cockatiels, $25. Ph. 0409 982 456. p

Accommodation Vacant Bedsit/ Studio for Rent: $220per week. Modern Bedsit situated in tranquil garden setting in a quiet Boyland culdesac. Lovely undercover outdoor entertainment area. Separate entry to main residence. Includes Electricity, Water and Wi Fi. Furnished or Unfurnished. Apply to Owner, Steve Parker. Ph – 0473 404 964. 10/15

Page 34

The Canungra Times October 2015


A.B.N. 36 764 801 361

The Annual General Meeting of Canungra Bowls Club Inc will be conducted at the Canungra Bowls Club, Christie Street Canungra commencing at 9.00am on Sunday 11th October, 2015. All financial members are invited to attend. Positions Vacant: • Chairperson • Deputy Chairperson • Secretary • Treasurer • President • Provedore • Greens Director • Games Director • Men’s President • Ladies President • Vice President Men’s • Men’s Games Director • Ladies Games Director • Selectors Men’s • Selectors Ladies Nomination forms are available at the Canungra Bowls Club. Enquiries to Bronwyne Brown, phone: 0409 797 965, email: canungrabowlsclub@ gmail.com.


Garage Sale Frenzy: In conjunction with Scenic Rim Regional Council project ‘Garage Sale Trail’ (see website) there will be a collective garage sale at Moriarty Park on 24th October. Bring your own garage sale (bit like a car boot sale without the car on the field - and we make this into an event to raise money for our Turning Canungra Pink in October for Breast Cancer. Each ‘garage sale’ participant will pledge $10 for the privilege of being part of this venture which will be donated to our Breast Cancer fundraiser. I have only just had this approved and raced to beg Keer to get something in The Canungra Times for us so any queries to bren.dalby@bigpond.com please and please look out around town for fine tuning details on The Canungra Times Facebook page and flyers around town. I think a 7 o’clock start with brekky, coffee etc. in canteen (again all proceeds to the fundraiser), but this will be an all day event or until everyone leaves! So rock up anytime if mornings are not your specialty! First Aid Course: Expressions of interest are invited for participants to undertake a First Aid Course in Canungra. Minimum requirement 10 people. Cost is $125pp for a nationally accredited course. Phone: Jud Hart 0408 194 731 Social Tennis: Are you interested in playing tennis on a Monday or Wednesday night 6.30pm till 8.30pm? All standards welcome. Call Brett Day on 0409 490 590. QLD CWA Wonglepong Branch: Wonglepong Branch of the Queensland Country Women’s Association meets on the first Saturday of each month at 9.30am. Ph: Joyce Libke on 5543 5212. Art & Culture Group: Canungra Art & Culture Group meets every second Thursday at Canungra Showgrounds Art Hut 10am-1pm for fun, friendship and participation in a craft project. $2 per person (bring a plate). Ph 5543 5528.

Listings in the Community Noticeboard are FREE for not for profit groups in Canungra and surrounding areas. Email news@canungratimes.com.au or call 5543 5532 for enquiries.

Justice of the Peace: Joe Rye JP: at the Community Signing Centre (next to Canungra Library) Wednesdays 1pm - 4pm. Ph: 5543 5592. Faye Hines JP: Canungra Visitor Information Centre Fridays 10am - 4pm. Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society Inc: Meeting on the third Wednesday of each month 7pm at Canungra School of Arts Hall, 3-7 Pine Street, Canungra. www.bdofs.com. Beaudesert Camera Club: Monthly meetings fourth Tuesday of the month at Beaudesert Community Arts & Information Centre, Mt Lindesday Highway, at 7pm. Cost $2 for non-club members. Enquiries 5541 2866 (after 6pm).

Markets Canungra Valley Markets: Last Sunday of each month. 7am - 12noon. Stalls $10. Contact Judy 5543 4345 or Sue 0432 050 261. Shoe Vault Marketta: At the back of The Shoe Vault every weekend. Ph: 0400 477 818. Beechmont Country Markets: 3rd Sunday of the month 8am to 12 noon. Beechmont Community Centre, Beechmont. Phone 0458 233 080 or email bapacommunitycentre@gmail.com. Boonah Country Markets: Every 2nd & 4th Saturday at Spring Leigh Park, Boonah. From 7am- 12 noon. Phone 0448 248 828.

Church Services Canungra Uniting Church: Appel Street. Sundays at 10.30am. Ph: 5541 1018. Marian Valley Catholic Shrine: Beechmont Road. Sundays 11am and 4pm. Ph: 5533 3617. St Luke’s Anglican Church: 15-21 Kidston Street. Sundays at 7.45am. Ph: 5545 2919. St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church: 9am every second and fourth Sunday. Ph: 5541 1068.

Seventh Day Adventist: The Little School House, Tamborine Village. Saturdays at 11am. Ph: 5543 8035 or 5541 1224. Tamborine Life Church: Sundays 10am Vonda Youngman Centre, 2-4 Knoll Road, North Tamborine. Ph: 0402 662 998.

Fire Wardens Biddaddaba South: Allan Hannel..................................0418 182 162 Canungra Township: Peter Geiger..................................0417 769 105 Canungra North and South: Kim Daniels...................................0438 435 460 Pine Creek Area: Paul Finch...........................................5543 7184 Tamborine Village: Trevor Henderson..........................0409 642 500

Useful Phone Numbers Beaudesert Hospital:.......................... 5541 9111 Canungra Library:...............................5543 5791 Canungra Police Station:....................5543 5120 Canungra School of Arts Hall:............5543 4008 Canungra Visitor Info Centre:.............5543 5156 Emergency (Fire, Police, Ambulance):..........000 Energex (Loss of Power):.......................136 262 Scenic Rim Regional Council:............ 5540 5111 Water Enquiries (QUU 7am-7pm):.........132 657 Water - Burst Pipes / Emergencies:.......132 364 RSPCA Emergency:..................... 1300 ANIMAL Wildcare (Wildlife Emergency):..........5527 2444 Community Organisations on Facebook: Canungra Organic Community Garden; Canungra Owls Soccer Club; Canungra Valley Markets; Canungra Show Society; Canungra Christmas Lights Competition; Canungra Community Bank Project; Canungra Chamber of Commerce.

Crossword Answers from page 27

Sudoku Solution from page 28

ACROSS 3 Sharpens 9 Averse 10 Cain 11 Titter 12 Adulation 16 Recall 17 Reside 20 Temper 21 Dales 23 Lions 26 Rebate 29 Instep 31 Remote 33 Vocalises 34 Planes 36 Rare 37 Grieve

The Canungra Times October 2015

38 Disperse DOWN 1 Radar 2 Reduce 3 Settler 4 Actor 5 Rained 6 Pit 7 Entail 8 Series 13 Detain 14 Lament 15 Alp 18 Salami 19 Delete 22 Derange 23 Lisped

24 25 27 28 30 32 35

Oscars Severe Bel Tossed Poser Ester Nap

Page 35

Sport CANUNGRA AREA GOLF CLUB Canungra Area Golf Club held their annual Open Day on Saturday 12th September with a 58 player field. Richard Pickering won the Open Gross Champion after an exciting play off against John Staffsmith. The Ladies Open Day was held on Tuesday 15th September with a 30 player field. Pam McAllan was the Stableford A grade Champion and Carol Durston was the B Grade Champion. Canungra Ladies Golf sent two of their ladies off to Caloundra Golf Club to represent Canungra in the State Gertrude McLeod Winners Championship. Kim Sami was the A grade representative and Irene Mills the C grade representative. Even though they didn’t win it was great to see Canungra represented on the State level.


29th August: Stableford. Winner - J McAllan 42. Runner Up - B Wiederman 40. NTP - 7th, 16th, 8th B Wiederman. BRD - K Muir 40; R Smith 38; D Palliser 36; D Sullivan 36; H Barnes 34; B Broderick 34; S Bobermien 33.

Lindell Grimshaw, Liz Bobermien and Carol Durston

29th August: Stableford. Winner - S Fletcher 43. Runner Up - M Cully 41. NTP - 5th M Cully; 14th K Mann; 7th B Mills; 16th M Cully; 17th H Barnes; 7th,27+2nd K Burghes; 8th Ladies 2nd L Bobermien. 1st September: Stroke/Putt Monthly Medal. Winner - G Jarvis 70. Runner Up - I Mills 72 c/b. Putts - G Jarvis 28. NTP - 5th, 14th L Bobermien; 8th 17th L Grimshaw. 3rd September: Monthly Medal. Winner K Muir 66. Runner Up - B Mills 69. Putts - N Connolly 25. NTP - 5th, 14th D Palliser. 7th, 16th L Lockett; 17th D Sullivan. 5th September: Winner - M Watson 63. Runner Up - G Brechbuhl 65 c/b. Putts M Watson 23. NTP - 14th H Aitkin; 7th M Watson; 8th B Mills; 17th B Brechbuhl; 7th,27+2 H Barnes; 16th,27+2 H Barnes; 8th Ladies 2nd W Brown.

8th September: Canadian Foursomes. Winners - P McAllan and Marj Smith 72. Runner Up - K Sami and Wendy Brown 72.5 c/b. Putts - P McAllan and Marj Smith 27. 10 September: Stableford. Winner - R Smith 40 c/b. Runner Up - J McAllan. NTP - 7th D Sullivan; 16th L Blair; 17th G Mulhearn. 14th September: Stableford. Winner - C Murphy 42. Runner Up - R Jackson. NTP - 7th, 16th S Bobermien; 16th, 8th L Lockitt. 15th September: Canungra Ladies Open Day. Winner, Division One - P McAllan 35. Runner Up Division One - S Bierma 33c/b. Winner, Division Two - C Durston 43. Runner Up, Division Two - K Sweetnam 41. NTP - 5/14 Open 2nd Shot M Smith; 7/16 Open 2nd Shot R Bycroft; 8/17 J Esplin. Most Accurate Drive 3/12 - S O’Sullivan. Longest Drive 9/18 Hcp 0-29 - R Bycroft. Longest Drive 9/18 Hcp 30-45 - V Dowson. 19th September: 2 Person Ambrose. Winners - B Mills and T Mahony 39.75. Runner Up - B Bletcher and N Connolly 67. NTP - 5th, 14th D Harris and C Murphy; 7th, 16th T Mahony and B Mills; 8th M Watson and S Fletcher. 22nd September: Stableford. Winner - M Groves 33. Runner Up - S Mills 31 c/b. NTP 5th Ladies 2nd P McAllan.

NO TIME TO MAINTAIN YOUR PROPERTY? Naturecall can maintain your lawn and remove weeds from your home, business or sports ground. Call us today for a solution catered to your needs

1300 319 954 Page 36

The Canungra Times October 2015


Canungra Bowls Club 4 + 27. Runner up Team from Logan City Airi (Skip) 2 + 10. Last round winner Canungra Team Gail Kennedy (Skip) 2 + 6.

By Ray Hickson


Saturday 5th September: Can/ Tam Shield Competition. Canungra 110 points V Tamborine Mt 76 points. Congratulations Canungra, winners of the Can/Tam Shield for 2015. Monday 7th September: Wall Plaque Competition. Canungra V Mudgeeraba. Overall win Mudgeeraba + 52. Highest Rink win Mudgeeraba + 22. Thursday 10th September: Business and Community Night. 10 Teams. Winners of the night Tam Trans 2 + 22. Runner up Poc’s 2 + 4. The Ladder: Tam Trans 2 + 22, Pods 2 + 4; Outlaws 2 + 3; Bar Fliers 2 + 3, AC/DB 2 + 1; Numb Nuts 0 - 1; Red Rum Boys 0 - 3; Crazy Farmers 0 - 3; Done N Dusted 0 - 4; B Gees 0 - 22. Thursday 17th September: Cancelled due to rain.

Opening Hours

Sponsors of the Marcia Kath Day, Michael Prosser and his children Charlee and Baylee, with the winners from Mudgeraba - Colleen Willis, Kate Debnam and Sue Melville




Seafood Day. 14 Teams. Winners of the day a Team from Rathdowney Dawn Goeldner, Bob Domjahn, Barry Cooke, and Dot Cooke (Skip). Runner up Rathdowney Team Peter

Brand (Skip). Last Round winners a Canungra team Stumpy Lee (Skip). Sunday 13th September: Marcia Kath Ladies Triples Trophy Day. Six Teams. Winners of the day a team from Mudgeeraba Sue Melville, Kate Debnam, Colleen Willis (Skip)

Canungra Bowls Club is open every Friday from 3.30pm with bare foot bowls until dark and darts competition from 6pm. All wecome There is a Bowls Roll Up each Wednesday at 9.30am. For all inquiries regarding club hire or membership, please contact Bronwyne Brown on 0409 797 96597 965.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Canungra Bowls Club Inc will be conducted at the Canungra Bowls Club, Christie Street Canungra commencing at 9.00am on Sunday 11th October, 2015. All financial members are invited to attend.

Canungra & District Community Bank® Project

Share offer coming soon! We are excited to announce that we are one step closer in our bid to have our very own Community Bank®. We expect the official release of the Canungra & District Community Financial Group Limited prospectus will take place late October – so get your pens and money ready!

If you want to find out more, or place your name on the list to be one of the first to receive your copy, please call Janine Rockliff on 0434 238 008

The Canungra Times October 2015 ®

Canungra & District Community Bank Project

Page 37

Sport Moriarty Park News By Bren Dalby The Green Army completed their current project by the creek bank and it is magnificent. I had the pleasure of attending the presentation recently and meeting the great bunch of local youth striving to develop their skills and move forward in life. It has provided a catalyst for us to push on with increasing the family friendly project - but some assistance will be required! Dean Meldrum and his family have already come forward which is terrific. There has been some new graffiti around the place of a particularly infantile style so please keep your eyes peeled and alert our local constabulary if you see anything untoward. We are lacking Sportsperson of the Month Award nominees so please let Bren know if you know of someone who has had outstanding results in their sport this year. Our Committee is a tad in disarray, not due to disinterest, simply life changes which have detracted from our ability to avail ourselves for Moriarty Park issues. We will try to carry on till the AGM in April but please come forward if you think you can help; this is a great facility that is under utilised, and we can’t afford to lose it. Actually at this stage we can barely afford to keep it with rising costs, so anyone who can help with grant writing and sourcing would be welcomed! Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at Moriarty Park at 7pm. If you are planning to attend please text me on 0414 435 919 or email bren.dalby@bigpond.com in case we have a date or time change.

Canungra Owls Soccer News

By Bren Dalby

Well the season is over but already plans are in place for next season! No rest for the wicked, or the rest of us either. Encouragingly Jeremy Mansfield has rallied the men to continue off season training which is great, especially as we have suffered the loss of fabulous Coach, player and inspiration, David Huynh, who moved away to expand the Foodworks empire. The absence of Dave will create a huge void. We are currently tying up all financial strings with a view to holding our AGM early December, or even late November. We already have nominations for Registrar and Treasurer so please think about where you might slip into the operation. I will be doing less next year and am happy for someone else to take on any of my positions! Time for someone with young kids coming through to replace me and take the club forward another level. My boy Scott, by the way, is living the dream playing soccer and studying in New York and having a ball. This year we had more helpers than ever which lessened the load and made soccer more enjoyable. In particular, thanks to our sponsors Foodworks Canungra, Danny Gordon Seafoods and Canungra Veterinary Surgery. Thanks also to Canungra Hotel allowing us to run meat tray raffles and to Rachel Hamblin for organising the roster; thanks of course to those who showed up to do them! We will strive to maintain a prospering club as long as we are able. Thanks to all, and “Go the Owls”!

Harcourts are on the move to new premises

Our new premises is located on the main road into Canungra, giving us and you more opportunity to sell your house. Canungra is known to be a great spot for people to visit and enjoy the local area. With so much passing traffic both on week days and more importantly weekends, the opportunity for more people to see your house for sale is increased.


Nothing will change. Our service and commitment to you is still of the utmost importance to us. If you would like a free appraisal to see what your property is worth, please give us a call on 5543 8525

Page 38

Unit 5, 28-39 Christie Street, Canungra

The Canungra Times October 2015

LITHO ART (07) 3375 1868



Local Boys in World Muay Thai Cup By Rebecca Torrens

Australia did an outstanding job in the 2015 IFMA Royal World Muay Thai Cup held in Thailand between 13th and 22nd August. Thirty five Australian competitors competed against 106 countries from around the world. The Australian team brought home twenty four medals nine gold, seven silver and eight bronze. There may have been bomb blasts going off and the threat of others still yet to be found but nothing was going to stop local boys Zak Tilley and Cameron and Josh Torrens from getting in that ring and giving it all they could while representing their country. The boys went over early to prepare and put in some torturous hours of training in local Thai gym Por Promin. Josh Torrens had a beautiful third round knock out against a tough Malaysian fighter for his first fight, then a win over Estonia for his

Cameron and Josh Torrens with Zak Tilley in Thailand

second fight, but was not quite strong enough for a tough Thai fighter with huge hands. However he managed to secure a silver medal. Zak Tilley had a convincing win over Hong Kong in his first round, however the competitor from Russia was

just a little too strong for him and he didn’t get the win but secured a bronze medal to proudly bring home to Australia. Cameron Torrens as a silver medallist in last year’s Australian games had gone over to train and maybe take

on a local fight while he was there and support his fellow team mates. However once he learned of an opening in the Australian team at his age but two weight divisions above his own he was keen to step up and give it a go. Cameron drew a fighter from the Czech Republic and although he gave it all he could the weight difference was just too much and he was stopped by the doctor with an unstoppable nose bleed. All three boys did their families, country and their fellow fighters proud. Their dedication and hard training truly paid off. Next month all three boys as well as other local fighters will once again compete at The Australian titles again in the hope to walk away Australian champions. They would like to thank their sponsors - Aquis Farm Canungra and Bolo Fightwear. These sponsors are always amazing with the support they give these juniors in the sport they love.

Geiger Motors For all mechanical repairs: Moriarty Park Community Sporting Centre

Sportsperson of the Year Awards

• Cars.

• Open to all sportspeople who reside in the 4275 postcode area or who play for a team in the area. • Monthly winners receive a certificate, medal & prizes to the value of $100 in the form of a $50 Canungra FoodWorks voucher & a $50 voucher from a selected sports store at the Award Ceremony conducted in January each year. • ‘Sportsperson of the Year’ and ‘Achiever of the Year’ (selected from 12 monthly winners) receive trophies. For further information contact Bren Dalby on 0414 435 919, email bren.dalby@bigpond.com; or post to: Sportsperson of the Year Awards, MPCSC, PO Box 36, CANUNGRA QLD 4275

• Light trucks. • Tractors. • Mower sales and service. • Gardening equipment.

34 Christie Street, Canungra

Ph: 5543 5222

The Canungra Times October 2015

Page 39

The 1st in what will now be a monthly event, T20 Cricket anungra was a huge success. All players had fun, as did the AGS (wives & girlfriends) + the kiddlies. Team Rhys won & will e presented with a perpetual trophy sponsored by Canungra alendars. Player of the Match was Pearce Eldgride, winner a $50 Rebel Sports voucher. Due to, literally, overwhelmg positive feedback, it has been decided that the T20 Social ricket will be held monthly on the 3rd Sunday each month; 15th March 19th April 17th May 21st June (Winter Solstice) A huge thank you to all who helped on the day. For more info n upcoming matches & how you can get involved, just check e Facebook page T20 Cricket Canungra.

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14 Christie Street, Canungra - next to FoodWorks - 0423 349 180 Page 40

The Canungra Times October 2015


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