Canteen Magazine aspires to use the power of creativity to motivate and educate children. One of our core initiatives is joining with StreetSquash to provide a Tutoring Program and Creative Writing Workshops for seventh graders (11-13 years old) from the following Harlem schools: Frederick Douglass Academy II (FDA2); H.S. 670 Thurgood Marshall Academy For Learning And Social Change (TMA). canTeen, issue one, is an anthology of their short stories, poems, essays, speeches, photos, and reviews. STUDENTS/CONTRIBUTORS: Angel Fernandez, Armando Adonis, Darquell Covington, Divine Wing, Elhadji Mare, Lamont Pitt, Marcus Colon, Mawa Ballo, Nasean Catron, Oumar Traore, Ronnie Green, Tosin Elegba, Wandy Vantura. TEACHERS: Lee Bob Black, Garth Risk Hallberg, Todd Zuniga, Stephen Pierson, Porochista Khakpour, Mia Lipman, J.J. Sulin, James J. Williams III. DESIGN: Daniel Christensen, J.J. Sulin, Betsy Bell, Sai Sriskandarajah.