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At CCCU, we’ll also help you develop the skills, confidence and attributes valued by employers.

Scientists, engineers, medical and forensics students study in our new £65 million facility, the Verena Holmes Building, working together on real-world projects with researchers and employers in dedicated makerspaces and labs.

Or maybe you’re set on the creative industries
Our Daphne Oram creative arts building is home to the latest digital facilities to equip you with the skills you need to feed the UK’s booming creative sector.

If you’re an aspiring teacher or health professional, you’ll be studying at a university with a national reputation and extensive network of contacts. Our simulation suites provide a realistic work environment allowing you to practise your skills and build your confidence.
Research skills are a key part of all our courses, preparing you to take your experience into the workplace.
PREPARE FOR THE WORKPLACE WITH: n Volunteering service n Career and enterprise development bursaries n Online and in person careers and employability advice n Part-time work opportunities n Business and personal development workshops n Get Hired! programme in your final year.

Our Careers and Enterprise Team can provide you with information, advice and guidance in planning your future.
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*Out of 100 Higher Education Institutions with 3,000 or more graduates (HESA: Graduate Outcomes 2022)