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field offering their insights and farmers themselves connecting with their peers, sharing information, best practices and supporting one another,” Copeland said.
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“I want to travel at some stage, I’m keen to learn about different cultures and farming practices overseas and I’m interested to understand some of the aspects we might be able to take away and apply here.
“I would love to go to Australia and work on one of those big outback stations. The scale of farming in America is just massive so I’m intrigued to see that too. But for now, my focus is on the next couple of years here at Lincoln.”
At just 19, she already has a fair amount of agricultural experience under her belt. Growing up on a Tinui sheep and beef farm in the Wairarapa, some of her fondest childhood memories involved helping her Mum and Dad, Jodie and Mike Higinbottom.
“As a kid, I really enjoyed getting out on the farm, I’m fortunate to have hardworking parents who encouraged me and gave me enough room to give things a go.
“Dad was always happy to teach and explain things on the farm to me. It was awesome to get the cows in on the horses, and docking was always one of my favourite times of the year.
“I guess I always knew I wanted to be part of the agriculture sector in some way.”
Over summer she has been working for
Ross and Cara Minson just out of Springston.
“As part of the practical component of my degree, I need to work for 10 weeks on a dairy farm and it’s been awesome.
“I’ve learnt so much more than I was expecting to. I’ve been really fortunate that my bosses and manager don’t just ask me to do things, they’re taking the time to explain the reasons why things are done a certain way and make sure I get to do a variety of jobs.”
Heading into 2023 her focus is on completing the next three years at Lincoln, getting involved in student life, indulging her passion for the outdoors and seeing more of the South Island with the Lincoln Uni Hunting Club.
“As well as getting on with my studies, this year I’m hoping to play hockey and get away on a few trips with the Lincoln Uni Young Farmers Club. This year I’ll be Treasurer of the club and I’m looking forward to developing the skills needed for this role.
“Thankfully the Hugh Williams Scholarship means I can worry less about my own finances, with fees for my second year now 50 percent covered.”
Applications for next year’s scholarship are now open and will close on 1 December, 2023.