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You can’t manage it if you don’t measure it
There is no doubt that farming has become increasingly challenging just to keep ahead of the game, and also sometimes just to keep up, but there’s one thing that New Zealand Farmers are great at and that’s adapting to change and problem solving.
] Supplied by CP Lime Solutions
Here at CP Lime we are always looking at what we can do to better help our clients improve their farming systems and help remove some of their work load.
With compliance and regulation in the rural and agriculture sector taking up a large proportion of farmers time and headspace, not having the worry about what fertilisers to apply and are they really fit for purpose for your operation is important to us, not to mention the ongoing incremental fertiliser price increases over the last two years.
At CP Lime Solutions we want to help refine fertiliser capital and maintenance input cost by not applying anything that is not needed.
To prepare for this Autumn or Spring an in depth Optimise soil analysis at a cost of $110+GST is a relatively inexpensive investment that will give you more information to make an informative decision. This is where the old adage comes in, “You can’t manage it if you don’t measure it”.
One of our standard features on our Op- timise soil tests is measuring the ASC (anion storage capacity), this is the new version of the old p retention test and will often help to explain why things may not be happening as expected.

It also gives us the information as to what form of phosphate to use if needed. A lot of companies you will need to ask to have this test done as an extra.
Armed with good information from these soil tests which are carried out locally, we can help to manage your Autumn and Spring applications of fertiliser with the use of Optimise micronised pelletised fertilisers. For example by applying our micronised pelletised Lime and Sulphur in the Autumn you are setting your country up to hit the ground running in the spring.
Whether you are hill country, horticulture, sheep and beef or dairy having the nutrients there when they are required is most important to optimise production. Optimise uses elemental sulphur to reduce losses through winter leaching and will remain there until the spring to crank those clovers along.
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The micronised pelletised lime, Lime and sulphur 20%, micronised pelletised magnesium carbonate and Mag sulphur 20% are 4 of our more popular options for autumn applications. They all come in a pelletised form which is accurate and easy to spread whether it is by ground or air.
Optimise is accurate for the applicator which is crucial in sensitive environments such as waterways or boundaries and overall spreading patterns.
If you need to kick things along a bit we have our kickStart options. These are fine lime and elemental sulphur and magnesium blended with either SOA or urea. We have also incorporated into the pellet humates which will help hold onto the anions and increase the utilisation of the nitrogen. It also works as a great bio stimulant. By using these combinations of nutrients together we get better results and potentially reduce our overall inputs.
Using one of our many fertiliser blends as a capital or maintenance option will also look better for your books, with lower application rates required you will save not only on spreading but also a lot on transport.
If you want to discuss things further don’t hesitate to call us, our company is not driven by sales but instead driven by communicating with our clients to understand what’s best for them.

by CP Lime
There are Tonnes of reasons to visit us at Kirwee stand 868.

Growing a healthy world from the ground up.