The Bat Mitzvah of
Hanna Cohen December 28, 2009 11 Tevet 5770 Services Conducted By Cantor Debbi Ballard
The Bat Mitzvah Service The Bat Mitzvah ceremony represents the first time in a young woman’s life when she is invited to assume a role of leadership and responsibility in the religious service of the Jewish community. In this service Hanna will read several prayers in Hebrew and English. As you follow the service you will see the prayers in transliteration (Hebrew phonetically). We did this so you can be a part of the service and in so doing find it more interesting. Today marks the culmination of several months of private tutoring for Hanna where she learned many prayers and most importantly, their meanings. The Torah contains the first five books of the Bible; a selection from the Torah is read every week throughout the Jewish liturgical year until the entire Torah has been read. Hanna’s parsha, Vayigash, comes from the book of Exodus. In addition to the reading from the Torah, Hanna will be conducting a portion of today’s service as well. A Yarmulke or head covering may be worn by men during the service. A Tallit or prayer shawl may also be worn by Jewish men and women over the age of thirteen.
Tradition states that the tallit’s fringes are reminders of the Lord’s
Commandments. This prayer book you are reading is called a Siddur. Since we have specially created this prayer book for Hanna’s Bat Mitzvah you will see the Hebrew, English translations and transliteration. You will be asked to stand a number of times during the ceremony whenever the Torah is removed or when certain prayers are recited. During a special prayer recited for those loved ones who are no longer with us known as the Mourner’s Kaddish, the congregation will also rise. During this service, people will be called to the pulpit to recite readings and blessings before and after the Torah reading. We hope some of these explanations are helpful in creating a more rewarding service.
What it means to be a Daughter of the Commandments The term Bat Mitzvah literally means “child of the commandments.” This is the age of accountability for a Jewish child. The thirteenth birthday traditionally meant the time when Jews became religiously adult, however this tradition is not limited only to 13 year olds. The ceremony of Bat Mitzvah is not really a goal or end in itself. It represents beginnings, the first steps on a lifelong path of Jewish responsibility. The Bat Mitzvah ceremony marks the first time a young person will be able to read from the Torah and lead a congregation in prayer. This is a milestone in Jewish life and a cause for a celebration of the entire family. It is the hope of the Jewish people that a young person assumes the role of an adult Jew; she will become a credit to her community and to the House of Israel throughout her life.
A Prayer for Hanna Presentation of the Tallit O Lord as we stand before you on this joyous occasion we pray and we thank you for this blessing of life you have bestowed upon us. We are grateful for Hanna and for the past twelve years of joy she has brought to us and our family. Bless her, Dear G-d, watch over her, protect her, guide her, help her to continue to grow in body and mind, in soul and character. Bless her with the gifts of love and loyalty. May her life be rich and rewarding. May all her deeds bring pride to all of us. Amen Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech haolam Asher kid-sha-nu b’mitz-vo-tav v’tzee vanu l’hit a teyf Ba-tzitzit
Epe¨v¦ e§ ei ¨ ev§ n¦ A§ Epy¨ c§ w¦ xy¤ `© m¨ erd¨ K¤ln¤ ep ¥ l¡` ,ii dz¨ `© KexA¨ zivi ¦ v¦ A¨ shr ¥ z© d¦ l§
Hine Ma Tov cg«© i¨ m©B mig¦ `© z¤aW «¤ ,mir¨ ¦ P dnE © aFH dn© d¥Pd¦ Hine ma tov uma na yim shevet achim gam yachad.
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for families to dwell together in unity.
We have come together as a congregation, mindful that each of us is an individual, with special hopes and dreams, with personal worries and concerns.
Each of us has dreams no one else can utter. Each feels joy no one else can share and regrets which others cannot know. In this uniqueness of mind and personality, we are alone. And yet we are here together. United as a congregation, we find an atmosphere that stimulates awareness and motivation. In these surroundings of personal warmth, may we seek the strength that is within ourselves. If we are discouraged, may we seek hope. If we have been careless of time, may we re-assess our goals and priorities.
In the company of our family and friends, in the glowing spirit of Shabbat, may we find the inspiration to warm our hearts and revitalize our minds’ energies. Together, may we heighten our goals to achieve our own unique potential.
What is Holiness? (Please read responsively)
There is holiness when we strive to reach our highest goals, and bring to our striving the best that is within ourselves.
There is holiness when we are true to ourselves and stand firmly for truth though tempted to bend. There is holiness when we choose expressions of love and kindness, rather than those of sarcasm or anger.
There is holiness when we use our creative energies to celebrate, illuminate or share a thing of beauty. There is holiness when people help the weak and seek freedom.
There is holiness when we are kind to someone who cannot possibly be of service to us. There is holiness when we promote family harmony.
There is holiness when we forget what divides us and remember what unites us. There is holiness when we bring a moment of gladness to one who is lonely, a smile to the face of one who is sad, or help to one in need. There is holiness when we thank G-d and give praise to G-d for giving us the desire and the power to make our lives holy.
The Barchu The ark is opened
For centuries the words of the Barchu have summoned our people to worship. At each service this prayer is recited to announce that formal worship has begun. Yet we know that all are drawn to prayer by more than public proclamation. We are called to worship by an inner longing, the desire to reflect on the purpose of our lives. The summons to worship finds its unique expression in every individual. The magnetism to ponder and comprehend the universe is the same. The response is formulated differently by each person according to his or her needs.
Barchu et Adonai Ha-m’vorach
K ¨an§ d© i¨i§ z`¤ Ekx¨§ A
Praise Adonai to whom all praise is due!
Baruch Adonai Ha-m’vorach l’olam vaed.
.c¤re¨ m¨lFrl§ K ¨aO§ d© i¨i§ KEx¨A
Praised be Adonai, to whom our praise is due forever and ever!
The Sh’ma is one of the oldest prayers in the Jewish prayer book. It calls upon the Jewish people to listen. It stresses their unity and eternity. It is not an accident that Jewish people throughout the ages have died with the Sh’ma on their lips. There is great comfort in knowing that Jews everywhere recognize this tie and feel this commitment to oneness. It is almost like having an extended family of fourteen million people. The inclusion of the Sh’ma indicates that from ancient days the purpose of worship for our people was not primarily to do the will of the worshipper, but rather for the congregation to go out into the world inspired to work
.cg¨ `¤ i¨i§ ,Epi«¥ l¡` i¨i§ ,l¥`x¨U¦ § i rn© W§ Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad
.c¤re¨ m¨lFrl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW¥ KEx¨A Baruch Shem K’vod Malchuto L’olam Va’ed 6
,d¤N`«¥ d¨ mix¨¦ aC§ d© Eid¨ e§ .L «¤ `n§ lk¨ aE § ,LW§ t© § p lk¨ aE § ,La¨ § al§ lk¨ A§ ,Li«¤ l¡` i¨i§ z`¥ Y¨ a§ d© `¨ e§ ,L«¤zi¥aA§ LY§ a§ W¦ A§ ,m¨A Y¨ x©§ Ac¦ e§ ,Li«p¤ a¨ l§ mY§ ¨ pP© W¦ e§ .L«a¤ a¨ l§ l©r ,mFId© LE©§ vn§ i ¦ p`¨ xW£ ¤` oi¥A zt ¨ hl§ Eid¨ e§ ,Lc¨ «¤ i l©r zF`l§ mY¨ x§ W© wE § .L«¤nEwaE § ,LA§ k§ W¨ aE § ,Kx¤C© «¤ a LY§ k¤ § laE § ,i ¨ ev§ n¦ lM¨ z`¤ mzi ¤ U£ ¦ re© ExM§§ fY¦ o©rn«© l§ .Lix¨ «¤rW§ aE ¦ L«¤zi¥A zFfªfn§ l©r mY¨ a§ z© kE § .Li«p¤ i¥r ,m¦ix«©v§ n¦ ux«¤ ¤`n¥ m¤kz§ `¤ iz`« ¦ v¥ Fd xW£ ¤ ` ,m¤ki ¥ l¡` i¨i§ i¦p`£ .m¤ki ¥ l`¥l mi ¦ cw§ mzi¦ ¤ id§ e¦ .m¤ki ¥ l¡` i¨i§ i¦p`£ ,mi ¦ l`¥l m¤kl¨ zFid§ l¦ You shall love your Eternal God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your being. Set these words which I command you this day, upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your children; speak of them in your home, and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be symbols before your eyes; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates. Be mindful of My Mitzvot and do them; so shall you consecrate yourselves to your God. I am your Eternal God, who led you out of Egypt to be your God, I am your Eternal God.
The 10 Mitzvot We praise you, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe You hallow us with the gift of Torah and command us to immerse ourselves in its words Eternal our God, make the words of Your Torah sweet to us, and to the House of Israel, Your people, that we and our children shall be lovers of Your name and students of Your Torah. We praise you, O God, Teacher of Torah to Your people, Israel
These are duties whose worth cannot be measured Honoring one’s father and mother Acts of love and kindness Diligent pursuit of knowledge & wisdom Hospitality to strangers Visiting the sick
Celebrating with bride and groom Consoling the bereaved Praying with sincerity Making peace where there is strife And the study of Torah leads to them all
Service for taking out the Torah
m ¦i«l¨ WExi ¨ n¦ i¨i§ x©acE§ ,dxFz ¨ `¥vY¥ oFIS¦ n¦ iM¦ Ki mi Tzion teitze Torah - ud’var Adonai mi-Yerusalayim
Let us declare the greatness of our God, and give honor to the Torah
FzX¨ cªw§ A¦ l`¥ x¨U¦ § i FO©rl§ dxFY ¨ oz¨ © PW¤ KEx¨A Baruch Sh’natan Torah L’Amo Yisrael B’kidushato
Far out of Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem
Passing the Torah, Generation to Generation L’Dor Va Dor
Hanna, Your mother now holds the Torah, as she once held you. Yet holding on is not the way of life, and she must begin to let you go, that you may find your own way. As you have received the Torah from your parents’ and your grandparents’ hands, so do you accept the challenge that comes to you this day. The challenge is one of both freedom and responsibility, calling you to affirm not only your own dignity, but the dignity of others as well. May your actions bring peace and healing to all who know you and may your struggles be for the good. Torah is our path to peace. From its devotion to wisdom, we learn to strive for wisdom. From its commitment to the good, we are compelled to seek the good. From its teaching of harmony, we struggle to live in harmony. The spirit of Torah dwells within us as we turn to the lesson of this moment. 8
Torah Processional
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l`¥ x¨U§ ¦i lM¨ l©re§ Epi«l¥ r¨ mFlW¨ dU£ ¤ ri© `Ed ,einFx ¨ n§ A¦ mFlW¨ d ¤ r Oseh shalom bim ro mav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu Ve’al kol Yisrael v’eimru imru amen
May God who makes peace in the heavens grant peace to us And to all the people of Israel And let us all say Amen.
D’var Torah - Hanna
My Torah portion, Vayigash, was taken from the book of Genesis. The story takes place long after Joseph became separated from his father, Jacob, and his family. Jacob had 12 sons, and Joseph was the youngest brother, and also Jacob’s favorite son. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him, because they knew he was Jacob’s favorite, and would be favored forever. One day, his brothers plotted against him, and at age 17, he was soldby his brothers to slave traders heading to Egypt. Jacob was gravely upset by the loss of his favorite son. Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, the Pharoah’s chief butcher. After being accosted by the butcher’s wife, she accused him of trying to rape her. He was then thrown into prison. After 12 years in prison, Joseph was summoned by Pharoah. The Pharoah had had 2 troubling dreams and had heard from his butler that Joseph was an interpreter of dreams. Joseph interpreted the dreams by prophesizing 7 years of famine. This impressed Pharoah and he made Joseph 2nd in command over Egypt and the manager of Egypt’s grain stores because of the prophecy of the famine, and his ideas to hold back grain when the famine hit. When the famine struck, Joseph sold all the grain to the nations, creating wealth for Pharoah.. During the first year of the famine, Jacob sent 10 of his sons excluding Benjamin to get grain for their starving families. Joseph recognized his brothers but did not reveal himself because of his desire to see his full brother Benjamin. Joseph then accused them of being spies. He demanded to see Benjamin to verify their claims, but Jacob refused to send Benjamin. When the famine got worse and food stores ran out, Judah promised to Jacob that he would protect Benjamin from harm. Jacob then sent the brothers again. Joseph tested Judah by threatening to imprison Benjamin. Judah passed the test by offering himself in Benjamin’s place. Joseph then revealed himself and the family had a joyful reunion, and Jacob’s entire family happily moved to Egypt. The lesson I take from this story is about forgiveness and reconciliation. Joseph had to be very forgiving, knowing his brothers had sold him into slavery, but he was willing to accept his brothers lovingly when he finally realized who they were. If I had seen how much Judah and Jacob cared for Benjamin and how much they’d grown, I would probably have done the same. If Joseph hadn’t forgiven his family than they would have probably died and Joseph would have to live with the guilt. It is important to reconcile with your family because no matter what they are your family and know matter what happens you love them.
Barchu et Adonai ha m’vorach Baruch Adonai Ha m’vorach l’olam vaed Baruch Adonai Ha m’vorach l’olam vaed Baruch Ata Adonai eloheinu melech haolam Asher bachar banu mikol haamim V’natan lanu et torato Baruch atah Adonai, Notein Hatorah
K ¨an§ d© i¨i§ z`¤ Ekx¨§ A c¤re¨ m¨lFrl§ K ¨an§ d© i¨i§ KExA¨ c¤re¨ m¨lFrl§ K ¨an§ d© i¨i§ KExA¨ n©lFrd¨ K¤ln«¤ Epi«¥ l¡` i¨i§ dY¨ `© KEx¨A miO© ¦ rd¨ lM¨ n¦ Ep«A¨ xg«© A¨ xW¤ .FzxFY ¨ z`¤ Ep«l¨ oz«© p¨ e§ .dxFY ¨ d© ozFp ¥ ,¨ii§ dY¨ `© KEx¨A
Praise be the Lord, to whom our praise is due! Praised be the Lord, to whom our praise is due, now and forever! Blessed is the Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has chosen us from all peoples by giving us His Torah. Blessed is the Lord, Giver of the Torah
Baruch Ata Adonai eloheinu melech haolam Asher natan lanu torat emet, Vchayeh olam natah b’tocheinu Baruch atah adonai, notein hatorah
m¨lFrd¨ K¤ln«¤ Epi«¥ l¡` i¨i§ dY¨ `© KEx¨A ,zn¡ ¤ ` zxFY © Ep«l¨ oz«© p¨ xW£ ¤` .Ep«kFz ¥ A§ rh¨ © p m¨lFr i¥Ig© e§ .dxFY ¨ d© ozFp ¥ ,¨ii§ dY¨ `© KEx¨A
Blessed is the Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has given a Torah of truth, implanting within us eternal life. Blessed is the Lord, Giver of the Torah
Torah Portion - Vayigash Exodus 46:28-47:6
d¨vx¬©§ ` E`a¨Ie© d¨pW® § B ei¨pt¨ l§ zxFd ¬ l§ sq¥½ FiÎl¤` Æei¨pt¨ l§ g³©lW¨ dº¨cEdi§ Îz`¤ e§ eil¨À `¥ `´¨x¥Ie© d¨pW® § B eia¦ `¨ l¬¥`x¨U¦ § iÎz`x«©w§ l¦ l©r²©Ie© FY½ a§ M© x§ n¤ Æsq¥ Fi xq³ `¤ § Ie:o © W¤ «B qFiÎl ¥ `¤ l²¥`x¨U¦ § i xn`¯ ¤ Ie© :cFr« eix` ¨ E©¨vÎl©r J§ a¬¥ § Ie© eix` ½¨ E©¨vÎl©r ÆlR¦Ie© :i«g¨ LcF§ r« i¬¦M Li½p¤ RÎz ¨ `¤ i´¦zF`x§ Æix£ ¥g`«© m©r®¨Rd© dzE ¨ n´ `¨ d´¨x § `« e§ d®rx§ t© l§ dci´¦ ¨ B`© e§ d¤lr¡ `«¤ eia½¦ `¨ zi´¥AÎl`¤ e§ Æeig¨ `Îl ¤ `¤ s³¥qFi xn`¸ ¤ Ie© o`v½ i¥ x´ ÆmiW¨ ¦ p`£ d«¨ e§ :i«l¨ `¥ E`¬¨A o© p© MÎu § x«¤`¤ A§ x¬¤W£` i²¦a`Îzi¥ ¨ aE i¯©g`© eil¨À `¥ d¾i¨d¨ e§ :E`i«a¦ d¥ md¨ ¤ l x¬¤W£`Îlk¨ e§ m²¨xw¨ aE § m¯¨p`ve§ E®id¨ d¤pw§ n¦ i¬¥W§p`Îi« © M¦ E³id¨ d¹p¤ w§ n¦ iW§ ¥¸ p`© mY¤À x§ n£ © `e«© :m«k¤ iU£ ¥ rOÎd «© n© xn© `¨ e§ d®rx§ R© mk¤ l¨ `¬¨xw§ i¦ Îi«M¦ ÆEaW« § Y¥ xEa£ À rA«© Epi®¥ a£`Îm©B Ep § p© `£ Îm©B dY¨ r©½ Îc©re§ Epi´¥xEr§Pn¦ ÆLic¸¤ a¨ r£ :o`v« d¥ xÎl ¬ M¨ m ¦ x©v§ n¦ z¬©a£rFzÎi « M¦ oW¤ B½ ux´¤ ¤ `A§ x´¤W£`Îlk¨ e§ Æmx¨w¨ aE § m³¨p`ve§ ig©¹ `© e§ ia¸¦ `¨ xn`À ¤ Ie© ¼ rx§ t© l§ c´¥BI© e© s» qFi ¥ `´aI¨ e© d´¨Xn£ ¦ g gw¨©l eig¨½ `¤ d´¥vw§ nE ¦ :oW¤ «B ux¬¤ ¤ `A§ m¨Pd¦ e§ o©r®¨pM§ ux´¤ ¤ `n¥ E`¨A md¨ ¤½ l m®¤kiU£ ¥ rOÎd «© n© eig¨ `Îl ¤ `¤ d²rx§ R© xn`¯ ¤ Ie© :dr« x§ t© i¬¥pt§ l¦ m¥bS© ¦ Ie© mi®¦W¨p`£ Ex´ n`« § Ie© :Epi«zFa£ ¥ `Îm©B Ep § p© `£ Îm©B Lic½¤ a£ ¨ r Æo`v d¬¥ x drÀ x§ RÎl © `¤ Ex´ n`« § Ie© Lic½¤ a£ ¨ r«l© x´¤W£` Æo`S©l dr¤À x§ n¦ oi´¥`ÎiM¦ E¼ p`¼A¨ u» x» ¤`¨ ¨ A xE´bl¨ drÀ x§ RÎl © `¤ xn`´ ¤ Ie:o © W¤ «B ux¬¤ ¤ `A§ Lic¤ a¨ r£ `¬¨pÎEaW«§ i¥ d²¨Y©re§ o©r®¨pM§ ux´¤ ¤ `A§ a¨rx«¨d¨ c¬¥akÎi« ¨ M¦ :Li«l¤ `¥ E`¬¨A Lig¤ `© e§ Li¬¦a`¨ xn`¥ ® l sqFiÎl¤ ¥ ` dr½ x§ R©
Torah is Replaced in the Ark
V’zot hatorah asher saam Mosheh Lifney b’nei Yisrael al pi Adonai b’yad Moshe
d ¤ n mU¨ xW£ ¤ ` dxFY ¨ d© z`fe§ dWn ¤ c©iA§ i¨i§ iR¦ l©r ,l`¥ x¨U¦ § i i¥pA§ i¥pt§ l¦
This is the Torah that Moses placed before the people of Israel to fulfill the word of God.
AMIDAH We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end war; For we know that You have made the world in a way that humans must find their own path to peace within themselves and with their neighbor.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end starvation; For You have already given us the resources with which to feed the entire world, If we could only use them wisely. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, To root out prejudice; For you have already given us eyes With which to see the good in all people, if we would only use them rightly.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God. To end despair; For you have already given us the power to clear away slums and to give hope, If we would only use our power justly. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end disease; For You have already given us great minds with which to search out cures and healings, If we would only use them constructively.
Therefore, we pray to You instead, O God, for strength, determination, and will-power, to do, instead of just to pray; to become, instead of merely to wish. For your sake and ours, speedily and soon, that our land may be safe, And that our lives may be blessed.
May the words that we pray, and the deeds that we do, be acceptable to You, O God, Our Rock and our Redeemer.
Aleinu The Aleinu is not only one of the noblest of our prayers, it is one of the oldest. There is no
question that it predates the destruction of the first Temple. The Aleinu is one of the most universal prayers. It attests to life. It voices Israel’s undying hope for the day when idolatry shall disappear, when human activities shall turn toward righteousness, when all humanity will be one body united in justice and love.
NW¤ ,ziW` ¦ x¥A§ x¥vFil§ d¨NcªB§ zz¨ ¥ l ,lMd© oFc£`l© g«© A¥ W© l§ Epi«l¥ r¨ lW¤ ,dn¨ c£ ¨`d¨ zFgR§ W§ n¦ M§ Ep«n¨ U¨ `le§ ,zFvx£ ¨`d¨ i¥iFbM§ Ep«U¨ ¨r mir¦ xFM § Epg«§ p© `£ e© ,m¨pFn£d lk¨ M§ Ep«l¥ ¨be§ ,md¤ M¨ Ep«w¥ l§ g¤ mU¨ KEx¨A WFcT¨ d© ,mik¨ ¦ lO§ d© i¥kl§ n© K¤ln«¤ i¥pt§ l¦ ,micFnE ¦ mie£ ¦ gY© W§ nE ¦ .`Ed A-lei-nu l’sha-bayach la-a-don hakol, la-tet g’dulah l’yotzer b’rey-heet, he-lo a-sa-nu k’go-yey ha-ra-tzot, v’lo samanu, k’mishpachot ha-da-mah. he-lo sam chel keinu kahem, v’goralenu k’chol ha-mo-nam. Va-anachnu korim u-mish-ta-cha-vim u-mo-dim. Lifney melech mal-chey ham-la-chim ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
Kaddish Prayer O God, as we recall the loss of those so loved, be with us. Help us to remember that all things change: the earth and stars, time and seasons. And we who must to dust return. You alone are everlasting, our eternal Rock whose presence redeems us from death and despair. God of comfort, shiled us with Your love and kindness. Help us to know that time does heal and grief will yield its final grip. May the memory of those we loved and lost strengthen our lives and guide us always in ways of goodness. God of compassion, be with us now and grant us peace.
`¨Ax© Dn¥ W§ WC© w© z¦ § ie§ lC©© Bz¦ §i ,DzEk ¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n© § ie§ ,DzEr ¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n¨ l¨ § rA§ l`¤ x¨U¦ § i zi¥A lk¨ c§ i¥Ig© aE § oFkinFi ¥ aE § oFki¥Ig© A§ :on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ aix¦ w¨ on§ © faE ¦ `¨lb¨ r£ A© Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’me raba b’alma di-v’ra chirutey v’yamlich malchutei b’chayechon uvyo meychon uv’chayey d’chol beit Yisrael ba-agala u-viz mak kariv, v’imru amen.
.`¨In© l¨ § r in¥ l¨ § rlE § m©lr¨ l§ Kx¨ ©an§ `¨Ax© Dn¥ W§ `d§ ¥i Y’hey shmey raba m’vorach l’olam ul’almey almayah.
`V© ¥ pz¦ § ie§ mnFx © z¦ § ie§ x`© R¨ z¦ § ie§ g©AY© W¦ § ie§ Kx¨ ©Az¦ §i ,`Ed Kix¦ A§ `W¨ c§ wª C§ Dn¥ W§ l¨Nd© z¦ § ie§ d¤Nr© z¦ § ie§ xC¨d© z¦ § ie§ Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitroman v’yitnase V’yithadar v’yithale v’yithalal sh’mey d’kudeshah brich hu.
`z¨ xi¨ W¦ e§ `z¨ k¨ x§ A¦ lM¨ on¦ `¨N«r¥ l§ ,`n¨ l¨ § rA§ oxi¨ n£ ¦ `C© ,`z¨ n¡ ¨ gp¤ e§ `z¨ g¨ A§ W§ Yª .on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ L’eyla min kol birchatah v’shiratah tush b’chata v’nechemata da-amiran b’alma v’imru Amen.
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l`¥ x¨U¦ § i lM¨ l©re§ Epi«l¥ r¨ miaFh ¦ mi¦Ig© e§ ,`¨In© W§ on¦ `¨Ax© `n¨ ¨ lW§ `d§ ¥i Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru Amen.
Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l`¥ x¨U¦ § i lM¨ l©re§ ,Epi«l¥ r¨ mFlW¨ dU£ ¤ ri© ein£ ¨ gx©A§ `Ed ,einFx ¨ n§ A¦ mFlW¨ d ¤ r :on¥ `¨ Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya-a-seh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru Amen.
Concluding Prayers
.ot¤ «B¨ d© ix¦ R§ `xFA ¥ ,m¨lFrd¨ K¤ln«¤ Epi«¥ l¡` ,¨ii§ dY¨ `© KExA¨
Baruch ata Adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p’ri hagafen HaMotzi
vx¤`¨ d© on¦ nk¤ l¤ 'vFn ¦ d© ,m¨lFrd¨ K¤ln«¤ Epi«¥ l¡` ,¨ii§ dY¨ `© KEx¨A
Baruch ata Adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha-aretz
Mazel Tov Hanna!
This prayer book was created by Cantor Debbi Ballard (954) 646-1326