19442 epicurean - miso
19443 epicurean - spanakopita
epicurean 19445 epicurean - fromage
19444 epicurean - pimienta
$.36 per sheet (25 sheet min.) $9.00 per pack $1.00 suggested retail
19446 epicurean - pomodoro
19447 epicurean -hoagie
variety paper packs
19449 epicurean $9.95 (min. order 3)
19448 epicurean $7.95 (min. order 3)
epicurean tri-fold & stamps 17973 - epicurean stamps $11.95 (min orde r 3)
11103 naked tri-fold rder 3)
(min. o $4.95 6 pieces
17974 - epicurean journal pages rder 6)
epicurean journal pages & stickers 17975 - epicurean sticker collection
(min. o $4.95 6 pieces
$1.95 min. order 6
back o f journa l pages
epicurean 17976 - mini ephemera pack
s (min $3.95 15 piece
mini ephemera order 6)
ize al s
In all of our Gypsy wanderings -- we've become more and more aware of one of life's truths: the caravan keeps
moving. Like our caravan, Santa makes a similar journey
every year, same time, same places, with lots of adventures along his way. Christmas is a favorite holiday for our
Gypsy crew,and we traveled right behind Santa along his
Missouri Road Old and 2300 Southpath 4 At the end of 7276 collected many fun things along way. , AR the ngdale Spri 61Santa’s magical place 6-376-99at our journey we found86 ourselves
and a trunk filled with his special collection of ephemera. Each piece of the new 7gypsies line was inspired by what we found in the trunk and perfect for beautiful vintage
holiday design. Create amazing gift-wrapped boxes, vintage decorated stockings, holiday card projects, gift tags and mem memory trays, that capture holiday memories.
Santa’s Journey Collection
“treasures from Santa’ s travels” Summer 2012 Catalog
19450 santa’s journey - special delivery
santa’s journey
19453 santa’s journey - roof top
19451 santa’s journey - Christmas list
2-sided paper - 12x12 sheets
19454 santa’s journey - santa’s trunk
19452 santa’s journey - comfort & joy
$.36 per sheet (25 sheet min.) $9.00 per pack $1.00 suggested retail
19455 santa’s journey - gypsy Christmas
santa’s journey
variety paper packs & papertape
19457 santa’s journey
$9.95 (min. order 3)
17898 - Christmas wrap paper tape
19456 santa’s journey $7.95 (min. order 3)
$5.95 - 3 pack (min. order 3)
santa’s journey tags 19460 - santa’s journey gift tags $3.25 - 16 pieces (min. order 6)
cards & stamps
17979 - vintage card itty bitty $2.95 10 pieces (min. order 3)
17977 - vintage card large $3.95 10 pieces (min. order 3)
17978 - vintage envelope large $3.95 10 pieces (min. order 3)
17980 - vintage engelope itty bitty $2.95 10 pieces (min. order 3)
17902 - 12 days of Christmas tag 17894 - clear stamps Christmas greeting $11.95 (min. order 3)
$5.95 21 pieces (min. order 6)
19459 - printed postcards $4.95 10 pieces (min. order 3)
12659 - 12x12 shadowbox black $24.95 (min. order 3)
12675 - wood insert black $9.95 (min. order 3)
shadowbox & inserts
12658 8x8 shadowbox stained $16.95 (min. order 3)
12670 8x8 shadowbox black $16.95 (min. order 3)
$5.95 (min. order 3)
12671 - round insert black $5.95 (min. order 3)
$5.95 (min. order 3)
12672 - window insert black $5.95 (min. order 3)
12x12 shadowbox
12674 - letterblock tray stained wood $19.95 (min. order 3)
12673 - solo tray stained wood $9.95 (min. order 3)
12661 - 5x7 vintage book stand $19.95 (min. order 3)
Road 2300 South Old Missouri Springdale, AR 72764 866-376-9961
Summer 2012 Catalog