New West Record - April 23, 2011

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INSIDE FEATURE: Banner year for filming ◗P11








Giving the gift of life


NEXT stop for hopefuls



Saturday marks the end of National Organ Donor Awareness Week, and the B.C. Transplant Society is taking the occasion to mobilize people to register as organ donors. “In B.C., we have about 17 per cent of the population registered, and we’d love to see that number rise,” said Allison Colina, spokeswoman for the society. With the launch of its 2011 campaign, Live Life. Pass it On, the society is turning to the omnipresent social media to help get British Columbians informed. The society has launched a Facebook app that takes a registered donor’s photo and adds a tag that reads “I gave my heart” to show support for organ donation. Colina said old donor cards and stickers are no longer recognized by the province since the donor registry was created in 1997. The new system, she said, is remarkably easy and fast to register with. “Someone can register online on our organ donor registry in a matter of minutes. The whole process, including signing the registration form with a legal digital signature, is completely online,” she said. Colina said because so few people are signed up to be organ donors, those waiting for a desperately needed transplant have to wait that much longer. She noted that even registered donors are rarely eligible to donate organs after they die. “Very few deaths result in a potential donor. A person has to die in hospital, on a ventilator. It’s often in pretty tragic circumstances like a head injury or a stroke or aneurism – quite sudden,” she said. In the event of such a tragedy, every health-care professional in B.C. has instant access to a database of all organs ready for a potential transplant, and patients at the highest risk are given priority. “Many families actually take a sense of peace in the fact that their loved one was able to be a donor, and they feel very

Photo by Cyrus McEachern, with art by Eva Markvoort/SPECIAL TO THE RECORD

Giving life: Maxine Martell, a close friend of Eva Markvoort, has become a poster girl for organ donor awareness. proud of their loved one because they’ve basically become a hero in the lives of the transplant recipients that they’ve saved,” Colina said. A 2008 study by transplant specialists confirmed Colina’s sentiment. One of those lives saved is now literally a “poster girl” for the benefits of organ donation. Maxine Martell was a close friend of Eva Markvoort – the former Miss




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NDP candidates Fin Donnelly and Peter Julian are being backed by three well-known B.C. environmentalists. At a press conference held on the shores of the Fraser River on

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New Westminster who passed away from cystic fibrosis in March 2010 and whose 65_RedRoses blog raised worldwide awareness of the need for organ donation. Martell was a subject in Markvoort’s final art project. Martell was an otherwise healthy 19year-old when she graduated high school in 1996, but soon after she found herself

About 50 people attended a casual meet-and-greet with candidates from New Westminster’s two federal ridings Wednesday night. The event, sponsored by New Westminster Environmental Partners and NEXT New Westminster, was held at La Rustica Restaurant. Candidates from New Westminster-Coquitlam and Burnaby-New Westminster were invited to attend and mingle with residents. Candidates from New WestminsterCoquitlam who attended were Diana Dilworth (Conservative), Fin Donnelly (NDP), Rebecca Helps (Green) and Ken Lee (Liberal). Conservative candidate Paul Forseth, NDP candidate Peter Julian and Green candidate Carrie McLaren attended from Burnaby-New Westminster. MatthewLairdofNewWestminster Environmental Partners said candidates and attendees seemed to enjoy themselves. “This is definitely a format we’ll explore for future elections.” Briana Tomkinson, one of the event’s organizers, has posted the short statements made by candidates on the Tenth to the Fraser blog, which is found at





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A02 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A03

◗IN THE NEWS New father killed in crash ◗P4 Pay cut off for suspended police officer ◗P5


Meet the people who want your vote When residents of the BurnabyNew Westminster riding head to the polls on May 2, there will be six names on the ballot. Vying for the chance to become the riding’s new member of Parliament will be Garth Evans, Liberal; Paul Forseth,

Conservative; Peter Julian, NDP; Carrie McLaren, Green; Tyler Pierce, Libertarian; and Joseph Theriault, Marxist-Leninist. Below, meet the Liberal, Conservative, Green and NDP candidates, through their answers to a questionnaire provided by reporter

Jennifer Moreau. In the next issue, we’ll introduce you to the people running in New Westminster-Coquitlam. Advance polls are open this weekend. Election Day polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday,

Garth Evans, Liberal Party of Canada

May 2. For complete details of how, where and when to vote, check out the Elections Canada website at Polling station information can be searched using your postal code.

Paul Forseth, Conservative Party of Canada

What issue will you prioritize if elected? The most important issue in this election is the protection and enhancement Briefly introduce yourself: of Canada’s social programs. Health My name is Garth Evans. I live in care, seniors’ care, education, immigraBurnaby with my family and practise tion services and affordable housing will law for a living. all be at risk if the current government My practice is concentrated is re-elected. A Liberal governin the real estate area, parment will protect Canada’s ticularly the development of universal health-care system affordable and special need and provide it with substanhousing. tial additional funding. It will I am involved with many also take steps to shorten the community groups in the ridunacceptably long waits, up to ing and am a director of the 14 years, for family reunificaFairhaven United Church tion immigration applications Homes Society and the L’Arche to be processed. It will also Vancouver Society, both of provide increased funding for which provide care for seniors Garth Evans seniors’ care, affordable housand disadvantaged people in ing and other social programs. Liberal South Burnaby. What is your party’s track record on What political experience do you have? dealing with that issue? I was a Burnaby city councillor from The Liberal Party of Canada has an 2005 to 2008. excellent record respecting the establishI have been involved as a supporter ment and protection of Canada’s social in many past Liberal party campaigns. programs. Liberal governments brought

of the Reform Party platform concerning justice and environmental policy, and led House of Commons debates on those subjects. During my Canadian Alliance Briefly introduce yourself: tenure, I was part of the shadow cabinet I am a Canadian-born British under Stockwell Day, leader of the official Columbian, who was a member of Opposition. Parliament for B.C. from 1993 to 2006. I During the Conservative party term, I graduated from UBC and also was our party’s lead representaattended SFU and UVic. I live in tive on the government operthe Burnaby-New Westminster ations and estimates committee, electoral district. I am married and co-chaired the sub-commitand have adult children. tee which held in-camera investiPreviously for 21 years, I gative hearings about Liberal Mr. was a family justice counsellor, Radwanski who was accused of divorce mediator, child custody falsifying documents by the audinvestigator, probation and itor general. parole officer, and youth court I demonstrated my flexofficer in the corrections branch ible negotiation skills by being and courts of B.C. I have spent among the very few MPs in Paul Forseth considerable time on human parliamentary history, ever to Conservative rights issues, democratic renewal have his private member’s bill, and religious freedom in other countries. coming from the Opposition side of the I continue as a volunteer on various comHouse, cooperatively taken over by the munity boards. government and incorporated into a larger piece of government legislation. What political experience do you have? (Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act – disDuring my 12 years of elected office I charge list). was instrumental to sponsor major planks ◗Forseth Page 8

Peter Julian, New Democratic Party

Carrie McLaren, Green Party of Canada

◗Evans Page 8

Briefly introduce yourself. My name is Peter Julian, and I have been the member of Parliament since 2004 for Burnaby and New Westminster. Four generations of the Julian family have lived in Burnaby and New Westminster for over 80 years. Previous to becoming an MP I was a financial administrator and won consecutive business excellence awards for running an important B.C. organization.

thousands of families in Burnaby-New Westminster and the primary role of an MP is to help families as well as individuals. My critic areas have included international trade, transportation, persons with disabilities and Western fisheries. I stand third in the House of Commons for the size and scope of my private member’s legislation, which includes legislation to combat drunk driving, restitution for victims of crime and the elimination of toxic chemicals.

What issue will you prioritize if elected? I would eliminate the hated What political experience do HST which has hurt small busiyou have? nesses and families in Burnaby Peter Julian I feel privileged to have and New Westminster. I would NDP served Burnaby and New stop expensive fighter jet conWestminster through successive electracts and massive corporate tax cuts tions. I have been re-elected twice as this money should be going towards since 2004 with progressively increasspending for more important priorities. ing majorities. A 300 vote majority in The priorities should be the local econ2004 became a 4,000 vote majority in omy, raising seniors out of poverty, pro2006 and in 2007 the vote majority was viding supports for families coping with 7,000. Our community office has helped ◗Julian Page 8

Briefly introduce yourself: By day, a junior accountant in a Burnaby office, the rest of my time is split between keeping up-to-date on local news, campaigning for the Greens and educating myself on a variety of issues. What political experience do you have? Ran locally for MP in 2008 election and MLA in 2009. Not being an expert or professional politician means that I can think outside of the “it’s always been done that way” box.

a national affordable housing plan. One immediate action would be to support the delivery of increased social housing dollars to provincial and municipal governments through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Get back into funding co-operative housing, and the renovations of older homes and buildings to be more energy efficient. That would also help with job creation. What is your party’s track record on dealing with that issue? Since we’ve not had the chance to prove ourselves, I can only say that this is one of my own priorities.

Carrie McLaren Green

What issue will you prioritize if elected? For Burnaby-New Westminster the issues are a combination of homelessness and lack of jobs. I’d like to make sure to work with Burnaby and the province to get a homeless shelter/transition home created in Burnaby. Then on to creating

If you could be any superhero, which one would you be? After much consultation with comic book aficionados – Green Lantern, whose power is limited only by his imagination. Looking forward to seeing the movie this summer.

Only in New West Last week’s question Should Hume Park School stay open? YES 50%

6 NO 50%

This week’s question Do you agree with the city’s move to cancel the licence for Westley Military Surplus? Vote at:


6/7 Letters

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Theresa McManus’s Blog

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A blog about news that doesn’t always fit in print * not in all areas

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A04 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

Man killed in crash was a new father

Investigators are asking witnesses to call tip line

The man killed in Tuesday’s horrific accident in New Westminster has been identified as a Coquitlam man who recently became a father. Mark Holmes, 26, was killed instantly when a cement truck travelling down the hill on Holmes Street struck his car as he was heading to his Coquitlam home on East Columbia Street just before noon. He was on his way to pick up his wife and infant son, Jackson, for a doctor ’s appointment. The truck ran through a red light and T-boned Holmes’ car through a cement barricade and then tumbled down a steep drop-off into Lower Hume Park. Holmes was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the cement truck was taken to Royal Columbian Hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. The accident had the

intersection closed until almost midnight on Tuesday while the New Westminster Police collision analyst and major crime officers investigated the crash, though it may take weeks before the investigation is complete. Sgt. Gary Weishaar said New Westminster police would like some help from the public. “We are asking that anyone that observed the collision or has information regarding the incident to please contact the New Westminster police tip line at 604-529-2430 and leave your details for our investigators to contact you,” he said in a press release. Holmes’ death has been a blow to his family and

coworkers at Accurate Alarms. “He was just in my office 15 minutes before,” said his boss, Tony Oljaca. “Everybody’s in tears; there are two guys upstairs who are just destroyed,” he said. Holmes’ common-law wife and mother-in-law work in the same office. “He was just an allaround good guy,” Oljaca said. “He was very gentle and worked really well with others. He would always ask you to come to work with a smile on your face. Just before he left, he was doing a little dance to cheer people up in the hallway on his way out.” – Susan Lazaruk, The Province

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No more paycheques for cop on suspension Police board stops pay for constable found guilty of assault earlier this month


New Westminster Police Service Const. Jeffrey Klassen will no longer be receiving paycheques from the force while suspended. The New Westminster municipal police board voted Tuesday night to strip Klassen of his pay but could not make the decision public until serving a notice of discontinuance of pay and allowances to Klassen on Wednesday. “This notice takes effect immediately,” a press release from New West police reads. Klassen has been suspended with pay since January 2009, when he was charged with assaulting newspaper deliveryman Firoz Khan while off-duty and intoxicated.

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A judge found Klassen guilty of assault on April 5. Klassen and his lawyer were given an opportunity to be heard by the police board before the decision was made. Klassen still faces a parallel investigation under the Police Act to determine if allegations of professional misconduct against him are substantiated and merit punishment. The New Westminster Police Service is currently not offering comment on the matter. Klassen is due in court for sentencing on May 10. The judge in the case found him not guilty of possession of stolen property – a charge that had been based on the victim’s allegation that Klassen stole his cellphone, which was found in Klassen’s pocket after the assault. Klassen’s co-accused, West Vancouver Const. Griffin Gillan, pleaded guilty to assaulting Khan and was given a conditional sentence in July 2009.


Royal Wedding


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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A05

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A06 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

Information overload during federal campaign

Internet. Some have developed their Whatever is responsible for the low own mobile phone apps to keep in touch voter turnout expected in the May 2 with fans. federal election, it can’t be a shortage of There are still the old-fashioned information about the politicians and means of contacting prospective voters, their politics. like email (who would have Political parties, individual thought only a decade ago that candidates, their supporters email could ever be old-fashand detractors, and pundits THE RECORD ioned?) and television (from and commentators with varythe attack ads that assaulted ing levels of expertise and us months before the election call to the credibility are everywhere. nationally broadcast debates). They have Facebook pages and And there are radio and newspapers Twitter accounts. They populate the – not to mention that really old-fashblogosphere and every corner of the


ioned communication: talking to people, face to face. That an immense quantity of information is available is without question. But the quality is often questionable. In an age in which anyone can offer opinions for national perusal, how can the average voter sift through it all, with expectations of a credible, informed conclusion? For our part, we are offering coverage of the federal election at the local level in the pages of this paper. Check out Q&As with Burnaby-New

Westminster candidates on page 3 and election news items starting on page 1 of this edition. And don’t forget our online edition at – where, by clicking on our Decision 2011 link, you can find up-to-the-minute national coverage from our associated regional newspapers, at Decision Canada, provided by There’s a lot of information out there. We can only promise to do our best to provide the information you really need, and can trust.

Why aren’t people bothering to vote? IN MY OPINION



s sure as spring brings skunk cabbage and the scent of freshly spread manure, a federal election brings the suggestion that we make voting mandatory. Don’t do it, politicians. The “Let’s just make everyone do it!” approach is thrown about as an answer to the (alleged) problem of declining voter turnout. That’s not to imply that voter turnout isn’t declining. It hit 58.8 per cent in the 2008 contest, after bouncing back and forth between the high 60s and mid-70s during the previous half century. But turnout has never been close to 100 per cent. In fact, it flirted with the low 60s in the 1890s, not far above recent levels. And the highest level ever was 79.4 per cent participation in the 1958 election. We have yet to crack 80 per cent participation in any election. The question should not be, “Should we make everyone vote?” but, “Why don’t people want to vote?” Let me try to answer that as someone who has serious doubts about voting this year. ◗ The fear that my vote won’t matter. Oh sure, they say every vote is important. But in Langley,

where I live, the incumbent MP got 62.5 per cent of the total votes. While it’s an extreme example, there are dozens of other ridings across Canada where putting up the lawn signs and holding debates is nothing more than a game with a foregone conclusion. Keep in mind that I have never, ever voted for a winning candidate at the federal or provincial level. If I was a hockey player who’d lost every game for 14 years, I’d have gotten the hint by now and hung up my skates. I’m aware that the flip side of saying your vote doesn’t matter is that, if enough people say that, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But 62 per cent? Come on. ◗ The choices aren’t that great. I’m a firm believer in the hold-yournose-and-pick-the-least-offensive-candidate approach. I have strongly held opinions, but they don’t map onto the political landscape of any party. When I vote, I tend to vote against the parties and policies I really hate, rather than for one that speaks to me. ◗ It’s not exactly à la carte politics. Believe it or not, this lefty, bleeding-heart pinko agrees with the Conservatives from time to time. And there are Liberal policies that I find palatable, and NDP and Green ideas that send me into fits of frothing rage. But I can’t pick and choose from the policies of the parties. All I can do is make one vote, for one potential MP, who may or may not win, may or may not sit on the back benches, may or

Critic has a right to speak out

Dear Editor:

Re: Mayor has vision for future, Letters to the editor, The Record, April 16. After I finished reading Ms. Jaser’s letter I simply had to shake my head in disgust. Why is it that New West seems to want to beat down any one with a divergent point of view from the status quo? I would like to request the mayor and those councillors who are seeking re-election, as well as new politicos, to elevate the discussion. Refrain from threats, character assassination and immature comments such as “running someone out of town.” This later comment would be laughable if it weren’t so ugly in nature. Accusing Mr. Bell for the lack of shoppers on Front Street area lacks intellect. Andrew Fleming’s article of March 26 (Dealers recall good old days) reports that neither the toxic blob, nor the Pier ◗Voting Page 7 Park has had, or will have, any economical impact on Antique Alley. In the article, Leona Ruttle from

Antique Alley Collectables and Movie Props states, “We’re not holding out high hopes for the park.” A member of the Downtown BIA and business owner, Bill Shannon was reported as saying that he doubts the local antique industry will ever see the return of the good old days. Whether fairly or not, the city – both elected and employed – is responsible for the conditions that caused the current state of Front Street– not Mr. Bell. That is called leadership! As for the park, everyone loves a park, especially one on the waterfront – but at what cost? Ms. Jaser, you seem quite content to be getting half a park, adjacent to a toxic blob for twice the promised price. Good for you, you have a right to say so and to pay the high taxes to enjoy it. However, there are many others who simply do not share your opinion and have the right do so –without being threatened! The truth is many citizens were shocked when ◗Resident Page 7


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The New Westminster Record is a Canadian-owned community newspaper published and distributed in the city of New Westminster every Wednesday and Saturday by The Record, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.


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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A07

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Resident deserves thanks ◗ continued from page 6

Mr. Bell’s findings were verified by Theresa McManus in her article ‘Toxic Blob’ (The Record, Nov. 10). Why is it this information only came to light from the tenacious sleuthing of a concerned citizen? Please note, it was not an employee or elected official that brought this hazard to the public’s attention. So one could conclude from this that: they either didn’t know and should be thanking Mr. Bell for the discovery – or they did know and said nothing. Either way I can only deduce that we are all better served by having Mr. Bell as part of our community in this matter. So to Mr. Bell, I would like to thank him for volunteering his time and energy to help make New West a safer place to live. I suggest, Ms. Jaser, that the one who should be offering the apology is you to Mr. Bell for your inaccurate and inappropriate rants in the local media. Elevate yourself – you may find it liberating! Paul R. Thompson, New Westminster

Personal attack was wrong

Dear Editor:

Re: Mayor has vision for future, Letters to the editor, The Record, April 16. I would like to congratulate Mrs. Sandra D. Jaser in passing her RealPolitik College course in Ad Hominem Logic 101. An “ad hominem” attack is a damage control strategy in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of irrelevant facts about the person presenting a claim or argument. This type of damage control strategy has the following form: 1. Person A makes Claim X. 2. Person B makes an attack on Person A. 3. Therefore, Person A’s claim is false. So let’s start with... ◗ Person A makes Claim X: I have claimed that the railroad lands north of the Westminster Pier Park are themselves a brownfield site heavily contaminated with hazardous levels of tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene and cichloroethylene, and therefore must be avoided. I have questioned why the City of New Westminster, having known about the toxic railway right-of-way (which it owns) for many months, has not posted signs alerting citizens to the toxic soils. This claim is not in dispute, as the City

of New Westminster sent a report to the Ministry of Environment eight months ago outlining how the railway land soils are high risk for contamination. That same report outlines how the railway lands are more contaminated than the park soils were (that’s saying something considering how toxic the soils of the park were). ◗ Person B makes attack on Person A: Sandra D. Jaser mounted an all-out character attack on me with such statements as, “I wondered about his character and Googled his name – page after page of nothing good to say … how sad.” ”With the unrelenting, sensationalized efforts to spit on our city that he lives in, it seems he is in a state of precarious assumptions.” “After reading the endless scare tactics written by Christopher Bell … the alarmist writings that Christopher Bell keeps babbling/squealing on about … Mr. Bell obviously promotes the use of the tracks as playgrounds for children and joggers.” I was most troubled and disturbed when Mrs. Jaser ended one diatribe with the words “Stay tuned” and then ended her next piece of negative screed with the ominous warning words of, “Be thankful we are not in the past. Back then, they would have run you out of town.” ◗ Therefore, Person A’s claim is false. Mrs. Jaser has forcefully exhorted that none of my concerns about the toxic railway lands are to be believed because I am an unbalanced, ruthless, malicious, lying, alarmist, fear mongering, pig of a man. Well, Ms. Jaser, I’ll stand by my record (Google or otherwise), as I am very proud of my citizen advocacy work. You can hurl all of the invective you wish, but your words will not make the railway lands any less toxic to humans. TellHisWorship(whoseheart,youclaim, is truly dedicated to New Westminster) to hold a community workshop on the toxic hazards (and the millions and millions of dollars being spent on testing and cleanup) of the Westminster Pier Park and railway right-of-way (although the city is saying they will not clean up the railway right-of-way lands which the city owns) and then we will see who is Wright. Mrs. Jaser, you demand I apologize to city officials. You have more nerve than an electric eel. I would accept a public apology from you for your very unkind (and very public) words directed at me.



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Is your child the next Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez? Then we want to HEAR THEM!

Christopher Bell, New Westminster

Voting: We need a better system may not cave in and compromise. ◗ Negativity and personality. As I write this, the four main party leaders are scrapping on TV about ethics and leadership ability and coalitions that may or may not exist. When policy does get mentioned, it tends to be “X is a strong

leader who can provide a stable economy,” or “X cares about families.” The last time I checked, strength of character was not enough to stave off a recession, and if I wanted a leader to care about me personally, I’d have friended him on Facebook already. The election machine is working overtime to try

and convince me to vote for X, Y, or Z, but it’s forgotten to give me enough reasons to mark a ballot, period. So what would make me happier about voting? A better system and more participation, for starters. Matthew Claxton is a reporter with The Record’s sister paper, the Langley Advance.

The New Westminster Record welcomes letters to the editor. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length. Priority is given to letters written by residents of New Westminster and/or issues concerning New Westminster. Please include a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4, fax them to: 604-444-3460 or e-mail to: No Attachments Please. Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on The New Westminster Record website, The New Westminster Record is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to


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◗ continued from page 6

A08 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

Julian: Captain Canuck

Forseth: Inspired by father

◗ continued from page 3

◗ continued from page 3

both young children and aging seniors, combating homelessness and fixing problems with health care.

What issue will you prioritize if elected? I will ensure that I represent the whole community to Ottawa and not the other way around. I will stop the partisan misuse of the MP householder mailed reports. I will advocate strongly on anti-crime issues. I will also change the pattern of negative voting into positive voting, to help our community.

What is your party’s track record on dealing with this issue? Tommy Douglas, voted the greatest Canadian, and the New Democratic Party established our publicly funded health-care system, and we will continue to work towards sustaining this fair, inclusive system. NDP leader Jack Layton has pledged to take immediate action to address seniors living in poverty and student debt. The NDP caucus has proposed to put in place a national homelessness strategy and to ensure funding for post-secondary education. If you could be any superhero, which one would you be? When I was growing up, Captain Canuck was my favourite superhero. Captain Canuck stood up for the disadvantaged and upheld fundamental Canadian values.

What is your party’s track record on dealing with that issue? The government has passed or tabled many incremental improvements to the justice system to provide the basic tools for public safety, including anti-human smuggling, but sadly, the NDP voted against all of them. If you could be any superhero, which one would you be? There are many that we can remember who gave of themselves, as they looked forward to make things better for the next generation. Locally, my father dedicated his life to help the human condition as a reverend-minister. He inspired thousands to choose to live better, while he led in the construction of seniors’ low-income housing. Leading by example, and selflessly serving the community is a worthy path for me to follow.

Evans: What superhero would Liberal candidate be? ◗ continued from page 3

in universal medicare and passed the Canada Health Act. Past Liberal governments were responsible for establishing most of the existing federally funded social programs. We are the party that

cares about people and has worked to protect those people who are poor or disadvantaged. If you could be any superhero, which one would you be? If I could be a superhero, I think

I would like to be Liberalman, modelled after Superman. Then I would be able to fly around doing good, protecting the disadvantaged and punishing evil. I suppose in a way that is how I would see my role as a member of Parliament.

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A09

Election: Environmentalists give nod to NDP Wednesday, the trio of environmentalists endorsed the NDP incumbent members of Parliament. (See photos from the announcement event online at www.royal “Onlyonepartyhasstood up to protect wild salmon from harmful open-net pens in the House of Commons, and that is the NDP,” said Alexandra Morton, a biologist and activist. Environmentalists Joy Foy and Elaine Golds joined Morton in highlighting Donnelly and Julian’s record on wild salmon issues. Foy, a New Westminster resident, is national campaign director for Wilderness Committee, and Golds is leading B.C. environmentalist from Port Moody.

Engaging youth

As local candidates enter the final week of the 2011 federal election campaign, they’ll be chatting up high school students. In the final full week of thecampaign,Burnaby-New Westminster candidates will attend all-candidates meetings that are planned at secondary schools in the two New Westminster ridings. An April 27 all-candidates meeting at Burnaby South Secondary is only open to students and their parents/guardians, but an April 29 all-candidates meeting taking place at 2 p.m. at Byrne Creek Secondary (7777 18th Ave.) is open to the general public.

Tweet, tweet

Several of the local candidates are using Twitter to keep folks in the loop about their activities. Here’s a sampling of some of the events local politicos have been tweeting about. New WestminsterCoquitlam Conservative candidate Diana Dilworth started April 20 at the West Coast Express station in Port Moody, followed that up with “family day” door knocking with “twin sis Debbie and son Tyler” and went on to an “all-candidates mingle” in New Westminster.

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Fin Donnelly, the NDP candidate for New Westminster-Coquitlam, attended the volunteer appreciation lunch at Dogwood Seniors Centre and enjoyed “great conversations” at the all-candidates mixer sponsored by New Westminster Environmental Partners and NEXT New

Westminster. Rebecca Helps, Green Party candidate in New Westminster-Coquitlam, posted a link to the Green Party’s website encouraging voters to “send a strong message” and vote for the Green party candidate running in the May 11 byelection in Vancouver-Point

Grey. Burnaby-New Westminster NDP candidate Peter Julian offered thanks to an individual who attended a fundraiser and thanked New Westminster MLA Dawn Black for taking on the province’s interim leadership and holding the government accountable.

Go to

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!AVAILABLE IN ABBOTSFORD: Abbotsford Vitamin Centre 33555 South Fraser Way; Alive Health Centre Seven Oaks Shopping Centre, Fraser Way; Herbs & Health Foods West Oaks Mall, 32700 S. Fraser Way; Living Well Vitamins 4-32770 George Ferguson Way !ALDERGROVE: Alder Natural Health 27252 Fraser Hwy. !BURNABY: Alive Health Centre Metropolis at Metrotown - 4700 Kingsway Ave.; Best Choice Health Food 4323 East Hasting St.; Health Natural Foods 4435 E. Hastings St.; Natural Focus Health Foods Kensington Plaza, 6536 E. Hastings St.; Nutrition House Brentwood Mall, 4567 Lougheed Hwy.; Nutrition House Eaton Centre, 4700 Kingsway Ave; Nutrition House Lougheed Mall, 9855 Austin Ave.; Pharmasave 4367 E. Hastings St. !CHILLIWACK: Alive Health Centre Cottonwood Mall, 3-45585 Luckakuck Way; Aromatica Fine Tea & Soaps 10015 Young St., North; Chilliwack Pharmasave 110-9193 Main St.; Living Well Vitamins 45966 Yale Rd.; Sardis Health Foods Chilliwack Mall, 134 45610 Luckakuk Way !COQUITLAM: Alive Health Centre Coquitlam Centre, 2348-2929 Barnet Hwy.; Green Life Health Cariboo Shopping Ctr.; Nutrition House Coquitlam Centre, 2929 Barnet Hwy.; Ridgeway IDA Pharmacy Ltd. 1057 Ridgeway Ave.!DELTA: Parsley, Sage & Thyme 4916 Elliott St.; Super Gym 145-1440 Garden Pl. Wellspring Health 1248 56 St. Wellspring Health 4802 Delta St.!LANGLEY: Alive Health Centre Willowbrook Shopping Centre, 19705 Fraser Hwy.; Country Life Health Food 4061 200th St.; Grove Vitamins & Health Centre 8840 210 St.; Langley Vitamin Centre 20499 Fraser Hwy.; Natural Focus 340-20202 66th Ave.; Nutrition House Willowbrook Mall, 19705 Fraser Hwy.; Valley Natural Health Foods 20425 Douglas Cres. !MAPLE RIDGE: BC Vitamin Expert 11968 - 207th St.; Maple Ridge Vitamin Centre 500-22709 Lougheed Hwy.; Roots Natural 22254 Dewdney Trunk Rd.; Uptown Health Foods 130-22529 Lougheed Hwy. !MISSION: Mission Vitamin Centre 33139 1st Ave.;!NEW WESTMINSTER: Alive Health Centre Royal City Centre, 610 6th St. !PITT MEADOWS: Mint Your Health 19150 Lougheed Hwy.!PORT COQUITLAM: Cranberry Lane 7-2755 Lougheed Hwy.; One Whey Nutrtion 2885 Shaughnessy St.;Pharmasave 3295 Coast Meridian Rd.; Planet Organic Market 10-2755 Lougheed Hwy.; Poco Natural Food & Wellness Centre 2329 Whyte Ave; !RICHMOND: Alive Health Centre Richmond Centre, 1834-6060 Minoru Blvd.; Basic Nature Health 12420 no.1 Rd.; Consumer's Nutrition Centre Richmond Centre 1318-6551 3rd Rd.; Your Vitamin Store Lansdowne Mall; Nature's Bounty 110-5530 Wharf Rd. !SOUTH SURREY: Ocean Park Health Foods 12907 16th Ave.; Pure Pharmacy Health Centre 111-15833 24th Ave. !SQUAMISH: Health Food Heaven 520-1200 Hunter Place, Squamish Station !SURREY: Alive Health Centre Guildford Town Centre, 2269 Guildford Town Centre; Alive Health Centre Surrey Place Mall, 2712 Surrey Place Mall; Grand Nutrition Centre 102 18640 Fraser Hwy.; Health Food Shop #1-15357 104 Ave.; Health Town Vitamin Guildford Place Plaza, 45-10330 152nd St.; Lifetime Organics 2099 152 St. Natural Focus Health Foods 102-3010 152nd St.; Natural Focus Health Foods Boundary Park Plaza, 131-6350 120th St.; Nutrition House Guildford Town Ctr., 2695 Guildford Town Centre; Nutrition House Semiahmoo Shopping Centre, 1711 152nd St.; Punjabi Whole Health Plus 12815 85th Ave.; The Organic Grocer 508-7388 King George Hwy. Purity for Life 9520 120 St. Surrey Natural Foods 13585 King George Hwy;The Energy Shop 13711 72 Ave. !VANCOUVER: Alive Health Centre Bentall Centre Mall 595 Burrard St.; Alive Health Centre Oakridge Centre, 650 W. 41st Ave.; Body Energy Club 746 Davie St.; Body Energy Club 555 west 12th Ave.;Famous Foods 1595 Kingsway Finlandia Natural Pharmacy 1111 W Broadway; Garden Health Foods 1204 Davie St.; Green Life Health 200 - 590 Robson St.; Kitsilano Natural Foods 2696 West Broadway MJ's Natural Pharmacy 6255 Victoria Dr. @ 47th Ave.; MJ's Natural Pharmacy 6689 Victoria Dr.; MJ's Nature's Best Nutrition Ctr. Champlain Mall, 7130 Kerr St. & 54 Ave.; Nature's Prime 728 West Broadway; Nutraways Natural Foods 2253 West 41st Ave.; Nutrition House 1194 Robson St.; Save On Nutrition 5693 Victoria Dr. Supplements Plus Oakridge Ctr.; Sweet Cherubim Natural Food Stores & Restaurant 1105 Commercial Dr.; Thien Dia Nhan 6406 Fraser St. Unique Nutrition 555 W 12TH Ave. !NORTH VANCOUVER: Cove Health 399 North Dollarton Hwy. N.; Lynn Valley Vitamin House 3022 Mountain Hwy. Health Works 3120 Edgemont Blvd.Nutraways Natural Foods 1320 Lonsdale Ave.; Nutrition House Capilano Mall, 935 Marine Dr.; Victoria's Health 1637 Lonsdale Ave !WEST VANCOUVER: Alive Health Centre Park Royal Shopping Centre, 720 Park Royal N.Health Works 5351 Headland Dr. ; Nutrition House 2002 Park Royal S. !WHITE ROCK: Health Express 1550 Johnston Rd.; Alive Health Centre Semiahmoo Shopping Centre, 139-1711 152nd St.


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◗ continued from page 1

A10 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

Organ: Give the gift of life ◗ continued from page 1

persistently sick. Doctors eventually diagnosed her with a virus that had attacked her heart. She was given a pacemaker and, following more complications and a cardiac arrest, Martell was put on the waitlist for a new heart. “It was scary to wait, to not know when it was coming, to not know if I was going to make it,” she said. Then the call came, and Martell was being prepped for surgery within nine hours. “I was just thrilled that I was able to be here to get married and buy our first house, and then my doctor brought it to my attention that because I was very strong and stable, I could try and have a baby,” she said. Now, 10 years since the transplant, Martell is the proud mother of a 15-month-old son, Lucas. Markvoort and photographer Cyrus McEachern captured a photo of Martell five months pregnant and painted a stylized heart on top. “Being that I was pregnant, we thought it was an extra step for the gift of life,” Martell said. The image is now used to promote transplant awareness in B.C. Martell implores everyone to become a registered donor. There are 350 British Columbians waiting. “Going from not knowing if I was going to be here to having a whole family and a life like anyone else, that was an absolute miracle. I’m living proof that someone can go from almost dying to living a life completely,” she said. “I’m grateful for my donor family. It’s so important to get it done. You may need an organ yourself.” To register as a donor, visit

YOU ARE INVITED: BC HYDRO PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Burnaby to New Westminster Transmission Project To meet increased demand for electricity in the City of New Westminster, BC Hydro is planning the Burnaby to New Westminster Transmission Project. The project will include the installation of new equipment at New Westminster Substation (located at Ovens and Colbourne streets), and a new underground transmission circuit that will connect the substation to an existing BC Hydro transmission line located near Lakefield Drive at the south edge of Robert Burnaby Park. BC Hydro invites you to attend our Public Information Meeting to learn more about the project. DATE:

Wednesday, April 27


Drop by any time between 5:00 to 8:00 pm

LOCATIONS: Centennial Community Centre Meeting Room 1 65 East 6th Avenue, New Westminster (next to Canada Games Pool)

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We look forward to seeing you. For more information about the Burnaby to New Westminster Transmission Project, please visit the BC Hydro website or contact us by emailing or by calling 604 623 4472.

Election opinions, key issues, videos, blogs and photos.


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Make It Happen!

The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A11


Kids learn about growing, cooking their own food ◗P12 New Westminster in the running for prestigious prize ◗P18


Action: Two stunt men jump through and out of a window in a building in downtown New West for the TV series Supernatural during filming last year. 2010 was a busy year for filming in the city, with 61 film permits totalling 113 days of filming.

The city of lights, camera, action

New Westminster is coming off a banner year in film production for the city BY BRENT RICHTER REPORTER

2010 was a marquee year for film shoots in New Westminster – the busiest year in recent memory. According to a report from Scott Harper, the City of New Westminster’s filming coordinator, the city granted 61 film permits in 2010 for everything from bigbudget Hollywood movies to TV pilots and commercials, totalling 113 days of filming and bringing in $476,746 in fees. In 2009, the city granted 50 permits for 86 days of filming and brought in $279,995 in permit revenue. “It’s a combination of things. The economy is better. Vancouver in general is just busier with filming,” Harper said. “It’s probably because people are getting to

know that New Westminster is an easy place to film in and they’re coming here as a result.” Harper said other factors that play in to the ebb and flow of film activity in New West include the value of the Canadian dollar, provincial tax exemptions, filming industry collective agreement status, available studio space and script content. Harper said location managers often pick New West because certain areas can “be” other famous cities like downtown, which bears some resemblance to San Francisco, or Front Street, which can pose as New York City. Harper said there is no accurate way to rank B.C. municipalities on film activity but in revenues, New West placed third in 2010 behind Richmond and Vancouver. A big portion of 2010’s windfall seems to have come from one high profile flick – This Means War, a romantic comedy staring A-listers Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy and Chris Pine. Permit revenues from the movie exceed-

ed $250,000. This Means War spent several days shooting downtown last November, including a scene with a car crashing through the Front Street parkade. The movie, set for release later this year, is about two lifelong friends engaging in battle when they fall for the same woman. Other notables from last year included Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2, The Big Year, Supernatural and Hellcats. The City of New Westminster markets itself for filming through a network of film industry resources, looking to bring in permit revenues and the spinoff business a film shoot brings. The result of film revenue for the city means property taxes are about 0.5 to one per cent lower than they would be otherwise, Harper said. “This value does not consider the nonpermit economic multiplier effect, for example, goods or services purchased while filming or wages paid to staff who reside in the community and, in turn, fur-

ther stimulate the local economy,” he said. “A past B.C. Film Commission study estimated that the economic spinoff of filming in New Westminster was $8 million and is approximately $1.2 billion in British Columbia, of which, 96 per cent is spent in Metro Vancouver.” While neighbourhood conflicts can pop as a result of film shoots, Harper said: “In my opinion there are few, if any, drawbacks to hosting film companies. There are some inconveniences, to be sure, but overall the inconveniences are far outweighed by the positive spinoffs,” he said. “My job is to mitigate impacts as much as possible. One example of this is encouraging film companies to lessen their overall footprint in the various neighbourhoods they choose to film in.” Harper said it is too soon to say what 2011 holds for filming, but he has hopes for some more big-budget Hollywood casts to role through town. “I think it’s going to be another great year,” he said.

A12 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

Growing chefs in the city

Queen Elizabeth Elementary School students are the first Royal City kids to participate in a program offered by Family Services of Greater Vancouver. The environmental, educational and multicultural program has a goal of teaching children about gardening and cooking skills with healthy, nutritious, slow food, all while applying the three Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle. This program is a community partnership with Growing Chefs and Explore A Green World. It’s run with the support of the United Way. Growing Chefs is a classroom gardening program where chef volunteers, facilitators and teachers are paired with school classrooms to give students hands-on experience growing and cooking their own food. During the course of three-and-a-half months, the team visits the classroom every two weeks, helping the students plant and tend to indoor vegetable gardens. The chefs and facilitators engage the students in games, lessons and activities focusing on plant growth, local and urban agriculture, sustainability and nutrition. Thestudentsharvesttheir vegetables, and the chefs teach them to cook delicious, healthy meals with what they have grown. Explore a Green World is an environmental, multicultural and educational program that educates young children and their families and communities about the importance of reducing, reusing, recycling and protecting our environment. For more information about the programs that Family Services of Greater Vancouver offer, go to www. For more info on Growing Chefs, go to



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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A13

33rd Annual Citizen of the Year 13th Annual Bernie Legge Cultural

Awards Gala & Dinner This event pays tribute to individuals who have been nominated for their contributions to our community. Both Award Winners are also announced at the event. The Citizen of the Year Award recognizes an individual’s wide range of humanitarian efforts and volunteer participation in activities that impact individuals and the community as a whole. The Bernie Legge Cultural Award honours an individual who has contributed greatly to the cultural fabric of our fair city, drawing attention to the Arts and Culture that is an integral part of our everyday lives.


Inn at the Quay – Hyack Room 900 Quayside Drive, New Westminster

RECEPTION: 6:00 P.M. DINNER: 7:00 P.M. $70 PER PERSON +HST For Tickets Call: (604) 521-7781 RSVP Deadline: Noon – Thursday, April 21, 2011 Presented by:

Sponsored by:

Congratulations and good luck to our local citizens. Your exceptional contributions have made you worthy nominees for the CITIZEN OF THE YEAR and Bernie Legge Cultural Award.

Jaimie McEvoy

New Westminster City Councillor 604-522-9114

Betty McIntosh

New Westminster City Councillor 778-773-0546

Bob Osterman

New Westminster City Councillor 604-521-7603

Lorrie Williams

New Westminster City Councillor

Bill Harper

New Westminster City Councillor 778-227-4869

A14 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record


to individuals who have enriched our community

I am pleased to be a part of the Citizen of the Year and Bernie Legge Cultural Awards for 2011. As a Board Member of the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce, a business person with RE/ MAX Advantage NW, a long-time resident of this city and a local volunteer, I’ve had the good fortune to meet many people over the years, who dedicate countless hours to the betterment of this City. In my every day life, I have often been pleasantly surprised by the level of commitment people demonstrate in their efforts to make positive contributions to our community. The Citizen of the Year Award Nominees lend their support, care and compassion to a variety of causes while the Bernie Legge Cultural Award Nominees contribute to the arts and creativity in our community. I’m pleased that these Awards exist to recognize the selflessness and giving nature of so many amazing individuals. It is my honour to be Chair of the Citizen of the Year and Bernie Legge Cultural Awards Committee this year. Good Luck to all 2010 Award Nominees and thank you for enhancing the living experience here in New Westminster. Sincerely, Patti Goss,

Chair New Westminster Chamber of Commerce

Mona Forsyth

2009 Citizen of the Year

When I was nominated last year, I felt honoured and overwhelmed. WhenIheardthatIwasthewinner, I was even more overwhelmed - absolutely flabbergasted! I couldn’t believe it!

Lori Pappajohn 2009 Bernie Legge Cultural Award

Look inside.What do you see? Do you have time to look inside? Or are you busy rushing to work, driving kids to soccer, standing in line at the grocery store, meeting office

I had been nominated once before and hadn’t won so I really didn’t expect it. I knew from before, that the winner has a chance to say a few words so (just in case), I had prepared a little speech. Even so, when they called my name, I was so surprised, I forgot all about it. I didn’t know what to say. I remember thanking the person who nominated me and thanking the committee but that’s about it. Being nominated was such an honour but winning was unbelieveable! Since then, I’ve had my picture in the paper so many times. I’d had my picture in there

deadlines, fighting rush hour traffic … Every now and then we need to look inside. That is part of a civilized society. So much of art and culture is an examination, a reflection. Movies, plays and musicals tell us stories about ourselves. Think of Schindler’s List. Paintings and sculptures reflect the life around us. Think of the great European war paintings. Poems and stories mirror who we are or who we should or shouldn’t be. At least one book should have made a profound impression on your life. If you can’t say this – search deeper. Or start with the book How the Irish Saved Civilization or the book Why the Greeks Matter. Art is also a diversion – a time to laugh, a time to leave behind our

before but now it says “Citizen of the Year”. I’m really glad because I think it’s given more awareness to the Food Bank and Homelessness and we really need to do that. Lots of times now, when people come to the Food Bank, they’ll look up on the wall and see the Newspaper clipping with my picture. They’ll read it and say, “Hey, that’s you!” It’s a good kind of feeling. People I run into sometimes comment on my being “Citizen of the Year”. It’s really nice to be recognized (even though I was never looking for any recognition) and to feel like

troubles for a short while – or laugh at our troubles like Fawlty Towers. Culture is who we are. It is an education and an understanding that includes philosophy and history. We have an opportunity to start understanding who we are as individuals and as a society when we stop and pause and look inside.And it is the artists who can frame those moments for us. I was asked to write about the highlights of my year as the Bernie Legge Cultural Award Winner. The biggest highlight is that the award exists at all – that culture is recognized in the Royal City. That even if we don’t fully understand why, we pay homage to it. And I thank the New Westminster Chamber of

I’m doing a good job and that people notice it - It’s a feather in my cap. My son says he’s happy for me and that “It’s about time I got some reward!” I kind of think that my reward is waiting for me in heaven. One thing I did this year that was a lot of fun, is participate in the Hyack Parade in May. I never would have done that if I wasn’t “Citizen of the Year”! I’d just like to thank people very much for this honour and for all of their support. I’m looking forward to going to this year’s Awards Banquet on April 27th. in the Hyack Grande Parade. Being born in New Westminster, I first attended the parade in a stroller. As a youngster watching the parade each year – the fantastic marching bands, the magical floats, the prancing horses, the clowns – I never dreamed that one day I’d be in the parade. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed my year as the Bernie Legge Cultural Award winner. It means a lot to me to have won the award and to know that the award is there as a continual reminder that our society values culture – and understands the incredible depth that culture brings to each one of us. So, read a book. Go to a play. Buy a painting. And above all – look inside.

Commerce for creating such an award. I would also like to say that I have always been impressed with the dedicated group of people in New Westminster focused on promoting the arts. The wonderfulVagabond Players come to mind with their charming theatrenestledinQueen’s Park. Then there is the New Westminster Arts Council with its members who have worked so hard over the years and soldiered on despite the many challenges that face the arts. Also, there is Royal City Musical Theatre – one of the best in Canada. Now I’ll stop mentioning names, for if I continue I’m bound to miss some. One highlight that I must mention was being

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A15

Virginia Bremner

Craig Gardner

Vance McFadyen

Bill Radbourne


award nominees Congratulations to the following Citizen of the Year Award Nominees (above and left) Congratulations to the Bernie Legge Cultural Award Nominess (below)

Vivian Scoates

Peter Soet

Ron Suffron

Angie Au Hemphill

Max Jacquiard

Trudy Van Dop

Henry Waack

Mary Wilson

CITIZEN OF THE YEAR: 1978 Bob Calis • 1979 Captain Art Cooper • 1980 Helen Culter • 1981 Marilyn Cassady • 1982 Muni Evers • 1983 Envoy Alex Stevenson • 1984 Chris Brown • 1985 Colonel Bill McKinney • 1986 Bill Hill • 1987 Eric Latta • 1988 Alec Janyk • 1989 Bernie Legge • 1990 Russel Cooper • 1991 Bill Drinkwater • 1992 Margaret Andrusiak • 1993 Evelyn Benson • 1994 Dolores Kirkwood • 1995 Neil Russell • 1996 Baj Puri • 1997 Edna Anderson • 1998 Vasant Saklikar • 1999 Anita Hagen • 2000 Wayne Wright • 2001 Morven Ewan • 2002 Sharon MacKay • 2003 Gerda Suess • 2004 Leona Green • 2005 Helen Bodner • 2006 Tony Antonias • 2007 Richard Molstad • 2008 Chuck Puchmayr • 2009 Mona Forsyth BERNIE LEGGE CULTURAL AWARD: 1998 Ed Harrrington • 1999 Hilda Cliffe • 2000 Tony Antonias • 2001 Colleen Winton • 2002 Calvin Donnelly • 2003 Isabel Mendenhall • 2004 Andree St. Martin • 2005 Gavin Hainsworth • 2006 Lynn Radbourne • 2007 Donna Fishwick • 2008 Ann Lunghamer • 2009 Lori Pappajohn




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Good Luck to all the Nominees!

Proud to be Nominated for the Bernie Legge Cultural Award 6 0 4 . 5 2 1 . 7 8 8 7 www.vandopgaller 4 2 1 . R i c h m o n d . S t N e w . W e s t m i n s t e r

A16 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

chamber news "$(' 0#7=;*DKF HDK +$F +C-& 4 " 3H "$(&( 6?7%ND; 8?NN)%) "CC 2?KDN <5)@7) G)M .);9A!@;9)=F :8 &%#! H!=D@*D /),,#!? I $C(E&+-E""P-


welcome new members

1#) O)Y /)?=G!F?=)A <#KGI)A E' <EGG)A-) Y)\-EG)? !=? F)Y)?= P)GI)A?] MR. KENNETH O. MACGOWAN ,J_ 8 aaaa ,J, 2=A))= QKF%\)VN >< 0.P (@" 1 $J(MaaaM_..J ZGK!\] ^EGK-%B?#KYL-K CONTACT: Mr. Kenneth O. Macgowan 4)=!A))L CINDY ANDERSON OF GO GREEN PROFESSIONAL JANITORIAL SERVICES "a"_ Z+GEF+? 2=A))= >;AFKIVN >< 0*O .>_ ! $J(M*(_M&Ja. R " $J(M&,&M,."_ ZGK!\] -!F+VB%E%A))F-E\\)%)L-K /)I?!=)] %E%A))FDAE`KF!=EA?L-EG CONTACT: Ms. Cindy Anderson 6AE')??!EFK\ `KF!=EA!K\ -EGDKFVN ;?!F% )F9!AEFG)F=K\\V 'A!)F+\V -\)KF!F% ?V?=)G?H 'A)) )?=!GK=)?L

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CONTACT: Mr. Michael Wierzbicki WAKD#!- +)?!%FH DA!F=!F% KF+ -EDV!F%H ?!%F?H FKG) IK+%)?L QUEEN’S PARK FLORIST $._ <KAFKA9EF 2=A))= O)Y /)?=G!F?=)AN >< 0*P .Z* ! $J(M&,&MaJ,, R " $J(M&,JM*,a" ZGK!\] !F'EBC;))F?DKA^'\EA!2=A))=-EG /)I?!=)] C;))F?DKA^'\EA!2=A))=-EG CONTACT: Ms. Yelena Bahshaliyeva 7F\!F) KF+ !FM?=EA) EA+)A?H '\EAK\ IE;C;)=? [ D\KF=?H -EADEAK=) Y))^\V ?;I?-A!D=!EF?L :AED IV KF+ %!9) E;A F)Y)?= <#KGI)A P)GI)A? K 3==!F% <#KGI)A Y)\-EG)L T' VE; F))+ =#)?) ?)A9!-)?N D\)K?) ?;DDEA= VE;A ')\\EY <#KGI)A P)GI)A? '!A?=L !

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Mark your calendar! Remember: All NW Chamber Members who register for events online ( are entered into a draw. The winner is profiled in the Chamber News section of the Record newspaper. Our next draw will be in June. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR / BERNIE LEGGE CULTURAL AWARDS /)+F)?+KVN @DA!\ ,"N ,J.. $]JJ 6P TFF K= =#) 5;KV _JJ 5;KV?!+) :A!9)


1#;A?+KVN PKV ,$N ,J.. &]JJ 6P 8 "]JJ 6P :E;%\K? <E\\)%) "JJ 4EVK\ @9)F;)


PRESIDENTS’ DINNER 2;F+KVN S;F) ,$N ,J.. $]JJ 6P 7\+ >K9KA!K UK;? 4)?=K;AKF= ,** 2!X=# 2=A))=

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR 1#;A?+KVN S;F) ,N ,J.. &]JJ 6P O)Y /)?=G!F?=)A <#KGI)A E' <EGG)A-) $J. 5;))F? @9)F;)

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A17


Voice of the past: Writer-historian Evelyn Benson speaks at LitFest New West, April 16 at Douglas College. The third annual event included workshops, panel discussions, author readings and a marketplace of books.

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Royal City in running for heritage prize


Heritage B.C. has nominated the Royal City for the prestigious Prince of Wales Prize. The prize is awarded annually to one Canadian municipality that has demonstrated a strong and sustained commitment to the conservation of its historic places. Victoria won the award in 2001, which was the last time the award went to a municipality in B.C. “New Westminster can be very proud of its leadership in heritage conservation over the last century-and-a-half,” said a staff report about the nomination. “Together with the community, the city’s heritage program continues to be innovative, dedicated and successful. Hopefully Heritage Canada will agree.” The submission package to Heritage Canada includes information showing that the commitment to heritage in New Westminster is shared between the City of New Westminster and the community. “It is very exciting,” said Julie Schueck, the city’s heritage planner. “Heritage B.C.


nominated us. I am really excited about it.” The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) has been known to present the award himself. “Whenever his schedule allows, they try to arrange the presentation so he is there. He was there in 2009 in Edmonton,” Schueck said. “It is a big to-do. It is something he himself feels very strongly about. It is one of his interests.” Coun. Bob Osterman is ecstatic about the nomination and believes the submission about New Westminster is phenomenal. “We are very proud of our heritage,” he said. “We are very committed to really promoting it.” Osterman believes that winning the Prince of Wales Heritage Prize would give New Westminster heritage stature in North America and would also assist in tourism promotion. As the owner of a wartime bungalow that’s listed on the heritage register, he personally hopes to attend the workshop. “It’s not simply the big, beautiful homes of Queen’s Park,” he said about heritage. “It’s everywhere. It’s Sapperton, it’s Queensborough.”



A18 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A19


Bellies TV coming to a computer near you ◗P21 Two Rugby 7s stops in district this summer ◗P21

SECTION COORDINATOR Tom Berridge, 604-444-3022 •

Still standing tall at Telus Cup



Larry Wright/THE RECORD

A crack of the bat: Markus Zacharuk went three-for-three at the plate, including this solid contact for the New Westminster Twins major Little League team in an 11-2 victory over the South Vancouver Yankees in a District 6 baseball game at Justin Morneau Field on Sunday.

The Northwest Giants are the only undefeated team left at the Telus Cup. The Giants fought back from a pair of one-goal leads to defeat the host St. John’s Privateers 4-3 at the Canadian national midget hockey championships Wednesday. First-year forward Jackson Houck tied the game 3-3 early in the third period. Houck then set up Sam Reinhart for the game-winning tally six minutes later to give the Giants their slimmest margin of victory at the national championships to date. In a late pre-deadline result, the Giants clinched a spot in the semifinals following a 4-2 win over the Lions du Lac St-Louis on Thursday. Giants captain Mitch Fyffe of New Westminster scored in the third period. Alex Kerfoot, who earned his second consecutive player of the game honour in the win, led off the scoring against St. John’s with his tourna-

ment-leading sixth goal of the championships. Reinhart currently leads all scorers with 18 points in four games, one more than Kerfoot. Houck is next with seven points. Joel Issigonis knotted the score at 2-2 midway through the middle frame. Scott Legault chalked up his second win between the pipes for the Giants. The Giants other keeper, Daniel Cotton, currently leads all goalies with a sparkling 0.955 save percentage while boasting a 1.29 goals against average. After opening the competition with a 12-5 pounding of west region champion Winnipeg Thrashers, the Giants then dumped the Atlantic champs Halifax Titans 6-1 on Tuesday. Kerfoot led the way with a hat trick in a fivepoint outing. Reinhart chipped in with his fourth goal of the championships in the opening period. Sean Lan, Cam Marks and Alex McNeil also scored for the Pacific region champions. ◗Giants Page 21

Jr. ’Bellies have big expectations this year BY TOM BERRIDGE SPORTS EDITOR

The New Westminster Salmonbellies are ‘big’ on the upcoming B.C. Junior Lacrosse League season. Last year’s league runner-up and Minto Cup participant is one year older and will be inches and pounds bigger across the board than last year’s squad, said Salmonbellies defensive coach Ray Porcellato. “The team looks good all the way round, but you still have to go out and play,” said Porcellato. “We’re very solid in net and our defensive core, I like to refer to as ‘murderer’s row.’” The back end will be led by two current National Lacrosse League pros, Reid Mydske and Travis Irving, who was drafted No. 9 overall by the east divisionleading Buffalo Bandits. Alongside those two will be leaders Jeff Sproule and T.J. Cowx, who both enter their final year of junior eligibility. Rookie intermediate

Dillon Lang, a 6-4, 250- again on the team’s radar pound defender, is also this year for a return to the expected to anchor an Royal City, said Porcellato. New Westminster will already intimidating defenalso have arguably the best sive core. goaltending The tandem in the Salmonbellies league this sealineup is expected to be “We’re very solid son, Porcellato added. equally strong Third-year up front, with a in net and our power play that defensive core, I junior Brandon Mulligan and should be hard like to refer to 6-4 Frankie to match. Scigliano will Daniel as ‘murderer’s both be returnMcQuade, ing between the Leif Mydske, row.’” pipes for the Keegan Bal, Salmonbellies. Tyler Digby and RAY PORCELLATO New rookie Jimmy N.W. Jr. defensive coach Westminster McBride, will rise or fall younger brother to senior Salmonbellie this year on the shoulders sniper Jordan McBride, of a large group of up to a form a formidable right dozen graduating players. “This is the year,” said side. Brandon Goodwin, Porcellato. “They’ve hit the Mark Negrin and Matt gym like crazy, they know MacGrotty will keep oppos- this is it.” New Westminster has ition defenders busy on the been touted among the top left side. Cody Bremner, another three preseason junior A left-hander who came to teams in the country, along New Westminster last sea- with Six Nations and the son via a loan from the Whitby Warriors. Nanaimo Timbermen, is Whitby, in particular,

Jason Lang file photo/THE RECORD

A leader: New Westminster’s Brandon Goodwin, in white, is expected to be a leader on this season’s Jr. A Salmonbellie squad. has been rumoured to be loading up for a run at the Minto Cup following signings of players like Mark Matthews, who helped lead the Coquitlam Adanacs to a first-ever Minto Cup last season.

The Salmonbellies will get an early look at what could be their toughest competition when they open the junior A season against the Adanacs at Queen’s Park Arena on Tuesday, April 26.

Game time for the home opener is scheduled for 8 p.m. On the following Sunday, New Westminster will travel to Victoria to take on last season’s thirdplace junior Shamrocks.

A20 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A21



Senior lacrosse is coming online Bellies TV is on the air. The New Westminster Salmonbellies announced Wednesday that box lacrosse fans will have a new way to tune into the Western Lacrosse Association this season. The senior A lacrosse club will stream six of the team’sregularseasongames through the Salmonbellie’s website in a partnership with Veteran announcer Steve Erickson and his Sportswave crew will broadcast six games for free, including New West’s home opener on June 2 against Maple Ridge. Also on the schedule is Seats for Soldiers night on June 9 against Victoria and two other home games at Queen’s Park Arena. The Rivers Reach Pub will also be showing two New Westminster road games in Nanaimo on June 26 and Victoria on July 8.

Award nominee

◗ continued from page 19

Holdout to Rocks

The Western Lacrosse Association Burnaby Lakers traded holdout Jamie Shewchuk to the Victoria Shamrocks for a first-round pick on Tuesday. Shewchuk was Burnaby’s first-round pick in 2006, drafted fifth overall after two previous seasons with the junior A Lakers, including a Minto Cup ring in 2005. Shewchuk led the B.C. junior league in scoring in his final season. The Edmonton native is playing in his fifth season in the National Lacrosse League, currently with the Minnesota Swarm,. Shewchuk scored 126 goals and garnered 293 points with both the Swarm and the Colorado Mammoth. Last season, Shewchuk led the Mammoth in scoring with 66 points before being dealt to Minnesota earlier this year.

St. Thomas More’s Lexie Der is on the shortlist for Basketball B.C.’s high school girls’ player of the year. Winners will be named on April 30.

Larry Wright/THE RECORD

Cadet champ: Burnaby South Secondary junior Melvin Arciaga will compete at the Pan American wrestling championships in Mexico in August after winning gold at the recent Canadian cadet freestyle championships earlier this month.

Rugby 7s coming back to district this summer Burnaby will again be the place to be for rugby 7s this summer. Two of the six stops on this summer’s B.C. Rugby series schedule will be held in the city. Simon Fraser University will host its annual Highland tournament on

Burnaby Mountain on July 16. The Burnaby Lake Rugby Club will put on the Lighthouse sevens for a second year at Central Valley East on Aug. 6. Burnaby Lake won both the men’s and women’s divisions last season.

To date, the Giants power play has been very effective, scoring 10 times in 17 opportunities with the extra man. The team has been even better killing penalties, allowing just two goals and stopping the combined opposition more than 81 per cent of the time. The Giants finished off the round-robin against Central champion London Jr. Knights on Friday, also played after Record deadlines. The top four placing teams face off in today’s semifinals (Saturday). The medal games follow on the Sunday, with the gold-medal contest scheduled to be broadcast on TSN at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time.

Locals to u-16 B.C. hoop team St. Thomas More Collegiate’s Brooke Briscoe and Kamila Wojciechowski were named to the Basketball B.C. under-16 girls’ provincial team on April 18. Pavneet Brar of Burnaby South was also selected to the 13-player provincial team.




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A22 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

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MORGAN, William George (Bill)

Retired Staff Sgt. 35 Years New Westminster City Police August 24, 1922 - April 19, 2011

Classified Line Ad Deadlines

Wed. Newspaper - Fri. 2:45pm Sat. Newspaper - Wed. 2:45pm

Wed. Newspaper - Mon. 2:45pm Sat. Newspaper - Thur. 2:45pm

It is with heavy hearts we announce Dad’s passing, peacefully, and with family at his side. He is deeply loved by his wife Georgina, son Ken (Susan) and daughter Pamela. Survived by brothers Ernie (Lil) and Hubert (Helen); grandchildren Jeffrey (Vicki) Letourneau and Nathan (Tania) Letourneau and 4 great-grandchildren. Our beloved husband, father, brother, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend will be missed by all who knew him. Dad was born in New Westminster and raised in Port Moody, the eldest of 5 boys. Growing up in Port Moody, Dad met the love of his life, Georgina Ostegard. World War II in 1939 interrupted their courtship, as Dad enlisted and served 5 years with the Royal Westminster Regiment, 5th Canadian Armoured Division in Europe. Dad returned in 1946 and they were married in Port Moody. Georgina and Bill celebrate 65 years of marriage in 2011. Dad joined the New Westminster City Police in 1953 and retired 35 years later. Dad won many Pistol Shooting Competitions throughout his Police Career, but he was never a hunter. He loved fishing, gardening, cooking, stone carving, big band orchestra music, dancing and driving his car. Dad loved people and a good cup of coffee. But most of all, Dad loved his family, and his sweetheart Georgie. We’ll be seeing you Dad! Cheerio! Dad’s family would like to express much gratitude to the nurses, staff and volunteers and all the special people at Burquitlam Lions Care Centre for their gentle care and support over the past two years. In lieu of flowers, donations to Burquitlam Lions Care Centre, 560 Sydney Avenue, Coquitlam, BC V3K 6A4 is appreciated. Memorial service to be held on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 1:00pm at St. Mary’s the Virgin Church, 121 East Columbia Street, New Westminster (Sapperton).


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Feelings About Unemployment Unemployment Feelings About

This article is by Chris Newell, Career Coach This Facilitator article iswith by Transitions Chris Newell, Career Coach and Career & Business and Facilitator with Transitions Career & Business Consultants. Consultants. is one of the most difficult situations a Chris Newell Unemployment person can experience life.difficult It ranks fourth ona Unemployment is one ofinthetheir most situations Chris Newell the stress scale after personal injury, death of in a family member andfourth divorce. person can experience their life. It ranks on It is a major life crisis that can throw a person off balance and, especially if the stress scale after personal death of aan family member and divorce. they are not expecting it, they injury, can experience incredible shock. It is a major life crisis person balance and, especially When a person loses that theircan job,throw theyamay go off through a grieving processif they aretonotthat expecting it, they incredible similar associated withcan theexperience death of an a loved one. shock. The stages or reactions of griefloses include thejob, denial thethrough disbeliefa orgrieving “I can’tprocess believe When a person their theystage may–go itsimilar but know it’s true”; anger with - at the feelings of no to that associated theinjustice death ofand a loved one. Thecontrol stagesover or the situation; andinclude then thethedepression stage – which canorinclude reactions of grief denial stage – the disbelief “I can’tfeelings believe of desperation and discouragement. it but know it’s true”; anger - at the injustice and feelings of no control over When people lose a job, they are not only faced with the loss of their the situation; theasdepression – which can include livelihood but and otherthen losses well, suchstage as status or identity. Somefeelings people of desperation andassociated discouragement. may feel the loss with having a routine, some place to go every day the social a workplace Whenor people loseelements a job, they are not can onlyprovide. faced with the loss of their In workingbut through the process of such unemployment, is important seek livelihood other losses as well, as status oritidentity. Sometopeople emotional from people trust. Unemployed individuals who may feel thesupport loss associated with you having a routine, some place to go every receive support less likely to suffer can fromprovide. depression, low self-esteem day or the socialare elements a workplace and illness due to stress. In workingsometimes through thetheprocess unemployment, is important to seek However, peopleofwe expect to beit available to help us emotionala difficult supporttime fromarepeople you trust.available. Unemployed who through not necessarily Familyindividuals members may receivelittle support aretoless likely from depression, low self-esteem have energy spare or to aresuffer projecting their own fears about your situation you. Friends may be too busy. If this happens, it may and illnessback dueonto to stress. be beneficial to talk to a professional counselor, someone who can listen to However, sometimes the people we expect to be available to help us your problems without judgment, biases or agendas. They can even assist through a difficult timepossibilities are not necessarily available. Family you in looking at new and provide strategies andmembers resourcesmay for havetolittle energythem. to spare or are projecting their own fears about your you actualize situation back onto you. Friends be too busy.exploration If this happens, it may The Transitions Program, a free may 3-week career program, is be beneficial talk to a professional listen to available to alltounemployed people incounselor, the Lowersomeone Mainland.who Forcan information call or 604-681-2774. your604-434-1177 problems without judgment, biases or agendas. They can even assist

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The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A23



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General Employment

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LAB PUPS yellow, chocolate & black, male/ female, vet checked. $550. Phone 604-701-1587 PROVEN CHOCOLATE Lab for Stud. He is our family dog. Dad was a service dog, mom a hunter. Big bodied, block head. $500 604-309-6506

SHELTIE PUPS, Reg’d, shots, tatoo, dewormed, 4 fem, sable, fam raised. $695. 604-526-9943

Beautiful 1 Year Old Neutered Male Pitbull

with some issues, couch potato want to be. Required experienced adult dog handler, no children, fenced yard. Looking for love after a year of mistreatment. Fur and Feathers Rescue 604 719-7848

SHIH TZU BIJON pups, 1st shots, dewormed, ready, family raised, non shed, $575 firm. 588-5195 YORKIE PUPPIES-READY May 20th, M-$900 F-$1200, call for info 604-751-2269 YORKIE X CHIHAUHAU, 8 wks old, paper trained, 1st shots, vet checked, $600. 604-931-1164

Take Your Pick from the


BERNESE MTN. Dog pups, 2 males available, 1st shots, vet checked, $1000, 604-823-0097

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A24 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record


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Business Opps/ Franchises

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Tim Stephens' Astral Reflections Aries March 21 - April 19: Delays end. You can charge ahead on new fronts. You’ve already entered a brand new world – it is sleek, clear, alive, even nervous, and within this new world, friends, ideas, inventiveness and fun are more important than money. You’re going to have fun Sunday to Tuesday – and for eight years! Your freedom is growing. The shy, quiet, dreamy and elusive friends of the past decade fall away, to be replaced by bright, sharp-minded types. This week, this “peeling off” causes a relationship disappointment. For the month ahead, chase money, seek higher earnings, cultivate new clients. Taurus April 20-May 20: Your energy, charisma and effectiveness rise strongly! The delays of April have ended. Start new projects, see and be seen, tackle chores that previously intimidated you. Despite this surge of energy, one part of you remains contemplative, and is tied in to private matters, quiet planning sessions, government liaisons, etc. Your real “break out” will come in June, when a year of huge luck will commence! Meanwhile, be ambitious Sunday/Monday – luck is with you. Watch legal, ethical factors all week. Change is needed here. Happiness midweek! Retreat, rest Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20: Recent delays end, but indecision continues unless you make choices based on gentle love, foreign travel/contacts, culture and intellectual pursuits, which all draw you nicely Sunday to Tuesday. The weeks ahead emphasize rest, contemplation, solitude. Retreat, plan, prepare and fulfil obligations. Contact government agencies, institutions, charitable organizations. Your spiritual side grows – and might become, June onward, a significant relationship factor. If your hopes about a special person are disappointed, alter love goals. Be ambitious Wednesday. “Half happiness” late week.

Cancer June 21-July 22: Your future looks bright! Optimism, new hopes, friends, wishes, entertainment and light romance come waltzing in. You’ll enjoy the weeks ahead – even more so because your position in the world is on the rise, your ambitions meet luck. Recent warnings about not starting anything new are now over. Sunday to Tuesday feature changes, big finances, commitments, sexual urges, lifestyle changes and health diagnosis, all productively. A partner or competitor isn’t thrilled with you, though, so proceed cautiously – all week. Gentle love might point to the right mate for you midweek! Leo July 23-Aug. 22: The emphasis for the next few weeks will be on ambition, prestige relationships, your status in the world. All looks fairly smooth here, no big highs nor deep lows. Meanwhile, your expansion (usually lucky) in love, legal, intellectual, international and cultural zones continues, especially Friday/Saturday – but work or health demands, or your caution, can interfere. Recent delays end, so charge ahead with new ideas, relationships and projects, especially Sunday to Tuesday, when exciting meetings and prospects arise! Research, financial and sexual commitments are favoured midweek. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22: A mellow, understanding vibe fills the weeks ahead. This promotes gentle love, far travel, intellectual pursuits, legal and cultural affairs, education and publishing. Recent delays dissolve; you no longer need to avoid new projects. Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday – everything runs smoothly. One caution: the first half of this week might cause a barrier in income zones, or a conflict between sexual desire and ethics. This continues more softly, “workably” the last half. You face different relationships now to 2025, in love, business, with the public – think “enchanted.”


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Business Opps/ Franchises

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22: A month of mystery, depths, investment, financial manoeuvres, intimacy, commitment, lifestyle changes, health diagnosis and detective work lies ahead. Your life might change. You’re in a powerful and unpredictable relationship trend. So far (early 2011) this might have been more talk than action, but this week and May could cement you in the age-old way. Don’t expect smooth sailing for eight years – but do expect excitement! Whatever occurs this month could “return” in a hugely lucky way June 2011-June 2012. Romance, Sunday-Tuesday. But you must change! “Security” sabotages. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21: The weeks ahead emphasize relationships and opportunities. Be diplomatic, eager and willing. Don’t stubbornly cling to an outmoded position, especially at work or in health areas. Recent delays and indecisiveness end – charge ahead, especially on work and machinery fronts. A co-worker might oppose you, although the opposition’s subtle, might exist “between the lines” in a conversation or email, etc. You’ll win such a struggle, but might lose a friend: i.e., win the battle, lose the war. Be forgiving! Home, rest are both sweet Sunday to Tuesday. Romance, beauty call midweek. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21: You’re in the midst of a lucky, pleasure-filled, scholastic, romantic, creative surge! (January to June.) But the four weeks ahead emphasize work, health, machinery, duties and dependents. Ah, well – it will run smoothly, anyway. (Except, perhaps, for a wee struggle around midweek when life dictates that you must choose between love and money – with money exercising the most influence. This, of course, steers you back toward work.) Recent delays and indecision pass now. Travel, errands and paperwork fill SundayTuesday. Home, midweek. Romance late week – sober, then strong!

Classified On-Line

Apr. 24 - April 30 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19: Recent delays end. Charge forward with new ventures, relationships and situations. The weeks ahead emphasize romance, speculation, risks, good luck, children, beauty, creativity, pleasure and sports – you’ll ride a winning streak! You face a choice now: on one side are your ambition, your natural personality; on the other lies love. If the love is in your home, you become protective, nurturing. If the love is “outside,” you might unconsciously press it, to end it. Chase money Sunday-Tuesday. Casual friends, talk, travel midweek. Home, security Friday/Saturday – buy it! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18: The weeks ahead accent security, domesticity, rest (hibernation) gardening, nutrition, soul, stomach, Mother Nature. Look over your retirement fund/plans, protect your children and their future, repair the house, etc. And settle back every once in a while to observe what you’re doing – present interests and inclinations hold a clue to where the riches lie in a very lucky period on the horizon – June 2011 to June 2012. That time might bring a new, better home, the end of an oppressive situation, a child, good things! Your energy and charisma rise nicely Sunday to Tuesday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20: Delays end – so do mistakes, and wrong-headed money decisions. If needed, correct, alter course now. If you need a guide, look at your long-term future, envision it, where you want to be, and reconsider, alter money directions to suit that future. This works best midweek. The Thursday-Saturday period emphasizes a slightly different money trend: your earnings versus your net worth, debts, ability to “grow.” (E.g., do I work for wages or start a business?) You might start something that will grow big in money areas! Retreat early week. Your energy, charisma soar midweek. • Reading: 416-686-5014





KELOWNA - Upscale Adult Resort, 4 Jacuzzi Stes., 6 ½ baths. Salt pool, media room & sauna. Lake, mtn & city views. Private 2 bdrm. res. Fabulous semi-retired lifestyle. Turn key. $1,549,000. 1-877-762-7831



MOUNTAINVIEW VILLAGE in quiet end location. Family oriented complex in East Abby. Has outdoor pool, club house, playground, pets allowed. This UPDATED 3 BR, 3 bath feels like a home. Spacious mn flr offering eating area/computer space off the remodeled kitchen w/new modern cabinet fronts & hardware, counters, tile floor & appls. Nice dining rm w/slider to private yard & patio. Good size living rm w/gas fireplace w/lam flrs. 3 BR up master has ensuite & walk in closet. Double side by side garage. Painted in trendy colours & close to visitor parking. Great place to call home! Easy access to Hwy 1, shopping, parks, and all levels of schools. $284,900. Call Pamela Stadnik, Remax Treeland Realty, 604-533-3491


Houses - Sale



Sell your home, only $99. 604-574-5243 Chilliwack 2.5yr old 2967sf 3 storey 4 br 2.5ba w/suite potnl $417,900 798-2511 id5344 Delta Price Reduced studio condo, 19+ complex, pool, park, $94,900 597-8361 id4714 Delta Open House Sat/Sun 2-5, 9546-116A st. large 2278sf 5br 2.5ba w/2br suite, 7599sf culde-sac lot, $565K 588-0185 id5319 Maple Ridge drastically reduced 4.9ac serviced vu acreage $370Kobo 200-2412 id4694 Sry Bear Creek Park beauty 1440sf rancher, gated 45+ $275,900 306-931-3939 id5234 Sry Tynehead on Greenbelt 3600sf 5br 4.5ba 1/2ac GD lot $930K 575-7311 id5350 Sry Guildford reno’d 922sf 1br+den or 2br condo, private yard $219K 454-7050 id5353

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New Westminster


#112 - 836 12th St. $212,000

Rarely available 2 bdrm suite in this centrally located building. Clean and ready to move in, but might use some updating. Priced accordingly. This unit has a huge 500 sq ft private deck. Owner occupied. Please call Listing Realtor for viewing.

PHILIP DANYLUK 604-777-5005 Living Options Real Estate Services


New Westminster

939 - 6TH STREET, NEW WEST. $ 799,000

Unique find. Must see. Ideal for a large family. 6 bedrooms/2.5 bathrooms, air conditioning upstairs. Originally located on the Woodward’s site, this house was moved to is current location in 1952. Beautiful wood doors, door frames & railings. Original hardwood floors on the main floor. Large deck in back for entertaining or having children play safely. Second kitchen in basement. Located on 6th Street at 10th Avenue. Close to New Westminster Secondary High School, transit, shopping. Showings by appointment only.

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Mobile Homes

Real Estate

Condos/ Townhouses


Houses - Sale

SRY, 7850 King George Blvd. Looking for a beautiful dbl wide under $80,000? 55+ adult park. Pet ok. Lorraine Cauley, Royal Lepage North Star, 604-889-4874


Out Of Town Property

BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND $99/mo, $0 down - 0 Interest. Golf Course, Nat’l Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Int’l Airport. Guaranteed Financing! NO CREDIT CHECK! Pre-recorded msg 1-800-631-8164 code 4040

The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A25


Recreation Property

MISSION - LAKE FRONT starting from $78,800. 60 mins from Vancouver. Park Georgia Rlty Lisa Hughes • 604-931-7227 MT. BAKER SKI AREA 2 cabins, 1 property. Rent one, use one. Gated community w/ amenities. 35 min. from border $374,000 U.S. Maryann Angus 360-224-6704




1 & 2 BR, 1180 Landsdowne Dr. $895 up, carpets, drapes, balc./ patio, outdoor pool, tennis crt, NO PET. nr Coq Ctre. Avail now or May 1st. 604-942-2865 1 BR/Bach, New West, $695, laminate, renod, nr Skytrain, sm pet ok, avail May 1. 604-720-9483 BBY, Lghd Mall. Bach, $720 incl ht & h/w. ns/np, newly reno’d, storage, Apr 1. 604-779-3882


on Balmoral Street avail May 1 & June 1. Close to trans, Highgate Mall & shopping. Rent incls heat & h/w. Refs req’d. Reno’d stes avail. Wheelchair accessible. Ana 778-859-0798 or Bayside Property Office 604-432-7774.

2232 McAllister Port Coquitlam 2 BR Apartment Available MAY 1

* Newly reno’d, quiet secure bldg, walk to all amenities. * Near WC Express. * Rent incls heat, hot water, fridge, stove, priv balcony & window coverings * Laundry & Storage ea floor * No pets ✔ Wheel Chair Access

604 - 941 - 7721



CALL Bach.,FOR 1 &A VIEWING 2 Bdrm. TODAY! Suites $ Bdrm From $870 1 1Bedrooms from 870 Heat/Water included, Water & heat included. parking avail. Close to skytrain, No smoking, no pets. shopping just a walk away. CloseSmall to Royal pet Columbian okay. bus/skytrain. “O”Hospital, Security Deposit. Call for details.

RENTALS 604-931-3273

RENTALS 604-522-9139 604-931-3273 MOVE-IN BONUS


1 & 2 Bdrms from $825

Include heat, hot water, D/W, gym & visual intercom. U/G parking & storage avail. Near transit/Skytrain & shopping. Pet-Friendly Community

RENTALS 604-521-8831




SALISBURY APARTMENT 7111 Salisbury Ave Bby Highgate Lrg 2 BR’s. Rent incl heat & hot water. NS/NP. ★ 604-526-5584 SALISBURY PLACE 7272 Salisbury Ave, Bby, Highgate, 1 BR incl heat & hot water. N/S & N/P. 604-524-4720 BBY S. 1 & 2 BR. $725, $859, ug prkg, carpets, WiFi, Metrotown, storage. cat ok, 604-818-1129 COQ. CNTR, 2BD-2bath, hi/ceiling condo, ensuite, wkg/closet, balcony, insuite laundry, SS applncs, Grte counter, elec. f/pl, f/sprinkler, 1 parkg & 1 storage. $1400/m incl. cookg gas & H/water. 778-898-1941 COQ • Austin Heights Clean quiet 2 BR apts avail. Sorry no pets. 604-936-5755

AMBER ROCHESTOR 545 Rochester Ave, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, S.F.U. & Transportation.




BBY/COQ. BROOKSIDE 2 BR, 7 appls, f/p, sec prkg, storage. Near sfu, skytrn, mall. Avail May 1. $1250. NS/NP. 778-891-8772

COQ. 2 BR $900, Avail Now or May 1, heat, parking. 778-990-7079 or 604-521-8249

COQ, 325 Casey St. X-Lrg 1 BR’s w/cbl, sec’d prkg, locker, elevator, bldg laundry. Pets & Kids OK. Frm: $775. Quiet. 604-339-2316

COQ AUSTIN & BLUE MTN. 1 Br $720, 2 Br $820. Incl h/w, bldg W/D. Nr transit. 778-865-6696

ARBOUR GREENE 552 Dansey Ave, Coq



NEW WEST nr RCH/Skytrain, 1 BR apt, $755/mo, No Pets, quiet complex, Call 604 299-8288 GROSVENOR HOUSE 1 BR Apt, incls ht & h/w. By Moody Park. 720 - 7th Ave, New West. N/P, N/S. 604-517-1077

Large units some with 2nd bathroom or den. On bus routes, close to S.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

NEW WEST Cozy 1 BR Penthouse, nr all amens, n/s, n/p, $750. Avail Now. 604-783-6003

office: 604- 936-1225

JUNIPER COURT 415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, all Transportation Connections, Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-8905 cell: 604- 916-0261

1300 King Albert, Coq

office: 604- 939-4903 cell: 778- 229-1358

office: 604-937-7343 cell: 778-848-5993



St Andrews Street 1 BR Apt, Large balcony, updated, nr transit & amens. Available May 1. Small pet ok with pet deposit.

Call 604-518-5040

Renting or buying, we’ve got what you’re looking for.


Low rise in residential uptown neighborhood. Close to parks and public transit.


NEW WESTMINSTER 1 bdrm from $880 2 bdrm from $1100

Beautifully landscaped grounds with views of Fraser river. Outdoor swimming pool and close to parks.

430 11th 11th ST.,

NEW WESTMINSTER Bachelor from $750 1 bdrm from $810

320-9th St, New West

Bach & 1 BR Available. All Suites Have Balconies. Undergrd Parking Available. Refs Required. Small Pet Ok.



1010 6th Ave, New West 1 BR & 2 BR Available. Beautiful atrium with fountain. By shops, college & transit. Pets negotiable. Ref required.


MONTECITO TOWERS 99-7360 Halifax St, Bby Bach, 1 BR & 2 BR

604 420-5636


Continues on next page

401 Westview St, Coq

NEW WESTMINSTER 1 bdrms from $775

Managed by Colliers International


office: 604- 939-2136 cell: 604- 805-9490


220 - 7th St, New West 1 BR apts from $720/mo. 2 BR, $850/mo. Includes heat & hot water, Big balconies. By shops, banks, Skytrain & college. U/grd prkg available. Call 604-519-1382


office: 604- 936-3907

Large Units. Near Lougheed Mall. Transportation & S.F.U.

NEW WEST 310 - 8 St. Close to skytrain & bus. Lrg 1BR, w/lrg patio. $795 incls heat & storage locker. Cat OK with pet dep. Refs req’d. Call Res Mgr 604-395-5303

555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq


Close to Transportation, Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604- 524-8174 cell: 604- 813-8789


NEW WEST 508 - 8 St. Close to Westminster Mall & transit. BACH ste w/balcony, $655 incls heat & storage locker. Lrg 1 BR with balcony $795. Cat ok w/pet dep. Refs req. Res Mgr 604-521-1862

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms. Close to Lougheed Mall & S.F.U.

1030 - 5th Ave, New West Near Transportation & Douglas College. Well Managed Building.


Time to Get Your Own Place? Find your answer in the Classifieds – in print and online!

Large balconies and fitness. Close to transit and parks.

RENTALS 604-521-8831


Refreshingly Clean Meticulously Maintained


1-BEDROOM A PT. Move in tomorrow. Affo rdable monthly rent. Call Today!

Surrey Gardens Apartments for your new one bedroom home



Owner Managed. Sorry, No Pets.

Call to view! 604-589-7040


Go to or call 604-444-3000.

A26 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record




NEW WEST. RENO’ed 1 BR & 2 BR. New Kitchen/Bathroom, Carpet, Appliances. From $795 & $1050. 604-724-8353 POCO SPACIOUS 1 BR apt, heat & hot water incls, $800, small pet ok, Avail Now. 604-783-2262



PINE RIDGE Co-op: 1 & 2 bdrm. units available. Country life in the heart of the city. $696 & $913 pm; $2000 and $2800 share purchase required. Download application at or send SASE to #89, 8763 Ash Grove Cres. Burnaby, BC V5A 4B8

6525 Port Moody NEW PORT VILLAGE Highrise DELUXE Condo GREAT LOCATION. 1 BR & Den • 900 sq. ft

7 appls, parking, storage, $1350. Rec & Amenity rooms. NS / NP.

604- 983- 8046

SKYLINE TOWERS 102-120 Agnes St, N.West

Hi-Rise Apartment with River View & Indoor Pool. 1 BR & 2 BR Available. Rent includes heat & hot water. Remodelled Building and Common area. Gated undergrd parking available. References required.


BONSOR APTS Renovated high rise, concrete building. Penthouse, 1 BR & 2 BR available. Very close to Metrotown, Skytrain & Bonsor swimming pool. Rent includes heat, hot water. Refs req’d.

Contact Alex 604-999-9978

or Bayside Property Services Office: 604-432-7774


(Coquitlam Centre area) Bachelor, 1 BR & 2 BR Apts, 3 appls, incls heat & hot water, bldg laundry room on each flr. Avail May 1. Sorry no pets. Call 604-942-2012

ROTARY TOWER 25 Clute St, New West

Age 55 or over. Beautiful view. Bach high rise apt. Close to trans & shopping. Rent incl all utils. Refs req. Contact Ana Cell: 778-859-0798 Bayside Property Services Ltd.


22588 Royal Crescent Ave, Maple Ridge Large units. Close to Golden Ears Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857 cell: 604- 375-1768


AVAILABLE NOW or May 1, New West, 9 ft x 18 ft, $125/mo. CALL 604-454-4540


Houses - Rent

BBY Metrotown 3 BR bsmt home, deck, garage, workshop. Av now. $1500. NS/NP. 604-327-3855 BBY SOUTH Executive Fully Furn 3000 sqft, 4 BR 2 baths, lots of prkg, cls to transit, $3000. Lse avail May 1, Bryan 604-617-6501 STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN ● No Qualification - Low Down ● ABBOTSFORD - 2087 Lonsdale Cr, HOUSE, 3bd w/ 2bd suite, quiet neigh., hot tub & pool.......$2,188/M CHILLIWACK - 9557 Williams, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, cozy HOUSE on 49x171’ lot, excellent investment property in heart of town..... $888/M Call Kristen today (604)786-4663 Abbotsford- 3262 Clearbrook Rd. HOUSE with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Mortgage helper. Walk to all Schools and other amenities. Only $1,598/m. Low Down. Flexible Terms. (604) 626-9647 or (604) 657-9422


Miscellaneous Rentals



Office/Retail Rent

POCO RETAIL 1236sf, 3450/mo, 2569 Shaughnessy St. Air cond, exc loc acreoss from City Hall. Jun 1. Bill Evans 604-836-2494



BBY N room in house, bath & kit. Nr Lough Mall, SFU & Skytrain. $420 incl hyd/cbl/net, w/d, Ns/np. May 1. 604-438-7341


Shared Accommodation


New Westminster

5870 Sunset Street

Whitgift Gardens 1 BR Apt, $750/mo, 2 BR Apt, $925/mo, 3 BR Apt, $1100/mo. Heat, hot water, parking. Family living, daycare available. Near kids’ park, basketball court and Skytrain.

FURNISHED ROOMS. $450 $500/mo incl hydro/cbl & tv. Sh’d w/d & kitch/bath. 778-892-1936


Suites/Partial Houses

1 BR suite, E. Bby nr schools & bus, ns, np, $600 incl hydro, avail now 604-377-3107 1BR COQ, 1 yr New own W/D $850 incls utls cable net No Pet/ smoke, Avl. Now 778-834-8464 BBY 1 BR & DEN ste, very clean, f/p, full bath, $800 incls utils, n/s, n/p, Avail Now. 604-420-1077

No pets. Available now.


115 PLACE CO-OP Located in Burnaby near Lougheed Town Centre

Accepting applications or waiting list for Bachelors, 1 BR’s, 1 BR & Dens & 2 BR’s. Adult oriented high rise. Pool, exercise room and workshop. No Pets. Participation mandatory and $2000 share purchase required. Enquiries to Membership Committee

Call 604 421-1222

BBY N. Georgia/Springer. 2 BR bsmt, own W/D. May 1. $1100 incls utls. NS/NP. 604-299-6976 BBY NORTH 1 BR g/lvl, full bath, patio, enste w/d, $875 incls utils, Avail May 1. ns/np, 778-858-8690 BBY SOUTH 2 BR mn flr, $1100 incls all utils, w/d hookup, lrg sundeck, Avail May 1, n/s, pet neg. 604-515-0367

BBY EDMONDS 1 BR semi furn, incls utils, n/s, n/p, $750. nr skytrain, May 1. 604-525-9140 BBY, METROTOWN. 1 BR, g/lvl, Alarm. Near skytrn. NS/NP. Refs. $750 incl util. Now. 604-430-1358 BBY, Metrotown. 2 BR, upper flr. Nr bus, Skytrain, schls, T&T Mrkt. Ns/np. $980 + util. 604-438-1588


ALARM 604-463-7919 Systems Ltd.





HOME IMPROVEMENTS Renos to Handyman’s Service Call Ray 604-418-4208 BBY, The Crest. Newly reno’d 2 BR. Priv w/d & yard. N/s. $1000 incl hydro. May 1. 604-522-5547 COQ, MARINER Way, 1 BR gr lev, Own W/D, sep entry. Avail now, $700 incls utls. NS/NP. 604-945-6755 or 604-767-8049

* RENOS * Bsmt refinish * Drywall * Bath Tiles * Windows * Doors * Stairs. Call Norm 604-437-1470


NEW WEST. 2 BR bsmt, full bath. Ns/np, no laundry. $950/mo incl hydro/cbl. Immed. 778-836-1196

NEW WEST, Queensborough. Clean & spac. 1 BR. Ns/np. $625 incl hydrol. Near bus, park, shops, schools. Avail now. 604-306-3057 POCO 3 BR grnd lev, spac, bright, D/W, own W/D, avail May 1. $1200. NS/NP. 604-552-7418 POCO, Stafford/Shaughnessy. 1 BR ste. $775 incl heat & elec. Avail Now. 604-941-8344


Townhouses Rent

COQUITLAM 2 BR townhouse , quiet family complex, no pets. $920. Call 604-942-2277. POCO 2 BR T/H $785/mo. Quietfamily complex, No Pets! Avail Now. Call 604-464-0034 PORT COQUITLAM 2 BR townhouse, $830, quiet-family complex, no pets call 604-464-0034.


(Coquitlam Centre area) • 2 BR Townhouse • 3 BR Townhouse 1.5 bath, 2 levels, 5 appls, decorative fireplace, carport. Sorry no pets. • 1 & 2 BR Apts also avail.

Call 604-942-2012


TOWNHOMES Professionally managed family townhome complex on 28 acres located in beautiful Port Moody. Spacious 2 BR & 3 BR units, 5 appls, inste W/D, walk out bsmt, 1 parking. Cat friendly.

Contact 604-939-0221



CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian pardon seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation? All CANADIAN / AMERICAN Work & Travel Visa’s. 604-282-6668 or 1-800-347-2540

Specializing in drywall & textured ceiling repairs, drywall finishing, stucco repairs, painting. Fully insured.

604-916-7729 JEFF

*Drywall * Taping * Texture * Stucco*Painting * Steel stud framing Quality Home 604-725-8925




Home & Office Cleaning

Janitor Service Ceiling & wall washing, Floor Waxing House Cleaning Restaurant Cleaning Window Cleaning ★ And many more things! ★ 3yr contract includes Free Snow shoveling, free paint labour, free light bulb changes!

call Tom 604-307-5998 Lic. Insured & WCB Free Est

A.S.B.A. ENTERPRISE. Comm/ Res. Free Est. $25/hour includes supplies. Insured. 604-723-0162 EXP CLEANING ladies avail 7 days/wk. Bonded. Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond 604-928-0025



Contract # 102055 200 Amp Service Upgrades Spring Special $1800 Free est. Ins. 25 yrs exp. For All Your Reno Needs!



Small Jobs to rewires, lighting control, new houses, repairs. Insured & bonded. Knob & tube replacement specialist. Lic. #23726. Call Chris, 604-788-3864 #1113 Low Cost Electric 522-3435 Comm/Res/Panel change Heating/Appl Repair. Lic & Bonded.


Flooring/ Refinishing

Concrete Cracks Repair. Foundation Walls, Basement, Parkade. Full Warranty. Call Simon (604) 473-7761 DALL’ANTONIA CONCRETE Seniors discount. Friendly, family business, 40+ yrs. 604-240-3408


BAJ MINI EXCAVATING Sewer/storm, drains, oil tanks, paving, retain wall. 604-779-7816

Artistry of Hardwood Floors

Refinish, sanding, install, dustless Prof & Quality work 604-219-6944 Best Service! Best Price! Hardwood, Laminate & Tiles. Repair & Refinish. 604-783-4615 INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar. 604-518-7508 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. Quick & Clean, Good prices. Free Est. ★ 604-566-4429




• Sales & Installation of 5’’ Continuous Gutter • Minor Repairs • Cleaning

604-420-4800 Established 1963

A1 Steve’s Gutter Cleaning & Repair from $98. Gutters vacuumed/hand clean. 604-524-0667 ADANAC GUTTERS- Installation of continuous gutters, cleaning & repairs. Call ....604-676-1085

ABACUS Lic Elect

PRESSURE WASHING, Gutter Cleaning and Repairs Call George • 778-859-7793

CHARLIE’S ELECTRIC Co. #94835 all electric needs, reas rates bonded WCB 778-888-4528


Contr 97222. 40 years exp. 1 stop! Reas. rates! BBB. 778-988-9493

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service call. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fast same day service guaranteed. We love small jobs! 604-568-1899




one mini, drainage, landscaping, stump / rock / cement / oil tank removal. Water / sewer line, 24 hours Call 341-4446 or 254-6865




Carpet Cleaning

ROYAL STEAM CLEANING Carpet, Upholstery, Auto (Int), walls & windows 604-765-8054 COQ WESTWOOD Plt. 2 BR, gr lev ste, 5 appls. $950 + 1/3 utls. Avail now. NS/NP. 604-834-8355



BBY SOUTH. Lrg 1 BR gr lev, own W/D, NS/NP. Suits cpl. $825 incls utls. Refs. 604-526-7335

BBY, 14 Ave/2nd St. 1 BR, grd/lvl. $700/mo incl hydro. Shared w/d. Ns/np. May 1. 604-802-4492 BBY 3 BR upper flr, nr Canada Way, quiet CDS, w/d, 6 appls, lge, deck, smoking outside, $1300. Avail now. 604-522-3663



Lawn & Garden


604 939-0944


Suites/Partial Houses


SUNSET PARK Close to Bus & BCIT STUDIO & 1 BDRM ★ Quiet park-like setting ★ Newly Reno’d ★ Heat/hot water incld 604-291-8197




DIRECT FROM THE MILL 6x8 Fence Panels from $27, Siding, Decking, Roofing, Shed, Split Rail, etc... We Install Chain Link & Cedar Fencing. Free Est. 7753 Edmonds St, Burnaby Call 604-520-7792


Flooring/ Refinishing

Hardwood Floor Refinishing Repairs & Staining Installation Free Estimates

HANDY ANDY Handyman services. Odd Jobs. (WHATEVER). 604-715-9011



Enjoy Your Weekends while we: • Spring Clean Lawn & Garden • All Gardening Services • Trim Hedges • Rock Walls/Paving Stones • Deck & Fence Painting Free Estimates & Friendly Service Call Andy 604-544-3677


★ Stonework.paving stones ★ Cedar decks/fencing ★ Turf .. Ponds... Call Danny 604-250-7824

★ AMAZING TOUCH LAND’G ★ Bobcat, paving, retaining walls, turf, planting, etc. 604-889-4083



HARDWOOD FLOOR SERVICES Mia Casa − Drain Tile/Sewer Line Water Line Repairs / Replacement & Cleaning. Vince 604-941-6060, Al 604-783-3142

Sanding & Refinishing Installation Quality Workmanship Free Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured


Planning on RENOVATING? Check out the specialists in our Home Service Directory of the Classifieds and get started on your project today! To advertise your Home Service Business call Classifieds 604-444-3000

Free Est. 604-779-6978 email:


Many years exp ★ Free Est ★ ★ Lawn cuts ★ Garden maintainance. ★ Tree topping & trimming ★ Power raking, aeration. Call Mr. Van 604-726-9741

Or 604-782-3411 Laura

WILDWOOD LANDSCAPING Hedge Trimmimg & Tree Pruning & Hedge Removal Spring Up Chaffer Control & Lawn Restoration. Comm/Strata/Res Aerating & Power Raking. Free Estimates. 604-893-5745 CHAFFER BEETLE Treatment. Lawn care, reseeding, rototilling gardens & hedges. 778-885-6488 604-723-2468; T. TRAN, New lawns, grass cuts, p/raking, aerating, hedging, pruning. Reliable

A Gardener & A Gentleman Lawn, garden, tree svcs. Pruning, yard clean-up, rubbish. 319-5302 Best Value Gardening Full Lawn Care. Cut fr $20. Pwr rake, hedge trim. 19 yrs exp. 604-719-6832

Grow ‘n’ Gardens Lawn/Garden Trees/Hedges. Power Washing. All Services Tara 778-316-2648 Lawn cut/pwr rake/aeration/ hedge trim/clean-up/top dress. Reliable. No tax. 778-241-9706

Lawn & Garden • Clean-ups & Disposal, Gutters/Press Washing Seniors Disc. Al @ 604-783-3142 LAWN MAINTENANCE 20 yrs exp. power rake, aerating. Free est. Reliable Reas. 604-649-9965

M. GILL Gardening - Lawn care. Com & Residential, Power raking, Fertilize, Weed Hedge Trims, Prune. Free Est. 778-898-4922

Royal Garden Lawn cut, edging, power raking, pruning, tree/hedge trimming WCB Ins. 604-754-8407 THE LAWN BUTCHER Only Prime Cuts will do! Call Jim 778-839-6250

Century Hardwood Floors DRAIN TILES & WATER LINES Without Digging a Trench 604-294-5300

• Tree Pruning


A Semi Retired Tradesman Small Renovations & Repairs, Crown Moldings & Finishing. Richard, 604-377-2480


Residential and Commercial • Landscape Maintenance • Power Raking • Lawn Repairs • Lawn Mowing • Aeration • Gardening • Yard Clean-up • Hedge Trimming

DOUBLE - 0 LANDSCAPING Bobcat (small jobs), lawn care & power raking. Call 778-885-2984 Greenworx Redevelopment Inc. Hardscaping & Landscaping. Hedges, Pavers, Ponds & Walls, Returfing, Demos, Drainage, Jackhammering. 604 782-4322

★ OPERA LANDSCAPING ★ Retaining walls, irrigation, paving, patios, fences, etc. 778-688-2444


Lawn & Garden

D & J GardenScape ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Power Raking Lawn Maintenance Moss Control Trimming Spring Cleanup Call for our SPRING SPECIALS 604-589-8527 604-771-4636

YAMATO LANDSCAPING Garden maintenance, Comm & Res. Free Est. 604-761-7109

YARD CLEAN-UP, lawns cut, hedges pruned, trees trimmed, power raking, aerating, rubbish removal, gutters. 604-773-0075


Moving & Storage


1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 Ton $ From


We accept Visa, Mastercard & Interac Licenced & Insured Local & Long Distance

FREE ESTIMATES Seniors Discount


Home Services

Continues on next page

HOME SERVICES Moving & Storage


ADVANCE MOVING LTD MOVING & DELIVERY EXPERTS!! Licensed, Bonded & Insured Single item to full house moves We Guarantee the Cost of Every Move Flat Rates always available A+ (604) 861-8885 BBB Rating


MOVES BC.COM • No Travel Time Charges • No Minimum Charges • No Job Too Small FLAT RATES ALWAYS AVAILABLE

Licensed & Insured • A+BBB Rating


AJK MOVING LTD. Moving • Storage • Deliveries Local & Long Distance Movers Residential • Commercial Industrial


Painting/ Wallpaper

Quality Work You Can Trust! Interior & Exterior ★ UNBEATABLE PRICES ★ Free Est. / Written Guarantee




Low Prices, High Quality *25 years Experience * Fully Insured WCB * Free Estimates * References Call Steve 604-722-1313

D&M PAINTING Many Years Experience Fully Insured Top Quality, Quick Work Free Estimate

604-875-9072, 604-873-5292


Garage • Basement • Backyard

Experienced Movers ~ 2 Men $50 ~ • Includes all Taxes • Licenced & Insured • Professional Piano Movers


BEST RATE MOVING Experienced Movers with Affordable Rates! Starting 30/ hour Licensed & Insured

• Local & Long Distance • Avail. 24/7 incl. holidays • Seniors Discount • Delivery to/from YVR Airport

Call Geoff Dann at:


BEST PAINTING, Int/Ext, Repaint Specialist, Repair Drywall, Free Estimates. 604-724-9953 Good Day Painting Fully Insured, Quality Work, Res/Comm, No Payment till Job is Completed! Call Thomas 604 377-1338


$35/HOUR PER PERSON • 24/7 Abe Moving & Delivery and Rubbish Removal. 604-999-6020 A MOVING EXPERIENCE WITH L & D ENTERPRISES !!! Fast & Dependable Special Rates Seniors Disc. Call 604-464-5872 ABBA MOVERS bsmt clean 1-4 ton Lic, ins’d from $35/hr, 2 men $45 hr honest 26 yrs est 506-7576. AMI MOVING ★ 3-5 ton cube. Starting at $39/hour. Local & long distances. 24/7 ★ 604-617-8620


Patios/Decks/ Railings

Oil Tank Removal


ALLEN Asphalt, concrete, brick, drains, foundations, walls, membranes 604-618-2304/ 820-2187 METRO BLACKTOP CO. LTD Custom work for Driveways & new lane Aprons. Repairs/resurfacing. Call Gino 604-657-9936





Tel: 604-931-7575

Cell: 604-612-4347

A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A $69/HR Lic’d/Ins. Exp & friendly Clogged drains, plumbing, small jobs OK! Call 24/7! 604-805-2488

COPPERWORKS PLUMBING Will do ALL your plumbing needs. Get 25% off. Call 604-219-5555



Painting/ Wallpaper




AFFORDABLE QUALITY ROOFING LTD. 25 Years in Business 25 Year Workmanship Warranty 604-984-9004 A+ 604-984-6560


Save the HST & Book before April 30th

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$35/HOUR PER PERSON • 24/7 Abe Moving & Delivery and Rubbish Removal. 604-999-6020 Affordable Rubbish Removal Res & Construction Cleanup John ★ 778-881-5678

Stucco/Siding/ Exterior

J. PEARCE STUCCO CONTRACTING. Residential / Commercial. 604-761-6079 Quality Home Improvement ★ Stucco ★ All Kinds. No Job Too Big or Small. 604-725-8925


Tree Services


Dangerous tree removal, pruning, topping, hedge trimming & stump grinding. Fully insured & WCB

Jerry 604-618-8585 Andrew 604-618-8585

A.J.K. Moving Ltd. Special truck for clean-ups. Any size job. Lic# 32839 604-875-9072 873-5292



Auto Miscellaneous

$0 DOWN & WE MAKE YOUR 1st PAYMENT AT AUTO CREDIT FAST Need a vehicle? Good or Bad Credit? Call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599 DLN 30309


Collectibles & Classics


Scrap Car Removal



Window Cleaning

Edgemont Building Maintenance • Power Washing • Window Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning

604-420-4800 Established 1963

BOB’S WINDOW Gets that Clean, Clear Shine No Drops, No Drips, No Streaks Right into the corners! Serving you for over 20 yrs. Also do Gutters 604 588-6938





604-790-3900 OUR SERVIC 2H


2002 LAND Rover Discovery SE7 98,000 km, Sand/tan int. Exc cond. $11,750 604.687.2146

9160 AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash paid for full sized vehicles. 604-518-3673 $CASH FOR CARS$ Recycling in the lower mainland for over 30 years. Top dollars paid. Call for free quote. 604-725-3937 ★ FREE TOWING ★ up to $500 CASH Today!

2006 LINCOLN Zephyr 32,600 kms, excellent cond, lady driven $15,000 obo 604-929-1184

604-728-1965 John

Scrap Car Removal


Sport Utilities/ 4x4’s/Trucks



Sports & Imports

1998 VW Passat turbo, auto 190,000 k, s/roof, air, lady driven, $4,200. W. Van 604-649-2285 NEED CHEAP AUTOBODY ? 604-341-7738



Sport Utilities/ 4x4’s/Trucks

A Save on Roofing - specialize in ★reroof ★ repair★ Fully Ins. Free est. 10% discount 778-892-1266

Advantage Building Maintenance: •Roof •Chimney •Skylight Repairs •FREE Estimate 604-802-1918

Wildwood Tree Services, Exp Hedge Trimming and Removal & Tree Pruning. Free Est. 604-893-5745


Bath *Kitchen* Suites & More Specialized in Reno’s: . Framing . Sundecks. Stairs . Rooms. Garages. Sheds. Basements .Tiles . Vinyl Siding. Exterior Paint . Hardwood & Laminate Floors . Fencing . . Small or big jobs. Insured.WCB

Tree Services

Treeworks 15 yrs exp. Tree/ Stump Removal, Prun’in & Trim’in & View Work 291-7778, 787-5915

#1 FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Ask about $500 Credit!!! $$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200





1991 ASTON Martin, 1-owner, all orig., only 27,000 km, immac. $45,000. 604-987-3876. D24627

A Eastwest Roofing & Siding Re-roofing, Gutter, Free Est, BBB Member, 10% disc, Seniors Disc, 604-812-9721, 604-783-6437

DISPOSAL BINS: Starting at $99 + dump fees. Call 604-306-8599

Student Works

(604) 299-8131

A Eastcan Roofing & Siding Ltd Re-Roof, Repair. Ins. WCB. BBB. 604-562-0957 or 604-961-0324

Rubbish Removal Seniors discount. 604-807-0198

Disposal & Recycling

Trips start at

Rubbish Removal



Family owned & operated since 1989

Save Your Dollars!

✓ RenoRite

Free Est’s • Large or Small Jobs

Free Estimates 24 Hour Repairs Skylights Gutters Cedar - Duriod - Torch-On Systems All work Guaranteed!

PRP RENOVATIONS Kitchens, baths, tiling, flooring, painting, plumbing, gutters ★ Small jobs welcome ★ Insured, WCB


* We Remove & Recycle Anything*

John 778-288-8009

All types of Roofing Over 35 Years in Business Call now for Free Estimates


Rubbish Removal


COUNTRY STYLE General Contractor Complete home & commercial renovations painting kitchen & bath bsmt - decks, fences..Guaranteed:prompt, Call Tom 604-307-5998



1999 MAZDA B3000 ext cab, 85,000 k, 5 spd, canopy, $6,700. Exc cond, no accid 604-802-6888

2003 PONTIAC Montana extended van, great running condition. Navy blue (similar to picture), gray interior. 166,000 KMs, all in Lower Mainland. New brakes, DVD system, comes with snow tires. $5,000 obo. Call 604-908-9080 or 604-802-2884.

Alive & still roofing after 50 years!! RCABC Certified Roofers. BILL the Roofer • 604-522-8516

A Lady & Gentleman

778-223-8265 ● Oil Tank Removal ● Recommended ● Insured ● Reasonable Rates


To place your ad call


Call Bill




Specialties Include: Kitchen & Bath Improvements We Also Do: • Roofing • Sundecks • Door & Window Replacements

All Renovations & Additions, Ins. Quality Work


Oil Tank Detection Oil Tank Removal Soil Remediation FREE ESTIMATES BEST PRICE GUARANTEED

Since 1983



Paving/Seal Coating




West Coast Cedar Installations New or repaired outdoor cedar specialists since 1991 604-270-2358 or 604-788-6458


TWO BROTHERS MOVING Local & Long Distance 604-720-0931 • •

Renovations & Home Improvement

Lic. Insured & WCB

• Pressure Washing • Residential/Commercial • Over 25 years experience



Interior/Exterior Specialist


Power Washing

SMART CLEANING Janitorial, Pressure Washing, Window Cleaning. 604-862-9797


Also Special Truck for Clean-Ups



The Record • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • A27


Water Lines (without digging) Sewer Lines (without digging) Install. Drain tiles. 604-294-5300 LICENSED PLUMBER & Gasfitter. BBQs, ranges, etc. Repairs, renos. VISA ok. 604-830-6617


Power Washing

Grant’s Home Maintenance Complete Pressure Washing: Roofs, Houses, Driveways, etc Gutter Cleaning & Repairs.

Residential & Strata Prompt Service. WCB Insured

604- 936-2808

FUTUR GRAFFITI SOLUTIONS, Power Washing & Graffiti Removal. Hot/Cold Water. 604-420-2848 PRESSURE WASHING, siding, gutters, tile, roof, treat moss. Gill, 604-897-4204, 604-599-4204

Home Improvements, Painting, Tile, Carpentry, Plumbing, Elec. Quality, 25yrs exp. 604-512-8915 A1 CONTRACTING. Bsmt, bath, kitchen cabinets, tiling, painting & decks. Dhillon, 604-782-1936 CARPENTER HANDYMAN, Reno’s, Carpentry, H/W Flrs, Home Repairs, etc. 604-307-6715 Complete Bathroom Reno’s Suites, Kitchens,Tiling, Skylights, Windows, Doors, 604 521-1567 D & M RENOVATIONS, Flooring, tiling, finishing. Fully Insured. Top quality, quick work 604-724-3832 HANDYMAN SERVICE, major contracting, Reno’s, Res & Comm. Call Alan, 604-290-1060

Roofing Experts 778-230-5717 Repairs/Re-Roof/New Roofs. All work Gtd. Free Est. Call Frank Royal Castle Roofing - New & Re-roofing, Work Guar, 15% Senior. Disc. Jazz 604-725-9963


Rubbish Removal

LOW COST ® Rubbish Removal



ROOFING/ FRAMING/ Flooring/ Renos or new construction. Acom Construction. Call: 604-240-1850

❏ DISPOSAL Construction, Reno’s & Drywall / Demolition ❏ YARD & HOME Cleanup •7 Days/Week •Free Est’s

Isaac ★ 604-727-5232

1 Read.

Read Autofind in the paper every weekend.

2 Click. 1. Go to 2. Search by STOCK# 3. Get details & photos of cars you choose

3 Drive.

Contact the dealer, check out your new ride and drive home. Easy, right?

A28 • Saturday, April 23, 2011 • The Record

100% B C Owned and Operated

r e t s Happy Ea

Green & Black’s Organic Easter Eggs

Meat Department

Kettle Krinkle Cut Potato Chips

assorted varieties

from 5.99

assorted varieties

Halibut Fillets


110-180g • product of Italy

18.99lb/ 41.87kg

397g • product of USA

Olympic Original Yogurt

Earth's Choice Tortilla Chips

assorted varieties

made with organic corn





Tropicana Premium Juice

454g • product of Canada

Hot Kid Rice Crisps three varieties

1.75 L


+ dep. + eco fee

2.49/100g reg 2.99

Meadowvale Creamery Butter

Vitala Free Run Omega-3 DHA Large Eggs


package of 6

155g • product of USA

package of 4

A gentle and effective liquid iron, especially suited for people who cannot tolerate manufactured iron preparations. Suitable for adults and children over two years of age, for long-term use.

Treehouse Children’s Bath and Body Care products By Nature Clean

Prairie Harvest Organic Pasta assorted varieties


454g • product of Canada


1.65L product of Canada

Pacific Foods Organic Broths and Soups assorted varieties


Dempster’s English Muffins assorted varieties


regular retail price

These naturally mild formulas are derived from plant and mineral sources. Dermatologisttested and gentle enough for babies.

20% off regular retail prices

assorted varieties

Rice Bakery 4.99

20% off

283-350g • product of USA

Island Farms Vanilla Plus Ice Cream

package of 2

Rice Hot Cross Buns

prepacked or bins


Easter Chocolate Cookies


Brookside Chocolate Covered Raisins or Cranberries and Yogurt Raisins

28 Sachets • product of Australia


assorted varieties

Hot Cross Buns


Bulk Department


Stahlbush Island Farms Frozen Vegetables

Barbara’s Bakery Cheese Puffs

From Our Bakery


reg 4.39

assorted varieties

1 Dozen • product of B.C.

227g pkg

Rainbow Chard



796ml • product of Canada


Brie Le Roy Cheese

assorted varieties


Certified Organic, California Grown

Spatone Liquid Iron

Applesnax Organic Natural Apple Sauce

454g • product of Canada


4 per pack

Freybe Emperor Ham (Kaisershinken)

100g • product of China



Certified Organic, California Grown

From the Deli

assorted varieties


B.C. Grown, Certified Organic

Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin Steaks

assorted varieties

650g • product of B.C.

Red Tomatoes On The Vine from Origin O

package of 6 • product of Canada


946ml-1 L • product of USA

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm Packed with beeswax, shea butter, almond oil, cocoa butter and ultra emollient lanolin to keep your lips soft and healthy.



San Pellegrino Italian Sparkling Mineral Water


750ml • product of Italy + dep. + eco fee

Choices’ Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 24 at 11:00am all Choices locations Hop to your local Choices for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Festivities begin at 11am. Each child participating will receive Easter treats. Yaletown




2627 W. 16th Ave. Vancouver 604.736.0009

3493 Cambie St. Vancouver 604.875.0099

1888 W. 57th Ave. 1202 Richards St. Vancouver Vancouver 604.633.2392 604.263.4600

Prices Effective April 21 to April 27, 2011.

Choices in the Park

Rice Bakery South Surrey

2595 W. 16th Ave. Vancouver 6855 Station Hill Dr. 604.736.0301 Burnaby 604.522.6441

3248 King George Blvd. South Surrey 604.541.3902

Choices at the Crest 8683 10th Ave. Burnaby 604.522.0936

Kelowna 1937 Harvey Ave. Kelowna

250.862.4864 Note Area Code

We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not all items may be available at all locations. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

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