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Counting the costs

by Ruth Isenberg

Funding public education may change dramatically in the next few years and that’s a good thing. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ordered changes so that all districts receive enough funding to provide every student in the state with a good education. Right now, districts with poorer real estate tax bases generate less funding per student, and that means that by current funding formulas, they also receive less money per student in state funding. That puts students in those districts at a distinct disadvantage, with fewer programs, older books, and inadquate facilities than students from wealthier communities.

Unfortunately, the court did not explain how fair funding would be accomplished. Fair funding proposals have been a subject of legislative debate for many years, with no real progress. Given the current acrimonious climate in the Pennsylvania house and senate, it may be very difficult to come up with a plan.

Much is riding on Governor Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal, expected in early March. Whatever is proposed there for education funding will at least provide a starting point for negotiations and debate.

It should be noted that it’s just not poorer school districts facing financial problems. Crestwood School District is preparing to cover a $2.5 million deficit, and may furlough over 20 teachers, or eliminate elementary art and library. Any state funding proposal that would reduce the amount going to “wealthier” districts in favor of “poorer” ones would only make that situation and others like it worse.

Radical thinking and determined collaboration are needed to fairly and adequately fund all school districts. Otherwise, it’s the students who will pay the price.

From The Journal-Herald

Issue of March 4, 1993

Editors & Publishers

Jay and Clara Holder

A joint Customer Advisory Council for White Haven, Weatherly and Freeland is being organized by the United States Postal Service.

4-year-old April Hoffman made the front page of this issue, receiving the Weatherly Area Lions Club award for her actions which saved her grandmother’s life. In the photo are Police Chief Robert Koch, Betty Hoffman (grandmother), April and Lion William Roberts.

The professionally bound 634 page Volume I of the History of Carbon County will be available for purchase starting March 12.

Six Crestwood High School members of the Future Homemakers of America will be attending the 1993 annual State Leadership Meeting with 700 others from around the state, to be held at the Lancaster Host Resort March 10-12.

As part of a program by the Weatherly Area chapter of Students against Doing Drugs, 18 students from grades six to eight became “dead for the day,” hoping to demonstrate that drugs kill. SADD students and teachers all dressed in black to show solidarity for their “dead” friends. Tombstones were put up on their lockers, and those who were “dead” could not talk during that day. The next school day, the “dead” students talked with their classmates about the experience.

L&L Fire Company

Chief Robert O’Donnell reported that as of noon on March 5, the Carbon County Communications Center will begin taking all emergency calls.

Lehigh Township roadmaster Wayne Wagner reported snow removal on February 2, 12, 13, 16, 19, 21 and 26. A total of ten hours was spent keeping Lausanne Township roads clear.

The new congress is stuck on finding ways to cut the current Federal budget.

Ed Gower reports the White Haven Sports Association 5th-6th grade all-star team made a good showing at the Lions/ WHASA tournament this past weekend. White Haven won their first game, then lost the second before coming up on an aggressive Weatherly team that led from the start and won 39-29. Top scorers were B.J. Wilkinson with 12 and Amanda Peabody 10 from Weatherly, and Jeff Hartley 14 and Mike Demars 7 from White Haven.

Phil Engman also applauded the White Haven team’s first round victory. Friday night, with all eight teams in actions, was “a good show (in front of) a good crowd.” Engman is starting to predict some of the top seeds for the men’s March basketball tournaments.

The Lady Wreckers will face Marian in the playoffs in the District 11 playoffs, this Saturday in Martz Hall. A win can put our team up against Notre Dame of Green Pond in Bethlehem on Wednesday.

Pete Chapla reviewed Lorenzo’s Oil.

Ruth I. wrote about a family outing with the Holders to Angelo’s Italian House on Alter Street in Hazleton. The four of us enjoyed homemade pastas, all wonderful. Ruth and Clara split a cannoli dessert, and I shared with Jay a chocolate amaretto cheesecake all terrific.

On Sale at Warner’s Central Garage the 1993 Plymouth Acclaim V-8 automatic with cast aluminum “bullet wheels,” gold bodyside and fascia moldings, and gold deck lid decals.

From The Journal Issue of March 4, 1943

Publisher W. C. Taylor

The National War Savings Staff has given permission to the Pennsylvania American Legion Auxiliary to carry on a “Buy a Submarine” bond campaign…The (local) A.L.A. units have been asked to give all possible help.

Six young lads from Weatherly motored over

See ARCHIVES, page 4

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