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Starting Point to teach about Faith at Faith Church

Faith Church Weatherly will begin Starting Point, a study for those new in faith, on Wednesday, March 8. Baptisms will be celebrated April 4.

Lots of new small groups are popping up all the time; check in and see where you can get connected.

Moms’ group is every first Monday from 12:301:30; small children are welcome. Young adults meet the last Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

On Tuesdays at 10 a.m., there is a study on Prayer.

Life Groups meet Wednesday evenings at 7. Men, women, children and youth all meet separately for fun, fellowship and learning.

Women’s Refit, an exercise group, meets Thursday at 10 a.m., and Celebrate Recovery is at 6 p.m. (doors open 5:30) for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Men meet for breakfast every third Saturday. Services are at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings and 6 p.m. Sunday evenings. Join us for live worship music in a welcoming atmosphere. The Kids Clubhouse is open at the same time for all kids ages

Pre-K - 5th grade. The Youth Group meets Sunday evening at 6 for ages 6th-12th.

Faith Church is located at 202 Carbon St, Weatherly, right next to Enzo’s Pizza in the shopping plaza.

For more information on anything going on at Faith, please contact Lori at 570-578-8005.

Ministerium lists Lenten services in Weatherly

Worship Services begin at 7 p.m. A time of fellowship and light refreshments will follow each service.

March 8– First Presbyterian Church

March 15– St. Matthew’s Union Church

March 22– Our Lady of Lourdes Church

March 29– Salem United Church of Christ

In case of inclement weather, the host church will decide whether to cancel services.

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