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Veterans Corner

Commentary by John Kearns, USCG Ret., chiefkearns@gmail.com

Memorial Day Parade And Gathering In The

PARK: May 28 has been set for the annual event this year. Each year the event has grown despite weather and setbacks. This year should be the best yet. Hot dogs and birch beer, provided by the US Marine Corps League 1039, always is a big hit. It is an excellent family day in our community. Many people work hard to make this happen.

Requests for entertainment have already gone out to the military and local school bands. The event includes the kick-off parade through town with emergency vehicles, high school bands, and parade floats.

The crowning of the Poppy King and Queen will be at Lehigh Park following the parade. The park has music, refreshments, and vendors; military and historic displays that represent the local community. It will be a great day that the whole area can come out and enjoy at no cost.

Enter A Parade

FLOAT: To clear up a few myths following last year’s parade, discussing the

Tundra by Chad Carpenter

parade rules were questions of who can enter, what can be entered, and how you enter. A few believed it was restricted to military or veteran-themed floats. To clarify, anyone, any group, or any business can enter a float or walking/marching/ dancing unit. There is no restriction to military, veteran, or patriotic floats only.

A parade float is a great way to advertise and get your business name, or product noticed. Local news media covers the parade, and if your business float is an attention-getter, that’s a wide area of free advertising. Vendors are always welcome, there is room to get your name and products out in the public eye.

A request for the US Army Band has been submitted to entertain the gathering. A formal request for an Aviation asset and a Maritime high-performance patrol boat has also been presented. These will be on display at the park, depending on the availability and current operational needs of the presentation service.

I will update monthly the list of events and float entries, along with a complete list of vendors and updated activities as the parade committee approves them. Look for information here on how to apply for float entry forms.

One week before the event, a complete story of participants, vendors, and activities will be published. It will help if you plan on attending this year; building a unique float to enter and participate in this beautiful hometown event, limited only by your imagination.

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