2 minute read


Continued from page 8

Wood St., Lake Harmony, $450,000.

18 New Birch Street Holdings, LLC, to Patrick John Hanahan, Glen Mills, property at 18 New Birch St., $439,000.

Richard Shevock to Richard J. Shevock, 40 Stony Brook Drive, P.O. Box 588, Albrightsville, Lot 1009, Block 1000, Section A, Holiday Poconos, $1.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ralph Rinello, P.O. Box 669, Albrightsville, two transactions, property on Stony Brook Drive, Holiday Poconos, $716, and Lot 17, Section B, Hemlock Forest, $851.

Jay D. Goldberg to Errol

Seltzer, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, property at 117 Blue Heron, $420,000.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Dwell Investments, Inc., Prospect park, property on Tamarack Trail, Holiday Poconos, $1,854.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Daniel Hughes, 15 Holiday Drive, P.O. Box 744, Albrightsville, property at Holiday and Big Pine drives, Holiday Poconos, $9,064.

Miriam Wealer to Candace G. McCoy, Coatesville, property at 208 Birch St., Lake Harmony, $1.

Mary Ellen Arndt to Kevin Sowti, Newtown Square, property at 44 Luther Lane, Albrightsville, $130,000.

Douglas Howard to Carolyn Rose Hanser, P.O. Box 769, Lake Harmony, property at 18 Fern St., Lake Harmony, $298,000.

Lausanne Township

Thomas P. Buck Jr. to Evan Bellizia, 3814 Buck Mountain Road, Weatherly, property at 3814 Buck Mountain Road, $130,000. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Thad Dirk Gilmore, Tannersville, property at 1385 Buck Mountain Road, $122,507.

Joann Fairchild to George Evan Cunningham, 184 Forest Creek Road, Weatherly, property at 184 Forest Creek Road, $439,000.

Dolores Maurer to Kenneth Sheets Jr., New Cumberland, parcel No. 11026-A4, $87,000.

Packer Township

David C. Knorr to John S. Merriman, Whitehall, property at 5691 Quakake

Coming Events

SUNDAY, MARCH 5—Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-Noon, Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company

SUNDAY, MARCH 5—Marine Corps League Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, St. Patrick’s Social Hall, White Haven

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8—Bingo, 6 p.m., St. Patrick’s Center, White Haven

FRIDAY, MARCH 10—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, sign up 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MARCH 11—Northeast Chamber Music Society concert in the round, John Murphy Room, White Haven Area Community Library

SUNDAY, MARCH 12—Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, VFW Post 6615, White Haven

TUESDAY, MARCH 14—WAHS Scholastic Scrimmage broadcast, 7 p.m., WVIA-TV Channel 44

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15—Western Pocono Trout Unlimited meeting, 7 p.m., John Murphy Room, White Haven Area Community Library

SATURDAY, MARCH 25—Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m., Eurana Park, Weatherly, register at 570-578-8005 or 570-582-9298

SUNDAY, MAY 28—Memorial Day Parade & Gathering in the Park, White Haven

FRIDAY, JUNE 2—Graduation, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area High School

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JUNE 10 & 11—Weatherly HillClimb

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Car Show, Lehigh Park, White Haven

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 10— Weatherly HillClimb

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction preview night, 6-8 p.m., Packer Township Building

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Packer Township Building

Road, $1.

Jeffrey G. Nyer to Adam Nyer, 194 Grist Mill Drive, Weatherly, property at 125 Grist Mill Drive, $1.

Robert I. Richie to Robert Malloy, 571 Quakake Road, Weatherly, property at 571 Quakake Road, $225,000.


Ronald L. Eroh to Nomac01, LLC, 210 Laurytown Road, Weatherly, property at 117 Lauderburn Ave., $73,500.

Bonnie C. Gerhard to Dominic Peter DeFrancisco, 50 E. Maple St., P.O. Box 41, Tresckow, property at 210 Sixth St., $18,900.

Roger Thrash to Lisa Yanochko, 300 Maple St., Weatherly, property at 300 Maple St., $192,500.

Jamie Koslop to Ashley Barilla, 803 North St., Weatherly, property at 803 North St., $339,000.

John Beishline to M & T Realty, Inc., Hazleton, property on Hudsondale Street, $70,000.

Vanessa Diaz to Miguel E. Rojas, 450 Plane St., Weatherly, property at 450 Plane St., $90,403.10.

Constance M. Knepper to Constance M. Knepper, 628 W. Main St., Weatherly, property at 628 W. Main St., $29,749.

Paul Miller to Todd Miller, 234 Sixth St., Weatherly, property at 234 Sixth St., $1. Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Glenn Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 1001 North St., $111,240.

Ashley L. Barilla to Charles Colarusso, 771 North St., Weatherly, property at 771 North St., $270,000.

Paul Miller to Todd Miller, 234 Sixth St., Weatherly, property at 234 Sixth St., $180,000.

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