3 minute read
Editorial More than words
by Ruth Isenberg
Sometimes it’s tough to avoid being cynical. People are full of ideas—grand ideas that go nowhere. Even worse, individuals and agencies make promises; the eventual results turn out to be far less than anticipated.
That’s why it is so refreshing when words turn into a positive reality. And that is what we are seeing this week in three separate scenarios:
1) The White Haven Volunteer Fire Company saved a block. Their fast work, cooperation with the fire departments from surrounding areas, and wise equipment purchases (aided by the citizens and local government) confined a fire on Buffalo Street to a single structure.
2) Members of the Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce and the Lions Club worked together to clean up and beautify the downtown. Windows were washed. Streets were swept. New flower planters were placed by sponsoring businesses. It sparkles. It shines. It says welcome to our town.
3) The south end of the D&L Trail opened. After nearly two years of construction, the new parking lot, entrances, bathroom and boat launch are available for use. That use started almost immediately—and reviews are good. The best review, of course, is seeing people fishing, biking, hiking, walking dogs and enjoying. Thank you to the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and contractor Rutledge for a beautiful job. White Haven will be buzzing with activity this spring and summer.
In all three scenarios, we see actions that are speaking louder than words, and the benefits of under-promising and over-delivering. Thank you to all concerned.
From The Journal-Herald Issue of April 22, 1993
Editors & Publishers
Jay and Clara Holder
The front page photo this week shows Buttermilk Falls on Bear Creek Road.
Through coordination between State Representative George Hasay and Dennison Township supervisors, Tunnel Road will be resurfaced this summer.
All seven of Crestwood School District’s Junior Academy of Science team earned first place awards at last month’s meeting at the University of Scranton. They are: Angela Grossman, Jennifer Perch, Janene Broyan, Matthew Louvet, Ben Light, Robert Perino and Jennifer Stravetski.
The Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association is planning to order custom afghans to be sold as a fundraiser.
Heavy rains before Easter flooded basements in White Haven.
District justice Paul J. Hadzick was recertified after completing continuing education course work. “The week-long instructional program is designed to ensure that district justices remain current in a variety of legal topics and management techniques required to fairly adjudicate cases and effectively run a district justice office…”
A dance for all ages, children to adults, will be held this Saturday evening at Eurana Park, with a DJ from Harry C Productions.
Steve Stallone penned a column about being a sports journalist “The Best Job You’ll Ever Love.”
The Rev. Robert and Karen vonFrisch were presented the Charles Murray Award for their support of Weatherly athletics over the past decade. This year’s sports banquet was held in the Middle School cafeteria.
Phil Engman’s Ramblin’
On column featured the NFL Draft, Detroit baseball, and Shaquille O’Neil. Himself he played some ‘decent’ golf for Wilkes U. during the MAC golf championships held here at the Mountain Laurel course.
Clara Holder wrote a review of eating at The Willow Tree in Stroudsburg
(at the start of trout season) which included a short history lesson.
The Lake Harmony Lodge Sports Bar-Café placed a full page ad for its Grand Reopening on May 1. Featured were musicians John Lukas and John Pachence, and a Kentucky Derby Party all afternoon
From The Journal Issue of April 29, 1943
Publisher W. C. Taylor War has increased the number of Pennsylvania families using party-line Bell telephone service by approximately 100,000 since Pearl Harbor.
Following the footsteps of his master, Major Horan, his Dalmatian dog has been enrolled for active service in the Marine Corps. Tally, a twoyear old pure bred, has been sent to the dog detachment at a southern camp of the Marines for training.
A low flying plane passed over here Tuesday afternoon, barely missing, it would seem, the housetops. We have no skyscrapers at that…
(and another obituary:)
Mrs. Caroline Meixell Mrs. Caroline Meixell, 56, a former Burgess of town, died Monday morning at her home (on) Lehigh Street after several weeks’ illness. (Editors Clara and Jay note that she was the only woman to serve as Burgess in White Haven. She was appointed to that position when her husband Arthur resigned from it to accept a job with the WPA… They add that in modern times (to 1993), the borough had (only) one woman, Electra O’Donnell, serve as Mayor.)