3 minute read
Investments in safety we don’t usually see
by Seth Isenberg
Over my years of writing for The Journal-Herald, I have been at the scene of a variety of fires, more often than not after all the big flames are out and our trained volunteers are in the process of hosing down what continues to smolder. For the recent house fire in White Haven, I arrived as firefighters cycled through the smoky building with airpacks on.
I watched more closely and saw that a relay was underway with empty air bottles taken to the nearby White Haven Volunteer Fire Company (WHVFC), and (heavier) full bottles coming up in return. This was the work of the WHVFC’s Cascade air filling system, recently upgraded as the company also built its new home. I remember the new system as another expensive firefighting tool but seeing it in action was impressive sweat and hustle for the teams entering the smoke-filled buildings providing them with fresh air in a ‘bottle’ carried in on their backs. They served not only their own members, but also the Mutual Aid companies that came out to answer the alarm.
So first, a general “well done” to all the firefighters, and an important “thank you” to the WHVFC officers who found the funds for this firefighting tool. Thank you as well to White Haven Borough Council for allocated some of its American Rescue Plan funding to this vital piece of equipment.
No one had to wait around for more oxygen before entering the building. This piece of equipment may have saved the block.
From The Journal-Herald
Issue of May 6, 1993
Editors & Publishers
Jay and Clara Holder
This issue celebrated 40 years of Jay and Clara Holder being publishers of weekly newspapers. They had bought The Journal from her maternal grandfather, Walter C. Taylor, on May 1 of 1954, who had published The Journal for more than 53 years.
“At the time, we had graduated from Ursinus College (Jay as a history major, Clara as an English major) and been married for just a few years. We knew nothing about printing and not much about newspapers.
“We learned.
“In 1954, we set type into hot metal and printed the paper on an antique flatbed press. In 1978, we started having it printed elsewhere… Now the typesetting is computerized.
“In 1981 we purchased The Weatherly Herald and merged the two papers as The Journal-Herald.
“Over a year ago, our sonin-law Seth Isenberg joined us as general manager, and now our daughter Ruth Isenberg is taking a more active role in the paper…
“Through it all, including some trying times, the main thing that has kept us going was the loyal local support we have always received. Once again, thank you.”
Jay & Clara Holder
Carbon County Commissioner Tom Gerhard received a special citation for thirty years of public service, presented from the PA Senate by senators
Earl Baker and our own James Rhodes at the Carbon County Republican Banquet last weekend. Also in the front page photo with the senators and commissioner was attorney Cindy Ray, event chairwoman.
35 people took a six-mile hike as part of the annual CROP Walk on May 2. It raised $598 with 25% going to the local food pantry, and the rest to Church World Service.
Renovations are ongoing to the Eurana Park bandshell it was reported at a meeting of the Weatherly Park Commission on May 3. The bathroom area will get sealant and a new exhaust fan to cut down on any dampness. Volunteers will be needed to paint the benches.
Barry Gangwer of the Lutheran Brotherhood said the LB’s nonprofit arm would donate towards the renovation, and provide help for painting.
The new roof for the Packer municipal building is complete, and the work by American Home Enterprises was deemed “outstanding” by supervisor Grover Gerhard.
Phil Engman’s Ramblin’ On was proud to correct his statement that six Penn State football players were drafted into the NFL there were eight. He wrote about the Mets, NY Islanders and coach Jim Valvano.
Steve Stallone wrote a review of this past NBA season.
Ed Gower submitted his article on the opening games of the Little League season.
Pete Chapla reviewed the movie Strictly Ballroom.
The Eurana Park Concession Stand opened for the season, featuring Belgian Waffle Sundaes. Also for sale, slices of homemade cheesecake and peanut butter pie.
KING KONE had its grand opening in the White Haven Shopping Center featuring Arctic Swirls, C.M.P.s, Milk Shakes, Banana Splits, hard and soft ice cream and sherbert
From The Journal Issue of May 6, 1943
Publisher W. C. Taylor
Emil’s barber shop moved to the Mengle apartment building the first of this week. His former shop room is being converted into a dining room by William Nauman.
With the town’s quota set at $81,550, the White Haven Savings Bank reports the district went over to top with additional post office sales of $3,300 more.
At the Dennison Township School Board meeting, action was taken to pay teachers a bonus of $15 per month in the event of a breakdown of a proposed pay rise by the Legislature.
The Rev. Lloyd Shear will be the new Methodist pastor here. He comes from York. The Rev. Henry B. Reiley Jr., who served the local church this past year, will serve in Hastings, PA, near Altoona.