3 minute read
Faith to celebrate National Day of Prayer
This Thursday, May 4, is the National Day of Prayer. All are welcome to join Faith as we meet in our parking lot for a prayer service at 5 p.m. We will be praying for our town, schools and nation.
Friday, May 5, is our First Friday prayer evening at 7 p.m.
It is time to sign up for our Mother’s Day Brunch. It will be held at the Poppy Press in Hazle Twp. on Saturday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., $10/ person for a delicious breakfast, fellowship and some extra fun things. Ages 10+ are welcome, please text Lori at 570.578.8005 to reserve your spot. Transportation can be provided; please notify Lori when registering.
Mark your calendar— Saturday, May 20, we will have a Spring Bike Ride. Services are at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays. Join us for live worship music in a welcoming atmosphere. The Kids Clubhouse is open at the same time for all kids ages Pre-K - 5th grade. The Youth Group meets Sundays at 6 p.m. for ages 6th-12th.
Mom’s group is every first Monday from 12:301:30. Small children are welcome. Young adults meet the last Monday of the month at 7 p.m.
On Tuesdays at 10 a.m., there is a study on prayer.
Life Groups meet Wednesday evenings at 7. Men, women, children and youth all meet separately for fun, fellowship and learning.
Women’s Refit, an exercise group meets Thursday at 10 a.m. and Celebrate Recovery is at 6 p.m. (doors open 5:30) for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups.
Men meet for breakfast every third Saturday.
Lots of new small groups are popping up all the time, check in and see where you can get connected.
Weatherly Faith Church is located at 202 Carbon St, Weatherly, PA, right next to Enzo’s Pizza in the shopping plaza.
For more information on anything going on at Faith, please contact Lori at 570-578-8005.
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Continued from page 1
Scouts earned the Rank on the same day so a decision was made to make it a joint ceremony.
Jonathan Darraugh II is from Weatherly. He is the son of Jonathan and Kerisa Darraugh. His project was to build from scratch a meeting table, display unit and bookshelf for the Weatherly Area Museum to provide better furniture for them to store their articles and books in and to have a table large enough for their meetings and education sessions.
Daniel Kernan of White Haven, son of Tina and Joseph Kernan, performed his Eagle Project in Hickory Run State Park. He rebuilt a section of the Shades of Death trail where the trail comes up a slope from the water level to the roadway. He constructed a curving staircase of timber, stone and earth to make the climb safer and easier for hikers in the park.
Both Scouts have been active in the troop for years, rising in rank while serving in leadership roles. Both are members of the Scouting Honor Camper Society, the Order of the Arrow, and helped both their communities with many other service projects in addition to their Eagle projects. The scouts were recognized for their accomplishments by Congressman Matt

Cartwright, State Representative Doyle Hefley, Carbon County Commissioner Rocky Ahner, the Marine Corps League and representatives from White Haven Borough, White Haven Lions Club, the Weatherly Area Museum and Minsi Trails Council BSA.
Blacktop Bash debuts at WAES
The first Blacktop Bash, sponsored by Title 1, will take place on Friday, May 19, from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Weatherly Area Elementary School’s back parking lot. There will be food trucks and booths, including Flying Aces cheesesteaks, Gimbel Farms, Wicked Foods, Joe’s Pierogies, Heavenly Fries, Joe’s Mini Donuts, Murt’s Desserts and Woods Ice Cream. Activites will include a free inflatable obstacle course, free face painting from 5 to 7, games and booths by high school classes and school departments, and craft vendors. Students, parents, teachers, staff, families, and all members of the community are invited to bring lawn chairs to sit and relax, and share a night out to support school groups.