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Continued from page 4 parade begins at 1 p.m. but will begin forming at noon in East Side.

Following the parade, there will be a program at Lehigh Park, which will include music, displays, and the crowing of Poppy King Liam Irvin and Poppy Queen Remi Wojciechowski. There will also be refreshments and a basket raffle.

Monday, May 29

ALA Unit 360 will host the Memorial Day Parade in Weatherly. The day will start with a brief ceremony at the Memorial Grounds. Formation of the parade is at Tweedle Park starting at 8:30 a.m.

The parade will start to march at 9 a.m. and head to Our Lady of Lourdes Church and Cemetery where there will be a brief ceremony. The parade will then march through town and finish up at the Union Cemetery with

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