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Local Native American group to hold Pow-Wow

The Native American organization, The Wyoming Trail Council of Pennsylvania’s Native Americans, will be hosting a Pow-Wow on July 16 and 17 at Camp Rotawanis in Drums near the town of St. Johns. This event is open to the public and will run from 10 a.m. till TBD on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday, with grand entry at Noon both days.

American Indians of many tribes will be representing their style of ancient and modern dance while wearing the beautiful regalia associated with the various dances and tribal customs. Grand entry begins with all dancers entering the dance arena led by flag bearers carrying the American flag, POW/MIA flags and Native

American staffs and flags representing the different Indian nations and groups attending. Following the flags will be the head male and female dancer who lead all the dancers.

The second dance of grand entry is a flag song with the purpose of saluting or honoring the flags, and the final song of grand entry is the veterans dance honoring all veterans of all races throughout all the conflicts in American history. At the start of this dance all veterans from the public are invited into the circle to be honored at this time.

At the conclusion of grand entry, the entire day’s dancing will commence with many different dances performed, some of which are old traditional style, some social dances, and many throughout the day that the public is invited to participate in. There will be a hoop dancer. All around the dance circle will be Native American vendors selling their beautiful hand crafts which usually include blankets, furs, jewelry, knifes and art, and of course food vendors with various native and other foods, as well as a tomahawk throw.

Proceeds of the event will benefit Camp Rotawanis and the Wyoming Trail Council. Pow-Wow signs will be posted leading the public to the camp from Mtn Top exit of Rt I-80 to 309 S to the Saint Johns Road or 309 N from Hazleton to Saint Johns Road.

Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Pets must be on a leash. No drugs or alcohol are permitted on the grounds.

For more information or to make donations, contact Jeff Yellow Fox 570-7647344. Donations can also be mailed to WSM at 292 Buck Mt Rd, Weatherly, PA 18255. Make checks payable to WSM.

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