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Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-theline installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600
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ACROSS 5. Persuade 6. Point at 7. Shiner: 2 wds. 8. Rigging line 9. Eternally 10. Letter greeting 11. Nothing but 16. Leaves out 20. Stashed away 21. Injury’s mark 22. Cato’s clothing 23. Afresh 24. Prance 26. Spent lavishly 27. Lacking moisture 28. Desert hill
DOWN 29. Collections 32. Adorns 34. Women’s undergarment 35. Hesitated 38. Pear type 39. Vile 40. Big party 41. Radiate 42. Fireman’s need 45. “Now I ____ me . . .” 46. Completely 47. Pastrami on 48. To date
Insert numbers 1 through 9 in each block; no repeats in row or column.