White Haven Area Community Library

PA Senator David Argall, now representing the 29th District, presented the library with a Senatorial citation honoring their 25th anniversary at a cele bration on September 23. He explained his love for libraries in part because he accompanied his father to his job as the first elemen tary librarian in Tamaqua, reading The Hardy Boys, and in part because his wife Beth, who also attended was a volunteer board of trustees member for many years for the Tamaqua Library. He brought greetings on behalf of Sen. John Yudichak, pre vious senator for the 29th: “Here’s to the next 25!”
Judge Richard Hughes remembered that thought establishing the library would be “an incredibly difficult mission,” when he was asked to help the group incorporate as a 501-C3 in 1997. He was practicing law in White Haven in part of the building where Dr. Henry Smith’s office was located, and has provided legal assistance to the library through the years.
Guests listened attentively as Diane Lamson gave a history of the library—how it was born as a matter of discussion at a Lions Club picnic, the many people who helped by donating books, time and money, the politicians they met along the way, the earlier locations that house the library until the “diamond in the rough” that is now a spectacular space was purchased by the White Haven Borough Council and the library moved in in 2013. She described present-day activities ranging from the summer kids’ program with the YMCA to the popular plays, and invited people to volunteer or donate, since the library receives no state funding. She ended with a historical note. In 1950, a group led an effort to form a library in White Haven, asking everyone to contribute two books and 2¢. Though that attempt didn’t succeed, it wasn’t the last and the 25th anniversary is proof of the soundness of the idea.
Board of Trustee members and friends posed with the anniversary cake. From left are Jack Kalena, board president Lois Hammer, Sen. David Argall, Patty Horn, Judge Richard Hughes, Renee Monahan, Steve Wright, Deb D’Angola, Charlotte Carter and Diane Lamson.
John Zugarek spoke at the event, both as Lions club president and a member of White Haven Borough Council. “This is who we are,” he said. “This is what we can commplish when we work together.”
Final speaker was fellow Lion (and borough council member) Bob Lamson, He remembered the picnic where the project was born and claimed the men weren’t paying much attention to what their wives were discussing. He closed with a toast “To the tenacity of you all, who turned a relic of our past into the promise of our future.”
(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Telephone (570) 215-0204
Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance.
$45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.
Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address change to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014) Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales Ruth Isenberg, Editor Steve Stallone, Sports Editor
Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce
Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce
White Haven Economic Development Association
THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint.
© Copyright 2022, The Journal-Herald
Weatherly Borough Council has decided to return to holding its meetings in the evening. For some time, meetings have taken place at 4 p.m. Now, because of a changed work schedule for one of the members, the meetings will take place at 6 p.m., still on the fourth Monday of the month.
While the change was made for council’s convenience, it’s also good for the community. A meeting during the work day may aid borough employees, but it handicaps interested working-age citizens. In order to attend a borough council meeting, a person who works a 9 to 5 job has to take time off. They may choose to do so for an important issue, but are not likely to use up precious time off on a monthly basis.
Because it operates with a borough manager and a full-time staff, this council is not as hands-on as the governing bodies in some smaller municipalities. Even so, its public meetings are still important. They give the citizens the opportuity to ask questions about how and why decisions are made, and to express their opinions about what the future of the borough should be.
Making it convenient for people to attend meetings is a big step toward encouraging more participation and civic engagement. Perhaps the frequent Facebook critics of the community can take advantage of this opportunity to provide some constructive comments in person.
On the front page is a picture of the new water tank that the White Haven Municipal Author ity is build ing on Susque hanna Street. In this photo, the base is done, and the beginning of the big tank can be seen (so it looks like a giant mushroom). An article by Linda Migneco in this issue reports that the tank should be complete and in use by November. The new tank will up the water pressure in town to “between 100 and 150 lbs., much greater than at present.”
Lausanne Township supervisors read a petition submitted that asks for the resignation of planning com mission chair Mary Helen Prebula. There were 73 names on the petition the township has about 80 registered voters and a number of the names were not from the township, and of the others there were many unregistered voters.
Lehigh Township will begin garbage collection at each household starting the first week in October.
Editor Clara Holder threw her support behind Richard O’Dea to fill the vacant seat on the Crestwood School Board.
The Crestwood School Board, at their meeting, gave Louise Phipps honors including an Outstanding Service Award for her nearly 20 years on the Board. Phipps retired at the September meeting, but the Board failed to give five votes to any of the eight can didates for the vacancy. The appointment now will be made by the Luzerne County Court.
The new Communications Center for dispatching emergency units in Carbon County will start doing so on October 1.
La Pinata Gift Shop in Blakeslee advertised “Ten Rooms of Gifts.”
Pocono Discount Wicker in Pocono Lake advertised their store full of basket crafts and accessories.
Winner of the Basket of Cheer from the White Haven Fire Co. was J. J. McGeehan, of the hams, Nancy Wheeler and Gary Miller, and of the $50 gift certificate Burt Hildebrand.
The Red Barons are play ing for their first International League championship.
The Flyers took their play ers to Prince Edward Island for the start of training camp.
Movie reviewer Pete Chapla sent a column about Raising Cain.
Weatherly’s Jason Donadi ran in for a touchdown as Marian’s football team beat Reading Central Catholic 40 to 14.
The dining article this week was a family dinner at Richie’s in Kidder Township, where the dinner was tasty and satisfying, and the dessert Grand Mariner cake was divine.
Ruth and Seth wrote about their first visit to the Penn sylvania Renaissance Faire. It was a very good day, and a long article about all the different fun to be had.
Ad advertisement: “September 26 & 27 will be Oktoberfest on Big Boulder Lake, featuring an all-star lineup led by the Walt Groller Orchestra and Jolly Joe & the Bavarians. Admission is $5.”
“The Coast Guards (young men from the Coast Guard who were here to dismantle the CCC camp in Hickory Run Park) early last Sunday morning presented their genial host J. R. Fox with a sterling silver cigar lighter as a token of appreciation.” They then departed to return to base, their work complete.
Nominated to be Governor of New Mexico John J. Dempsey, former White Haven railroader, (now) Congressman from New Mexico, rolled up a heavy majority in New Mexico’s Democratic primary.
developed area, all around the site.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been issued by the Register of Wills of Carbon County, Pennsylvania in the Estate of Joan S. Pfeiffer a/k/a Joan Pfeiffer a/k/a Joan Shirley Pfeiffer, Deceased late of 727 Packer Street, Weatherly, Pennsylvania 18255 who died on the 23rd day of August, 2022 to Deborah Woodring, 237 Walden Lane, Weatherly, PA 18255. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims should present the same without delay to the Executor or to:
Casey A. Gillespie, Esquire Gillespie Miscavige & Ferdinand, LLC
3 E. Butler Drive, Suite 102 Drums, PA 18222 10/13
Visit our website at pocononewspapers.com for in-between-issue stories and events
A very light turnout attended Kidder Township’s public hearing on September 22 regarding a conditional use permit for Mora Solar to build a solar farm on 500acre parcel owned by Blue Ridge Real Estate Company. The property is located east of the PA Turnpike and south of Interstate 80, tucked in abutting state gamelands in an area that had been leased for hunting.
The farm will be hundreds of solar panels, adjustable in angle to catch the best light, put on poles above the ground. The panels will be linked together, then linked to a substation that will sit beside the trunk power line.
The solar panels will be 18" to 24" off the ground, and can stand 8 to 9 feet tall. Grasses will grow underneath. Trees and bushes will remain on the property near the property’s substantial wetlands. The farm itself will also have a 500-foot-wide wooded buffer at the outside of the
Despite the numbers, there were plenty of ques tions for the representatives of the developers. To start were questions about whether the panels will pro duce glare no, the materi als used reduce it; whether there would be noise some buzzing of electronics that should not be heard outside the property; and what the property would look like after the site is cleared of panels after the 40 years lease is up. Regarding the noise, a low buzz during high periods of electricity gener ation, an acoustic study was promised. It was noted that the sound of trucks from the interstate will be far louder. Regarding the end of use cleanup, it is believed the panels will be of value so they get salvaged, and all other poles, parts, pipes and pilings will be removed with the possible exception of up to four deep pilings where the top would be removed to perhaps four feet down, then buried. On the pilings ques tion, it was conceded that these can get fully removed.
There was also a detailed discussion on crossing the gas/fuel pipeline at one end of the site. Some of the panels will be east of the pipeline, and there will be a well-engineered crossing for construction vehicles, and then the electricity conduit from those units.
The developers were asked if any hazardous material is involved there is none, they replied. Also asked was what training would be provided. The company will train the local fire company. It was also explained that there would be various
safety shut off systems. In an emergency, the farm would shut down, and “can’t be stuck in the ‘on’ condition,” explained engineer Christopher Baralus of the project’s parent company, Cypress Creek Renewables.
Citizen Raelene Eckley was the sole objector in attendance. She asked a variety of good questions (noted above) and made an emotional closing statement as the meeting ended. She
asked for supervisors to “protect this area … as a recreational destination.”
She questioned the impact of the project on the site, and what it would do to it after 40 years.
The next step will be to prepare more paperwork for another series of approvals, and then return to Kidder in about six months for township planning commission meetings and reviews.
Mildred C. Searfoss, 83, of White Haven, passed away on Monday, September 26, 2022 in Lehigh Valley Hospital, Bethlehem.
Born in White Haven, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Ruth Bobby and was a graduate of White Haven High School. Prior to retirement she worked as an inventory clerk for EMCEE Electronics. She was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, White Haven. She enjoyed going to yard sales, playing Bingo and going shopping.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her loving husband, Franklin Searfoss; son,
Franklin Searfoss; and granddaughter, Haylee Searfoss.
Left to cherish her memory are her children, Carol (Richard) Eidle, Darlene Searfoss, Michael (Lori) Searfoss and Kenneth Searfoss; 8 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; brother, Michael (Donna) Bobby; sister, Carol Reilly, nieces and nephews.
Funeral service will be conducted on Monday, October 3, at 11 a.m. from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, White Haven with interment following in Laurel Cemetery, White Haven.
Visitation will be on Sunday, October 2, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. 403 Berwick Street, White Haven. There will also be a visitation at the church on Monday morning from 10:30 am until time of service.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in her memory to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, White Haven.
211FirstStreet,Weatherly,PA18255 570-427-4231
PhilipJ.JeffriesF.D./Supervisor www.griffithsfuneralhomes.com
Anewapproachtofuneraland cremationcare.Lookingforwardto servingWhiteHaven,Dennison, Lehigh,andFosterTownships. Allarrangementsandconsultations fromthecomfortofyourhome.
Guidingfamiliesthrough difficulttimes.
DAVID R. MANNICKDavid R. Mannick passed away after battling Alzheimer’s disease at 85 years old on September 19, 2022.
Born in Hazleton on November 13, 1936, David was the son of the late Andrew M. and Josephine Spindor Mannick. He was a 1954 graduate of Hazleton High School, after which he served in the U.S. Coast Guard for 16 years and retired as a disabled veteran.
David was a proud parishioner of St. Jude’s Church in Mountain Top, where he volunteered as a lector for many years. He was instrumental in forming the Knights of Columbus Counsel 6440 in Mountain Top and was its inaugural Grand Knight. Additionally, he was a member of the American Legion Post 781. After 15 years working at the U.S. Postal Service, David retired in 2002.
He was proceeded in death by his brother, Joseph Mannick, and sister, Cecelia Mannick.
Top; daughter, Concepta M. Preece and husband Drew, Wales; grandson, William Noble and wife Catherine, Mountain Top; grandson, Kyle Noble, Etters; granddaughter, Francesca Aton, Mountain Top; granddaughter Marissa Vest and husband Dustin, Pine Grove; greatgrandchildren Thomas and Patrick Noble, Mountain Top; and sister, Kathleen Weiss, California; as well as many nephews, nieces, and cousins.
Thank you to the medical providers at Fritzingertown Senior Living Community in Drums, Maylath Hospice and Smith Health Care in Mountain Top for their care and generosity.
Funeral services were held September 23, at DesiderioLehman Funeral Home, Mountain Top, with a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Jude’s Church, Mountain Top.
Interment followed in Calvary Hill Cemetery, Drums.
At the September Laus anne Township Supervisors meeting, Mike Schlauch was selected to fill the vacant supervisor’s position.
Supervisors decided to rent a storage unit to hold the files that were previously stored at Agnes Klynows ky’s residence. Over the next several months the files will be reviewed and a deter mination will be made about what needs to be retained and what can be destroyed.
The list of delinquent garbage accounts will be forwarded to the attorney to begin collection proceedings.
Bids for snow plowing and garbage collection are being solicited and will be accepted up to September 27. A special meeting to open the bids is scheduled for Friday, September 30, at 6 p.m. at 115 N. Stagecoach Road, Weatherly.
Leann Schlauch has agreed to fill the vacant seat for the third Auditor.
Visit the funeral home website at www. LehmanFuneralHome. com for additional information.
Surviving are his wife of 62 years, formerly Concepta T. Tarselli; daughter, Theresa Noble, Etters; daughter, Barbara Lawson and husband Scott, Mountain
ServingWhiteHaven,Weatherlyandsurroundingcommunities www.LehmanFuneralHome.com
BranchofLehmanFamilyFuneralService,Inc. (570)443-9816
(Never known to fail)
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand your power.
O, show me herein you are my Mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (say 3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (say 3 times) Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine.
The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day, the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be.
This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. A.M.M.
Harry awoke in darkness; looking up, a whiteness was seen through the pine boughs. Harry woke Art, and they started digging their way up and out of the deep snow until it exposed the bright daylight. Realizing it was mid-morning, they both looked around and were stunned; they were alone. All the other foxholes were empty, so they lay down in the deep snow, keeping quiet. They did not know if the Germans overran the company during the night. They both kept silent for a time, hearing distant artil lery, not knowing if it was a friend or foe.
“We realized we were left behind; the company moved
off while we slept, buried in the deep snow.” Alone and with no map, they headed in the same direction the company was moving the previous day. After about a quarter mile, they saw two Germans and ducked out of sight. Within minutes, six or seven more approached them; getting ready, they raised their rifles, aiming. Harry, who spoke German, signaled to wait; they were prepared to move out. In a few minutes. “The German patrol left in the same direction we were heading, straight for the German lines.
“We moved away from the patrol, hoping we were going in the right direction.
It was slow progress as we moved from hiding place to place. At dark, we found a small bombed-out town and picked a small, broken stone foundation to spend the night.
“We were covered with old rugs and curtains to keep warm and hide from the enemy.”
Around dawn, Harry awoke to German voices, asking himself if it was a nightmare but realizing there were soldiers in the same room! He froze in place, hoping his feet or rifle were not exposed from under the debris that cov ered him. He and Art agreed, using hand signals, to use grenades, pulling the pins. They lay silent; if found, they would take some of the ene
mies with them. They waited an eternity in silence, finally realizing they had left.
As they lay silent, German voices again were heard approaching. Looking out from beneath the old carpets, there was a group of very young boys, unarmed but in uniform, marching in formation toward the enemy lines, following the same tracks as the German soldiers.
Art remarked when they were past them; they are just kids, do you believe that?
Art then said he remem bered the story of the American Sergeant where a German boy tried to shoot him with an old rifle that was too heavy for him to hold up and aim. The Sergeant walked over, took
the gun, threw it over a fence, grabbed the boy, and spanked him, telling him to go home after giving him some candy rations.
They wondered, what kind of a war is fought with children?
“The ordeal would last another 24 hours before we met up with C-Company. They’d be able to tell us where B-company was.
“We found B-Company that afternoon, and were greeted with ‘where the hell have you guys been?’”
B-Company received orders that day to attach to the 261st Infantry to retake the town of Struth. There was going to be a tough bat tle tomorrow; the date was April 7, 1945.
The Pennsylvania Depart ment of Transportation has resumed planning work and federal environmental reviews for six bridge replacement projects pro posed as part of the Major Bridge Public-Private Part nership (MBP3):
I-80 Canoe Creek Bridges;
I-80 North Fork Bridges;
I-78 Lenhartsville Bridge;
I-80 Nescopeck Creek Bridges;
I-80 over Lehigh River Bridge Project; and
I-81 Susquehanna Project. These projects are moving forward through the federal environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act with Categorical Exclusions
or CE Reevaluations, since tolling is no longer part of the projects. The review process documents how each project would affect the surrounding community’s quality of life, including health, safety, cultural resources, environ mental resources and more. Comment forms are available on each project’s webpage.
The path forward for the three remaining MBP3 bridge projects I-83 South Bridge, I-95 Girard Point Bridge Improvement Project, and the I-79 Widening, Bridges and Interchange Reconfiguration Project con tinues to be evaluated.
PennDOT has entered into a Pre-Development Agree ment with Bridging Penn
sylvania Partners to advance preliminary design work. The PDA will lead to sep arate contracts to finalize design, build, finance, and maintain packages of bridges in the MBP3. Penn DOT will repay the amounts financed by the development entity through recurring availability payments over 30 years, beginning when construction is complete.
In November 2020, the MBP3 was proposed by PennDOT and approved by the Pennsylvania P3 Board to rehabilitate or replace major Interstate bridges using toll revenues, providing PennDOT with a means of addressing the state’s growing backlog
of needs without using or impacting the funding for PennDOT’s larger program. In February 2021, PennDOT announced nine candidate bridge projects for inclusion in the program.
In July 2022, the General Assembly amended the state’s P3 law to remove tolling as a means of funding the MBP3. This means PennDOT will have to reallo cate currently programmed state funds and federal funds now available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which will result in the deferral or elimination of some projects in the 2023 12-Year Program.
PennDOT continues to study and evaluate alter
native forms of funding to support Pennsylvania’s vast transportation network through its PennDOT Pathways program. Additionally, last year Gov ernor Tom Wolf established the Transportation Revenue Options Commission to develop comprehensive rec ommendations to ultimately phase out Pennsylvania’s gas tax, which has become an unreliable source of funding. TROC submitted a report of recommendations to Gover nor Wolf in July 2021, which included potential short- and long-term funding solutions. These recommendations currently await further action by the General Assembly.
At the September meeting, held Monday the 26th, Weath erly Borough Council rejected garbage bids with a plan to advertise again for new ones. The bids came in very high.
Council also voted to switch their meeting time to 6 p.m. from the current 4, due to a change in a council member’s work schedule - and also to have more public attendance.
A lone bid of $100 was accepted from Alicia Quinn for the empty borough-owned lot at 114
Hudsondale Street. It now returns to the tax rolls.
The Community Chest Halloween Parade was okayed for October 29, with a rain date of the 30th. Trick or treat night will be Monday, October 31, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Jody Miller Landscaping was given the contract to clear the brush out of the Black Creek, at a cost of $4,500.
Lausanne Township was approved to purchase road salt and anti-skid from the Borough this winter.
The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a Pan cakes and Pumpkins event for children the morning of October 8.
Members of the Weath erly Area Museum come before council to ask to be considered to use the former Caboose shop to expand their history display. The Museum was given permission by Council to do their trick-or-treat night display in the borough building’s parking lot on the 31st. More from this meeting
including more about the museum committees’ requests will be in next week’s Journal-Herald.
This switch from the Weatherly substation shows signs of being melted. This was one of the parts that had to be replaced during the electricity shutdown last Saturday night.
Dennison Township
Supervisors voted not to renew the cable franchise agreement with Breezeline at the September 7 meeting. The township had been receiving a 3% fee from cable customers, not on internet or telephone services. The cable company collects it and pays it to the township. Since the township is eliminating the fee, it should come off customer bills.
A sewer application has been received for a property at the end Red Shale Pit Road at Middleburg Road.
The township must make the application, and indemnify PennDOT. The property owner has provided the township with a check to cover fees. The supervisors authorized chair Sheila Weaver to apply.
A proposed agreement with the SPCA to pick up stray dogs was tabled.
Supervisors voted to
advertise for snow plowing services, after engineer Barry Isett simplifies the bidding documents.
Darren Gallagher was appointed to the Zoning Hearing Board to fill the unexpired term of Carol Fitzgerald. Tom Yackiel Jr. was appointed to the Plan ning Commission to replace Tom Yackiel Sr.
Zoning officer Jack Varaly will be setting up a hearing for a home and pole barn on Route 437. A special
exception is needed because the barn will have to be at the front of the lot because of the shape of the lot.
SRBC approval has been granted for the Deepwater water extraction permit. A hearing will be scheduled because they are applying for conditional approval of the project. Land develop ment approval will still be needed from the township. A hearing was originally held in 2017. The purpose of this hearing will be to see if
conditions put forth in 2017 have been met. The bridge that would carry the trucks is privately owned and is not in the township. The well from which the water will be extracted is in Dennison Township.
County tire recycling is scheduled for October 8 at Hanover, and October 1 at Drums Elementary. Resi dents must register and take the tires to the site.
Coming in October, the Lake Harmony Rescue Squad’s new four-wheel drive ambulance will arrive and be put immediately into service. The crews and LHRS volunteers are really looking forward to the new unit.
The unit that’s being replaced, #1760, has already been sold. The Bushkill Fire Company Ambulance
bought it for $35,000. As soon as our new ambulance is here, Bushkill volunteers will be on site to pick up their “new” unit. They field three vehicles, but two have been down lately so old 1760 will be right out there, deliv ering help to their corners of Monroe and Pike Counties (the company is right at the county line).
The money from the sale
of 1760 will go towards paying the loan on the new unit.
LHRS has bought the life-saving Lucas CPR com pression system, at a cost of $18,300. The LHRS is buying new dual band radios at $8,600 for one more por table. These are to accom modate a switch by both Monroe and Luzerne County Communication Centers to a p25 Phase 2 system. Thanks
to the generosity of LHRS supporters, these keep the LHRS among the best responders in northeast PA.
The monthly call report will be in the next LAKE NEWS.
The 2022-2023 donation drive letters went out the last week in September. In Lake Harmony, White Haven and Albrightsville, if you did not get a letter by
the time you get this LAKE NEWS, be in touch with the LHRS – or better yet – send your donation to: Lake Har mony Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 564, Lake Harmony, PA 18624 to help get a fast start for the campaign.
If you would like a LHRS T-Shirt, sweatshirt or other LHRS merchandise, shop at www.lakeharmonyambu lance.com
Ruth and I attended the White Haven Area Community Library’s celebration of its 25th year anniversary this past Friday. It’s exciting to think about the journey that the library volunteers have taken to go from idea through temporary homes to a historic home of their own. Friday’s gathering gave me a chance to enjoy more pieces of White Haven history, while immersed in the success that the library has had to date, and will have in the future. The WHACL’s future as a communityleading institution will be important, in my opinion.
Saturday was a gorgeous day that we spent supporting the Penn Forest Township Park at their first-ever park festival and craft fair. It was a bit chilly until mid-day, and it was nice to meet readers and advertisers.
I’ve been waiting all year to attend the Bethlehem Celtic Classic. Sunday was a little bit rainy and that kept up as we drove to downtown Bethlehem. We were parked by about 3 beside the grounds of the event. This year we arrived in time to watch a caber toss competition, something we had not seen before. Basically, it’s tossing a small telephone pole. Big men were tossing a 125-pound pole that was at least 15 feet tall. They had to balance it first, then move forward to toss it. Judges measured the angle of how high the thrown end reached. All of us were cheering for the “perfect throw,” where the pole would flip up and over. One of the men came close with his throw.
As we watched the competition, bits of sunlight peeked through the clouds.
by Seth IsenbergWe then stopped to buy some Irish stew, which we ate under a tent while we listened to the Glengarry Boys perform. They were terrific.
From there, we went to see the massed bagpipe bands. We were treated to a thrilling multi-band march to Scotland the Brave, almost right up to where we were standing before they turned. Ruth has posted a video on our website, pocononewspapers. com. The Carnegie-Mellon University band was judged first place. They celebrated by marching out and down the entire festival length.
We enjoyed music, food and the Mudmen before having to leave. The band performs with two bagpipers, and three singers. I’m hoping they come back through as I’d like to have heard more of their set.
Rosh Ha Shanah started Sunday night and we rolled in to worship just ahead of services. Afterwards, we celebrated with challah, apples and honey for a sweet new year.
In sightings, we were treated to the overflight of a bald eagle during our afternoon at the Penn Forest Park. It flew round and round before heading off over the nearby woods.
There seem to be a lot more deer being hit on the Weatherly-White Haven road. Drive cautiously, and if you’re lucky, you will see the great buck that’s been haunting the area between our two towns.
This is the week of the Bloomsburg Fair. Ruth and I are going with some friends tonight, rain or shine.
It looks like the fair is going to be spared any of the effects of Hurricane Ian. Our family members in Charlotte won’t be so lucky as the path of the storm as of this writing goes right over the top of them. They’re going to get very wet.
This Friday 6-8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. is the Weatherly Area Library’s Auction fundraiser at the Packer Township municipal building in Hudsondale, west of Weatherly. Come out to support the library’s work.
There’s also a book sale at the library itself Friday and Saturday mornings.
As for more sightings, with the weather being cool at night, we are now getting some strong displays of fall foliage. I’m expecting a good leaf show, hopefully through the whole month of October.
I also have my rake ready for the falling.
Please come to the Pet Parade in White Haven on October 8, beside our newspaper office on North Main Street. We’ll be bringing both Bull and Spookie. That’s also the weekend of the Covered Bridge Festival in Bloomsburg, which we plan to attend for a couple of hours of fun.
Looking farther ahead, we hope to get to the PA Renaissance Faire now that the weather is cooler, and perhaps visit Knoebels for their Halloween display before they close for their year.
The Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton Penguins are selling packages for their season. Pre-season games start mid-October. More about the Penguins next week.
So best wishes for a leafy and healthy week.
At a meeting held at the White Haven Library, the White Haven Lions Club set the date for this year’s annual Halloween parade as Sunday, October 16, with a rain date of October 23. The parade will start at 2 p.m. at Lehigh Park and will follow the usual route, then back to the park. Registration will begin at 1 for adults and children over 6. Children 6 and under may register at the Post Office beginning at 1:30.
Prizes will be awarded in numer ous categories, from the cutest to the ugliest, the most original to the scariest, and for several float cate gories. Adults as well as the children are eligible to win prizes, however you must register to win and you can only win in one category. Reg istration for everyone, regardless of age is free, whether you enter as an individual or bring a float. You can find more information on the Face
Trunk or Treat will be held at the White Haven VFW Thursday, October 27, from 5 - 7:30 p.m. for children ages infant through 15 years. Children must be registered by October 15, by calling 570-443-3333 from 2-8 daily. Adults will hand out candy.
VFW 6615 of White Haven will sponsor an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday, October 9, from 8 a.m. to noon. For information call 570-443-3333.
book page and there is now a link to register for the event ahead of time if you prefer.
Area residents will provide judging and the decision of the judges is final. Refreshments will be provided back at the park at the end of the parade for everyone who participates.
The White Haven Lions Club is
proud to sponsor this annual White Halloween tradition. It is because of the generosity of the Greater White Haven Community that this parade has been possible for so many years. The members of the White Haven Lion’s Club wish to thank you for your past and future support of this and the other many fine projects they sponsored.
CARBON COUNTY DA SPEAKS TO CCTI STUDENTS: Students at the Carbon Career & Technical Institute had an opportunity to learn first-hand the law and the consequences when it comes to cyberbullying. Carbon County District Attorney Michael Greek and Jack Soberick, detective for the D.A., recently spoke to all students during Safety Week at the campus. Following the presentation a question/answer session took place.
The annual Weatherly Area Community Library auction is October 1, opening at 9 a.m. at the Packer Township building. Basket winners will be chosen at 2 p.m. Preview night is Friday, 6-8 p.m. You could win a raffle basket and chairs painted by Weatherly Area High School students. There will be food, baked goods, and more ways to try your luck to support the library.
The library will have a huge book sale, a bag for $4, at the library from 9 a.m.noon on October 1 & 2. Stop by the library at 1518 Bren kman Drive before or after you come to the auction.
Tickets are available for $5 to win $500, $250, $100, or $50. You can purchase the tickets from library board members or at the auction. Winning tickets will be pulled at the auction around 2 p.m., along with the raffle baskets.
The first Story Time for K- Grade 3 this school year will be held on October 14 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Story Time will be held the second Friday of each month during the school year.
The library will be hosting a free yoga session on Saturday, October 15 at 9
a.m. Amanda Neidlinger will lead the session, open to both beginners and advanced yoga participants. Bring a mat or large towel and water. Please register by calling the library, 570-427-5085.
The annual American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360 Veterans’ Turkey Dinner will be Sunday, November 13. All dinners will be take-out and can be picked up from 2 until 5 p.m. at the post home in Weatherly. Each veteran will receive two dinners with all the trimmings including pumpkin pie.
Reservations are required with Georgia Farrow at 570427-4527 by October 31.
Monetary donations toward our holiday food gift cards for needy families are appreciated.
Lehigh Valley Health Network will hold its second annual Community Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinic in Hazleton. The free clinic will be held on Saturday, October 1, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Health & Wellness Center at Hazleton, 50 Moisey Drive, Hazle Township.
The seasonal flu vaccine is available for age 6 months and older. FLUAD vaccine is available for those 65-plus. Supplies are limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. No regis tration is necessary.
A drive-thru clinic is a convenient way for people to get their flu shots, without the recipient having to leave their vehicle.
Routine vaccination should be deferred for people with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, regardless of symptoms, until they have met criteria to discontinue isolation. While having a mild illness is not a contraindication to vaccina tion, visits for these individ uals should be postponed to avoid exposing health care personnel and other patients to the coronavirus.
Vaccine information statement and consent forms are available at lvhn. org/flushot. Please bring a completed and signed form for each individual receiving a flu shot. Forms will be available at the event for those who do not have printing capabilities.
606 E. Butler Drive, Freeland (Freeland-Drums Highway)
Exactly two years ago, the 2020 Crestwood Comets were cruising at 4-0 coming into a Week 5 showdown with Wyoming Area. The game between the two Wyoming Valley Conference heavyweights figured to come down to a key play, although few expected that play would come in the second quarter.
On special teams.
“The game went right down to the wire,” Comets head coach Ryan Arcangeli recalled. “Cole Kakalecik blocked an extra point in the second quarter. That was the difference and we won the game by one point.”
The Comets edged the Warriors 14-13, then went on to run the table in the regular season and captured the program’s second District 2 Class 4A championship.
“He blocks an extra point in the second quarter, that you cheer for a second and then you go on to the next play,” Arcangeli said. “It was Cole giving all the effort he can to get through there to block the extra point, and that’s what won the game.”
Be it a blocked PAT or punt, a long kickoff return, a momentum-turning punt return, or that gamewinning field goal as time expires, special teams play remains as big as ever in high school football.
Earlier this season, Crestwood’s Noah Schultz already had long punt returns for a touchdown against Dallas. This past
Friday night against Williamsport, Lincoln Bibla had a blocked punt that set up a score, and he also blocked an extra point.
And when Wyoming Valley West tried a surprise onside kick to start its Week 4 game with Crestwood, the Comets’ Colin Lazo was there to recover, setting his team up with the first of seven touchdown drives in a 49-21 victory.
Yes, special teams are still alive and well in high school football. And teams are dedicating a lot of time to make sure to get things right on Friday nights. “It’s really something for us that goes all the way back to June,” Arcangeli explained.
“One practice throughout the week during our summer preparation is dedicated to install and continue to put our special teams together.
It’s part of what we do.
“Practice time is so limited in the amount of time you want to keep these kids after school, but we do a great job on Thursdays.
We have walk-throughs for offense and defense, but our primary focus Thursdays is all specials. It’s an entire practice dedicated to special teams to prepare. We put a lot (of emphasis) on it.
We have a special teams coordinator in Coach (Kyle) Kutney. He looks at that every week and has us prepared really well.”
Like last week’s game at Valley West, when the Spartans looked to catch the Comets off-guard on the opening kickoff. “Right before it happened, we said, ‘Guys, teams are looking for momentum, so keep your heads up. And that was a young sophomore up front that made a great heads-up play with two guys around him, who were right there to make sure we got the ball around the 50 and we weren’t giving the Spartans a first down when they’re kicking off to start the game,” Arcangeli said. “Just huge for our guys to be alert, and having dealt with it, repping it in practice, dedicating
every Thursday talking about what might be and they did a nice job with that.”
Special teams can affect a game in a number of ways, but the way they can turn momentum from one side to the other is the most dramatic. None is more electric than a long kickoff or punt return that either creates great field position, or ends as a touchdown.
“You always want to try to get six (points), and you have to believe that you can. It can change momentum in a game in an instant,” Arcangeli said. “In the Dallas game, a punt return by Noah Schultz sparked us to get back into the game. It breathes life into you. Kickoff and punt returns are huge.”
Another thing solid special teams play can do is flip the field in the punt game.
“Fielding punts is huge. A lot of times kids are letting the ball bounce and you’ll lose 20-30 yards, and that’s three first downs. In high school football, you’ve got to scrape for every yard,” Arcangeli
said. “If you’ve got a guy like Noah Shultz or Robert Knight or Joshua Hilpp, we trust all three guys. Just to fair catch a ball on a punt is huge. It enables you to not allow a team to flip the field on us, so it goes a long way.”
To have good special teams play, you need guys to buy into their roles, whether they are two-way starters or a third-string defensive back just starting out. Coaches say there’s a fine line to draw when deciding who is playing on special teams, be it the return or cover teams.
The Comets have a number of front-line players on special teams, but also have several others who have been key contributors.
“You’ve got to find the balance,” Arcangeli said. “You also want to give your young guys a chance that they can impact the game. They’re not quite ready to impact the game as a full-time starter offensively or defensively. When you can offer a guy a part of the payday on special teams and
Crestwood’s single wing offense has been double trouble for the opposition.
The Comets’ latest victim was Williamsport. Last Friday night at Crestwood, the Comets amassed 352 yards on the ground in a 51-13 win, their third straight to close out the first half of the season at 4-1.
Senior running back Noah Schultz rushed 10 times for 94 yards and three touchdowns to lead the offensive attack but was by no means alone. Freshman quarterback Jaden Shedlock
added five carries for 83 yards and a score, and Nick Miscavage scored on offense and special teams as the Comets built a 44-7 halftime lead.
Schultz capped the Comets’ first scoring drive with a 5-yard run. After Lincoln Bibla blocked a Williamsport punt, Shedlock ran 35 yards for a touchdown, and the Comets were on top 14-0 just 6 1/2 minutes into the game.
The Crestwood defense shut down Williamsport to the tune of 45 yards rushing
Continued from page 10
then he holds up his end of the bargain, I think that goes a long way.
“We have to have trust in a young guy, a sophomore or even a freshman to go in and do a great job. This week Colin Lazo was able to scoop that ball up, a young sophomore kid that’s been out there the whole time busting his butt and he gets to be a part of it. You put kids there that have earned their spot, and if we can’t fill that hole with enough youngsters who’ve earned their spot, then we have older guys that are one-way guys that are able to be a part of special teams.
“You want to try to limit the guys that just don’t come off the field to give them a blow, if you can, and give opportunity to those who have been working in practice.”
Having special players on special teams has been something Arcangeli and the Comets have been blessed with in recent seasons with Alex Romanoski and Ethan Shudak, kickers and punters with booming legs who are now kicking in college. “For us, we’ve been able to change games. We’ve been able to flip fields, but Xs and Os are one thing,” Arcangeli said. “You have to have the guys that are those Xs and Os to do it, and we’ve been blessed. We have two guys who are in college right now doing it at a really high level and doing an extremely good job at it.
“You go into this year and we wonder where we’re going to be, and then Logan Rolles has been 14-for-14 on extra points the last two games,” Arcangeli said prior to Friday night’s win over Williamsport, in which was 4-for-5. “That goes again to our focus on it, and our kids do a great job of accepting that challenge.”
and 119 total yards, but the Millionaires managed a big play in the passing game.
Senior quarterback George Whaley hooked up with Jakiha Kline on a 60-yard touchdown pass to cut the lead to 14-7 with 3:17 left in the opening quarter.
But Crestwood answered right back, scoring two minutes later when Schultz ran down the sideline and dove across the goal line for a 46-yard touchdown and a 20-7 lead.
With Crestwood’s defense shutting down each
Williamsport possession, the Comets kept rolling with 24 second-quarter points.
On the first play of the second period, Miscavage pounced on a snap that sailed over the punter’s head and into the end zone for a touchdown. Later, Schultz scored his third touchdown of the half on a 7-yard run to finish off a 91-yard drive.
The defense added to the scoring when they pressured Whaley to fumble in the end zone for a Crestwood safety, making it 37-7. And just before the half, Miscavage
was in the end zone again, scoring on a 14-yard run on a direct snap that put the Comets up by 37 points at intermission.
Williamsport’s Whaley scored on a 2-yard run in the third quarter, only to see Bibla block the extra point to keep it 44-13.
Reserve running back Colin Lazo capped the scoring with a 4-yard touchdown run for the Comets, who open the second half this Friday night at Wilkes-Barre Area (3-2).
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6. Cattle controls
7. Bébé’s mother
8. *Elton John: “And it seems to me you lived ____ ____”
9. Capital of Norway
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11. Mess up
Show’s other star
Rap sheet listing
Negative house description
p in #5 Across
Immature but terfly
Unfortunately, exclamation
Jiffy’s grease
Uncontrollable anger
Loquacious person’s gift
Not don’ts
meridian acronym
Prefix with legal
*Aerosmith: “Sing with me, sing for the year. Sing for the ____”
55. Siberian prison
Pakistani lan guage
*Dionne War wick: “I think I’m going out of my ____”
Cheese app
“Cogito, ____ sum”
Diamond’s corner
European Eco nomic Community
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Michael Jack son’s “Thriller”, e.g.
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Banana leftover
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Many iambs
*Guns N’ Roses: “Take me down to the paradise city where the ____”
Missouri capital tourist attraction
*ABBA: “Waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with ____”
*Queen: “You got mud on your face, you big ____”
Hiding place
Aptitude test acronym
*Kansas: “Carry on, my wayward ____”
“Stick in one’s ____”
Italian wine region
*The Buggles: “Video killed the ____”
Weatherly Area golfer Maddie vonFrisch is heading back to the district golf championships. On Monday at the District 11 golf qualifier at Old Homestead Golf Club, vonFrisch shot a 102 to place fifth in the Class 2A girls’ field. He finish in the top six automatically qualified her for the District 11 2A Golf Championships, which are set for Monday, October 3, back at Old Homestead in New Tripoli.
Moravian Academy’s Emma Xu won the 2A qualifier with a round of 95, and the trio of Salisbury’s Ava Smarch, Northwestern Lehigh’s Avri Chandler, and Nativity’s Carleigh Palmieri all moved on with identical 99s.
VonFrisch needed to rally on the back nine after shooting a 54 on the front, carding a 48 coming in to punch her ticket to the district finals. Northwestern Lehigh’s Addison Remaley rounded out the top six qualifiers with a score of 106
on her home course.
North Schuylkill’s Brooke Powis punched her ticket to the 2A district finals with her win last week at the Schuylkill League Golf Championships. In that tournament at the Schuylkill Valley Country Club, vonFrisch shot a 101 to finish third.
Jacob Parker finished first overall in a time of 18:53, leading the Weatherly Area boys cross country team past Pine Grove (22-33) and Shenandoah Valley (2134) in a Schuylkill League cluster meet last Wednesday at Weatherly. Blue Mountain edged the Wreckers in their head-to-head meeting.
Michael Berger (19:14.89) placed fourth for the Wreckers.
Shenandoah Valley’s Ayden Zamudio (19:13) placed second overall. In the girls’ meet, the undermanned Lady
Wreckers fell to Blue Mountain (16-39), Pine Grove (19-36) and Shenandoah Valley (20-43) as Blue Mountain’s Lucy Scheidel (22:43), Andie Hollander and Ava Disanti finished 1-2-3. Kendall Gerhart (26:16) topped the Lady Wreckers in sixth place.
Parker’s win in the boys’ meet on Wednesday started a busy week, as he competed in the PIAA Foundation Race on Saturday at Parkview Cross Country Course in Hershey. There, Parker clocked a time of 18:24 to place a solid 39th in the Class 2A boys’ race.
Schuylkill Haven 8, Weatherly Area 1Cadence Artz scored four goals and Audrey Hutchinson added two goals and three assists as the Hurricanes rolled to the Schuylkill League Division II victory.
Danielle Gordon scored off a Kendall Gerhart assist for Weatherly’s goal. Kane made 21 saves for the Lady
Wreckers (2-7 overall, 0-8 league).
Nativity 10, Weatherly Area 0 - Blay Torello had two goals and one assist as Nativity shut out Weatherly Area in a Schuylkill League Division II match to remain unbeaten.
Michael Kadziela netted two goals, Ethan Grabowski added one goal and two assists, and Ayden Zamudio assisted on two goals for the Hilltoppers (9-0, 7-0).
Schuylkill Haven 3, Weatherly Area 0Mitch Zimmerman scored two goals and an assist to lead the Hurricanes past the Wreckers in Division II action. Calvin Munster also had a goal and assist for Haven.
Exec. Education Academy 3, Weatherly Area 1 - The Lady Wreckers won the first game 25-23, before visiting Executive Education Academy Charter came back
to take the next three 25-23, 25-19 and 25-17.
Kelly Michaels registered five kills and five digs for Weatherly Area. Abby Paisley added 11 assists, five service points and two blocks; and Christal Kislan had five kills, two digs and two service points. Meanwhile, Becca Schell finished with four kills and three service points and Taylor Davidovich had three kills and four service points.
EEAC won the junior varsity match 2-1.
Minersville 3, Weatherly Area 0Minersville defeated the Lady Wreckers in straight sets, winning 25-13, 25-16 and 25-18 as Kaitlyn Koury had six kills, four aces and one dig in the Division II-III crossover win.
For the Lady Wreckers, Paisley accounted for seven assists, six service points and two aces. Teammate Kelly Michaels contributed five kills and eight digs, and Hunter Eichhorst added six digs and a kill.
Weatherly won the junior varsity match 2-0.
Crestwood’s Derek Johnson led the way with a 7-over-par round of 78 to top the field at Monday’s District 2 Class 3A golf qualifier held at Fox Hill Country Club in Exeter. Johnson was one of four Crestwood golfers to earn a spot in next week’s District 2 Golf Championships back at Fox Hill. Owen Blazick (79) and Tommy Biscotti (79) finished a stroke behind Johnson, and Ray Joseph followed with an 80 to take fourth.
Golfers had a calm and sunny morning through the first half of their rounds, before sun gave way to clouds and windy, cooler conditions that made the back half challenging. But Johnson kept the ball low
and battled through, making up for missing last year’s district final by a stroke, and advancing to districts for the first time since his freshman season.
Hazleton Area, runner-up to Crestwood in the WVC Division I race this season, had its entire team qualify for districts by virtue of their performances Monday.
Crestwood 5, Holy Redeemer 0Hannah Ziegler, Camerone Carlos and Ella Richards all won their singles matches in Crestwood’s sweep over Holy Redeemer. Ziegler won 6-0, 6-0; Carlos 6-0, 6-1; and Richards by 6-1, 6-2 scores as the Lady Comets
improved to 9-1.
Crestwood’s Madison Van Gorden and Samanth Olszyk (6-4, 6-1), along with Julia Glowacki and Olivia Jardine (6-0, 6-0) posted doubles victories.
Crestwood 3, Hazleton Area 2 - The Lady Comets swept both doubles matches to key their WVC win over Hazleton. Van Gorden & Olszyk teamed for a 6-2, 6-1 win over Jenna Harmonosky & Dallas Huff and Glowacki & Jardine were paired for a 6-2, 6-0 win over Mia Harmonosky & Kaitlyn Marley.
In singles, Crestwood’s Hannah Ziegler defeated Jasmine VanCamp 6-1, 6-0.
The Lady Cougars (6-3) won at #s 2 and 3 singles. Nanci Major was a 6-0, 6-1 winner over Ella Richards, and Katy Harmonosky beat Jean Bonn 6-1, 6-4.
Crestwood 4, Berwick 1 - Last Tuesday, the Lady Comets rolled past host Berwick.
In singles play, Ziegler bested Milanna Reader (7-5, 6-1), and Richards rallied past Addison Post (2-6, 6-2, 6-4).
Crestwood clinched the match in the doubles play.
At first doubles, the Lady Comets’ Van Gorden & Olszyk topped Ava Lear & Julia Mowery (6-3, 6-2).
At #2, it was Glowacki & Jardine defeating Sara Adams and Mahi Brahmbhatt (6-0, 6-2).
Crestwood 4, Gregory the Great 1 - In a non-league match, Tyler Sured scored a hat trick to lead Crestwood to victory.
Colin Bogdan also scored for the Comets, and Cole Kranson made nine saves in goal.
Crestwood 6, Dallas 0 - Emma Suhoski scored two goals,
and Kennedie Huber had two goals and an assist in Crestwood’s win over Dallas.
Keira Dougherty had a pair of assists for the Lady Comets, and Mia Pollack registered nine saves in goal.
Crestwood 5, Hazleton Area 0Emma Suhoski had a goal and an assist to lead the Lady Comets, and Emma Sheloski added two assists in the win.
Mia Pollack made three saves for the shutout.
Crestwood’s boys swept past Hazleton Area (19-39) and Holy Family Academy (17-43) behind Gavin Rindock, the overall race winner in 11:39, with teammate Sam Partington (11:59) following in second.
The Comets’ Ethan Deivert and Rowan Dietrich placed fourth and fifth, respectively.
In the girls’ race, Crestwood posted 15-50 wins over both Hazleton Area and Holy Family.
Crestwood’s Alyssa Leicht (12:36), Adrienne Shebelock, Willow Guydish, Addison Knorr and Pauline Vilafuerte captured the top five spots.
For much of the history of the NFL, star running backs equaled and sometimes exceeded the adulation accorded to quarterbacks. While that may no longer be true today, there’s no question that the NFL has been blessed with truly exceptional rushers over the years. Here are my picks for the best running backs in the sport’s history.
Emmitt Smith: A star player with a claim to be the greatest of all time, Smith almost seemed to come from a different universe to the players around him. The all-time rushing yards and rushing touchdown leader also recorded 515 receptions during his career. His sheer talent and mastery of the position made him an integral part of the Dallas Cowboys franchise, with whom he won three Super Bowls in the 1990s.
Marcus Allen: Allen finished his career with a huge total of 12,243, achieving an astonishing level of longevity in performing at the top level for 16 seasons. He also finished his career with
over 5,000 receiving yards and 144 touchdowns. A key player for the Los Angeles Raiders, he was a Super Bowl winner in 1984.
Eric Dickerson: Dickerson burst onto the NFL scene with an incredible rookie season, rushing for 1,808 yards. Then he backed up that success with an even more impressive second season of 2,105, which is still an NFL record. He couldn’t maintain that astonishing performance level, but he finished his career with 13,259 rushing yards and 96 touchdowns. He was also the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year in 1983, the Offensive Player of the Year in 1986, and a six-time Pro Bowl pick.
Curtis Martin: A consistent presence in the running back position throughout his career, Martin passed the 1,000 rushing yards mark in 10 seasons, missing that target only once. With a career total of 14,101 rushing yards and 100 total touchdowns, he was a five-time Pro Bowler and, like Dickerson, was named Offensive Rookie of the Year, starring for both the
New England Patriots and the New York Jets.
LaDainian Tomlinson:
A true NFL phenomenon, Tomlinson hit 1,000 rushing yards in each of his first eight seasons, achieving a peak of 1,815 yards, along with 31 touchdowns and the MVP award at the age of 27 in 2006. He is ranked second in the list of all-time rushing touchdowns and seventh in the all-time rankings of rushing yards. He also made an enormous contribution with his passing game, boasting a 71.9% catch record and 4,772 receiving yards during his career with the San Diego Chargers and the New York Jets.
Marshall Faulk: A once-in-a-generation talent, Faulk finished his 12-season NFL career with 12,279 rushing yards, as well as 136 touchdowns. He also holds the record as the running back to have achieved the most receiving yards, 6,875.
A Super Bowl winner with the St Louis Rams, he was MVP in the 2000 season and a seven-time Pro-Bowler during his illustrious career.
Barry Sanders: Without question, Sanders is one of the greatest running backs
ever to play in the NFL, and each of his ten seasons in the league was outstanding. His consistency was astonishing; even in his final season, he recorded a total of 1,491 rushing yards. He finished with more than 15,000 yards and 99 touchdowns. Though the relatively uncompetitive Detroit Lions franchise could not take him to the Super Bowl, he was named Offensive Player of the Year twice.
Walter Payton: Second only to Emmitt Smith in the list of all-time rushing yards, Payton finished his career with 16,726, along with the fifth highest number of touchdowns, 110. His
all-around excellence in the running back position was emphasized by his total of 4,538 receiving yards. Named in the Pro Bowl nine times, Payton was awarded MVP in 1977 and was part of the Chicago Bears team that won Super Bowl XX. Tragically, Payton passed away at 45 due to rare liver disease, but his NFL legacy lives on through the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award.
Jack Porter is an NFL fan from across the pond (Great Britain). He shared his assessment at The Sports Column.